01x30 - Be Bop

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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01x30 - Be Bop

Post by bunniefuu »

Woman: ♪ hey, now... ♪

♪ Hey, wow... ♪

♪ Here's how ♪

♪ Come and read ♪

♪ Between the lions ♪

Chorus: ♪ come on ♪

♪ Come in ♪

♪ Begin ♪

♪ The world awaits ♪

Woman: ♪ between the lions ♪

♪ Between the covers of a book ♪

♪ It's time to look between the lions ♪

♪ Behold the tales beyond the tails ♪

Chorus: ♪ behind the door ♪

♪ Become, explore ♪

♪ Come in between the lions ♪

♪ Begin between the lions ♪

♪ Be here between the lions! ♪

( Piano and drums playing bebop music )

( Woman singing scat, string bass playing )

( Elevator bell rings )

( Saxophones begin playing )

( Singer improvising with saxes )

( Instruments continue playing )

( Singer continues scatting )

( Sax playing complex solo )

( Singer and sax harmonizing )

( Piano playing solo )

( Sax playing solo )


( Music ends )


Leona: wow!

"Charlie parker played be bop.

By chris raschka."

Leona and lionel: wow!

( Cleo reading )

( Theo reading )

( Cleo reading )

( Theo reading )

What in the world is that supposed to mean?

And what do those overshoes have to do with anything?

( Cleo reading )

( Theo reading )

( Cleo reading )

( Theo and cleo reading )

( Theo reading )

( Cleo reading )

( Theo reading )

( Cleo reading )

( Theo reading )

( Cleo reading )

( Music continues )

What language is this?

( Groans )

( Theo reading )

( Cleo reading )

( Theo reading )

( Cleo reading )

( Theo and cleo reading )


( Music ends )

Ah, yeah!

( Music starts up again )



Cubs ( in rhythm to music ): overshoes, overshoes

Overshoes, "o"!

Overshoes, overshoes, overshoes, "o"!

Overshoes, overshoes, overshoes, ah!

Has everyone lost their minds?

Oh, now, who's playing that infernal racket

On the saxophone?

( Saxophone playing solo )

"Charlie parker-- famed jazz musician.

"Born in kansas city, 1920.

"Known among jazz fans

As 'bird.'"

Do you hear that, clay?

That great music is played by, uh...

A bird!

Yeah, a bird.

Not a bird... A man called bird.



No running in the library!

Announcer: and now, lovers of the vowels "a," "e," "i," "o," "u"

And sometimes "y"

The vowelles are rockin' the house

With the short "o" sound from their popping hit word, "pop"!

( Singing repeated short "o" sound to soul tune )

( Song ends; cheering and applause )

( Laughing )

( Excitedly ): that's it, watson.

That's it!

That's what, dr. Nitwit?


Nitwhite-- sorry, yes.

Watson, you are witness to a great discovery.

Behold the only two words in the entire english language

That are the same forwards and backwards.

"Mom" and ( sounds out "pop" )

( Laughs )


What did you say?

Oh, no.

No, no, no, no.


Go away.

Yes, dr. Nitwit.


White, white, white...

( Groans )


( Imitates horn honking )

( Lips sputtering )

( Sounding out "dr" )


Yoy, yoy, yoy, yoy...

( Sounding out "op" )

Dr... Op.




( Crash )

Oh! Ow! Ooh!

Flying off the shelf once again

It's the continuing

Daring and dangling adventures of cliff hanger!

Today's adventure, number 3,462

"Cliff hanger and the big ape and the banana drop."

Chorus ( singing ):

We find cliff hanger where we left him last

Hanging from a cliff.

( Branch breaking )

Suddenly below him cliff sees a very big ape.

Quickly, cliff reaches into his backpack

And extracts his trusty survival manual.

Using his expert decoding skills

Cliff begins to read.

( Reading )

Has brave cliff hanger made his escape at last?

Man: ♪ and that's why he's called cliff hanger! ♪

And now a little poem in which letters change

And make something very interesting happen.

( Boinging )

Man: ♪ there once was a mischievous tot ♪

♪ Whose mom said, "go sleep in your cot" ♪

♪ But he put "n," you see, where that "c" used to be ♪

♪ And now is he sleeping? He's not! Oh, no ♪

♪ You ask if he's sleeping, he's not! ♪

( Bebop music playing, woman singing scat )

Charlie parker played bepop.

That's "bebop."


Charlie parker played bebop.


( Whispering ): yeah!

( Saxophone playing solo )

Charlie parker played no xylophone.

( Xylophone plays )

( Saxophone and band continue playing )

The music sounded like...

Never leave your bird, uh...



Oh, can't anyone explain this bebop to me?

Bebop is the imitation of the two-beat phrase in jazz

Characterized by rhythmic harmonic complexity...

( Band playing bebop music )

With a lengthened melodic line...

( Music continues )

And the singing of nonsense syllables, like...

( Singing scat )

I'm sorry I asked.

( Bebop music continues )

( Imitating bubbles popping )

( Quickly repeating "l" sound )





( Making short "i" sound )

Loll... I.





( Making popping sounds )


Lolli... Pop.


( Fondly ): lollipop.

( Slurping )


It's magic time with the great smartini.

Hey, thank you very much, cute little announcer bunny.

And this is his beautiful assistant

The remarkable smarmy marmy smartini!

You're too kind!

And now i, the great smartini, will do

My amazing, trouser-defying short "o"--"aw"-- trick.

Marmy, may I have two words

That have the short "o"-- "aw"-- sound in them, please?

Here, sonny boy great smartini

Are the words

"Popping" and "popcorn."

Thank you, marmy.

I will now put these words into my smartypants.

And now I will say a magic word, do a magic dance

Yes, I'll do a magic dance in my magic smartypants.


( Rhythm starting )

Ooh! Ahh!

Dancing smartypants, ooh, ahh!


Popping popcorn!



Oh, popping popcorn!


Oh, give me some!

Oh, oh, oh!

And now the word doctor with dr. Ruth wordheimer.

Dr. Ruth: hello.

Word ( crying ): oh, stop, stop!

All I ever do is stop!

( Moaning )

Hello, I'm dr. Ruth wordheimer

With another word that's tired of being what it is

And wants to change.

Isn't that right?

Oh, you bet I want to change.

I want a little excitement in my life.

Is that too much to ask?

Of course not

But your problem is the letters "s" and "t."

They are what's making a perfectly good "op" "stop."

So let go of that "s" and that "t."

( Moaning ): oh, now I feel so meaningless!

( Sobbing )


Dr. Ruth will give you meaning

By adding the letter "h."

( Gasps )


Hop, hop, hop!

Oh, there's no stopping me now!

Thank you, dr. Ruth.

( Cheerfully ): hop, hop, hop!

You're welcome.

Ooh, I'm good!

Dr. Bertice berry with the "o" in "bop"!

( Singing short "o" )

Thank you.

( Cheering and applause )

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

And now 35 names

With the short "o"-- "aw"-- sound in them.

♪ Hi, I'm topsy, yo, I'm tom ♪

♪ Meet flopsy, mopsy, mopsy's mom ♪

♪ Ollie, holly, rob and scot ♪

♪ Dolly, molly, bob and dot ♪

♪ Veronica, levon, lionda ♪

♪ Monica, dionne and rhonda ♪

♪ Bonnie, lottie, lon, alonzo ♪

♪ Connie, scottie, ron and gonzo. ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, what's your name? ♪

♪ Enjoy your little moment of fame! ♪

♪ Donald, foxy, roz, yvonne ♪

♪ Ronald, roxie, ozzie, jon ♪

♪ In all our names, you'll find short "o" ♪

♪ It sounds like "aw" ♪

♪ We gotta go! ♪


( Crowd cheering )

Gawain: excellent!

Gawain here once again at blending fields

Where two brave knights in armor

Will charge together at high speed and make a word.

Competing today, we have sir "h"...

( Crowd cheering )

And on your right, sir "op."

( Crowd cheering )

Blend on, dudes.

( Crowd cheering )

Gawain: "hop"!


That's gawain's word for today!

And this is gawain saying hop on back

And we'll see you next time on...

And now, lovers of the vowels "a," "e," "i," "o," "u"

And sometimes "y"

The vowelles are rocking the house

With the short "o" sound from their hit word, "hot."

♪ ♪ ♪

( Singing repeated short "o" sound to soul tune )

( Song ends; cheering and applause )

Chorus: ♪ what's cooking with theo and cleo ♪

♪ Check out what's cooking! ♪

Are you ready, theo

My shoulder of wild boar?


Oh, yes, yes, ready, cleo

My beautiful little lamb shank.


Today's recipe...

( Cleo reading aloud )

( Chuckles hungrily )


Cleo: one...

Aha! Top!

Off pot.

( Top clatters loudly on floor )



One very, very, very, very, very, very big piece of cheese

Drop in the pot with no top.


( Laughing goofily )

( Groaning )



In the pot!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!


Three hours?



( Both growling hungrily )

And now, once again, it's time for the adventures of sam spud

Parboiled potato detective.

( Spud typing )

Spud: the neon sign outside my window was blinking--

On, off, on, off.

It was about to drive me crazy...

"Knuck"? That's not right.


That shouldn't be a "u," that should be an "o."

K-n-o-c-k-- "knock."

Come in.

She had stems that went from here to there

And keep on growing.

She looked like a real tomato.

As a matter of fact, she was a real tomato.

She planted herself in front of my desk.

I felt like she was someone who could grow on me.

As a matter of fact...

Girl: mom!

There's that talking potato with no mouth again!

This incessant wordplay is making me queasy.

Mother: that's okay, dear, it's educational television.

I'm sure it will help you in school somehow.

Sick of all the rhinos frolicking in her room

Brave little monica maxwell has rounded them up

And locked them in her closet.

But wait a minute.

What's this?

Oh, no!

It's the evil "un" people.

They're putting an "un" in front of the word "locked"

Causing the closet to become unlocked.

Those doggone rhinos are loose again.

But despair not, brave little monica--

The heroic "re" people are here.

Look, they've rerounded up the rhinos

And relocked them in the closet.

Thank you, "re" people.

You're wonderful.

( Rock music playing )

Take it, rooster!

( Playing kazoo )

( Music fading )

( Bebop music playing )

Get it, buster?

Just put words together

In a way that makes, uh...

No sense!

Yeah, no sense at all!


All right, all right, all right.

Okay, go ahead, go ahead.



That makes sense.

Too much sense.

All right, all right, um, um...

Oh, I can't do it!

I have to make sense.

I'm doomed.

( Piano and drums playing bebop music )

Hey, what's going on up there?

Hey, wait...

I feel something moving deep down in my pedestal.

What is it?!

What am I doing?!

( Woman singing scat )

♪ Oh, yeah. ♪

There are games and stories at the between the lions web site:

Theo: reading to children every day creates warm family memories

And it helps them become better readers.

Help a child get wild about reading.

Be a designated reader.

I'm reading to get wild!


♪ ♪ ♪

Chorus: ♪ between the lions... ♪

♪ Between the lions... ♪

Woman: ♪ come in between the lions ♪

♪ Begin between the lions ♪

♪ Be here between the lions! ♪
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