07x04 - Puppy Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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07x04 - Puppy Love

Post by bunniefuu »

(playful music)

♪ Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination ♪

♪ And when he's tall

♪ He's what we call a dinosaur sensation ♪

♪ Barney's friends are big and small ♪

♪ They come from lots of places ♪

♪ After school they meet to play ♪

♪ And sing with happy faces

♪ Barney shows us lots of things ♪

♪ Like how to play pretend

♪ ABCs and s

♪ And how to be a friend

♪ Barney comes to play with us

♪ Whenever we may need him

♪ Barney can be your friend too ♪

♪ If you just make-believe him

- There's a frog.

- I think it's a pretty good day

for watching clouds go by, don't you?

- I see one that looks like a bunny rabbit.

- And there's one that looks like a dog.

- Oh, yeah. - Cool, look!

(dog barking)

- Hey, I hear a real dog.

- Me too.

It sounds like Mr. Boyd's dog, Bingo.

- Sounds like he's having fun.

- Maybe he's chasing a butterfly.

- Or just running in circles.

- That kind of stuff is fun for a dog.

- It sounds kind of fun to me too.

- Then, let's all pretend to be dogs.

(playful music)

♪ Leg over leg

♪ Leg over leg

♪ As a dog went to Dover

♪ As a dog went to Dover

♪ When he came to a wall

♪ When he came to a wall

♪ He jumped right over

♪ He jumped right over

♪ Leg over leg

♪ Leg over leg

♪ As the dog ran to town

♪ As the dog ran to town

♪ When he came to a tree

♪ When he came to a tree

♪ He ran right around

♪ He ran right around

♪ Leg over leg

♪ Leg over leg

♪ As the dog heard thunder

♪ As the dog heard thunder

♪ When he came to a fence

♪ When he came to a fence

♪ He crawled right under

♪ He crawled right under

♪ Leg over leg

♪ Leg over leg

♪ As the dog made a leap

♪ As the dog made a leap

♪ When he got home

♪ When he got home

♪ He fell asleep

♪ He fell asleep

- Whoa!

Hi everybody.

Oh, hi everybody.

Oh, I see.

They're all dog tired.

Well, I guess I'll just tip-toe away

and let them sleep.

- [Children] Surprise!

- Oh, you guys.

Hi, everybody.

- [Children] Hi, Barney!

- We weren't really asleep.

- We weren't even real dogs.

- But maybe, ah,

you could help me find a real dog.

- [Children] Hi, Mr. Boyd.

- It's good to see you, Mr. Boyd.

- Well, it's nice to see all of you too.

Now, if I could only see where my dog, Bingo, is.

- You're looking for Bingo?

- Yes.

I know he's here somewhere, Beth.

After all, the park is Bingo's home.

(Barney laughs)

- I'm sure we'd all be happy to help you look for Bingo.

We can even make it a game.

- Like hide and seek.

- That would be fun!

- Well, thanks everyone.

That'll be fun.




Let's Go!

- [Barney] Okay, oh boy!

♪ Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone ♪

♪ Oh where, oh where can he be

♪ With his ears so short

♪ And his tail so long

♪ Oh where, oh where can he be

♪ Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone ♪

♪ Oh where, oh where can he be

♪ With his ears so short

♪ And his tail so long

♪ Oh where, oh where can he be

Oh, pardon me, Mr. Boyd.

- Oh, pardon me, Barney.

♪ Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone ♪

♪ Oh where, oh where can he be

♪ With his ears so short

♪ And his tail so long

♪ Oh where, oh where can he be

I don't see him out here.

I think I'll try in the caboose.

- [Barney] Okay.

♪ Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone ♪

♪ Oh where, oh where can he be

♪ With his ears so short

♪ And his tail so long

♪ Oh where, oh where can he be

Oh boy!

Do you know where bingo is?

Oh, you do?

All right, where?

Right behind me?

Okay, let me just look, then.

No, I don't see him anywhere.

He's where?

What? Right behind me again?

Okay, I'll give it another shot here.


Oh, I don't see him anywhere.

All I see is a wagging tail.

A wagging tail!

Oh, there he is!

Oh, Bingo, come on out!

Oh, you silly puppy dog, you.

Good dog, boy.

(children chattering)

- Barney, you found him!

- Mr. Boyd's going to be so glad to see you.

- Oh yes.

Come on, Bingo.

Let's go to the caboose.

(Barney humming)

- Well, there you are Bingo.

(Mr. Boyd chuckles)

Look at those dirty paws.

I think you've been digging again.

- And look at that tail wag.

- Good boy.

Thank you for finding him.

- [Children] You're welcome.

- He reminds me of my dog, Ginger.

May I pet him?

- We'll sure you can

and thank you for asking.

- It's always a good idea to ask before you pet any dog.

- Yeah, it is. - Yeah.

- Good boy, Bingo.

I think his tail wags even more when he hears his name.

- Well, I'm not surprised.

A name like his makes everyone happy.

(jaunty music)

♪ There was a farmer had a dog

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

♪ B-I-N-G-O

♪ B-I-N-G-O

♪ B-I-N-G-O

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

(Bingo barks)

Oh, there you go!

♪ There was a farmer had a dog

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

(children clap)

♪ I-N-G-O

(children clap)

♪ I-N-G-O

♪ (children clap)

♪ I-N-G-O

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

(Bingo barks)

Oh, this is so much fun.

♪ There was a farmer had a dog

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

(children clap)

♪ N-G-O

(children clap)

♪ N-G-O

(children clap)

♪ N-G-O

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

Whoa! (Bingo barks)

♪ There was a farmer had a dog

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

(children clap)

♪ G-O

(children clap)

♪ G-O

(children clap)

♪ G-O

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

(Bingo barks)

♪ There was a farmer had a dog

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

(children clap)

♪ O

(children clap)

♪ O

(children clap)

♪ O

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

(Bingo barks)

Good job, Bingo.

♪ There was a farmer had a dog

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

(children clap)

♪ And Bingo was his name-oh

Way to go, Bingo!

(children cheering)

- And now, Bingo and I have a few things to do

out at the tool shed.

I have to get him ready

for his trip to the veterinarian today.

- [Barney] Oh, bye bye.

- A vertera-what?

- The veterinarian.

It's a doctor for animals, Kami.

- Oh.

- Wow, Gangway, coming through!

- Hey, slow down, BJ.

- Sorry, Mr. Boyd.

Oh, man.

Hi, everybody.

- [Children] Hi, BJ.

- What's your hurry?

- I'm looking for my baseball.

Have you seen it around here somewhere?

- I haven't seen it anywhere. - No, sorry.

- Man, I can't find it anywhere

and I've got a game today.

Maybe I should ask Mr. Boyd.

- He's getting Bingo ready to go to the vet.

- Oh, what's a vet?

- [Everyone] Veterinarian.

- Whoa, that's a big word. - It is.

- What does it mean?

- A vet is a doctor just for animals.

- Oh, I hope Bingo's doctor is as nice as mine.

She checks my eyes, my ears,

and she listens to my heart beat.

- Oh, doctors do lots of things to help us stay healthy.

- Yeah, they do. - Sure they do.

- And after I've had my checkup,

sometimes a doctor gives me a sticker.

Pretty cool, huh?

- [Everyone] Yeah.

- I like going to the doctor.

- [Barney] Oh, good.

(jaunty piano music)

(BJ laughs)

♪ First the doctor checks my ears and nose ♪

♪ And everything from the neck up ♪

♪ Then comes my tummy and my legs and toes ♪

♪ Soon I'm finished with my checkup ♪

♪ When I'm feeling extra fine

♪ Healthy most all of the time

♪ But when I'm sick

♪ A doctor will help

♪ Because a doctor is a friend of mine ♪

♪ The doctor is a friend of mine ♪

♪ Yes, the doctor is a friend of mine ♪

♪ I like to hear your heart beating ♪

♪ Tick, tick, tick

♪ If you march

♪ It even beats quicker

♪ When the doctor's through

♪ And I'm all done

♪ Sometimes I even get a sticker ♪

♪ And I'm feeling extra fine

♪ Healthy most all of the time

♪ But when I'm sick

♪ The doctor will help

♪ Because the doctor is a friend of mine ♪

♪ The doctor is a friend of mine ♪

♪ Yes, the doctor is a friend of mine ♪

- Oh, yay.

(everyone laughing)

- Barney, do you think Bingo

will get a sticker from the vet?

- Oh, I don't think so.

Dogs like other things.

- Like what?

- Oh, well they like yummy dog treats.

Oh, and squeaky toys

and digging in the dirt.

(everyone giggles)

- Uh oh.

I just thought of something.

Do dogs like baseballs?

- Well, some of them probably do.

- Oh, man.

What if Bingo has my baseball

and what if he dug a hole and hid my baseball in there?

- You know, Bingo did have dirty paws earlier.

- And Mr. Boyd said it looked like he'd been digging.

- Ai, ai, ai.

I better go see Mr. Boyd right now.

- Oh, wait, BJ.

We'll come with, ah,


(children laughing)

Oh, BJ.

- Good morning.

- Oh, I wonder where BJ when to?

He's here somewhere.

Oh, hello Miss Duffy.

How are you today?

- Barney, I'd know that voice anywhere.

- And these are my friends, Kami.

- Hi.

- Beth.

- Hi.

- And Tony.

- Hello.

- Hello, children.

Isn't this a beautiful day to be in the park?

I hear so many birds singing

and the flowers, they smell just wonderful.

- Ah, they sure do.

- Your dog is really pretty.

May I pet her?

- Thank you for asking, Kami.

But, it's really better not to.

Kelly is my guide dog

and right now she's working.

- What's a guide dog?

- It's a dog that helps people who can't see, like me.

- You can't see?

- Doesn't that make it kind of hard to do things?

- Some things.

But, luckily I have Kelly.

- [Barney] Kelly went to a special school

to learn how to help people.

- That's right, Barney.

She helps me cross the street and walk up stairs

and she keeps me from bumping into things.

- Wow, that's a big job.

- Yes, it is,

and when she's busy working

she needs to pay attention to me.

That's why it's best not to pet a guide dog.

- Oh, and you'll know it's a guide dog

by that special harness.

- Oh! - I understand.

- Well, it was nice meeting all of you.

We are off to the store to get some groceries.

Goodbye, Barney.

Goodbye, children.

- [Children] Bye, Miss Duffy

- Nice chatting with you, Ms. Duffy.

Oh, she's such a nice lady.

- Whoa, hey guys!

Wait up.

- Oh, BJ.

Did Mr. Boyd find your baseball?

- No, he hasn't seen it.

I've looked all over this park

but all I found was this old squeaker ball.

I think it belongs to Bingo.

- Oh, maybe.

- Hi, Mr. Boyd.

- Oh, hi everyone.

- Look at all these things.

You take really good care of Bingo, Mr. Boyd.

- Oh, I enjoy doing it.

Hey, you found Bingo's squeaker ball.

Thanks, BJ.

- Oh, you're welcome.

- Did you find your baseball?

- Nope, not yet.

- Well, maybe Bingo did drop it in a hole somewhere.

- Oh, ai, ai, ai.

- May I pet Bingo now?

- Well, since he's eating,

it's best to wait until he's finished.

- [Kami] Oh, okay.

- Dogs need food every day,

just like we do,

and they need lots of fresh water too.

Especially after playing or going for a walk.

- Yeah, or digging holes for a baseball.

- Whether it's food, water, or exercise

there's a lot to remember

about taking care of all kinds of pets.

- [BJ] Oh boy.

(cheerful music)

♪ Yes, let's take care of our pets ♪

♪ Our hamsters and bunnies and turtle ♪

♪ Our fishes and frogs

♪ And our cats and our dogs

♪ Let's take care of our pets

♪ Give them food and water

♪ Run with them down the trail

♪ Brush out their fur

♪ You might get a purr

♪ Or even a wagging tail

♪ Yes, let's take care of our pets ♪

♪ Our hamsters and bunnies and turtles ♪

♪ Our fishes and frogs

♪ And our cats and our dogs

♪ Let's take care of our pets

♪ Our fishes and frogs

♪ And our cats and our dogs

♪ Let's take care of our pets

(Bingo barks)

(ball squeaks)

- My dog loves balls.

Looks like Bingo does too.

- Oh, he does.

Get the ball, go fetch!

- [BJ] Whoa!

- [Barney] Wow, look at that.

- Yay! - He's pretty good.

We could use him on my baseball team.

(children giggle)

- How did you teach Bingo to do that, Mr. Boyd?

- Well, he learned it at obedience school.

- What's that?

- Obedience school is a school for dogs.

It helps them learn all sorts of things.

Like, how to sit and how to stay

and to come when they're called

so they don't run away.

- [Children] Oh.

(Bingo barks)

- Oh, I think that's Bingo's way of saying goodbye.

It's about time for him to go to the vet.

- Can I throw the ball for him before you go, please?

- Well, sure you can.

(ball squeaks)

Get the ball, Bingo.

- Good throw. - Where's he going?

What's he doing?

- Yeah, that's funny.

I told him to get the ball.

- [Beth] Look at the dirt fly.

- [Barney] Oh no.

- [BJ] Wow!

- Oh look!

He did get a ball.

- Oh, yeah!

My baseball!

(everyone cheers)

Thank you, Bingo.

Now I can,

play ball!

(children giggling)

(Bingo barks)

- It's time to go to the vet.

So, we'll see you later everyone.

- [Everyone] Bye Mr. Boyd, bye Bingo.

- Man, am I glad to get this back.

Now, who wants to play catch?

- [Children] I do!

- Oh, good idea, BJ.

We can help you warm up for your baseball game.

- All right.

(jaunty music)

♪ Summer is a time of year

♪ Baseball, baseball

♪ The hometown crowd will clap and cheer ♪

♪ What a baseball day

♪ Grab a bat and get your glove ♪

♪ Baseball, baseball

♪ The sky is blue way up above

♪ What a baseball day

♪ The sun is shining bright

♪ We can't wait to play

♪ A summer game we really love

♪ What a baseball day

Will you pitch, Barney?

- Okay, I will.

♪ Here comes a pitch just watch it curve ♪

♪ Baseball, baseball

♪ Watch it spin and watch it swerve ♪

♪ What a baseball day

♪ Swing the bat it's so much fun ♪

♪ Baseball, baseball

♪ Around the bases I will run

♪ What a baseball day

♪ The sun is shining bright

♪ We can't wait to play

♪ A summer game we really love

♪ What a baseball day

♪ The sun is shining bright

♪ We can't wait to play

♪ It's a game we really love

♪ What a baseball day

(everyone cheers)

- BJ makes the big catch

and the crowd goes wild!

Hey, that doesn't sound like a crowd.

- It's a small crowd, look!

- Oh, that's Mr. Steele.

- Why, yes it is.

- Those puppies are so cute.

- Well, actually Kami,

those are small dogs called chihuahuas.

- Chihuahuas?

- That's a funny name.

- Well, puppies are baby dogs

but those chihuahuas are all grown up.

A chihuahua puppy would be even smaller.

- [Children] Wow.

- There are lots of different kinds of dogs

in all different sizes.

- Wouldn't it be fun to have one of each?

- Well, maybe just a picture of each one.

There are so many.

- How many?

- Lots and lots.

Let's go in the caboose

and we can see some pictures of dogs.

- I'd really like to,

but my baseball game's about to start and I,

uh oh.

Oh no!

- What's the matter BJ?

- Oh man, now I lost my baseball bat.

Oh, let's see.

Where'd I put it?

- Well, I'm sure you'll find it.

- Yeah, I'll look around out here.

(children chattering)

- Let's go find some pictures of dogs.

(children chattering)

- Let's see now.

The library corner has some good books about dogs.

Oh, I know!

The computer.

We can see lots of different dogs on that.

- Maybe I can pick out a favorite.

- Beth, will you turn on the computer please?

- Sure.

- Thank you.

- [Tony] Now, that's a big dog.

- And there's a cute little one with it.

- [Beth] Wow, they're really different in size.

- [Tony] Yeah, that's true.

- There are all kinds of dogs.

Some have long straight fur.

(children giggling)

And some have short wavy fur.

(children giggling)

There are dogs with pointy ears

(children giggling)

and others have long floppy ears.

They come in different colors.

(children chattering)

Some even have spots.

(children chattering)

All of them start out as puppies, of course,

and most of them make really nice pets.

Oh, and those are just a few kinds of dogs.

There are lots more.

Beth, would you turn off the computer please?

Thank you again.

- I knew this would happen.

I like all of them.

- [Barney] Me too.

- I like the little chihuahuas.

They're so cute.

- I like the big dogs.

- Well, have you ever heard of a dog

called a Saint Bernard?

They're about this tall

and this wide

no, this wide!

I don't even have arms long enough.

It is one big dog.

(children laughing)

- I wonder what a big dog like that

will look like next to a little chihuahua.

- Let's find out!

- Okay.

(jaunty music)

- Big.

- Little.

- Big.

- Little.

♪ We're big and little

♪ And short and tall

♪ Some are in the middle

♪ Some are very small

♪ We come in all shapes and sizes ♪

♪ Hey diddle diddle

♪ We're big and little

♪ And everything in between

- Big.

- Little.

- Big.

- Little.

♪ We're big and little

♪ And short and tall

♪ Some are in the middle

♪ Some are very small

♪ We come in all shapes and sizes ♪

♪ Hey diddle diddle

♪ We're big and little

♪ And everything in between

- Big.

- Little.

- Big.

- Little.

- Big.

- [Children] Little.

- Big.

- [Children] Little.

- Oh, that was so much fun.

- Oh, hey guys.

Check it out.

I finally found my baseball bat.

- Oh, that's great.

- Where was it?

- Did Bingo put it in a hole?

- No, I just left it by the tool shed.

So, now I have my baseball

and I have my baseball bat.

But, I still feel like I'm forgetting something.

- Your baseball game?

- Oh, that's it!

My baseball game.

Oh man, I gotta get going.

I'll see you later, guys.

- [Everyone] Bye, BJ!

- [Barney] Have a good game.

- Thanks, Barney.

- [Everyone] Bye bye, BJ!

- You know, I didn't think that Bingo

had hidden BJ's baseball bat.

- Me either.

Bingo's a really good dog.

- And after today, I want a dog more than ever.

- Well, getting a dog or any pet is a big step.

They need lots of care every day.

- I know I can do it.

- Oh, I'm sure you can.

Until you do get a dog,

you can practice

by helping Mr. Boyd take care of Bingo.

- Yeah, I guess I could.

That would be really fun.

- I just know you'd do a wonderful job.

Taking care of animals

is a nice way to show that you love them.

And it's always nice

to let someone know you love them.

♪ I love you

♪ You love me

♪ We're a happy family

♪ With a great big hug

♪ And a kiss from me to you

♪ Won't you say you love me too ♪

♪ I love you

♪ You love me

♪ We're best friends like friends should be ♪

♪ With a great big hug

♪ And a kiss from me to you

♪ Won't you say you love me too ♪

Oh boy.

- Thanks again, Barney.

Next time I see Mr. Boyd,

I'm going to ask him about helping with Bingo.

- Oh, I know he'll be happy about that.

- My mom is coming to pick us up.

So, I guess we better go.

- Okay.

- Thanks for everything. - Bye bye.

- [Barney] Bye bye, see you soon.

(children chattering)

(Bingo barks)

(playful music)
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