16x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Big Brother". Aired: July 5, 2000 – present.*
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A group of contestants known as "HouseGuests" live together in a specially constructed house that is isolated from the outside world for a cash prize of $500,000 (or $750,000 in the 23rd season onwards).
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16x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ Previously on big brother!

♪♪ Eight strangers began the

Battle for $,!

Seven led the charge quickly

Forming an eight-person


♪♪ We have to stay tight because

Who knows whose going to happen.

♪♪ I like the crazy eight.

♪♪ He formed a second alliance

With donnie.

♪♪ Double d.

♪♪ Double d.

♪♪ Look!

♪♪ After frankie became the

First head of household of the

Summer, julie said eight more

House guests would be joining


Then she gave them shocking


♪♪ One person from that group

Will also become head of


But by the end of the week, only

One h.o.h. Will be left


♪♪ A second group of eight

Strangers entered the game.

Among them, the barista, the cab

Driver, the minister, the

Country boy, the hot mom and the

Undercover cop.

Frankie and victoria instantly


♪♪ I think we can bond deep


♪♪ And devin was having second

Thoughts about his allegiances.

♪♪ I've got their backs, but

There's no reason not to be nice

To the new group.

Somewhere down the line, I may

Need one of these people.

♪♪ At the second head of

Household competition, caleb

Proved he was a force to be

Reckoned with.

♪♪ You are the second h.o.h. Of

The summer!

♪♪ But before the dust settled,

Julie revealed the final pieces

Of the twist.

♪♪ We'll have a new competition

Called "the battle of the


♪♪ What?

♪♪ Oh, my gosh.

♪♪ Frankie, your two nominees

Will battle caleb's two


And the winning duo will not

Only be saved from the chopping

Block, but their victory will

Dethrone the h.o.h. That

Nominated them.

♪♪ Holy crap!

♪♪ Which two house guests will

Frankie nominate for eviction?

And she pair of nominees will be

Saved in the battle of the block


Find out now on "big brother."

[Indistinct shouting].

♪♪ I'm walking up to the h.o.h.

Room, I have to do more song and


Because there's two h.o.h.s,

Form nominees that I'm going up

Against on block.

My head is spinning!

♪♪ It is like mayhem in here.

Because we don't know what type

Of game to play.

Strategy, out the door.

♪♪ Walking into the h.o.h. Room,

I'm super excited and trying to

Be friendly with caleb because

There's two h.o.h.s right now.

♪♪ Look at this room.

♪♪ Oh!


♪♪ There's only going to be one

H.o.h. At the end of the week.

♪♪ Who is taking this room?

♪♪ I'll have that one.

♪♪ This is fine.

♪♪ Obviously I need to be the


So that room is meant for the


Because frankie won h.o.h., I'm

Going to get to shower there.

♪♪ Oh!

♪♪ I've got to make sure that

Caleb will be my best friend.

We can talk about all his rascal

Flatts cds and his beef jerky.

We're going to bond this week.

I know it.

♪♪ I like I eat noodles.

♪♪ If you're going this way, you

Have to reposition your


You have to go forward.

♪♪ I was like tilted.

♪♪ Oh, my god!

♪♪ Really good looking cast,


♪♪ I love christine.

We clicked right away.

She reminds me of my friend back


Plus, we both have big nerd


That helps, too.

♪♪ I make everybody feel better.

♪♪ Me and nicole are just simple


We shop at walmart, we connect

On things that aren't about


It's early, but I can see myself

Being best friends with nicole

Inside and outside this house.

♪♪ I'm like using my middle


♪♪ Can I have you for two


Talk for three seconds.

If I have your back, you have my


We have nothing to worry about

At all, period.

♪♪ What do we say for the week?

♪♪ The question is, like do you

Want to work together?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ No one would ever suspect


Like if you wanted to work

Together, we could move forward.

You're an amazing competitor.

I think I am, too.

We can stay together all summer.

♪♪ I'm the country guy, the

Tatted guy.

He's the purple hair.

We're completely opposite but we

Work well together.

Working with frankie could be a

Huge option.

Nobody would see it coming.

♪♪ We have to decide what the

Target is.

♪♪ A couple more days, let some

Of these people show off and

Show up.

♪♪ I agree.

♪♪ They'll basically be making

The decision for themself.

♪♪ Right now I feel really good

About what me and frankie got

Going on.

But we're only two people and

This game is about numbers.

So you know, I think it's time

We start searching for some


♪♪ The h.o.h. Pact.

Our team is sweet.

Game on!

♪♪ Game on, baby.

♪♪ Napping is not for me.

♪♪ You nap when you're dead.

♪♪ Let's go in here.

♪♪ So me and frankie decide to

Rally up a couple soldiers that

Want to work with us.

Devin and derrick look like they

Fit right in.

♪♪ Just taking the game play

Because it's so twisted right


♪♪ Everybody's mistake.

They underestimate the floaters.

♪♪ I'm going to tell you right

Now, the last thing I want to do

Is get on the block with a


♪♪ I know.

One thing I want to say about

The girls, I love them all but

They get very emotional.

They play wither that hearts.

♪♪ Basically right now what

We're talking about is the

Possibility of forming an

All-guy alliance.

♪♪ I'm with you guys until the


I can make that commitment now.

I know derrick is.

♪♪ I wouldn't want to talk the


That kid is smart.

♪♪ Very smart.

♪♪ And he's pretty physical.

♪♪ I wanted to make sure that we

Touch base without cody.

I think we can ride this out to

The end.

♪♪ It's too early for an


We're not even that close as a


We haven't even had that many


So to trust somebody with your

Life in this game is ludicrous .

♪♪ Cody.

♪♪ And hayden is eight.

♪♪ I think that we -- if those

Are the six guys, one of us has

The power to win every single

Type of competition.

♪♪ No one will be able to beat

Us, dude.

♪♪ Before I came in the house,

It was like I was going to help

Perform an alliance called the

b*mb squad.

♪♪ This is so exciting.

♪♪ I'm thinking that I'm going

To have to infiltrate a

Pre-existing alliance and then

Three jocks decide to get a

Little gifted alliance and put a

Bow around it and hand it to me

And say here, we would like to

Include you in the initial jock


♪♪ Go get the other two?

♪♪ Yeah.

Get the other two.

Thank you.

I'll accept it.

♪♪ The girls in this house are

Not smart, nowhere near to pick

Up on anything.

♪♪ Will yours peel off?

♪♪ I paid $ for this polish

And it's coming off.

Look at how it's coming off.

♪♪ All right.

I'm going to lay down a base, a

Real quick one.

I'm going to go outside.

All right.

Who are you going to look for?

The dogs?

The boys?

We're not the boys.

We're the b*mb squad.

♪♪ Derrick -- six.

The goal is to get out all the

Floaters that could be very


♪♪ I've been expecting this.

The strong players in the house

Need some brains behind their

Operation and that's the zach


♪♪ We're the final six and

That's that.

♪♪ Floaters, be prepared.

You're about to get bombed.

♪♪ I don't know.

I can't tell.

Because everybody is, you know,

Been conversing with each other.

The only alliance I have with is

A guy.

You know what I mean?

♪♪ Just lay down this fake line

And you touch it up.

♪♪ All right.

We got a six-person alliance.

All guys alliance.

You be the sixth.


♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Seriously, no chit chat.

It's like --

♪♪ Us three.

♪♪ Zach, derrick.


♪♪ Frankie.

♪♪ This guys alliance sounds so

Good, but it's so early in the


I need to worry about myself.

I don't know if I joined the

Next brigade or the next moving

Company that could fall apart in

The next couple weeks.

♪♪ We're staying together

Through and through.

♪♪ I need to find that one

Person that we can trust.

You can always trust me.

Like I will never ever throw you

Under the bus.

♪♪ Nicole is someone that I feel

I can work with.

She's down to earth.

There's a lot of pretty girls

And meat heads and popular kids.

Me and nicole are like


♪♪ We have to trust each other

To hang out with other people

Because we're working for each


♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ They think you and I are weak

Because of the glasses.

Make we can psych them out.

Like, you know -- I'm a very

Competitive person.

♪♪ We're a force to be reckoned


♪♪ Hey, come here!

Look at the screen.

♪♪ Oh, my gosh!

♪♪ Nominations today!

♪♪ Oh, wow!

♪♪ Oh, my god.

♪♪ Yeah, this is -- holy crap.

Nominations today.

This game just got real.

♪♪ Frankie and I are super


I'm sure he won't put me up.

Caleb on the other hand, he's

Such a wild card, I have no idea

Where he stands.

♪♪ No matter what happens,

Dude -- I'm serious, dude.

Serious, right?

♪♪ Uh-huh.

♪♪ I need you to be mentally

Strong because I'm going to be

Mentally strong.

♪♪ Donnie has no idea I've

Abandoned him for the b*mb


But that was best for my game.

I have to keep the charade up

That donnie and I are still

Tight as the double ds.

♪♪ Can I re-assure you


♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ You are my alliance.

♪♪ Okay.

We did it within an hour after

Entering this house.

You are the beast, I am the -- I

Don't know what I am.

But it's me and you, buddy.

Trust me.

♪♪ If I've got to do my acting,

That's what I've got to do.

♪♪ I had a lot of good

Conversations with kelly.

It's something you have to think


You know what I'm saying?

♪♪ Yeah.

Like -- it's hard to focus right


I don't want to be in that

Position, dude.

Just give me --

♪♪ Want some time alone?

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Hey, I got you.

♪♪ Donnie looks like he's buying

Into my acting.

I don't feel great about it but

At the end of the day, I'm here

For my daughter and $,

Would make her life a lot


♪♪ The people that I think I

Want to put up, you know, in my

Mind, they're good nominees.

Brittany could be dangerous.

♪♪ Just try to keep the target


Smiles at the right time.

Does the dishes.

♪♪ You know, if you watch her

Smile, it fades to the point of

Such a fake smile.

♪♪ Absolutely does.

Goes from like to like --

♪♪ Yeah.

♪♪ Now that caleb and I are

Working together, it's important

That we get on the same page

When we get to the nominations.

♪♪ There's no way those girls

Can agree on anything.

♪♪ She's crazy.


I would be the first to put up

Victoria and brittany.

♪♪ No.


♪♪ I don't know how to justify


If I put up hayden, what do I


♪♪ It honestly doesn't matter

Because we have our numbers.

But I think the best first move

Would be to put a guy and a girl

Up on both sides.

It's short and sweet.

I'm putting ya'll up because I

Don't know what ya'll are

Capable of and I want to see.

♪♪ All right.

♪♪ As long as our side is good,

It does not matter what they

Want to do.

They can g*ng up and try it.

We're just too stacked.

♪♪ We need to pick nominees that

Will get the least amount of

Blood on our hands and by

Choosing a guy and a girl, can

It help conceal the b*mb squad.

I feel like we're stacked for


♪♪ Our responsibility as the

Heads of household is to each

Nominate two people for


♪♪ Heads of household, you will

Each choose a name, open it and

Reveal whether you'll be

Nominating first or second.

Good luck.

I am one of the leaders of the

b*mb squad.

I'm trying to make everybody in

My alliance happy.

But at the end of the day, I got

To do what is best for my game

And get me to my $,.

♪♪ So I open the case.

I see the two people that caleb

Nominated and I have to choose

From the remaining keys.

My nominations are based on the

Fact that I don't want blood on

My hands, I don't want a target

On my back and I don't want to

Make waves.

♪♪ This is the nomination


Each of our blocks, there's two

Keys for the house guests we're

Nominating for eviction.

Through a random draw, I will

Reveal my nominations first.

The first house guest I have

Nominated is -- and the second

House guest I have nominated

Is -- I have nominated you,

Donnie and you, pap pap.

You are great people.

To be fair about it, you were

The first male that fell off and

You were the first female that

Fell off.

♪♪ The first house guest that I

Have nominated is -- and the

Second house guest that I've

Nominated is -- I have nominated

You, brittany and you, victoria.

We all knew that being the first

H.o.h. Would be very difficult.

This is one of the most

Difficult decisions that I've

Had to come up against.

I put up the first two people

That ended up in the second

H.o.h. Competition.

I'm so sorry.

This is what I've chosen to do

Because I thought it was fair

This nomination ceremony is


♪♪ The first night that we

Stepped into this house, frankie

Pulled me aside and told me

We're working together.

And I love you and I need you in

This game and dah, dah, dah.

Yeah, right.

Shove that you know what and you

Know where.

♪♪ Instantly I think my family

Is so excited to see me play

This game.

And then for me to be the first

To go home, there's no way that

Can happen.

So I have to fight that much


♪♪ No hard feelings.

♪♪ The only way to be fair about

It --

♪♪ Caleb called out my name and

I wasn't a bit surprised.

I was the first guy to fall off

In our competition.

We hadn't had much time to bond.

♪♪ Look at me.

You're going to fight.

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ What you thinking?

♪♪ Listen to me.

You need to stay here for both

Of us.

♪♪ I find myself in the block

With donnie.

This sucks.

Now donnie and I have to compete

Against brittany and victoria

And I want to make sure that we

Stay positive because I will

Fight for him and he will fight

For me and we're going to take

Ourself off the block.

♪♪ I'll fight for you, brittany.

♪♪ I'll fight for you.

♪♪ What is it about me that you


♪♪ I like you because you're a

Father figure.

♪♪ Thank you.


♪♪ I am not nominated.

I'm so excited.

And as a "big brother" super

Fan, you see people jumping up

In the storage room.

It's me.

It's so frickin' awesome to do


♪♪ You did it the fairest way

You could.

♪♪ I'm a sentimental guy.

When I see someone crying due to

My actions, it tears me up.

I look rough and the edged,

Tattooed up but at the end of

The day, I have a heart for


♪♪ Don't cry, dude.

You did at this time most fair

Way you could.

♪♪ If I had a really good reason

Like you put me up last week,

Running your mouth, some type of

Something, it would have been

Like ten times easier.

But now it feels like you're

Kicking somebody out for being

Nothing but a good person.

♪♪ It sucks.

♪♪ Yeah, still sucks.

♪♪ Everyone is great in here.

All of us are awesome.

♪♪ I'm good.

I'm just --

♪♪ I know.

♪♪ You're not going home.

It's not happening.

♪♪ I just didn't it would come

From you.

♪♪ And that's what broke my


It breaks my heart.

♪♪ The paola was still in the

Box and I got you in the box, I

Wouldn't put you up.

♪♪ Right now I'm doing major

Damage control.

Right now I'm getting her to say

That caleb nominated first.

He took the people I wanted to


I had to put you up.

I had no choice.

It's really his fault.


♪♪ There's no question.

It just goes to me what kind of

Person he is.

I'm never going to trust him in

This game.

I'm going to kick ass in that

Competition and he's going to be

The one shocked and crying.

♪♪ So hard.

So sorry.

♪♪ Oh, my gosh.

I'm sore right now.

♪♪ You know, it's : a.m.

I haven't talked to anybody in

The b*mb squad about this move

I'm about to make.

I feel like I have to pull the

Trigger on this one.

Year after year, guys' alliance

Gets played out.

I think that we need to bring in

Two of the stronger girls.

♪♪ You know how I stand with


I love everything about this


Like everything about this girl.

Part of me like shouldn't be --

Like this is a huge no-no what

I'm doing right now as well.

So I'm going to tell you like

There's a guys alliance.

There's six.

♪♪ Christine is a stone cold


She knows everything there is to

Know about the game of "big

Brother" and amber would be the

Perfect smoke screen for the

b*mb squad.

♪♪ Derrick, cody, zach.

♪♪ Devin pulls me in this room

And tells me there's a guys'

Alliance in the house.

He said I think I can trust you.

I was like why do you think you

Can trust me?

What did I do?

Thank you.

I really appreciate it but he


♪♪ I'll go upstairs right now

And talk to caleb.

♪♪ I don't know what to think.

I'm completely shocked.

♪♪ Ring the door bell.

♪♪ I know it's late, dude, but

Like serious talk.

Everyone is sleeping, I want to

Get it out now.

Look, dude, I need you to wake


It's early.

It's crazy.

I no.

Bro, we need -- we need to bring

Two girls into the alliance.

With the numbers, dude, we had

Two more girls, we're

Guaranteed -- you know, amber

And christine --

♪♪ They don't know anything

About us, having an alliance.

♪♪ They know, bro.

Like they know.

Like they would be members of

The b*mb squad, bro.

It's fool proof.

Going at it with just all

Guys -- it's been done and it's

Failed more than it's succeeded.

I'll let them come up and talk

To you.

♪♪ Both of them together?

♪♪ Yeah, yeah.

♪♪ All right.

♪♪ I get woke up in the dad gum

Morning and my boy devin busts

Out to me, hey, we have two new

Members of the b*mb squad.

I had no idea if this is a dream

Or a real-life situation.

♪♪ You know, it's us.

♪♪ Are we allowed to say we're

Part of the b*mb squad.

♪♪ I had no choice but to say --

♪♪ We're honored to have me.

♪♪ I'm an honorary member of the

b*mb squad but my true alliance

Is with nicole.

♪♪ Yo.

♪♪ What's up.

♪♪ Does everybody know?

♪♪ What know?

What are you talking about.

♪♪ There's eight of us now.

♪♪ I didn't know that.

♪♪ They're full b*mb squad


It's christine and amber.

♪♪ They know about the b*mb


♪♪ They know everything.

♪♪ Hi.

♪♪ Perfect.

♪♪ We want to hear this because

You don't know it either.

♪♪ Christine and amber are full

Blown b*mb squad members.

There's eight of us.

♪♪ What?

♪♪ You told them about it?

♪♪ We're all together.

♪♪ Devin just completely lost


The guy is going awol and

Bringing in half of a house in

Front of the b*mb squad.

This b*mb squad is going to blow

Up in our face.

♪♪ It's smart.

It's never been done before.

It's the biggest alliance and

It's getting old, six guys, and

We need inside info.

♪♪ She knows who we are?

♪♪ All of us.

♪♪ Not enough threat knowing I

Can be dethroned but I have to

Worry about devin bringing extra

Members into the b*mb squad and

Telling them everything.

♪♪ What?

♪♪ You're going to let other

Guys know that you're doing


♪♪ No, no -- everyone stay cool

And calm.

It's one of these things that

We're going to rise or die.

♪♪ Devin is acting like a loose

Cannon right now.

He's putting a large target on

His back and it's making me

Reconsider working with him in

The future.

♪♪ We're going to stretch in the

Grass right here.

♪♪ I'll stretch in the bed.

♪♪ People will be seeing me on

Tv and say, what is that old man

Doing with that young ladis?

♪♪ I ain't never in my life done

Yoga before but maybe this will

Help me prepare for the battle

Of the block.

♪♪ When you stretch, ever make

You bust a bean?

♪♪ Bust a bean?

♪♪ It felt like I had.

It's like oops.

♪♪ Donnie is about to bust a


♪♪ You ever heard of bust a


♪♪ I get the reference but --

♪♪ There was this prost*tute

That she never -- she never done

Her trade for money.

She only done it for spaghetti

So they called her a postatute.

♪♪ Oh, my god!

♪♪ I'm a groundskeeper.

♪♪ I'm going to stick with my

Original story.

♪♪ Donnie is a funny guy.

But it won't be funny when he's

Stealing $, from the b*mb


♪♪ Erky-jerky.

♪♪ Really?

♪♪ Yeah.

We need to talk.

♪♪ I want to get back there.

♪♪ Donnie is scaring the [bleep]

Out of me.

Right now he's down there in the

Room with caleb, amber, jocasta,

Joey and hayden and he's holding

Court like a jester.

Amber goes, you're really a


He goes no, I'm a grounds crew


How many times you going to sit

There like -- oh, man.

I just don't believe his story.

♪♪ Wow!

♪♪ First, he decides to bring in

Two other members to the

Alliance without speaking to

Anybody else in the alliance and

Now we're having the meltdown

Over you think this bearded duck

Hunter is actually james bond.

I mean, why do I have to work

With you?

You're a mess.

♪♪ What do you think?

♪♪ I think you're being too

Paranoid about donnie.

I don't see him with the ability

To rally their support.

♪♪ No, no.

♪♪ What no?

♪♪ This is a mistake.

Let the --

♪♪ You think he's stronger than


♪♪ Yeah, yeah.

I think he is playing like dumb.

I think he's actually stronger

Than what he is.

It's oh, you're a little

Paranoid and donnie.

The moment you're not paranoid

Is the moment you let them slip

By you.

♪♪ Devin's behavior is

Detrimental to the b*mb squad.

Having devin in your alliance is

No bueno.

♪♪ Ladies and gentlemen, it's

Time for the battle of the


Everybody get dressed to the

Nines because we're going to the

Best party in town.

♪♪ Holy crap!

♪♪ Oh, my god!

♪♪ We walk into the back yard.

And we're in a ball room.

There were swings, grass,

Elephants, a glam.

I love it!

♪♪ Welcome to the big brother


In this battle of the block

Competition, frankie's nominees

Will battle caleb's nominees to

Save themselves from the

Chopping block.

The winning pair not only earns

Safety for the rest of the week

But will dethrone the h.o.h.

That nominated them.

Caleb, frankie, that means one

Of you can go from being h.o.h.

To evicted this week.

♪♪ Donnie and pow pow win this

Competition, I'm dethroned as

H.o.h. And get thrown in with

The rest of these house guests.

Is needless to say, they have to

Pull it out.

♪♪ Here's how it works.

On go, start swinging from your


You must transfer champagne from

Your fountain and pass to your


Must pour it into the giant


The first time to fill up their

Flute will win.

Let's play the pouring s!

♪♪ It's really important for me

To win this competition.

It's going to guarantee my

Safety for the week and also

Going to show everybody that I'm

A power house.

♪♪ It's so important for me to

Win this competition.

They call me a prissy princess

Around the house and I need to

Prove I'm a strong competitor.

♪♪ Come on, you guys!


♪♪ As it starts, I didn't think

I could get my swing going.

I was dead still.

Just kicking and pulling.

♪♪ Just practice on swinging.

♪♪ I am.

♪♪ Come on, pow-pow.

Come on, donnie.

♪♪ Lean back and then forward.


You got it.

You got to get the hang of

Swinging or we can't do anything


♪♪ There's something very fun

About swinging.

Pointing of the toes, the

Pulling of the ropes.

It was a good feeling.

♪♪ Kick your legs.

♪♪ However, I'm not sure pow pow

Can do the swinging part.

♪♪ Come on.

Just try to swing.

♪♪ Go, go, go!

♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Oh, my god.

♪♪ When is the last time you

Went swing something.

♪♪ I don't remember.

♪♪ I heads of household a hard

Time swinging because I haven't

Gone on a swing since I was

Years old.

It was pretty tough.

♪♪ Oh, girlfriend, we're almost



♪♪ Yeah!

♪♪ Fill it up, fill it up.

♪♪ Ya'll are in perfect sync.


There we go.

♪♪ You get two or three full

Glasses in that thing, the game

Will be over.

♪♪ Give up.

♪♪ Don't give up.

Just try to swing.

♪♪ Swing for your life.

♪♪ So I see pow up there tangled


She's more twists than one of my

Bow ties.

♪♪ You need to slow down or I

Need to speed up.

♪♪ Victoria is getting water in

The cup but it doesn't mean

Anything if we can't get it to

Each other.

♪♪ Come on, pow pow.

You got this!

That's awesome.

Come on!

♪♪ Don't give up, pow.

♪♪ Oh, yeah.

♪♪ Good, pow-pow.


You're doing great.

♪♪ Unbelievable!

♪♪ You're filling that thing.

♪♪ All of a sudden I turn into

Beast mode.

Me and donnie are catching up


♪♪ Hold on.

We're losing each other.

♪♪ Me and brittany started to

Get out of sync and the blue

Team started to catch up.

It was hard to keep the momentum


♪♪ They're catching up right


♪♪ I'm panicking because I

Cannot lose this week.

I need to ensure my safety and I

Need to win this competition.

♪♪ Don't listen to anybody.

Let's focus on each other.

♪♪ Hey, ladies, let's go!

We're almost done.

♪♪ Don't panic your pour.

Don't panic it.

♪♪ Yes!



♪♪ Yeah!


♪♪ Brittany, I'm going to hug


I told you everything is better

With wine.

♪♪ We nailed this.

Victoria and I are safe for the


Frankie is no longer h.o.h.

♪♪ Now that I am the h.o.h.,

This guy gets to make all the


♪♪ Red team wins.

I've been dethroned this week.

Immediately I get nervous.

Even though the b*mb squad says

I'm covered for the week, it's

Big brother.

Anything can happen.

♪♪ Yes!

♪♪ Thank you.

♪♪ Do I want to be on the block?

Lord no.

I have to keep fighting to win.

♪♪ Me and donnie are still on

The block.

It sucks.

I'm a fighter and there's still

The vito competition, which is

The most important thing for the

Safety in my house.

♪♪ Who will win the power of


And will it be used to save

Paola or donnie from eviction?

Find out wednesday at :, :

Central on "big brother."
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