05x74 - A Shower of Stars & Two Moons and One Lagoon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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05x74 - A Shower of Stars & Two Moons and One Lagoon

Post by bunniefuu »

hey hey Wow here's how come and read

between the Lion


a shower sighs what you looking at daddy

oh I'm looking for meteors up in the sky

meteor mm-hmm yeah they're also called

sh**ting stars cuz they look like stars

sh**ting across the sky oh very good

Leona hey you know you look just like

the sh**ting stars in this book I do


okay sweetheart

the night of the sh**ting stars by


part narc

the mighty star lion who lives in the

sky sends a meteor storm into flight

the meteors flash in a fiery dance that

parts the deep darkness of night

like star after star after sparkling

star shedding beautiful showers of light

and one little lion looks up in the sky

and welcomes the marvellous sight like

dream after dream after silvery tree the

starry light shower falls bright

and one little lion looks up in the sky

as she sits all alone in the night and

one and then two and then three lions

w*r softly steel in from left and right

and four sleepy lions all bathe in the

of the magical meteors light

oh gosh Leona don't you wish you could

be like the Lions in the book and see

sh**ting stars yeah but I'd rather be

sh**ting stars that's my little cause it


stars sts-3 steeple store stove star

star star star star stars stars



whenever I see followed by

and barn and dongle and

yes and a aah

a sparkle

finding a

cart and then your goal


you're a spy

yes an a are

and now Miz Kelly Rippa recites a poem

starlight star bright first star I see

tonight I wish I may I wish I might have

the wish I wish tonight thank you I wish

monkeys Wow

well now it's time for great work great


excellent grain here once get it

blending field where T's brave knights

and armor will charge together at high

speed and make a word competing today we

have sir and on your right sir

blend on did dock that's gangs word for

today and this is Gwen saying don't you

get stuck hot see you next time on hey

Leona huh what's dad doing oh he's

looking for sh**ting stars up in the sky

oh I'm not only looking for sh**ting

stars I'm looking for lots of things in

the sky Oh like what Oh like the moon

and regular stars clouds cool huh I love

looking for stuff in the sky oh there's

nobody better at Sky watching than my

dad and my brother oh yes there is

oh yeah like huh glad you asked the

information Han has the book you need

now let's see where is it stores Neptune

seagulls satellites nightingales oh here

it is it's a pig's world

chapter 17

things in the sky loves to watch the sky

egg sees stars in the sky it sees the

moon in the sky MIG sees the Sun in the


pig sees a cloud in the sky

big ceeze rain in the sky lots and lots

of rain

see and

not to worry no damage to the animated

hem flying off the show once again it's

the continuing daring and dangling

adventures of cliffhanger today's

adventure number 2612

cliffhanger and the wish upon a star

excuse me excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff can hold on

much longer suddenly night falls far

above the first star is sharp as a tack

cliff reaches into his backpack and it

strikes his trusty survival manual using

his expert decoding skills cliff begins

to read when you see a star make a wish

star light star bright first star I see

tonight get me off this cliff excuse me


would you folks mind rescuing me and all

be well thanks to puts twist for wish

that's easy for you to say no it is only

a dream a dream

can hold on much longer

stars hmm oh are you watching for things

in the sky right huh mind if I join you

not at all Cleo my dear oh yeah yeah

come on my mom here there's plenty of

sky up there for all of us you know she

maybe I should look for things in the

sky too but I'm gonna look that way I

see something over

uh-huh yeah where now what do you see

it's sh**ting stars

the mighty star

lives in the sky

the meteor storm into fly

the media splash unify

then parts the deep darkness of night


like star after star after sparkling

star shedding beautiful showers alright

and one little line

like dream after dream after Silveri

dream let starry like shower falls


and looks up at the sky as she sits for

and one

and for sleepy lions

Oh Papa magical meteors

this is the announcer bunny saying this

is the announcer bunny saying now watch

this and one vital Leona come here for a


Oh mom I want to show you something

yeah the moon come look at the moon with

me okay oh yeah see it uh mom the UH the

moon's up in the sky yeah and and you're

looking down you can't be looking at the

moon hmm oh yes I can

come see okay what's uh what's up there

sit ah ah uh mom that's not the moon

yeah that's a book mm ah book with the

moon in it uh-huh

the moon's in the book uh yeah

good job mom well good look Leona the

queen who wanted to touch the moon a

Caribbean folktale retold by hoodie

caboodle oh there's a moan in a book now

I get it you want to read it oh yeah

really okay

there once was a queen named Oona


who gazed at the moon over her Lagoon

what a beautiful sight I'm going to

swoon I want to touch the moon and I

want to touch it soon so Queen cartoon

ordered her brother and our platoons to

build a tower so high it would reach to

the moon Charon use every pots use every

chair start the pile right here and make

it reach up to there the Queen's brother

and platoons piled everything high it

rose over the kingdom and up into the

sky the Queen climbed up certain she'd

be there soon oh I should have got back

on all those macaroons but when she got

to the top she could not touch the moon

drat I'm almost there

bring up the next thing but her servants

cried out that they'd run out of stuff

dude give me excuses

I'm not fought go I know what will reach

that big black piano I know but do it

we're burning moonlight here I want to

touch the moon I want to touch it soon


the servants were loyal and so they

obeyed they pulled out that

hi sway oh this is gonna be bad and that

was the do not country but we knew who

wanted to touch the moon suit the and

great my pleasure canes

hey my no give an idea come with me I

know I'm the queen and you're the moon

and I'm going to very good Leona nest

net huh I'm gonna get you with my man

mmm up up

mmm nap no nap now hmm

now and now it's time for word late word

good Gwaine here once again at blending

fields where two brave knights and armor

will charge together at high speed I

make a word competing today we have sir

hmm sir hmm

ah excellent

that's who ends word for today as this

is quince an obvious next time on quiz

word great word well I like all kinds of

stories and I like poetry too but when I

need fact not fiction hey and I'll just


I'm on to my favorite book shelf or

encyclopedic stack for a book that tails

into mystery from A to Z and back if you

wanna see

if you wanna know why an earthquake

whale blow

from a paper cup here's a deal if you

wanna get real look it up look it up

there's something bout hey look at his

room and here's a giant countess so much

I never loved up you can find the ring -

Sam oh just how give us plus charge of

maps and graphs and labs

yeah anyway

if you wanna see you wanna see if you

wanna know if you wanna

mushrooms are adopted around here's the

deal if you wanna get real look it up

look it up here's a deal if you

we look it up

ladies and gentlemen the fabulous vowels

and the fantastic Johnny cancel Monty

will blend the a sound of the vowel a

with the in cell of the consonant in in

a smashing performance of their hit word







if you can read and and then you can

panel and you can meet handsome and you

can eat man yeah come on and read it

again all you need is a little e em if

you can read and then you can meet and

and mend and you can reach and and spend

and you can read lend yeah I bet you get

to know every hand man I'm tender to

show if you


she's been napping for a while now I'm

not surprised I mean she was chasing me

for hours I'm trying to touch the moon

of course she never did I I touched the

moon I know you didn't yes I did I had a

dream that I touched the moon mm-hmm at

least I think I did did I touch the moon


I don't know Leona tell us the dream and

we'll see okay it was just like a book

with words and everything and there's a

queen named Leona I was gazing at the

moon over her Lagoon

how beautiful what is it made of how far

away is it luckily her brother was there

to explain it all

I don't know rock far that's fascinating

I want to touch the moon and I want to

touch it soon so Queen Leona ordered her

brother and in her platoons to build a

tower so high it would reach to the moon

use every rocks use every chair start

the pile right here and make it reach up

to ther the Queen's brother and platoons

piled everything hi

it rose over the kingdom and up into the


Queen Leona walked up and up and up and

up and up and up and up until she was

completely out of breath but when she

got to the top she could not talk

I wanna touch the moon and I wanna touch

it still how could she touch the moon

Queen Leona look down to earth and saw

the answer she saw her Lagoon and

reflected in it was the beautiful moon

Queen Leona took a deep breath and

jumped and there in her own way Leona

could touch as much as she pleased the

end so so did I touch the moon in my

dream mama

yes Leona you really did figure out a

way for the Queen to touch the moon in

your dreams I touch the moon right here

and now that the Queen touched them made

oh let's see if the moon can touch the

Queen oh I get it

ha ha trust me this moon is going to

touch the Queen in your dreams huh there

she goes what be careful hi information

Han here is it the between the Lions

website for lots of fun games exciting

stories catchy song some things to print

plus great resources for parents

teachers and information ends
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