16x16 - Episode 16

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x16 - Episode 16

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother…

Amber tried to form a girl alliance.

I want to talk to you in Nicole.

And make sure that I stay here.

But Christine quickly ratted her out to the detonators.

She wants to work with Nicole and I to get the boys out,

and that's their first target.

So after Zanki became the heads of household,

they wanted to back door Amber.

I've got one main target.

Her name is Amber.

So Zank came up with a plan.

In this BMP competition, we're gonna fall asleep and sh**t her.

Nope, I won't throw it.

Zank wants to nominate me along with Amber

and have me throw the battle at the block competition.

Hell no!

But when Christine refused, Zank wanted to teach her a lesson.

People that don't pull their weight in an alliance get left behind.

Or should I say, evicted.

So Team America used Zach's erratic behavior to attempt to accomplish their mission.

Get two houseguests to have an argument at either the nomination ceremony or the veto meeting.

After nominations were made…

I've nominated you, Jocasta, and you, Victoria.

I've nominated you, Christine, and you, Nicole.

Zach went on the attack.

It would be a picture of you holding hands with Gen City, basically irrelevant.

While you Fruit Loop Dingus, I bet you didn't see this coming.

It wasn't enough to accomplish Team America's mission.

The only opportunity we know is to fire it up again during the Power of Veto meeting.

But it was enough to start turning the house against Zach.

Right now, everybody is fuming at Zach and everyone in the house is Team Christine and Nicole.

At the battle of the block…

Come on!

Christine and Nicole were the blushing new victors.

Congratulations, that's a win!

Sending Zach off his throne…

And leaving Jocasta and Victoria wedded together on the block.

I'm going to fight for the Power of Veto to take myself off.

I'm probably going to have to talk to the old Jocasta.

Hey, girl, you still there?

Yes, I am.

Tonight, who will win the Power of Veto?

And will it be used to save one of the nominees?

Plus, will Team America cause a blow-up at the veto meeting?

Hold on, I want to say something.

It all happens right now on Big Brother.

My bad, Amber.

I'm Tom.

Yeah, it's got…

Now we have two weak players playing in veto.


My nominees lost the battle of the block,

which means I am the sole HOH for the week,

which means I can get on with my plan to backdoor Amber.

But two things need to happen first.

The veto needs to be used.

And we have to get Caleb on board.

Yeah, you or Donnie.

Because I don't think it'll look suspicious,

and he'll definitely use it on Jocasta.

Like, definitely.

So the battle of the block is over.

I'm dethroned.

However, couldn't be happier that one of my best bros

is sleeping up in the HOH pad still.

Frankie and I are tight.

We're gonna stay the course.

Amber has gotta go.


Yeah, I'm coming in there, so get ready.

Dude, we're safe.

I am so excited.

Christine and I just won battle of the block,

so that means we're safe this week.

Thank God Frankie has a HOH trip.

Oh, my God.

I want to exactly get hit in the face again.

He's an idiot.

He is an idiot.

I hate his guts.

I hate when we're going negative because this is the result.


So frustrating.

What's up, Mom J?


This freaking sucks.

Jocasta and I just lost a battle of the block,

and honestly, it was all her fault.

Are you okay, Victoria?

I'm not happy.

Being Victoria's partner is like being partners with a toddler.

I just wanted to say to Victoria,

you know what, we have to put on our big girl panties

and leave that where it is.

It's a loss, and we keep moving.

We can't cry over spilled milk.

I just was ready to win, but…

Just don't be sad.

Be happy with me.

I mean, this is all good.


Let's share a new alliance.

No, I'm done.

No more alliances for me.


If you're not with us, you're against us.

Okay, go for it.

We're the bros.

Us three and Amy, dude, we're the bros.

No way.

Should I go down there and sit with them?

I don't want to talk to them.

I'm just gonna sit there and make it awkward.

Christina and Nicole have knots this week,

and I'm feeling like I haven't agitated enough people today,

so I need my daily fix.

What are you gonna say?

You're not gonna say anything?

I'm just gonna eat a bunch of food in front of their face.

What's up, guys?

Just eating my beef jerky and starburst.

Oh, I forgot.

You're a have-not.

Oh, my God.

I love you.

Zach's always trying to stir the pot,

but who does he decide that he's gonna do it with now?

The have-nots.

The people that are sleeping in a freezing cold room on ice blocks

and can't eat anything at all.

And who he just put up on the block.

This kid is going so far overboard.

What's up, Zach?

What's up?

You guys want any starburst to be jerky?

What are you looking at me like that?

Why are you looking at me like that?

I'm not.

It's actually what's up.

Just trying to eat some slop.

I guess that's what you get for being lazy.

Zach is crazy.

He's a lunatic.

Why the heck am I still in alliance with this guy?

He is a mess.

He's a lunatic.

He's a mess.

Honestly, where are you with him?

I'm like straight up.

You started a five-person thing.

And you just threw one of them on the block the first chance he got?

He's Devin.

He's Devin.

I am worried about public opinion with him.

Because if you get the chance, everyone's going to want you to put him on the block.


If everyone in the house wants Zach gone, we would have to have that conversation.

If Zach doesn't stop running around terrorizing the countryside,

the villagers are going to start to revolt.

I think if you put him on the block, he would blow everything up.


Let's just try and make it a happy week while we still can.

It's been so traumatic.

Zach and I are working together in this game, but he's kind of driving everyone absolutely insane.

So I need him to calm down so that everyone doesn't start throwing his name as someone that I need to back door.

I feel like the easiest way, especially this week, is just to mend fences.

Just to make it easier on me.

I don't want people talking about me.

I don't want your name going around this week.

And if everyone comes up here and says Zach, Zach, Zach, Zach, Zach?



So I just want it on my mouth.

But I have a little problem.

I also have a mission to fulfill for Team America.

Get two house guests in a fight, and my last chance to do it is at the veto meeting.

So I need Zach to explode, but it has to be at the right time.

Yeah, maybe you could do another speech at the veto meeting.

Maybe I could what?

Do another speech at the veto meeting.

Oh my God.

Yeah, yeah, okay.

So I need to keep Zach quiet, but I also need him to explode for America.

And let's face it.

America comes first.

At the end of the day, I really don't care.

But I'll do that, you know, for me, for you, for us.

Hayden, you can please take a seat.

Be prepared to feel awkward.

Oh, I'm ready.

Well, this is it, America.

I'm almost out of the germ-a-tard.

It expires tonight at midnight.

Oh, snap.

Oh, dang, girl.


This is supposed to be awkward.

Nicole is a terrible stripper, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Not over.


You know what?

You guys stand up.

Oh, dang it.

I was supposed to go in town.

A little bit turned on.

Oh, yeah.

I hate this game.

I don't want to play anymore.

All right.

Side pocket.

Right out.

Victoria is kind of an outsider in this house.

She doesn't really have much knowledge of what's going on,

but she's a vote for me and for the people I'm close with.

So if we can keep her close enough to get those votes,

then, you know, it's better for all of us.

If you draw a house guest's choice tomorrow, would you pick me?


If you want me to.

What are they doing?

Are they making me a hole?

If I win POV, I will take you off the block.

But don't tell anyone.

Obviously, he must have been.

I just wanted to ask.

Yes, you.


Okay, hopefully I did.

Want to have a hot tub date?

I hate hot tubs.

Oh, fine.

I'm gonna work hard.

I had a good time with her.


But basically, I'm just like, stop crying.


Victoria, I see how she acts around Hayden.

It's kind of sketchy.

I think that she likes him.

And you know what?

I kind of like Hayden, so I want to know what she's been up to

or what they've been up to.

She's been there ever since I got home.

What did you get, sir?

I like to stop complaining.

Stop Hayden.

I've dropped you off the wall.


Oh, my gosh.

I would never.

I'm not in.

Derek, please go to the diary room.

Hey, I can't make this stuff up, so I'll just make it quick.

My grandfather passed away this morning.

So I don't want to, like, talk about it right now,

but you guys can read it if you want.

You guys can know about it.

I just need a couple minutes to myself.

What the…



Getting news of somebody passing that you are close with,

especially a grandparent, is never easy.

But when you're inside the Big Brother house,

it makes it that much more difficult,

because although I'm in this game,

real life is still taking place outside of this house,

and this just reaffirms that,

and it really brings a sad realization.

The worst of the funeral.

Not being there, but…

Derek's grandpa passed away this morning.



He just got the letter.

Derek's grandfather died.


Where is he?

Oh, man.

I don't want him to, like, leave.

Did the letter tell him to stay?



I'm happy.

Receiving a letter from my family,

and having them explain to me that they're very proud of me

and that they do not want me to come home,

reaffirms to me that I should stay here

for not only myself, but for them.

I'm gonna go down with a living arm.

Yeah, me too.


Oh, man.

I appreciate all of you.

It is what it is, right?

It's part of life.

Timing is terrible, you know?

My Pepe was a great man.

There's no doubt in my mind.

My Pepe will be with me for the rest of the game.

I have to use it in a positive way to kind of, like, motivate me.

This is for you, Pepe.

Just put some perspective on how much we're missing.

You know?

It's crazy.



Aren't you supposed to refrigerate these signals after they're open?

So me and Amber, we have this really good day.

It's the best feeling in the world to know that you're here.


Now, she wants to ignore me.

I'm good.




I have no idea why she's acting the way she's acting.

No one knows where Amber's head is, and I'm here to play the game.

And I'm not gonna run to Amber and say,

hey, can we talk because I don't really care anymore.

It does not hurt my feelings at all.

She doesn't deserve you.


I've wasted my breath for 38 days.

I'm not wasting it no more.

He ate a pickle for you.

That dude almost died.

I am no longer the romantic guy in this house.

I'm B-Smoked Cowboy.

Even if she tried to talk to me today,

I would just say, you know what?

Play your game, Amber.

Like, I have nothing to say to you, and it pisses me off.

B-Smoked Cowboy is coming in hot this week.

Who wants a back rub?

You want one first?


I don't need one, bro.

Are you serious?


I just want to give you one.

We're sleeping in the H-O-H bed.

Everything's perfect.

Hashtag Team Zanky.

I can just, like, sleep on you.

I know.

I love you.

Oh, God, we're perfect.

Too bad I'm not gay, right?

I would marry you.

I would absolutely marry you.

Frankie is one of my closest friends in the house.

I'm not gay, but if I was, he'd be my man for sure.

You'd be having the best sex of your life?

I mean, he tells me that it's straight,

but actions do speak louder than words,

and he is petting me to sleep every night, and I like it.

Good night, Team Zanky.

Good night, Zanky.

Zach, are you gonna make a move?

Come on.

Just do it.

What is this?

It's your head.


Good night.

I'll see you at the final turn.

Good night, Frankie.

I love you.

I love you so much.

Hey, everybody!

It's time to pick players for the Veto Competition!

Only six players will participate in the Veto Competition.

The head of household, the two nominees,

and three other players selected by random draw.

The primary goal for this week is still to backdoor Amber,

which means that I do not want Amber and I do not want Caleb

to be playing in the Veto Competition.

Will the two nominees please join me up here?

Hopefully Donnie gets chosen to play the power of Veto.

I mean, hey, he used the power of Veto on me before,

so if I can't win the power of Veto myself,

hopefully Donnie wins,

and he chooses to use the power of Veto on me.

As HOH, I will pick first.

King of the Veto, Donnie!

House guest choice.

I choose Ben.




allowed me to go on the block.

I am so excited to be playing in the POV.

I want to prove myself to the detonators that I'm not just a little girl

that they can push around.

I can win things, and I'm going to keep the nominations the same,

because I don't want Amber out.

They do.

Big brother will inform us when the competition is to begin.

Good luck!

Well, that was a good draw.

Literally, couldn't be better.

It's so clean and Donnie.

I can't believe that.

It's perfect.

It's actually going to be like a showdown.

Oh, yeah.

Which is awesome.

Does anyone want a breakfast sandwich?

Can we just get everybody back this week?


Everyone that has each other's back.

Oh, yes.


I think the nominations should definitely stay the same.

There's no one else that we can really put up on the block besides Donnie.

And I don't think that that's a good idea this week.

No more…

Shady business.

Yeah, at all.

I think it will be.

Yeah, because if we leave the nominations the same, then we have Donnie.


No, because there's no one else to really put them up.

Oh, Amber, don't worry your pretty little head about Donnie having to go on the block.

I would never put him up, because you're going up.

There's definitely three people that will use it.


Victoria, Donnie, and Jacissa.

The nominations just need to stay the same.

Well, hopefully one of the other three win it.


I can't even look at Amber right now.

You want to play around?

You not want to talk to the king of this house?

You want to turn your back on?

Then why are you here?


Just, Amber came down and sit in front of me, and I didn't want to sit in front of her, so…

No, you can come up here.

We're having a lovely time.

Oh gosh, Caleb.

What am I going to do with you?

She is not good news for you.

Just stay.

I'm going to stay away from her.

Please stay away from her.


That's all I'm going to do.

It's not good for his game.

It's not good for his soul.

It's not good for his life.

My plan is literally falling into my lap.

I'm like, come to me, Caleb.

You don't need that mean girl that doesn't appreciate you.

I'll take care of you, Daddy.

Don't stay away.


I'm going to play my own game.

Let Amber play hers.

No more romantic cowboy in this house.



Are you ready for the veto competition?


Okay, get into your chaps and load me to the backyard.


This is legit.


So I walk out into the backyard, beast mode cowboy's playground.

I see a bunch of horses, old cow skulls with some horns.

I see some saddles.

This is my saddle g*n.

And I'm thinking old beast mode cowboy's got this competition.

Oh, wait.

I'm not even in it.

Son of a biscuit.

That bad boy and snake scared the crap out of me.

This is real authentic.

I'm not a big fan of any kind of snake.

I mean, of course I knew it was fake, and it still scared me about Jerk the Creek Manette.


You and your posse of outlaws have pulled off the biggest heist in Big Brother history.

On go, rock your hips to get your horse galloping.

Once you've rocked your horse forward and back 60 times,

you'll have 30 seconds to dismount your horse and start stacking your gold bars on top of your giant horseshoe.

You must get back to your horse and start rocking before your clock hits zero.

If your clock hits zero, you're out of the game.

But you do have the opportunity to get back in the game by agreeing to go on slot for one full week.

The first Big Brother bandits to stack all 50 gold bars onto their giant horseshoe before completing 60 final gallops,

and hitting their button will earn the power of veto.

On your mark, get set, giddy up.


Yeah, yeah!

Oh yeah, Frankie!

In this competition, you have to gallop 60 times in order to get 30 seconds of time.

You then must grab your gold bars and run them to your horseshoe.

The first person to stack 50 gold bars, run back, do 60 more gallops,

and then run to their buzzer before time runs out wins power of veto.

Get it, Mama J, get it, Mama J!

I have only one goal, and that goal is to win.

I'm on the block.

She's called me.

Hello, it's the block.

So I'm ready to saddle up and win this power of veto.

All the house guys think that I'm just some princess living in a house,

but honestly, I'm a warrior princess.

And just in case these losers forgot, I won the veto last week, and guess what, guys?

I'm going to come and do it once again.

I want to remain in control.

This is Big Brother.

You can't leave anything to chance.

So if I hold that golden power of veto,

I know everything's going to be exactly the way I want it to be.

Hey, Nicole, are you busy later?

I can't see which way this would be best.

So I'm trying to figure out these bars, but it's really hard because you only have 30 seconds.

I really want to win this POV.

I want to prove to everyone that I can win the competition,

and if I can pull that off, I'll definitely be a hero.

I want these nominations to stay the same.

I want to put to my alliance the exact thing so he can just bully us around and get away with it.

He's got another thing coming.

I'm stacking them.

Do, do, do, do.

Keep building, keep building.

Maybe it's high enough so Jesus can lay his hands on my blocks,

because Lord knows I need my hands laid on me.

I don't want to lose.

My nether region was on fire.

It hurts.

I was sucking air and sweating b*ll*ts.

I actually began pulling for someone just to get this thing over with.

Good job, guys.

Let's go, Frankie!

Let's go!

I am way ahead of everyone else, and I'm thinking that I can pull this off.

My structure is going up smoothly.

I'm riding this horse like it is nothing.

Let's go, Frankie!

Oh, crap.

Let's go, Frankie.

I'm rushing, and time fails me.



I'm on my day!

I'm on my day.

So what do I do?

I take slop.

I can't give up.

I'm on the block.

Yes, I took it.

So at this point, I'm stacking up these bricks.

I got like 40 up there.

Oh, Frankie has dropped all of his bars.

Christine, looking nice.

Good job.

I saw Frankie's gold tower fall, and immediately I was like, I could seriously have a chance at this.

I really want to shake this game up, so it's really important that I win this race.

Clearly, I'm out of this competition.

I am a damsel in distress.

I am just rooting for my cowboy Hayden to win this veto for me.

At this point, I know my real competition is Christine and Jacosta.

Frankly, I don't want to see any of them win, because I want to be the master of my own fate this week.

Come on, Hayden!

My block comes tumbling down.

I saw Satan sitting over the side of me.

I was like, hey, no, I ain't going to hell.

I'm not going to let this little hiccup get me down.

Good job, Christine.

Drop that horse, Hayden.

Christine, out of nowhere comes galloping in for the lead.

I got to stick the spurs in, give the horse a little slap, and get a move on, because I need to win this.

I have all my bars stacked up, and all I have to do is go hit the buzzer.

Wait, are those mine?


We still have gold bars on the ground.


I didn't see that.

Hayden wins!

Good job, Hayden.

Hayden, congratulations.

You have won the golden power of veto.

Good job, Hayden.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


Look at this gold medal.

This cowboy set out to do a job, and I sure did get it done.

Womp, womp, womp.

I lose the veto, and now I'm on slop, and, you know, I have to be focused now on how to stay in the game.

Thank you, my man.

So Hayden wins the veto, and I'm like, oh, shucks!

But that's okay, because I'm hoping he's going to use it on somebody, and I can still back to our amper this week.

What are you thinking right now, dude?

I mean, there's literally a lot to talk about.

I'm only comfortable with back-dooring Amber.


Do you know if you're using it, though?

I'm going to use it on Victoria.

It gives us the option to back-door it.


This is the only way that I would put Amber on the walk, is if I have a long conversation with Caleb,

where I tell him the truth about Amber, the 100% truth, everything.

Yeah, yeah, do it.

Yeah, for sure.

If the plan is to back-door Amber, I have no problem with that.

I'll use the power of veto on Victoria, gain an ally.

I have no real relationship with Amber, so if she's the one walking out that door, fine by me.

No sweat.

For sure, though, like, it's gone.

I'm sorry.

Well, it's obvious that the show-mance that never was between Caleb and Amber is on the rocks.

And I know we need to get Beast Mode Cowboy on board with back-dooring Amber's pretty little butt this week.

I smell blood in the water.

Yo, Amber, what's going on with you and Caleb?

Yeah, you might have to…

you might have to talk to him.

Well, what's going on?

Just tell us.

I've already tried.

Like I said, I'm not going to…

I'm going to continue to go out of my way and you just ignore me.

Like I'm a human being.

I'm here.

Why'd you guys break up?

Oh, no!


I'm just…

I'm serious.

So is he just blowing things out of proportion?


She gave me everything I needed.

Next up, stir Beast Mode Cowboy's pie.

So when she was up there, she's like…

And she said, so I'll tell you, she goes, he's completely blowing everything out of proportion.

Like, he's not having a big deal.

Blah, blah, blah.

I was like, okay.

I was like, do you want me to try to talk to him?

And she's like, no, no, what's…

I don't care.

I'll walk.

She said she tried to talk to you.

Oh, and then she was like, she's like, I'm a human.

When he walks by me and acts like he ignores me, like I'm a human.

Blah, blah, blah.

I'm like, okay, I don't know what that means, but…

Damn, feeling a bit pissed off.

Come on now, Amber.


I think it's time to give old girl a good scare and get her back in line.

For a man to put all his trust in you and tell you things that he doesn't tell anyone else,

it's pretty ridiculous what you are doing.


Mission accomplished.

It is too easy.



Thank you.

I actually had one.

I didn't think about it, but…



She's just thinking.

So you know how Amber's kind of flying off the hinges, right?

Yes, I do.

And she's starting to become part of the rest of the house.

I've noticed this.

So how about let's convince Hayden to pull Jocasta off, put Amber up,

to make her think she's getting back door.

Make her think it.

Of course she's not going to,

but to bring her ahead back to the game and say,

okay, maybe I'm not as safe as I think I am.

These guys are really my only hope in this game, so I need to stick next to them.

Because really, she's floating to the other side.

She really is, Caleb.

If I want her to go home, I have the power to do that.

I run the house.

Quite frankly, her game is in my fingertips.

I'm actually surprised and happy that you said that to me.

I mean, like, this is a great, crazy move, and it's unbelievable.

But it's great.


Because at the end of the day, I know who she's going to come to.

That's why I think we should take this opportunity to scare the living

daylights out of her and pull her in and say, remember who you're with.

And then I already know, Caleb, I want to be here.

You know what?

And then I'm going to say, so now you're in need of safety,

so you come to Beast Mode Cowboy for safety.

Because quite frankly, I am the only person that can save you in this game.

What do you think?

I actually don't know who's more clueless as to what's going to happen this week.

Caleb or Amber, I might even pull off a double blind slide.

I think this might be the answer.

I mean, it's a great idea.

She'll get up there and blow us up, and we will vote for her to go home if she does.


Beast Mode Cowboy's back.

Oh, I love you.

This is the man that I love.

Oh, this is the man that I want to play this game with.

Don't come upstairs and chat.

Yeah, let me get your hat.


Hi, come in.

Oh, what up, guys?

What up?

I just finished saying that the three of us is still my number one priority in this game.

Our mission on Team America is to play puppet master and to get two houseguests to get in a heated argument for 20 seconds.

We didn't get her done at the nomination ceremony, so we got our eyes set on the veto meeting.

Well, the plan now is to have Zach blow up at Amber at the veto meeting.

But the deal is Amber's going to be put on the block.

If the veto is used, which is very likely, I'm going to back to Amber.

I think that that's a great idea.

I love her.

She loves me.

We're tight as country folk.

That's it.

I just want everything to be on the down low.

You can't get no down lower than you.

Yeah, okay, good.

So basically, when she goes up on the block and then Zach attack, we've already primed him, already prepped him.

He's ready to go to battle.

Our old buddy Zach is predictably unpredictable.

He has blown up several times before, so I think Zach's going to pull this thing out for us.

Don't tell me about it.

I want to be surprised.

That might be five, ten, fifteen.

I thought this was insurmountable.

I really can't wait because it's going to be very entertaining.

I get the best seats in the United States from inside the house.

Enjoy the show, America.

I know I will.

This is going to be good.

I think it's going to work.

Amber's there.

You guys can see up here.

Yeah, boom.


Hey, guys, it's time for the veto meeting.

This is the veto meeting.

Victoria, Jocasta, you have been nominated for eviction, but I have the power to veto one of the nominations.

I would like to give both nominees a chance to tell me why you think I should use the veto to save yourself.

Jocasta, you go first.

Thank you, Hayden.

First, I'll say praise God.

I'm very trustworthy, very loyal person, and you're not a target of mine at all.

And I really would appreciate it if you'd use the veto on me.

Thank you.

First off, I want to say I think that I have proven to the house that I am a true competitor.

Hayden, I chose you to play on my behalf, so I would really like you to choose the power of veto on me.

Thank you.

Thank you guys so much for the kind words.

I wish I had two of these bad laries so I could take both of you off because that would be ideal.

But unfortunately, I cannot.

So, Victoria, I've chosen to use the power of veto on you.

Thank you.

Frankie, since I have vetoed one of your nominations, you will have to pick a new house guest as a replacement nominee.

I didn't actually think that was going to happen, but there's only a certain amount of times that I can ask, should I trust you anymore?

I'm sorry, I have to nominate you, Amber, as a replacement nominee.

I'm so sorry.

I think you guys already claimed that, so…

This veto meeting is adjourned.

Wait, hold on.

I want to say something.

I need to say something real quick.

Well, I have everyone here.

Amber, you're sitting right where you belong and you're on your way out the door.

I couldn't be happier.

Beast Mode Cowboy has saved you twice already in this game.

He risked $500,000 for you more than all your boyfriends have spent on you combined.

When you were both have-nots, not everyone gave you their blankets.

Beast Mode Cowboy gave you his blankets.

And then to top it all off, he ate a pickle.

A frickin' pickle.

The food he hates more than anything in the world nearly threw up all over the kitchen just so you would go on a date with him.

Do you have anything to say for yourself?


Huh, that's funny.

Because that's exactly what you've been saying to him this entire summer.

It just really pissed me off and I'm sorry, I had to say that, so…

Now this veto meeting is adjourned.

There's no reason to respond to Zach.

Like, he wants a reaction out of me and he's not gonna get it.

The rest of the week is gonna be tough.

I've saved so many people in this game and got him another week here and now it's time to do that myself.

I'm still on the block.

Now, I don't know what the whole Zach situation was about.

It does not seem like it was good for Amber, but it seems like it was good for Jocasta.

Thanks Zach, you did me a solid.

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house?

Jocasta or Amber?

And the power is up for grabs in a battle for a head of household.

It all happens live, tomorrow at 9, 8 central on Big Brother.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!
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