03x08 - This Is More Important Than Your Pants Falling Down!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing Race". Aired: September 5, 2001 - present.*
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Adventure reality competition franchise in which teams of two people race around the world in competition with other teams.
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03x08 - This Is More Important Than Your Pants Falling Down!

Post by bunniefuu »

- [Phil] Previously on "The Amazing Race.

Six teams set out from Morocco

and traveled to Munich, Germany.

After having trouble leaving Marrakesh,

cop and fireman Andre and Damon grew anxious.

- Ask the person.

- He already told us it's full.

Just do not wanna listen.

- [Phil] Disagreements about spending.

- . Is that cheap enough?

- [Phil] Caused tension between Flo and Zach.

- Zach, can we just get over this?

- [Phil] After Teri helped the twins find their lost clue...

- [Derek] Thank you very much.

- [Phil] Derek and Drew refused

to share information in return.

- [Drew] I'm supposed to be indebted to her

for the rest of the race?

- I've lived a lot longer than most of the people

in this race.

I have a perspective of a year old.

I really perceived they consider Teri and I a major threat.

- [Phil] Flo and Zach took the fast forward,

arriving first at the Pit Stop in Fussen, Germany.

[Zach and Flo cheering]

After working together for the past several legs,

Ken and Gerard and Derek and Drew went their separate ways.

- They're trying to ditch us.

The brotherhood crumbles.

- [Phil] Headed for the finish line...

- Ay carumba, what was that?

- [Phil] Ken and Gerard ran into some problems.

- What's that noise? - What's that noise?

- [Phil] But managed a fifth place finish.

- We're alive!

- [Phil] And Andre and Damon came in last

and were eliminated.

- We'll always be friends. Great friends.

- [Phil] Five teams remain.

Flo and Zach, college friends trying to figure out

if there could be a romantic future to their relationship.

- Hope that Flo and I will get much closer.

- [Flo] Can you just take a break for one second

and just think?

- [Phil] Derek and Drew, identical twins and models

who many teams consider to be a threat.

- We have enemies.

They seem to be whispering, "Get rid of the twins."

- Those pretty boys are going down.

- [Racer] It's a twin hunt.

- [Phil] Teri and Ian, married for years.

- You gotta do this now.

- [Phil] This team has been an unexpected force

to reckon with.

- This is, like, cool.

- [Phil] John Vito and Jill, a recently dating couple

whose love for each other helps strengthen their skills

as a team.

- When we have a difference of opinion, we work it out

but she's usually right.

All right.

- [Phil] Ken and Gerard, brothers from the Northeast

whose wit and determination have kept them in the running.

- Just pretend there's a dozen

glazed donuts at the bottom!

- [Phil] Who will be eliminated next?

[dramatic theme music]

[dramatic theme music continues]

[dramatic theme music continues]

[dramatic theme music continues]

[dramatic theme music continues]

[dramatic theme music continues]

- This is Neuschwanstein Castle.

High in the Bavarian Alps, this fairytale palace

was the inspiration for Sleeping Beauty's castle

and the meadow just below it

is the seventh Pit Stop in a race around the world.

Teams arrived here at the end of the last leg

for a mandatory rest period

that allows them to eat, sleep

and mingle with the other teams.

- Yah!

- [Phil] The five teams waiting here

have no idea what's in store for them.

They'll have to figure out for themselves

how to get to the next yellow and red route marker

by solving clues they'll find in sealed envelopes.

At the Pit Stop, new bonds begin to form.

- There's a little flirty going on.

I think Flo's great.

I don't know what's going on with her and Zach.

We'll see what happens there.

- [Phil] Flo and Zach, who were the first

to arrive this morning...

[Flo and Zach cheering]

Will depart at : PM.

- Route info.

Drive ourselves to the Augustinerhof Farm

and, like a needle and a haystack,

find a clue hidden in the giant pile of hay.

- [Phil] Teams have to drive themselves to this nearby farm

and search this giant stack of hay for their next clue.

- Note, a map is enclosed for reference.

- Let's go. - Yeah.

Return to the car you had in the last leg of the race.

Look at that map, please,

because I don't know where the hell we're going.

Okay, so you think you know where we're going?

- Based on that map, yes.

- [Flo] Our relationship is very undefined.

Other teams can't figure us out.

We can't barely figure each other out.

- [Zach] All right, so we're looking for this farm,

which is pretty close.

Oh. - Oh, sweet.

I don't wanna touch this.

- [Zach] I think I can climb up on this thing.

[Flo laughs]

It's gotta be in here.

- [Flo] Yeah, that's gotta be the-

- [Zach] Yes.

- [Flo] Shut up! [laughing]

- [Zach] Come on, come on.

- That's the funniest thing.

Don't, no, cover it back up

so that people don't know it's up there.

Your next clue is waiting in the thunder of the Rheinfall?

- [Phil] Teams have to get to this ferry

in the town of Friedrichshafen and travel to Switzerland.

From there, they'll have to take a train to Schaffhausen,

then figure out how to get to this route marker

perched on a rock in the middle of the Rheinfall,

the largest waterfall in Europe.

- I like the feeling of being out in front.

- Find the clue hidden in the giant pile of hay.

Note, a map is enclosed for reference.

- Let's go. - All right, come on.

We're getting down to the nitty gritty now

with five teams only and I don't think you can really

trust anyone at this point.

Augustinerhof Farm.

- [Derek] Can't be that far from here.

- Well hurry up, Derek.

Come on, we're in a race, by the way.

- You have $ for this leg of the race.

- $.

- The other team thinks that we're the nice team,

but we will do whatever it takes on our part to win.

[dramatic music]

- There it is.

The ferry to go to Romanshorn. This is it.

- [Flo] What time is the ferry?

- [Employee] :.

- Danke.

- [Flo] We're gonna be waiting for it to open for hours.

- Get in the car.

No matter what happens, whether we're eliminated or not,

we've shown these young people that people of our age

can be very competitive.

They've been trying to get rid of us

since the beginning of the race

and we just keep staying in and keep staying in.

- Here's the Augustine Farm.

- It's right up the road. - Right up the road.

- [Drew] That's it. Hey, hey, hey.

Go, go, take a left. Left, left, left, here.

- [Derek] Here's the thing.

I hope Ian and Teri are not here yet.

- [Jill] I see the flag.

This is it.

- [John Vito] Let's just hope that Ian doesn't find it.

- [Derek] A clue in a giant pile of hay?

Boy, this is gonna be...

- [Jill] Oh, this is disgusting.

- [Teri] Look for the flag.

There's gotta be a flag.

- Got one. - Got one?

- Yeah. - Go, go, go, go, go.

Good work.

- [Jill] Got one.

- All right. [Jill chuckles]

- All right. - All right, come on.

- Your next clue is waiting in the thunder of the Rheinfall.

Let's get out of this area and if we run

into Ian and Teri, we'll act as if we haven't found it yet.

- Look at them. They're out there, too. They're looking.

That must be them.

- Oh, is that them right there?

- [Derek] That is them.

- [Ian] Any luck?

- [Derek] Still lookin'.

- [Drew] Still lookin'.

I love being deceitful.

- There's Ian.

- [Jill] Don't tell him. Just go.

- We don't know. - Can't find it.

That was evil. [John Vito laughs]

- Keep an eye on 'em. - They're gone,

out of my sight, straight up the road.

- [Ian] They went straight?

[John Vito laughing]

- Oh my god, that was rude. - We're going to hell.

We are totally going to hell. - Oh.

- I see the flag. I see the flag.

- [Teri] Well then go for it.

Oh, here's the flag.

- [Ian] Oh, they found it. They just lied.

- Oh there's Friedrichshafen right here. Okay.

- [Derek] Drew's found it.

- Good. - Good.

- [Derek] Let's just get away from them.

- [Ian] Yeah, they found it, too.

[dramatic music]

- [Teri] There's one.

- [Ian] You got it?

Okay, so we gotta find where Friedrichshafen is.

- Let's go, let's go.

We might be in last place, but let me tell you somethin',

those other teams better watch it

because we're on their butts.

We're comin' fast and they're gonna go "Oh, brother.

Here those two come again."

- There's a flag. - There's a flag, good.

- He dove into it like his morning coffee.

I'm telling you, just like.

- [Gerard] Got one!

Your next clue is waiting in the thunder of the Rheinfall.

- We're gonna win this damn race.

- [Gerard] That's right.

- All the other teams, they're idiots. Idiots!

I'm surprised they didn't oversleep this morning.

- They're probably headed towards Italy, all those people.

Led by the Wonder Twins.

- There's gotta be signs for the ferry up here, right?

- Here it is, to the left.

- [Drew] We're just gonna be in the line right here?

- [Derek] Well look who it is. Zach and Flo.

[dramatic music]

- [Jill] All right.

- [John Vito] Nice.

- [Gerard] The alliance with the Wonder Twins is over.

- Kaput! - As they say in Germany-

- Kaput. - It's kaput.

- Kaput!

- There's the ferry.

- [Teri] Oh my gosh, there's a flag.

- [Ian] And there is one, two, three vehicles ahead of us.

I guess they all got here before we did.

- [Gerard] So I'm hoping that there's a couple teams

waiting for us at the ferry here.

That would be lovely.

They would not be happy. [laughs]

- Right, right here.

[Gerard laughing]

[dramatic music]

- How we doin' guys? - Hey, how's it going?

- [Gerard] How'd everybody do?

- We just asked the twins and John Vito,

did you find a haystack or something

when they passed on the way and they said no.

And there was the flag, so- - Yeah, we saw the flag.

You know, but you can't expect anybody-

- [Teri] Do I trust anybody? No.

- I think they're angry at us.

[dramatic music]

- [Zach] Come on. Let's go.

- [Gerard] This morning, we're all on the same ferry.

- [John Vito] Yeah, this is it.

Once again, everyone's equalized.

Everyone's bunched up together.

[dramatic music]

- [Gerard] The ferry ride into Switzerland was nice.

Just kind of watched the lights of Switzerland come up.

[dramatic music]

Gotta make a train for the Rheinfalls,

which is about an hour train ride.

[dramatic music]

- [Jill] I think we should go down further.

- [John Vito] There were no seats in the other car,

but we'll meet up with everyone when we go off the train.

- And from there we take a taxi to the Rheinfall.

- Right now Zach's back hurts

'cause he's carrying you all the way.

- I know. It's a hard life.

[dramatic music]

- You see a taxi? Which way to a taxi?

- Go.

[dramatic music]

- [Jill] We gotta get a taxi.

- Taxi?

Taxi up this way?


[Gerard giggles]

- [Ken] Rheinfall?


We have to beat these people.

- [Drew] Come on, hurry up.

- [Ian] Come on, Ter.

Come on, Ter.

- Hello. - Hello.

- [Flo] Very quickly, very quickly.

[dramatic music]

- [John Vito] Taxi?

- Where's John Vito and Jill?

- [Jill] Oh, my god.

- [Jill] Is there a driver?

Well there was no taxi driver in the taxi

and there's no other taxi.

- [Drew] If we could beat these other people there-

- It would be great. - It'd be great.

- We're headed to the Rainfall-

- Rheinfall. - Rheinfall.

- We'll be there in no time.

- [John Vito] Excuse me. Do you know where I can get a taxi?



- [Jill] Someone said to try

on the other side of the tracks.

There's a taxi, there's a taxi.


- Rainfall. - Rheinfall.

- We're just waiting for the falls.

We were the first one's out, got in the first cab.

- Is this it?

- [Driver] Here we are.

[dramatic music]

- [Gerard] Ken, pull out the bags.

[dramatic music]

- There's a flag up there.

We need to get on that boat over there.

- [Driver] Get on the boat?

[dramatic music] - Gotta get that boat.

- That really sucked. [sighs]

Excuse me, sir?

As quickly as possible, please.

- [Flo] Tickets tickets.

[tense music]

[tense music continues]

- [Zach] Two, please.

- For you. - Thank you very much.

- [Ian] Teri!

- [Teri] Coming!

- [Ian] Teri, hurry!

- [Teri] Ian's always a couple of steps ahead.

He tries to wait,

but I think the excitement gets to be too much.

- [Drew] Where'd everybody else go? What happened?

- John Vito and Jill.

Their cab wouldn't take 'em or something.

- Nice. - Oh, really, cab problem?


Good, good, good.

[tense music]

- [Gerard] Can we leave our bags? Leave bags here?

- [Boat Captain] Yeah, yeah.

- [Jill] Boat? Are they all on a boat?

This sucks. That's Zach.

- [John Vito] The boat's this way?

So we knew we had to get onto a boat and get across.

[tense music]

- [Drew] Should we take the bags there?

- He's not gonna leave until

everyone gets back on the boat, anyway.

- [Zach] There's no chance we're gonna

need our bags up there, is there?

- [Derek] We're gonna have to take this right back.

- So just go up, get your thing and come back.

- Right there.

Yes, thank you. - Okay.

As quickly as possible.

[tense music]

[tense music continues]

- [Gerard] I don't know why they have to run.

- [Flo] Go, go. Just go.

[tense music]

[tense music continues]

[tense music continues]

- It seems like the boat drops you and then leaves

and you have to wait for the next boat.

[tense music]

- Woo!

- Sir, I'll wait with you and he'll run up.

- Okay.

- And then you wait one minute. Thank you.

[tense music]

- [Zach] Our bags are gone!

- [Derek] He went back with our bags?

[tense music]

- [Ken] We came down and our boat was gone.

- The boat left. - It was like a bad dream.

It was like, what? The boat's gone?

[tense music]

- [Zach] We should have brought out bags.

- So stupid.

[water splashing]

- Hi, guys. - Come on, John.

- Jill and John Vito had kind of pulled in

and there was only room for one boat at the dock.

- [Zach] Our bags are on the other boat.

- [Captain] Yes.

- If we take this back- - The other boat comes back.

- [Zach] Okay, so we need to wait for the other boat?

- [Captain] Yes.

- Jill held their boat there.

Our boat's gotta get in to slip.

[tense music]

[tense music continues]

- The rest of the teams were standing there facing Jill

and that was kind of a weird moment.

It was like a little face off.

- [Jill] Keeping our boat at the Rheinfall.

I think that the other teams were just pissed

that we outfoxed them.

You know, they could have easily done that

and they didn't think of it.

- Get yourself to the largest city in Switzerland, Zurich.

- [Phil] Teams must now get to a train

and travel miles to Zurich.

Locate this historic town square called the Lindenhof

and find this officer, who will point them

to their next clue in this underground vault.

- Go.

- [Zach] Oh, that sucks.

- [Gerard] They're gonna beat us back now.

[tense music] [water splashing]

[dramatic music]

- The other teams, they left their bags on the other boat.

They're pissed.

- [Teri] Now they're gonna be in front.

- John Vito and Jill, they just are off

and we're all like, wait a second, they were behind us.

Now our boat is still way- - Ways away.

- [Jill] Thank you, sir.

Thank you so much, have a great day.

[dramatic music]

Let's get a little move on.

- [Zach] It's gettin' tough now.

- Take the bus. - The bus?

- [Towns Person] To Schaffhausen.

There is a train. - Okay.

- Thank you very much. - Thank you.

- People told us to take a bus to the main train station

and then from there we take the train to Zurich.

- That worked out awesome. - That did work out awesome.

So we probably have to just bend up this way

and we'll catch it right here.

- [Gerard] What's the the fastest way to get the train?

- [Captain] The train?

- [Gerard] He told us that there's

a train station in Rheinfall.

We just have to walk there. [dramatic music]

- [Drew] We're heading to the train to go to Zurich.

[dramatic music] - [John Vito] We're heading to

the Schaffhausen train station by bus.

- We gotta buy tickets, man. - Come down.

- [Drew] Derek, get over here.

Two tickets to Zurich.

- Thank you.

- Zach, I got your girl. She's all mine.

Damn. - Damn you, Ken.

- [Ken] So Flo, when should we start dating?

- Immediately upon return to the United States.

- As soon as we get to New York City,

I think we oughta go on our first date.

[Flo laughs]

Right here, honey.


Oh, she's into me.

- Hi. - Hi.

We need tickets to the Zurich.

- To Zurich? One way?

- One way. - Yes.

- [Ken] Let's talk about Jill and John Vito.

- I mean- - I think they're ahead.

- I think they're in Zurich.

- Oh yeah, they could be an hour ahead.

- I wonder where everyone is.

[dramatic music]

- [Gerard] I would think this is the express to Zurich.

- [Ian] This is the Zurich Express?

[dramatic music]

- [John Vito] It looks like everyone else

is just getting on here,

so let them think they're ahead of us.

[dramatic music]

- [Phil] Teams are traveling to Zurich

where they must find this historic town square

known as the Lindenhof

and find this officer who will point them

to their next clue in this underground vault.

[dramatic music]

- Hi, Flo. - Hey, Flo.

- [Zach] Where is the Lindehof?

- Zach, what is it with your relationship anyway?

Are you guys friends, are you lovers or what?

- Just friends.

- Thanks.

- [Ian] Flo, I'm telling you, don't let him get away.

Zach, he's a hell of a nice guy.

- I know, he is a nice guy.

- [Ian] And he puts up with all your bull [censored], too.

- I know.

- [Gerard] Would you rather Drew?

Ooh! - He's hot.

- She makes a face. - He's hot, Drew's hot.

- [Gerard] Drew's hot, Flo's hot.

- It's kind of weird.

Like I'm technically here with Zach,

but Drew, he's so hot knows.

Who knows what could happen.

- [Gerard] Drew's hot, Flo's hot.

- My god, it's chili pepper time.

- I'm a little jealous,

'cause I know Flo and I have this thing goin'.

She's my girl, you know, and I have to admit,

I'll think I'll have to kick Drew's ass.

[Gerard laughs]

[dramatic music]

- Okay.

Just gonna start standing up. - Yep.

[dramatic music]

- [Gerard] John Vito and Jill.

Oh, there they are right here.

Oh my god, they're right...

- Which way? - Straight.

- Hey guys. - This way.

- [Zach] Straight to the main street and to the right.

- Where's Linden? Lindenhof?

- We're all bunched up. Jill and John Vito we thought

were on an earlier train, but they're not.

They're here with us now so we're all together again.

- [Teri] Find an officer.

- [Derek] Oh, here's an officer right here.

Yes, this is it.

Do you have a clue for us? Do you have a clue?



- A Detour is a choice between two tasks,

each with its own pros and cons.

In this Detour, teams need to choose between

two ways of obtaining a six digit code

that will open these safes in this country

world renowned for its banking system.

The choice?

Count the Money or Run the Numbers.

In Count the Money, teams must count

the Swiss currency in this ball.

The answer corresponds to the code that will open this safe.

Counting the money may be painstakingly slow,

but teams may perform this task right next to the safe.

In Run the Numbers, teams must search the streets

as far as a mile away for these answers.

The number on the metalhead statue at the intersection

of Sihl-Strassee and Bahnhof-Strasse,

the sum of the numbers on the north face

of the clock on St. Peter's church

and the number of trees in the Lindenhof

marked with red ribbons.

Placing these three numbers side by side

will reveal the code that will open the safe.

- [Jill] Vito!

Excuse me.

- [Ian] Please don't block.

- [Jill] I'm not blocking, dude. Chill out.

Vito! - I'm here, I'm here.

- Let's count the money in the bowl.

- Let's go, let's run it. - [Drew] Derek, Derek.

- [Teri] Run the numbers.

- [Drew] Derek, let's get the numbers with Zach and Flo.

- [Jill] Come on, we're running the numbers.

- [Gerard] Count the sum total

of the Swiss money in the bowl.

- Ready? - Yep.

- Take your time, Gerard. Take your time.

- ...

- Let's count the trees right here.

You guys wanna the trees on the left side,

we'll count the ones on the right?

- [Drew] Yeah.

Two, three...

- How many marked trees are in Lindenhof?

Derek and drew and Zach and I decided to split up the work

of finding the answers to the questions

to break the code, to get the clue.

- Okay, Derek, there's one.

Here, you guys count that.

- [John Vito] What is it? Statute with metal heads?

- , , .

- [Teri] How many marked trees?

- [Ian] What are we counting, Teri?

- [Teri] Count the trees.

- What are we counting? - The trees.

- [Gerard] Separate and then we'll add it up.


Hope I made the right decision.

- [Flo] for the trees.

- [Ian] And ? .

- [Drew] Okay, what's the next one?

- [Derek] St. Peter's church.

Do we know where that is?

- Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, it's that.

- [Derek] What's the number...

What is the sum total of numbers

on the north facing of the clock?

One plus two plus three plus five plus six...

Just add one through .

- Look, three plus two plus one is five.

And we had to add up the numbers of a clock face.

Drew and I just could not figure out

what the sum of those numbers was.



- [John Vito] Here's the statue.

- . - , good.

- ...


- ? - That's what I counted.

[coins clinking]

- Wait a second.

- Well they're all gettin' ahead of us.

- I got that time.

- [Flo] You guys keep doing that, we'll find the street.

- [Derek] Come on.

- [Flo] The guys are counting.

- [Drew] plus three is .

- Plus one is . - .

[dramatic music]

- Come on, you gotta run, Teri.

- [Teri] Did you find it?

- [Drew] What are we looking for?

What are you looking for?

- [Derek] A metal head.

- [John Vito] What is the sum total of the numbers

on the north clock face- - Is this the north clock?

Check your compass.

- [Flo] This is it.

- [Derek] See, there's a sculpture?

, .


- .


- [Gerard] That was fast.

- Ken and Gerard.

It looked like different types of coins

all lined up and stacked up and you know,

Ken's in the thousands and millions.

- [Gerard] I think we should go. I think we should abort.

- Should we just go? - We should abort.

We should abort, we should abort.

- All of a sudden Gerard goes, "Abort, abort!"

[Gerard laughs]

Like we're some space shuttle or something.

So we aborted.

We had to get our big bags and travel through the city.

[tense music]

- We go back into the vault and try our combination.

It didn't work.

- [Jill] That's .

So our numbers would be , , .

Wanna try it? - Yeah.

- [Zach] .

[safe beeps]

- Left. - And right.

- [Drew] Let's go count the trees again.

Okay, this isn't working. It's gotta be the trees.

So we ran out, went back into the park.

- Come on, go back.

- Let's go.

Go back.

We knew that the number that was wrong was the trees

and we had go out and recount.

And we'll write it down. We'll break it up into sections.

- [Jill] Okay.

- [Derek And Drew] One, two, three.

- Count this side, you.

[dramatic music]

- , .

I got on the clock numbers. I did that totally wrong.

Trees we got .

[safe buttons beeping]

Oh, thank god. - Yes.

What was it? Oh, don't say it, don't say it.

- Make you way to the town of Grindelwald

and look for a rout marker on the field

east of the Grand Station.

- [Phil] Teams must now travel by train

to a Swiss town called Grindelwald miles away.

Once there, they'll have to find this field

and their next route marker.

- We have to take the train to Grindelwald.

- [Drew] Okay, guys. I got it.

It's .

- [Gerard] Okay, .

[safe buttons beeping]

- Yes, got it. - Open, open, open.

- [Flo] Yes!

- -, that's the last number.


- [Flo] Come on, let's go.

[dramatic music] - [Drew] Gotta get a train.

- [Zach] Ian and Teri are nowhere to be found, huh?

- [Ian] This is unbelievable.

- [Flo] I can't believe "Oh Brother"

tried to count that money.

Are they crazy?

- [Zach] I mean, we couldn't even add up one through .

- What is the sum total of the numbers

on the north clock face of St. Peter's church?

One plus two is three.

[dramatic music]

- [John Vito] We were the first team

to arrive at the train station.

- [Flo] Tickets to the left.

- [Teri] Here it is.

- . - .

- So those guys counted it?

- [John Vito] They aborted. They aborted mission.

- once and .

Every time we counted,

we seemed to come up with a different number.

It's gotta be .

Am I nuts?

- I need tickets to Grindelwald.

- [Jill] For Lucerne, please.

- Yeah, two tickets, please?

She told us we had about three minutes, I think,

to catch the train.

- [Jill] This way, to the left.

- [John Vito] And we just started running.

- There's three safes open.

- and , I think. .

- [Jill] It's leaving any minute.

- [Ken] Oh there's Ian. [chuckles]

- Right here. Go right here, right here.

- [Jill] We have to go down near platform three.

- Hopefully they didn't make.

- Cover here, Ken. - What's the first one?

- [Gerard] Hey, we got it.

- [Teri] It opened.

- Teri goes, "Hey what's this last number?

What's the number of the tree?"

- Let's go, come on. - I'm sorry, honey.

- Five... - I love ya.

And I'm like sorry, kisses- - Teri, we can't tell you.

- Love ya, bye.

- [John Vito] Grindelwald. To Grindelwald.

- [Jill] Oh!

- [John Vito] No!

- [Worker] Too late.

- [John Vito] We were probably about seconds away

from getting on that train.

- We're right here.

[tense music]

We would've been an hour ahead of everyone.

[dramatic music]

- [John Vito] It was so frustrating to miss that train.

- [Zach] :.

- Derek and I, we actually have a good thing going

with Flo and Zach.

all kinds of little switches and changes in alliances

when it's convenient.

- [Teri] We need to count the trees.

- We need to count the trees again?

- Poor Teri and Ian are back there and they're in a bad way.

- . - And I got .

- They're gonna be- - Come on!

- [Gerard] For God sake's.

- You'll k*ll yourself.

Idiot. - I owe you my life.

- Okay first number .

Second number.

- . - .

[dramatic music]

There is is.

Hurry, come on. We don't have all day.

- [Ken] Woo.

- I can't believe we always have to go the long way

to get everything.

Ian, we're here.

- [Ian] Okay, we're back with the pack.

- Where's everybody? - They're here,

but they're taking, I guess the train on that platform.

- [Zach] So it's platform .

- [Drew] There are two trains to Lucerne,

leaving minutes apart.

- The twins and Flo and Zach

are gonna be on the second train.

Flo and Zach and the twins were running around together.

- She thinks he's very attractive.

- Yeah.

I wonder how Mr. Zachary would feel

about such a romantic fling?

[dramatic music]

- This is it. - This is it.

[dramatic music]

[dramatic music continues]

- [Gerard] All the teams are on the train.

[dramatic music]

- [Ken] There are the flags.

- Yeah, this is it.

- [Jill] Go, go, go.

- Going into the Roadblock,

we were all on the train, so now it's an even playing field.

No one wants to be eliminated.

It's gonna be one of these races to the finish.

- [Ken] Come on Gerard, they're runnin'.

[dramatic music]

- [Flo] Zach?

- [Zach] Yeah, right here.

Just right down this road there.

- [Flo] Straight? Which way?

I think it's straight.

- [Ian] Come on, Teri.

- [Teri] I got it.

- Yeah.

- Roadblock. - Roadblock.

- A Roadblock is a task that only one person may perform.

In this Roadblock, that person has to relive the story

of Swiss folk hero, William Tell.

As in the famous legend, one team member

will use a crossbow to sh**t an apple off a child's head.

In this case, the child is a mannequin.

Each team must choose one of these instructors

to assist them with their crossbows.

And once they knock the apple off its head,

they'll get the next clue.

- That person should be ready to take a Shot at Success.

You're doin' it. - I'll do it.

- Derek's doing it, good.

- Shot at Success. - I'll do it.

- You, go.

- Shot at Success. I'm gonna do this.

- That person should be ready for-

You? - Yep!

Since I'm a retired police officer

and gone to the range many times

and been involved in sh**ting, it was my Roadblock.

- [Drew] Let's go. Let's get it going.

He has to reload it for you every time.

- [Derek] Okay.

- [Drew] Come on, Derek. You can do this.

Where'd it go? Where'd it go?

- The right side. - Right side?


- Did you bless it with magic powers? [chuckles]

I was kind of excited because I did some archery

at summer camp when I was years old.

- [Gerard] Ken, deep breaths, deep breaths.

[crossbow clicks]

- Bam!

- [Jill] You got it, baby.

[crossbow clicks]

- [Instructor] Difficult, huh?

- Jill, I can't wink with this eye.

- [Jill] Can you do it the other way?

- Relax. - Teri, don't talk to me.

[crossbow clicks]

Very light on the trigger.

[crossbow clicks] [arrow thuds]

- [Zach] Oh!

- [Flo] Yes!

[Flo yelling]

- [Zach] Oh, gosh!

[Flo cheering]

- We're like the happiest we've been.

It was the first time we completed a Roadblock

before other people.

Good shot. Now check in at the next Pit Stop,

the Chalet Arnika in Grindelwald.

- [Phil] Teams must now figure out how to get here,

the Chalet Arnika.

This iconic Swiss home nestled at the foot of the Alps

is the Pit Stop for this leg of the race.

- [Flo] That's amazing.

- Where we goin'? - Grindelwald.

Back to Grindelwald.

- [John Vito] I had a problem sh**ting right handed.

I had to switch and sh**t it lefty.

So that was very frustrating.

- Is that better? - Yeah, much better.

[dramatic music]

- [Gerard] Deep breaths, Ken.

[arrow thuds]

Hey, atta boy!

- Thank you, miss.

Kiss, mwah!

- Teri, go get the bags.

[dramatic music]

[arrow thuds]

Got it.

Yo, got it, got it, got it, got it, got it!

Come on, Teri, I got it.

- Did you get the clue, Ken? Did you get the clue?

- Come on, girl.

I can still sh**t.

- [Flo] Uh oh, I always see Ken and Gerard.

- [Ken] You have my jacket, Gerard?

- [Ken] Yes.

[Flo whines]

- [Zach] Here we go.

- [Ian] Come on, Teri.

I shot it, second arrow.

- Third. - Second.

- [Drew] They got theirs.

- I was like this is gonna take all night,

and my contacts are a little sticky.

I'm trying to look.

I'm like oh my god.

[arrow thuds]

- Yes? - Yes!

Let's go. Go, go, go.

- [Derek] Come on, get a clue, get a clue.

Who's got it? - Right here.

- [Derek] Go, go, go.

Gotta get a clue. Did you see where they go?

- [Drew] This way, this way.

There all running this way, come on.

Let's get packin' and let's pass 'em.

We could just run all the way. Come on.

- [Ken] The Wonder Twins are down there.

- [Derek] Did you see where the other teams went?

- [Drew] Just follow them to the Pit Stop.

- [Teri] Up, up.

- [Drew] Come on.

Just follow them all.

Do you see them?

- Come on, Ter. - I got it.

[dramatic music]

- [John Vito] We're in last place and we are far behind

the rest of the teams.

This is crunch time. [dramatic music]

[dramatic music]

- [Jill] Don't get frustrated.

- Zach?

I can't breathe very well.

We're going to the Pit Stop. It's really steep.

The air is so thick. I can barely keep up.

Ask for a taxi.

- Are there taxis near here?

No? Thank you.

- Watch your crotch.

- [Teri] Wait here.

[Ian panting]

- Come on. - You need to help me!

I can't believe it.

[Ian and Teri panting]

- [Derek] All right.

- At this point, the twins have caught up to us.

Ken and Gerard catch up and Teri and Ian catch up.

- [Derek] Do you know where the Chalet Arnika is?

- [Driver] Yeah, that's up.

- This? Up this way?


It's up this way.

- [Flo] Zach, I can't.

- [Zach] Yes you can.

You can do it. - I can't breathe!

- [Zach] Give me the bag.

Come on.

- [Flo] I'm not carrying my backpack.

Zach carries my backpack 'cause I just couldn't make it.

[arrow thuds]

- Oh! - All right, baby.

All right, let's go, baby.

Good job.

Let's keep this out. Time to book.

- [Ian] Come on, Teri.

Teri! Hump, baby, hump!

- [Gerard] What was he yellin' comin' up the hill?

- [Ken] He was supporting her.

- Come on, Teri! Hump it, hump it.

- Hump it? - Yeah.

- Like she's a camel. [Gerard laughs]

- [Derek] Do you know where the Chalet Arnika is?

- [Towns Person] Go here.

- [Derek] So go on the street where that car is going?

Okay, through the grass.

Come on, Drew.

- [Gerard] Barbed wire, great.

Oh, this will be fun.

- [Ian] They're cutting through the grass.

- [Teri] I can't do it.

- [Flo] Can you carry me over?

- [Ian] We're taking the street.

Come on.

- [Teri] Do you see it?

- [Ian] No, but that's the way it is.

- [Zach] Put your leg over.

[Flo grunts] [Zach grunts]

- [Flo] Thank you!

- [Teri] Ian.

- [Ian] You gotta come. This is our chance.

Let's eliminate this team behind his.

- [John Vito] Chalet Arnika?

- Go up? - It's that way?

[Jill groans]

- [Jill] No one seems to know.

All right, let's just go up.

I have no idea where to go.

- [John Vito] Once we started looking for the Pit Stop,

we were asking people and no one knew where it was.

Hopefully the other teams are also having

a hard time finding it and maybe we could

find it before them. - What do we want?

- [Ian] Teri, it's this way.

- Are you sure? - I'm following the group.

- Doesn't mean they're right.

- [Ian] They got instructions! Just follow me.

I'm gonna lose 'em again.

- [Flo] I have a really strange feeling

we're nowhere in the right direction.

I would just be happy with a taxi.

- [Ian] I lost 'em now, thanks.

- [Teri] You're welcome.

- [Ian] Chalet Arnika?

- [Teri] You don't even know if we're going

in the right direction.

[Ian panting]

- [Ian] This way!

Come on, babe.

- Do you see them? - Just stay with me.

I know what I'm doing.

- [Ken] Excuse me, Chalet Arnika?

- [Shopkeeper] Oh, the church.

- The church? Go to the right or to the left?

We had gotten direction from a florist

and she drew us a map

and she said take a left at the church.

- Where do we go? - At the church make a left.

I got a direction.

- [Derek] Take a left at the church?

- [John] Up to the church and left?

- [Flo] Where? Close?

- [Derek] Yeah, the cop told me in perfect English,

you take a left at the church.

- [Derek] Let's go, let's get ahead.

- [Drew] Keep Derek, you just passed them.

- Just follow me. - Okay, you go, then.

- [Drew] In about meters up that street, take a left

and it should be right there.

- [Derek] Wow, that's a ways away still.

- [Teri] Don't lose them.

- [Ian] Come on, babe. - [Jill] Even though we knew

we were behind the other teams, we still weren't giving up.

We kept going for it because you never know

what happens in this race.

- [Flo] meters!

Where's the church?

- They're doggin' us! - Who?

- [Ian] The bad guys behind us.

- [Jill] I saw a sign up this way.

- Do you see them? - I smell 'em!

- [Flo] Z, I can't take my bag.

I just wanna find this church and then I'm fine.

- [Gerard] They're runnin' fast up there.

- [Drew] Derek, there's the church right down there.

- Okay. - Derek, come on.

- [Flo] Did you ask them?

- [Derek] Okay.

- [Gerard] Oh my god. How come we can't find this thing?

- Okay, let's give 'em the one, two, three!

Come on!

Let's give 'em the one, two, three.

- Just wait.

My pants are falling down.

Here. You hold this.

- We gotta go. - My pants are falling down.

- This is more important than your pants falling down.

- Oh, you think so? - Yeah, I think so.

You're not modest.

- [Teri] Ian, you gotta help me with this.

I don't care. Pull 'em up.

- I can't. You have to lift it up, lift it up.

- Okay. - Go, we gotta jog now.

Downhill jog, please.

- [Derek] A lot of hotel signs up there.

[dramatic music]

- [Gerard] At the church make a left.

Up here, we'll cut around.

- [Ken] You think so, Gerard?

- No, I'm not sure, but I'm just trying.

We finally saw the church

and then I saw a stairwell straight up.

So we went up and around it.

Why run with the pack if you can split from the pack

and you know, try.

I'd rather take the risk- - It was a risk.

[Ken sighs]

Oh my god. We're lost.

[Ken grunts]

Oh, man.

- [John Vito] The taxis are up here.

- [Jill] Finally we saw a taxi stand.

- [Drew] See, there it is back there.

- The pit stop. - Can we cut through?

- [Flo] I need water.

Can you get my bag again? - No, come on.

- I can't! - Come on.

[Flo panting]

- [Jill] I see the flag.

I see it, Zach!

- [Zach] Let's go.

Come on. Like we want it.

- We're still lost.

- [Ian] Come on, either step aside or walk.

- Go on this side. - I can't!

- [Teri] Thanks.

I don't know why I'm always the one who has to move.

- [Flo] I see it! In there!

- [Zach] Let's go.

- [Flo] Come on! Down hill.

- After she handed her pack to me,

immediately Flo is like, "Come on, Zach, let's go.

Let's go!"

And I'm dying with these two bags on.

- [Flo] Are you coming?

- [Zach] I'll be there.

[dramatic music]

I'm dropping the pack.

- [Flo] Drop it. Drop it, babe.

- [Derek] Holy cow.

[dramatic music]

- Welcome to Grindelwald.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- Derek and Drew.

You're team number one. - Yes!

- And I've got some good news for you guys.

As the winners of this eighth leg of the race,

you've each won a Kodak easy share digital camera

which you can enjoy after the race.

- Woo hoo! - Right on.

- Very nice.

All right, we're gonna...

- Thank you.

- Flo and Zach, you're team number two.

- All right.

Good work.

- [John Vito] Chalet Arnika.

- [Driver] Arnika? Uh huh. - Do you know where that is?

- [Jill] Yeah? Thank you.

- I see it! - Me, too.

- [Ian] "Oh Brothers," are they there?

- [Gerard] Chalet?

- [Ken] There's a road up here, though, isn't it, Gerard?

- [Gerard] Well there's a road here, too.

We can go this way. Come on.

[dramatic music]

- Come! - I got it this side.

- [Ian] Get with me. We do it together.

[dramatic music]

- Teri and Ian.

You're team number three.

- Woo! - All right!

- You guys are moving up.

- We're working on it, Phil. - Old the bold.

- [Gerard] Just over shot it a little bit, Ken.

- Are we the third, is it? - I don't know.

Whoa, be careful. - Don't fall, Gerard.

- [Gerard] Oh no, there's goats.

How do we get by all the goats?

[dramatic music]

Come on, go over. - Gerard, be careful.

Gerard, you just knocked the fence down.

- [Jill] Right here, here.

Hold on. - This is it?

- [Jill] Wait, where is it?

It's down there.

Come on, let's go.

- [John Vito] You see where we're-

- [Jill] Yeah, I see it. Right there's the flag.

This way, this way.

- Here they come.

Quick, we can beat 'em.

- [Jill] There's another team running.

Come on, come on.

- [Gerard] Quick!

- [Jill] Ken and Gerard.

[dramatic music]

[Ken grunts]

[dramatic music continues]

- [Gerard] Quick, quickly!

[dramatic music continues]

[Gerard grunts]

- Right here! [dramatic music]

Around here.

Come on, Gerard.

We're both on it.

- Ken and Gerard.

You're team number four. - Yes.

[Ken and Gerard panting]

- Welcome to Grindelwald.

- Thank you. - Thank you.

- John Vito and Jill.

You're the last team to arrive.

The good news is this is not an elimination leg.

This is the first of three

predetermined non elimination points

and you're still in the race.

- You all right?

[Jill whimpers]

- You all right, Jill?

- Just kneel down, get on one knee.

- I'm okay, I'm okay. - Just kneel down.

You'll feel better, kneel down.

Get on one knee. Just get on one knee.

[Jill sighs]

- I almost had a heart attack.

- I don't like coming in last. - No, this was not fun.

I guess we needed a taste of it.

- It was a non elimination leg.

That really didn't make Drew and I very happy

about John Vito and Jill.

- It's tense. - Yeah.

- It's a tense race.

The Wonder Twins are a major threat to us

and we want 'em out.

- Zach and I really think we can win this.

- It's going to be a vicious leg this next leg out.

There's no doubt about it. [dramatic music]

- [Phil] Stay tuned for scenes from our next episode.

Next week on a special two hour episode

of "The Amazing Race."

Teams reach new highs.

[racer yelling]

And new lows.

[tires screech]

- [Ian] Oh, Teri.

- [Teri] I fell off on purpose.

- Go on! Go get the boat.

- Look on the map and determine how far it is.

I'm sick of this!

[helmet thuds]

[logo whooshing]

[soft piano music]

[dramatic theme music]

[dramatic theme music continues]

[dramatic theme music continues]
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