16x29 - Episode 29

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x29 - Episode 29

Post by bunniefuu »

Tonight, your alliance is in jeopardy,

as Team America must decide if it's time to turn on one of their own.

Welcome to Big Brother.


Previously on Big Brother.

After Cody went round for round with Donny,

Cody threw the knockout punch.

Let's go!

You are the new head of house-up!


And he contemplated making a big move.

If Donny's the one that comes down,

I'd be able to put up a Frankie, or would that be terrible?

Do I think you could do it?


Do I think you should?


But instead, he honored the wishes of the detonators.

I've nominated you, Nicole, and you, Donny.

When Team America received a new mission,

Team America must work together to create and attempt their very own mission

that will impress America.

Donny hopes it could be used to keep him safe.

You could just send her home before me again and send me home next,

and we all get $5,000.

But Frankie had a different idea in mind.

We could put on a play and get $5,000.

I guess Operation Save Donny is just something that they're not interested in.

In a must-win veto competition for Donny and Nicole…

The wolves are on the prow, and I've got to fight back against the pack.

they didn't have the confidence to outplay Cody.

You have earned your third badge and the golden power of veto!

Frankie organized a play for America.

I tried to form an all-girls alliance,

except then I went and I told all the boys that I wanted to k*ll it.

But Derek and Donny wondered if it would be enough to impress the voters.

I hope this impresses you, America, because if it doesn't, it's on you, Frankie.

I think my mission would have been better.

What do y'all think, America?

With all the power, Cody once again thought about pulling the trigger on a huge move.

Should I throw one of them once more?

I don't know.

I don't know.

But ultimately, he was too g*n-shy.

I made my nominations at the beginning of the week.

You know, I'm going to stick to that.

Tonight, will Donny's luck finally run out,

or will Nicole be evicted for a second time?

Plus, Christine's husband shares his feelings on Cody.

And the power is once again up for grabs in an epic battle of endurance.

It all happens live right now on Big Brother.

I love some TV.

Good evening.

I'm Julie Chen.

Welcome to Big Brother.

Last week, the Detonators Alliance suffered their first casualty as Zach was sent to the jury.

But tonight, their domination continues, as Donny and Nicole sit side by side on the chopping block.

And while Nicole's win to get back in the game last week was impressive,

tonight, should she be evicted, Nicole stands poised to make Big Brother history.

Going from HOH to evicted to back in the game and then evicted again, all in a matter of two weeks.

Will she suffer the ultimate Big Brother sweep?

We'll soon find out.

But first, they may fear the beard.

But Nicole's return to the game has the house questioning.

Is it safe to keep her another week?

What are we going to do this week, Donny?

Well, we're going to enjoy our last few days.


Daeja boo me.

And I feel like I've been sitting on the block for three weeks.

I'm still on the block.

So this week, I need to basically secure three votes to stay in this house.

I hear that the target is Donny, but the target could easily switch to me.

I feel like I've been sitting up here all season.

Oh, yeah.

I'm still on the block looking for possible eviction.

I think that Team America is my only hope, but I don't think Team America is as strong as America would want them to be.

You definitely had rougher than me, but I feel like I've had the second roughest left in this house.

You have.

I can't let Ammonation same this week because Donny is someone that is a huge player in this game.

I don't really know what he would do if he was HOH.

So sending Donny home is going to probably be the best move for me.

We're not friends.

I was coming to look for you.

What's up?

Hey, do you know what you're doing this week?

What do you think I'm doing?

I'm good.

You are?


I understand that it's a game, but I feel like leaving and then coming back, I'm a lot more sensitive to things.

And I just feel, I feel a lot of awkward.

I just feel different after what happened in my opinion.

It's hard to even trust people, right?

Basically trusting you because we aren't about to keep you.

And I hope that if you win HOH, you don't throw me up there.

At this point, I'm hedging my bet.

If Nicole does stay in the house and become the next HOH, I don't want her to come after me because she thinks I don't trust her.

But behind the scenes, I'm not sure I'm ready to send a Team America member out the door yet.

You definitely have me in Victoria, and I don't know about Christine.

But I think everyone's over Donny because nobody wants Donny here because he's dangerous.

I'll come.

We're good.

On to the next.

It was so weird when I came back in the house.

The first thing I did was hurry and try to find you and hug you.

No way.

Isn't it bizarre?

And it was just instinct.

And I was like, I want to hug Nicole so bad, but I was just scared to try.

I think somebody hugged Nicole.

Oh man, Nicole, I miss you so much.

Although a lot of stuff has happened between Nicole and I, I love her to death, and I wouldn't mind if she stayed in this house a while.

I know for sure I'm voting for her to stay, and Donny's going out that door.

I really have no hard feelings to hurt you at all.

Oh, I'm so glad we can be friends.

As of a couple days ago, everyone in the house wanted Donny gone, and I was 100% on board with them.

But now I'm watching Nicole cozy up to Christine, and her social game is pretty on point.

I mean, if Nicole's not targeting Christine, then I'm pretty sure she's targeting me.

Maybe I have to rethink this.

I think honestly, once Donny is gone, it's going to be a much more united house.

Because I thought for sure he'd be gone.

We tried.

We tried to get to the place.

Christine stabbed me pretty hard in the back two weeks ago, and it's great that we're saying all these nice things to each other.

But I mean, all I can think is to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

I mean, he's played a very good game though.

Oh, very good, which is why he ain't pleasing.

We're essentially the before and after picture of a Taney commercial.


I'm pretty sure Nicole's coming after me, and I'm not ready to break up Team America.

So I want to keep Donny in this house.

But in order to do that, I need to make sure that my entire alliance is on board.

God, I just want Nicole.

I mean, I don't think I would have found any more again if it wasn't for that bitch.

Oh, that was so genuine.

Yeah, that's true.

Okay, right now, Donny wins age of reach if we keep him.

Who do you think he puts up?


Maybe Christine.

I don't think he puts up Cody.

He loves that kid.

Who doesn't like Cody?

Kid walks on water.

I think that's the problem.

I think that's why I put him up.

Getting to that point.

I still think he puts one of us up.

If we save him, no way.

He has no choice but to trust us.


I'll tell you one thing, I know America will be happy.

Yeah, I know.

It makes sense to keep Donny in this house because I have to trust that America put him with us for a reason.

And Donny's number one target most likely is not me and is not Derek.

I don't know.

I think it's all down to Kayla.

Do you think it's okay?

Oh my God, it's happening.



I think it's better for all of us.

Let's go get a tough one.

She's doing a wonderful job reintegrating, I have to say.




Come on, let's get it, girl.

You know where to hit that ball, boo.

I do, I think.

Take your time.

We know where she stands alone.

We do know where she stands.

It's not a great place for me.

She wants me out of the house.

The scary part is, is she puts you up.

Who's she going to put up there with you?

Is my question.

I know.

And I'm not going to lie, I don't think it would be Christine anymore.

They seem to be getting close again.

Oh, maybe Derek.

Maybe me.

I think she'll do what's best for her game because she don't have an alliance to depend on.

Yep, exactly.

We are all too good for her to beat us.


Team America, you were asked to create and attempt your own mission.

And it's time to find out if America was impressed.

During the live show, Julie will ask a member of Team America,

if you become a have not, what special food would you like to request from America?

You must answer apple pie.

If Julie says yes, you have impressed America and will each receive $5,000.

If she says no, America was not impressed and you get no money for the mission.

We decided to do something extremely entertaining and put on a show for America.

I hope we did impress you.

This is Frankie signing out.

God bless America.

We have another mission or an addendum to our new mission.

Tomorrow, Julie's going to ask one of us, if you become a have not,

what food would you like to request from America?

We are to say apple pie.

If she says yes, your request has been granted, we accomplished our mission this week.

If she says no, we're going to deny that request.

We did not accomplish our mission.

Oh, that's nerve-wracking.

So she says, Donnie, if you happen to become a have not, what would you request?

And I say apple pie.


If she says your request has been approved, that means we accomplished the Broadway thing,

was a success by America.

Oh, I think we're going to get apple pie.

I'm going to be honest with you.

We can either make a big mistake this week or we can make a mistake that's not going to haunt us.

Nicole's a big threat, too.

She's not dumb.

She's smart.

Yeah, an athletic.

Donnie's just smart.


We'll crush him and athletic comes.

Nicole has beat us on her own in HOH comps.

Donnie, is it capable of winning a POV?

Yes, but we can win POVs, too.

Ten question points, cowboy.

The biggest question is, who's the bigger threat?

Should we look at it that way?

You know what I mean?


I think this is a big decision.

It's a huge decision.

If Nicole wins, we're going to be like, dang it, we should have kept dying.

You know what I mean?

I agree.

So beast mode comes up to me and throws out the idea of keeping Donnie.

I don't want anyone to think that I'm the mastermind behind this idea.

This is a big decision.

It's one that we're going to have to make as a group.

Christine will not flip her vote.

So the only way he's going to stay is if you, me and Frankie vote for him.

Damn, such a big decision.

Let's talk this over.

The plan is to send Donnie packing, right?

Nicole and Victoria and Christine have been hanging out all week.

Donnie's been hanging out by himself.

Yeah, that just looks clear as day to me.

Quite frankly, I'm scared for both of them to stay.

Christine is the bad part.

It's single HOH now, so if she wins…

But if he wins, what makes you think he's going to work with us?

So, Derek, what's your take?

The move moves.

In a way, it doesn't matter to me either, because I would love for Donnie to be gone.

He's been hanging on for dear life, and it's like, he'll do it again.

But I also think Nicole is smart enough to be the exact same way.

And her social game is on point.

I don't think Donnie can beat us in anything.

Donnie is not like a competition dud.

I disagree with that completely.

Donnie's literally beat us at stuff multiple times.

We took one shot at Nicole and got her out.

We've taken like three or four sh*ts at Donnie, and this is the only time we're getting him out.

There's no way I'm flipping my head on Donnie's day to this day.

I just wanted to weigh out the options, because I don't want us to make a bad decision.

At the end of the day, you're wanting Donnie to go.

I want Donnie out.

I want Nicole to go.

I got you.

So I've been able to skate by all week, kind of playing both sides.

And here's this situation where they're all looking at me for an answer.

And the last thing I want to do is make my opinion public, because it could be used against me later in the game.

I really don't know what I'm going to do at this point.

I'm torn, dude.

I'm torn.

Coming up, Christine's husband sounds off on her flirt-mans with Cody.

And tonight, you, America, will have the chance to influence the game live.

The upcoming head of household competition will be a battle of endurance.

And you can add a punishment and reward to this all-important game.

So do you want to tempt the houseguests with $5,000 and 5,000 hollas?

Where the winning houseguests will be harassed incessantly by shout-outs for the rest of the summer like this.


Or do you want to tempt them with 5 Gs and 5 Ts?

Where the winning houseguests will be stuck wearing the same 5 humiliating t-shirts all summer long.

Vote right now by sending your tweets to either hashtag bbhala or hashtag bbt's.

I'll reveal the results right before the head of household competition.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

For the past 24 hours, you have been voting on whether or not Team America impressed you with their play.

Well, I have the results, and it's now time to let Donny, Frankie, and Derek know by secretly using the pre-planned code that includes the words Apple Pie.

Let's go to the living room and talk with the houseguests.

Hello, houseguests.

Hi, Julie.

Victoria, first of all, I know you were sick this past week with your wisdom teeth growing in.

How are you feeling tonight?

I'm actually feeling amazing.

Thank God Big Brother took an amazing care of me, so I am feeling perfectly fine.


You look beautiful.


Well, I have some encouraging news for everyone.

This coming week will be the last week for have-nots.

So, Frankie, if you become a have-not, what special food would you like to request from America?

Oh, wow.

Well, ordinarily I would say tofu, but that didn't go over too well this week.

So, I'll go with my favorite dessert and say apple pie.

Apple pie for have-nots, Frankie?

Yes, please.

I'd say that's an overwhelming note.

Oh, well.



You've been in the house for so long now and you're in the home stretch.

Um, got to go with I miss messing with my dad on a regular basis and, you know, messing with him from the second he gets home from work till he goes to bed.

Yeah, you're tight with your family.

Oh, my God.

Peace mode.

We miss you terribly, but we're proud of you.

You're doing an awesome job.

I love being able to turn on the TV and see my little brother.

It's one of the coolest things.

Toria, we've been watching you 24-7.

You're representing South Florida.

We're so proud of you.

I love you.

I love you.

Stay strong.

We miss you.

Joe Cody, what's up, budge?

Dude, I thought you were going to be home in a couple of weeks, but obviously you're still there.

You're doing great.

We're so proud of you.

It's almost over, man, so hang tough.

We'll see you out in Cali, baby.

Hi, Coco.

I just want you to let, you know, how proud everyone back home is of you.

We're sharing your smiles, your laughs, your tears.

Thumbs up for coconuts.

Hi, Frankie.

Hi, Frankie.

We love you so, so, so much, and we miss you beyond.

It's not even real.

I watch the live feed every night, and I laugh, and then I cry, and then I laugh again.

Me too.

It's very weird.

I've never really felt anything quite like this.

Hey, Donnie.

I just want to let you know that we're all pulling for you.

Actually, the whole town is pulling for you.

You're a superhero around here.

Or should I say, you're a comic book hero around here.

See you soon, man.

Hi, Christine.

I just want to let you know how proud I am of you.

Just know that win or lose, no matter what happens, I love you, and I can't wait to see you again.

Don't forget about me, okay?

I love you.

Oh, it's the year we saw you.

Then I miss you.

I miss you.

Oh, okay.

I love you.

I love you.

Derek, I have to ask, how much has your daughter changed since you've been in the house?

Julie, you're going to do it to me, Julie.

A lot.

She was not talking like that when I left, and that's nice to see, but it's tough at the same time.


You got me, Julie.

She's beautiful.


Thank you.

Thank you, everyone.

I'll be back in just a few minutes for tonight's live vote and eviction.

Christine and Cody's relationship may seem innocent enough to them, but what do Christine's husband and family think of this big brother flirt-mance?

Do you ever take your rings off?


These two and Tim bought me, but I didn't wear any ring except for this one for my first year of marriage,

because I did it partially so that my customers would know I was married, and guys wouldn't be weird, but no guys pay attention.

No guys care.

You just don't look like a married woman.

I know.

Don't act like one either.

I'm Tim, and I'm Christine's husband.

Christine and I have been married for almost two and a half years now, but we've been friends since we were 12.

Me and Christine's family are both very Christian, and we're very invested in the Bible.

Christine is always playing with his hair.

That's a little weird.

They're always touching each other.

Hi, Kourt!

Watching Christine on the show is the most surreal thing I've ever experienced.

You're mean.


There are things that I would personally change.

The hair petting's whatever.

The arm tickling's whatever.

I think it's the hand holding that I'm like, I'm, you know, latched from each other real quick.


Just the head.

Christine's relationship with Cody, I do think, is a little odd.

Personally, I do think a couple of boundaries have been crossed.

I was going to read my Bible up there.


Get over here.

I am a stud right now.

Cody is a very good looking guy, but I am also a fairly attractive fella.


You're such a weirdo.

Oh, this is so right.

This is so right.

I do not like Christine flirting with Cody at all.

I'm not happy.

I think she's getting too close and she's married and it's not right.

I feel like I raised her different.

That would be Cody.



Half of me wants her to win and half of me kind of wants her out.

Away from Cody.

If I have to get a little flirtatious in order to go further, that's what I have to do.

So did you guys discuss this kind of thing of strategy before she went in?

Sort of.

I mentioned to her that she can do whatever she needs to do to win.

At the same time, both of them could throw a little bit of respect my way.


They don't have to be doing that for strategy.

I'm sorry, Tim.

I hate to lay here with her because it's not right.

I love you.

I love you, Cody.

I am not liking what I'm seeing there.

I understand the game.


But it's just uncomfortable as a father to watch.

I would like to think that Cody's family is a little concerned with the Cody and Christine relationship just because of the way that it looks.

This is how I act about my best friends.

Better girls.

Oh, my goodness.

He's flirty.

He's young.

My name is Paul.

I'm Cody's dad.

I was raised in an Italian family being very touchy, fairly.

That's the way my family is.

You straight up look like a cool alabair.

You're the mama's mom.

I was the baby's mom.

Mama, baby.

Cody does this to you.

Cody, be in here.

Go in the hinge.

Come here, honey.

And then they push it away.


Coding in the house is definitely part of Cody's strategy with anyone.

It doesn't matter.

Boy, girl, flirt with a plan if you have to.


But the fact that Cody and Christine are that cuddly, I personally say back off a little bit.

Do it.


Here's a good-looking guy who is naturally nice.

People tend to gravitate to him.

And once they do, they're like, wow, this guy's awesome.

He absolutely leads Christine on.

And that's life in this game.


You haven't made any enemies this summer.

Except for Christine's husband.



Christine's husband is going to be pissed.

I loved the zing-bot zing.

I think that that was something that both of them needed to hear.

When I see Christine at the finale, I will support her.

Now, as far as when me and Christine are alone for the first time,

I'm going to tell her how uncomfortable it was.

And I would have liked to see her do other things.

When I see Cody, I'm planning on kind of bringing him in for a real close bro hug.

Maybe, you know, play with his hair a little bit, see what all the fuss is about.

And I'll fully be expecting him to have his arm around me the whole evening.

Smooth's up, age.

I can't wait till the finale.

I'm going to watch Tim kick you right in the nuts.

And I'm going to go…

Coming up, it's the live vote and eviction.

Either Donnie or Nicole will join me out here live before heading off to the jury house.

Plus, which temptation do you want to add to tonight's head of household competition?

The Big Brother Twitter polls are still open and currently in the lead is $5,000 and hollers.

But you still have time to vote, so keep your tweets coming.

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's time to find out who will be walking out of the house tonight.

And just minutes before we went live, Frankie and Caleb made a last ditch effort to flip the house and keep Donnie safe.

Did it work?

Let's return to the living room and find out.

House guests, it's now time for the live voting to begin.

Donnie, Nicole, in just moments, your housemates will cast their votes to evict live.

But before they do, you each have a final chance to sway their votes.

Donnie, you're first.

All right.

I'd like to thank God for this opportunity to play this game.

I'd like to say I love you to my wonderful family and my beautiful girlfriend, Christine.

I would like to tell y'all it's been fun playing this game.

I would love to continue playing this game with you and it's been a real honor.

And thank you.

Thank you, Donnie.


I feel like I've been in this situation before.

Mom, Dad, Jesse, I love you so much.

I miss you guys.

House guests, I love you guys.

I'm so grateful to be back in this house with you and I'd absolutely love if you would keep me and let me continue playing this game.

Thank you, Nicole.

Thank you both.

All right, everyone.

It's time for the live voting to begin.

Cody, as current head of household, you are not allowed to vote.

Neither are the two nominees.

One at a time, the rest of you will enter the diary room and cast your vote to evict.

Christine, you're first tonight.

Please go to the diary room.

Christine has dreamt of getting Donnie out of this house.

Will she take this opportunity to make it a reality?

Hello, Christine.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Donnie.

Thank you.


Victoria has begun to grow close to Nicole, but is it enough to keep her in the game?

Hi, Victoria.

Hi, Julie.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict Donnie.

Thank you.


Frankie fought hard to flip the house this week and send Nicole packing.

Will tonight's vote come back to haunt him?

Hello, Frankie.

Julie, I'm living for the straight hair.

Thank you.

Please cast your vote to evict.

America, I have tried so, so, so hard, but unfortunately, I have to vote to evict Donnie.

Thank you, Frankie.

It's official.

With three votes to evict Donnie, Donnie will leave the house tonight, but let's see how the others vote.

Hello, Caleb.

Howdy, howdy.

Please cast your vote to evict.

I vote to evict my buddy, Donnie.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Derek has been torn.

Keep his Team America member safe or send him packing.

What is best for his game?

Hi, Derek.

What's up, Julie?

Please cast your vote to evict.

All good things must come to an end.

I vote to evict Donnie.

Thank you.

Thank you.

All of the votes are in and with five votes to evict Donnie will leave the house tonight.

When we return, we'll give the news to the house guests.

Then it's Nicole against the rest of the house in a battle of endurance.

The live head of household is coming up.

Stay with us.

Welcome back, big brother.

By a vote of five to zero, the house guests have just voted to evict Donnie.

Let's return to the living room and give the voting results to the house guests.

House guests, the votes are in.

When I reveal the vote, the evicted house guests will have just a few moments to say goodbye, gather his or her belongings and walk out the front door.

By a vote of five to zero, Donnie, you are evicted from the big brother house.

Bye, son.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It's a great honor.

Thank you.

Thank you, B.

You have a heart of a line, brother.

Love you, Donnie.

I love you.

I love you too, Donnie.

Love you too, Donnie.

Get that chair open.

Slang it open.

Run, Don.


Get it.

That was impressive.



Good, Donnie.

That was an emotional…

Yeah, it was.

That was an emotional look.

We didn't expect that one.



All right.

Oh, great.

It's all because…

I just need a tissue real quick if someone could grab me that.

Good, you and brother.

You have tears in your eyes right now.

Your heart is about to come out of your chest.

How do you feel?

I'm a little emotional.

I get emotional from time to time.


Why are you emotional right now?

Well, my feelings was hurt, and I just seen my brother and all kinds of emotions going through my mind and in my heart.

I got a big heart.

A very big heart.

We saw that.

We see that.

Who hurts your feelings tonight?

Well, no one particularly hurt my feelings, but I feel a little let down by Team America because America obviously voted us a team, and they kind of broke that, which I don't blame them.

It is a game.

It's an individual game.

But is it an individual game?

You certainly played it that way.

Was it by choice, strategy to play it not in an alliance with anyone?


I knew coming in with my age what I looked like that I was going to be different.

So if I made it past the first week, I could befriend people.

I have an art of befriending people.

If you do say so yourself, you really do.

They all love you in there, but seven times on the block, the seventh time not so lucky, why were you, even though everyone loved you, why were you such a target for the others?

You know, I don't really know.

Maybe likability is not that good in this game.

Because if you make it a little further, everyone that came out this door, the majority of them has loved me.

So that's not good for the remaining people in the house.

Let me ask you this, because you are a man of routine.

We saw you go to sleep every night at midnight while the rest of that house guests were up talking, bonding, strategizing.

You knew what was going on as you put your head on the pillow.

Why didn't you stay up and try and bond?

I have nothing in common with them.

I mean, what could I have done?

Just sit there with them.

You know, the things that they talk about at those hours, I would have had nothing in common.

Because in the beginning, I tried.

It was, you know, I'd rather get my sleep for competitions, eat my routine.

You were good at those competitions.

Well, I tried.

You have been accused of being an actor, a ninja, a doctor, ex-military, for the record.

What is Donnie Thompson?

I am just a simple man from Albemarle, North Carolina, and I was a groundskeeper.

I had to resign my position, and I pray that I get it back.

I think you're going to be okay, Donnie.

In the event you were evicted tonight, your housemates gave some goodbye messages.

Let's watch and listen.

I hope they don't hurt my brother.

Donnie, you are one of the most intelligent men I have ever met, and one of the sneakiest, which is why I have been trying to get you out of here since like week two.

And I think we finally got you on this one, so I'll see you on the flip side.

My alliance has been trying to get you out for more than one time now, and hey, it just seems like you got that come suction cups on your fingertips because you hang on for dear life.

If we didn't get you out right now, you probably could have won this game.

I am 100% Team America to the end, as I've said, but I cannot throw my own personal game out the window in order to save yours.

Donnie, if you're seeing this, I wasn't able to swing enough votes to keep you here.

I promise you I gave it a valiant effort.

It was a pleasure working with you on the Team America missions.

I know you're a great guy, and I can't wait to talk to you further when we get outside this house.

Before we send you off to the jury house, I have some good news.

We've been contacted by the CBS daytime series The Bold and the Beautiful, and they would like you, Donnie Thompson, to guest star on The Bold and the Beautiful.

You up for it?

Are you serious?

Well, for now, you are going to the jury house.

We'll be checking up on you.

And we'll see you here with the dollar note when you help decide who wins this whole thing.

Thank you so much.

Thank you, Donnie.

You do look beautiful tonight.

Why, thank you.

Up next, the battle for head of household plays out live.

Can Nicole overcome the odds and rise to power?

Stay with us.

Welcome back to Big Brother.

It's time to crown a new head of household, and with the half million dollars closer than ever, this HOH competition could be the biggest battle of the summer.

Let's head to the backyard and get things started.

House guests, power's up for grabs.

Cody, as outgoing head of household, you are not eligible to compete.

This competition is called Sloppy the Snowman, and here's how it works.

On my go, you'll fill up your cup with as much liquid as you can and transfer it across the yard to your snowman.

As the head of your snowman fills, a piece of coal will rise.

The first house guest to fill their snowman head to the point where you can remove your piece of coal will be the new HOH.

But there's more at stake in this competition than head of household because there is a smaller snowman that might draw your attention away from your HOH snowman.

Be the first to fill this smaller snowman and remove the coal, and you'll get a reward and a punishment.

This temptation was determined during tonight's live broadcast, and America voted to tempt you with $5,000 and 5,000 hollers.

So, whoever fills the small snowman first will win $5,000, but will be harassed incessantly by shoutouts for the rest of the summer.

You should know that once the HOH has been crowned, the game is over and the temptation is no longer in play.

Does everyone understand?

Yes, Julie!


Then get on your mark.

Get set.


Oh my god!

I don't even have any liquid left.

Ah, crap.

There you go.

Oh, damn.

Get off my ankle.

Oh my gosh.


How do we…

Victoria is trying to make her way down to her snowman.

Start over.

Damn, what?

Caleb, gliding along.

This is a lot harder than it got to me.

You should get the ballet.

There you go, Christine.

Caleb, you're go!

There's a learning curve.



You can't do this.

Get in the car.

How do you do that?

Okay, I'm sorry.

One more time.

God, I'm already tired.

You're the first one to do it.

Look at him go.

Are we alive?

You see something?

He's in love.

Christine, you're right.

There they came.

Come on.

Just roll.

Run, run, run, run, run.


That's what we've got to do.

Come on.

I'm sorry.

Up next, we'll rejoin this all-important HOH competition.

Plus, I have news about next week's live eviction.

Stay with us.

We'll rejoin the HOH competition in just a moment, but first, here's what's in store

for the House guests this week.

Tune in Sunday to see who becomes head of household and who gets nominated for eviction.

Then Wednesday, the power veto is back up for grabs.

And one week from tonight, it's the second double eviction of the summer.

A whole week's worth of big brother in one epic night as two House guests' game comes to an end.

For now, let's return to the backyard and check in on the House guests as they continue the battle for head of household.

Okay, don't.

Hello again, House guests.

Hi, Julie.

Well, it looks like no one is going for the $5,000 and hollas, but if you do, here's a sample of what you'll get.


Holla your best self!

Good night, House guests.

Hi, Julie.

I love you, Tim.

I love you.

You're gorgeous.

Love you.

Love you, everyone.

Love you, Mom, best.

Everyone buy my everything on iTunes.

I'm going to take a moment to rub it on.

It's so bright.

Dude, it's almost like carrying it.

Good night, everyone.
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