16x27 - Episode 27

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x27 - Episode 27

Post by bunniefuu »

who's been bad for my game since the very beginning.

Zack, my friend, please go and have a seat, it's time for you and Julie to come back.

Julie turned to finally meet.

Totally alone in the game, Donnie tried to turn Christine against her own alliance.

If some way Zack stayed, that would be someone to fighting themselves.

Before the live eviction, Julie delivered some game-changing news.

The double HOH twist is over.

And then followed it up with some bad news for Zack Attack.

By a vote of five to zero, Zack, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.

But he would get the chance to fight again.

The four of you will compete head to head live in the competition.

The winner will be back in the game as if you had never been evicted.

What's up, man?

After the jurors surprised the house.

Twist is seated.

The battle to return to the game began.

And Nicole went from jury to back with a fury.

Congratulations to Nicole because you are back in the game, baby.

Tonight, who will become the new head of household and which two house guests will be nominated

for eviction?

Find out right now on Big Brother.

I'm Batman.

I'm watching you through the night.

And we have to say congratulations to Nicole because you are back in the game, lady.

I love you.

I love you so much.

I'm so excited to be back in the Big Brother house.

I have a second shot to win this game and I am so ready.

Derek and Cody.

So proud of each other.

Well, you are a new to you and me.

You're so lucky.

Nicole is a very intelligent player and can do some damaging competition.

So she's definitely not my number one choice to come back into the house.

Nicole, you haven't gone a week.

I know.

I knew you guys missed me.

Nicole's back and we're all like, oh my goodness, we've missed you so much.

But we're all actually just thinking the same thing.

I can't wait to get her and Donnie out.


This is insane.

I don't want friends.

I am so excited to see Nicole back in the house.

She's a good friend of mine.

She's someone that I could work with and she also is a very smart person.

Maybe the other side will see her as a bigger threat than me and go after her again.


Okay, stand by us.

I want you to win.

I want you to win.


Me and I went to go kiss you guys on the cheek.

We kissed on the lips.

You still got one on your cheek.


This sucks.

Now we got two people that are probably going to be working together again.

Makes me mad.

Nicole's back in the game.

I'm the one who sent her packing.

So now I'm scared for my life.

If she wins HOH, I know I'm going up.

So this sucks.

I'm not.

Neither are you, though.

I feel very uncomfortable.

I don't know what to do.

Five versus two, man.

At this point in the game, anybody coming back into the house probably has just helped for Donny.

So not really happy about Nicole coming back because this guy would have been alone this week.

And now he's got at least somebody we can like walk and whisper with.

I'm just not happy.

Well, here's the thing.

I'm really simple.

We have to stay united, right?

There's a chance you can win HOH.

If she does, then that's worst case scenario.

But with that being said, she's going to talk to us.

She's going to try to wedge herself back in because that's the only audience.

She's going to try to wedge herself back in.

I don't know that I can have a couple with her.

I mean, I don't know that I can have a series of games.

She can't show them after you.

I won the battle at the block.

No, you don't think.

No, you don't think.

You're not going to be able to get it.

You want it by yourself.

In the black box, I found six buttons and she gave one to the other team.

They have a plan.

They draw the Skittles to see who it saw.

Thank you.

I've got a friend again.


Because everyone else is against me and everyone else.

She don't even know she's here.

She has no clue about that.

She's going to put the whole thing together.

It don't matter.

I mean, you're the only person I trust.

I don't see you.


They do it constantly.

If anyone's going to roll and start blabbering, it's probably going to be Christine.

Let's hope it doesn't happen.

We just win and we're good.

Definitely better.

We're just saying.

Don't get nervous.

They're already talking out there.

About what?

What do they say?

They're ending Daniel Sinatra who's working all alone and now he's happy that she's there.

Well, good.

We all know, but now it's X-ments too.

So any of us are an HOH.

You are saved this week.

Everyone's saved this week.

Those two are going back on the block.

Well, Donny literally sealed his fate this week with all that he's been saying.

He's been talking to a lot of people in our alliance individually to try to get us to turn on one another.

I wouldn't bank on Derek saving you because look, we're hating that right now.


Look, we're Nicole's at right now.

They trusted Derek, Christine, I promise.

You seen how close she was to Nicole?


They were inseparable all summer and then she turned her loose without a tear.

So then there's you.


I'm telling you, the three of them, you're not going to break them.

Derek, Frankie, and Christine, you're not going to break them up.

Are you going to be happy with fifth?


You know, he told me the final three was yesterday.

You, Derek and Frankie.

You and Caleb are on the outs.

I love it.

I'm in a group with everyone.

I'm working with you.

I'm working with her.

I'm working with Frankie.

The only one I'm not working with is Caleb.

And I'm sure I'm working with Victoria too.

I've worked very carefully to position myself in this game.

If Donny thinks he's going to sabotage that, he's sorely mistaken.

Even if he is right, which he is, I'm not going to just sit back and watch him destroy my game.

I need to go after Derek and Cody.

Those are my two.

I don't know what the best move is at this point besides going after all of us.

How many minutes?

Two, but it might need another minute.

It's a bit white.

It might need another few minutes.

I mean, we can try.

Game on.

As soon as I walked in there, they were whispering.

I kind of looked in the mirror and I seen them.

I seen them doing that.

Listen, I hope we all stay to this.

If one of us do not, I'm going to call you out on it, especially.

We do not have to go in rooms or close doors with her.

None of us need to.

If you do, you're doing it for your own benefit.



So don't go close rooms.

Don't try to help yourself out.

We stick together.

We win HOH.

We put them both up again.

One of them go home and we're back to where we were.

Because we still have the numbers.

At this point, the detonators have the numbers.

The last thing I want is one of our members to go to them and divulge information and cause a wedge with our alliance.

We have the numbers.

We're favored by a lot.

If we don't win, we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

And that's what I'm telling these guys.

We have the opportunity to go right back to seven people and have an easy week this week.


A couple hours, we're going to get that opportunity.

One of us need one of us to go right back to seven people.

One of us are doing it.





Hey, we got this.

Look at this one piece of fish.

I'm going to go smack someone in the face of that.


Have you guys seen my round off kick?

I don't know, Caleb.

I have a feeling I'm about to.

Y'all want to see it?

Yes, I would love to.

It goes like this.

You guys seem Steven Seagal, right?

Yes, of course.

He does these.

Yes, he does.

Then he does these.

Yes, he does.

That's beautiful.

That's all I got to say about that.

Oh, I thought that was another kick that was going to happen.


Dude, I could take your head off your shoulders.


No, please no.

Caleb, it literally is having flashbacks to when he was like a ninja assassin.

No, no, no, no, no, no.

He's going to this house being like,

And it's absolutely terrifying.

I am a third degree black belt,

freaking gently and Jackie Chan.

They don't hold a candle to be smoke cowboy.

I'm smooth baby.

I'm smooth.

Well, that is really impressive actually.

That is really helpful.

These kids are ninja.


Probably the most entertaining thing I've seen today in this house.

You ever seen a bicycle kick in real?



It's time for the HOH competition.

Everybody lace up your gloves and head to the backyard.

So we walk out into the backyard in our boxing gear.

I see my lockers, then we have a speed bag and you know,

they don't call me the Italian Stanley for no reason.

This is boxing?

This is legitimate.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for tonight's main event.

As the outgoing head of household, I am not eligible to compete.


This boxing match will be played over six rounds.

In each round, I will read an event that happened in the Big Brother House

over the first 50 days.

It is your job to figure out what day that event happened on.

At the sound of the bell, you must run down to your opponent and punch him.

You can make the counter go up one for a gut punch and five for a glove punch.

Once you have the day that you want on your display, run back and ring in.

Answer incorrectly.

Your counter will reset and you'll have to guess again.

The last fighter to answer in each round will be eliminated.

And the last fighter standing will become the new head of household.

Who's ready to play Punching for Days?



This is insane.

Earlier today, I was just sitting in the jury house thinking about

what I should have done to get further in the scheme, and now I have a second chance.

I definitely need to win, otherwise I could easily be going off that door this week.

I've been on the block for five times.

I feel like I've been targeted week after week.

If they're going to throw jabs at me, I'm going to give them the old one too.

I thought I was just going to have to worry about Donnie coming after me.

Now I have to worry about Nicole coming after me too.

So at this point, me or one of my Alliance members have to stay in power.

Round one.

On what day did you see yourselves as comic book heroes?

This competition takes brains and bronze.

First you have to figure out what day the event happened.

Then you have to run down, punch your opponent until you get the correct day,

and press the button to see if you got the answer right.

It's hashtag Fight Night at the Big Brother House.

I have no idea what day I was a comic book hero.

I am just plugging in numbers and pushing the button.

I think I keep putting in the same numbers.

It's just horrible.

We may literally be punching for days.

I've never thrown a punch, but this doesn't seem too hard.

I mean, all I have to do is picture Zach's face on that speed bag.

I'm going to do it.

All right, this first round is down to Nicole and Victoria.

Sorry, Nicole.

You've been eliminated.

The correct day was 44.

This sucks.

I'm so embarrassed.

Victoria knocks me out of the first round.

All I can hope is that Donnie beats out the rest of these people,

because otherwise I'm going up on the block.

Nicole's out first, and this is amazing,

because now the only person we need to focus on getting out is Donnie,

and then this HOH is going to be locked up.

Round two.

On what day did Joey transform into her alter ego, Alex?

I definitely remember when Joey lost her mind and became this crazy kid, Alex.

What's up, guys?

You strategizing, huh?

Oh, yeah!

I got to go over and start punching my opponent beast mode style.

Sorry, Victoria.

You've been eliminated.

The correct day was day 12.


Of course I would get eliminated on a question about Joey.

I mean, who even remembers her?

Round three.

It's down to Christine, Derek, Donnie, Cody, and Caleb.

On what day did Britney score her 2,400th soccer goal?

This happened during my HOH reign.


I knew that Britney got the punishment on day 30 and then finished it on day 31.

It's down to Caleb versus Christine.

I'm sorry, Christine.

You've been eliminated.

Damn it.

The correct day was day 31.

I get eliminated and it sucks, because now at this point I only have my alliance members to rely on.

I've got Cody, Caleb, and Derek, and I am sitting there praying for my life.

Round four.

On what day did Paola fall off her swing?

My first battle of the block was with my friend, Pal Pal, and that was on day six.

Try to swing.

It's down to Caleb versus Derek.

Will this dad send beast mode to time out?

I'm sorry, Caleb.

You've been eliminated.

The correct day was day six.

I only got my boy Cody and my boy Derek up there fighting against Donnie 2 on 1.

One of my boys is going to have to throw a haymaker to knock Donnie out of this competition.

He cannot win this HOH.

Round five.

Derek, Donnie, and Cody are still standing in this knockdown drag out fight.

Christine goes out and then Caleb goes out and at this point it's like,

guys, let's get Donnie out so we can have a good week in the Big Brother house.

On what day did Devin get put on the block?

Devin, take a seat.

It's down to Cody versus Derek.

The abs versus the dead.

I'm sorry, Derek.

You've been eliminated.

The correct day was day 25.

So at this point, I'm really distraught.

All I can do is sit on the bench and hope that my man Cody can pull one out for Team Hitman

and get this W because if he doesn't, one of our bigger alliance members could be going home this week.

I feel like the whole game is resting on my shoulders and I have to beat Cody to win this HOH.

It's the beard versus the abs in this final HOH title fight.

It's down to just me and Cody.

I've come this far.

I have to push through.

I've got to win this HOH.

I need to get this last question right because I know that all of my alliance members are counting on me right now.

If Cody's not able to knock Donnie out, our alliance is definitely in danger this week.

He's not putting up Nicole and he's not putting up Victoria.

One of us are going home.

I feel nauseous.

I want to vomit everywhere because this is so crucial for Donnie to pull out this win.

On what day did Amber win her third competition?

Congratulations, Jocasta and Amber.

You guys win.

Donnie and Cody are going blow for blow.

Let's go!

Yeah baby!

Nice job!

Nice job!

Nice job!

About to see papa, see mama, see you TV right now.

So I went ahead of household and it feels amazing.

So pumped to finally get another HOH in my second one of the summer and I couldn't be happier.

Congratulations, Cody!

You are the new head of household!

Not only is my most trustworthy alliance member in this house now in charge for the week,

but he has to put both Donnie and Nicole on the block, not me, which keeps all the blood off my hands and a little bit on his.

Dude, I sucked.

My brain aches.

I'm devastated that Cody won.

Winning this HOH competition would have guaranteed my safety this week.

And now all I have to look forward to is another trip to the block.

I'm like, what day it is?

I don't know what day it is in the house right now.

I don't even know what day it is.

Yeah, I'm done.

Good job, Cody.

With me or Nicole not winning, I can imagine that me and Nicole is going to end up on the block together,

fighting for our lives.

Dude, give me another one.

Oh my God, dude.

I want to do nuts with you two.

We actually need to look like jackasses because we went to nuts.

Dude, I was literally like, dude, I was like this.

Cody, you're doing it.

I look like a fool.

So it was you, you, me and him.

And then it was like, Derek, you're out.

I was like, it was all on you.

But I knew it.

And once, Christine, what the man, when he's good for dude, I looked at it and go, this is your comp.

She was like, yeah.

At some point, if we are successful, the detonators are going to have to split up and start playing this game for themselves.

And if you're not pulling your weight and you're not winning competitions, you're going to be the first one to go.

Christine, you single handedly just guaranteed us till day 77.

I'm so sorry.

I did not know.

I didn't even know what day it was.

It's very hard.

It was very, very hard.

You're super close.

Holy crap.

Did you have a pretty good idea of when they were and then you just kind of guessed?

Heidi's pretty much guessed.

Good job.

But have a talk with them for real.

I don't know.

I don't trust them.

I mean, I know I'm going up.

I might myself.

Who else would you put up?


Well, I feel like I'm right back to where I was when I left this house.

And I definitely think that I'm going to go up with Donnie.

So I need to think about the next moves that I need to make to stay in this house.

Congratulations, you scoundrel.

Thanks, Don.

Who wants to see my age age?

We do!


Oh my God!

Look at this!

Oh my God!

So you're not Don Charles the Sun.

Being the first age age that has his own room is amazing.

I'm super excited at this point to just see some more pictures of my family.

Your sister's pretty.

Mom looks so hot in this picture.

Your mom looks so hot in that picture.

Yeah, her sister's beautiful too.

Caleb, no surprise there.

You know, first we got Amber.

You know, then it goes to Nicole's friend.

Then it's Frankie's sister.

This week, whose sister is it?

My gorgeous sister?

No chance, buddy.

Take a few steps back.

Papa Roach, oh my God.

So pumped.

Nobody wants this Papa Roach.

No way!

Well deserved.

What a cop to win.

You're a genius.

Here I was all summer thinking you're some little dumb kid and you're a genius.


Did you go to college?

Donnie, pump the brakes with these insults, man.

Like, I don't know if I'm the person right now,

but it's about being that I just won the HOAH, that you should be insulting on my intelligence.

So maybe just bite your tongue and keep your mouth shut.

Yeah, good job.

College graduate.

You have a business degree.

A business degree.

What's going on?

You don't want to be scared of me.

Even though I know I'm probably going on the block, I decided to take Donnie's advice and talk to Cody because at this point I really have nothing to lose.

I feel awkward, Cody, and like I don't want to feel like this.

I feel awkward.

But basically because I'm like complete, I'm by myself.

I just feel so like helpless.

I know what you're trying to say.

I didn't want people coming back in the game that we're going to work with Donnie.

This week I want Donnie out, like period.

I think he's a schemer.

I think you and Hayden took the downfall for it.

He's the only person that I feel comfortable like talking to because I feel like such an outcast.

But that's not what I'm here to talk about.

I'm here to talk about for you to think about your game.

Do you want to tell me that Kaela and Frankie aren't going to turn and go after you?

You have to think about that stuff.

You have to make a big move in this game.

If you think that all those people have your back, you can't all have each other's back.

You know what I mean?

Like it would be good to keep me around so that way I could do work for you and like…

But you know I have nobody.

I know.

I know that.

So you could keep me around and I would have nobody to go to.

I know you're in a situation.

I'm not going to run to Donnie and I'm not going to tell him that, anything.

I just want HOH and I'm guaranteeing that I'm not safe next week.

I'm going to play another week.

So keep people here that will keep you safe next week, like me.

You literally have to keep people that, in a blink of an eye, won't send you packing.

Down the road, I know that I'm somebody that she would like to work with.

So I definitely have to start thinking about my own game.

And Nicole could definitely be a sneaky asset for me moving forward.

So keep people around that are going to keep you safe.

I don't know.

It didn't work for me last time, so let's see.

Good talk though, Cody.

Of course.

I'm going to play another week.

Jamal, are you actually sleeping?

My fellow Hitman, Cody's got some easy decisions this week when it comes to nominations.

Well, with that being said, we have to start looking long-term.

Every decision we make could affect if we're able to make it to the end together.

Nicole's a huge liar.

She's going to eventually come to us.

You know it.

She has to.

My thing is, if she doesn't win, she's got to go home because she is a big competitor.

But that being said, she ain't going home this week if things go according to plan.

I'd rather have Nicole around than Christine around.

Christine, I have no idea what she would do.

I'll say it right here.

Christine's playing hard.

She's playing way too hard.

She's playing hard.

She's just getting through it because there's always people that we want out.

Bigger targets.

But, I mean, she's got to go because she's just a f***ing starter.

She does nothing for us.

Nicole, at this point in the game, she literally does nothing but makes us nervous and be like,

well, she wins what she's going to do.

But she's with Frankie right now talking to him.

She's out there there talking.

Then she'll be back up here with you.

But it seems more obvious that Christine is playing both sides of the alliance

and she's only going to be looking out for her own butt.

If Frankie wins HOH next week…

Same as last week.

And he wants to put you up.

They'll be up to this bed and she'll be going, yeah, I gotta do this.

She won't defend us.

As long as she ain't going up, that's all she cares about.


And whoever is the last one standing is who she's going to roll with.

Frankie, you look so different now than you do in that picture.

I think it's the dark hair.

It is the dark hair.

Is that all it is?


The person who's changed the most, Derek.


But inside this house, I'm undercover.

This house is full of a lot of young people.

And if I want them to trust me, I have to talk the part.

I'm a good guy that can be bad if I need to be.


Walk the part.

No, it literally is just talking.

And look the part.

I'm a hippie skateboarder.


You don't look like a skateboarder.

You look like a hipster dad.

Okay, thank you.

I do feel like my personal transformation has been successful.

Well, look at you with your old flat stomach.

Yeah, I know.

You can't even tell the difference between me and Caleb.

People have opened up to me, they trust me, and it's allowed me to control situations

that are good for my game.

In the beginning, I thought you were a nerd.

Then you told me you were a father and I was like, wow, I was right.

And then you started cursing and being hilarious.

And I was like, oh, this gets cool.

This assignment isn't over until I walk out that door with that 500K.

Hey, if you're looking for BB Jump Street, look no further.

Hands down.

Who is that?


Never seen him before in my life.


What do you want to talk about?

The Hayden and you.


He's so nice.


He's honestly the most thoughtful, nicest guy I've ever met.



No, that doesn't mean.

Yeah, I wanted to know like how.

That's so cute to say.

Just everything.

Like he literally, when he makes me breakfast, he, when he, he asked me what I wanted.

Did you breakfast?

But every morning he made her breakfast.

We got up at like one or two.



So that makes sense, yeah.



Nicole's telling us about how her and Hayden are getting a little close in the jury house.

And I'm like, is that where all the action's at?

He's like a very good cuddler now.

He is phenomenal.

He didn't know what he was doing.

It was like she gave him baby steps and boom, now he's a pro.

Boom, he's a freaking pro.

Best couple in the world.

We're not a couple.

Yeah, you are.

No, we're not.

You're a showman.

We're not official.

We can't be a showman if it happened in the jury because we literally didn't.

Did it?

We had a g*n.

I want to be honest.

This is awesome.

A little jealous.

I'm sorry.

It's the original.

I don't even have to talk to you right now, but nominations is today and I would love

to talk with you at some point.


So, uh…

Yeah, we can talk.

Now or later.

Now works.



All right, should I expect to go on the block today?


I'm doomed.

You're my only hope or I'm sitting in a jury waiting for you to come in a week or two.

Same thing with her.

Weird targets.

You still won't even be the target if you pull the trigger.

There's men that call.

Whatever you do, they're not going to come after you.

Do you see what I'm saying?

Yeah, I definitely do.

I expect to be on the block.

I may not win.

Vito, I'm going out the door.

Nicole will be next or vice versa.

And then if you don't win, they're going to keep Victoria, because she can't win.

Do you believe me?


I definitely do.

I mean, she's never won nothing.

They're going to keep her and they're going to tell you,

oh, we're going to get rid of Victoria.

Just like they told me last week.

I know that they have played you.

And they won.

So I'm not going to hold it against you if I'm sitting on that block today.

But I would love not to be.

And I can help you if I'm here.


They're using you.

Me and Nicole hadn't done nothing to hurt no one.

And people has thrown things and deliberately done bad things

and laughed and cackled and mauled.

Someone's got to pull that trigger.

If I was sitting there, I would do it.

Yeah, I definitely have been thinking a lot about it.

I don't trust Donny, but he's definitely not wrong.

Because I'm not playing this game to finish in fifth or sixth place.

Definitely not going to be turning on Derek.

But for my personal game, Christine and Frankie are definitely people

that I could consider going after.

Now is the time to play Big Brother.


Get some sleep.

Thanks, Don.


Thank you.

Of course.

Thank you.

Think we get a mission today?

I hope so, Donny.

Good old Team America.

Let me ask you a question, Donny.


What's your real feelings on this whole Team America thing?

Me and you talking man to man.

What's your opinion on it in perspective of the game?

It's like the first couple days when me and you talked,

and we said, you know, me, you, and Frankie

are going to have to look out from one another.


My thing is, it's just going to be straight up with you.


You know you're a target in this house, Donny.



You're an extremely intelligent guy.


You're not going to convince me any other way.

I know that about you.

Thank you.

I'm torn because contrary to what you may believe,

it's in my best interest for you to stay here.

With that being said, you were very up front with me

a couple weeks ago, Ian, Frankie, when you said,

I'm not here for Team America, I'm here for Donny Thompson.

I didn't come to have my game messed up.

I chose to come play this game, Donny Thompson.

And I was outnumbered then, too, so I was just being honest.

Right, but we're not bullsh**ting each other here.

You're grown-ass, man.

There's no ulterior motive here.

There's nothing I gained by saying that to you.

There's nothing I gained either.

Nope, but it's been eating me alive, to be honest with you.

I love the Team America thing.

I do.

I love it.

It means a world, and I have nobody.


That's all I have.

Right, but that's why I'm just letting you know.

It might not always seem like we have each other's back,

but that doesn't mean we don't.


But it is kind of awkward for me sometimes,

because there's been numerous times that I've heard,

you want me out.

It's been hurtful in a way, but we're playing a game,

so I don't take it personal.

But when it's the same type of thing…

But I don't believe nothing until I hear it myself.

But when I hear it from different people,

it does start to gain some legs.

There's no doubt me and Donny have had our differences in this game.

But at this point, if I really wanted to,

I could save him this week.

But in order for me to feel comfortable doing that,

I need something from him.

I don't know.

I got a lot of other people telling me stuff, okay?

A lot of other people's fields you full of money.

Besides Cody, I like Donny more than anybody in this house.

I think he's genuinely a great guy,

but he's not playing a very good social game at all.

He goes to Cody, then tells him his master plan,

and Cody told me everything.

So when I bring it up to Donny, and he says,

well, everyone has their side of it,

I can tell you I haven't said nothing,

I know he's lying to me.

What's going to happen this week?

I couldn't tell you, but…

Talk is cheap.

Derek talked to Jocasta, and they prayed together,

and he voted her out.

He talked to Nicole, and he's voted her out.

So, you know, it's going to take a little more than talk with me.

He's going to have to prove something.

That's it, you know?


One of my duties as head of household

is to nominate two people for eviction.


These nominations are huge for me,

because we're getting to the point in the game

where I have to decide what's best for my game,

and I'm deciding whether or not I'm going to make a big move right now,

or make like the same move and stick with what my alliance wants.

Hey, guys, it's time for the nomination ceremony.



This is the nomination ceremony.

One of my duties as the head of household

is to nominate two houseguests for eviction.

In this block are the keys to the houseguests

that I'm nominating for eviction.

I will turn each key and lock in my nominations,

and the houseguest faces will appear on the memory wall.

The first houseguest I've nominated is…



The next houseguest I've nominated is…


I've nominated you, Nicole, and you, Donny.

Nicole, I love you as a player.

I love you even more as a person,

because I think you're amazing at both.

In this game, we're all still on our first live,

so I felt it was only fair that you were popped up on here.

I think you're going to compete and be amazing,

and I wish you the best of luck in the veto.

Donny, same goes for you.

Love you as a person.

But over the past couple of weeks,

I've been hearing a lot of chatter.

I know we had a conversation.

Apparently, you were saying some different stuff to people in the house.

That was enough for me to think you were an immediate threat,

so that's the reason for me nominating you.

This nomination ceremony is adjourned.


I just got back in the house, and I'm already sitting on the block.

I'm not at all surprised.

Hopefully, I can win this veto, so that way I can stay safe this week.

I am the target this week,

but what can you tell a group of mad wolves

that want to eat you at that particular time?


When it comes to Donny, I've opened up to him.

But he ain't having it, and at this point, he's made his old bet.

Nominations are exactly what the Alliance wants,

but if one of those two targets come down,

this could be a point in the game where

I'm looking to put up a replacement like Frankie or someone like Christine.

I'm definitely thinking about making a big move in this game.

Who will win the power of veto,

and will it be used to save either Donny or Nicole from the block?

Find out Wednesday at 8, 7 central on Big Brother.



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