16x21 - Episode 21

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x21 - Episode 21

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Big Brother.

Derek and Cody joined a new alliance with Hayden and Nicole.

The rationale, because I feel like we're all pretty rational thinkers.

And they decided to turn on the detonators and send Zach packing.

The biggest part of this is like being canceled.

Oh, absolutely.

So Derek got Frankie on board with the plan.

We might have to send Zach home.


But after Caleb doubted sending Zach back to Gator country…

Thought for us it was all our numbers.

And if we stay true and we are loyal, how we're supposed to be loyal, we will make it far.

Derek and Cody rethought their loyalties.

Okay, so you want us to keep Zach?

I think we should.

And decided to keep the detonators together.

We're gonna keep Zach.

We're gonna keep the numbers.

Leaving Hayden and Nicole completely in the dark.

Zach, let me tell you something.

You gotta go, you fruit loathingus.

At the live eviction, Julie made a shocking announcement.

Tonight is double eviction night.


That's right, everybody.

Before the hour is up, two of you will leave the Big Brother house.

But Nicole and Hayden were even more shocked when Zach wasn't the one sent to jury.

Jocasta, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

I have no idea what happened.

Cody and Derek quickly covered their tracks.

What just happened?

Do you guys know what just happened?

I think it's one of the

people's belongings.

I need Nicole to think that I was manipulated, not the one pulling the strings, so I'm playing

it up.

After Caleb won head of household, Hayden tried to do damage control.

Well, I voted to evict you, but I want to let you know I was told to.

I mean, it was…

Or you were told to?

That was baited in from the old school.

He was told by someone to evict me.

I'm just letting you know.

I'm letting you help me.

All right, okay.

But it didn't work.

Hayden, Donny, take the hot seat.

When Donny won the veto…

Congratulations, Donny!

Good job, Donny.

Frankie and Christine got thrown under the bus.

Yo, Hayden, who told you to evict me?

Frankie and Christine.

Oh, really?

All right.

They said you were coming after me.

Glad I know that.

I'm just saying…

You're just telling the truth.

You're just telling the truth.

Right, of course.

After Donny pulled himself off the block…

I will keep the veto on myself.

Caleb made the obvious choice.

Cole, sit next to your boyfriend.

I guess that's up for the show, man.

It's going to be a great night.

It's going to be a lot of fun.

In their final please, Hayden and Nicole continue to place blame on Frankie and Christine.

You know, you guys have been planting seeds since day two.

Christine and Frankie did plant the seed that they wanted back on this week,

and then obviously this is what they wanted to have been.

But nothing could save the show-mance from being torn apart.

Hayden, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

Tonight, the fallout from the double eviction blows the house up.

You just threw me out the house.

Right, we came.

That's just my name.

Plus, who will become the new heads of household?

Who will be nominated for eviction?

And who will win the most dramatic battle of the block ever?

All this right now on Big Brother.

Let's have a cookie party.

You guys down?

Donny, you down?

I'm down for some cookies.

I'm down for some cookies.

The first time was to plop that seed and then…

You have no idea what happened.

Oh, yeah?

You wanted me gone the whole time.

Clearly, I would want you gone.

I'm not afraid to admit who I want gone.

Just relax.

Just relax.

Yo, what do you guys want for dinner?

Don't cry.

Nicole, you want a drink?

Don't cry.

Please don't cry.

Things can change.

You can't trust any of the house here.

Right, we came.

That's just me and you.

But don't cry.

Hey, we're going to go out with our heads hanging high, okay?

We're going out with our heads hanging high.

Things can change.

They can turn on each other.

We get to find a safe set.

My best friend of the house is gone.

I can be a fire p*stol.

This game is cutthroat.

You can't believe it.

You're here.

You can't say things that mean.

The majority of what everyone's going to say is a lie.


Until you get out of here and then you see who is really lying.

There are trustworthy people in here.

Up to this point, there was.

Well, I have people…

And that's what's frustrating.

I have people telling me that Hayden's going around saying I'm his target.

But yeah, he's telling others…

Let me guess, what did Christine and Frankie…

He's telling other people…

Let me guess.

You played me.

Don't ask me.

I played you?

Yes, I've heard a trillion things in the past 12 hours.

Oh my gosh.

Now that Hayden's gone, I definitely need to call out Frankie and Christine in front of

the house because everybody needs to know how untrustworthy they really are.

This is a show.

Front row seats.

But it wasn't even going to try campaigning for Zach to go because I didn't think there

was any chance he could go because he's friends with so many people in the house.

I'm here.

I'm happy.

I voted to Nicole's boyfriend.

This is going to be t*rture living with you for the next week.

Oh my God.

Frankie, you're supposed to be in an alliance with Hayden.

You, Christine, me and Hayden.

We're supposed to be working together and you just let them go out the door?

You knew what was going to happen.

I never made an alliance with you.

You didn't make an alliance.

You purposely, I talked about it, you purposely didn't want to put a name to it.

As far as I'm concerned, I have your respect.

Like hardcore.


I trust all you guys so much.

Once it gets to that point where it comes to people coming through, then it's…

We have to.

Go time.



That's 100% true.

There's a lovely offer that you made, Nate.

Are you serious?

I appreciate it.

Frankie accusing me of reaching out to him to start an alliance is absolutely ridiculous.

For him just to sit here and say this and lie is insulting, but I'm not packing down from him at all.

Frankie, I never asked to work with you.

You wanted to get Hayden in on it.

If that were true, I'm pretty sure he'd be sick.

It's funny, Nicole.

You've proven that you're not trustworthy.

Oh, that I wasn't trustworthy?

You knew exactly what was going to happen.

When you flipped the house, you wanted Zach out yesterday.

Nicole is throwing Frankie under the bus, and I'm kind of believing her.

I don't know why Nicole would be doing this if it wasn't true, but at this point, I'm going to continue to stir things up.

Everything that you're saying is true.

For sure.


There was never anything to flip, unfortunately.

So if there wasn't anything to flip, then you were keeping Zach the entire time?

Is that what you're saying?


I'm essentially the reason that this house flipped upside down this week, so it's funny to sit at the kitchen table and watch everyone throw each other under the bus.

You got Nicole, Frankie, Zach, they're throwing out alliances, who was working with who, and I'm sitting there going, uh-huh.

Yep, that sounds about right.

Thank you very much.


Anything else?

Nicole, you want to dance with me?

Zach, you know I don't like you.

I'm not going to pretend to like you.

Why don't you like me?

What have I done to you?

You're going to t*rture me from here on out.

Why would I t*rture you?

Can you leave me alone?

I don't want anything from you.

I can make you an egg sandwich.

Are you mad at me we're talking?

No, don't do that.

I'm not taking everything that she said as a lie.

Tell me your concerns now.

But now I don't have any concerns.


But like when Hayden stood up and said that in his speech about you and Christine, it, you know, it popped a bubble in my head.

And then when Nicole said the exact same thing, it popped a bubble in my head.

I would rather not believe it, but I'm going to believe partial because in this game you have to.

Hayden threw me under the bus big time.

Caleb started to doubt me.

Doubt in this house spreads like wildfire.

And all I can think is, I have to win this next age-o-ling.

How's guests?

The power is up for grabs as the outgoing head of household.

I am not eligible to compete.

This competition will be played tournament style with a series of head to head matches.

In each match, two of you will step up to the podium to face off.

An eye chart clue will appear and the answer will be either the number one or two.

Be the first to ring incorrectly and you will advance to the next round, eliminating your opponent from the tournament.

Answer incorrectly and you will be eliminated and your opponent will advance.

The last two players left in the tournament will be the new heads of household.

It's time to fill in our bracket.



I feel completely alone in this house.

Hayden has just been evicted.

I don't trust anybody.

I have to win this competition.

Otherwise, I probably am going home.





The final two are Frankie and Zach.


Let's play BB tournament.

Cody and Nicole, your battle is up first.

Step up to the podiums.

Here is your eye chart clue.

Is the answer one or two?

These giant eye charts are actually questions.

So the first thing that you have to do is figure out what the eye chart says and then you have to figure out if the answer is one or two.

Nicole rang in first with number one.

That is correct.

The chart says power of vetoes not used.

The answer is one.

I have decided to not use the power of veto.

Nicole, that means you have advanced to the next round.

Cody, you are eliminated.

Victoria and Derek, here is your eye chart.

Is the answer one or two?

Victoria, you rang in first with one.

You are correct.

The chart says…

Competitions, Joey played.

The answer is one.

Donny and Christine, time to battle.

Here is your eye chart.

The answer is one.

It was extremely hard.

My brain is not designed to split up words like that.

I was just looking at one thing and then the next line and the next line.

Christine rang in first with one and that is correct.

The chart says…

Times Amber was a have not.

Christine, you are moving on to Donny, head to the waiting room.

Frankie and Zach, step off the line.

You are moving on up to the podiums.

And here is your eye chart.

Zach, you have rang in first with number two, which is correct.

The chart says…

People who have never cast a vote.

Pow Pow and Joey.

Zach, you will be moving on.

Frankie, you have been eliminated.

I didn't even get a chance to read the first question because Zach just hit the button.

I didn't even read it.

Nicole and Victoria, whoever wins this battle becomes the first head of household.

There is no way I am letting Victoria come between me and my HOH room.

Here is your eye chart.

Is the answer one or two?

Nicole, you rang in first with number two.

The clue says…

Correctly spelled words in Miami life.

The correct answer is two.

Warning and splitters.

Nicole, congratulations.

You are the first head of household.

Good job, Nicole.


I won HOH.

Perfect timing.

Super excited.

And guess what, Hayden?

This one's for you.

Definitely out for blood and for revenge right now.

And I'm going to make some crap happen this week.

Christina, Zach, the winner of this battle becomes the second head of household.

Here is your chart.

Is the answer one or two?

I have no idea what the puzzle says, but I'm going to ring in as fast as I can.

And if I win, I win.

I got a 50% chance, so I'm going to roll with it.

And the clue says…

Punishments, Brittany took, and we did what?

And the answer is two.

Cannonball and beer goggles.

Zach was first to ring in with one.

I'm sorry, Zach.

It is incorrect.

Christine, you are the second head of household.

I win each week, and it feels awesome.

I am safe for now.

Also, one more tally for a win, so I'm really excited about that.

Should have read it like a freaking dingy.

I am extremely pissed that I lost.

Let's just hope I can do some damage control and stay safe.

I love you.

So Christine and Nicole win HOH, and it's not the best case scenario, but it's definitely not the worst.

Christine's part of the detonators, and I've already planted the seed with Nicole, that I was manipulated and made a bad decision,

and hopefully she forgives me going forward.

I'm super nervous that if I don't get to Nicole in time and repair our relationship, she's going to put me on the block.

So I've got to go figure this out fast.

The girls are bringing it home.


So scared.

We're in trouble with them.

We're in trouble with them.

I'm probably going to have to put up Zachary.

She will have to.

Whichever one she needs to.


Well, whatever he can do, give me safe.


I know.

All right.

This is cool.

I'm glad to have won it with you.

You too.

Oh, no.

I don't know if I trust Christine, but I am alone and she did win co-HOH with me so she

could stay HOH this week.

So I definitely need to make peace.

So that way she won't backdoor me if she gets the chance.

You probably want to put up Donnie, which is fine.

Put up Donnie.

I would like to put up Victoria.

I would put up Caleb and a heartbeat.



I just want to make sure.



We have no idea what to do.

Well, I have an idea.

I'm going to put this out here and I'm just going to do this and I'm just going to say


I was working with the other side of the house.

When you called me out, you and Amy Bollis, the people that I was working with, they've

got me.

I'm done.

I don't even get who the other side is.

Donnie, Derek, Caleb, and Zach.

Caleb, Zach.

Just listen.

If Christine and I blimp, there are five people in this house.

First one gets a four.


One, two, three.

Victoria and Donnie.

If you put two of the four up, Caleb, Zach, Cody, Derek, each of you, regardless, we have

the numbers.

When Frankie tells Nicole that he and I will flip sides of the house and come to her,

I'm like, stop speaking for me.

You are completely ruining my game at this point.

You need to keep your words to yourself and keep me out of it.

I'm afraid you'll flip again, Tiana.

I know, I know, I know.

So I don't know.

I know.

And if you go tell them that I'm telling you this, then I'm completely…


No, I know.

I am afraid.

I know, but I don't see that you have many other options because those boys are not


I mean, I don't have any other options and I'm grateful that you're coming to me.

Let me prove it to you.

Let me prove it to you.

That's all I can offer you.

I mean, it's hard to trust you, but I have no other choices.


That's all I got.

I have no idea what to do with that.


Okay, I'm gonna try and get you a bit out of here.

Come here, come here.

Nicole is HOH.

We just sent her boyfriend packing.

It's time to brown nose a little bit.

Do my thing and, uh, look out for myself.


You just want to hang out?

Why did you just want to talk?

So you can put me in a bad spot?


Want to use my information?

What are you thinking?

I don't know.

What I'm pissed off about is that Frankie, Christina,


I know.

Is that how your two targets are?

I don't know.

You just don't want to tell me?

I don't trust you, honestly, telling you information

because I know you're just going to run back and tell everybody

because that's what happens every single time.

I get it, but Christina and Frankie are trying to play the entire house.

I know.

Now that they've gotten caught and they know that…

I know that Frankie are so close that I can't, like…

I want to put everything on the table now with you

because at this point I have nothing to lose.

I know.

I don't either.


Obviously you knew about what the b*mb's going to be.

Yeah, I already know about that.

That we made the detonators like two weeks ago.

Me, Frankie, Christine, Cody, and Derek.

Two weeks ago.

I was supposed to have a alliance with Cody.

I'm very happy that we…



We had an alliance.

I fell through today.



Oh my God.

Okay, I'm so happy we had this conversation.

Frank, you already came in here.

I told me who I need to put up and all that stuff.

Cody, Derek.


Now we have to work together.

Oh, I know.

Because you know everything about my game.

I don't know anything about your game,

but we don't really have a game right now.

I know.

Zach laid everything out for me.

It is a super tempting offer to work with him

because I am alone in the house,

but he has such a big mouth

that I really have to think about it.

Zach, I literally have to trust you.

I have to trust you.

Literally, my game is literally resting on your shoulders.

Dude, Frankie, no, Nicole.

You have to put up Zach, Caleb, Cody, and Derek.

No, I swear to God.

He told her that today.

Today, right after she reached wages.

Frankie's dead to me.

He was my closest friend in the house.

Dead to me.



After Nicole won,

you went up to Nicole and told her

that we should put up you, you, and Zach.

Who told you that?

Nicole told Zach that.


You think it is, dude?

I know her back.

Why would I go and tell you guys that?

No, I'm talking about her.

Two things she's lying to.

The question is, what do we do about it, boys?

What do we do about it, because we're not H-O-Hs.

Honestly, the only thing we can do,

and I don't expect any one of us including myself to do it,

is if one of us had the balls,

you'd say, put me up on the block next to Frankie.

I'll do it.

I want to put someone in the face.

This is the only thing I said not to do.

Don't do each other under the bus.

Work together.

Frankie throwing Alliance members under the bus

when we have the numbers is just not a good game move.

Frankie, loose lip sync ships, and you're on the Titanic.

It doesn't matter who Nicole puts up with Frankie.

I like the idea of you going with Frankie,

because then we can control that if you're up there.

We know he's staying on the block.

Being with him, we know this is his job.

He'll just walk up the door right now.

Zach is saying that he wants to work with me,

but I don't think that I should trust him.

You can't trust anybody in this house completely, including me,

because you're playing a game.

is trying to throw us under the bus,

so we came up with a little plan to throw the battle of the block.

And now it's time to let Nicole in on that plan.

I had mentioned to Zach,

I think you should go to Nicole and tell her,

you want to go on the block with Frankie.

Because if you throw the competition,

you and Frankie will stay on the block.

And then we have the numbers to get Frankie out,

and Nicole wants Frankie gone.

Donnie wants Frankie gone.

I know that.

I want Frankie gone.


Zach wants Frankie gone because of what you just told him.

And Cody wants to go punch Frankie in the face right now.

Caleb knows about the plan.

Can you tell me how many for a second?

So it's not like I'm plotting.

Hey, Caleb, can you come here for a sec?

I do trust Derek the most because

he really has never done wrong to me.

He's never lied to me.

And he really has given me no reason to not trust him,

so I'm going to continue to trust him.

I told her about the idea that Zach already agreed

he'll go up on her side and throw the competition.

Is that not true?

No, he did say that.

I don't think you will.

I think you will.

And just so you know,

now that everyone's telling everyone and everything,

that whole thing about Amber

and how it was in that weird position,

Frankie made me lie to you guys.


Swear to God.

And he's like,

Nicole, you have to go tell Caleb that.

She said this stuff isn't, but she didn't.

He goes, do we have to pin them against each other?

Swear to God.

If you would feel safe,

I'd want them to throw the competition.

Would that make you feel better?

If you're putting him up, I'd trust Caleb 100%.

I mean, to be honest with you,

during the BOP, I'm gonna sit down and say,

Frankie, you've done this to yourself on pride.

I decided to put myself up as a pawn against Frankie,

just simply because he threw my guys under the bus

and he had a hand in kicking Amber out of this house.

And it was all a big lie.

And, you know, I wanted to be the guy

that kicked him out of this house.

So put me up next to him.

Screw him.

People are definitely gonna be surprised by my nominations.

It's really honestly my only choice I have

to survive in this house.

This is the nomination ceremony.

It is our responsibility as the heads of household

to each nominate two house guests for eviction.

Based on a random draw,

I will reveal my nominations first.

The first house guest I have nominated is…

The next house guest I have nominated is…

I have nominated you, Donnie, and you, Zach, for eviction.

Donnie, you are very good at this game.

You're very intelligent and it's very intimidating.

Zach, simply an eye for an eye, you put me up,

so I'm repaying the favor.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie,

it's how it is.

The first house guest I have nominated is…

The second house guest

I have nominated you, Caleb, and you, Frankie.

Caleb, you nominated me with no intention of me going anywhere.

I nominate you with no intention of you going anywhere

and staying in this house.

Frankie, I nominated you

because I can't trust you.

You did try to work with me in Hayden.

You approached us.

You denied it in front of the house.

You pulled me in a room and continued to throw every house guest under the bus.

That's not somebody I want to work with.

I don't know if they want to work with you,

but that's why I nominated you.

And this nomination ceremony is adjourned.

You're a huge liar.

You're a huge liar.

I'm going to leave it at that.

Both of you.

Both of you guys.

I'm super pissed I was nominated.

I put Frankie and Christina on blast today

because I don't want to be associated with either of them.

It never fails.

All right, that's wind.

Let's go do it.

When Zach calls me and Christina out,

I'm a little confused as to why I am thrown out there.

I did not nominate him.

She did.

What the hell did I have anything to do with this?

Thank you.

So Nicole nominates Caleb and Frankie,

and I'm shocked because that's a very big move.

Nicole's growing a pair, and I'm shocked, and honestly, I'm happy about it.

I had a very good gut feeling that Christine was going to nominate me.

Zach's a pretty decent player in competition, so I didn't feel quite as bad.

Thank you.

Appreciate it.

I went ahead with my plan to put Caleb up as a pawn against Frankie.

Caleb told me he was going to throw the competition,

which means Frankie would remain on the block.

I'm just hoping that Caleb keeps his word.

You see, I'm not talking to Frankie or Christine for the summer.

Christine nominated me, Frankie stabbed me in the back,

I'm not talking to them anymore, they're dead to me.

Was what I said too mean?

No, it was truthful.

It's true.

I don't trust him, and everybody needs to know what he does.

I wanted to say, you also put words in my mouth and made me…

Yes, that's what I…

We don't think it was…

For sure.

I mean…

I'm sorry.

I totally understand what you did.


I understand.

I get it.

It's nothing personal.

No, of course not.


This is a game.

It is a game.

Frankie and I are up on the block just as planned.

Exactly what I wanted.

He has no idea that B-Smoke Cowboy is in this comp

to throw it, to lose it, and to ensure that his butt stays on the block.

You ready to go?

I'm ready, dude.


Yeah, I mean…

We have no choice.

I couldn't ask for a better partner than Caleb to be on the block with me.

I mean, he is B-Smoke Cowboy, and, you know,

I think that he will bring it today, and so will I.

So there's a good chance that I'm gonna be safe for the week.

So, let's go in.

You know, we gotta do what we gotta do.


I'm not talking to you.

Why are you so mad at me, actually?

I'm actually confused.

You mean there's nothing to be confused about?

No, seriously, though.


Why are you so mad at me?

I don't have to explain myself.

You don't?

I have to?


I don't have to explain myself.

I'm just not talking to you guys.




I actually don't even want to be in the same room with you guys right now.

Okay, I'll leave.

Frankie's been talking a lot of crap about me, throwing me under the bus.

Why are you following me?

Just so you know, I'm the reason you're still here,

and my game was blown because you're still here.

So, just so you know.

Frankie, I have nothing to say to you.

I don't want to hear anything you have to say.

Hold your breath.

Save it, because I'm not listening.

You're going home this week.

Sorry, I'm not sorry.

Football season has arrived!

So get your gear and head to the backyard!


Oh my God.

Oh my God!

So I walk out in the backyard, I see this huge Ravens helmet,

matched up with a huge Steelers helmet,

and these huge platforms lined up by this sick field.

Football is definitely my number one sport,

so I'm super pumped to be watching this Thursday Night Football game,

and I can't wait to see what happens.

Oh my God.

NFL football is coming to CBS on Thursday nights this fall,

and the first game is the Ravens vs.

the Steelers.

That's right.

So we're going to have a pre-season game, BB style.

There we are.

In this Battle of the Black competition,

Christine's nominees will battle Nicole's nominees

to save themselves from the chopping block.

The winning pair not only earned safety for the rest of the week,

but will dethrone the HOH that nominated them.

To start the game, place your ball onto the field.

Pull the chains to raise the bar and guide your ball up the route

through a receiver.

If your ball falls off the route,

it will roll back down the field,

and you'll have to try again.

You must complete 10 passes in order,

starting at the 10-yard line,

marching up the field and finishing in the end zone.

The first team to score a touchdown

will save themselves from the chopping block,

but that's not all.

The winning pair and the HOH that survives

will be taking a trip outside the Big Brother House.

You'll be going on an amazing NFL experience,

complete with a gourmet tailgating party.


Holy crap.

Who's ready to play, moving the chains.

My epic plan for this battle of the block

is for Caleb to throw the competition.

So Donny and I got to get this show on the road.

We got a tailgate to get to.


You excited?

We got this.

Just slow and steady on communication.

Caleb and I are extremely, extremely close.

And when I looked at him in the eyes,

and he wouldn't meet my gaze,

I knew he was going to throw this competition.

Caleb, look at me.

Caleb, look at me.

Frankie, look at me right now.

Look at me right now.

Look at me.

Look at me.

You're not throwing this.

I need you.

You need me in this game.

Whatever was fed to you, just leave it.

It's done.

It's not true.

Frankie, it is true.

Caleb, I'm telling you, please do not throw this.


Please do not do this.

I don't believe you at all.

Let me have a chance to explain it to you.

I don't believe you.

And I think we both know this.

Amber's gone because of you.

You lied.

And you know it.

You know it.

Right now, I am playing this competition

with a guy that has manipulated everyone in this house,

and quite frankly, I just simply want to get him packing.

I want to give the house what they want and do what's best for my alliance.

So this is all about Amber and Nicole.

No, it's about more than that.

As soon as Nicole wins, you run in there and throw me under the bus.

You throw Derek under the bus.

You throw him under the bus.

You throw Cody under the bus.

You done it.

Yeah, and I was gonna…

Ain't that the truth?

There's no explaining.

All right, so you're just gonna throw this?

Yeah, you don't deserve it.

I'm not playing this.

If you can play chains by yourself, you play it,

but you have ruined my trust.

You've ruined our loyalty.

I'm not playing this game with you.

So play chains by yourself.

So what happens when you break trust and loyalty?

This right here.

I'm sorry, Frank, but you've done this to yourself.

Apparently, I am public enemy number one.

Everyone hates me.

If I don't win this battle of the block, I'm going home.

And playing this game alone is gonna be a huge problem.

I'm literally gonna watch you take your last breaths

and your last B.



that you'll even get to play.

That's why I'm beast mode cowboy.

They don't call me that for nothing.

So what happens when you break trust and loyalty?

This right here.

In this battle of the block, I have chosen to sit on the sidelines

and make Frankie completely play this game all by himself.

He doesn't even deserve to play on the same playing field as beast mode cowboy.

I'm sorry, Frank, but you've done this to yourself.

Frankie goes on the block and now Caleb's throwing the competition.

I have no idea what's happening.

On your mark, get set, hike!

All right, ready?


In this NFL football game, we have to work as a team

by pulling two chains on opposite ends

to make the ball travel up these narrow paths.

And we have to pass 10 balls to our receivers to get to a touchdown.

Come on, ball.

Zach and Donnie strike first.

This game is extremely difficult to do by yourself

because you only have two hands,

which means you can't also be loading the ball.

So when you're loading the ball, then you have to wrap the chains

and you have to pull them.

This is a lot to do by myself and I am nervous.

You just pull it more.

I'm going to come down.

Wait, okay.

All right, good.


And in the hole.

All right, what's three?

Three's right here.

All right, now how are we going to do this?

Go up.

No, start going down, going down.

There you go.

What's the next one right here?

Right here.

You put it up.



Same pace as you go back.


Seeing Frankie struggle all by himself,

like he's done a lot of terrible stuff in this game

and he's lied and done a lot of backstabbing,

but I couldn't help but like, you know, feel for the kid.

Frankie scores at the 10.

Frankie scores at the 20.



Catch up, catch up, catch up, catch up.

You go up.

I'm going to stop.

I'm chilling right here.

Zach and Donnie still in the lead.

Frankie hits the button hook at the birdie.

Okay, okay, okay.

We're not in sync right now.

I'm focusing purely on mine and Donnie's game.

I don't care what's going on in Frankie's world.

Can't go no higher, Zach.

You'll hear it all over dropping.

All right, well, I'm lower.

Well, it's going below it.

It's not going high.

Trying some hurry up offense.

Two minute drill, boys.

Let's get to the line.

Let's spike the ball and let's throw a Hail Mary down the field.

We'll be home for dinner.

Okay, all right, all right.

Good job.

Zach and Donnie at midfield.

This one right here.

Frankie to the 40.

Oh, yup, keep going up.

That's a tie score.

Frankie halfway there.

All right, come on, guys.

Frankie pulls ahead.

Nice pace.

Yes, thank God.

You guys are tied.

Six to six.

We're tied?


Yeah, put it right in the middle.

Put it right in the middle.

Looks like Zach and Donnie are switching strategies.

Frankie's having a lot of success doing it by himself.

I'm going to go solo dolo and see if I can bring home the W

for Team Donnie and Zach attack.

All right, Zach, let's go.

Zach's trying to run the offense himself.

They cannot get past the 30.

Slow and steady, Zach.

That's not working.

Maybe two.

Should we go back to the second one or what?

You know, try it.

You know, try it the way it was going?



Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Donnie, pull.

You can't pull any longer.

No, we were right on the track.

Frankie pulls ahead.

All right, Zach, let's go.

Oh, how did that not go in?

Frankie is at the 20.


All right, you're going to have to back up so you can see the bottom.

Guys, there you go.

If Frankie gets a touchdown, he wins the game.

If Donnie and I lose this competition, Frankie is going to be safe,

Christine is going to be safe, and I'm going to be on the block.

This sucks.

Good job, guys.

They're at the 20.

Oh, there we go, guys.

You're in it.

You're in it.

Time ball game, boys and girls.

Competent, Donnie.

I'm going to pull up.

Just trust me.

Whoever gets the touchdown wins the game.

My heart is racing.

I'm gripping the chains with all of my might.

I just need this last ball to go in so that I am safe this week.

I'm going to come down a little bit, Donnie.

You stay.

I'm coming down a little bit.

Just a little bit.

Just a little bit.

Oh, wait.

I'm coming down a little bit more, Donnie.

We've got to communicate.

Talk to me, too, okay?

I'm staying.

Okay, okay.

Yeah, don't overcompetent.

I'm going to come back.

I'm going to come back.

Okay, it's okay, you guys.

It's still there.

Up a little?


Yeah, we've got to get up there, Donnie.

Congratulations, Caleb and Frankie.

You have won the Battle of the Glow.

We got it.

That was for you, Grandpa.

That was for you, Grandpa.

That was for you, Ariana.

That was for you, Mommy.

Go Team Grande.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I took my feet into my own hands and won a two-person competition by myself.

Frankie in my eyes is still a snake.

He's still a liar.

But kudos to Frankie, and that's all I can say about that.

You've got to be kidding me.

He won.

You kidding me?

He won.

Simple as that.

Unfortunately, Nicole, you have been sacked and are no longer head of household.

This is the worst possible scenario coming out of Battle of the Block,

and now that he's safe, he's probably going to get me out of the house.

Zach, I'm sorry.

Sorry for what?

You make fun of me to everyone.

Zach, I make fun of you to…



Well, guess what?

I'm a safe liar.

So I just lost in the Battle of the Block to one person.

But Frankie, you're going to get yours one day.

I promise you that.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you!

So I'm safe for this week, which is great, but I am definitely not safe for any weeks coming up.

I need to rebuild some trust in this house, and I think the only way to do it is to make a big move

and to tell this entire house my big secret, who I'm related to, the one and only Ariana Grande.

Who will win the Power of Vito, and will it be used to save either Donny or Zach from the Block?

Plus, how will the house react when they learn Frankie's big secret?

Find out Wednesday at 8, 7 Central on Big Brother.

Thank you.

Thank you.
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