16x01 - Episode 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x01 - Episode 1

Post by bunniefuu »

In just moments, 16 complete strangers from across America

will move into this house with one goal in mind.

To be the last house guest standing

and win the half million dollar grand prize.

But it won't be easy.

For the next three months, they'll be completely cut off

from the outside world.

No internet, no TV, no cell phones.

Only these cameras and microphones to capture

every emotionally charged moment like never before.

It's summertime America, and that can only mean one thing.

It's time for Big Brother.

Good evening, I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to the Big Brother Two Night Premiere event.

This season promises to be the most twisted summer ever.

We have a game twist that will send the house guest scrambling

like never before.

And a brand new interactive twist

that will allow you to influence the game like never before.

That's 16 house guests, two nights and one twisted summer.

Are you guys ready?

Okay then, let's meet the first eight house guest.

Oh my God, it's gonna be great house!

Am I supposed to acknowledge that?

I'm gonna be on Big Brother.

Oh my God, that's unbelievable.

Now I'm a DJ from New York.

DJing is definitely a man's world,

but you have to have a thick skin and that's what I have.

Bring it.

I definitely do not take any crap from anybody.

You know who the hottest one is!

I hope that they're hot guys because I am planning to manipulate

every single one of them, even the ugly ones.

I am a groundskeeper for a school system.

The closest I've ever been to a famous person

was I was Kelly Pickler's janitor when she was in high school.

Holy moly.

What's your own issue?

My typical Donnie day is my alarm clock goes off at 6 o'clock.

I eat a Pop-Tart and then I head off to my job for 8 1 by 5 hours.

When I leave, I sleep like a baby.

Donnie, I'm gonna be on the stage.

I'll try not to.

I will probably be smarter than they think I am,

but I'm not as smart as I think I am.

I used to be a professional soccer player.

I really think that going into those physical challenges,

stamina, strength, I think it's really gonna help.

I'm a family guy.

My family and I are really, really close.

I'm single, so definitely up for meeting, you know,

cute girls in the house.

I'm very flirtatious.

That's just part of my personality.


Are you…

Are you serious?


I am gonna have the best summer of my life, y'all.

I am a Broadway performer.

I was on Broadway for three years,

and now I teach dance to kids,

and I happen to be the brother of one of the most famous people on Earth.

My sister is Ariana Grande,

the multi-platinum recording artist and pop star

and Frankie Grande's best friend.

Five, six, seven, jump on eight.

Go left, right, left, left.

I don't plan on telling anyone in the house that Ariana is my sister.

I think that it would put an unnecessary target on my head.

It's a groove.

I'm kind of like the queen of YouTube.

Happy Thomas Tuesday!

Anywhere I go, I'm always filming myself and then posting those videos.


I have 1.

I want to be one of this lonely girl, Justin, break my heart.


This is fun, y'all.

I'm originally from Knoxville, Tennessee.

I'm definitely a country girl, and I'm very athletic.

I love doing anything outdoors.

For instance, I love rock climbing, and sh**ting g*ns, hiking, four-wheelers,

you know, dirt bikes.

This is what I tell all the guys.

You don't have to worry about my dad with a g*n.

You have to worry about me.

I am definitely going to win Big Brother.

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

Oh, yes!

Look at that, dude.

Devin, not the rock.


I am going to the

I'm obsessed with Big Brother.

My mom told me not to lie, and my dad told me not to lie,

but if I have to lie, I'm going to lie.

That's Big Brother.

I used to be a professional baseball player, but now I'm a full-time dad.

Being a single dad is definitely challenging, but never underestimate a father's

love for his daughter.

That's how I'm going to win this half a million dollars.

My athletic ability is going to help me through all the physical challenges,

and if that fails, I'm just going to go to the charm.

Everywhere I go, people comment about how I look like the rock.

Well, you know what?

I think I look better than the rock.

I'm a makeup artist from Seattle, Washington.

I'm just going to add a little bit of plum in there.

I'm a Democrat on the way liberal side.

My way is the highway.

Left wing is the only way to be.

I would love to see if there's any hot liberal men in the house and see if we click.

I'm going to be brother, and I'm going to win $500,000, and I'm going to win $500,000!

One hour to pack!


You're leaving in an hour, so…

Shut up.

An hour?

It's the money.

How may I help this?

I have an hour to pack.

I'm going to leave with Big Brother right now.

My dad is a huge Big Brother fan, and he's going to go crazy.

I've got to pack my jeans.

This is my fancy clothes.

This is what I wear to church.

I don't have any real fancy britches.

I'm going to bring my rhinestone heels to teach some of these girls how to walk.

What annoys me in the house is going to be high maintenance girls.

I'm bringing all of these eyelashes.

I think I have three months' worth of eyelashes in here.

I hope there's someone in the house that's tall, dark, and handsome that I can get along with.

I've got to be really careful to find the right person to be able to get along with.

I'm in line with the females in the house.

Once you piss one off, you piss them all off.

I am single.

I love muscles.

Tall would be nice.

Six foot one over is not bad.

So you won't be seeing me jumping right into the sack right away, but it's going to happen.

It's going to be t*rture, not seeing my sister and t*rture, not knowing when her album goes to number one.

I'm super scared of ghosts, so I have to have like a cuddle partner at night.

Just like even butt to butt, just like touching somebody because I just don't want no ghosts getting me.

So that makes me feel better.

I definitely want someone who's handsome, has a six-pack, voice acting control.

I'm not sure if I'd be into a show man.

I mean, that's something that like you can't really control, I guess.

Big brother, here I come.

Alright, Jaden, I love you very much, mama.

I'll see you soon, okay?

So, I love you, Jaden.

Your big brother's going beyond big brother and I'm leaving right now.

Oh my God, I love you and I miss you already.

I'm so excited for you.

You love that show so much.

I love you guys.

I love you too.

I got this.

Love you.

Love you.

I'm bringing the 500,000 home.

Yeah, baby.

Let's go.

Get me in there.

To the airport.

California, here I come.

Hello, house guests.

Hi, Jaden.

Are you all ready for a summer you will never forget?

Now, I know that some of you are super fans and consider yourselves students of big brother and you probably think you know everything there is to know about the game.

Well, think again, because you are about to experience the most twisted summer ever.

You will endure the most grueling and outrageous social experiment that exists.

Now, I'm sure you're all wondering why there are only eight of you out here right now.

Well, all will be revealed in time.

What I can tell you is that right now, if you want to win the half million dollar grand prize, you will have to survive three months inside that house.

So, what do you say we get things started?

All right.

It's time to say goodbye to the outside world.

The first four to enter the house are Cody, Amber, Donnie and Joey.

You four may now head on in.

Where are we going?

Oh my God, it's so real.

Let's go this way.

These are our beds.

You want to be out here?

Yeah, bro.

Like everything's out here.

This is it.

Being in the house, God, this is awesome.

I don't never leave my hometown that often.

Being so far away from home, I feel like a fish out of water.

I feel like I've been shot out of a cannon and landed on Mars.

Because look at this place.

Joey, Joey, Amber, Donnie.

Donnie, nice to meet you.

I thought you said we'd get out of North Carolina.

Excited then?

I'm very excited, absolutely.

Donnie, oh my God, I love Donnie's accent.

This is nice.

It smells new.

How can that kind of voice come out of a guy with a fear that looks like that?

Why do we know it looks like that?

I don't know.

Let's do it.

How much do you think while we were standing up there?

That leaves Devin, Nicole, Paola and Frankie.

You four may now enter the house.

Oh my God.

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

Oh my God!

I'm a Big Brother Superfan.

I'm in the house and all I can keep thinking is, Nicole, don't pee your pants.

Don't pee your pants.

Sometimes it happens when I laugh too hard or get excited.

We're looking for you guys!

Did you bring blue hair to us?


I brought pink.

Okay, awesome.

Do you believe?

Joey, she has this crazy amazing blue hair and I was like, oh my God, I'm the pink, my little pony and you're the blue pony.

Now all we need is a camo pony.

Hi, Jordy.

Okay, let's go tour the house.

Yeah, I know.

How was like not…

Oh, sorry.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Hold on, hold on.

Oh, I wanted it to spin.

I'm so confused.

It's only like eight of us, but there's one, two, three, four, five, six.

There's definitely not just eight of us.

There are 16 plates, there are extra bags and I know Big Brother, there's always a twist.

What the heck does this mean?

Is there champagne?

Where's the champagne?

Champagne, y'all.

This is crazy.

I went a little overboard on one.

I guess we could introduce ourselves.


Okay, my name is Palashe, but you can call me Pal Pal, so that's my nickname.

Pal Pal is a little firecracker.

She's got this like little attitude to her.

She's got this tight little body.

Definitely interested to find out a little bit more about where this Pal Pal nickname came from.

I'm from New York and I am a DJ.


That is awesome.

Red Flags, she's a New York City DJ.

She definitely knows who Ariana Grande is.

We run in the same circles.

This girl could know who I am.

I mean, she is dangerously close to home.

My name is Donnie, I'm from Albemarle, North Carolina, and I'm a groundskeeper for a public school system.

Very cool.

I'm 42 years old.



I love Donnie.

He's got the beard.

Super nice.

Got a good accent.

He just kind of seemed a little out of place, but maybe I did too.

Everybody's a little bit louder than me and Donnie.

Maybe we'll end up teaming off.

I'm Cody, I'm 23.

I'm from New Jersey.

What up, Cody?

I have the biggest crush on Cody.

I totally have a man crush on Cody.

I could not stop looking at him.

He's really pretty.

He is my type.

Oh, Cody, how are you doing today?

It is just so nice to meet you.

My name's Frankie.

You're beautiful.

He's a lot.

All right, love, go ahead.

Hi, my name is Frankie.

I'm 28 years old.

I'm from New York, New York.

I'm a Broadway chorus boy.

Frankie and I are soulmates.

We are both peacocks.

We both have colorful hair.

And my God, are we peacocking around each other.

I'm Devin.

I'm 26 years old.

I have a two-year-old daughter.

Yeah, I have Jaden Sophia.

I'm a single dad.

And I used to play minor league baseball, but I stopped because I had my daughter.

So that's me.

Devin is eye candy.

He's tall, dark, and handsome, which is just my type.

Okay, y'all, my name is Amber.

I'm 26 years old from Knoxville, Tennessee.

I love you.

I love you all.

And I'm a model.


Thank you.

So I'm Joey.

Hi, guys.

I'm from Seattle, Washington.

I'm a makeup artist.

Oh, I'm 27.

I have really tiny hands.

That's cool.

I love small hands.

Joey is smoking hot.

She's my type.

She's a 10.

All right, my name is Nicole, and I'm 21.

I'm from Michigan, and I just graduated nursing school.

I like her.

She came in here a little timid and reserved.

She didn't blurt out a lot.

She seems like someone I could work with.

If I could remember her name.

Close to that.

All this meet and greet is fine, but all I know is eight more people are coming into the house,

and we got to start circling the wagons and preparing for what's ahead.

To pretty colors and high definition.

Coming up, I revealed the first part of the game-changing twist that will make the houseguest play

like never before.

Plus, a second interactive twist called Team America is about to be unleashed.

Before the houseguest moved in, you were asked on CBS.

com to vote for whom you pick to be in your alliance.

Well, the results are in, and it's all part of a twist that allows you to have an impact on the game.

I'll explain more a little later.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to the two-night Big Brother Premium event.

Just moments ago, eight new houseguests moved into their summer home and began their battle for a half million dollars.

And already, the houseguests are scrambling.

Dude, we have to stay tight because who knows what the hell is happening, but we have to stay tight.

Yeah, I think we should grab everybody.

Guys, guys, house meeting.

Come on, everybody.

It's true.

Being the only eight people in the house right now is a huge opportunity.

If this original eight can stick together, I guarantee you nobody's going to be able to touch us.

So we were talking and we're thinking that since we are the first eight in this house, that I think that we should all stick together.

If another group of people come into this house, we have to do what we have to do to protect each other.

We don't know what's going to happen.

We're not in the house for more than a couple hours, and we start talking about an alliance.

A little nerve-racking because I don't even know these people yet.

And we were the first persons here to say anybody else is going to be strangers.


Well, I think it might be four vets with their family members.

We have no idea what's actually going to be happening, but there's one thing that we know for certain,

and that's if we stick together, then we have much better odds going into whatever Julie's going to throw at us.

What if we're the crazy aides?

I like the crazy aides.

That's it.

The crazy aides.

It's done.

It's set in stone, dude.



We have to literally bust our ass when we do these comms.

We literally have to stay tight and not throw.

Yeah, there he goes.

We need to be working out.

Let's go.

I'll be schooled.

I like it too.

Rocky right here.


I don't know.

He's already out of the game.

And I'm completely okay with it, FYI, everybody.

You want to do the Mamma Mia advert team?


We're doing the Mamma Mia.

Wait, you guys got to take your shirt off first.

Can I go first?

I'll have to be naked.

Oh, you have to take it.

Here we go.

This is a show.

I'm just like, holy crap, I need to get some popcorn because this is going to be a good show.

Here we go.

Five, six, seven, eight.

And regular card.

Two legs up.

Three, four, five, six, seven.

Both of us down.

And one.


Okay, I'm in pain.

I'm in pain.

We're going to get through this.

We'll get through it, dude.

Six, seven legs in the diamond.

Five, eight, two, three, four, five, six, back to center.

And three.

Oh, Lord.

I don't do crunches.

I don't do sit-ups.


Hey, I'll go around the world one.

Okay, here we go.

Oh, my God.

And three.

And two.

All right.

Then hold it up.


How do you feel about being in this house?

Were you a fan of the show?

Every season.

I didn't want them to know that I have watched every season, every episode.

That's me, bro.

I trust you.

I trust you 100%.

I trust you, too.

That's a huge thing for me, man.


We've got the Crazy Eight Alliance going,

but I want to make a side alliance with somebody that nobody would expect.

Looking at Donnie, I think there's a lot of wisdom hiding behind that beard.

I'm just pondering, going over my head, like, what the twist is going to be.


As long as we got each other's back, it won't matter what the twist is.

I was shocked when Devin come to me about being in the alliance.

With all these young, good-looking people in the house, he comes to me.

I feel like I just won the best beard contest at the county fair.

Should I have to go always go Donnie?

Double D.

Double D's.

I heard.

I'm, like, not good at chess, I don't think.

This is the HOA trip?


Oh, my God, chess.

So, honestly, Cody and Frankie playing chess,

and it looks like they're about to share each other's lipstick.

And I don't want any of these guys for me, any secret alliances.

I don't want another brigade.

I definitely want this to be all about girl power this year.

No, that's the queen.

No, that's the king.

No, it isn't.

It's the queen.

Yeah, that's the king.

She's the plus at the top.

Oh, check.

I can tell, like, as soon as, like, I walked in, I'm like,

these are gonna be, like, strong women.

Your energy is, like, very, like, I know what I want, and, like, that's awesome.

A girl needs to win this year.

Usually, the guys come into this game thinking that they are gonna win,

but not this time.

It is time for a girl to win this game, and that girl needs to be me.

There's four of us.

Four girls, four cats.

That's amazing.

Do you think that they're gonna, like, do an alliance?

I'm pretty sure they're forming an alliance right now.

Oh, we have a game over that one.

For sure.

I'm sorry, in the last instance that I've seen, guys, just go for it.

I honestly think that Frankie and, like, Cody are, like, getting really, really close,

and I know they're gonna form an alliance.

Here's the thing, like, I came in here, and I wanted to form an all-girl alliance.

Me too!

Me too!

Because I feel like it's never been done before.

All these dudes, they always bond in all the seasons in Big Brother.

But I think that instead of having a guy mance this season,

I'm about to bring in the girls and have a girl mance this season.

I swear, the guys know that our culture puts us against each other.


And it doesn't have to be like that.

We have to, like, seriously give America hope that girls could work together.

Yes, for sure.

And I even named, like, the top, like, the final four is El Quatro.


So, is it alliance girls?

I think so.

Best looking alliance ever.

Definitely the girls' time to be on top this season.

It's girl power.

El Quatro coming to the top.

Forget about all these dudes because we're gonna win this game.

El Quatro.

I'm all about girl power, but what does El Quatro mean?

That's why I need warning.

How's guests?

I need everyone to gather in the living room, please.

Oh, you got it, girl!

Come on, guys!

How's everyone doing?


I suggest you enjoy your time in there.


Because I can promise you that the house is going to get very crowded very soon.

Oh, my God.


But before that happens, I have some good news for you.

One of you sitting here right now will become the first head of household officer.

As you know, the head of household gets his or her own private suite.

They also have the responsibility of nominating two house guests for eviction,

and they are completely safe.

Well, you can scratch that last part.




Come on.

I don't like this twist at all.

As I told you, this is the most twisted summer ever.

So, for the first time in the history of the game,

just because you're head of household doesn't mean you're safe.

I don't like that at all.

See you soon, house guests.

Bye, everyone!

Oh, my God!

The whole point of being HOH means that you've got power.

Now, you're responsible for nominating people, but you're not safe?

What does that even mean?

There's got to be something else.

So, eight people are coming in, and one of us will be the HOH when they get in.

You think that is not like one of us, eight?

They might be competing.

They might be the one that choose which one of us is head of household.

The more that we all throw stuff around, it really actually just makes me panic even more.

Are you like from New York?

I actually grew up in Connecticut.

Yeah, and then I moved to New York.

We're in Connecticut.

He's Hampton in Manchester.

In the real world, I can get any guy that I want, but being in the Big Brother house,

you have to really be careful because you don't want to be a target if you're going to start a showman's.

But Cody is such a cute, good guy.

I want to like just go into bed with him.

That would be cool.

So why won't you say how old you are?

I'm not that old.

I'm like 27.

What are you, 23?


That's so young.

I'm 24, 25, 67.

You need to count that out.

And yours?

So you're like a baby.


So what is like your type?

My type?


I'm like so honest and like straight up and just asking you all these like crazy questions.


I don't know.

I like athletic girls.

I like a fit body girl that likes to work out.


Nice body.

Into her body.

Likes to work out.

Good personality.

Can't be a dud.

Yeah, for sure.

I'm so in love.

I don't want to get evicted because I'm like a home one.

We were so close today.


House guests, I need everyone to put on their swimsuits and head to the backyard for the

first end of household competition of the summer.

This is for HOA.

Oh my God.

These are sand castles, you guys.

I walk out into the backyard and there are surfboards and sand castles.

So then I see this big log and then I realize that it's not going to be just an ordinary

day at the beach.

You look good, bro.

Don't eat it.

You look good.

Hello, house guests.

Hi, guys.

And welcome to your first HOA competition.

To kick off the summer, we thought we'd take you to the beach.


This competition is called Go Fly a Kite.

And here's how it works.

Each house guest must hold onto their kite while balancing on the rotating beam.

Fall off or let go of your kite string and your sand castle will be crushed.

The last house guest standing will become the first head of household of the summer.

Does everyone understand?


The first HOA of the summer is always huge, but with this twist, you don't know what being

in the HOA is a good thing.

We're going into this competition.

I formed this all-girl alliance.

I'm loyal to them, and I'm praying that they're loyal to me back.

So the girls, we need to win.

It's important for me to perform well today because I'm the oldest person so far, and

I would like to prove to the rest of the house that I'm a competitor.

My strategy was to stay focused and not look down.

HOA is down.

Are you kidding me?

The first house guest to fall in this competition.

So this competition is super hard because it's a balanced game and my balance, I guess,

isn't that great as maybe the other competitors.

Being an athlete, I work out six days a week, and there was no pain that could describe

being up on that beam.

It was just constant over and over and over, pounding, pounding and pounding.

I'm going to fill this tomorrow.

Good job, Joey.

And Joey is down.

The second house guest to fall in this competition.

Oh my God.

You got it, guys.

You know, it's looking pretty sunny out there right now.

Yeah, here we go.

I think you need a little sunscreen.

Frankie, you're doing good.

It's getting flippily.

Amber, you got this, girl.

You got it.

Nicole is down.

Our third house guest to fall in this competition.

That sunscreen did me over.

I don't even think it was that much sunscreen, but it was enough to knock me off.

It sucks.

And then there were five.

You guys, how does my hair look?

It looks great!


The stunt demolition comes over my head.

I can't see my feet anymore.

This is going to be a tough game, but bring it on, big brother.

I got some in my eyes.

You got it.

It's okay.

Shake it off.

Amber, you got this.

Okay, everyone's got it, but I mean, everyone's doing really good.

I should have been watching Amber because she's in my all-girl El Quatro Alliance,

but I just couldn't help stare at Cody's delicious abs.

Oh my God.

Wow, it looks like ice cream, and I can lick it off of him any time.

Devin, you got it.

You look like a lollipop.

You got this.

I'll lick you.




I saved Donnie.

I am up on this log, and I almost lose it two or three times.

Oh, no.

And it comes to a stop, and it changes directions.

You got it, guys.

Oh, okay.

You got it.

All right.

You got it.

Everything's gone from bad to worse, and you know, quite frankly, I can't see how anybody's

going to be able to keep their balance.


So this is not your average day at the beach.

On top of being extremely hot, we're getting blasted by sunscreen.

We're balancing on this beam, which is going in every direction, so I'm just fighting for

my life against these other contestants.

Oh, okay.

You got it.

All right.

Good job, Donnie.

Good job, Donnie.

Devin is down.

After I fell and I saw Devin fall, I was disappointed.

Since I didn't make it, I hope he would make it.

I would have felt a little more safer.

Dogg on it.

It's down between Amber, Frankie, and Cody.

As soon as the log starts going backwards, I hear a whole new slew of people start falling.

So I feel like I am proving to everyone, including myself, that I can win HOH.

I am in this challenge to win.

To win this challenge.

I saw Donnie and Devin go down like hand in hand.

I felt myself kind of struggling, but I was like, you need to hold on because one of these

two could fall off at any second.

Frankie, Cody, and Amber are the last ones on the cylinder.

It is really important for a member of the El Quatro Alliance to win this competition.

Please, please, Amber, win this.

I'm trying to win this competition for my El Quatro Alliance, but when I start to think

what Julie said about HOH not being safe, I made a decision to throw it.

Congratulations, Frankie!

You are the first head of House of Love this summer!

I just won the first HOH of the summer!

I still don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but all I can say is I brought

it and go grande or go home.

You don't want any of this on you.

Frank's the first HOH of the summer.

We know that there's more people coming into this house, so hopefully with Frankie winning

HOH, we can nominate two of them instead of two of us.

You did so good!

I'm going to Amber to win, but with this twist hanging over our heads, who knows if Frankie

being HOH for him will even be a good thing, so good luck, Frankie.

I'm probably at this moment the most nervous HOH ever in Big Brother history because I

don't know what this means that the HOH is not safe.

You guys, you guys just made a quick meeting.

If something crazy goes online, will you just promise to have my back?


Will other people come in and be like, it was a total fluke that he won.

Don't make me seem like a big threat because I went one person.

We've already said from first walking here, we got each other.


We've got to stick to that, dude.

I have to turn to this alliance and beg them to stay true to their word and have my back

regardless of what happens.

First HOH is a scary thing.

I'm freaking the Frankie out!

Whatever happens, if I'm not safe this week, we have to leave.

When we return, another twisted b*mb gets dropped on the houseguest and it is guaranteed

to change the way the game is played.

Plus, you've been voting for the houseguest with whom you would like to form an alliance.

The voting is closed, but what does this new interactive twist mean to the game?

Find out when we return.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Earlier, I warned the houseguest that this summer, just because you're head of household,

doesn't mean you're safe.

But what exactly does that mean?

Let's head back to the living room and reveal a little more information about this new HOH twist.

Your hair.


Yes, Julie.

I need everyone to please head into the living room.

And Frankie, I need you to take one of the orange chairs, please.

Okie dokie.

Alright, Julie.

Oh, no.

The orange chairs are not good.

I want it to be good for you, though.


Frankie, again, congratulations on your big win.

Thank you.

Soon, you will be nominating two houseguests for eviction, but not quite yet.


As you know, our motto is, expect the unexpected.

And I have some important information for you.


A second group of eight houseguests will be joining you inside the house.

And one person from that group will also become head of household.

That's right.

There will be two HOHs.



It's crazy, Julie.

This is crazy.

Way to twist it.

But by the end of the week, only one HOH will be left standing.




Can I have a houseguest?


Alright, so somebody else is going to come in.

There's going to be two HOHs, right?


Eight more people are coming into this house.

There's going to be two HOHs, but at the end of the week, only one HOH is going to be left standing.

Come on, Julie, help me out a little bit.

Give me some more.

She said good night, so that's it.

Wait, there's going to be…

There's another house that they're competing in.

Two on a block and then…

No chance.

They're going to come in here and compete.

Yep, exactly.

Seriously, like, how is this happening?

Like, the HOH isn't safe.

This is crazy.

I mean, mine's not just…

I mean, like, I am…

Now I'm completely freaking out.

It could be two teams of eight.

It could be eight people and eight all-stars coming into the house.

We have absolutely no idea what's actually going to happen, so we're scrambling.

There's two HOHs.

Yeah, got it.

While the houseguests rethink their strategies, it's time to tell you about another twist called Team America.

Online at CBS.

com, you were able to vote for the houseguest with whom you would like to form an alliance.

The winner of that vote has already been determined, and he or she will be the first member of a secret three-person alliance controlled by you, America.

For the next two weeks, you will continue to vote, putting two more houseguests into this secret alliance.

Then, throughout the summer, you'll send these three houseguests on secret missions that will change the course of the game.

So, who is the first member of Team America?

Find out tomorrow night.

Plus, eight new strangers will be moving in to the Big Brother house.

Here's a sneak peek.

This country boy is going to the Big Brother house, baby!

Everyone thinks I look like a college kid, but I'm actually a police sergeant.

I worked undercover narcotics for three years.

I'm just coming out of a 10-year marriage, and I have three kids.

They're definitely the most important things in my life.

They see the long hair, they see my surfer personality, but I got straight A's in school, and I was on the Dean's list.

I got my military bracelet from when I was deployed.

I consider myself a Metro-Sexual Country boy.

We're Orthodox, but we don't dress it, obviously.

I wish I was just packing nothing, because I love being naked.

I'm lying every single time I open my mouth.

I'm your minister and your motivational speaker.

Big Brother, here I come!

Tune in tomorrow night at 9, 8 central, when our two-night premiere event continues.

I'll reveal the final details about this summer's shocking game twist,

how someone can go from head of household to being evicted.

Then, Sunday at 8, it's the introduction of a new competition that promises to shake up the house guests and the game in a whole new way.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the first eight house guests.

From outside the Big Brother house, I'm Julie Chen.

See you tomorrow night.


Oh, you're fine!

You're fine!

I feel like Rachel.

I feel like Rachel.

Just like, I have to pay for my man.

I can't wait to see your room.

If I get it!

You're gonna get it.

Don't say it.

Oh, wait.

We're too crazy.

So do you think we're gonna have…

No, I'm just saying.

No one's gonna come in today.

She said goodnight.

She said goodnight, but that don't mean they don't…

Or in the middle of the night.

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