16x20 - Episode 20

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x20 - Episode 20

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight, the most twisted summer ever continues.

Not only is it double eviction night,

but an evening of surprise is about to shake up the house.

Welcome to Big Brother.


Previously on Big Brother…

Nicole put Zach and Jacasta on the block.

Zach, everything that happened last week,

I think you saw this coming.

But her master plan was to send Frankie back to Broadway.

I plan on back-dooring Frankie.

Nicole, Hayden, Cody, and Derek formed a new alliance.

The rationale, because I feel like we're all pretty rational thinkers.

But Cody and Derek were secretly playing both sides.

If somehow Nicole pulls this off,

I'm team rationale all the way.

If Nicole's plan falls apart, team detonators, baby.

Desperate to get Zach out of the house,

Christine offered up her fellow detonators.

What do you want me to put up?

Derek or Cody, just because I'm big guaranteed.

I need to make sure that Zach is still Nicole's number one target.

When Cody and Derek were clued in…

I'm just told you to put up here, Derek.

Christine said Cody or Derek.

They started to turn against Christine.

She's definitely working with somebody.

What are we doing, dude?

At a super-powered veto competition…

Gosh, dang it.

Zach melted down.


leaving the decaffeinator to brew up a fresh pot of victory.

Christine, you have won the Golden Power Vito!

Even though Christine left him on the block…

I want Zach out.

I'm going to make it my mission to convince the detonators

that we are much better without him.

Zach believed he was safe.

If I could potentially sleep all day,

eat a lot of food, and brush my teeth,

I'll be staying this week.

Who will be evicted?

Zach or Jocasta?

Plus, it's double eviction night, baby.

Strap in for a week's worth of Big Brother all in one night.

By the end of the evening, two houseguests will be evicted.

All this live on Big Brother.

This one is not it.

I'm sorry.



Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to the live double eviction episode of Big Brother.

Last week, the power shifted, and for the first time this summer,

the detonators are not in control of the game.

Tonight, they stand poised to lose one of their own,

but it's double eviction night, which means anything can happen.

What we do know is that you are about to witness an entire week of Big Brother

in one night, and it's all happening right now.

Plus, the two evicted houseguests won't be headed home.

That's because the jury begins tonight.

So, who will become the first two members of the jury?

We're about to find out.

But first, thinking they were both safe,

Jocasta and Zach went to sleep, literally,

blissfully unaware of the plotting, scheming,

and flip-flopping behind their backs.

This week is pretty much locked up.

Now that the veto hasn't been used and Frankie's not going on the block,

the sights have been turned on Zach and he could be walking out the door.

We're gonna send Zach home.


Everyone's going Zach out.

We're gonna let Caleb in on it.


Because we want to keep Caleb close.

Yeah, exactly.

It won't be hard to break the kid.

All right, but Frankie.

Can we take Frankie and dude, everyone's going Zach out.

Well, we can't tell him early in the week because he's gonna tell Zach.

No, no, not early.

Not early.

The biggest part of this is, like, being careful.

Oh, absolutely.


So, when Zach comes to us, we're like, you're safe.

Just for peace of mind, dude.

Yeah, peace of mind.

What's the thing?

Is that…

It doesn't quite matter.

Because they are trying to like it.

Hello, sir.

How was that nap?

Was it good?


One of the most awkward things that could possibly happen in this house

is when you walk up to two people who are whispering

and then they stop talking as soon as you get there.

And then you're like,

It gets me really concerned.

I'm thinking about what Zach told me a long time ago

about their three-person alliance.

I got all these words like this.

We are the most traceable.

So, I have to talk to Derek and figure out where he really lies.

Is he this three-person alliance with Zach, Cody, and Derek?

Or is he Team America like he tells me he is?

Well, it's a good attempt, at least.

Not one of my finest moments for me or Cody.

Frankie walks out of the have-not room,

catches us like deer in the headlights.

I don't think he was paranoid about talking in front of you.

So, I wouldn't take it that way.

I think he knew it looked shady

when you came out that he was about to say something

and at that point…

Well, what are you hearing?

Why is someone so nervous?

I'm not nervous.

Should I be?

I don't think so.

I really need to do some damage control here.

I got to make sure that the guy that's in two of my alliances still trusts me.

It seems to me like you feel there's some dissension,

like, within the debt neighbors.

I do.


Frankie, just say it.

Say it.

Just say what you want to say.

There's no final third agreement.

With Zach and Cody?


Zach has made it very clear that he wants to work with me and Cody.

But he's also made it very clear that he wants to work with me.

Zach has told you things.

I know that he's told me things.

So, does it really have any substance?


He can't be telling the truth to all of us.

He may be manipulating you more than you think.

So, I mean, do we really need to keep him?

I never thought it was a big enough concern to get rid of him this week.

Is he going to get you to the end?

No, he's not.


Because he might be playing you, Frank.

What's your heart saying to you right now?

No, that you're correct.

That you're 100% correct.

We might have to send Zach home.

You know, I'm coming to the realization that Zach has lost the trust of the detonator alliance.

And at this point, there's nothing that I can do to save him.

And it breaks my heart because I love this kid.


We got to do some big boy talk.

Now that I have Frankie on board, my move right now at this point is,

I want to get to Caleb and be the one to let him know we're voting out Zach.

All right.

What's your opinion on Zach?

Straight up talking, this is confidential talk right now.

I mean, well, here's the deal.

We're voting him out this week.

Now, now my only problem with that is at the end of the day, do I think he's a number?

Dude, he's a starter.

And unfortunately, loose lips and chips.


At this point in the game, the numbers, honestly, is all that matters.

So Zach may not be the most trustworthy guy in this house, but quite frankly, he's a number for me.

So I would be dumb to vote him out because I have his vote no matter what.

I thought for us it was all the numbers.

And if we stay true and we are loyal,

how we're supposed to be loyal, we will make it far.

Oh, yeah.

We're good.

I'm right about you guys to the end.

So if that means vote not whoever, we're voting out whoever.

And as crazy as it sounds, he's really got me thinking, why would I get rid of somebody who's a vote for me and my alliance?

Zach might be a snake, but he's my snake.

So what can happen to Christine next?

What can happen to nobody left?

We have the numbers right now.

If we stay loyal to each other, Frank and Christine, you and me and Zach, they can't beat us.

We have the numbers.

And Caleb, do you think the girls are playing that?

The girls are playing us.



They need us to vote them out.

So we're going to even out the numbers for them.

We're looking like fools.


So you want to skip Zach?

I think we should.

My pants.

Literally my pants.

Hey, here we go.

I'm going up.

g*ns blazing.

You and Frankie, Derek and I have to talk.

I honestly think that Nicole and Andrew played all of us.

So you know who they were going to back door this week if you use the veto, Frankie?

You're kidding me.

You're kidding me right now.

You know who the next two nominations they want to be?

Oh, geez.


Oh, no.

I just walked in here.

They were saying you and Frankie were next.

Oh, my God.

This is unbelievable.

This is unbelievable.

I'm so mad right now.

A lot just happened.

I think you guys and I think Derek and me were getting played by Nicole and Eden.

Like, she used to feed on them.

They were going to back door you.


My thing is if we vote Zach out, we're actually playing right into their hands.

This is not a good story.

One, two, three, four, a couple of seconds.

I can't stay.

Let's do it.

I'm pretty much done with this.

I'm going to go get some.

I'm pretty much like, what did you tell them?

Oh, I told them everything.

We're going to keep Zach.

You're going to keep the numbers.

And they're going to know when you want, period.

It's time to reveal tonight's exciting news to the House guests.

Hello, House guests.

Well, everyone, I think it's safe to say that this summer's twist has changed the way this game is played.

Two HOHs, four nominees, the Battle of the Block, right?


Well, everyone, all good things must come to an end.

Tonight, the double HOH twist is dead.

But only for the next hour.

That's because tonight is double eviction night.


That's right, everybody.

Before the hour is up, two of you will leave the Big Brother house.

But you won't be going home.

Either Jocasta or Zach will become the first member of the nine person jury who will sit in judgment on finale night and crown the winner of Big Brother.

But you should know that just because you're out of the House, you're not necessarily out of the game.

With that, it's time to begin the first live eviction of the evening.

Jocasta, Zach, in just a few moments, your housemates will cast their votes to evict live.

But before they do, you each have one last chance to plead your case.

Jocasta, you're first.

All right, thank you, Julie.

Praise God.

I love you, Jesus.

Thank you for this opportunity.

Mom, Dad, Jessica, Chris, Connor, Dylan, I love you so much.

Houseguests, I know your decision is probably already made.

I probably can't sway you.

I love you all regardless of your decision if you keep me here or if you don't.

And I hope you keep me because I appreciate it.

But if not, it's all good.

Northside Baptist Church, love you.

Love you, Christopher, baby.

All right, love the passion.

Thank you, Jocasta.

Zach, you're up.

Jeez, Julie, I don't have anything planned.

Roses are red, violets are blue.

Everyone here is great.

I love each and every one of you.

You've all touched my heart, and for that I'm so grateful.

Maybe I'll change my ways and not be so hateful.

We've all made it to jury.

We're on the right track.

Viewers at home, please hashtag ZachAttack.

Houseguests, I'm begging you.

Please give me another chance.

If you want to follow me on Instagram or Twitter, my name is Rancipants.

Your decision tonight is crucial.

The wrong choice may cost you.

So when you walk into that diary room, please vote to evict Jocasta.

Thank you, Rancipants.

All right, everybody, it's time for the live voting to begin.

Neither nominee is allowed to vote.

Nicole, as head of household, you will only vote in the event of a tie.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room

and cast your vote to evict.

Donny, your first tonight.

Please go to the diary room.

Yes, away.

Double H-O-H-S, I'm going to come back after this.

Donny has repeatedly said that Jocasta is his best friend in the house.

Will it be enough to keep her in the game?

Hi, Donny.

Hey there.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote the evict ZachAttack.

Thank you.

Caleb made a good argument to keep Zach in the game.

Will he vote to keep his alliance strong?

Hi, Caleb.

What's going on, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict my holy roll of Jocasta.

Thank you.

Thank you.

All week, Christine has wanted Zach gone.

But after learning she is Nicole's next target, will she shift gears?

Hi, Christine.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Jocasta.

Thank you.

Could this put a target on his back?

Hi, Derek.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

No unanimous vote tonight.

I vote to evict Jocasta.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Cody was firmly set against Zach, but given the turn of events, what will he do?

Hi, Cody.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict Mama Jocasta.

Hayden was in on the original plan to evict Zach.

Does he know the plan changed?

Hi, Hayden.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Zach Attack.

Thank you.


Frankie was heartbroken to end his show-mance with Zach, but it looks like Zanki will live to see another day.

Hi, Frankie.

Looking gorgeous tonight, Julie.

As are you.

Thank you very much.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Jocasta.

Thank you.

I love you.

Good night.

It's official.

With five votes to evict Jocasta, Jocasta will become the first member of the Big Brother jury.

But let's see how Victoria votes.

Hi, Victoria.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict Jocasta.

Thank you.


All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the house guests.

House guests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted house guests will have just a few moments to say goodbye, gather his or her belongings, and walk out the front door.

With six votes to evict Jocasta, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

Thank you.

All right, gotcha.

Bye, guys.

Do I need a glass of scrap?

Hello, Jocasta.

How are you?

Oh, God bless you, baby.

You're so beautiful.

Thank you so much.




Who's going home next?

Welcome to the water.

Who's going home next?

Jocasta, always having a smile on your face.


Come on, were you shocked?


Why not?

I was not.

God gives you great discernment.

So I peeped game before.

Yeah, peep game.

Before it even happened, you know.

And I think this was what God wanted.

So I'm cool.

That's my homie.

Let me ask you this, because watching you in the house, we didn't see you talk a lot of game.

We didn't see you conspiring, trying to work out alliances.

Yet you almost made it to the halfway point of Big Brother.


What exactly was your strategy?

I was trying to just up my social game, and my mother told me to promise her that I wouldn't lie.

When she said that before I walked out the house, I was like, I have to keep that to her.

My pastor was like, don't lose yourself.

And everybody was saying all these things, so I had that in my head.

And I was like, you know what?

I'm just going to be cool.

And however being cool keeps me, that's what I'll do.

And it kept me pretty long, you know.

Let me ask you this.

What would you say if I told you that you may get a chance to get back in the game and back in the house?

I would say, sister girl, that's what's up.

Bring me back.


Bring me back.

It's big brother, and we always say expect the unexpected.

But for now, you are headed to the jury house.

But maybe we'll see you again.

All right, love.

Thank you, Tchaikovsky.

Thank you.

Up next is the live Head of House Soul competition, followed by live nominations, the live Becho competition,

and the second live eviction of the night.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to big brother.

It's time to begin the Head of House Soul competition.

And tonight we will only crown one H.



That H.



will then immediately nominate two house guests for eviction.

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.

House guests, the power is up for grabs, Nicole.

As outgoing Head of House Soul, you are not eligible to compete.

And to be clear, we will only be crowning one H.



This competition is called Math-Kathalon, and here's how it works.

I'll ask you a series of math questions based on events that have taken place in the house this summer.

Your answer will be either more, less, or exactly.

Get the answer right.

You stay in the game.

Get the answer wrong.

You are eliminated.

The last house guest standing will be the new Head of Household.

Does everyone understand?



Question one.

During the BB Cup competition, how many prize trades were made?

Were there more than, less than, or exactly four trades made?

Answers, please.

The final answer, everyone.

The correct answer is exactly four trades.

The only people left in this competition are Caleb, Christine, and Zach.

Franky, I need you to reset before stepping down.

Zach, please reset.

No, no, no, Franky.

Franky, you still have exact.

Now you get the answer.

All right.

There you go.

Question two.

How many times were house guest choice chips drawn at the Picking Players meetings this summer?

Was it more than, less than, or exactly three times?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is less.

It was two times.

Sorry, Zach.

Reset, Zach.

And step down.

Caleb and Christine, reset.

One of you is about to become HOH.

Question three.

In the Miami LICE competition, how many total LICE letters were used in all of the final answers combined?

Were there more than, less than, or exactly 49 LICE letters used?

Answers, please.

I need an answer, Caleb.

The correct answer is more.

There was 52 letters used.

You both got it right.

Both reset, and we move on to question four.

What were the total combined number of puzzle pieces in the two cauldrons at the start of the Abracababra competition?

Was it more than, less than, or exactly 49 LICE letters?

More than, less than, or exactly 22 pieces?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is more.

Congratulations, Caleb.

There were 24 puzzle pieces.

You are the new HOH.

Nominations will take place in just a few minutes.

I need everyone to head inside the house.

Caleb, you have a very important decision to make.




Oh, my God.

Up next, Caleb must nominate two house guests for eviction.

Who will he put on the block, and who will be the second house guest to join the jury?

Stay with us.


Are you guys waking me up?

Here we go.

When this show's over.



That's pretty good.


Oh, my God.

This is cool.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Just moments ago, Caleb became the new head of household.

It's now his responsibility to put two house guests on the chopping block.

Let's head to the living room for the live nomination ceremony.

House guests.

Live nomination ceremony to begin.

So, if you're not in the living room, please go there now.

Everybody, right now.

This is the next one.

All right.

Caleb, as head of household, it's now time to face your housemates and make your two nominations.

All right.

Guys, we all know this is difficult.

It's hard.

I've had 15 seconds to do this.

At the end of the day, I feel that there is a line drawn, and there's been a line drawn.

There's been a lot of he-say, she-say.

People throwing each other under the bus.

And quite frankly, me and my comrades, Hayden, Donnie, take the hot seat.

Hayden and Donnie, thank you for taking the nomination, chairs.

Now, one of you may be the next house guest to be evicted, but you still have one last chance to save yourselves.

The live veto competition is next.

Up next, who will win the power of veto, and will it be used to save one of the two nominees?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to a special double eviction episode of Big Brother.

Already tonight, Jocasta was evicted from the Big Brother house.

Then, Caleb became the new head of household.

He then put Hayden and Donnie up for eviction.

Now, the HOH, the two nominees, along with Zach, Victoria, and Christine, who were just chosen by random draw,

will face off in the power of veto competition.

And this POV is more important than ever.

Since there will be no battle on the block tonight, this will be the nominees' only chance to save themselves.

Let's head to the backyard and begin.

House guests.

It's now time for the power of veto competition.

The winner of the power of veto can use it to remove one of the nominees from the chopping block,

or they can leave Caleb's nominations intact.

This competition is called Best of Duck, and here's how it works.

On my go, you'll race down your lane to the box of balls at the other end.

There, you must dig through the balls and retrieve three rubber duckies

and bring them back to the start one at a time.

The first house guest to bring back three ducks, return with the POV symbol,

and buzz in, will win the power of veto.

Does everyone understand?


Then get on your mark.

Get set.


Back to the top.

Zach is the first one to find a rubber ducky.

Donny has found his first rubber ducky.

Zach making his way down with his second rubber duck.

Hayden has found…

No, he has not.

Hayden has found his first rubber duck.

Christine has found her first.

Caleb has found his first rubber duck.

Donny with rubber duck number two.

Caleb has found his second rubber duck.

The only person with no duck so far is Victoria, and that is about to change.

Donny has found his third rubber duck, making it down the home stretch.

As Donny returns to grab that power of veto symbol,

Caleb has found his third rubber duck.

Hayden has found his second, but Donny is just seconds away from…

Congratulations, Donny!

You have won the power of veto!

Everyone, please head inside.

Donny, you have just a few minutes to decide what you're going to do.

Donny has won the POV, so the nominations are bound to change.

Who will be the second house guest to leave tonight?

Stay with us.

Which angle is this, huh?


Great job, man.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Donny has just won the power of veto

and will likely use it to take himself off the block.

So, who will go up in his place?

Let's return to the living room and find out.

Hello, house guests.

It's time to begin the veto meeting.

Donny, as winner of the power of veto, you may remove yourself

or your fellow nominee from the chopping block,

or you may leave the nominations in place.

So, Donny, please stand and give us your decision now.

I will keep the veto on myself.

You will save yourself.

So, go ahead and take a seat on one of the couches.

Well, Caleb, as HOH, your job,

you must now name a replacement nominee.

So, please face your housemates and make your replacement nomination.

Once again, another hard decision,

but based on what everybody's been saying,

I'm going off the knowledge that I've been given.

Nicole, sit next to your boyfriend.

Thank you, Caleb.

Nicole, thank you for taking the seat over there.

I'll be back for the second live vote and eviction in just a few minutes.

Up next, Hayden or Nicole,

who will be the next house guest to leave the Big Brother House?

The live vote and eviction is next.

Stay with us.

It's been a wild night in the Big Brother House.

Earlier this evening, Jocasta was evicted.

Now, either Hayden or Nicole will follow in her footsteps.

Let's return to the living room for the live vote and eviction.

House guests, Hayden, Nicole, in just a few moments,

your housemates will cast their vote to evict live,

but before they do, you each have a chance to plead your case.

Hayden, you're first.

All right.

I mean, I definitely wasn't filled in on a lot of things that went on this week.

Nothing personal, but I'm going to throw a couple people in the bus.

Frank and Christine, you guys have been planting seeds

since day two.

I don't know where everyone else lied in the whole planning of it.

Zach, I really do think you're a cool dude, man,

and you're playing a great game.

And so if you want to keep me in here to fight against them,

then keep me.

And if you want to keep her, she can fight against them too.

I think we're both pretty good competitors.

So do what makes you feel best,

and I hope you keep me, but if you don't, I'm cool with it.

Thank you, Hayden.


Well, this is crazy.

A lot of people are playing super dirty, obviously,

and Christine and Frankie did plant the seed that they wanted Zach out this week,

and then obviously this is what they wanted to happen.

And I mean, I really want to stay.

I love being here, but I just hope you vote to keep me.

Thank you, Nicole.

Thank you both.

It's time for the live voting to begin.

Caleb, as head of household, you are not allowed to vote.

Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room

and cast your vote to evict.

Cody, you're first.

Please go to the diary room.

With the detonators back and strong,

what does Cody think is best for his alliance?

Hello, Cody.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

Thank you.

Christine has been aligned with both Hayden and Nicole,

so who can get her further in the game?

Hi, Christine.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

Vote to evict Hayden.

Thank you.


So far, Derek has swayed every vote this summer.

Which way will he go tonight?

Hi, Derek.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict Hayden.

Thank you.

Thank you.

With no firm alliances, Donny has been playing his own game.

Whom will he choose to protect tonight?

Hello, Donny.

Hey there.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.


Thank you.

As a detonator and a member of Team America,

what does Frankie think is best for his game?

Hi, Frankie.

I've missed you.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Hayden.

Thank you.

Love you.

Zach scored an eviction earlier tonight,

so who will he send to the jury?

You know what?

I vote to evict Hayden.

Thank you.

It's official.

With four votes to evict Hayden,

Hayden will be leaving the Big Brother house tonight.

But let's see how the other votes fall.

Hello, Victoria.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I sadly vote to evict my little brother, Hayden.

Thank you.

All of the votes are in.

Let's give the news to the house guests.

House guests, just a reminder, when I reveal the vote,

the evicted house guests will have just a few moments to say goodbye

and walk out the front door by a vote of five to two.

Hayden, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

All right.

Still hate you, Hayden.

Hey, Zach.

It's all good.


You're coming next, don't worry.

Thank you.

No, I will.

I don't want to.

I know.

Please offer them two points.

Oh, really?

You'll see them on TV Sundays, yeah?

Ooh, it's my stuff.

I love you, Hayden.

Get up, brother.

Take it easy, man.

All right, hit him.

Good job, boys.

Make it up.

Let me give it up.

Let's go!

Thanks for the news, Miss Awknerball.

I'm not going to give him wasting time.

This is ridiculous.

Was that your plan the whole time, Christine?

Christine was to plop that seed and then…

I got boned.


Total blindside tonight?

Yeah, definitely.

Man, I thought I had it so good.

You thought you had it so numb.

You thought Zach was going home.

But the minute I said Jocasta was evicted,

what did you think?

Well, you got to start thinking of a lot of things at that point.

I mean, Frankie, Christine, I don't know about Derek and Cody now.

It's hard to tell who was in on it and who knew about it the whole time

and who really knew about it last minute.

So, I mean, as soon as Jocasta was evicted, I knew the deal.

So I knew I was probably going to get put up.

Who were you mad at when you heard Jocasta was getting evicted?

I mean, I guess Frankie, just because, like,

I knew Frankie was playing so hard.

I already had it pegged in my head, Frankie and Christine,

for the last two weeks.

So it was like, they were my next target,

so the fact that they got me before I got them kind of sucks.

Let's talk about Nicole.

Yeah, my girl.

You guys are kind of like the Jeff and Jordan of this summer, a little bit.

Yeah, kind of.

Do, is this a relationship you're going to continue,

you want to continue outside of the house?

Oh, I don't know.

I mean, we'll see.

We're both, like, super, super different.

You know, I'm single in L.


She's like, a country girl ready to get married.

So it's like, you know, I'm not about that kind of business,

at least right now.

So we'll see.

Maybe we'll go on a date and see where it takes us.

Hayden, what would you say if I told you,

you actually have a chance of getting back in the house

and getting back in the game?

I would say right on.

What's our motto here?

Expect the unexpected.

Expect the unexpected, yeah.

But for right now, you are definitely for sure

headed to the jury house, but you never know.

Hey, I'm going to enjoy the pool, so.

Thanks, Hayden.

Thank you.

Stay right there.

Only nine house guests remain in the battle for a half million dollars.

Tune in Sunday as the Battle of the Block Twist continues.

Two new H.



s will be crowned, and their nominees go head to head

with safety on the line.

And on Wednesday, will the power veto save one of the two nominees?

Then, one week from tonight, I'll be back for the next live eviction.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the house guests.

From outside the Big Brother House, I'm Julie Chen.


It's literally not the entire time that wasn't going up.

She's going up, Frankie, Christine.

Don't give her anything.

She's going positive.

She just told you she's going up, Frankie.

Trust me.

Wait, then, then.

I think you were his target.

I don't know what this point was with it.

Swear to God.

I don't know if he was, what he was trying to do.

But I think you have to listen or I keep my mouth shut.

Apparently, I need to start opening it and throwing it.

Hey, Kaylin.

What she told Cody and Derek is.

She's like, Christine and Frankie.

After Derek.

Derek and Cody.

That's in.

That's in.

That's in.
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