16x10 - Episode 10

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x10 - Episode 10

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother.

With the whole house wanting Devin out.

There was a 150% chance that Devin is the next one out of the door.

Head of household Derek decided on a back door plan.

You know I'm putting you on figure security.

Okay Devin, yeah I'll put you on the block and give you two opportunities to take yourself off.

I don't think so.

So he and the other head of household Nicole needed nominees.

I'm due Amber, you do Caleb.

Right, I'm pretty sure if I go to Caleb and go listen, you have an opportunity to take her off the block.

And Derek got the cowboy to saddle up.

If Amber goes up, I'm gonna go up because I'll go in and I'll throw her.

After Nicole confided in Donnie about the plan.

Caleb wants me not to need to do safety and basically throw the cop.

He spread the news to others.

You're gonna put up Caleb and Caleb's gonna throw it.

Oh God.

So when word got back to Nicole.

Right after you talked to Donnie, he said he told them something.

Her trust in the janitor was trashed.

If he just did that, I can't trust him.

At the nomination ceremony.

I have nominated you, Jocasta and you, Caleb.

Nicole made a last minute decision.

I have nominated you, Amber and you, Donnie.

But Devin knew he was still the real target.

On the back door is the only door.

At the battle of the block.

I hate puzzles.

Caleb threw the competition.

He is throwing it but he's doing a pretty good job of hiding it.

Donnie and Amber were saved.


Jocasta was beaten down.

She's looking a bit rough.

And Nicole's head of household rain disappeared.

Tonight, will Nicole reappear?

Plus, the power of Vito is up for grabs.

Will the plan to backdoor Devin succeed?

It all happens right now on Big Brother.

Dude, did she really disappear?


Yo, is she really gone?

Oh, no!

I hate you!

I hate you!

That is horrible!

That is the worst punishment.

Little Nicole got the frog costume.

My favorite part is every time you look at her,

if you blur your eyes a little,

the frog looks like he's like, and like throwing up her head.

This is a dream come true.

That's all that's for a cute unicorn, but this will work.

I'm glad that Donnie took himself off the block.

But the worst part is that I'm not safe this week,

and I'm in this frog costume.

How long?

A week.

Oh, my gosh!

Dude, you're not even on one clock.

I'm used to hitting on hot girls,

and now I have to hit on a hot frog.

You're a cute little frog.

Do you really have to wear it for the whole week?

Are you serious?


Caleb and Jocasta lost the Battle of the Block.

I'm safe for the week.

And on top of all that,

I avoided that frog suit.

So now I just need to set my eyes on the prize.

I got to hope my number one target, Devin,

doesn't get picked for the power of veto,

so I can complete this back door and send him packing.

After the nomination ceremony, it was clear.

I am solo in this game.

I am the lone wolf.

The house is turned on me, and I'm the target.

And the back door is definitely the ultimate goal for Derek.

I may be down, but I'm not out.

I'm going to be the one who's close.

I think you did a great job.

I was so proud of you too, Donny.

Well, well, well, well, well, well.

Thank you.

Thank you.

That was really good.

It was difficult.

You knew that part.

It was difficult.

You guys were a really good team, though, because…

We were communicating.

This is great.

Amber and I won the Battle of the Block,

and we're safe for the week.

It's amazing what you can do.

When you put a model with a country boy,

I even got a little kiss out of it.


But I don't want anybody to get the wrong idea.

We're just friends.

You okay?

Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.

Before the competition, I was having a few stomach problems.

And during the Battle of the Block, it was extremely hot.

I'm about to throw up.

So being so hot, not having that much to drink,

just all took a toll on me.

If you throw up, it's okay.

We can get one of them trash cans and put a new liner in it

put by her bed, and she won't have to…

What's her mind?


So I'm still on the block,

and I guess I should be concerned about that,

but I am not.

Think you're ready to go lay down?


I'm concerned about me feeling better

and being able to walk without someone helping me.

Let's take your shoes off.

I feel horrible about Jocasta.

She's all jacked up.

I know she tried her hardest,

but hey, I wanted to make sure an ally,

a friend, and Amber all together were safe.

So I threw it, and hopefully this does not turn around

and come and bite me in my butt.

I'm telling you to your face now that yes, I threw that competition.

I told you I did not.

I want you to do that, like…

The last thing I wanted was for you to be in my position.

I was good, though.

You did.

You did very good.

I did really good.

I didn't ask Caleb to throw the comp for me.

Matter of fact, I asked him not to.

And I feel like now, he thinks I owe him something

or he expects something from me.

You could be my date of the finale.

You could go ahead and say yes to that.


What else do I have to do?



No, do we need to go over how important this was?

I think you're not understanding fully.

Oh, I'm understanding.

I don't think you are.

I am understanding.

I don't think you get it.

If it takes more than $500,000 and a chance to me go home

to get you to say yes to a date,

there's nothing else I can do in front of 9 million people.

I don't want to hurt his feelings,

but if he thinks that since he threw the battle of the block,

I'm going to change my mind, I'm not going to.

If you're not my date to the finale, I'll be mad.

Oh, okay.

I actually love your frog suit,

and if I can wear it with you,

I will totally be a toad with you.

It's actually a really cute frog head.

Yeah, I think you're so cute.

Look how excited I am to have my frog suit.

Oh, my gosh.

Let's give it earrings and a bow.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

You have to dress it up.

That way, if you make the best of the situation,

it's not so bad after all.

I don't know how I feel about frogs,

and I don't know.

I mean, I am one, so…

Let's just say this, Nicole.

You and that frog suit,

normally the princess has to kiss the frog.

But with you rocking that thing,

Prince might have to make a move.

That was a good line, right?

That was a good one.

That was a cute one.

It was adorable.

You got major points from all the women over here.


I wish I put my hair up.


Oh, my goodness.


I owe you.

No, it's okay.

That's what best friends do.

Best friend.

Of course, everyone in the house knows

that Caleb has a huge crush on me.

But Cody is one of my favorite people.

We have a really good friendship and nothing more.

I just love having Cody in the house.

What are you thinking about, Cody?

I feel like I get testers from Caleb for talking to you.

I'm sorry.

I can have friends in here.

I haven't given Caleb any reason to make me hit once.

He's driving me crazy because I don't like Caleb like that.

And it's like making it harder on me.


You know?

Always have to be like,

oh, you know, tell anyone.

I'm so tired.

Like I'm drained.

Can you pass out?

Here's Caleb, pissed off,

looking like he heard our entire conversation,

literally didn't look at us,

and all I can do is stare as he walks by.

All I'm thinking here is,

we definitely might have a big problem.

This has dropped me crazy.

This is why, like, I wish I would have came in here.

So, because I would have teach you fair personality.

My buddy Cody, you know, a member of my alliance is trying to,

you know, put his hands on old girl.

Yo, what up, what up?

Check this out, home skillet.

If you're trying to move in on my queen,

the king, B-Smoke Cowboy, is gonna have to step up.

That's how it's gonna be.

Are you all right, man?


You good?

I feel like I shouldn't even ask you about it,

because it's stupid.

I don't know why,

I swear I feel like you and Amber have something going on.

I don't know why, dude.

Come on, man.

No, honestly, dude.

Like, for the past few days, I'm just like,

dang, they're starting to hang out a lot.


This girl is trying to detach herself from Caleb,

and I don't know if she's into me or not,

but obviously it's popped onto Caleb's radar.

With this kid's ego, he'll come after me just out of spite.

I mean, first of all, I tell you, dude,

and I'm straight up with you,

because you're a good-looking guy, I'm a good-looking guy.

Like, I don't do that, I don't step on toes, like, period.

End of story.

This is the thing.

If you do and you are, that's fine.

I would just not know that.

That's all I'm saying.

That's all I'm saying.

Oh, I'm saying.

Listen, look at me in the face, dude.


I'm not that kind of guy.

The second Caleb gets his chance,

I think I'm going to be the number one target

that he wants to send out of the house.

We saved Amber, and we're safe this week.

So, like, that's all I care about?

Well, you need to keep your eye on the prize, too, though.

I'm focused.

Dude, just be careful.

If people think that you thought about throwing that comp,

they're going to pity Jocasta,

and we're going to go up,

because they're going to say you can't be trusted

because you threw comps.

What up, Paison?

Come on, boy boy.

Come on in.

What up, Caleb?

So, as you know,

if I get house, yes, Joyce, I'm picking you.

Hell yeah.

Just know it.

Just know, we got to get this kid off the block.


I'm counting on you guys, period.

One of you beasts to pull it off.

So, if any of us win the POV,

obviously we're not going to leave him on the block.


No, he's not staying on the block.

No, he has to come off.

I need some mama's sleep, Caleb.

I'll be back.


If by chance he wins the POV,

he takes himself off, Devin goes home.

If he can't pull himself on the block,

and Devin wins it, what's your opinion?

I want to get him out.


I want to get him out.

I said it.

This is the only shot we'd have to get Caleb out.

You think so?

Maybe it's a little paranoia,

but I think that with all this Amber stuff going on right now,

the second he's getting his chance,

I'm going to be the one he's taken a shot at.

He plays with his heart now with his head.

He's blind by her.

If Devin escapes this backdoor plan that we have going right now,

and Caleb remains on the block like a sitting duck,

this might be a perfect opportunity to take care of a problem.

I mean, I…

Dude, I don't care about anything that we're doing.

I just want to make sure we're going to be able to get to the end.

If he can't pull himself on the block and Devin wins it…

We need to get the house to get him out.

Caleb's going home.


This is a big move.

It is.

We're going to be at the end of the day.

Nicole, may I borrow you for five minutes?


Today, we plant some seeds for Team America.

Our mission is to say that a current houseguest is related to a former one.

So we came up with Zach being related to Amanda.

You remember when Paula and Zach had their big blow up?


Before she left, she told me he was Amanda Zuckerman's cousin.

Yikes arena.

Don't look, the cousins don't look alike.

They kind of do look alike.

They have their lines right here.

I hadn't told anybody else.

Christine is a very smart person.

So maybe only if you're alone with her, mention it to her and see what she thinks.

Yeah, okay.

Dude, you can't.

Let's get back up there.




That's just weird.

Phase two.

It's for me to go to Caleb so he'll tell Amber because we all know he tells Amber everything.

Donnie told me that before Pao Pao left, she told him Donnie that Zach told her that he's actually Amanda Zuckerman's cousin.

Zach could have told her that.

I know she's leaving.

I'm going to tell her a little secret.

Could be true.

But when you can get Amber alone, just ask her if Pao Pao ever told her anything.

Intel says that Zach is Amanda Zuckerman's cousin.

Who's your find out from?

Through the grapevine.

So you know a little something.

Alright, let's do this.

The crown jewel to top it all off.

We're going to tell Zach about the rumor and obviously Zach has a big mouth.

Before we even finish our complete sentence, he'll be running downstairs to address this rumor with the entire house.

Done deal.

My man Donnie here just told me that Pao Pao told him that you're actually Amanda Zuckerman's cousin.

You're not, are you?


You want to hear something really funny?

Is that her?

Are you her cousin?


Are you serious?


Oh my gosh, you guys do look alike.

Are you freaking kidding me?

During the operation, my main job was to just be a mole.

So when Zach finally says there's a rumor circulating that he's related to Amanda, I am so overjoyed.

I'm like, I made it up.

You look like you already knew that.

I did.

You knew that?

And you didn't tell me?

It felt like it was almost like a setup for me to like start a rumor, so I wasn't going to start it.

You're from West Palm.

She's from Boca.

That's like super close.

Both are Jewish.

Both super outspoken.

I totally knew it.

You threw me off in the beginning, but I caught it right when I saw it.

So I hear this rumor that I'm Amanda Zuckerman's cousin.

You know, I'm not going to say she's not.

And this is hilarious and I love it.

And I'm going to make every single person in this house believe it.

You guys do freaking look alike.

We're going to bed.

I sure do feel sorry for Jacosta right now.

She's not doing well.

She just needs to lie in bed and hydrate.

Jacosta, is this all from dehydration?

Or do they think you have something else?

Well, I hate exhaustion and dehydration.

The poor thing is not even going to be able to play in the veto competition.

You want something to put up your ass and make it dark?


Hey, guys, it's time to pick players for the veto competition.

She's probably not going to make it to this meeting.

We're about to pick players for the veto competition.

I got to hope my number one target, Devin, doesn't get picked.

It would allow me to execute the plan that I've had all along,

which is to backdoor Devin.

Only five people will participate in the veto competition.

Unfortunately, Jacosta's ill and will be unable to participate.

There is one person that I would rather not play in the challenge, Devin.

I would much rather him watch from the seats

and think about how he's going to pack his bag before he walks out of that door.

This is life or death for me in this game.

If I don't get picked, most likely I'm going home this week.

Will the nominee please join me?

I, as head of household, and the nominee,

will each pull a chip out of the box to determine the three other players

competing in the veto competition.

I will also pull a chip on Jacosta's behalf.

As HOH, I will pick first.


The lucky winner is…


Devin's chip gets pulled for the veto competition.

I'm pissed off.

I made sure to let him know that he's my target.

If he stays this week, I'm screwed.

I will pick a chip on Jacosta's behalf.

I also have to choose a host for the veto competition.

I'm pumped.

I'm just going to go out and just animal it.

Just fighting for my life.

You got your shot, brother.

It's only fitting.


Good luck.

Yeah, good luck to you, bro.

Good luck.

I may have picked Devin's name, but I'm going to tell you what.

He better bring his egg g*ng.

You know who my target is.

I think we all know who my target is.

So I pulled Donny's chip on behalf of Jacosta,

and it's definitely not the best case scenario.

He's kind of been all over the place.

I know he likes Jacosta, but he also had an alliance with Devin.

I need to know what he'll do if he wins that veto.

So obviously, the plan is to back door, Devin.

I think I've made that clear without really saying it.

I would have liked him not to be picked.

I haven't heard that.

Well, I tried.

This is my third week I've been out of the loop.

Well, in my defense, I was…

And I thought we were in a…

Your choice, whatever you want to do.

If I win, you'll see what I'll do,

and you'll know, okay, Derek's being on the up and up.

I'm not willing to show my cards just yet.

I'm not going to share my game with him

when he clearly never shares his game with me.

So he can just go take a hike.

There are some people who think that you wouldn't use it to save Devin

because there are some people that think you might be working with him.

But what do you think?

People think you're still in the double D alliance.

Donny, Devin.


Double D.

Double D's.

For example, I had somebody come up to me yesterday

and mentioned Double D Alliance to me, and I didn't say it.

I knew the name of it, but I guess apparently everyone does.


So what do you tell these people that think that?

He's just like, well, I will think that.

To be honest with you, I don't say anything

because I don't know who I can trust anymore.

At this point, I have no clue if Donny's still aligned with Devin

in this Double D's alliance.

If he wins the veto and doesn't use it,

my backdoor plan is dead in the water and I'm in trouble.

You can put everyone at ease and say, hey, listen,

but I'm…

The conversation…

I don't know him nothing.

What is that liquid lining?

This veto competition is huge.


So I decided to go into peace mode and throw the warp thing off.


I'm Rocky right now in this house.

I'm the underdog, and I'm hoping at the end of this competition,

there will be a set of stairs for me to run up

and just put my hand in the water.

This is life or death, 100%.

I have to win this veto competition.

Not only did I put myself on the line for a girl named Amber,

but I'm still on the chopping block, and it's possible I can go home.

I got my wife's and daughter's initials,

and that's all the motivation that I need.

It's game time.

It's awesome.

You're welcome.

Alright, everyone.

It's time for the veto competition.

Let's roll to the backyard.

Oh, my God!

This sexy man!


I knew it!

I can hold it!

Oh, snap!

Oh, snap!

So we walk outside for the veto competition,

and it's basically like we're entering a casino in Vegas.

I know we're all placing my bets.

There's a roulette table, there's chips, there's money.

And, you know, right now, the house wants out Devin.

And if you know anything about Vegas, the house always wins.

Um, broke the door handle.

In the Big Brother house, sometimes you gotta roll the dice to make a big move,

and today's veto competition is no exception.

Here's how it works.

I will draw names to determine the order in which you'll compete.

The player who draws the first position will step up

and challenge one of the other players in a head-to-head tumbling dice match.

In each battle, both players will get inside the giant dice.

I will spin the wheel to determine which number you'll be trying to match.

When the bell rings, tumble your dice off the platform

with the goal of returning to your platform

with the correct number on the top of your dice.

The first player on their platform with the correct number up

stays in the game, but the loser is eliminated.

The next player in line will then step up

and challenge any of the players still in the game.

This will continue until only one player remains,

earning them the power of veto.

First up is…

The stakes going into this thing are huge.

Bottom line is, Devin cannot win, period.

If Devin wins it, he'll obviously keep the nominations the same

and our backdoor plan will fail.


This veto competition means everything to me right now.

It's my lifeline in this game,

and, you know, with Ticasa's sick,

hopefully it'll give me a little bit better odds,

you know, to win this thing and stay.



Christine, you're up first.

Who would you like to challenge?

I'd like to face off against Devin.

You brave little crapers.

If I beat Devin, the plan to backdoor goes on smoothly.

And plus, I'll be the reason the biggest bully ever is going out of the house.

The number you're going for is…

I'm just hoping that I figure out this puzzle a little bit quicker than she does.

You know, by bulldozing it, I think I can.


The quickest route to return back to your platform and win with a four is…

a four.

In this game, we have to roll our die from the platform onto the playing field,

tumble around, and return to the platform with the same number as the wheel on the top of our die.

I've never played Crows before, but all I can think about is, crap, I really stink at this.

There you go, girl.

Got it, girlfriend.

Come on, Christine, you got this.

This competition is difficult.

It's a 3D puzzle.

So every time I'm rotating in there, things are changing.

My goal is to beast through this and figure out this puzzle as quickly as possible.

Congratulations, Devin.

You've won the first round.

That was crazy.

Yeah, round one down.

I got this.

Stick that in your back door.

Sorry, Christine.

You have been eliminated.

Please head over to the roulette table.

Derek, you're up next.

Who would you like to challenge in a head-to-head tumbling dice match?

I choose Devin.

So if you keep and score a three-time goal,

That's one for Devin, zero for us.

Looks like it's up to me now.

Your number is…


The quickest route to return back to your platform and win with a two is…

You know, the house thinks that they're going to get my goat by making me go multiple times.

But what they don't realize, the more times that I go, the better I become at this game.

When you're inside of the die, you lose your orientation and you can't see clearly the numbers.

I sat there and visualized moving the dice by formulating which side the dice would be on by moving.

Go instead.

Derek, what the heck are you doing?

You're two moves away.

You're standing right on the two.

All you got to do is walk up to the freaking ledge, win the competition, be the hometown hero for the house.

What the heck, bro?

It looks like he's just doing the robot with his hands, trying to figure this cube out.

It ain't working.

Congratulations, Devin.

You've survived.

Oh, he got it, too.

Derek, man, that's two.

You want to get me out of the house?

It's not going to be that easy.

I'll catch you on the flip, buddy.

Derek, I'm sorry.

You have been eliminated.

Please take a seat by the roulette table.

Donny, you're up next.

Devin survives again.

Literally, my stomach is in knots.

I am sick.

Because now, the fate of everyone in this house rests on Donny's shoulders.

Devin wins the second round, 2-0.

What the heck is going on?

If Devin actually wins this thing and he stays in this house for one more week, I'm going to punch myself in the eye with my fist.

Donny, you're up next.

Who would you like to face off against?


It's very important that I win against Devin today.

I want to win every competition I'm in.

I want to play as hard as I possibly can and as smart as I possibly can.

I want to make my family proud.

Of course, Donny's going to pick me.

It's round three, man.

Let's roll the dice.

And I still don't think you are who you say you are.

I've had my suspicions about old Donny boy.

Right now, I don't care who he is or what he does.

I just hope he goes in there and does some backflip ninja move, navy seal, training, special forces, combat, kicking butt to Devin.

It's Donny versus Devin.

The number you're going for is…

I've analyzed this dice pretty well and know how to do the three, four and five.

I just hope it comes up the three, four or five and this will be cakewalk.

And it comes up by Daggum Six.

The quickest route to return back to your platform with a six and win is…

I have no more strategy.

I just have to figure it out as I go, just like he's figured out as he goes.

I'm a little nervous because he's a lot faster than me.

Well, I'm super nervous.

I'm sweating.

I don't know what's going to happen.

Oh my gosh.

If Devin pulls this off, I'm going to be so mad.

I'm going hard and fast right now.

I need to get the six up in the right position and I need to get it up on the board before Donny.

This is no joke.

This is life or death.

Donny wins and it's like the home team winning the World Series.

We are screaming.

I'm crying.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Devin is gone.

I knew you weren't a janitor, Donny.

I was Kelly Pickler's janitor.

I love d*ck Pickler.

I'm sorry, Devin, but you have been eliminated.

Please head over to the roulette table and take a seat.

Before you know it, Donny had his six right up on the platform and he was the winner.

That was probably the saddest moment of this game for me.

All due respect to Donny, he beat me fair and square.

Yeah, I was just fighting, dude.

It's down to Caleb versus Donny.

Donny beats Devin, but I have to guarantee my safety in this house because I have no idea where Donny's head is at in this game.

The winner of this round will determine who wins the power of Vito.

The number you're playing for is…

I took out one big boy.

I wanted to take out both big boys.


The quickest route to return back to your platform and win with a two is…

I really have no idea what I'm going to do.

I'm not good with patterns, numbers, none of that.

And mama always says, son, you may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but at least you're in the box.

Congratulations, Donny.

You won the Golden Power Vito.

Thank you.

Yes, I won the Vito today.

That was hashtag oldmanbeatdown.

I wonder what I'll do with this.

I'm going to give you a long one.

Good job, buddy.

I am sweaty.

So this really stinks.

I'm still on the block, but in all in all, if my alliance step up, I'd be all right.

Coming so close to Vito and losing is a terrible feeling.

Now all I can do is sit back, hope, and pray for a miracle.

At this point, I have no idea what Donny's going to do.

If he decides not to use the Vito on Jocasta, he's going to make a lot of people unhappy.

He's going to blow up my game and his own.

Hi, girlfriend.

Are you better?

Somebody's not going home.



Jocasta's not going home this week.

It's okay.

It's going to be okay.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.


Jocasta's not going home this week.


When in this Vito, for Jocasta today, means the world to me.

Maybe now she can rest tonight and get well and not have to worry about sitting on the block.

A friend in need is a friend in deed.



It's bad enough that I'm on the block, but Donny telling me that he won the Vito and that he's going to use it on me made me feel 100% better.


Oh, I'm in the right spot.

Let me just get better.


Oh my God.


Christmas come early.

I feel really naughty.

I feel sick too.

I feel dehydrated.

I don't want anybody to see me getting emotional.

Anytime I put my head down and I see my daughter's name, it's written on my wrist.

I definitely feel like I let my daughter down.

Every daughter looks at their father like a superhero.

I wasn't her superhero.

No grade 10

The house should know what I'm going to do with it.

But these people are so paranoid.

Any little thing they run with it.

House guest, it's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Caleb and Jocasta has been nominated for eviction.

But I have the power to veto one of the nominations.

I have decided to use the veto to save you Jocasta.

You were too sick to compete and all I want is for you to get better.

I hate you too.

I hate you too.

Derek, you will have to name a new house guest as a replacement nominee.

There's a house guest that's proven over the last couple of weeks that is an extremely strong competitor.

But unfortunately hasn't played the best social game.

On behalf of all the house guests, Devin, take a seat.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

Now it's a huge relief for me.

My job as HOH has done this week.

All I have to do now is sit back and let the wheels go into motion.

I put myself on the block and if back door Devin doesn't work, B-Smoke cowboy walks out of that door.

I'm going to feel mighty stupid.

This is a very paranoid house right now.

Caleb is a target.

I am a target.

But this is big brother.

Anything can happen.

I would not be surprised if I'm still here come Thursday after the votes are in.

Usually I'm used to giving to people and people rarely give to me.

So this is so big for me.

I'm so used to giving and now I get to receive.

Praise God.

Thank you.

Thank you.
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