04x03 - Native Son

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Chi". Aired: January 7, 2018 – present.*
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Following "a fateful turn of events that sends shockwaves through a community on the Southside of Chicago and connects the lives of Emmett, Brandon, Ronnie and Kevin in unexpected ways."
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04x03 - Native Son

Post by bunniefuu »

Get on the ground!

The DA has this and

still hasn't done shit?

How long are we supposed to wait?

I know it's hard, but

try not to let your past

influence what you're doing here.

You just remember I'm

the head n*gga in charge.

As of today, Officer Reeds

will no longer be

a member of the Chicago

Police Department.

r*cist cops will not be

tolerated on my watch.

I've decided to defund the police.

- Are you okay?

- Yeah.

- Kevin?

- I said I'm fine.

The chance of me being Steve Jobs

is pretty slim, don't you think?

- Hey, stop thinking small.

- Stop telling me how to think.

- Oh, so you're mad at me now.

- No.

I'm just tired of hearing you talk.

What's up, G? Come here, dog.

You've definitely been

in prison too long.

I mean, is your girl

gonna be cool with me

- staying with y'all and shit?

- Yeah, man. She be all right.

Promise me he's gonna

find an apartment soon.

He will.

But in the meantime, give him a chance.

You know, if you need

advice, I'm here to help.

I don't need no advice, 'cause

I already know what I gotta do.

- What you gotta do?

- Tell Tiff the truth.

How's married life treating you?

It's cool.

You sound bored with that n*gga.

It was drama for a while.

- I feel you.

- Emmett, talk to me.

You've been acting different,

ever since we got married.

You having regrets or something?

I f*cked Dom.

I'm sorry. I-I love you.

Can we please talk about this?

So what's your endgame with my girl?

I want to give her the world.

I don't think she wants the world.

I just think she wants

somebody to grow old with.

What's this?

That lump has been there for years.

Want me to get it checked out again?

That would be nice.

I want to run a few more tests,

and we'll do a biopsy

to determine what stage the cancer's in.

How are you doing?

I still gotta decide who gets

this baby after it's born.

Just gotta do what I gotta

do to take care of myself.

You have a very healthy baby, Kiesha.

Do you want to know the sex?


You sleep okay?


Oh, yeah. I remember that.

I'm sorry to tell you

it only gets worse.

Dinner tonight is at 7:00.

I'm gonna try a new lasagna recipe.

I'm good.

No, you're not.

And stop eating all of that junk.

You need a real meal.


I'm serious, Kiesha.

Just because you don't

want to eat healthy

doesn't mean that baby shouldn't.

What's this?

Each line represents

a year of your life.

- Oh, Lord.

- What'd you say?

Nothing. Nothing, Mom.

This is high school through college.

If you work really hard

from here to here,

the rest of your life

will be much easier,

from here to there.

But if you mess up from here to here,

your life is gonna be long and hard.

Do you know what I'm saying?

Okay. What about President Obama?

He messed up from here to here.

- You're not Obama.

- But I could be.

- Kevin.

- And what about Oprah?

She really messed up

from here to here, but

Yeah, but then she

got her shit together.

Okay then. What about Allen Iverson?

I mean he really is successful.

Kevin, stop talking back to me.

Look, Mom, all I'm saying is

that that's no way of thinking.

I mean, who knows how my life's

gonna be 20 years from now?

All I can do is the best I can,

and then it is what it is.

I don't think I've ever

heard anyone successful

say, "It is what it is".

Mark Zuckerberg says it all the time.

Why are you leaving so early?

Oh, I got a staff meeting before work.

I thought that was on Mondays?

I know, but they switching shit up.

- Dinner's at 7:00.

- I know. I'll be there.

Kevin, where do you think you're going?

Uh, I'm under suspension.

Now, that don't make no kind of sense.

How you get suspended and

still gotta go to school?

Well, at least you won't

be up under me all day.

Just make sure you come

home in time for dinner.

- I don't even like lasagna.

- Fine.

You can watch the rest of us eat.

- All right, babe.

- Bye.

The support ♪

- Yeah ♪

- Bang!

Welcome to the camp ♪

A baby looks up at his parents ♪

The parents look up at they marriage ♪

And realize there's so much damage ♪

Oh, hell no! Bump!

Why you not in school?

- I got suspended.

- For what?

Man, 'cause some little white bitch

was sucking his d*ck on IG.

- No, she wasn't.

- Hey, hey.

I hear she got a OnlyFans

and an ass like a Black girl.

Bro, she can't be no more than 15.

You ain't got no business

looking at her ass

in the first place.

n*gga, I'm just reporting

the facts, a'ight?

Hey, by the way, shorty, check this out.

Look, white girls are for f*cking.

Black girls are for marrying, okay?

- Okay, okay, cool.

- All right.

- What the f*ck?

- Come on, bro.

Go to your room, man. Read a book.

I still gotta go to school.

n*gga, do I look stupid?

Not if you suspended.

It's an in-school suspension.

I thought suspension meant

you were suspended from school.

Well, that's how the

white schools do it.

Man, go get your shit.

I'll take you then.

- What?

- Put the shit out, bro.

All these goofy-ass rules, man.

Hey, man, stop stomping

in my f*cking house!

This ain't yo house. This Reg house.


Say that shit again.


Yeah, n*gga. Go get in the car.

Man, what's up with you, G?

Mobbing through here like

you Uncle Phil or some shit.

'Cause somebody gotta do it, n*gga.

It ain't gonna be you, huh?

Can you clean up or something, bro?

Hey, I ain't your m*therf*cking maid.

n*gga, yes, you is, if you

living here rent-free.

f*ck outta here, boy.

I'm sick and tired of you.

You bloom in spring ♪

Like citrus wine ♪

Your petals fall ♪

Along your spine ♪

Where the f*ck you been?

You better take that

bass out of your voice

when you talking to me.

I'ma ask you one more time.

I was with one of my customers.

One of your male customers?


Which one?


Tiff, is you f*cking that n*gga?


And he give better head than you too.

The moves we make ♪


My body dies ♪

My soul revived ♪

You pull me in ♪

And I abide ♪

What would you do

if I gave you $5 million?

I have no idea.

I actually wouldn't even

know where to start.

That's how much the police

spend every day.

Sometimes more.

What does that have to do with me?

This is just the beginning.

I have to move some things

around, and until then,

I can get my plan through city council.

But if you play your cards right,

there's a lot more where that came from.

Are you really gonna give

my organization $5 million

to do whatever I want with it?

Okay, well, don't spend

it all in one place.

Let me in. Hey.

Yo, let me in, bro.

Boy, don't you know how to knock?

You ain't watching the news?

in response to

Mayor Perry's decision

to defund police

after the as*ault of his

foster son, Jacob Taylor.

The mayor basically said

Black people don't want us around.

Well, let's see how they do without us.

So far, no comment

from the mayor's off

f*ck 'em.

Some n*gg*s is happy.

But you still got some

old-school aunties

and some elderly folks who ain't

too happy about what he just said.

You said you were tired of

being policed by the police.

You said that we can

manage our own disputes.

And we can, but we need a plan.

We need to organize.

This a big-ass city.

People need to come together

if this shit gonna work.

Well, Wakanda wasn't built in a day.

- I thought that was Rome?

- f*ck Rome.

Hey, look, you know Wakanda

ain't really real, right?

n*gga, get the f*ck out of my office.

I'm in the middle of a meeting.

No, no, no. Wait.

I actually think he should

join the meeting.

He wants to give me a lot of money.

Maybe you can help me spend it.

I don't think that's a good idea.

But he's right though.

We do need a plan, and plans cost money.

What better way to pour money

into the community than this?



Tiff, get your ass out here right now!

You ain't my daddy.

No, 'cause you actually know me.

Apparently not.

Look, look, look.

I f*cked up.

You stay f*cking up, Emmett.

Just tell me one thing.

That n*gga pull out?

Just don't wind up pregnant again,

and then we gotta wonder

who the daddy is.

We both came a lot.

I can't remember if

he pulled out or not.

It hurts, don't it?

So what about a natural approach?

Holistic options. Herbs.

Essential oils. Vitamins. Diet.

I'm a traditional doctor.

So you just want to pump

her full of chemicals?

Dre, please. Just let him finish.

This cancer is more aggressive

than we thought.

I don't want to experiment with

medicines that aren't proven.

I understand.

If you're ready, Jada,

we'd like to begin

your chemo treatment

as early as this week.


She'll need someone to drive her

to and from her first chemo treatment.

I can do that.

I'm gonna grab some

pamphlets with information

on this entire process,

to make sure you both feel

as informed as possible

moving forward, okay?

Thank you.

Thanks for keeping this from Nina.

Well, I'ma have to tell her

something at some point.

You know she got a third eye.

Yeah. She also got a big mouth.

Yeah. My baby does.

She'll probably just

want to tell the kids.

One of those kids is Kiesha,

who talks to Emmett a lot.

Look, I don't want to put this on her.

She got enough weighing

on her spirit right now.


At some point, you gonna

have to talk to Emmett.

I know.

I just

I think he and Tiff are

going through it right now.

I don't want to add

to his burden, either.

We all got burdens, J.

It don't mean we gotta go

through 'em by ourselves.

What you doing in here so early?

Do you wanna make me walk away? ♪

And why you acting like you

know how to prep the food?

I've been going through it.

I can see that.

Tell me why you've

gotta be like that ♪

What's going on?

Make me feel some kind of way ♪

I told Tiff about us.

Why would you do that?

The same reason you told Darnell.

I couldn't live with that guilt no more.

Now she gonna be mad at me.

She taking her anger

out on me right now.

As she should.

Damn it, Emmett.

I know.

And we got that edible tasting tomorrow.

Now that's gonna be all weird.

She honestly ain't said shit

about you since I told her.

Yeah. She hasn't hit me, either.

Probably 'cause she

too busy f*cking Dante.

She f*cking Dante now?

That's my homie from back in the day.

That's who taught me

how to make the edibles.

Wait, so both of y'all

are f*cking the n*gga?

Nah. That's like my play cousin.

- Man, f*ck both of y'all, man.

- Why is it "f*ck me"?

'Cause you don't even care

about how I'm feeling.

You only care about

your friendship with her.

That's 'cause I like Tiff.

She's good peoples.

I don't have many female friends,

and I was looking forward

to having somebody

I could kick it with.

You need that sometimes.



I see what you want ♪

Bro, people know this

place is Black-owned.

I'm just making sure.

Look, if Black folks wanna protest,

I'm cool with that.

I just want to be gainfully

employed when the dust settles.


- Damn. Do I need to buy a g*n?

- Nah.

You'll just wind up sh**ting

yourself on accident,

and I'm too young to

run this place by myself.

Yeah, f*cking everything

is a joke today.

You can't just dismantle

a whole system in a day.

There are a lot of rules.

A lot of red tape.

f*ck the rules, and I got

scissors for the red tape.

Who do you think you

are, the Black Trump?

Why not?

Because Black politicians

cannot do what Trump does.

- Why not?

- Because he's white.


- Hey.

- Can you believe this shit?

Yeah, it's crazy.

Well, please tell him that.

But it's not impossible.

- What?

- If we could be the first city

to fix the problem between

Black folks and the police,

the Olympics would be

begging us to come here.

What if there's a riot?

What if some maniac

decides he wants to go

into a Black neighborhood

and sh**t everyone in sight?

Then what? Who's gonna protect 'em?

Yeah, that maniac is

usually a police officer.

Look, the biggest hurdle

is figuring out a way

to bring Black communities together

and getting everyone to

agree on some ground rules.

Call me when you have a plan.

If this goes wrong,

you'll be the laughing stock of Chicago.

Yeah, but if it goes right,

I'll be the next Harold Washington.

Let's go.

Right. Don't worry about me.

Worry about your m*therf*cking edges.

- Oop.

- She said what she said.

Come on, come through.

D'Nero, get your

Do her hair.

Do she got an appointment?

She don't need one.

Hold this.

Come on.

What do you want?

Mm. I don't know.

Don't do that.

Come on. Don't worry, I got you.

Of course you guys are gonna act out,

after the racial trauma you

guys have both experienced.

Like, I mean, when is

this country gonna learn

you can't just oppress

a people for 400 years,

and throw 'em some crumbs,

and expect 'em to obey?

You guys, I'm trust me.

I'm one of the good ones, okay?

I don't want to punish you.

I want to protect you.

Do I look like I need your protection?


Can I just read in silence?

Yeah, can't we just sit

in here or something?

How about I set you guys free?

Wow. That would be amazing.

Not yet.

What do we gotta do?

- We shouldn't have to do shit.

- Okay.

How about, just so that I don't

get in trouble with my boss,

you guys write me an essay

telling me what happened,

and we'll call it even?

Besides, it'd be good for there

to be a document, you know.

Like, a written record that

this country can't erase.

So we gotta work for our freedom?

- How long does this have to be?

- A page.

Can it be used against

us in a court of law?

You don't trust me,

'cause I'm a white man?

- I don't trust nobody.

- Understandable.

No, this will not be used

against you anywhere.

I just want you guys to express,

in writing, how you're feeling.

Man, sound like some bullshit to me.

Do what you want to do,

but I ain't sitting in here all day.

How often are you washing your hair?

Not often.

Oh, shit.

My n*gga. When you get out?

Not too long ago, man.

You know, I'm still trying

to get used to being outside and shit.

Yeah, I heard you was

gone for a little minute.

Shit. Who you telling, n*gga?

That was the longest minute of my life.

How come you ain't hit me?

Come on, man, you know

I like to move in silence.

Whatever, n*gga.

Shaad, when you're done socializing,

can you bring me my stuff?


Took you long enough.

Just went to the store to

get some cigarettes, damn.

And f*ck it, I'm done

for the day anyway, right?

- I guess.

- Right.

Man, what's wrong, my boy?

I'm finna go get something to eat, man.

So I might as well slide with you.

All right. Come on.

I can't stand that

ungrateful m*therf*cker.

- Okay.

- Listen.

You good?


Wow. This is really good.

It got me out of there.

That's all I care about.

Can I interview you for my

morning announcement show?

Nah. I'm good.

The announcements are only ten minutes.

I'll probably talk to you for five.

That's some nerd shit, Jem.

You could help people.

Look, I gotta go. I'll call you later.

Can I read yours too?

I didn't do that shit.

Do you want to come on my show?

- Hell no.

- Come on.

I need a guest, and I'm tired

of talking to these white kids

- who don't know nothing.

- I hate talking to white people, period.

Then just come and talk to me.

It'll only be a few minutes. I promise.


So what's up? You working for her?

You know how this shit go, man.

My PO say I gotta stay with a gig, so,

Trig hooked me up with that shit.

I hear you, n*gga,

but with my dead homie,

I'd rather go to jail than be

working for that thing in there.

You talking about Trig girl?

She ain't bad, you know.

She a little bossy.

That's about it.

Imani, that ain't no girl.


Man, that's a n*gga in a dress.

Wait, what?

You heard me.

Miss lady, let me get two.

- Ma.

- Emmett, damn.

Didn't I tell you the key

is for emergencies only?

Oh, man.

You need to learn how to knock.

Matter of fact, you need

to learn how to call,

before you come over

to somebody's house.

Damn. It's like that now?

Yeah, it's like that.

Look, Ma, I need your help.

I think Tiff gonna leave me.

Ma, you hear what I said?


What's wrong with you?

Why you still in your pajamas?

Are you depressed? What

- Oh!

- Not this n*gga again.

Emmett. Emmett, stop it.

Look, I'm not dealing

with this nonsense now.

Please tell this fool

to get the f*ck out.

I'm not doing that.

You gonna choose this man over me?

Suede, will you please wait

for me in the bedroom?

Don't let me catch you

in these streets, n*gga.

- Catch me.

- You lucky my mama here.

- What is you doing?

- Emmett, look, I really

- What is you doing?

- I really need to talk to you.

That man is two years older than me.

- What the f*ck?

- Emmett, you just be quiet.

Don't tell me to be quiet.

I can't believe you choosing

this muscle neck over me.

Will you just listen to me for a minute?



We want folks to stop calling

911 and start calling us.

We need everybody on the same side.

Well, there are a lot of

wounds amongst us.

It's gonna take time to heal.

Brothers and sisters.

Brothers and sisters,

I know that these times have been tough.

Our community has dealt

with more than we can take.

We haven't had time to heal.

We all got targets on our backs

and not enough money in our pockets.

But I do know that we've all

we've always had a lot

of love in our hearts.

We all connected, whether

you like it or not.

Now, I know some of you in

here are generations apart,

but we need each other

now more than ever.

We have to join together if

we're gonna save ourselves.

I hear you, Pastor.

But I can't just sit here

and act like I don't get mad

at some of these fools.

They out here k*lling each other

and then got the nerve to

get mad when cops do it.

Hey, hey, hey. Listen.

Everybody got they shit.

Ain't nobody in here perfect.

Crime and v*olence is everywhere.

Every race got its own

civil w*r inside of it.

We're no different.

We gotta stop pointing

the finger at each other

and start coming together

'cause if we don't, we'll never survive.

The mayor may not be

squeaky clean, right,

but he gives a shit, y'all.

And he's putting his money

where his mouth is.

The police, they want us to be violent.

They want some shit to pop off

so they can act like

we need their asses.

That's why we gotta work

together to keep shit quiet.

Anybody got an issue,

we gonna handle it.

Now, look, I know everybody

got special skill sets,

so we want y'all to fill out

these forms that we made

and let us know what you're good at.


Community Protection.

Yes, ma'am. What's the address?

Okay. We'll be right there.

So we just gonna pull up?


Let's go.

What'd she say to you?

She wanted me to help her, but

- Oh.

- I couldn't.

'Cause you ain't Wonder Woman, sis.

If she want to get out of there,

that girl need to do

that shit on her own.

She can't do it on her own.

She needs our help.

Imani, you need to stay out

of grown folks' business.

That ain't your problem.

This is how girls get k*lled,

'cause y'all are out here

acting like it ain't our problem.

But what we supposed to do,

go and get our ass beat trying

to be the Dark Knight and shit?

Why don't you ask your

boo to do something?

You work with them n*gg*s.

Jamal, I need that for work.

f*ck your OnlyFans!

My OnlyFans is paying our rent, n*gga.

I don't want your ho money, bitch!

Then make some with your broke ass.

- Hey, hey, hey.

- Why you always putting me down?

Yo. Yo, chill. Chill, man.

Why don't you lift a n*gga up?

f*ck! Chill! Come on.

Come on. Hey. Come on.

Chill, chill, get over there.

- Hey, hey, bro, chill.

- f*ck y'all supposed to be?

Listen, I'm here to talk

if you need me to

I don't know you!

Let's take a walk, bro, come on.

We don't need your help.


- Make a m*therf*cking move again.

- f*ck.

Here you go, Kiesh.


Can I still get free food

when I'm not pregnant?

Hm. We'll see.

What's wrong?

Why something gotta be wrong?

'Cause you usually don't call.

You just text.

- Hey, Tiff.

- Hey.

Hi, Kiesha. How you feeling?

- I'm holding up.

- I feel you.

I gotta run some errands. You got him?

- Yeah.

- Hm.

- Yeah.

- Can I have a hug?


All right. I'm gonna go.

I'll see you back at the house.

- Yeah.

- Later, girl.

Come on. You want to play a game?


- Damn.

- Yeah. I know.

What you do?

I told her about Dom.

Oh, shit.

I wanted to tell her the truth.

Well, I mean, yeah, that's

good you told her the truth.

She ain't divorce you.

Yeah, but she f*cking

with her clients now.


Yeah, and my mom f*cking

her masseuse and shit.

I went to high school with this n*gga.

Okay, so everybody

getting some except you?

That's your problem?


- That ain't funny.

- Yes, it is.

And it's kind of what you get, Emmett.

I'm trying to live my life right now.

You know what I mean?

Like, why am I being punished

for doing the right thing?

Well, you can't sin your

whole life and then wonder

why you can't get into heaven.

Well, I'm in hell right now.

What she doing? Just yelling at you?

No. That's the thing.

She ain't saying shit.

She just walking around being quiet.


When a Black woman get quiet,

you should be scared.

Well, what do I do?

You just gotta wait it out.

While you waiting, can you

get me some red pop?

Shit. EJ, I'll be right back.

Stay right there.

Keep listening to what

your friends think ♪

Girl, I think you been misled ♪

Grinding on my fifth leg ♪

I can't never miss friends ♪

You been hanging round

with lonely girls ♪

Come f*ck with a real n*gga instead ♪

Is he abusive to you?

He ain't crazy.

The neighbors told me they

hear y'all fight a lot.

Yeah, 'cause he been out of work.

But I've been doing what I

gotta do to take care of us.

And I know that gets to him,

but then he take it out on me.

Y'all thought about therapy?

We don't have money for that.

And if we did, I know

his ass wouldn't go.

- Hi. I'm Tracy.

- Lynae.

Y'all the legal guardians?

Yeah. He been raising

her since she was six.

Listen, I know things are

hard for the two of you,

but y'all got a kid here.

Y'all gotta be strong for her.

I know.

We both do.

If you decide to stay together,

you really gonna need to get some help.

And if you decide to leave,

I can help with that too.

I want our whole family to get help.

Listen, we can make that happen.

You got family you can stay with?

Nah. I'm staying right here.

Bro, I don't think that's a good idea.

Who gonna stop me?

Hey, hold on. Listen, listen, listen.

I get it, all right?

I mean, it's not easy

when you gotta go out

and fight the world,

and you feel like you gotta come home

and fight your woman.

I understand, bro.

I just want her to let me be.

But y'all live together.

You share a life.

If you wanted to do you,

then you don't need to

be in a relationship.

n*gga, who are you?

Bro, I'm just a man, all right?

That's it.

I don't know what I'm doing either.

My woman, she mad at me too.

I need to be home helping her,

but instead, I'm sitting here

making sure you good.

Because that's also my job, as a man.

To look out for you.

You don't even know me.

Yes, I do.

You need a ride?

I can drive myself.

You good?

- Yeah.

- Let me see.

We gotta follow up with them.


Can we really do this?

I don't know. But we

gotta start somewhere.


- Hey, babe.

- What up?


What the f*ck happened to your eye?

Was breaking up a fight.

And this dude accidentally hit me.

You know you're not a cop, right?

I ain't trying to be.

Then what are you doing?

I'm trying to get these t*rrorists

out of our neighborhood.

So if I gotta take a hit, so be it.


One of Nuck's girls

came into my shop today.


She needs our help.

I told you that ain't my

that's not my problem.

So sex workers aren't

worthy of your help?

I ain't say that.

You ain't gotta.

I'm doing the best that I can, damn it.

Look, she made that

choice to be in that life.

- No, she didn't.

- How you know?

Because I do.

Well, she's gonna have

to fend for herself,

'cause I'm off duty.

You know what?

Why don't you sleep

on the couch tonight?

Are you serious?

Does it look like I'm playing?

The f*ck you want me to do?

I want you to tell Nuck

to leave her alone.

Can't tell that n*gga what to do.

- He don't work for me.

- Don't nobody work for you.

So that's what it is.

And does Shaad have his own place yet?

- I'm working on it.

- Work faster.

- You look nice.

- Thanks.

Wait. Are you wearing cologne?

We're ready to go, Jemma.

Don't worry. You're gonna do great.

Three. Two.

Thank you for joining me, Jake.

You're welcome.

We all saw the video, so

there's no need to rehash

that traumatic moment.

Thank you.

The police officer said

you posed a threat,

and that's why they used force.

Why do you think, even

though they had g*ns,

that they felt threatened by you?

They see all of us as threats.

They think I'm

They think I'm dangerous or something.

They think I don't

care if I live or die.

I don't want to die.

I want to do something with my life.

You know why we say, "f*ck the police"?

'Cause it's how we feel.

Man, this looks expensive.

The last time Chicago

vied for the Olympics,

we only got a few votes.

It was embarrassing.

This time, we want

to be taken seriously.

If we get this,

we could be the most

famous city in the world.

I think we can do it.

We're in a meeting.

Sorry. Just dropping off your report.

Hey, how'd it go last night?

A little shaky,

- but we figuring it out.

- Okay.

- Community Protection, right?

- Yeah.

How do you plan on

patrolling an entire city

with only a few hundred people

who aren't even trained?

We don't plan on

patrolling an entire city.

Just the Black neighborhoods.

Oh, so they're the only ones

who need protecting?

- In my eyes, yes.

- Hm.

Thank you for dropping off your report.

- You can leave now.

- No, no, no. Hold on a second.

I mean, since you're here,

why don't you give us

your opinion on something?

Oh, come on, Otis.

She's hardly qualified.

She's one of the people

directly affected

by this project.

Tracy, it's okay.

Tell us what you think.

Why do we care about

the Olympics anyway?

Black people are dying,

and at the hands of those

that are paid to serve and protect them.

We don't give a f*ck about the Olympics.

We just want to see our kids grow up.

Do you know how many jobs this ceremony

could provide for our city?

The kids you want to

save need employment.


They need something to hold onto.

Yes, they do.

They need someone to look out for 'em.

That's exactly what we're trying to do.

Not by displacing them

and leaving them with nowhere to go.

We would provide funds for relocation.

Yeah, right.

You just want to be on the

front page of the newspaper.

So do you.

I don't need this.

I got work to do.

- Roselyn, will you excuse us?

- Why?

Because I asked you to.

Be careful with that.

She'll be all right.

Oh, I was talking about Tracy.



You do know that there's

weed in everything, right?

You think I ain't never

eaten no weed before?

I know how to eat weed, baby.

I was eating weed when you was

watching Sesame Street.

Whatever, just stop eating everything.


- What's up?

- Hey.

You know what?

I'ma let you two get to it.

I'ma go put this stuff

out in the car, babe.

How you feeling?

How am I supposed to feel?

Nervous, I guess. What

if they don't like it?

We giving away free food and weed.

They gonna love it.

You right.

Hey, so are we good?

Yeah, we good.

You're not mad?

I'm done being mad.

That shit don't do nothing

but make me tired.


But don't f*ck him again.

I got my hands full with his daddy.

Trust me.

Okay, we'll split one

of those cinnamon rolls.

- Okay.

- Uh-huh.

Let me see. Damn.

Let me take that. Thank you.

- Yes.

- Mm-hmm.

- It's good, ain't it?

- Mm-hmm.

Mike, is it me, or is Tiff glowing?

I hope you finally got some.

- Yeah.

- Ah. Why you say it like that?

'Cause it wasn't with Emmett.

- Oh, shit. This

- You cheating already, girl?

- He cheated on me first.

- With who?

My business partner.

Now, how he gonna shit where you eat?


But I f*cked one of my clients,

thinking it'll make me feel better.

Did he make you feel good?


A little too good though.

That's the problem.

- That ain't no problem.

- Right.

Y'all just need to come up

to a little agreement.

Yeah, married people

should be able to do

what they want within

their own marriage.

Look, as long as all parties are grown

and consenting, do what you gotta do.

Is that y'all's situation?

Oh, that's been our situation for years.

Mm-hmm, and if it wasn't,

we would have broken up a long time ago.

But what if I don't want to share?

Girl, you been sharing.

At least this way, you know

who you sharing him with.

Ooh. Mm-hmm.

- Mmm.

- All right, y'all.

f*ckin' with it.

- Mm, we do, daddy.

- Mm-hmm.

- Hey.

- Hey, Tiff.

Tell me what's gonna

help me fall asleep.

That's basically everything.

Edibles be f*cking

with my stomach though.

Mm. See?

That's why wine is usually

my choice of drug.

Okay, it sound like somebody

had too much WAP.


The weed-infused waffles

and peanut butter.

She's definitely lit.

Hey, how are you and Emmett doing?

I don't know yet.

Jada, enjoy your night.

You deserve to get f*cked up, okay?

- Thank you.

- Mm-hmm.

Thank y'all so much.

Everybody did a great job tonight.

Seriously, I appreciate it.

Are we supposed to do this every night?

Look, we gotta take this day by day.

I mean some of y'all be out

in the streets anyway, so now,

you just out there with a purpose.

What if we just want to be outside?

What happens when folks stop showing up?

Then the police come back.

Is that what y'all want?


Exactly. We got this.

We can protect ourselves.

You know, people think I'm crazy

for trying to get rid of the police.

And they're waiting on

us to prove 'em right.

All we need is for you guys

to keep things quiet.

As long as things are quiet,

it's proof that my plan is working.

Listen, if you promise

to have my back on this

I'll never let you down.



You really are good at this.

I'm not bullshitting.

I meant what I said.

I know you did. It means a lot to me.

You know, I'm beat. I'm gonna head home

and have a nightcap and call it a day.

Can I join you?

Come on. It's okay, babe.

Mom. Mom. I can take you home.

Suede got me, babe. It's okay.

Go back inside and enjoy the party.

It's okay.

Is your mom okay?


I think she just got too high.

- Bro!

- Hey!

- What up?

- Hey!


How many of these did you have?

I-I can't remember.



- Hey!

- Boy, you better

Everybody, I

I got a very important announcement

I want to make.


I don't want to be high no more.

I know, Jada. Listen, I promise you

we're gonna get through this, all right?

Don't even trip. You good?

Come on, you guys, dinner's ready.

- Kiesha!

- A'ight, I'll talk to you soon.


Kiesha? Kevin? Dre?

- Everything all right?

- Yeah.

Everything's fine.

Come on.

Thank you, Lord, for this precious food

our bodies are about to receive.

We want to bless the hands that made it,

and we ask that you bless

those who don't have food

to put in their bodies.


- Amen, amen.

- Amen.

I want us to have an open marriage.

What the f*ck?

Yeah. I've been thinking,

and it just makes sense.

We've been messing

around since high school,

and we're bored with each other.

No. I'm not bored with you.

I only want to be with you.

Yeah, you say that now,

and then in a few months,

some other bitch gonna catch your eye.

No. I'm done. It's me and you.

But what if another n*gga

catches my eye?

I thought you only had eyes for me.

I love your trifling ass, Emmett.

Now, why I gotta be all that?

But I can't keep doing this.

So you want me to f*ck other people?

No, I just want you

to be honest about it.

And I'll be honest with you.

So we both f*cking other people?

Look, I don't have it figured out yet.

It's just an idea. So what do you think?

I think I'm confused.

Let's just try it and see what happens.

A'ight. If that's what you want.

You know what?

I am proud of you.

I can't remember the last time

somebody said that to me.


Well, we make a great team.

- We do.

- Mm-hmm.

- Let me take that.

- Thank you.

I like you.

I like you too.

I guess my invitation

got lost in the mail.

Don't stop now. I like to watch.

Damn it.
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