16x13 - Episode 13

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x13 - Episode 13

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother…

Frankie and Cody each became the heads of household.

And they officially dissolved the b*mb squad.

Essentially Caleb, Amber, and Devin, they're out.

Solidifying a new five-person power alliance.

I'm a blue detonator.



Team America had a new mission.

America wants someone who Team America believes

is a physical threat to go on the block.

So they decided Frankie would target Amber.

The strongest physical girl threat right now, hands down, is Amber.

Don't foul forward.

After Brittany told Frankie she wasn't planning to kiss up to Cody…

But I'm like the girl that doesn't throw myself at Cody.

Frankie immediately ratted her out.

I'm so pissed off that Brittany would say that to you.

Putting Brittany in Cody's crosshairs.

I would never make my decision based on girls chasing my arms.

I just throw a comment out there.

It's kind of making my nomination process a lot easier.

But Caleb's obsession with Amber…

It pushes my buttons, man.

made the cowboy a possible target for the soccer player.

Caleb is definitely a threat to my game based on a personal level.

At the nomination ceremony, Frankie did Team America's bidding.

I've nominated you, Jocasta, and you, Amber.

While Cody decided to go after Brittany.

I've nominated you, Victoria, and you, Brittany.

At the Battle of the Block…

I have no more moves to make.

It was checkmate for Brittany and Victoria.

Congratulations, Jocasta and Amber.

You guys win.

I win!

And King Frankie was dethroned.

My hair!

Tonight, who will win the power of Veto?

And will it be used to save either Brittany or Victoria from the Block?

Plus, will head of household Cody make a game-changing move?

I'm putting Caleb on the block.


Find out right now on Big Brother.

Do you have a question, Zac Efron?

Oh, oh, oh, oh…

Oh, oh, oh…

Oh, oh, oh…




I was like,

God, I'm not trying to tell you what to do,

but don't let me speak in tone.

These people don't have the people pick me up.

Yes, Amber and I just won the Battle of the Block.

Praise God, I'm so excited!

I told these boys not to mess with me, Jocasta.

Girl, these boys, man, they better watch out.

I am a tough competitor, and if they keep putting me up, they're in trouble.

I'm silly, HOHs this week.

My two nominees are staying on the Block.

So hopefully nothing really goes wrong in this POV,

because to be honest, I don't want to get any more blood on my hands this week.

I just got tarred and feathered and removed from HOH.

Oh, well.


It's bittersweet not being HOH for the week.

Brittany is still on the Block, and she's the target, so I'm cool with that.

Detonators are still in control of the house.

So I'm chilling.

Is everything okay, Brit?

I'm good.

You haven't been the happiest girl lately.

Happy to talk to me.

Talk to you about what?

Nobody's talking to me!

Everybody's acting like I'm-


Well, how bad do you want to stay here?

Well, you know what?

So I could just be put up next week again.

I don't trust anybody in this house anymore.

You don't trust anyone?

Not really, I trusted Cody, and look where that got me.

Up on the Block.

Just because I'm not shoving my s*** in his face.


The truth comes out!

Brittany is without a doubt the target for the detonators this week.

She can complain all she wants, but unless she wins the power of Vito,

there's nothing her, or her boobs, can do to save her.

She's going home, no doubt about it.

I'm all alone in this house.

All alone.

I just feel like I'm alone in this game.

Like I'm alone.

No one is going to have my back.

Like I need to look out for myself and myself only.

I look so stupid on TV.

I look stupid, like people are like-

People are like-

I bet you America's laughing right now.

I don't trust anyone in this game.

People are just talking smack about me and smiling to my face five seconds later.

This house is t*rture.

Who does that?

People who are my big brother.

That's pathetic.

It's on my hands.

Oh my god.

I'm freezing.

I'm freezing.

Oh, why are they so cold?

They're freezing.

So the HOH room has camera surveillance all throughout the house.

Well, I've been in the military, so this guy knows how to be stealth,

quiet, sleek, all that good stuff.

And I'm just going to see exactly what's going on up in that HOH room.

And what do you figure?

Home skillet's got his hands on Amber once again.

This just doesn't sit too well with stealth mode cowboy.

It doesn't even hurt that bad.

It just- it scares me.



What's Amber's?

They're genuinely code-ish.

One minute he's saying, you're my boy, I don't like her like that.

And I'm like, what?

But when I see him constantly with his hands on or something like that,

it makes me think otherwise, it's all like this.

And it's like-

But I'm not defending him in any way, but that's how he is with every girl.

If any girl would run into me like that, he would interrupt herself.

But I don't like any girl like that.

He should have the dignity and respect to say, Amber, I know how Caleb kind of has feelings for

you and stuff.

I don't think it's right to do him that way after he's done so much for you.


He's given you his blankets and you're freezing cold.


Put himself on the butt for you.

But that's basically a kick in the nuts and a punch to the freaking nose.

Honestly, the biggest thing is just putting a bigger target on his back.

Caleb, I got a little secret for you.

She's not into you, man.

There's plenty of other fish in the sea.

And on top of that, you know Cody's my boy.

I'm going to relay this whole conversation right back to him ASAP.

I need to be noticed that you're out here.

You okay?

Can't sleep.


Can't sleep.

Oh, you're irritated?

Join the club.


I'm just tired of the no appreciation.

I mean, I went on the block for her.

I've done all this stuff and not one time have I heard thank you.

She's just taking it off for granted and just taking it in and doesn't appreciate anything.

For the past week, I just feel like she's like riding Cody's back pocket and

it just, it's irritating to me.

And Cody doesn't talk to me sometimes.

And he thinks that I'm being distant.

It's just because I'm the girl that's not throwing myself at you.

You know what I mean?

You have five other girls that are on your lap and I'm not going to be on your lap.

You're 23.


I continuously keep on getting thrown on the block.

And now it's like, I could have won the challenges if I'm not put up with the weakest person.

And continuously every challenge I had to carry Victoria through.

Honestly, me, you have my vote to stay because I don't want Victoria here.

She sucks.

You have a girl that has 10 kids and she's busting her butt every day.

She's constantly in competitions.

She's on slop for two weeks.

She's doing this.

She's doing that.

I don't have 10 kids.

I know.

But who deserves to be here more?

It's so frustrating.

I hope you stay.

I hope you win the power of veto.

And at the end of the day, you can always talk to me.

Because I'm not against you in any way.

I definitely still don't trust Caleb too much.

But I know that it's definitely a benefit to have Caleb on your side.

Because a lot of people fear him in this house.

Caleb is really pissed at you.

I literally don't give a…

That he's pissed at me?


You shouldn't.

I just kind of want to upset him out of the house.


We should.

He's pissed at me over a personal thing because a girl you're creepily obsessed with…


He's pissed me off and he's becoming a threat to me in the game.

No, without a doubt, he even said you're putting a target in your back.

Oh, god, dude, that's just…

But he's alone in this game, which is good.

Because the only person who really, really knows that he has 100% is Amber.

So this whole Caleb situation is honestly driving me crazy.

He's definitely a number for my alliance.

But I know that it's only a matter of time before this kid is going to be coming after me.

Like, I don't want to be.

He's pissed me off in this game.

Hey, everybody.

It's time to pick players for the Vito competition.

Only six people will participate in the Vito competition.

The head of household, the two nominees,

and three other players selected by random draw.

Right now, I just want to see people from my alliance get picked for the power of Vito.

Really want to keep my nominations the same so that I don't have to get any more blood on my hands

and we can send Bernie packing.

Will the two nominees please join me up here?

I'm really hoping that Caleb or Amber get picked for the Vito competition

because they're really both strong competitors.

I've got a pretty good relationship with Amber

and I'm feeling pretty good about my chat with Caleb last night.

I, as head of household, and the two nominees will each pull a chip out of the box to determine

the three other players competing in the Vito competition.

As HOH, I will pick first.


It's time for Zach Attack to be the man like I've always been since the day I was born.

Win the power of Vito.

Bada boom bada bing, baby!


Ooh, house guest choice.

Okay, um, Caleb.

Bernie picks Caleb?

Like, where does that come from?

I only picked you because you look yummy in that shirt.

So now I'm over here being like, are they working together?

She definitely didn't pick him because he looks yummy in that shirt.

Like, trust me on that one.

Big brother will inform us on the competition is to begin.

Good luck!

That looks really sketchy that she picked me.

We were talking for like an hour and a half last night.


Yeah, I think Victoria should go home over her any day

because this girl's done nothing.

And that girl, she was on slot for two weeks.

She's competed like crazy to save herself.

She deserves to be here more than Victoria.

And when it comes to that, that's where the heart comes in.

You know what?

You're right.

Yeah, I mean, that's the toughest part of it.

Bernie picks him to play in the Vito and now he's sitting here

all gung-ho about keeping Brittany over Victoria.

So now it's really starting to make sense.

If this crab doesn't stop, I'm gonna have to definitely deal with this sooner

rather than later.

Right now we just look another POV.


Hey, everybody!

It's time for the Vito competition!

Grab your balls and meet me in the backyard!





we see soccer balls and a giant leg with a boot on them.

Someone's definitely gonna get kicked in the butt today.

Let's welcome the BB Cup competitors!

How's guests?

The World Cup may be over, but the BB Cup kicks off today!

I have your first piece of news from the outside world.

The winner of the 2014 World Cup is…

In each round, you'll launch your soccer ball at the giant soccer net.

After everyone has taken a shot, the players scoring the fewest points in each round

will be eliminated.

Before taking a seat, claim your trophy and reveal the prize hidden inside.

But don't get too attached to it, because the players eliminated after you

have the option of keeping their prize or trading for yours.

The last player standing will have their choice of any of the prizes,

including the power of Vito.

Who's ready to play?

BB Cup!

Victoria, you're up first.

Winning this Vito competition is huge.

If I don't win it, I might go home.

Hopefully the house will start accepting me and seeing me as a competitor

instead of just this prissy little girl that just likes to put on makeup.


Take that, suckers!

Oh, soccer!

Soccer's not a touchdown!

Victoria, you scored 50!

Damn, bro!

Cody, you're up next.

As the HOH, I need to keep the nominations the same.

I don't want any more blood on my hands.

There's no other option but to win.

Now, I was a former professional soccer player,

and so if I don't win this thing, I'm an idiot.



You suck.

I'm pretty much an idiot.

Kaleb, 20.

Zach, you scored a 50!


Oh, there's so little that we don't have soccer teams, soccer fields,

and we definitely don't have that giant leg-kicking torso contraption.

Is that a word?

Wait, contraption?


You scored 20!

All right, Brittany, you need to score a four or higher to stay in the game.

If I don't win this veto, then I'm pretty much guaranteed to be going home.



I let the ball go and bounces into the one.

My heart drops, and then I get lucky and it bounces over to the 10.

Sorry, Cody.

Please claim the sixth place prize.


Oh, there it is.


You currently have the veto!

I know, I'm not going to be holding on to this thing for long.

I've completely lost control of how this game turns out now.

Kaleb, you start off round number two.

You scored a five.

Nicole, you scored 20!

Brittany, you need a five or better to advance to the next round.

Come on, Britt.

Zach gets a five, and I think I got this.

Damn it.

Sorry, Brittany.

You scored zero.

The worst that can happen happens.

I'm just so upset with myself right now.

Victoria, if you can score a one or higher, Brittany will be eliminated.

You scored a 28 and stay in the game.



Out of all people, that fashion show, girl, is still in the game.

It just puts a lump in my throat and it kills me.

I'm sorry, Brittany.

That means you've been eliminated.

Go claim your fifth place trophy and reveal the prize.

Penalty kick.

For the next 24 hours, every time you hear the penalty kick whistle,

you must go to the backyard and give yourself 10 kicks in the butt from the Big Brother Penalty Kicker.

I would like to trade my penalty kick for the power of veto.

Go ahead and exchange prizes.

Swift kicks to the butt with the way that I choked in the first round.

I'm going to say I may deserve this one.

Round three.

You've scored a seven.

You've scored a 20.

You scored a 30.

All right, Caleb, you need a seven or higher to stay in this game.

Zach, go claim your fourth place prize.

Germany vacation.

I always want to take my beautiful girlfriend to Germany, so I think I'm going to keep the prize.


To all the single beautiful ladies in America,

if you would like to accompany Zach attack to Germany, it's free.

I'll be your girlfriend.

No, he's taking me.

Shut up.

I am taking Frankie.

I can't wait to go see my native country.

We're ready to begin round four.

Nicole, take your shot.

You scored a six.

You scored 22.

Caleb, you need a six or better to advance.


Nicole, you have the lowest score in this round.

Please claim your third place trophy.

Oh gosh.

Goal oriented?

You'll have to be goal oriented to accomplish this task

because you need to score 2,400 soccer goals in 24 hours.

If you fail to complete the task, you will not be able to compete in the next veto competition.

Would you like to keep your prize?

I am not keeping that.

It'd be awesome to go to Germany, but I'm going to trade this for the power of veto.

Thanks a lot, Nicole.

I'd really love to kick you 2,400 times in the head right now.

All right.

It's time for the final round.

One of you will win and have your choice of all of the prizes, including the golden power of veto.

The finals are Caleb versus Victoria?

Victoria, your shot.

I need to win this final round.

The houseguest needs to know that I'm here to stay and I'm here to win.

Oh my God.

That's the Victoria that I know in this game.

Sorry, Victoria.

That's a score of zero.

All right, Caleb.

It all comes down to this.

All I've got to do is hit a one or higher.

I think I got this.

I am just praying that Caleb can win this veto.

I have no idea if Caleb would use it on me, but it's pretty much the only chance I have left.

That'll do it.

Sorry, Victoria.

Please claim your second place trophy.


Would you like to keep your 5K or trade it for one of the other prizes?

Thank what's best for your game, Victoria.

Don't worry about anything else.

Nicole, congrats for $5,000.

Caleb, as first place winner, please claim your first place prize.

The Germatard.

In celebration of Germany winning the World Cup,

you get the honor of wearing the Germatard all week long.

So I know if I choose the Power Veto and don't use it,

my boy Cody would be pretty happy with me because he won't have to make a replacement nominee.

But quite frankly, that $5,000 cash is looking pretty good right now.

I got to take the five stacks.

Are you serious?

What are you doing?

Caleb is a dumbo of all dumbos.

He may have stirred up a little bit of waters.

I hope he has because Cody is going to have to nominate someone else.

I hope it's the dumbo.

Congratulations, everyone, on their prizes, especially Victoria with the Golden Power Veto!

I have the Veto and I'm safe for the week.

I am such a jewelry girl and I love accessories.

And guess what?

I think this is the best accessory I can ever get.

This is just amazing.

Victoria is obviously going to use the Veto on herself, which I don't blame her.

Caleb picked the $5,000 cash over picking the Veto to save me.

So I just feel really alone in the house.

So Victoria now has a POV, which means she's taking herself off the block.

So me as EHOH, I'm getting more blood on my hands.

And I'm just so mad at this point that I don't care if Caleb is in my alliance.

He's looking really good as a replacement.

Couldn't work out better.

Well, now Cody has to get blood on his hands.

I'm going to put him on the block.

He just stole 5G's.

He's going on the block.

Dude, I don't care.

Now Victoria is going to be using the Power Veto on herself,

so that means I'm going to be getting more blood on my hands this week.

I need to definitely think what's best for my game,

and it could be trying to get Caleb out right now when I have the chance.

Then Brittany stays here.

Snipe 5G's, Nicole, like grab the Veto.

Who am I going to put up?


If he's got a point, dude.


He's got a point, dude.

He's got a point, dude.

If he grabbed the Veto, he would have used it on Brittany.

If you wanted to use it on Brittany, he would have grabbed it.

You would fact.

Yo, you got a great point.

Well, I mean, okay.

Yes, it was stupid that Caleb took the $5,000,

but if Caleb goes up on the block, he will go home,

and we will lose an ally.

So stick to the plan, Rose!

I mean, I'm just, I'm going to obviously talk it out and think about it, but I'm just…


You okay?

No, I'm going home.

I don't know what's going to happen.

I'm pretty much screwed in this game.

Not only have I lost the Veto and failed at a chance to save myself,

but I have this freaking goal-oriented punishment.

Let's go, Britt!

Oh, that's easy.

That's easy!

Yeah, it's easy until you do it 2,400 times.

This is the best thing I've ever done.

This just really sucks.

So, Britt, you just have to do 100 per hour.

At least 2.

Not a chance.

No, make it easier for you, Britt.

Hit me in the face.

Okay, perfect.

I got 10!

Good job, Brittney!

Only 2,390 to go.

Penalty kick!

I have penalty kick, which is for 24 hours,

I'm going to have to take 10 kicks to the butt

every single time a whistle's blown.

Look at that shoe!

That is a big shoe.

Oh my god, this is the best day of my life.

Last one, right?

Yeah, let's do it.

Penalty kick!

Oh, yeah.

Here, let me rub it.

Oh my gosh.

Much better.

Nicole, please go to the diary.

Avitas ain't a miracle, because the next time you see me,

I'm going to be in a Germantar.

Hey, everybody, you want to see my Germantar?

You look so cute.

Dude, I got beer.

Yeah, you look good, Nicole.

You're such a cute German.

Nicole, you rock in that Germantar.

Am I?

Well, America, I'm in a Germantar.

I don't know how to drink this, I just have to…

Oh, it hurts so bad.

This punishment is definitely the hardest thing I've faced in my life.

I'm just in so much pain.

Good job!

This is the worst.

You know, I don't like talking the game.

I feel like it gets me in trouble sometimes, but it's time.

It's time.

We can't look past this week because I could go home.

You're not.

I don't want to be a pawn for any reason,

but I have a really good idea of who I'd like to see going to Block De Mar,

old beast mode cowboy, and I have a strong feeling I'm not the only one around here.

There's nothing better than a back door.

Oh, yeah.

And if he goes home, that would be super.

If Cody threw up Caleb, Caleb would for sure go home.

For sure.

Without a doubt, and I'm going to literally be like,

yo, why wouldn't you put up beast mode cowboy?

Because if he don't put him, he's just going to be cockier next week,

and he could win him a household.

Then who's he going to put up?

Maybe some tough boys.

Donny is speaking my language right now.

Caleb is a lovestruck, Froot loop, dingus, full again.

And if we can back door him this week, and I think we have the numbers to do it,

I would love to send him right back to Kentucky where he belongs.

Let me go inside.

Get turned up.

Turn up.

Well, I'm sure there was more other things I'd like to talk about,

but I guess I forgot them all.

Britney, 12 hours to go.

My feet hurt so bad.

Okay, here goes nothing.

Thank you.

All right, here goes three of these.

Will you sit over there with me?


Just take your time.

I'm not giving up, though.

I don't want you to.

Watching Britney, she was a trooper.

She was an awful pain.

I feel like my toes are broke.


I'm exhausted.

Come on!

Going crazy.

I'm completely losing it.

It just went off, right?

It didn't?


Honestly, I think there was one time I did it

that it didn't even go off, but I thought it went off in my head.

I just kicked myself in the butt 10 times.

Only 400 more.

You've got it easily.

My body is aching.

My big toenail is halfway on.

My feet are k*lling me.

Probably the worst pain I've been in in a long time.

Opening it up.

Want some more help?

You good?

I'm good.

I feel like every challenge I've had,

I've never really been able to kind of prove myself.

And if there are doubtful people in this house that question,

you know, how strong of a player I am,

I just kind of wanted to prove myself.

Bring it back, Donnie.

Bring it back.

This punishment is easily one of the most grueling punishments

I've seen on Big Brother.

You are not missing a shot right now.

Every shot's going in.

Every single shot.

Thank you.

Look it.

I picked up the pace.

You did it?


Moment of silence, guys.

We have to be detonators strong from this point out.

I just think we should send Caleb home.

I have more reason than any of you.

First of all, he put you in a terrible spot.

He didn't fight for the team by grabbing the veto.

My third one, and I think it's the best one,

he's going to swing it year before you get to swinging him

if you pass up this opportunity.

If you put Caleb on the block,

it's very possible that he will not go home.

No, no, Caleb will go home.

Put up Donnie.

Donnie's the obvious choice as a pawn this week.

He's not in our alliance,

and everyone likes him,

so it ensures that Brittany's going to go home.

Come on, Cody.

This is an easy one.

It's a layup.

First of all, I know that not a single person in this house

is on Caleb's radar except for me.

So me not putting Caleb up,

I'm benefiting everyone else's game and not my game at all.

I was just going to say that.

That was going to be my next point.

But this is it.

Donnie, putting Donnie up,

another thing that I'm doing is benefiting everyone else's game

and not mine because he's not from the right.

Caleb could have took the power of veto,

kept my nominations the same,

but chose to snag the five grand

and allow Victoria to keep the power of veto

to take herself off the block.

So now I'm on the hook for a replacement nominee,

and honestly, in this moment,

he's looking better than anyone in the house.

You could vote Caleb out this week,

but you're looking at face value and not long-term

because if Brittany and Amber stay together,

they're not good for our game

because you think they'll vote to keep you here,

they won't.

Caleb is a number on our side of the house,

and he's a very loyal number.

So it's not time to strike yet.

Sit back, Cody.

You have the numbers.

What up, Don?

What's going on?

If me and you can have like a frank conversation

that's between the both of us,

we can have a frank conversation.

That like I, because I trust that

you're not going to go anywhere with it.

I had a whole bunch of people in the room yesterday

and I was like, who am I going to put up on the block?

I don't want you to base decisions

off what other people in this house want you to do.

You don't have to give in.

You can play your own game.

Think about your family.

What they would want you to do.

If I didn't put Caleb up,

my brother would be calling me the biggest.

You're not looking like the bad guy yet.

This is the week where you draw the line in the sand.

So you have a big decision to make.

The biggest one yet, just do what you need to do.

If it's me, I will not hold it against you.

I will hold it against them.

Doesn't really matter what anybody else says at this point.

I'm not putting you on the block.

Sorry you're putting that position.

Donny definitely seems like someone that I could trust in this game

and keep in my back pocket.

And Caleb just showed me that he cares nothing about my game.

And so why does Donny have to go up on the block

when Caleb could definitely be an easy replacement?

Hello, Cody.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm putting Caleb on the block.

And honestly, I don't expect you guys to vote him out.

I'm not saying that.

Vote Brittany out.

Because I think she's a threat.

I don't want her coming after you.

I don't want her coming after you.

But I'm okay with Caleb coming after me.

All I keep thinking of is staring at his picture of my brother

and he'd be like, you're…

for backing down to this kid.

So for me, they kicked me, so he's gonna sit on the block.




Think this is a terrible game move.

Brittany is out to get all of us.

Caleb is out to get a date with Amber.

It's time for me, again, to do some damage control.

He's putting Caleb up.

See him, man?

He spoke to Cody this morning.

They flipped him.

He's in the DR.

I would grab him when he comes out, if you can.

Right now, I need to convince Cody within a matter of minutes

that he has to stick to the plan.

If he doesn't, it could be a detriment to all of our games.

Frank, you just woke up.

Yeah, I know.


A little weasel.

Bro, I just have gone to the point where I like literally…

I'm so pissed that I was in this situation because of this kid.

If I don't put him on the block, god forbid Donnie goes home

and Brittany stays.

Well, Donnie would never go home over her.

I think Caleb will go home.

I think me and you are gonna regret it.

If Brittany's gonna play us, bro.

If she stays in Wednesday to H, we might be up there

competing against each other if one of us is going home.

Where Caleb's not gonna put us up.

I'm not gonna put up Donnie who has done nothing but help everybody.

Either way, I support you.

You gotta do whatever this tells you to do.

It's my gut, dude.

Right now, I am going back and forth more times than I can count.

I don't know what I'm gonna do in this situation.

Do I nominate Caleb who sold me out for 5K?

Or am I gonna nominate Donnie who is just gonna go up as a pawn

and I can potentially lose his trust?

I literally have no idea what I'm gonna do with this.

Hey guys, it's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Brittany and I have been nominated for eviction,

but I have the power to veto one of the nominations.

I have decided to use the power of veto to save myself.

Cody, since I have just vetoed one of your nominations for eviction,

you will have to name a new houseguest as a replacement nominee.

Congratulations, Victoria.

I'm really happy for you, honestly.

With that being said, you know, being up here is kind of always a tough decision.

Getting extra blood on your hands kind of sucks.

And I hope there's no hard feelings in this situation because I love everybody in this house.

But I'm sorry, Donnie.

This veto meeting is adjourned.

Cody assured me that I wasn't going to be the replacement nominee, but bless his heart.

I think there's some other people involved that's in his ear and I aim to get to the bottom of this.

To me, it's just heartbreaking to have Donnie and I sitting side by side,

but I do feel like I need to kick it into game mode and lie, cheat, steal, and try to switch things up.

I'm so happy, so pleased that Cody did not go with his ridiculous ego.

Like, oh, I have to kick Caleb out because he screwed me over.

Sucks that Donnie's on the block for Team America, but it'll be fine.

It's a battle for a head of household.

It all happens live tomorrow at 9, 8 central on Big Brother.
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