16x23 - Episode 23

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x23 - Episode 23

Post by bunniefuu »

This summer's twist came with a warning.

Just because you're HOH doesn't mean you're safe.

Welcome to Big Brother.

Previously on Big Brother.

When the house turned on Frankie, he was an easy target.

Frankie throwing alliance members under the bus when we have the numbers is just not a

good game to win.

So Nicole agreed to a plan for Caleb to sabotage the upcoming competition.

I decided to put myself up as a pawn against Frankie.

I wanted to be the guy that kicked him out of this house, so put me up next to him.

When Caleb sidelined himself in the NFL inspired battle of the block.

I'm not playing this game with you.

Frankie had to pull off a Hail Mary.

Congratulations Caleb and Frankie.

You have won the battle of the block.

Sending Nicole off her head of household throne.

This is the worst possible scenario coming out of battle of the block and now that he's

safe he's probably going to get me out of the house.

Wanting to get the house back on his side, Frankie revealed his Grande secret.

I'm a YouTuber and a TV personality and a social media mogul.

My sisters are Anna Grande.

Oh my god!

With Frankie safe, the new target was Donny.

If we don't win, one of us got to win.


We wouldn't want to keep the same mistake.

Donny goes home.

But after Zack won the veto.

When Zack Attack needed it, he got it.

Derek decided Nicole should be the replacement nominee.

There are only four people that can go up as a replacement nominee this week.

Myself, that ain't happening.

Cody and Victoria, two people I trust.

Then there's Nicole.

She won three HOHs this year.

Sounds like a pick to me.

So the guys came up with a plan to get Christine on board.

She told me, Caleb, if you tell the competition, I'm going to back door Christine.

Okay, so I twisted the truth a little bit.

But Christine doesn't need to know all that jazz.

And Christine played right into their hands.

The goal is for Frankie to go home, but you were the backup plan.


At the veto meeting.

I've chose to use the veto on myself.

Christine had some strong words for her fellow four eyed friend.

I'm going to take this knife out of my back and I'm going to return it to its owner knowing

that it can't be used again.

So I'm sorry, Nicole.

I'm going to have to ask you to take a seat.

Tonight, either Nicole or Donnie will be evicted from the Big Brother house.

Plus, Christine, Caleb and Frankie leave the house for the first time in over 50 days for

an exclusive NFL experience.

Nice to meet you guys.

So nice to meet you.

It all happens right now.

Live on Big Brother.

I thought Ari was a dude.

Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to Big Brother.

It's day 56 inside the Big Brother house and the tremors from last week's stunning double

eviction are still being felt.

Lies and secret identities have been exposed.

And even though the detonator's alliance appears to be hanging together, it's only

by a thread with each member ready to backstab the other at a moment's notice.

So who will be the first one to turn?

We'll find out soon enough.

But first, Nicole finds herself betrayed and on the block once again, proving that at this

point in the game, friendship means nothing when there's a half million dollars on the


I'm going to get it.

Thank you so much for coming.

Now that I've put Nicole up, I have clearly chosen sides.

And at this point, I just have to keep my fingers crossed that the detonators are going

to keep me safe and that they're still working with me.

You're good.

You did so good.

My elbows.

Are your hands dirty?

Because I wanted to use my elbow.

You're jimbo?

You got it?

All right.


Call me a clown again.


Oh my god, that's what you get?

Clown, clown, you're a clown.

Clown, clown.

Oh yes.

Hey, Christine, I know that you want me to go home, but can I at least just like clear

the air?

Just like no.

Yeah, absolutely.

Oh, that's gut-wrenching.

Okay, I am just, I'm not pissed.

I'm just, I'm hurt.

The point that hurt my feelings is that you didn't have the audacity to come ask me so

I could defend myself.

I deserve to know even why I'm sitting there.

I was told by a lot of people last night that there was a plan for Caleb to throw the cup

at me.

I freaking knew this is exactly what it was.

What they made me promise and what I said, my back's against the wall.

I would not back door you and we got to leave somebody that we can pick otherwise.

and you are going to go home next week.

I don't think Christine's telling the truth about people pressuring her to do this.

They may have suggested it, but it was her decision.

And unless Frankie, Zach, Christine, Derek and Cody are all still working together because

there's no other really reason for their actions.

It just sucks.

I mean, I know it's a game, but this is, I literally have done nothing.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Boy, this thing is hard when you lay on your back on anything.

Oh, this is awful.

I feel like I'm on my last leg right now.

Well, I've been alone the whole time.


I get to sit and watch our sh**t poo and left out of the conversations.

I don't spend a lot of time with Donny in the house, but it's nice to share the misery of being a have not.

Donny's a great person and he feels very alone in this game.

And I honestly, I kind of feel bad for the guy.

Not that I'm giving up.

I will fight.

What in the world did I bring in this house that scared people?

I have no idea.

I think it's the beard.

Fear the beard, Donny.

Fear the beard.

Fear the beard.

Donny, I'm crying.

This feels so terrible.

I did not expect it from her.


That's all right.

She has a good deal.

Big time with Goldie.

The way that she acts as Goldie always freaks me out.

I know because if you're married, I would never act like she acts.

And I'm not even married and I wouldn't do that.

Oh, yeah.

The guys are obviously dominating.

Nicole might be the next one out this week.

And if it continues this way, me and Christine can just pack our bags.

I got to try to figure out a way to stay, though.

Three, four.


Well, it could be inside the tie, three to three.

We should go for a trip.

She'll enjoy it.

Yeah, you know?

I'd have to talk to her.

Dang it, I really wanted to see a sink pond.


Oh, my God.

All right, so this is going to be an uncomfortable conversation.

Oh, no.

The only thing is, is that I obviously want to see this house.

And I worked my butt off to get here.

And I got to at least try.

As a game perspective, if Donnie stays, that's one against you 100%.

He's good with his words.

He's very smart.

I hate that.

He's scary.

Do you know who Donnie's second target is?

He's been talking a lot about me.


If I stayed in the house, I'm Frankie's biggest target.

I'm freaking Zach's target.

I'm still their target.

You have potential to save me in this house and I will 100% have your bag.


Donnie keeps sliding by.

Nicole is pleading her case to me.

And honestly, it's getting through.

Donnie, I literally don't trust a bone in his body.

But Nicole, if she stayed, I actually would trust her.

I wouldn't be upset if you stayed.

I can definitely be an asset to you.

How you feeling?

I'm this poor little girl that's alone and you guys want her out of the house.

I'm completely by myself.

I'm just pissed off that this week unfolded this way.

Me too.

That's my thing.

I would never ever come after you or Derek.

Or her.

But Donnie is.

I was just frustrated how long Donnie's lasted in this game.

Donnie's skated by for a really long time in this game.

But I feel like each week he's scheming behind the scenes.

Plus there's rumors that I'm one of Donnie's targets as well.

The good move is not to get me out of the house.

That is a stupid move.

I would never ever keep somebody that I know is 100% coming after me.


Oh, I have something to tell you now that we're alone really quick.

Nicole said that we're his number one targets.

Oh my god.

She's one of the smartest people here.

I don't know.

I just really am very like into sending Donnie home.

That's logical.

I think Donnie's gonna come after me.

He's gonna come after you.

He's gonna come after her before he goes after any of them.

That would be a nightmare.

Yeah, that would be bad.

That wouldn't shock me.

Nothing would shock me.

Of course I have my reasons for wanting to keep Donnie here.

He's part of Team America.

But when Cody voices a concern about Donnie,

I have to hear him out.

Taking into consideration all those factors,

at this point I have no idea what I'm gonna do.

Oh crap.

Coming up, Caleb, Frankie and Christine get a once in a lifetime

NFL experience outside the house.

Then it's the live vote and eviction.

Nicole or Donnie?

Another house guest joins the jury tonight.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

NFL Football is coming to CBS on Thursday nights this fall.

And after a football themed battle of the block,

Caleb, Frankie and Christine got an all access VIP pass

to the Dallas Cowboys training camp.

I forgot what heels looked like.

Yes, prices are through the roof.

Today's adventure is an NFL experience of a lifetime.

I have no idea where we're going.

This is amazing.

Oh Jesus.

I have been in the house for 52 days

and I am so excited to talk to other human beings.

Yeah, yeah!

Oh my God, I love country football.

Dude, I'm from Dallas, Texas.

Going to the Dallas Cowboys training camp today is a huge deal.

Hopefully I get to meet my man Jerry Jones.

If so, it's gonna freakin' put the cherry on my DAGM ice cream sundae.

One, two, three.

Go football!



Hi, I'm Rich.

I'm Caleb.

Vice President for Communication at the Cowboys.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

First thing I'm gonna do is just take you on a quick tour of the locker room.

This is the craziest experience I have ever had.

This is Tony Romo's dog locker.

Ready, set, hike!


I don't know what to do.




Hey man.

Oh my God, this is such an honor.

Welcome to camp.

How's the show been?


Is that the best way to say it?

Practice this afternoon.

There's about 90 of them out there and they're gonna be down to 53.

So, every one of them know it's on the line.

But you can't go to the practice field.

They don't know she looks like a player.

And so here's you some practice.


Christine, here's you something, baby.

Oh my God, they need you.

Now let's see here.

I'm gonna have to do some work to get you looking football.

You might have to do a little bit, sir.

Then you watch out out there.

They'll throw you in a drill.

Yes, they will.

You might do some running dog training.


Jerry Jones, the one and only, the owner of the Dallas Cowboys,

is standing in front of me.

I feel like I'm in a dream.

Keep your eyes open out there.

Jason Whitten.

What's going on, man?

Yes, sir.

That's all right.

Nice to meet you.

Jason Whitten, number 82.

The best dadgum tied in in the game.

It was just amazing.

Did you just do my hat?

Yeah, absolutely.

Thank you.

I just got to meet Jason Whitten.

He was like this tall.

He was awesome.

I was like, hi, sir.

How are you?

That's the man right there.

That's the big brother crew.

Yeah, that's nice to meet you guys.

Nice to meet you.


I want you guys on a purgatory.

We're out wearing the sun.

That's awesome.

We're excited to have you guys today.

Thank you.

You guys can shake.

We wrote some routes for it.

Who in the world gets to just walk up and shake hands with Tony Romo?

Nice to meet you.

How y'all doing?

It's my favorite number, man.

It's a good one.

Thank you so much.

You got miles beyond your pikes.

Thank you.

I am so close to the players.

I can feel them breathing down my neck.

I can almost touch them.

Oh, look at those guys.

This is so cool.

It's very surreal being so close.

Oh, nice.

Cooking, son.

And this guy right here throwing the balls,

he's doing little drills with him, catching drills.

I got Dallas Cowboys players all around me.

I got my boy Tony Romo maybe 30 yards away.

This is a once in a lifetime experience.

Learning a little bit about football today.

I'm learning a lot about football.

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be here

and just escape all of the madness that is the house.

It's we invigorated me so I can keep going in this game.

That was insane.

My dad is going to faint when he watches this.


Thank you so much, Jerry Jones.

Thank you, Tony Romo.

It was so awesome meeting you.

Cannot wait to watch Thursday Night Football on CBS.



I hung out with Dehn Bryant, Jason Witten, Tony Romo.

We hung out with all of them.

I hate all of you.

Hello, house guests.

Hey, Julie.

Well, Caleb, you've been locked up in the house for 56 days now.

And this week, courtesy of Frankie,

you have the opportunity to visit the Dallas Cowboys training camp.

Now, you met a lot of people.

Who would you say was your favorite?

The most favorite that I got to meet had to be the owner, Jerry Jones.

You know, I know a few NFL football players myself personally,

so, you know, awesome to meet them,

but the owner, Jerry Jones, that's worth billions, was amazing.

What was that like for you?

I was going to say it made my hair stand up,

but I quite frankly don't have any.

So, you know…

I got the picture.

I enjoyed it.

Now, house guests, there was a lot of drama in the house this week.

Victoria, what was the most surprising thing to you?

The most surprising thing that happened this week

is how emotional I really got when everything went down.

Obviously, I do cry sometimes,

but it was just a lot to take in and a lot of lies are happening right now.

So, it's just over the top, basically.

Big Brother's not easy.


Zach, we saw you and Frankie at each other's throats this past week.

A little bit, a little bit.

Where do things stand between the two of you now?

You know, Frankie is a great person.

I hate everyone in this house again, but I hate him the least.

So, you know, we had to make up, everything's great,

and he's still my best friend.

All right.


Yes, Julie.

You found yourself competing in the Battle of the Block.

You found yourself competing in the Battle of the Block all by yourself.

How difficult was that for you to pull off?

It was an extremely emotionally and physically challenging moment for me.

I knew that I had to do it, though,

so I pulled deep and I got it done, but it was rough.

You did it.

You did it, Frankie.

Thanks, Julie.

Thanks, everybody.

I'll be back in just a minute for tonight's live vote and eviction.

Coming up, Nicole or Donnie,

who will become the next member of the jury.

Stay with us.


Welcome back to Big Brother.

They may have made it past the halfway mark,

but tonight, either Nicole or Donnie will leave the Big Brother house.

Let's head to the living room for the live vote and eviction.

House guests, it's now time for the live voting to begin.

Nicole, Donnie, in just moments,

your housemates will cast their votes to evict live,

but before they do, you each have a final chance to sway their votes.

Nicole, you're first.


First, I want to wish my parents a happy early anniversary.

I love and miss you guys so much.

Jesse, I love and miss you.

Mariah, shout out.

House guests, this has been an amazing journey.

My dream of playing the game Big Brother came true.

I am so blessed to have been here with you guys,

and I love each and every one of you,

and I want to wish you guys the best of luck.

Thank you, Nicole.

Donnie, it's your turn.

All right.

I want to thank God for this opportunity again.

I want to say I love you to my mom, my dad, Susan, Penny, and Tommy,

and my beautiful girlfriend, Christine.

I want to say it's been great playing the game with you guys.

Y'all have been like little brothers and sisters to me,

and I hope to continue playing this game.

Thank you.

Thank you, Donnie.

Thank you both.

All right, everyone.

It's time for the live voting to begin.

As always, neither nominee is allowed to vote.

Christine, as current head of household,

you will only vote in the event of a tie.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room

and cast your vote to evict.

Caleb, you're first tonight.

Please go to the diary room.

Caleb was part of the live that put Nicole in harm's way,

but will he follow through and send her packing tonight?

Hi, Caleb.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Zach and Donnie bonded this week over being have-nots.

Will Zach find it in his heart to keep him safe?

Hi, Zach.

What up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

Thank you.

Cody was warned that Donnie was coming after him.

Will Cody take this chance to strike first?

Hi, Cody.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Nicole.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Victoria feels the men are running the house.

Will she take this opportunity to do something about it?

Hi, Victoria.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict the blonde bombshell Nicole.

Thank you.


It's official.

With four votes to evict Nicole,

Nicole will leave the house tonight.

But let's see how the other votes fall.

Hi, Frankie.

Julie, I see you rocking the glitter eyes.

You look gorgeous.

Thank you so much.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I cast my vote to evict Nicole.

Thank you.

I love you.

Like everything this summer,

Derek quietly orchestrated Nicole's nomination.

It would be a surprise if he didn't vote to evict her.

Hi, Derek.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

Team America, I vote to evict Nicole.

Thank you.

All of the votes are in.

And with six votes to evict,

Nicole will leave the house tonight.

When we return, we'll give the news to the houseguest.

Then it's time to crown two new heads of household.

With paranoia and doubt running rampant in the house,

this HOH competition could change everything.

Stay with us.

We'll be right back.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted houseguest

will have just a few moments to say goodbye,

gather his or her belongings, and walk out the front door

by a vote of six to zero.

Nicole, you are evicted from the Big Brother House.

Good luck, guys.

Why is it not the first time?

I adore you.

Good luck.

I love you.

That was amazing.

Sorry, Derek.


Just hope I don't fall out.

Go have fun.

You look more hot.

Don't kiss her face for me.

Nicole, don't kiss her face.



Oh, my God!

Nice to meet you.

Happy bad-cow.

Can I have some light?

Oh, man.

Another one down.

Five more to go.

Thank you, guys.

How's that?

How's that?

Donny, congrats, buddy.

Thank you so much.

Keep that EHOH button.

Thanks, thanks, thanks.

Ooh, nuts.

Is your heart beating up there?

It was.

There was a little second cheer after.

There was.

She played a great game, man.

She was good at EHOH, comp.

I think there is going to be a host with a second cheer.


Good job, Nicole.

She gets to go see her boy Hayden.

Nicole, you rock!

She gets to go get her kiss.

Hey, Nicole.

See you never.

Well, Nicole, we told you at the beginning of the summer

that this summer was going to be completely different.

We said you could go from being EHOH

and evicted all in the same week.

That happened to you.

Everybody just really wanted me out of their house.


Why do you think?

I'm such a physical beast.

I don't know, honestly.

I think they gave me a lot more credit

for what I really did in there.

So I think they…

I don't know.

They just maybe saw me as a huge threat,

but I don't really think that's why.

There's something going on.

I don't know.

Do you like any of the people left in the house right now?

Do you want to keep in touch with any of these people

after it's all over?

I love Donnie.

It appeared in the beginning that you and Christine

were truly friends.

You even agreed this past week.

Let's not back door each other.

What do you think of Christine right now?

It was a smart move, I guess, on her part,

because, I mean, who knows?

Given the situation, I don't think I'd have done it to her,

but I'm frustrated with her right now.

I feel betrayed, and she was my friend,

so I don't think very highly of her as a person,

but I mean, as a game player, smart move.


What went through your head when Frankie told you

he was Ariana Grande's brother?

Oh, my gosh.

I was trying to get him out of the house for a couple weeks,

so all the fans that like her, sorry.

I didn't…

I mean, I felt shocked,

but I mean, it makes sense.

He's good at everything.

Acting and whatever else.

Let's talk about Hayden.

You're about to see him in the jury house.


Are you looking forward to that?

I actually am.

Is this a relationship you would like to see continue

outside of this game?

Oh, I…

I don't know.

I really do like him.

I think he's cute and nice and everything else,

but I don't know what he wants,

but I definitely think we'll stay best friends.

You've been watching this show since you were eight years old,

dying to get on it.


Was it everything you dreamed and hoped it would be?

Oh, absolutely.

It was perfect.

I loved every second of it.

I still can't even believe I was in that house,

and, oh, it was awesome.

Well, in the event that you were the one evicted tonight,

your housemates taped some goodbye messages.

Let's look over here and let's listen.

Nicole, you are one of the coolest girls I've ever met.

The moment I met you, I knew we were gonna be friends.

I'm really sorry that this happened.

It was 100% purely just strategic,

and you are so great, and I can't wait to be friends with you outside of here.

Nicole, I admire your passion and knowledge for this game so much.

Having to go against you has been definitely the most difficult part

about being in this house.

I really do think you are a remarkable, beautiful human being.

Nicole, a true superfan, what of, if not the most intelligent person in the house.

You were awesome to play against,

and I look forward to talking to you more about Big Brother when I see you again.

Nicole, if you're watching this, I guess I dodged a b*llet this week.

You were my last, closest friend in the house, and you will be truly missed.

It will be lonely in here without you,

and I hope we can remain friends after this experience is over.


Final thoughts, Nicole?

I guess I love them.

Oh, they're back on your good side.

Oh, I see what a little flattery does.

Final question, if you got the chance to go back in that house,

would you do anything differently?


I think that I would do, like how I played my game,

yeah, I would do things differently.

I wouldn't trust as many people as I did.

Well, you might get the chance.

You'll learn more about that later, but for now, you are off to the jury house.


And we thank you.

Thank you.

Okay, the battle for head of household plays out live.

Who will be the new HOHs, and how will it shake up the house?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's time to crown two new heads of household.

Last night, the house guest had some very disturbing visitors,

and it's all part of tonight's HOH competition.

You hate me.

It would just be better than that.





Because I don't want to deal with you.

And why'd you eat?

Why do you, why do you…





Did you see this?


A tree!

What is it for that?

Oh my god!

What is it?

What happened?

Am I going crazy?


I can't believe it.

I can't believe it.

I'm sorry.

That was good.

I'm so afraid to go anywhere now.

Did I do it?






That is sick.

That's not freaking funny.

That's a real beast.

There's just one right there.

Oh my god, that's no joke.


I mean Beast Mode is a little scary.

That's why it's pretty.

Seriously, let's almost know the door of the fire room.

It's in the surface.


Shut the lights out.

Shut them off.

Shut it.


Oh dude, I don't want to do this.

I don't want to do this.






Oh my god!



I'm sorry.



Donnie's trying to go to bed right now.

I don't see that happening.

Dude, dude, dude, dude, dude.

Sir, it's the Big Brother System.

The apocalypse.

Do you think this is serious?

The greater Los Angeles area is now under a state of quarantine,

as there are reports of zombie-like creatures at the intersections of 7th and Figueroa.

Stay tuned to this channel for further instructions.

I think it has something to do with the competition.

By mid-morning, Dallas, Chicago and Yubly…


reported signs of what's now being called the zombie apocalypse.

Symptoms of the zombie virus include fevers beginning at a temperature of 105,

going as high as 113.

In the last 12 hours, 546 cases of the virus have been admitted into the St.

Giesling Hospital for the unwell.

Authorities estimate that the undead make up 40% of the Big Brother live feed audience.

Stay inside and start showmances immediately, as this may be your last chance.



This is a fun show, but let's just get it.

Big Brother would like to remind you that eating another houseguest's brains is grounds for expulsion.

Oh my God, I'm scared.

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.

Houseguests, the power is up for grabs.

Christine, as outgoing head of household, you are not eligible to compete.

This competition is called Dead of Household, and here's how it works.

Throughout the night last night, you heard many detailed messages about a zombie outbreak.

I will now ask you a series of questions based on the information you received.

The answer will be either A or B.

Get the answer right, you stay in the game.

Get the answer wrong, you will be eliminated.

This will continue until we have crowned two new heads of household.

Does everyone understand?



Then let's get started.

Question one.

Which city was mentioned in the first announcement?

A, Chil Town, or B, Los Angeles?

Answers, please.

I need an answer, Victoria.

Final answers, everyone.

The correct answer is B, Los Angeles.

Sorry, Caleb.

Reset and step down.

Everyone reset as we move on to question two.

How high can the zombie virus fever go?

A, 113, or B, 115?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is A, 113.

Everyone got it right, everyone reset as we move on to question three.

Zombies' appetite for human brains were reportedly what?

A, ravenous, or B, insatiable?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is B, insatiable.

Donny and Victoria reset and step down.

Victoria, please reset.

Everybody reset as we move on with Cody, Derek, Frankie, and Zach still left in the game.

Question four.

What was the name of the hospital mentioned?

A, St.

Giesling Hospital for the unwell, or B, St.

Giesling Hospital for the unwell?


Giesling Hospital for the undead.

Answers, please.

The correct answer is A, St.

Giesling Hospital for the unwell.

Sorry, Zach.

Reset and step down.

Everyone reset as we move on to question five.

What was the fourth item listed to pack in an emergency kit?

A, bunny slippers, or B, pink hair dye?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is B, pink hair dye.

Everyone got it right, everyone reset.

Question six.

When did Las Vegas hotel owners announce they were adding brains to their all-you-can-eat buffets?

A, 324 Pacific time, or B, 312 Pacific time?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is A, 324 Pacific time.

Everyone got it right, everyone reset.

Question seven.

When did Dallas report signs of the zombie apocalypse?

A, mid-morning, or B, mid-afternoon?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is A, mid-morning.

Everybody got it wrong, everyone stays in as we reset to question eight.

How many times was the word brains used in the announcements?

A, three times, or B, six times?

Answers, please.

The correct answer is A, three times.

Congratulations to Derek and Frankie.

The two of you are the new heads of household.

Come on, baby.

Up next, I sit down with former Big Brother winner Rachel Riley to get her opinion on this twisted summer.

Don't go anywhere.

That was hard, guys.

No trouble.

It's time for America's Vote.

Team America needs a new mission.

Do you want Team America to A, create a distraction by hiding a favorite piece of clothing from each house guest,

then organize a neighborhood watch program to keep it from happening again, or B,

weaken another player's game by keeping them awake for 24 hours straight?

Go to CBS.

com and vote for Team America's mission now.

For free online voting, go to CBS.

com slash Big Brother.

Maximum 20 online votes per day.

Most will be accepted until August 15, 2014 at 10.


Pacific time.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

I am joined by former Big Brother winner Rachel Riley.

Hi, how are you?

Hi, how are you?

So good to have you here.

So good to be here.

Let's talk about the game.

What has surprised you the most about what's going on in the house this summer?

You know, the way that the girls are clinging to the boys this summer.

I don't understand.

Sisters before misters, right?

It's driving me nuts.

I had to win competitions to play the game.

So how do you explain that dynamic?

You know, I think what happened this season is that the girls alliance tried and when it didn't work out.

They didn't really try.

Well, that's true.

They didn't really try.

Okay, go on.

Sorry, they didn't.

They kind of tried.

But when it didn't work out, I think that the girls got kind of intimidated and scared and went to the boys and stuck with the boys and didn't work out for them either.

What's your take on Zanky?

I love Zanky!


Don't we all love Zanky?

Oh, I love Zanky.

I think it's so cute and I don't know what's going on with them, but I hope that they're friends forever because they are adorable.


Who do you think is playing the best game right now?

I think Derek's playing the best game.

I think he's going to probably win this season.

If he does, it will be shocked, right?

You don't think anyone can beat him right now?

Gosh, you know, maybe Caleb could beat him, but I think that they'll have to get rid of Derek if they want to win the game.

That doesn't look likely right now.

He just won HOH.

We've been telling everyone that one juror is going to get the chance to go back into the house.

Who would you like to see get a second chance at this?

I want Nicole to come back so bad!

She'll take out the detonators, she'll go after the boys, and maybe if Nicole goes back, she can patch things up with Christine, she can work with Donnie.

I think she could go back and really take control of the house.

Rachel Riley, always a pleasure talking with you.

Thank you so much.

Take good care of yourself.

Well, we may be past the halfway point, but there is still a whole lot of game to be played.

Tune in Sunday to see who Derek and Frankie nominate for eviction.

Plus, it's the final battle of the block this summer.

Then Wednesday, it wouldn't be a twisted summer without a surprise twist to our friend, Zingbot.

What does he have in store for the houseguest?

And who will win the power veto?

It all happens Wednesday.

Then, one week from tonight, the double HOH twist is over and another houseguest is sent packing.

Plus, we give the first four jurors a chance to return to the game.

Either Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, or the houseguest evicted next week will have a second shot at the half million dollar prize.

And it all happens live next Thursday.

For now, let's eavesdrop on the houseguest.

From outside the Big Brother house with Rachel Riley, I'm Julie Chen.

Good night.

I'll have been done.

I'll have been done way before.


What do you mean?

He's your best friend?

I'm always going to fall in pain.

I'll be like this cat.

I didn't get a CD either, eh, Joce?

Problem is on yours.

Thanks for watching.
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