16x12 - Episode 12

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x12 - Episode 12

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother.

Caleb's obsession with Amber.

This kid just always happens to pop into the room

and just walk by to check up on her.

It's definitely starting to get under my skin.

Began to turn his own alliance against him.

He hates you.

But like, for what game?

No, because Amber likes you.

It's evident that Caleb is head over heels for Amber

and right now he's thinking with his heart

and his head's not in the game.

This could result in him becoming a big liability

and that could be a problem.

And they considered making a big move.

Do you think Caleb will?

I want to.

I think I'm a two.

It's a good move, it's a big move.

He's letting the girl cloud his judgement.

But there was still a bigger target on the block.

At this point, it's all in the house guest's hands.

So at the live eviction…

With 11 votes to evict, Devin, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

Devin kicked rocks, pun intended.

A devilish battle for power began.

The competition begins now.

But winning this competition is gonna be hell.

Gosh, dude.

Which house guest will become the two heads of household?

Plus, how will Derek, Frankie and Donnie react to their next Team America mission?

All this right now on Big Brother.

Yo, Shoddy, what's your name is?

I'm Derek.

You feeling good?

Yes, I feel good.

Good boy, good boy.

Look at this.


So the goal of this HOH is to pass your deviled eggs back and forth, up and around and into their egg holder.

The first team to get all 12 eggs in their assigned holders wins HOH for the week.

It's all good, it's all good.

You're eating later in the HOH room, which is gonna be your room.

This time I'm staying in there.

Yes, you are, girl.

Good job, Brittany.

Good job, Dacosta.

Last week was rough for me.

This week gives me a chance to come back.

We just really want to see our kids.

And we're telling ourselves that we can do it.

Somebody wants me to see their babies.

Slow and steady, slow and steady.

Gosh, dang it.

Tell me when.

You got it?

You sure?

I have got to win.

I've already been nominated twice and I want to make sure I'm not nominated for the third time.

Take your time and rest your fingers.


This competition is literally my version of hell.

So check this out.

I've got man hands.

And this is k*lling me trying to move my big old hands through this chicken wire.

These maneuvers aren't working.

Oh, come on.

This competition is for the birds.

Slow and steady wins the race for this one.


Slow and steady is faster.

Brittany and I's strategy in this game is to be extremely meticulous

as we maneuver the egg because I tell her I'm a klutz.

I'm clumsy.

Looks like somebody wants to see their family.

Donny and Hayden with two eggs.

Dip those fingers under.

Nice and easy.

Beautiful, girl.

Oh, I love you, Amber.

You ready?

Is it good?

Brittany and Jocasta pulling out to an early lead while double fisting those eggs.

We got Cody and Frank with two working on their third.

At the start of the competition, Frankie and I's strategy is just to bring one egg through the entire crate

and get it over to where it's supposed to be.

But then as we start hearing other teams are really starting to pull ahead of us,

we decide that we need to put two eggs in play at all times

to try and catch up and pass those teams that are ahead of us.

We'll figure it out.

We got to figure it out.

We got to.

We need to win this.

Victoria and Christine have zero.

Nicole and Caleb have one.

Brittany and Jocasta, five eggs.

Amber and Zach have two.

Donny and Hayden also with two eggs.

And Cody and Frankie have two eggs as well.

Ooh, that's a drop for Jocasta.

There you go, coach.

Take your time.

You're still not there.

That's what you got to do.

That's what you got to do.

Just like Frankie's doing.

One hand above the other, not side by side.

One hand above the other.

It sounded like Derek was coaching Cody and Frankie.

I know Frankie's part of Team America, but I am too.

Hey, where's the love over here?

Now you're looking like studs.

Victoria's dropping eggs left and right.

And she spends a lot of time on her makeup and hair,

so I assumed her fingers would work a lot better than that.

So I'm trying to keep my focus in this game,

but I hear eggs going down like crazy.

I just knew it was Victoria over there.

I just knew it.

You definitely have to be extra careful in this competition.

Victoria was literally cracking under the pressure.

Victoria needs someone to egg her on.

First team to 12 eggs wins HOH.

Looks like Zach and Amber are in the lead.

Brittany and Jocasta placed their eighth egg with two on the way.

We got a good race here, people.

Cody just placed the ninth egg for Frankie and Cody's team.

I have to win this HOH, and I have to stay HOH.

I let Devin control my game and my HOH last time,

and this is my chance to do it over.

Frankie and Cody placed their tenth egg.

You guys are getting close to that dozen.

Amber and Zach take the lead with their eleventh egg.

We got this, girl.

We got this.

Amber and I are neck and neck with Cody and Frankie.

There's one reason why I'm competing,

and that's for my little broski.

I'm bringing home the paper.

I'm going to be in that HOH room looking at that monitor

down to all my little minions who I'm going to pick off one by one

on the way to 500K.

It's neck and neck between Frankie and I and Amber and Zach.

I thought we were one up on everybody throughout this competition,

so I know that Frankie and I really need to kick this up to the next gear.

We're down to the final egg.

You want to hold it with your left hand and then come down with your right hand.

It's all on you now, girl.

You ready?

Congratulations, Cody and Frankie.

You won your competition.

I'm the new HOHs this week, baby.

I'm with my man Frankie.

I get to hear from my family.

I couldn't be more happy this week right now.

Not only am I totally bummed out about losing the competition,

but I also have a huge pit in my stomach because I really don't know where I stand

with Cody and Frankie.

Well, I'm the new HOH in town and I think it's going to be a hell of a good week.

Because you're both great.

You're both great.

We decided to keep Caleb over Devin this week because he definitely is a number for us.

But now me being HOH, I know that I've been catching a lot of weird vibes from Caleb lately.

And I'm just kind of waiting to see how the cards fall this week because essentially I don't have a set target.

I can't believe it.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

We're golden.

Oh yeah, we're gold.


Pretty, pretty, pretty in your car store on this one.

As far as I'm concerned, the b*mb squad is over.

With that being said, we're still going to kind of work together as a crew because in this game,

it's crucial to have the numbers.

And right now we have them.

So as long as we do, we need to hold on to that.

I want to say something.

Yes, I will bang you.

Second of all, I'm extremely happy you are here.

Not only because you get to see your family, but because I'm safe for the week.

That's the most important thing.

And I'm safe for the week.

And this is Derek.

Okay, but listen, I'm already thinking how it's going to go.

Who's going to be the fourth knock?

Because obviously it's Victoria.

I have a thought.

I'm not saying anything yet.


I don't want to say anything yet because I want to be just happy for a hot minute.

You're going to have to put up someone.

I know.

I know.

But we'll see.

How do you feel?

Well, I never feel safe.

I don't feel safe.

I know I'm going to be up there again.

I hope not.

I just know they're going to put me on.

In the back of my mind, the b*mb squad still does kind of exist.

So I feel like I have a great chance at being put up on the block because I'm not a part of the b*mb squad.

It's emotional in here.

In this room?

In this house.

It just always makes me really uncomfortable each time somebody becomes HOH.

Just put your happy face on.

I know.

Don't let them see you bothered by it.

And if you and I are up, I hope we have good partners because if you pull yourself off, you're safe for the week.

Frankie is in Team America with me and Cody is a friend of mine.

However, these two were both told to me as being in the eight person alliance.

Makes me a little nervous.

Oh my God.

Look at how hot my mom is.

This is my mom and me and my little sister.

This is not even Halloween.

This is just like a random day in our house.

This is how crazy we are.

I haven't told anyone in the house that my sister is Ariana Grande.

So when I walk into my HOH room, I'm really happy that my family sent this tiny picture with a little baby Ariana Grande wearing skeleton makeup so that I can keep my secret safe.

This is my brother and sister.

This is last year.

That's gotta be my mom.

My dad and I, we are extremely, extremely close.

And I don't think I've ever gone this long without seeing him.

So seeing a picture was amazing to me and meant the world.

I want to hear the letters.

Let's do it.

Let's do it.

Dude, I'm so proud of you.

Remember, even though you're on the other side of the country locked in the B.



I'm with you every day and night.

Hurry up and win this game as I'm alone in the house with just mommy and Angelina.

Ah, read that line to yourself.

Read that line to yourself.

Not out loud so they don't town me.

Love you, Daddy-o.


It's for my sister.

Dear Frankie, I love you and miss you so much.

I'm a nervous wreck, but I know you're k*lling it.

Whenever I'm faced with an obstacle, I think of you and it makes me laugh and it gives me strength.

I hope you are staying strong and happy and are sharing your light.

I love you.

Be strong.

Love, Ari.


That's exactly what I needed to hear right now.

Cuddle sesh on the hammock right now.


Hayden and Nicole.


It's kind of funny that all five of us are in here right now.

Why is it funny?

It's just funny because the b*mb squad was originally eight people.

Essentially Caleb, Amber, and Devin are out.

This is kind of the residuals.

We're actually five.

We're actually five and this is the five.

Because the eight-man alliance was a mistake in the first place.

So, Devin is out the door.

Caleb and Amber are too much drama to deal with.

So, what's left of the b*mb squad are these five people.

And these five people I really want to work with actually until the end.

So, it's perfect.

Five person thing can work.

Yeah, and this can get us very far.

So, if we solidify this and we give it a name and we make it official and we all have each other's back no matter what till the end, we're all going to get very far in this game.

The b*mb squad is dead.

It's time for Zach Attack to make a huge move and solidify an alliance of five strong players to help this guy win this game.

So, what's five are going to be like we're going to be set in stone with a name.

I love it.

Yeah, we need to do this right now.

This is exciting.

This is exciting.

Let's not f*** this up squad.

Yeah, let's just…

That's what our name is.

The jiggly jokers.


That's so stupid.

The jiggly jokers.

Guys, why don't we…

Fine, Christine.

You got any better deals?

No, I don't have anything better.

The b*mb squad was a good name.

Jager bombs.

How about the detonators?


I like that a lot.

For all of you keeping track at home, that is now two alliances that have just fallen into my lap because I've been in the right room at the right time.

That's awesome.

Yo, come on.

Do something.

Come on.

All right, you guys work on this.

You gotta come on.

Wait, what's the detonator?

You know how when you turn the keys together?

That's kind of cool.

As sad as this is, I don't think I'd feel comfortable doing anything in this house with a girl.

Dude, honestly, if it was under the covers, I'd go at it.

Me too.

Well, here's the thing.

Is that their parents are watching.

I'd rather just think about Zac Efron like I do every day.

He is the man.

Zac Efron's the hottest person on earth.

That's literally my man crush.

I decided the second I saw him in…


No, in the movie…

In what movie?

High School Musical.

No, it was the one where he switched bodies.

Zac Efron is the man because this guy probably got the most swag.

He is completely shredded.

He's hilarious.

He's just probably a boy on all sorts of levels.

And then the one where he was a soldier and came home.

You know what I'm talking about?


He's a soldier.

He comes home from w*r.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Goes to find the woman whose picture.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

He found a picture at w*r.

You watched the worst movie.

It's a romantic movie.

I'm all about romance.

I don't like romance movies.

Oh my God.

Rose, dude.

The sparkle picture.


No, not even close.

So a lot of people might think, you know, Zac Efron is soft.

You know, he's in High School Musical.

Then he was in Hairspray.

But I want to be honest, if you've seen him recently

and you run into this guy's chest and abs,

you might shatter into a million pieces.

In Neighbors, I was like, it was like official that he is


Straight up close-minded.


He got big thick eyebrows.

Zac Efron?

And he got the thick bushy.

Yes, he does.

He is more attractive and I don't have a man crush on him

except for the fact that I do.


And everybody knows it.

No, my man crushes.


Leonardo DiCaprio.



Team America, it's time to go on your second mission.

America wants someone who Team America believes

is a physical threat to go on the block.

You must inform your fellow Team America members of this mission.

The rest is up to you.

Good luck and God bless America.

Thank you so much, America.

I will not let you down.

This is Frankie of Team America signing off

and heading out to battle.

Almost time.

I gotta get warm.

I'm freezing.

Team America, we have a new mission for the week.

It's kind of crazy.

We have to put a physical threat up on the block.

This mission is going to be really difficult for me

even though I'm HOH because I'm aligned with pretty much

every physical threat in this house,

or at least they think I'm aligned with them.

And for me to put one of them up,

it might throw a little bit of a wrench in my game plan for this week.

Per the mission, there's no doubt Amber is without a doubt

the strongest physical team, you know, could better the hell.

Absolutely, no doubt.

And we still have to put Amber up because we are

in somewhat of an alliance with her.

This is going to be a hard task to pull off,

especially for me and Frankie.

The physical threat is going to come from the original b*mb squad,

but bottom line is, when it comes to alliances,

Team America comes first,

and we'll do whatever it takes to get this mission done.

We just have to get Donny to agree that Amber is the physical threat.

We agree together.


It has to be a physical threat.


So it's like a guy.

Well, what we're thinking,

the strongest physical girl threat right now, hands down, is Amber.

She's definitely a physical threat.

She's the strongest girl here, by far.

Oh, by far.

I feel pretty good about this mission because Frankie is already head of household.

Okay, bye.

A good deal.

Thank you.

I just wanted to talk to you because I know you're close with everyone.


And I know, like, these weeks are going to get harder

because we're all friends.

I don't know who you guys are going to put up,

but it's not that I don't feel safe,

but I know that I have a good possibility.

It's just like everyone else probably feels the same way.

I never go into the week always feeling safe.


But I'm like the girl that doesn't throw myself at Cody.

All the girls are younger, so they're always, like, all over him.

Right, I know.

So I always feel like,

I feel like the old girl in the house, to be honest.

Like, I don't know where I stand.

Brittany is telling me all this information and confidence,

so obviously I will keep it completely to myself because this is big brother.

I'm just kidding.

I'm going to go tell Cody right now.

Brittany told me downstairs, she was like,

I think Cody's going to put me up.

Did you ask her, like, why?

Yeah, well, she was like, I think it's just because I don't, like,

you know, follow him around, like all the other girls in the house.

I wasn't, like, how, like, you know, like, I'm, like, just not going to do that.

So I think because, like, all the other girls are, like, all over him and I'm not,

he probably feels that way.

Really, because that's personal.

He used to mention anything in that game.

It was all personal.

She said she wasn't going, like, essentially, that's why I'm, like,

really pretty, basically.

It's really insulting that Brittany would even mention,

I'm going to make my nominations based on girls coming up and flocking

and flirting in my room because that kind of says a lot about me as a person,

that I'm just going to make my nominations kind of stupidly in this game.

For her to say that is just downright insulting.

I'm so pissed off that Brittany would say that to you.

Grow up like you're Tony Niner.

I don't think that's a high school response.

How long have you been up for?

I haven't gone to bed yet.

You haven't gone to bed yet?


I tried to, but I couldn't sleep.

I really don't care anymore, to be honest.

Yesterday was, like, my last day of caring.

I don't know why.

I'm just kind of over it.

That kind of sucks to hear when…

I just, like, I can't deal with, like, the fakeness and, like, the, like,

the lies and the bull.

And maybe I'm just, like, too old for all of it.

I don't know.

I just feel like it's exhausting.

Tell me if I'm incorrect in saying that.

You said that I would be making my decision based on girls chasing me around the house

and you didn't want to be able to kiss my house.

I'd say that that's how you'd be making your decision.

I would never make my decision based on girls chasing me around the house.

I just threw a comment out there.

Brittany and I are friends, but essentially with all this extra drama that's kind of unnecessary,

it's kind of making my nomination process a lot easier.

Like, if you were up there and I wanted to talk to you, I would have literally been like Brittany.

And it really handles things different, so if I'm wrong with that, then I'm wrong with that.

You can get those hair in this.


In your eyebrow.

Yeah, no, I need to get them done.

It's so hard in a way.

I'm kind of glad I'm not age-o-age because we're kind of all starting over again with difficult.

I want to shut this so we can talk louder.


That pushes my buttons, man.

I just feel bad.

Like, I don't want Caleb to get pissed off.

Oh my God, he's not gonna piss off.

Are you serious?

I know, basically.

Are you acting like I'm in a relationship with somebody?

I know.

You're like my best guy for an adult.

I know, but like, I feel awkward.

Well done.

Well, I do.

Caleb is definitely a threat to my game based on a personal level, and putting him on the

block this early would draw a huge line in the sand, but I'm definitely having that thought

in my head a lot more than I was in the past.

What's your deal with her now?


I think it would.

We look good for the house.

You better not do it.

That's fine.

Do it.

So in order for Team America to be successful this week, I need to get Amber on the block.

So I'm trying to test the waters and see where Caleb really is with me potentially putting

his boo up on the block.

I wouldn't do it if you didn't want me to.

Stuff like that.

That's why I don't trust him.

No, that's that right there.

I'm sitting right here and they close the door.

It's like, I know.

If we're in the same lines, why are you closing the door?

She's trying to play me and it ain't going to work.

You were the only person I was nervous about.

You worried about me because of that?

I'm over that.


That girl.

I don't have to cuddle with her this week.

Everyone gets their own bed.

We figured it out.

Except for the girls.

The six girls are in here.

Six girls in this room.

Who's hitting Victoria?


So Julie told us that there's no have nots this week.

That means that the bed situation is up for grabs.

But no one, and I mean no one, wants to bunk up with Victoria.

Why can't they just have it?

Oh, yeah, they've got it in there too.

They've got it in there too.

No, we've been sleeping together since.

No, me and Brittany are going to sleep in the rock room.

When it comes to bedtime, Victoria is high maintenance.

She's just a ton of work and keeps you up at night.

So nobody wants to sleep with her.

We're sleeping in the rock room.

I don't mind, I don't sleep with Victoria.

Amber and I are sleeping in the rock room.

Okay, I'll sleep there too.

So you and Christine can sleep together.

Victoria, you can have your own bed and Jocasa can have her bed.

And it doesn't matter.

I just, you don't bug me at all.

I'll sleep with you.

Wait, what?

Victoria, you don't bug me.

Yeah, I know.

And I don't think you bug Amber.

No, it's not.

Kidding me?


You don't bug her?

Oh my goodness.

Make me.

This whole bed situation is ridiculous.

It's getting spun out of control.

And I just have to talk to Victoria one on one and clear some things up.

So what happened was, Nicole was like, no, I can't sleep with her.

Amber was like, oh, I can't sleep.

Oh really?

It's that much of a big tune to sleep with me.

Oh my gosh.

I have to sleep with myself.


Oh my God, this is hilarious.

No one wants to sleep with me in a bed.

Who knew?

I'm just so hurt by everyone.

And I'm honestly over it.

I don't trust anyone in this game.

People who are just like finding the stupidest reasons to like…

Oh my God.

This is hilarious.

Let's go out there.

There's nothing in the world.

Okay, I'm gonna use the restroom.

Thank you.

So am I going off?

I think so.

Are you serious?


There's no going home.

There's no way.

There's no way.

There's no way.

I do not want to be sitting on the block.


That's the only thing.

Like I don't want to like lose BOB and be on the block.


That's my only thing.

Be strong and it's going to be totally fine.

I'm still the HOH that's nominating her.

So I want to get as little blood on my hands as possible.

I'm hoping that if I'm super honest with her, it'll minimize blowback if she does come off the block.

Why me?

Why not Christine?

Well, because you're brave and you know, you're going to kick ass and you're going to do it.

Christine's not brave and Christine's not going to kick ass.

We're getting really close to nominations and Frankie just comes out of nowhere with this plan about me being a pawn.

I don't know if I really like the idea.

Why can't any of the guys go as a pawn?

Why does it have to be a girl?

You know what I mean?


Why are they being like chicken about it?

Because they're guys.


Our responsibility as the heads of household is to each nominate two people for eviction.

So the process of nominating two houseguests definitely is really, really tough.

Even though you don't really have a game relationship with them, it still doesn't feel good to put some of that you actually are like friends with on the block.

So in order for Team America to be successful this week, I need to get the physical threat on the block.

But whatever I do this week is going to potentially put a target on my back for weeks to come.

This is a nomination ceremony.

It is our responsibility as heads of household to each nominate two houseguests for eviction.

Based on a random draw, I will reveal my nominations first.

The first houseguest I've nominated is…

The next houseguest I've nominated is…

The next houseguest I've nominated is…

I've nominated you, Victoria, and you, Bernice.

You know, with a lot of the stuff that's gone on in the house for the past couple weeks, I base this nomination just on kind of not knowing where you guys are at in the game.

With that said, I really hope you guys have a special look at the top of the block.

The first houseguest I've nominated is…

The second houseguest I've nominated is…

The next houseguest I've nominated is…

I've nominated you, Jocasta, and you, Amber.

Jocasta, you're one of the fiercest persons I have ever met in my entire life.

And Amber, you're one of my best friends in the house, and one of the strongest physical competitors.

And I hope you will still take me as your cuddle buddy.

But this is all said and done.

You know how much I love you guys.

You know how difficult this nomination was.

And with that, this nomination ceremony is adjourned.

Cody nominates me, and his reasoning is very insulting.

He's comparing me to Victoria, which myself and a lot of the other houseguests don't understand her purpose for being here.

If she's even playing the game, I'm furious.

I'm so sorry.

They nominated me last week.

I figured they'd do it again this week because this alliance, either you're in or you're not.

And obviously, I am not.

So I am absolutely hands down, determined to fight in the Battle of the Block.

I'm just really bummed that I am on the Block on the second time.

There are so many power moves to make.

And the fact that they're nominating me again just makes it almost pathetic.

I don't care that I'm nominated because whatever is what it is.

You're just kind of like an innocent bystander, not me.

I mean, like, you're not like a target to go.

It's a fresh drink.

I know.

I'm sorry.

Anytime you have to hurt somebody's feelings in this game, you know, I know it's part of it, but it definitely takes a huge toll on you.

If it's my time to go, then I'll go, but I'm going to fight my heart out.

I know you're going to, and it's definitely not your time to go, so…

I just didn't think I'd be on the Block again this morning.


I'm going to be on the Block.

That's too good.

Let's go for it.

$5,000 for you, America.

She's on the Block.

That's too bad.

That's a good speech, right?

Perfect speech.


You're doing okay.

I'm tired of being a blood flower.

I know all of these things.

I can't sax them up.

I can't Derek.

I can't any of the other guys.

Why me?

Especially if they're trying to hide it, guys.

I'm not doing a perfect job.

I think I want to talk to you in the cold and make sure that us three are good, because I think that we need to start talking.

If they're playing this way, I can play this way.

You know, the same way too.

We can play the same game.

I really, really trust Christine, and I think with her by my side that we can get some of these guys out of the house.

Girlfriend, you guys are fine.

I don't think it's fair that I'm like getting up with Victoria again.

It's like a sock in the face.

You compare me and Victoria, that's like broccoli and apples.

I couldn't have compared you guys.

I'm sorry.

I have every reason to be freaking pissed.

Dude, I've sacrificed everything.

We know.

I've sacrificed a hell lot just to be put up on the block every damn week.

You're not going to compare me to somebody that's not even trying.

It's definitely insulting comparing me to the weakest house guest.

At this point, my blood is boiling, and it's just adding more fuel to my fire of how much I want to win the battle of the block to stay in this house.


You good?


I can tell.


We walk outside for the battle of the block.


There's boats, there's cannons, there's a backdrop of the ocean.

I'm in my pirate gear, basically feeling at home with this competition.

Should have shaved my chest.

Oh, well.

We don't know how to play chess.

Dang it, Donny.

I knew I should have played chess with you when you asked.

I asked you if you wanted to learn.

Welcome to the kingdom of Big Brother Dome.

In this battle of the block, Frankie's nominees will battle Cody's nominees.

The winning pair not only earn safety for the rest of the week, but will dethrone the HOH that nominated them.

Warriors, you must move like a knight does in chess, either one square vertically and two squares horizontally, or two squares vertically and one horizontally.

Once you land on a square, it becomes out of play and no one can land there again.

Run out of moves, you're out of the game.

The last team with a knight standing wins the battle and vanquishes the HOH who nominated them.

Are you valiant warriors ready to get medieval and play knight moves?


This is now my third time being on the block.

I've been on the block more than anybody in the house, and I'm just tired of it.

The same people are running the house.

I just know I have to win this competition and just try to change things.

Going into this battle of the block, I just need to prove that all these guys that keep putting me up, that I'm not going to stay on and you're just going to become my next target.

Based on a random draw, Jocasta, you'll make the first move.


This game is pretty simple.

Each player can move in the same way that a knight would on a chessboard, which is an L shape.

Whatever space they land on is now out of the game and cannot be landed on again by any of the other players.

Once you have no moves left, you're out of the game and the last person standing will win the battle of the block.

So first move, everyone goes around the board and everyone does the exact same thing.

Either they're all diabolical geniuses or they all just did exactly what the person before them did.

I'm leaning towards the latter.

I don't know what to do.

My partner doesn't know what to do.

So my strategy is to pray because prayer is the only thing that will help us in this game.

One and then two.


One, two, three.

Yeah, but you have to step back over here.



No, no.

Over here.

One, two.

Go, one, two.

I definitely do not know how to play chess, but at least I know how to move in a L shape.

You could go one to your right and then up to your left.

Here I am going after Victoria and Brittany.

And what do I do?

I trap myself.

I have no more moves.

It's up to Amber to win this battle of the block for us.

Sorry, Jocasta.

You have been eliminated.

So Jocasta gets eliminated.

So now it's Brittany and Victoria versus Amber.

I bet Amber right now is sweating so many b*ll*ts.

She wished I was up there in my knight in shining armor protecting her butt this week.

Amber, you're up next.



And now I have no more moves.

Sorry, Brittany.

You have been eliminated.

It's down to me and Amber and I'm just extremely nervous.

There's red all around me.

I'm just praying that I can win this thing and that she doesn't take this.

All right, Victoria.

It's your turn.

Amber's going to go here.

Amber's going to go to that one.

Victoria's going to have no more moves.

I have no more moves to make.

Dang it.

Congratulations, Jocasta and Amber.

You guys win.

Amber and Jocasta won the battle of the block.

This is awesome.

You put us up.

Now we took ourselves down.

What Frankie?



Jocasta and Amber.

Get it.

I got your back, right?

Good job.

Sorry, Frankie.

You have been dethroned.

It's time for some tar and feather.

I am dethroned as HOH, which kind of sucks, but I get to compete next week in HOH.

And I'm pretty sure Cody's got my back as a fellow detonator.

My hair!

Even though I'm still on the block and I'm not safe this week, I have high hopes of winning the veto.

I know I'm not going to give up and something has to be done to turn this house around.

I'm still the HOH, so my nominees are staying on the block.

But I have my eye on a few people and things change by today in this house, so I don't really know what's going to happen.

Who will win the power of veto?

And will it be used to save either Brittany or Victoria from the block?

Find out Wednesday at 8, 7 central on Big Brother.

Thanks for watching.

Thanks for watching.
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