16x09 - Episode 9

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x09 - Episode 9

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother.

After Devin targeted Zach.

Zach, gotta put you up on the vlog, brother.

You are the replacement nominee.

Zach went on the attack.

Devin, I'm going after you.

Everyone in this house should be going after you, too.

And his speech left the b*mb squad divided.

If Zach keeps this up, you know,

the b*mb squad's gonna have to send him home.

Devin and Caleb wanted Zach out.

All we need is six.

Because if we had six and six, I'll walk in there on the tiebreaker.

While Derek went on a mission to save him.

Like you said, I'm not gonna kiss anybody's ass,

but you do have to go to him and tell them that you would appreciate their vote

because if you don't, they're gonna be like,

this kid could give the f*** if he's here or not.

First, he got the rest of Team America on board.

If we can put no blood on our hands

and get them convinced that Zach's not gonna come after them

and send Pat home to make everyone happy,

then that's also good.

Then the undercover cop was able to flip Caleb.

I really don't think he's gonna go after any guys.

Our best case scenario to make it another week

is to vote for Zach to stay.

But when word got back to Devin…

Zach is staying?

How so?

he pulled the pin on the b*mb squad.

I'm not in the squad no more, bro.

I'm gonna do anything for my little girl

to make sure every single person is gone.

At the live eviction, Pow Pow went bye-bye.

You are evicted from the Big Brother house.

In an underwater battle for a head of household…

Where'd it go?

Nicole and Derek came out on top.


The two new heads on household.

Tonight, which two houseguests will Nicole nominate for eviction

and which two houseguests will Derek nominate?

Plus, which nominees will win the battle of the block?

Find out right now on Big Brother.

I would never compromise my honesty or integrity.

We are the Big Brother.

Here it is, baby.

HOH key.

This one's for Team America, for my friends and family,

and my boys in blue.

I hope you guys are proud of me.

Me too on this one, dude.

Good job, baby.

So I am HOH, but I did not want to be HOH this week.

I did not feel that I was on anybody's radar.

And now that I have to nominate two people,

I feel like I could easily be a target even this week or next week.


Oh my God.



Zach Attack is back.

Pow Pow, see you never.

Devin's no longer HOH.

There was a 150% chance that Devin is the next one out of the door.

I'm staying.

I definitely know there's a huge target on my back,

but leading up to the eviction, I was able to give out some information

to some people that, you know, we put a bunch of little targets

on all the other members of the b*mb squad.

I'm going to tell you something straight up.

There was an alliance that formed on day two with six guys.

So it was me, Derek, Cody, Frankie, Zach, and Caleb.

A few days later, we brought in two girls,

Christina and Amber.

The alliance is called the b*mb squad.

I am totally shocked that Devin's actually telling me this.

Why is he spilling the beans?

Like, what is it going to benefit him?

How do you guys form an alliance on day two, like not even knowing anybody?

That's crazy to me.

But you know what?

Now it's backfaring.

I looked at Frankie, I said, I'm out, I'm done.

All I can do is win competitions now.


Darn it.

Something big just happened.

It's going to affect the game.

It's going to thr*aten you.

It's going to thr*aten everybody that's here.

There's like eight personal alliance now.

A large alliance like that, I tried not to show it, but I was flabbergasted.

Don't worry about it, Devin.

They could be my own mother.

No, I just know because I was originally part of the eight personal alliance,

and I just bowed out.

If I'm the first one to run and tell, maybe they'll ally with me

because I told them some things in good faith.

Oh, man, now I know how you're feeling, bro.


Hey, dude, if you don't put me up, dude, you're screwed.

Well, that's not necessarily true because honestly,

I want to see because there was other people who didn't vote

the way that we thought they were going to vote.

So I got to see where Nicole's head's at.

B-O-D, at least I can try and pull myself off.

If you don't put me up, dude, your game is going to be over.

I don't care what people think.

It's taken a lot for me not to laugh.

Okay, Devin, yeah, I'll put you on the block

and give you two opportunities to take yourself off.

I don't think so.

You're here for your kid, bro.

You're 30 years old.

You're 30 years old.

I'm here to watch

So it's like, you know what's up, dude.

Thank you.

I ain't even going to feel bad.

I appreciate it.

No, I ain't even going to feel bad.

Hey, and we're golden.

We're golden, dude.

Oh, that's all right.

Listen, you tell her who you're voting.

We're trying to get out.

We're trying to get out, Devin.


Devin came to me and just said, put me up, dude.

He said, you know the same thing.

He said, put me up.

But you know why he wants to go up.

He wants two chances.

He's like, listen, I'll get at least two chances

to take myself off.


He's going on.

Everyone vote him out.

This is an easy week.

No blood on anybody's hands.

You know, Devin was my boy,

but he's been causing a lot of mischief

in this big brother house.

So Devin, it's the end of the road for you, man.

He's going home.


Well, I'm going to tell you a lot right now.

Trust me.

The b*mb squad, as I know it, is gone.

I am going to focus on Nicole and Hayden.

Those are the two people that I really want to take far

in this game.

I have to tell Nicole about the b*mb squad now

before anyone else does, because if she finds out

from someone else, that means my trust is completely blown up.

Devin, put me and Indian Robster with Kayla.

Five in the morning.

I was scared for my life legitimately.

That Caleb, Cody, Derek, Frank, myself, you, you.

That's eight.

That's it.

We were honored to have you.

So I just fought.


Devin, Ricky, Cody, Zach, Derek.

What is it?

b*mb squad.

Oh my God.

This is so crazy.

I thought I was going to see something going on.

I wasn't telling you, because I didn't want you to be scared.

Wait, they don't know that you didn't tell them that we have something obvious.

I don't tell them anything.

Nicole, you're gold.

Don't worry about it.

b*mb squad.

b*mb squad.

That's a stupid name.

I'm kind of shocked and hurt that Christine is telling me all of this,

but at this point in the game, she's all I have,

so I really have no choice but to continue to trust her.

I'm a little offended that I'm not in the b*mb squad.

Who wants a CIA joint role?

I'm a CIA joint role.

Do do do do do.

Do do do do do.

Do do do do do.

We're going to make a…

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

There you go.

Oh my God, Nicole.

So embarrassing.

That's so funny.

Nicole, you are a little baller.

You got your little basketball outfit on.

I'm just saying, you can dunk on me any day you want.

That's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen.

The best thing about the room is the art project that was made by my daughter,

and the bittersweet part of it is I can see that her feet and hands have gotten bigger since I left.

I'm missing out on those little milestones,

and I just have to keep reassuring myself that I'm here for them, and I'm making them proud.


My letter.

Oh my mom.

My little Coco bear.

We are all so proud of you, but we have been proud of you since the day you were born.

Mom is being strong just like you want me to be.

We love you so much and miss you just as much.

Love, mom.

Hi, babe.

I want you to know we are very, very proud of you.

I show Tengli the video of you and her playing together on your bed,

eating her hands and toes all the time, and she smiles and says, da, da.

Love and miss you more than anything.

See you in September when they announce you as the winner of BB-60.

Love you, dear Jenna.

That's me.

I'm actually glad it was you, because me and you have not talked about it.

I mean, I said that too.

Me and you have not talked any game, so this kind of forces us to,

because I think you're a superfan like I am, and I would like to work with you.

Nicole and I really got to sit down, put our heads together,

and figure out what we want to do with our nominations.

These four individuals could take these nominations personally

and could come back after either one of us.

My main target to get out this week would absolutely be Devin.

What's your take?

I just am scared to talk too much game with you to be completely honest,

because I feel like…

Honestly, Nicole, I think I know how you're playing,

because I'm playing a very similar way.

When I tried to talk a little game with you and you really didn't want to,

that's not because you don't know what's going on,

it's because you don't want to talk about it,

because the least you talk, the less conversation you're involved in.

Pretty good?



I definitely do want to work with you.

I'm just stressed out about, we got to get as less blood on our hands

as possible this week.


So we don't want Cody up.

We don't want Christine up.

I don't want to put Hayden up.

Donnie, I don't want to put up.

I don't want to put up Donnie either with that.

Well, let's hypothetically throw this out.

You throw up Amber, right?

I throw up Amber.

You throw up Amber, and your excuse for throwing her up is that…

She put me up, and I'll just be like, I really hope that you win.

I'm pretty sure if I go to Caleb and go, listen,

you have an opportunity to take her off the block.

I'll nominate you on my side.

Wait, then one of them won't be safe.

Exactly, but that's not that.

We don't have a problem with that because Amber and Caleb

are on our target this week.

So I do Amber, you do Caleb?


I'll put up Caleb.

So there you go.

So they're separated.

So there's one and two, right?

If Caleb does decide to throw the battle of the block,

Nicole's nominees would win, be safe from eviction,

and dethrone Nicole, leaving me as the only head of household

and still gunning after Devin.

You could put up Jocasta and be fine.

I might put up Jocasta.

Jocasta would be a vote for Devin to stay, I think.

Because they do talk a lot.

Yep, that's a great plan.

Derek and I think that Amber, Caleb, and Jocasta

would be great people to put on the block this week.

When it comes to the fourth nominee,

it's super hard to come up with somebody else.

Where's Pal Pal when you need her?

Who am I going to put up as my second nominee?

So this is our first date.

Hayden, don't be awkward.

Out of the two of us, who do you think could be awkward?

You looked really hot today.


I think you're the cutest girl I've ever met.

Oh, shut up, Hayden.

That's the truth.

It's a good line, but…

I'm happy that you're here, though, because it would suck.

I'm so happy that I'm here.

And I'm so happy that you're here.

I don't know what I would do in here without you.

You'd be so happy you're perfectly fine.

But I would have no one to, like, flirt with.

You would find somebody.

And you're the best.

Oh, yeah.

I know.

When are we going to make this a fish?

What is it?

What's a fish?


I know what a fish means.

What do you mean a fish?

Cash, Hayden.

Stop talking.

I hope you know what I'm trying to say.

I just can't say it the right way.

I just don't get it.

All right.

Is our date over?

Can we make out?



Hayden, that definitely does not work.


It's worked.

You ruined this date.

It sucks.

It sucks.

All right.

So here it is.

The ultimate goal this week is to get Devin out of this house.

But not to nominate him.

So now I have to find two nominees to put on the block.

I have a gut feeling that if I tell Caleb that Nicole is nominating Amber,

Caleb is going to insist that I put him on the block.

Here's the deal with her.

She's in agreement.

We're back during Devin.

None of the four people on the block are going home.


It's like she's like, Amber, put me up.

She's like, so I put her up.

I get no blood.

And to be honest with you, she's right.

What do you think she would do if you said, if you put up Amber,

are you not afraid that Caleb will come after you?

Because you know he's going to win another HOH.

I'd rather work with her and think that we're all together

than have her think that she'd be in strong arms.

I said, if I know him as well as I think I know him,

he's probably going to say put me up, Derek,

because he's going to want to stay in her future.

Now, if Amber goes up, I'm going to go up.

Because I'll go in and I'll throw it.

She can come down, but then you're still there.

And I don't know if you want to do that with your game.

I feel like Amber will appreciate me saving her this week.

She always told me that words are easy to say,

but actions, of course, speak much louder.

People will know this guy puts himself on the block,

saves someone in his alliance,

saves a girl that, you know, he could potentially like.

I mean, the guy's a stud.

At the end of the day, though,

I shouldn't be worried at all due to my votes.

It's a cowboy risk, but it's a risk.

This cowboy is all about making risk.

Here's the thing.

You can come out looking like a straight G,

you know, a knight in shining armor for her,

or you can come out looking like a fool.

I'll tell him, hey, I'm B-smoke, baby.

I'm here to play.

So got my queen on the block.

King's going to come up and save it.

Simple as that.

What's up?

All right.


I don't like this lap.

I know.

This is, yeah, this is huge.

Derek and Nicole have talked.

We all know that Devin's the target.


But you have to back door it.



They're not putting Devin up.


You are one of her people that she wants to put up.

And it's due to the fact of it won't get any blood on her hands

because you put her up.

Well, Derek, you already know he has

sort of in his head who he's going to pick.

Who's that?


I told him to put me up.

I told him to put me up for Derek so I could throw it

to keep you safe.

And so Derek would remain HOH.

If I throw this battle of the block,

not only will it keep Amber safe,

it will dethrone Nicole and my boy Derek remains HOH.

Well, if you throw it, then…

it will be on the block.

It's risky.

It's still risky to do it.

I just, I need you to tell me if you say,

yes, I'm okay with you saving me, go up.

I don't want you to do that though.

Like, I'd rather, you know, you not do that for yourself.

That's the difference though.

I'm not scared at all.

I would be putting myself in a position for you

so you didn't have to do that.

That's the whole point.

I know, but still…

Oh, this is crazy.

My sister's probably like sitting at home,

like why?

Seriously, Amber?

And at the same time, she's probably thinking,

dude, if he does that, she needs to marry that guy.

Same time.

Wait, do you want to go in the B room?


I woke up this morning super frazzled,

so I decide that Donnie, he's super wise

and I kind of want to let him know what's going on

and maybe this can build trust in our relationship

because I would work with Donnie.

Donnie, I need your advice.

Like, I…

trust you and like want to work with you and work forward here.

I'm definitely thinking that I'm probably going to put a finger.

That's a great idea.

Do you know who your partner's fitting up or…

What is that?

I have an idea.

Donnie, this is between you and I.

So you're saying Derek may nominate Caleb.

Caleb wants to be nominated to see Amber

and basically throw the cop so Amber can come down.

I need somebody to sit beside Amber

that I can get a lot of blood on my hands.

How close are you to Christine?

Close enough to not put her out.

You know in that eight person alliance,

there was two girls, Amber and Christine.

If the eight person alliance ain't dealt with soon,

it's going to be eight to four, eight to three,

eight to two, eight to one,

and man, you ain't going to be here.

She would not come after you.

I need to talk to her about it.

Well, I mean, if you talk to her about it,

you won't put her up because there's no one in the world,

even nice Donnie would say,

please don't put me up.

Still, you do what you need to do, right?


I didn't vote my little buddy out.

You shouldn't have to vote your little buddy out.

But is your buddy your buddy?

Did they tell you?

What do you mean?

They're going to put up Caleb,

and Caleb's going to throw it.

Oh, God.

So, I walk into the living room,

and Donnie, of all people, is talking game.

When I hear Caleb's name,

and Donnie thinking that he's possibly throwing this competition,

I have to go tell Nicole and Derek.

Oh, Nicole.


Sorry, Amber is okay if she wants to talk to you.

Hey, what's up?

Oh, nothing.

Just hearing Donnie say stuff.

I walked in and said stuff to Brittany and Shavasta.

They're saying stuff about Caleb.

Right after you talked to Donnie, he said he told them something,

and they all freaked out.

Do you know what he said?

I don't know why he's talking smack.

So, I know then why he's getting thirsty.

We're obviously working together now.

All right.

I need to talk to you, and then I gotta talk to Derek.

Oh, my gosh.

Because he's the one that's stirring everything up.

If you just did that, I can't trust him.

He told me today that I should put you up.

He said maybe you wouldn't be too good.

I had my nominations pretty much in place,

and a wrench was thrown,

and now I don't know what I'm going to do,

because I feel like I need to act on this,

and if I don't, I could come back to bite me in the butt.

He can't be running his mouth down there.

And he has been.

I told him what we were thinking about putting up,

because I thought I could trust him,

and I guarantee you he's telling them.

He's telling them.

He needs to go up.

I think you're right.

Our responsibility as the heads of household

is to each nominate two people for eviction.

These nominations make me want to puke right now.

I don't feel good.

I want to do what's best for my game,

but I don't know what's best for my game,

so it's super hard.

I'm going to do what I can to help.

Going into nominations,

I know what my objective is ultimately,

and I'm hoping I'm able to accomplish that.

With that being said,

I have to try and get as little blood on my hands as possible.

This is a nomination ceremony.

It is our responsibility as heads of households

to each nominate two houseguests for eviction.

Based on a random draw,

I will reveal my nominations first.

The first houseguest I have nominated is…

The next houseguest I have nominated is…

I have nominated you, Amber, and you, Donny.

Amber, I think you're a great competitor,

and you nominated me last week,

so that helped me make my decision.

And Donny, this is a last-minute decision.

I adore you as a person.

I love you.

I was given information last second

that I felt like I had to make this decision,

and I wish you both the best of luck and battle of the flock.

You got it.

The first houseguest that I have nominated is…

The second houseguest that I have nominated is…

I have nominated you, Jocasta, and you, Caleb.

Jocasta, there have been some people in this house

who I've referred to as a floater.

and I know that not to be true.

So I expect you to go out there and prove to those doubters

that they're wrong about you.

Caleb, everyone knows you're a beast out there.

You're a strong competitor,

but I think it's important that everyone knows

that Caleb has volunteered to go up on the block,

and I'm gonna honor it by nominating you.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.


Sometimes the back door is the only door.

Normally, being on the block is a bad thing,

but in my case it would've been a good thing.

I would've had a chance to compete in the battle of the block

and win safety for the week.

Clearly, they don't want that.

I came in the front door,

but they're trying to get me to go right out the back door.


I am surprised that I was nominated by Nicole.

She asked me this morning what she should do,

and I talked with her for a while.

I surely didn't think it was going to be me.

You're going to hand out the dark.

I smell my face.

It's all good.

It's all good.

Oh, my gosh.

I'm going to be so pissed.

The back door is the only door.

What's up?

Can I self-evict?

You're good.

Come here.


Come here.

Do you hate me?


What do you mean?

I am frickin' Donnie.


all good.

Before nominations, my gut told me that I needed to put up Donnie,

that something with her trust wasn't there anymore.

But now I just wish I wouldn't have nominated him.

I feel like my hands would be a lot less bloody right now.

Donnie wanted me to put up Christine Behan.


And that was something that I was like, oh…

He trusts Christine, but now I don't think he does.

Why would he run his mouth and say that stuff?

I know.

Donnie is awesome.

Donnie's amazing.

That's why I feel bad.

But Donnie's head is not looking at him.

All he can think about is those eight.


Those eight.



I think either way, like, you're good.

I know I'm not good, but you definitely make me feel better.

So you think we suppressed the people that were…

Yeah, well, Devin is making her, you know, stink.

Yeah, I know.

That's the point.

He should…

it's called checkmate.

Have a seat.

Nah, dude, it's all good, bro.

I respect 100% your game move.

I already know what's up.

You already know I already know what's up.

That's the only option you have.


Why would you let me compete twice?

I understand it, dude.

I'm not gonna be able to play for my safety in the Battle of the Block

at the end of the day.

It's better right now for me just to make amends,

and I'm hoping that if I show him that he's not gonna win,

He makes Romeo bone.

Show some grace and, you know, keep me around for a little bit.

Just, yeah, and just always know that I made some moves in here.

I made, you know, some personal moves.

I made some mistakes, and I can admit that.

I broke the alliance.

Honestly, what we did in the beginning, clearly it didn't work,

and I'm gonna do what's best for me.

Of course, dude.

You're a beast.

Your name could get called in the power of Ido.

I know you're one of the most smartest guys in the house.

And if you win, you're gonna probably come at me,

and I would respect it.

It is what it is.

Dude, I only came up here just to say it's a good game move, man.

Well, we'll see.

Although Devin's putting up the facade that he's defeated and ready to go home,

I know he's not going out without a fight,

and he's still got a few tricks up his sleeve.

He's definitely my target.

I don't want to work with him.

He's gotta go, and now he knows it.

Nah, man.

Oh, wow, man.

It is what it is, dude.

Frankie, do you have siblings?

Um, yeah.

The sister and her brother.

Older, younger.

Little sister, little brother.

You're the oldest?


Oh, my God.

What does she look like?

She looks like you?

She's also like me.

Like, we have, like, the same, like, this area.

She has a different nose, different lips.

We have kind of, like, the same smile.

Like, here and here, we look the same.

So, obviously, everybody wants to talk about their family in the house,

and I really want to talk about my family, too,

because they are my entire life.

But when someone asks me about my sister,

immediately red flags go up, and I go on high alert.

And James, it's so funny.

He looks just like me when I was his age.

Wait, Frankie, I'm not done with your sister.

What does she look like?

He'll see pictures, I'm sure.

Okay, long hair, short hair.

She has long hair.

Okay, brown, blonde, light brown.

She kind of has, like, an auburn effect going on.

Okay, she tan.

Does she have blonde hair?

What does she look like?

Is she pretty?

Is her single number one in America?

I mean, I'm trying to keep this under wraps

because it could seriously change my position in this house.

What's your sister's name?


I am so excited about seeing pictures.

Yeah, me too.


Okay, here we go.

Team America, it's time to go on your first mission.

America wants you to keep the spotlight off Team America

by getting three other house guests to spread a rumor

that someone in the game is related to a past Big Brother contestant.

You must inform your fellow Team America members of this mission.

The rest is up to you.

You have four days to complete this mission.

Good luck, and God bless America.

That's going to be hard.

Time to go to work.

All right, hold on a second.

This is going to look a little weird.

I hope you guys are paying attention right now, okay?

All right, so I have a first mission,

and our first mission is a tough one.

I'm not going to lie to you.

On top of all the craziness currently going on in the Big Brother house,

America has given us our first mission.

It's my duty to deliver the news to the guys and get this ball rolling.

We have been assigned the task of convincing three house guests.

And another house guest is the relative of a former house guest.

We have to get three people to spread that rumor,

other than Team America.

It's not going to be easy.

I know.

I know.

So Team America has our first mission.

I think this is going to be super easy because I'm really good at starting rumors.

I think we got this one in the bag.

I think we should use,

and she was leaving to you that Zach is related to Amanda.

And she's from Florida.

And she's from South Florida, and he's from South Florida.

That was my idea.

I mean, it sounds pretty good.

And really, you're just a loud guy, kind of loud like who?

Her, yeah.

And I try to see you for next week, and you just yourself.

I would never compromise my honesty or integrity for any amount of money.

But what kind of relative?


I'm sure.

And he told Powell and Thomas before he walked up to him,

and the fact that Powell's already gone, she can't deny it.

So we just have to choose which people are going to tell him to.

We start at the dumbest first, don't y'all agree?

Yeah, sure.

Devlin and Kayla, because he likes to brag about stuff.

I can tell Amber.

I can tell just right.

And if anybody wants to come, I need to hear what Powell says.

I can tell him what Powell says.

Thank you, America, for giving us a task that I do believe we can succeed in.

We may not be geniuses, but hopefully we can pull this one off for you.

Are we going with that?

Is that official?

Guess what, Zach?

You have now become Amanda's cousin.

Oh my gosh.

It's okay.

No, it's not, Donnie.

Going into nominations, Donnie definitely broke my trust.

But now I feel like a horrible person.

My heart is broken, and I just feel super bad, and I want him to forgive me.

Right when I did it, I just…

It's okay.

I can take it.

Okay, wait.

No, don't.


It's okay.

It's okay.

Do you believe me?

Donnie, I'm not going to sleep at night.

It's okay.

You can sleep at night.

I can sleep at night.


Donnie, you're crying.

I'm only sad because you're sad.

I'm not sad because I'm on the block.

It's just a game.

No, it's…

It's just a game.

It's just a game.


I don't hold it against you.

Why, Donnie?

Because I'm that kind of person.

It was my decision to put you up because I told you things this morning.


I had people run up to my room and say,

Donnie's in a room with Jogasta and Brittany saying that Caleb's going to throw the competition.

So I just felt so betrayed, and I mean, it hurt my feelings, Donnie.

Did you tell me not to tell at this point?

I just…

I don't know, but I…

Donnie, I don't…

Did I not say not to tell?

I guess I just assumed that.

Donnie, I want you to dethrone me, okay?

And I'm sorry.

I really am.

I just feel like…

I don't want you to be hit a household.


I was hoping that you and I could talk and actually form something

that's actually legit and working together from here on out.

I don't know if you're interested in that.

Well, absolutely.

Is that 100% true?


Okay, good.

But you can't tell anybody.


Can you do that?

Because you asked me not to.

I know.

I'm sorry.

I love that case a lot.

You're right.

I do regret putting Donnie on the block.

I would feel horrible if I was the reason that Donnie went home this week.

So I need Donnie to go out and freaking win Battle of the Block.

And break it down, bro!

It's time for the Battle of the Block!


Come on, dude!



Oh, my God.


This is crazy.

I walk out there, and first thing I see is a root of hedges.

Castles, big cauldrons with puzzles in it.

I'm a groundskeeper.

I enjoyed seeing the hedges.

It's sick.

That's a word I picked up in here.

This will be fun to play in.

We're all wearing these wizard robes, and I look over at Caleb,

and he looks like Harry Potter on steroids.

Welcome to the magical world of Frog Wars.

In this Battle of the Block competition,

Nicole's nominees will battle Derek's nominees.

The winning pair not only earned safety for the rest of the week,

but will dethrone the HOH that nominated them.

Nominees, as one of you runs across the yard to retrieve the pieces,

the other will fly high up in the sky.

Flyers will be solving the puzzle with their pieces the partner retreats

on the other side of the yard.

The first team that correctly assembles the puzzle,

then will run back and hit their button.

They will cast a transformation spell on their HOH,

causing them to disappear.

Expecto the unexpected, houseguest, and let's play Avra Kebabra.

I clearly want to back door Devin this week,

and I need Caleb and Jocasta to lose it.

If Caleb decides that he's going to throw this competition,

it's important that he does it in a way that doesn't become suspect

to the other houseguest.

That would ultimately not be good for my game.

Going into the Battle of the Blocks,

Donnie informed me that Caleb's supposed to throw the competition,

so I am only confident in God and Jocasta, and that's it.

I was already shocked that I was nominated again,

so I know it's very, very important,

so me and Amber has to win this today.

Run back, run back.

It goes down at the bottom.

That one up there does.

Look at the colors.

I am a natural born competitor,

but today I might just have to mosey on down and grab me a puzzle piece,

and then mosey on back and hand it to you.

Jocasta, you could possibly be up there for a good while.

That one at the bottom, turn it upright.

This way?


Go to your right.

I like many different types of puzzles.

Turn it up.

Sudoku puzzles.

Go to the right.

Picture puzzles.

Go to the right, to the right.

I hate puzzles.

You see the dark side?

It's going to go somewhere.

Puzzles in the newspaper or on the back of a cereal box.

These have to be on the corners.

It has to be.

See the darkness to the light.

This puzzle is driving me crazy,

but I know I have to win this because my safety depends on it.

Right there, right there.

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

Right there.

Run Donnie, run Donnie, run.

Right there.

Oh, okay, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha.


The two that are in front of you go together.

I'm going to get another one.


Turn around, turn around.

All those pieces match.

You just got to match them up.

There you go, there you go.

It's going to go that way.

See the darkness.

Donnie and Amber being paired as a team is working geniously.

They're communicating.

They're putting this beautiful piece of artwork together.

And Jocasta and Caleb over there,

it basically looks like I was trying to draw the picture up there.

And when I draw, I basically scribble like a four-year-old.

Hang on.

Go ahead and post that one up.

Post that one up.

Oh crap.

Now just put it in the magnet.


I don't know what the heck we're building.

Go, go.

As I start to see, Jocasta's starting to form a little picture up there

in that little scroll.

And guess what?

It's a Dac Gum Big Brother duck with a freaking wizard hat on.

This is, uh, this way.

Top left.

Top left of the duck's head.

Top left of the duck's head.

It's a duck.

It's a duck.


It is a duck.

And I didn't even know we was putting a duck together.

And I was panicking.

This one's gonna go above the black.

Twist it clockwise.

Right there.

That's it.

Caleb is keeping up with the other team, but at the same point,

this isn't Caleb beast mode.

So I'm thinking that he is throwing it,

but he's doing a pretty good job of hiding it.

Come on.

Run, run, run.

Here you go.

Go, Donnie.

Oh crap.

You can't see.

Top, top.

Bring it back, bring it.

We are neck to neck in this game.

I know I'm not the target, but when you're on the block,

you are never safe.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Jocasa's up there struggling.

I don't know what's going on.

She's looking dazed and confused.

Hurry, Donnie, hurry, hurry, hurry.

I'm starting to think that we're on our way towards the devilish disappearus.

Switch and flick.

I took a lot of classes on wound.

The white's going to go down, face it down.

There you go.

Donnie, I think it's done.

All right.

Hit it, Donnie.

Yes, yes.

Donnie, get over here so I can kiss you.


I'm very, very excited that Donnie and I won Battle of the Block,

but in the back of my mind,

I know that Caleb is still on the block.

He took a risk to keep me safe this week,

and I've never heard of anyone doing that.

Caleb, you're crazy.

They're safe this week, and I'm happy about it.


This is exactly what I want.

Oh, you might be regretting that, but we'll see,

because I think they're going to come after us.

Even though I'm safe this week,

it's important that Caleb knows we don't want to get around the house

that we discuss potentially throwing the competition.

We all know what that results in.

Just ask Devon.

Congratulations, Amber and Donnie.

You have won the Battle of the Block and are now safe for this week.

I'm about to throw up.

So we lose Battle of the Block.

I'm exactly right where I plan to be.

Now, Jocasta, on the other hand, she's looking a bit rough.

But hey, guess what?

Beast Mode Cowboy has the POV coming up,

and it's time to get Devon to kicking some rocks

and get right on out of this big brother house.

Unfortunately, the magic's over for you, Nicole,

as you no longer are ahead of household.

Amphibious Transformers.

I like her.

Where did Nicole disappear to?

And will she ever be the same again?

Plus, who will win the Power of Veto?

And will it be used to save either Jocasta or Caleb from the Block?

Find out Wednesday at 8, 7 Central on Big Brother.

Where'd she go?


Dude, did she really disappear?


She really gone?




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