16x19 - Episode 19

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x19 - Episode 19

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother.

Early in the game, Christine formed an alliance with Nicole and Hayden.

But she has secretly been working with the detonators.

After Zack cast out on Christine to Nicole.

How much do you trust Christine?

I trust her.


I'm thinking that he knows something that I don't.

Nicole became suspicious of her sister in specs.

Zack is nuts.

If Christine has been playing me this whole time,

it would honestly just break my heart.

When Donnie and Nicole became the heads of household.

Congratulations to Nicole and Donnie.

Nicole considered making a move against Frankie.

My words, victory and be a poor friend.

Amen, yes.


And after getting Donnie and Hayden's blessing.

Would I have your vote to get a vote?

I would be a vote, yes.

She put her plan into motion.

I have nominated you, Caleb, and you, Victoria.

I have nominated you, Jocasta, and you, Zack.

If I stay HOH, I plan on backdoring Frankie.

To win the Battle of the Block, three punishments had to be chosen.

So Caleb and Victoria went for Shave Head, Adam and Eve, and Slop for two weeks.

Creating a domino effect that saved them from the block.

Congratulations, Caleb and Victoria.

Kept Zack and Jocasta on it.

And sunk Donnie's reign as head of household.

Tonight, will Zack or Jocasta be saved with the power of veto?

And will Nicole go through with her plan to backdore Frankie?

All of this right now on Big Brother.



Please don't.

Please don't.

Please don't.

I'm extremely dissatisfied with losing the Battle of the Block.

What makes it worse is that I lost to Victoria.

The game I play in this house definitely puts a huge target on my back.

However, it all comes down to that POV.

The power of veto this week is huge.

Good job, Zack.

Yeah, whatever job you play.

Oh, crap.

I've been on the Block four times, but I have to smile and be happy about it.

I'm going to keep it moving and keep pushing and win the power of veto

because I do not have plans to walk out that door anytime soon.


I'm going to do it.

This is going to suck.

I don't care.

It's not going to suck yet.

Yeah, because it ain't your head that's getting shaved.

It's mine.

Glad I'm safe for the week, but winning, in this case, means losing also.

Being chained to a nincompoop for 48 hours, literally having to shave my beautiful hair off my head

and having to eat slack for two more weeks is all a losing factor.

With a bald head, I look dumb.

I look dumb.

Caleb, I'm going to want to have sex with you even more than I do right now, so just calm down.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, we need to go to the video.

It's going to be a celebration.

I can't drink, but I'm safe.

It's official.

I'm the first girl HOH to survive.

I'm super excited.

My nominees are still on the Block.

But my real target's Frankie.

That looks so good right now.

I'm sorry, dude.

It looks like a chicken pot pie or something.

I'm honestly extremely sorry.

But you chose Slop for two weeks, right?

Well, I chose to be a winner, and you chose to be a loser.

No, I chose to be a winner.

I just failed.

You literally lost.

I'm not disagreeing with that.

And I won, and I'm in worse predicaments than you are.

My hair will not be back to normal in less than two months.

Caleb, please stop.

You are not in a worse situation than me.

I'm sitting on the Block.

Yes, I got beautiful hair.

But I'd shave my head, armpits, legs, and toes to not be on the Block this week.

I'm sorry, Jake.

Surviving is what counts.

Not your pretty boy, Lux, your fruit-loot dingus, bust a fool again.

I'm on the Block and possibly going home before Victoria.

That's awful.

That's true.

This is so weird that, like, no one's here anymore.

Doesn't it feel empty?

It does kind of a little bit.

This is a good week for you to be a judge, I think.


What do you want to happen this week?

I mean, I guess I want…

I mean, Zach to go.

Because he's the only one that's coming for you.


Yeah, people are on board for Zach getting out.

What would you choose for a house guest choice for your big baby?

I mean, I don't know.

All Sprinkie is doing right now is trying to get information out of me.

He's trying to feel out what I'm doing.

I want to do ex-buddy-buddy with me.

And I just don't trust him.

I would definitely keep the nominations this week.

Okay, good.


For sure, for sure.


I don't know if it'll be this week, but soon…

it's going to be an all-out w*r.


It's coming.


Smell the blood in the water.

If there's going to be any blood, I hope it's yours on my hands by the end of the week.

And that's it for this week's show.

Victoria, Caleb, please go to the diary room.


Let's get it.

I'm so excited!

It's game time.

Should I get my watches?


You're going to be barefooted, both of us.

For real?

Yeah, that's what…

What do you think?

Moses' head shoes?



I'm so pumped.

This is going to be a double m*rder.

Caleb and Victoria, those two absolutely hate each other.

I mean, these next 48 hours with them linked together

will definitely be more like hell than Eden.


What's up, everybody?

My name is Beast Mode Adam.

And I'm Princess Eve.

I am dressed in leaves,

and I am connected to this nincompoop with more leaves.

I'm thirsty.

Caleb, go from the oat rolls to the no rolls.

Can we step out real quick and I could just lotion?

No, that's why I mean this is going to be hectic for 48 hours.

Just for a second, don't you want to lotion yourself

before you go out?

No, Adam and Eve in the Bible didn't have lotion.

They didn't have wedges.

They did not have makeup.

They did not have sparkles for your face.

I look hot without all that.

Your skin looks dry.

I have to use the bathroom.

Okay, fine.

You're tangling us up.


Oh, God, I swear this is…

I need some more slack!

Is it time?

It's time.

Adam volunteered to shave his hair.

No, I said I am not.

That was the deal.

This is stupid.

Hair, I want you to know that I love you,

and I'm going to use as much Miracle Grow as I can

to bring you back to life.

Oh, my God.


And I will see you once again soon.

Oh, my gosh.


Thank you, guys.

Thank you for looking at us, you guys.

Oh, it's cute.

Just do the middle first.

Why is this really erotic, though?

Yeah, it is.

It's actually…

Like, what?

Look at where his head is.

This is so hot.

I mean, just watching a practically naked man

get shaved as that vibrating clipper

passes through his thick nest of manly hair.

Oh, wow.

And then he reveals his perfectly rounded skull.

God, you're sexy.

I love it.

Ice, bro.

Damn it, it doesn't even look bad.

I know.

Oh, man.

A few days ago, Nicole reached out to me

about back-dooring Frankie.

She also floated the idea of working in an alliance together

with me, her, Hayden, and Cody.

I do want to start making big moves.


We need to solidify something, I think,

that's like Hayden and Cody.

I like that vibe, to be honest with you.

All right.

It's important to get together and solidify this thing

so she knows that Cody and I are on board

and we're not threats to her game.

No one's going to expect us to work together.

So what are the options?

If it's used, I'm putting up Frankie.

I got you.

But he has to go home.

But he has to go home at that point?

I think without Frankie, Zach is going to be literally a lost dog.

And you know what?

Caleb wouldn't want to vote to send Frankie home,

but if Frankie went home, Caleb wouldn't be upset.

There's only 11 people left.

As long as we stay loyal to each other,

we should literally be able to get the other seven people out

before we even have to think about anything else.

So now Cody and I have the hit men, the detonators,

and this thing with Hayden and Nicole.

We're trying to cover our bases and play both sides,

but if Frankie goes up, it could show our cards

and that time could happen real soon.

You don't know how long I've been waiting to form an alliance

in the HOA tournament, the Big Brother House.

Pretty much my whole entire life.

I could cry right now.

I'm so happy.

The few people that I trust the most,

we finally make an alliance, and now I feel like I'm going to

finally start to be making some power moves,

starting to get some big people out of the house.

Okay, what are the names you came up with?



The Quadropolis.

I can't even say that.



What does that mean?

It's basically like city, town, like pack, has all been used.



The rationale, because I feel like we're all pretty rational thinkers.

The rationale is so sick.

The rationale is sick.

The rationale, worst name ever.

I'm not on board with Backdoor and Frankie,

but if somehow Nicole pulls this off, I'm team rationale all the way.

If Nicole's plan falls apart, team detonators, baby.

So do you guys like, what do you like?

The rationale.

Rational is so disgustingly cool.


Yeah, boo.

Zach, my own alliance member, put me up.

So now I really want him to go home.

But lately I feel like Nicole and I are drifting apart,

and I don't know where her head's at.

I need to make sure that Zach is still Nicole's number one target.

And if she's not worried that he's staying in this house, she should be.

Zach thinks he's completely safe.

That sucks.

If I put someone else up and I didn't put up Dani,

who would you want me to put up?

Derek or Cody.

Just because I'd be guaranteed, they wouldn't be mad afterwards,

you know what I mean?


Also, Hayden and Nicole have gone very tight, it seems.

I feel like I'm on the outside looking in.

I would like that situation to change.

Oh, my gosh.

Go to the level.

Oh, really?

Okay, so I don't know if Hayden and Victoria actually kissed,

but a little doubt in Nicole's mind could go a long way for me.

It forces me.

How would this be?

Like for Jamie and me.

Yeah, come in.

What's up?

Dude, Christine came up to me.

She's like, you have to put somebody up next to Zach.

Honestly, he won't go home next to Jocasta.

And I'm like, okay, who do you want me to see up?

She goes to Cody or Derek.

And then she goes, just so you know,

Victoria and Hayden made out,

and Zach told me Hayden loved me.

He loves Victoria.

That's why he's keeping her in this house, Nicole.

Is that true?

No, it's 100% not true.

I didn't blame her for a second,

but for her to toy with my emotions like that as a bad friend,

that's just really extremely rude.

Put her up.

That is so mean to say, why do you…

She goes like this, it disgusts me.

I mean, just disgusts me.

It disgusts me.

Oh, it's disgusting.

Really, Christine?

It disgusts you?

It didn't even happen.

You're making this stuff up out of thin air,

you're blaming it on Zach telling you,

and the fact that you're telling Nicole this

shows your cards pretty well.

Ah, wow.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, this is the worst part, Hayden.

I swear to God.

She goes, just so you know, Hayden wants Zach to stay,

and Zach is 100% staying unless she puts somebody else up there.

She is not very smart with her game.

She does not.

She thinks she can manipulate me like that.

I'm like flabbergasted.

Dude, she is straight up the worst.

I am so not happy with her.

She's a person, any guy in here.

If Christine thinks that she can manipulate me this week,

she better be careful because I could switch my target

from Frankie to her.

I don't know who she thinks she's fooling.

And she…

That's so sad that she thinks that I'm gonna turn on you.

She thinks she's so smart.

I swear to God.

You shouldn't be mad at Hayden and Victoria

made out with all this stuff.

I swear to God.

I don't swear to God in life.

And she's like, and Hayden wants Zach to stay,

so you need to put somebody next to him.

She said, if I put you two up, you guys would forgive me.

Moving forward, thanks for watching,

I think that we just need to really watch Christine

and not really give her too much information.

At this point, I really can't trust her at all.

Be careful.


Do you know who just chased me into the bathroom?



Do you know what Nicole just swarmed?

I got about.

Oh my God, Cody.

What do we do, dude?



He's playing us.

One group is playing us.

Christine, who's this loyal detonator,

is mentioning Derek and I as replacement nominees.

That means she's definitely working with somebody.

All right, so what you're going to tell you then?

I was telling me that Christine and Frank here

are trying to play the plus.

So what do we do this week?

Frank needs to go up and Frank needs to go home.

Hey everybody, it's time to pick players for the Veto competition.

Only six people will participate in the Veto competition.

The head of household, the two nominees,

and three other players selected by random draw.

I'm really hoping that Cody, Derek, or Hayden get picked

to play in this Veto competition.

So hopefully we can get this Frankie back door plan to roll in.

And if not, maybe we can get Christine.

Will the nominees please join me up here?

I as the head of household and the two nominees

will each pull a chip out of the box

to determine the three other players competing in the Veto competition.

As HOH, I will pick first.



There's only one person that I do not want to get picked to play in the Veto

and that's Donny.

Because if he uses the Veto on Jocasta,

that means myself or an Alliance member is going home this week.


Oh my.

Well, that stinks.

None of the players I wanted to play in the Veto competition got picked.

So it looks like I'm going to have to take care of business by myself.

So I'm competing against a bunch of losers in the Veto competition.

If I don't win this thing,

you can call me the biggest fruit loop dingus in Big Brother history.

Big Brother will inform us when the competition is to begin.

Good luck.


Well, naked folks.


What are you naked folks doing?


Oh, we're just taking a walk this morning.

Can't wait for this 48 hours will be over.

Everywhere we go, we have to go together.

This is the worst 48 hours of my life.

Thanks Caleb.

We are both literally on slop together.

So we're starving.

We're walking around 95% naked, attached together.

What are we doing?

And I've done nothing but sit in the bathroom

and deal with makeup, lipstick, straightening hair.

You have like two hours and you're going to do all that again.

You are obnoxious.

You're rude.

You don't let me do whatever I want.

New game.

No, no.

I think you can give me 10 or 15 minutes on a pull-tape.

Yeah, not really be fair.


This is fun though, you know.


How often do you get to dress up like Adam

and even be connected with someone?

I'm not sure.

Yeah, that's on 9 million people see it, you know.

Couldn't have picked a better partner.


Isn't that crazy?

I have only liked this experience a little bit

because we're the first couple that gets to do it.

And did I just call us a couple?


We're the first two people that get to do that in this house.

Princess Eve, you need to wake your butt up.

You might have a good 15-room meeting maybe.

There's not much to talk about.


What's up?

This is a really crucial week.

So we need to get all of the detonators into one room

and lock it down before the veto competition

to make sure we're on the same page.

Meeting in session?

As long as you're close to my veto, we're chilling.


Because I already have Caleb.

And you four.

Yeah, Zach.

You have all the votes.

If you think you have my vote, you have another thing coming.

Basically, bottom line is, just go win.

I'm gonna k*ll it.

But like I said, as long as you're close to the win, I'm chilling.

Yeah, absolutely.

After this week, there's gonna be 10 people.

Us five, Caleb, Donnie, Nicole, Aidan, Victoria,

is gonna happen.

I can't wait.

The detonators are clueless that we're working with the rationale.

But by the end of this week, we're gonna have to choose a side.

And that means either blowing up the detonators

or kicking the rationale to the curb.

Can we do a little…

Yeah, do this.

Hey, everybody, it's time for the veto competition.

Everybody gather in the living room.

This competition will be played one at a time.

So get yourselves into separate rooms

and wait for Big Brother to call you out into the backyard.

Caleb, Victoria, you may leave Aidan,

but only for the duration of the competition.

Immediately following, you must resume your Adam and Eve punishment.

Good luck, and may the best houseguest win!


Oh, no!

I really wanna win the veto.

I wanna control what happens this week.

If somebody else wins the veto, then my backdoor plans could be ruined.

CB Comics is about to release 16 new superheroes.

But the world can't wait, so it's your job to get the scoop on who they are.

Here's how the game works.

Hit the button to start your clock, then fly down the zip line

to peek inside the BB Comics studio.

Grab the matching comic books from your bin and place them on your computer

so it exactly matches the BB Comics studio wall.

When you think you have all 16 correct, hit your button.

If incorrect, a buzzer will sound, your clock will keep running,

and you must figure out what is wrong.

The player who matches the BB Comics studio wall in the shortest amount of time

will win the power of veto.

Beware, if you fail to match the comic book collection perfectly,

within 35 minutes, your turn will be over.

Are you ready to play BB Comics?

The object of this game is to arrange your comic book covers

in the exact way that you see them as you zip line by the window.

But it's definitely easier said than done.

There's a lot of detail you need to pay attention to on those comic book covers.

I see the decaffeinator, which is Christine, and Hayden.

He's the crustacean.

I knew the decaffeinator was Cody because he has a huge crush on Zac Efron,

way bigger than any girl that he has a crush on in the house.

Fear the beard, Donnie had some abs, looking good, Donnie.

So I start to lay out my artwork,

and I notice there are a lot of duplicates of the covers.

And these covers are practically identical to each other.

They only have slight differences.

Am I on a wiener or not?

Yes wiener.

So goes Christine.

No cups.

Holy Roar.

Gosh dang it.

Something's wrong.

This is my worst nightmare.

I'm freaking out.

I'm just looking for anything that catches my eye.

Oh my gosh, my cells.

It's the wiener.

I needed the picture with the big wiener.

I picked the picture with the small wiener.

That wiener mistake burned some valuable time.

I'm so mad.

You're cool.

Jocasta cannot win this POV.

If she does, she's gonna pull herself off,

and then someone else is gonna go up next to my boy Zac.

That is one handsome cowboy is all I gotta say about that.

This is a comic book that I would buy,

and I think a lot of the women would buy too.

My girl Amber, wearing a superhero costume, smoking.

I would definitely buy millions of prescriptions to that comic book.

I might just have to sneak that thing in my room later.

I am not the brightest crayon in the box.

Crustacean, mine boggled me the most.

You got Hayden making this really funny face.

I cannot figure out what is missing.

Well, then all of a sudden, whoa!

It was the palm trees.

I don't know if this is right or not,

but dude, I'm gonna go hit the buzzer anyway.

The comic books are actually hilarious.

I mean, I do have a cute one.

My daily life consists of high heels, shopping,

and just hanging around with the girls.

Now I have to frickin' memorize comic books,

jump up on rooftops, and go zip lining.

This is so out of my element.

My arms feel like they're gonna tear off of my body.

I'm afraid of heights.

I'm scared I'm gonna hurt my knee.

Oh, this is a disaster.

I am just trying to switch anything.

I feel like this competition is taking forever.

I'm over it.

I'm over these comic books.

Isn't this 35 minutes over yet?

This competition is never gonna end.


I'm thankful that time ran out.

Good thing I'm saved this week,

because this competition was the worst.

I am on the block, and I want to win the power of Vito.

But most of all, I want to show my family that I am a hero.

I see Jocasta, so gotta get hurt.

I looked hot.

Go, Jocasta superhero.

I keep looking at my board.

I cannot figure out what is wrong.

What am I not doing right?

I forgot the purse.

Get the purse already, girl.

Get the purse.

America, Jocasta, she can save your city or save your soul.


You better get it.

The stakes are super high for this Vito.

I want to ensure that Zach goes home

and that no one else will take him off the block.

I don't like him as a person, really,

and I think he's trouble for the detonators.

I start trying to make as many zip line trips as fast as possible.

I see Derek as dadbot.

I see Brittany as super soccer mom.

And I'm seeing Zach attack.

Aw, what a sweet guy.

He's protecting his little broskis.

That one was not very realistic.

I get all these comic books up.

I got this game beat.

I fly by the wall and I realize maroon, not blue.

Finally, I got you, Donnie.

If I lose, I'm sitting on the block, possibly going home on Thursday.

Time to put on the cave and save the day for team Zach attack.

I'm very versatile.

I'm on fire.

I'm feeling like it's Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man.

All had a kid somehow.

That was me.

I got all my comic books on the laptop.

I'm rolling.

I got it wrong the first time.

Let me just give it another go.

I'll figure it out the second time.

This has got to be it.

Looking at the comic books and I can't see the frickin' difference.

I swear I have all of the right comic books up there.

I was livid.

At this point, Zach attack turns from good to evil.

About to be on the dark side.

This one, she's holding a purse.

This one, he's wearing pink pants.

This one, there's a sausage at the bottom.

This one says Zach in the background.

This one, the missiles are red and white.

This one is not it.

I'm sorry.

This one, he's wearing pink pants.

And in this one, it's yellow.

So unless I'm missing, peace.

I finished it.

My mind is all jibbledabledogledjigacraggled.

My game is just falling into shambles.

I've never been so frustrated in my life.

Are they not in the right order?

Damn it!


Damn it!

I had Victoria and Donnie's comic book covers switched around.

Leave it up to Victoria to mess up my game, you frickin' dingus.

Oh my God.

First I tell Nicole to put me up on the block, idiot.

Then I choke in the B.



Now I just ruined my chances of winning the power of V.


Oh my God.

Oh, you idiot.

I blew it.

How am I so stupid?


I knew it.

Let's go.

That is so sick.

I can see him in the air.

So sick.

We walk out in the backyard and the scenery is like straight out of Batman.

The artwork on these comic book covers is sick.

I don't know if anybody knows this.

Zac Efron's my man.

Being Zac's bodyguard would be a dream job for me.

So I'd take a b*llet for you any day, buddy.

Love you, man.

All right.

Let's see how everybody feels.

Nicole, you finished in 12 minutes and 20 seconds and you are in the lead.

Caleb, 15 minutes and 48 seconds.


I beat B.


Mode cowboy.

I'm feeling pretty good right now.

And I think I have a pretty good shot at winning this thing.

Victoria, a max out time of 35 minutes.

Victoria's time of 35 minutes does not surprise me.

That doesn't deserve any claps, guys.

Victoria takes 35 minutes to do her lipstick.

She takes 35 minutes to straighten her hair.

Makeup's probably an hour and 35 minutes.

Good job, Victoria.

You maxed the time out.

Jocasta, you finished in 14 minutes and 39 seconds.

Great job, but not enough to beat Nicole, who is still in the lead.

I felt good because I did a great job.

I was just like, girl, just be with the Lord right now and just receive him.

Christine, 11 minutes and 50 seconds.

Good job.

Good job.


Yes, that's awesome.

I beat Nicole by 30 seconds.

All I'm thinking now is please don't let Zach win.

Who volunteers to kick me after this one pops up?

Zach, you have to beat Christine's time of 11 minutes and 50 seconds to win the Power of Vito.

You finished in…

Well done, Super fan.

Good job, Superman.

That was so fun!

I won the Vito.

I am so happy I finally won a competition.

I don't know if I'm going to use the Vito or not, but whatever decision we'll send Zach home is the right decision.

Thank you so much.

Oh, Zach, give me a big hug.

Give me a big hug.

Don't worry, you're going home.

Losing this Vito could possibly be the worst thing that happened to me in this game.

However, I may have called Christine her floater, but she's the only person that can save Zach and Zach's game from devastation.

God, you didn't win.

It was cold.

Christine wins the Vito.

I have no idea where her and I stand with each other.

I haven't really been trusting her lately, and I'm hoping that she will use it,

and that way I can back to our big target this week.

Oh, butt up.

You won your first Vito.

You're going to be a popular person these next couple days, Christine.

I'm intrigued to see what Nicole actually wants you to do with it.

I just have to convince her that it's okay that Zach stays.

That's the only thing.

Are you guys going to see what's in here?

Everyone knows this woman here.

Thank you so much.

I've never loved you this much in my entire life.

I have a big decision to make.

I want Zach out this week, but I have to figure out the best way to make that happen.

Do I use the Vito and hope Nicole puts up a pawn that no one wants out?

Or do I keep the noms the same and try and turn the detonators on Zach?

That could really bite me in the butt.

I don't know what to do.

I owe you anything you want.


No, but like in the game.

Yeah, deal.


He didn't know what time it was.

The suspense is k*lling her.


Seven sixteen?

Guys would be praying right now to be attached to me.

Praying, praying.

And after 48 hours, they would be doing what I'm doing and that's praying to get detached from you.

Yeah, right.


I'm so over this.

All right, everybody.

Mind of Victoria's amazing 48 hours of adventure of Adam and Eve are now completely over.



Thanks, guys.

You're cutting really better at cuddling, isn't it?

No, you're really better.

But he can't say that.

Well, you were a 10 out of 10 when you first cut him.

I knew it.

I can't believe what Christine said about being a Victoria.

I'm going to call her Christine Appleseed.

Girl, she does plant seeds around the house.

Oh, she does.

That's true.

She's a squid.

She's such a squid.

I thought she was definitely going to be the one person that I could trust her.

Right off the bat.

I can't do it.

At this point, I don't know if Christine's going to use the veto or not.

But if she is dumb enough to use it, what she doesn't know is that I would put up Frankie.

And Frankie will go home.

I want Frankie to go home.

I know.

The unreal is she used it.

Surprised me.

I thought she was pulling a fast one on me.

And I put up Frankie.

It would be unreal.

No matter what, either Zack or Frankie would go home.


Christine and I are both in the detonators, and we have the numbers to make sure I stay.

It's in her best interest to make sure the nominees stay the same, and everything will be gravy this week.

Jocasta, don't let the door hit you on your way out.

You know what?

I have no earthly idea what Christine is going to do with this veto.

And if she does not use it, I think it's kind of good for me, because I'm sitting next to freakin' Zack.

Hey guys, it's time for the veto meeting.

This is a veto meeting.

Zack and Jocasta have been nominated for eviction.

But I have the power to veto one of the nominations.

I want to give you both a chance to tell me why you think I should use the power of veto on you.

Zack, you can go first.

All right.

So a grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender says, we have a drink named after you.

Then the grasshopper says, you have a drink called Bill?

Okay, I don't know how I could top that.

Christine, I would absolutely love for you to use it on me.

But if not, hey, you know what?

No hard feelings.

Thank you.

I have decided to not use the power of veto.

The veto meeting is adjourned.

I didn't use the power of veto because it was too risky.

We could have ended up with two detonators on the block, and that would not have been good for my game.

But I want Zack out.

I'm going to make it my mission to convince the detonators that we are much better without him than with him.

He has got to go.

Christine didn't use the veto, which is a bummer because that means my plan to back door Frankie is dead.

But the good news is Zack Attack is still sitting on the block.

And Zack, let me tell you something.

You gotta go, you fruit looped dingus.

The nominations stay the same, and Zack probably thinks he's safe.

But what he doesn't know is the detonators may not be as loyal to him as he thinks.

This week, all I gotta do is not mess up and I'll be safe.

If I could potentially sleep all day, eat a lot of food, and brush my teeth, I'll be staying this week.

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house?

Jocasta or Zack?

Plus, it's a special double eviction episode.

It's a week's worth of Big Brother in one hour.

It all happens live.

Tomorrow at 9, 8 central on Big Brother.

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!
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