03x01 - Foe 'Nem

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Chi". Aired: January 7, 2018 – present.*
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Following "a fateful turn of events that sends shockwaves through a community on the Southside of Chicago and connects the lives of Emmett, Brandon, Ronnie and Kevin in unexpected ways."
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03x01 - Foe 'Nem

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Chi...

You got the chain
that I gave him.

Take the f*cking chain, then.

Take it!

Every time I think about you,

I wish something bad on you.

I'm really sorry for
k*lling your little brother.

Man, Coogie was just,

so much better than me,
you know?

I kissed her,

but I only did it
'cause I felt sorry for her.

Maisha, look, I didn't...

You need to tell us who
gave you the dr*gs, Kevin.

I'm not snitching.
I'm done doing that.

Mrs. Williams, this
is exactly why I recommend

you consider sending him
to Chicago North Side Academy.


Oh, what the f*ck?

And you did this
all by yourself?

Yeah, we can figure
this shit out together.

Five laps. Let's go.

Get a move on, Williams.

You're laggin' behind.

Look, I don't have
nothing to do with this.

I understand you're scared,
but I will handle this.

Miss Ethel's home invasion,

g*ng's proceeds
from dope and g*ns,

and he's the scorpion.

Hey, I remember you.

You gave a pizza party
at my school.

How's school going anyway?

It's good, I guess.

Oh, we gotta be doing
a lot better than "I guess."

I'd like to give Jake a job.

What the f*ck he gonna do here?

Don't underestimate
your little brother.

Let me ask you something, Douda.

Is there anything
that I can do different?

You have nothing to worry about.

"Endless Love" playing

in my life

that's right.

Your sister's late.

I knew it.
She's gonna ruin my wedding.

Calm down, Ma.
She's probably on her way.

I asked her to do one thing,
be on time.

She couldn't even do that.

Okay, but you
weren't prompt either.

The wedding was supposed
to start an hour ago.

So? I'm the bride.
I can be late.

As one.

In my arms.

If you can't hustle
in them heels,

you should've wore flats.

Shut up.
You're the one who decided

to cut your own hair
at the last minute.

I can't go to a wedding
without a fresh line up.

Who you think I am,
Steph Curry?

I thought I knew
what love was my whole life,

but then I found you,

and you taught me
the true definition

of what it means
to be loved completely.

I never thought
I would want to remarry.

I thought if I was lucky enough
to find love once

I can't believe you made me late

for my own friend's wedding.

You wouldn't even know Dre
if it wasn't for me.

Yeah, you probably
the reason she gay.


I ain't turn her gay.
She always been gay.

I was just a speed bump
on her way

to the island of Lesbos.

At this time,

Dre would like
to share a few words.


Something I wanna say
to both of you.

I know y'all didn't get
a chance to pick me.

Your mother did.

But when I chose your mother,

I chose y'all too.

I want you to know
that I can't wait

to be a part of this family.

Kiesha, I know we don't
always see eye to eye.

But I have a lot
of respect for you.

You're a strong woman,
just like your moms.

You're smart,
and you got a good heart.

And, Kevin, whew,

boy, you've been through
a lot these past few years.

But you're still
the bravest person I know,

and you're not afraid
to go after whatever you want.

Keep that energy.

I look forward to all
the wonderful things

that's gonna happen
in your lives.

I want you to both know
that I'll be here for you,

anything you need.

So... I got y'all
a little something.

Oh! Oh.
Is this real gold?

Yes, sir.

Twentyfour karats.

It's engraved
with the longitude and latitude

of our house,

so no matter
where you are in the world

you can always
find your way home.

I love both of y'all
with my whole heart.


By the power granted to me
by the state of Illinois,

I now pronounce you
two honest women

who are no longer shacking up
out of wedlock.



Get you off my mind.

Why we ain't never do that?
Do what?

Get married.

You promising to be faithful
is a lie nobody'd believe.

They'd believe it more
than you saying you'd obey.

Obeying is for dogs.

That's why you getting
divorced now.

I'm not divorced.
I'm separated.

Oh, uh, I'll be back.
You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.
You okay?

You want me to go with you?

Nah, I'ma go by myself.

Text me when you get there.

Through your hardships

there's no guarantees

break a promise

down that aisle.

I will be your defense

till it all ends.

This is a private service.

I'm here to pay my respects.

You can keep them.

Excuse me.

Hey, little man.

You can vouch for me,
can't you?


How many of you mothers
out there have lost a child?

How many of you
have had to bury two?

It's like we part of some club
nobody wants to belong to.


Last time I was in this church,

Brandon got up here
and told the truth.

I remember being mad as hell
at his ass for doing it.

But now I realize why he did it.

He did it because at some point,

we all get tired of lying.

At some point,
it's just easier to

stop caring
what everybody thinks

and just speak.


I didn't wanna have no kids.

I knew I wasn't cut out
to be somebody's mother.

And that's 'cause
nobody mothered me.

Nobody ever loved me

So I spent most of my youth
a broken girl.

I got some bright idea that

having kids would make me whole.

But I was wrong.

After Brandon was born,

I realized I had
nothing to give him.

So... I gave him my trauma.

I gave him my pain.

I gave him all the things that
I didn't know what to do with.

And you know
what he did with it?

He made it something beautiful.

He used my pain

as fuel for his dreams.

He tried to escape all
the bad things in his life.

He tried to run away from them.

But he could never outrun me.

He couldn't save his brother.

He couldn't love Jerrika

the way she deserved
to be loved,

because he was born
out of brokenness.

He never had a damn shot.

Neither did Coogie.

I had no right to bring
them boys into this world.

And I never should've
raised them in a city

that would rather see
their likeness

painted up on a brick wall

than to see them
graduate from college.

But you know what?

I'm glad I was the vessel

that was chosen to bring them
into this world.

I'm glad they existed
in this world

for the very short time
that they did.

Because they finally taught me

what it was like to be loved

with no conditions.


I don't have
nothing left to lose.

And I damn sure
don't have shit to give.

They were all I had,

and this city took 'em from me.


I'm always gonna be broken.

And there ain't nothing

that's ever gonna
make me whole again.

I'm so glad you got
those track scholarships.

'cause them student loans

ain't nothing to play with.

Yeah, I'm still gonna have
some loans to pay back.

I'm just glad
you're going to college.

For a while,
you was acting so fast,

we thought you was
gonna get pregnant

before you finished high school.

I am not fast.

We heard about that
older man you was messing with.


You was about to get
trapped in the closet.

That ain't true.

So how do the lesbians
do the last names?


Well, does the girly one take
the butchy one's last name?

Don't say "butchy."

Say "masculine presenting"
or "softstud."

Well, I hear some gay couples

combine the last names
and make a whole new last name.

Now, that's
some Illuminati shit.

Bye, y'all.

How life changes

and the next, you're down

and aspinning

and awishing it stops

to get off the ground...

n*gga, have you lost
your damn mind?

I'm just here
to express my condolences.

You got a lot of nerve
bringing your rusty ass

up to the Lord's front door.

Go home.

And distant...

Hey, Miss Johnson.


Your son and I, we were
getting to know each other.

He was very talented
and he had a lot of potential.

This breaks my heart.

It really does.

What's your name?

Otis Perry.


My son never
mentioned you to me.

Yeah, well, look, I, um

I just came to, uh,

offer my condolences,

and if you ever need anything,

just give me a call.

I don't need shit from you.

What that slimy n*gga want?

I don't know. Just get me
the f*ck outta here.

Don't know up from down...

Uh, MissMiss Johnson.

You can keep your thoughts
and prayers too,

'cause they can't
do shit for me.

No, I just wanted to say... No.

I just wanted to say your son
meant a lot to me.

He meant a lot to this city.

For your voice

I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

Hmm. So what you gonna do?

Well, I'm gonna try
to keep his business alive.

I think that's what
he would've wanted.


If I was you,
I'd get the f*ck outta Dodge.

Chicago don't love you.

This city don't love
no damn body.

That's him?

That's that n*gga.

He got custody
of my little brother Jake.

He don't look like shit.

That's 'cause he ain't.

I see why Brandon
used to get into it

with his mom all the time.

She's grieving, man.
Leave her alone.

She ain't have to come
at me like that, though.

I'm grieving too.

I'm pretty sure she's
grieving way more than you.

Eh, f*ck her.


Kev, you good?


It's gonna be all right.
I got you now.

You're not Brandon.

n*gga, you think
I don't know that?

Don't say "n*gga."
Brandon hated that word.

Look, I know I can't
take his place.

But that ain't gonna stop me

from having your back
like chiroprac.

We're gonna get through this.

All right?


All right, come on,
I think they finna play

the "ChaCha Slide."

I love lesbians.

Yo, shut up.


Not today, Satan.

It's on now.

Papa, your daddy would k*ll you

if he saw you out here
acting like a fool.

He don't know what to do
with that anyway.

And neither do you.

Shit, I ain't a kid no more.

Yeah, you is.

You better ask about me.

Boy, bye.

How long you been
standing there?

Long enough to see
you need some help.

Oh, enjoy the wedding.
I got this.

Are you sure?
Yeah, for sure.

Why you working today anyway?

It's the Chi.
People die every day, Ma.

Emmett, you don't have
to act strong for me.

Can you hand me them tongs
over there?

Thank you.

Heard you and Darnell
came to the wedding together.

Who told you that?

It don't matter.

He gave me a ride,
that's it.

Uh, yeah, I know that move.

That's how it starts.

Boy, shut up.

First thing, y'all going
to weddings together.

The next thing y'all know,

y'all butt naked
on the waterbed, pshh!

Please, last time
I was on that damn waterbed,

I got pregnant with you.

Then stay away from it, then.

Who you think you talking to?

All I'm saying is, just call me
when you need a ride,

and I can go borrow Tiff's car
and come scoop you.


Smile, girl.

Don't tell girls to smile.

Stop being fast.

Will y'all just let
the girl live? Damn!

Y'all gonna have to scooch in
closer than that.

Act like you like each other.

Can y'all hurry up?

Say "damn" again,
you gonna get a whuppin'

and be on punishment.

I don't care.
Boy, what you say?


Whoever made this mac and cheese

needs their throat slit.

Heh, a white person
must've made this chicken,

'cause it ain't got
a ounce of seasoning on it.

I can't stand Dre.

Why do you care?
You're gonna be gone next year.

I don't even think Ma
like her that much.

Our walls are very thin

and my room's
right next to theirs.

They be liking each other
a whole lot.

They be liking each other
all the time.


It's time for the first dance.

There it go.
There it go.

Ay, ay.

Ay. Come on, girl.

Come on, let's show 'em
what we got.


I don't want, yeah.

Come on.

Yeah, there it is.

May I?
No, you may not.

Come on, woman,
we can dance at the wedding.


Suit yourself.

I'm sure I'll find
somebody out here

wants to dance with me.

Yeah, I think I saw
some desperate women

hovering by the potato salad.

Mm, mm, mm.

I don't want, yeah...

Ss, this some expensive shit.

What you about to do with that?

I'm gonna drink it.

Wine ain't nothing but
the blood of Jesus anyway.

What's up, Eboni?

Hey, Kevin.

Why you wasting wine?

It's for my brother.

That's for Brandon.

Let's get f*cked up.

What's wrong?

Why something gotta be wrong?

You don't like Dre, do you?

She does get on my nerves.

That's not it, though.

Yo, you pregnant?
No, fool.

Ooh, thank God.

If I was,
it wouldn't be yours.

Shit, you never know.

If I stare at a girl too long,
she get pregnant.

Stop staring at me, then.

No, I'm just

I'm nervous
about leaving next year.


Thought you'd be ready
to get the hell

outta your mama's house.

I'm just not excited
about leaving home, you know?

Being around a bunch
of white people I don't know.

And I don't love track
that much.

I don't know, these sound
like bougie problems to me.

I'm serious.

I wanna stay here.

And do what?

f*ck a bunch of wackass dudes

and wind up getting pregnant
by one of these m*therf*ckers?

End up working at CVS
the rest of your life?

What's wrong with that?

Look, who cares
if you don't like track?

Use that shit
to get up outta here.

Come on.

And look,
don't be afraid to leave

'cause you just too scared
to see what's out there.

I'm not scared.
Uh, yes, you are.

And that's cool.

You're supposed
to be scared sometimes.

Are you scared?

Brandon's gone.

There's always a slight chance
I got a kid on the way.

It's my job
to look after Kevin now.

And I think my parents
are f*cking again.

I'm scared as f*ck.

The f*ck?

You left me, girl.

Yes, work, bitch.


Come on, boy, I see you.

I see.
Jada, come on, come on.

Uhuh, no, Dre,
stop playing.

Now, you knew good
and g*dd*mn well

your black ass was gonna have
to dance at my wedding.

I don't know why
you wore them shoes, girl.

Come on.

Hey. Oh, let me get that.

Let me get that from you, bro.

Threw my love away

left it stranded...


Sisters are like fine wine,

and you the finest of 'em all.

A woman really doesn't know
what she want until she's 45.

Uh, well, I'm 39.

Shit, that'll work.

Oh, wait.
Who the hell ordered pizza?

I did.

'Cause the food is a struggle.

I can't have people
going home hungry.

Well, let me whip up
a fresh batch of mac and cheese

and I can season more chicken.

Look, I know you're
going through a lot.

Don't worry about it.

No, no, no, I wanna earn
the money you're giving me.

You have earned it.

Most people wouldn't even
have showed up today.

I applaud your dedication.

Hold your head up.
You'll figure it out.

Here, it's half
of what I owe you.

I'll give you
the other half tomorrow.

Now, go home and get some rest.

A friend of Dre
is a friend of mine.

You're family now.

I'll always be here
if you need anything.

Thank you.

Thank you for being there
for my son.

You'd never leave me...


Y'all should come through.
I got the house.

For real?

Yeah, my moms is gonna be
on their honeymoon.

Kiesha gonna be laid up
with some dude.

So I got the house.

Okay, I'm down.

Me too.
I'll bring the weed.

Really, y'all in here
getting drunk without me?

There's a little wine left.
My bad.

And y'all got the nerve to be
drinking the expensive shit.


Is Papa okay?

You know church boys
can't handle their liquor.

Hey, everything
all right in here?

Yeah, we good.

Well, come on.
They're about to play my song.

And this time,
we're gonna get funky.

Come on!

Oh, to the left!
Bring it back!


Everybody clap your hands.
Clap, clap, clap.

Clap your hands.

Clap, clap, clap.
Clap your hands.

All right, now,
we gonna do the basic steps.

To the left.
Take it back now, y'all.

One hop this time.

Right foot, let's stomp.

Left foot, let's stomp.

Chacha real smooth.

Turn it out.

To the left.
Come on.

Take it back now, y'all.

One hop this time.

Right foot, let's stomp.

Left foot, let's stomp.

Chacha now, y'all.

Now it's time to get funky.

To the right, now.

To the left.

Take it back now, y'all.

Right foot, two stomps.

Left foot, two stomps.

Slide to the left.

Slide to the right.

Hands on your knees.
Hands on your knees.

Get funky with it.

Aw, yeah.

Come on.

Right foot, let's stomp.

Left foot, let's stomp.

Right foot again.

Left foot again.

Right foot, let's stomp.

Left foot, let's stomp.


Everybody clap your hands.

Come on, y'all.

Check it out, y'all.

How low can you go?

Can you go down low?

All the way to the floor.

How low can you go?

Can you bring it to the top?

Like you never, never stop?

Can you bring it to the top?

To what do I owe the pleasure?

What you talking about?

You wanted to see me,
and I'm here.

Wait, you ain't
call the meeting?


Since this n*gga
was still breathing,

I'm just gonna assume
that you ain't know shit

about them k*lling Reg.

I had my suspicions,

but something this sensitive,

I needed to be 100% sure.

How you ain't sure

and I figured all of this
shit out way in Kankakee?

Don't look at him.
He gone.

I want my little brother back.

When was the last time
you even seen Jake?

You got locked up
in, what, 2013?

Boy ain't seen you
since he was eight.

He wouldn't be able
to pick your ass up

out of a lineup.

Excuse the pun.

n*gga, Reg was supposed
to take care of him.

Yeah, well, Reg never
made that shit official.

So your mother

surrendered custody to me.

Of course she did.


So how much
is my little bro worth?

A whole lot.

Don't worry,
she did the right thing.

No, the right thing
would've been to call me.

Oh, I offered, but, um.

Jake said you were dead.


I guess this is
the resurrection.

Boom, that's for you.

For what?

For being the woman
of the house while we're gone.

She don't get money
to watch her little brother.

Hey, she's 18.
She's doing us a favor.

A favor?
We talked about this.

We gotta be a united front.

This ain't much.

Don't look a gift horse
in the mouth.

And this is for Emmett.

I just need you to give him
the money and that's all,

you hear me?

Ma, please, he live
with his baby mama.

Ain't nobody thinking 'bout him.



when she want it

is the peace sign

"record it and rewind"

and shout out loud...

So you're not gonna
ask me how my day was?

How was your day, my king?

Ss, don't play with me, Tiff.

First of all, Brandon's mama
is crazy as hell.

I been knew that.

She went up there
raving and ranting

about how she always
been f*cked up

and that's basically
why Brandon was f*cked up,

even though he spent his
whole life trying not to be.


And then when I tried to say
I was sorry for her loss,

sheshe was like,

"You need to get the f*ck
outta Dodge.

This city don't love you."

Yeah, where's the lie in that?


I'm sorry.

Are you okay?

I'm good.
I'm good.

No, you not.

How you gonna tell me
how I feel?

Because I know you.

Did my mom tell you
them n*gg*s ordered pizza?

She did.

I saw people eating pizza
on Nina's Insta Story.

That shit's f*cked up.

Shit, I would've ordered pizza,
too, if the food wasn't right.

I'm only one person.
What they expect?

They expect to get
some good food.

Don't nobody care about what
you're going through, Emmett.

Shit, now I want some pizza.

Are you serious?

I wonder if they still open.

Tiff, this not funny.

This shit gotta work.

I gotta do this shit
for Brandon.

Shit, I gotta do it for us.

If you're gonna do it,
do it for you.

it ain't gonna work.

"Pillow Talk" playing


the perfect place.

Your pillow talk to me

everything you need.

Oh, shit.

Your pillow...

Yeah, that's it.

That's it right there.

Come on in.

Yeah, just set it over there
by the bed, man.

Cool, cool.
Appreciate you.



Thank you.

Wow, I can't believe this n*gga

is really running for mayor.

Anything's gonna be better
than what we got.


But I ain't worried

I'ma try and hurry.

I see you, Kiesha.

Ugh, that's disgusting.
Who you going to see?

Don't worry about it.
If Ma calls, where am I?

Hangin' with Tammy.
And what are we doing?

Studying for the SATs.

Look, this house
better not smell like weed

when I get back.

Yo, relax. I got, like,
four bottles of Be Breezy.

Boy, that shit don't work.

Controls me...


What's up, Eboni?
It's Kev.

Why am I on speakerphone?

How you...
how you know that?

What y'all doing?

We smoking and we about
to watch some movies.

Come through.

I ain't tryin' to be
the only girl.

Bring your friends.

We keeping it casual, you know?

So we all gonna be in pajamas.

The color scheme
is black and gold.

Oh, y'all having a sleepover?

Yeah, we having a sleepover.

So you coming or what?

Stop being so thirsty.

Oh, my bad.

Me and Niki might come through.



Look at Kev,
trying to get him some game.

I been had game, man.

Both y'all need to get saved.

But I'm just waiting

Emmett, it's for you.

What up, Kiesha?

Thinking about...

You ain't gotta stand outside.
Come on.

You sure?

Girl, ain't nobody
thinking 'bout you.

What that d*ck does

I'm gonna be addicted...

It's from my mom.

Appreciate it.

Look, don't forget
what we talked about.

Yeah, I'm gonna stop
being scary,

get my ass outta here.


Y'all ever heard of Venmo?

Oh, girl, my stepmom
don't trust that shit.

Look, I don't mind you coming
here to drop my money off.

Just don't come to my house
looking like no hooker.

Look, I don't want no parts
of your situation, okay?

I'm dressed up for my man,

not yours, boo.

Why you always gotta trip?

You see we handling business.

What's wrong with you?

Yo, Kiesha,
you pick a school yet?

Uh, yeah, I think
I'm going to Pepperdine.

Damn, where that at?


Ah, shit.
Can I come visit?

Hell no!

Aw, you coldblooded.

Boy, take your ass
back in the house.

You know I'm always
gonna love you, right?

Stop being messy, Emmett.

Nah, nah, nah, nah.
I really...

For real, I don't
mean it like that.

I just mean like you always

got a place in my heart,
for real.

This could work.

Yeah, I'm glad
we took this place.

I can put my barber stuff
over here by the sink.

I guess I can run the
card games out the back room.

And if we're
working out of here,

the rent'll pay for itself.

I already got money
saved up for a lawyer.

You know I don't f*ck
with no lawyers.

Look, if we're gonna do this,
we gotta do this the right way.

You got lawyer money?

I got you.

Where would I be without you?

Lost and ashy.

When did you get out?

Hi, I'm Imani.

Thanks for agreeing
to meet us here.

So how much you sell
your son for?

Just give me the number.
I'll go get him back.

Five thousand.

I'll give you ten.

But you gotta go down to
the courthouse tomorrow morning

and tell 'em you're clean
and you want your son back.

I don't know if I can.

You know,
you still ain't shit.

If I could erase you
out my mind, I would.

I knew I should've
taken Jake with me.

Then why didn't you?

Because I ain't
his f*cking mama. You are.

I did the best I could
with y'all.

Ain't none of your daddies
worth shit.

I ain't have no help.

So yeah, if that
rich m*therf*cker

wanna take him
and give him a good life,

I'm gonna let him.

Look, I'm not trying
to get in y'all business...

Then don't.

Give us a minute.

You know, I never knew what
it felt like to feel wanted.

Neither did Reg.

That's why we so f*cked up.

I don't want that for Jake.

He deserves better.

Look, youyou ain't never
gave me shit in this life.

This is... this is
all I want from you.

I didn't know
you wanted him that bad.

Well, now you know.


I'll go down to the courthouse.

Thank you.

All right, y'all,
act natural.



Don't be startled.

You tried to be slick
and got caught.

Ain't nobody was tryin'
to be slick.

Mmhmm, whatever.

Me and Eboni, we go back
like babies and pacifiers.

Oh, uh, I didn't know that.

Well, now you know.

Hey, Papa.

Yo, Kev, I can't lie.

The summer's been good
to Maisha.

I'm not mad.

Would it be weird
if I spent some, you know,

quality time with her?

What you mean,
quality time?

Don't act like you don't know
what that means.

Look, how you even know

she wanna spend
quality time with you?

You saw how she looked
at me, Kev.

You saw it.
I saw that shit too, bro.

It ain't up to me who
she spend quality time with.

It's up to Maisha.

You right.

You right.

Just... treat her right.

She ain't just
some regular girl.

She special.

I know.

Make your move.

What should I say?

Just compliment
her hair and shit.

Don't objectify her.
She smart.

You gotta connect with her
on some intellectualtype shit.

I can do that.

There's three of us
and three of them.

Let's divide and conquer.

All right,
I'll take my room,

Jake takes Kiesha's,
and you take my mom's.

No, f*ck that.

I don't know what's in there.

There's probably all types
of whips and chains

and essential oils.

They probably be using that
Victoria's Secret body spray

on each other and shit.
Yo, shut up.

I don't know
what your mama's into.

Papa, you don't get a choice.

You get the old folks' room.

My mom's not that old.

Fine, I'll take this one
for the team.

Just go in there
and burn some incense

and play some Erykah Badu
and see what happens.

I'm tryin' to set a mood,
not have a séance.

No, no.

Yo, I don't care what
nobody say about you, Ronnie.

You a'ight with me, bro.

What they sayin'?

Man, you know.

What they sayin' about me?

You know how n*gg*s
in these streets talk, man.

Folks always gonna have
something to say.

At some point,
folks need to move on,

let me live my life.

You took a life, man.

Some people ain't gonna never
let you live that shit down.

It's gonna follow you around
the rest of your life

whether you like it or not.

But you can't be worried about
what people think about you.

You just gotta do more good
in the world, man.

You just need to balance
that shit out, bro.

Y'all need anything else?

Yeah, let me get another EandJ.

Put it on my tab.

Why don't you slow down
with that shit, man?

What, you my daddy now?

Just saying, bro, you need
to leave that shit alone.

Yeah, that brown liquor
ain't good for your body, bro.

Yeah, f*ck y'all.

You want the drink or not?

Nah, I'm good.

But you know what?

I'm gonna get outta here.

Don't get mad, man.

We're just looking out
for you, Joe.

I'm not mad.

Appreciate y'all holding me
accountable and shit.


You be careful
getting home, bro.


oh, yeah


just said you liked me...

Bye, Big Papa.
Bye, Queen.

What I'm supposed to do

was to get close to you.

What the hell was that?

A gentleman never tells.

Next time,
I want the lesbian room.

Yeah, what y'all did?

Well, I gave her a foot massage,

and we talked about her plans
to build a community center

for kids that come
from lowincome households.

That does not sound sexy at all.

She bared her soul to me,

That's way more important
than baring her body.

I ain't tryin' to see
nobody's soul.

I want both.
You gotta put in work, Kev.

How much work?

Well, that depends on the girl.

You gotta earn her trust.

You gotta bare your soul to her.

This ain't all "wham, bam,
thank you, ma'am" stuff.

You gotta take things slow.

Where are you getting this from?

I been reading
Devon Franklin's book.

It's all about saving
yourself for marriage

and asking God
to send you your equal.

Bro, that sounds like homework.

Did y'all connect
with your ladies

on an intellectual level?

I mean...

We kissed and I fingered her.

I smashed.

I hope you don't
regret that soul tie.


Oh, yeah, every time
you're intimate with someone,

you're forever connected.

You take on all their stress
and all their trauma.

It's attached
to your soul forever.

No, it's not.
I hope she ain't crazy.

Am I soul tied?

Mm, I gotta do some research,

but as soon as I get
some clarity,

I'll circle back.

Excuse me.
I'm sorry.

You're good, sweetheart.


You must not know
who this money belong to.


my body set up

of you


so come through
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