08x06 - It's Hot! It's Cold!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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08x06 - It's Hot! It's Cold!

Post by bunniefuu »

(instrumentals playing)

♪ Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination ♪

♪ And when he's tall he's what we call a dinosaur sensation ♪

♪ Barney's friends are big and small ♪

♪ They come from lots of places ♪

♪ After school they meet to play and sing with happy faces ♪

♪ Barney shows us lots of things like how to play pretend ♪

♪ ABC's and 's and how to be a friend ♪

♪ Barney comes to play with us

♪ Whenever we may need him

♪ Barney can be your friend too ♪

♪ If you just make-believe him. ♪

(bright piano music)

- Look Barney, lemonade.

- We're playing tag, come on.

- Oh let's go.

Oh she's after us.

- Come on!

- I almost tagged you that time, Scott.

- Almost!

- Oh you got me.

- Now you're it, Beth.

- Can we take a break?

I need a rest.

- Sure!

- I wish it wasn't so hot today.

- Me too.

Hey, let's go get a cold drink of water.

- Okay, a cold drink tastes really good on a hot day.

- I wish the water fountain wasn't so far away.

- It's not that far.

- Yeah, Jack and Jill went up a great big hill

to get a drink of water.

♪ Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water ♪

♪ Jack fell down

♪ And broke his crown

♪ And Jill came tumbling after

- That was good.

- Yeah, I feel better already.

- Me too.

♪ Scott and Whitney went up the hill ♪

♪ To fetch a pail of water

♪ Scott fell down and broke his crown ♪

♪ And Whitney came tumbling after ♪

- I think Barney needs to play too.

- Yeah. - You're right.

♪ Beth and Barney went up the hill to fetch a pail of water ♪

♪ Beth fell down

♪ And broke her crown

♪ And Barney came tumbling after ♪


- [Together] Barney!

- Oh boy, that was fun.

And it looked like you're having a good time too.

- We are.

- Yeah.

- What should we do next?

- We can run in place (chuckles)

or we can dance a silly dance.


- Or we can make a silly face.

- (laughs) Well, whatever we do, I know one thing for sure,

we're going to have fun, fun, fun!

♪ Today is a special day because we're all together ♪

♪ We'll have a super-dee-duper time ♪

♪ Because we're gonna have fun

♪ Clap your hands

(everyone claps)

♪ Run in place

Oh hi there.

♪ Dance a silly dance

♪ Make a funny face

♪ Whatever we do me and you

♪ The one thing that we know is ♪

♪ We're gonna have fun, fun, fun ♪

♪ Fun with everyone

♪ We're gonna play all day

♪ We're gonna have fun together ♪

♪ Fun, fun, fun

♪ Fun with everyone

♪ We're gonna play all day

♪ Together we're gonna have fun ♪

♪ Together we're gonna have fun ♪

- Oh, it's such a beautiful day to be having fun together.

- I think we would have a better time if it wasn't so hot.

- But think of all the great things you can do.

You can go swimming (water whooshing).

Or fishing

(fish whistles)


Or you can go on a picnic with your family.

- It's fun to be outside in the sunshine.

- I know something fun we can do in the sun.

My grandfather taught me this trick.

- What kind of trick is that?

- [Whitney] Don't look at my hand look at the sidewalk.

- [Barney] Oh, it looks just like a little bunny rabbit.

- Hey, I know one.

It's a bird.

- [Barney] And it's flying through the sky.

- Check this out.

- [Barney] Okay.

- Ooh, a spider.

Can you do one, Barney?

- Well, let me see here.

Just use a little imagination (mumbles).

- [kids] Wow!

- [Scott] You're good Barney.

- Oh well, I had a little help from the sun.

♪ Hello, sun, sun the day's begun ♪

♪ When you shine bright, we have fun ♪

♪ The sun is warm

♪ The sun makes light

♪ When the sun goes down, it's time to say goodnight ♪

♪ Fun, fun for everyone

♪ It's a happy day when we're playing in the sun ♪

♪ Fun, fun for everyone

♪ It's a happy day when we're playing in the sun ♪

Oh, do you like to have fun in the sun?

Well show me what you like to do!

♪ When the sun comes out, the rain goes away ♪

♪ When we see a rainbow, it's time play ♪

♪ Like a big yellow ball in the sky ♪

♪ The sun's so bright, don't look him in the eye ♪

Oh no!

♪ Fun, fun for everyone

♪ It's a happy day when we're playing in the sun ♪

♪ Fun, fun for everyone

♪ It's a happy day when we're playing in the sun ♪

(laughs) Oh boy.

Oh see, there are all kinds of fun you can have in the sun.

- You're right, Barney.

- Look at this!

- Oh?

- [Whitney] What is it?

- I wonder what that can be.

- There's another one.

- And there's one over there.

- Why, it's a trail of pink spots.

Oh, I wonder what made them.

- Let's follow them and find out!

- Okay. - Yeah!

(footsteps thudding)

- There's one.

- What are they?

- Oh, I'm sure we'll find out

once we reach the end of this trail.

Here we go.

(footsteps thudding)

Oh, that's interesting.

I see another pink spot, a pair of ballet slippers


- [Together] Baby Bop!

- Hi, hi everybody,

hi Barney. - Hi Baby Bop.

- What are you looking at?

- We were following a trail of pink spots on the ground.

- Ooh, that's the same color as my strawberry ice cream.

Hey, where did my ice cream go?

- Oh, it melted, sissy.

Hi, everybody.

- Oh, hi there BJ. - Hi BJ.

- Those pink spots are what's left of your ice cream, sissy.

- That is my ice cream?

- [BJ] Yep, it melted and dripped all over the sidewalk.

- Oh, that's because when it's hot,

ice cream melts if you don't eat it fast enough.

- Well, I was just looking for a nice place to eat it.

But I guess I took too long.

Now my hands are all sticky.

- Well maybe we should go inside so you can wash your hands.

- Oh okay, Barney.

- Okay, come on. - [Baby Bop] Here we go.

- Watch out for the ice cream. - Don't step on the ice cream.

- Okay.

- I'm gonna wash my hands. (laughs)

- [Barney] Okay.

- Oh, wait a minute, sissy.

You almost turned on the hot water.

- I did?

- Uh huh.

- See, the red one turns on the hot water

and the blue one turns on the cold water.

- Oh!

- Well, always be careful when you turn on the water.

You don't want it to be too hot or too cold.

- Oh, I want the cold water, please.

- There you go.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Oh, that's too cold.


- I'll add just a little hot water to warm it up some.

- Oh!

(water whooshing)

- Thank you.

That feels just right.

- [Barney] Oh good.

♪ Squishy, squishy, squashy

♪ Give your hands a washy

♪ Squishy, squishy, squashy

♪ Give your hands a washy

♪ You can't wear out your skin

♪ So squishy, squashy, wash your hands all clean ♪

- Oh, my-- - With a lot of soap, too.

- Oh, that's right.

♪ Germs are oh so small

♪ Germs are oh so small

♪ You can't see them at all

♪ You can't see them at all

♪ You can't taste 'em

♪ You can't see 'em

♪ And after you wash, I wouldn't wanna be 'em ♪

Oh no.

♪ So squishy, squashy, wash your hands all clean ♪

Oh, can you show me how you wash your hands?

♪ Squishy, squishy, squashy

♪ Give your hands a washy

♪ Squishy, squishy, squashy

♪ Give your hands a washy

♪ You can't wear out your skin

♪ So squishy, squashy, wash your hands all clean ♪

♪ Squishy, squishy, squashy

♪ Give your hands a washy

♪ Squishy, squishy, squashy

♪ Give your hands a washy

♪ You can't wear our your skin

♪ So squishy, squashy, wash your hands all clean ♪

♪ You can't wear out your skin

♪ So squishy, squashy, wash your hands all clean ♪


- Oh, yeah.


- [Barney] They're clean now.

- Oh, wow!


- Okay, my hands are all clean.

- Oh, it's very important to wash your hands

especially before you eat!

- Ooh, I wanna eat, I'm hungry.

- Oh well, do you want a cold snack or a hot snack?

- I don't know.

- Let's go see what we have in the kitchen.

- [Together] Okay!

- Okay, I'm going.

- We'll find something.

- Let's see.

The refrigerator holds cold snacks, like ice cream.

- And the oven makes hot snacks, like cookies.

- [Baby Bop] Oh, those are good.

- It can be fun to pretend to cook.

But you should never touch a real stove.

It makes things so hot you might get burned.

- Well, the kitchen is my favorite part of the house.

- Why's that?

- Because that's where all the food is.


- And it's always fun to see what's cooking in the kitchen.

- Yeah.

♪ There's always something cooking in the kitchen ♪

♪ There's always something fun to see and do ♪

♪ There is food to eat, and milk to drink ♪

♪ And cookies baking too

♪ In the kitchen

♪ Cooking in the kitchen

- Oh yeah.

♪ Cooking in the kitchen where we'll make good things to eat ♪

♪ In the kitchen

♪ Cooking in the kitchen

♪ Yes, the kitchen's where we'll find our favorite treats ♪

♪ There's always something cooking in the kitchen ♪

♪ There's always something fun to see and do ♪

♪ There are pots and pans

♪ You can wash your hands

♪ And drink a glass of fruit juice too ♪

♪ In the kitchen

♪ Cooking in the kitchen

♪ Cooking in the kitchen where we'll make good things to eat ♪

♪ In the kitchen

♪ Cooking in the kitchen

♪ Yes, the kitchen's where we'll find our favorite treats ♪

- [Barney] That's right

- I wish this was a real kitchen.

- Me too.

- Yeah, there we could have a cool, yummy snack!

- Well, don't worry BJ.

We're all going to have a yummy snack a little later.

- [Together] Really?

- What kind of snack?

- What is it?

- It's a tasty treat I know you're going to love.

- I can't wait. - Oh, goody.

- I had a nice treat last night

when my dad took me out to eat.

- What did you have?

- I had a hot fudge sundae.

- [Together] Yum.

- The fudge was really hot

and the ice cream was really cold.

But together, they tasted just right.


- That was a nice treat.

Oh, you know what?

I know a story about yummy things to eat

that are just right.

- [Together] Oh!

Once upon a time, a little girl went to a nice restaurant

to get something to eat.

- Hello, welcome to the Just Right Restaurant,

where everything is just right.

What can I bring you?

- A cup of hot chocolate, please.

Thank you.

- But, when she tried to drink the cup of hot chocolate,

there was one little problem.

- Oh, this is too hot.

- Oh, I'm so sorry.

How about a glass of lemonade instead?

- Yes, please.

- Here's a nice cold glass of lemonade.

- Thank you.

- But the lemonade wasn't right either.

- Oh, excuse me, this is too cold.

- Oh dear.

May I get you something else?

- I want something that's not too hot

and not too cold, please.

- Oh, I know just the thing.

Bring the fruit juice, please!

- Then, the little girl tried a glass of juice,

that was not too hot and not too cold.

- Oh, this is just right.

- Good.

And now, how about something to eat?

- Okay, I'll have a bowl of soup, please.

- Uh oh.

- Here's your soup.

- Thank you.

- As she tried the soup, she soon discovered that...

- Oh, this soup is too hot.

- Aye, yie, yie.

Another bowl of soup please.

And this time, not too hot.

- The waiter brought her another bowl of soup.

- Oh waiter, waiter this soup is

too cold - too cold.

- How did you know?

- Lucky guess.

One more bowl of soup please.

And this time, not too hot or too cold?

- How about this one?

- Thank you.

- The little girl tried the third bowl of soup.

And decided it was...

- Oh this is just right.


- The little girl was finally happy

because everything was...

- [Together] Just right.

- That's right!

- The end.

- [Together] Oh yeah.

That was a good story, Barney.

- Yes it was. - That was great.

- Oh, thank you very much.

I'm glad you liked it.

- So, is it time for our snack now Barney?

- Oh, not quite.

- Oh, but I'm so hungry.

- What would you like to eat, sissy?

- I don't know.

I like so many things.

- Well, you do have lots of choices.

♪ There are so many foods that you can choose ♪

♪ From chicken and rice, to vegetable stews ♪

♪ If you're willing try, you can't go wrong ♪

♪ A little bit of everything will help you grow strong ♪

♪ Say yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Listen to your tummy say mm, this food is yummy ♪

♪ Say yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Good food is good for you

Oh, it sure is.

♪ It's good for your heart

♪ And good for your bones

♪ Good for your hair

♪ Look how mine has grown

♪ Good for your eyes

♪ And good for your teeth

♪ Good for your skin

♪ And your muscles underneath

Oh, that's right BJ.

♪ Say yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Listen to your tummy say mm, this food is yummy ♪

♪ Say yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Yum, yum, yum

♪ Good food is good for you

- It's so yummy

♪ Good food is good for you

♪ Yum, yum, yum


- Oh, you know what, Barney?

- Huh?

- After all that talk about food, now I'm hungry.

- Is it time for our snack yet?

- Not yet.

- Can you tell us what it is?

- Well, then it wouldn't be a surprise.

- How about a hint?

- Okay, let's see.

Oh, it's something that will taste great

on a hot summer day like today.

- Oh boy.

- I'm ready for winter.

When it's c-c-cold.


- Oh yeah, winter is great.

You can go ice skating.

(skate stroking)

Or skiing

(skis chattering)

or even throw snowballs!

- I still like summer best.

- Yeah. - Me too.

- You can go swimming,

play in the water sprinklers.


And have yummy ice cream.

- [Barney] Oh, yummy

- Even if it melts before you get to eat it.

- Well, with a little imagination,

we can have both summer and winter.


- Wow.


- That's right.

- Oh, Barney.

- Come on guys.

- Let's go, let's go, let's go.

- Can you believe it?

Oh this is so cool!

- Yeah. - Lucky.

- Barney, it's not hot anymore, it's getting cold.

- Oh, it certainly is.


♪ When my teeth start to chatter and my fingers freeze ♪

♪ That's how I know it's cold

♪ When I shiver and shake from a little bitty breeze ♪

♪ That's how I know it's cold

♪ When I see my breath like smoke in the air ♪

♪ It's really kind of fun so I don't care ♪

♪ If it's cold

♪ It's c-c-col

♪ It's c-c-cold, brr I wish I had fur ♪

♪ I wish I was a bear with furry, furry hair ♪

♪ It's cold

♪ It's c-c-cold


- Oh I love to play this game in the summer.

- [Together] Me too.

♪ Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun ♪

♪ Please shine down on me

♪ Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun ♪

♪ Hiding behind a tree

♪ These little children are asking you ♪

♪ To please come out so we can play with you ♪

♪ Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun ♪

♪ Please shine down on me


♪ When the ground is covered with fluffy white snow ♪

♪ That's how I know it's cold

♪ When the trees are full of icicles ♪

♪ That's how I know it's cold

♪ I'll wear my hat and scarf and gloves ♪

♪ I'm just a kid who really loves ♪

♪ When it's cold

♪ It's c-c-cold

Oh, wow!

♪ Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun ♪

♪ Please shine down on me

♪ Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun ♪

♪ Hiding behind a tree

♪ These little children are asking you ♪

♪ To please come out so we can play with you ♪

♪ Oh Mister Sun, Sun, Mister Golden Sun ♪

♪ Please shine down on

♪ Please shine down on

♪ Please shine down on me

♪ It's c-c-cold

- All right.

- All right, I like playing with snow.

It's so much fun.

- So much fun

- It was.

- That was great, Barney.

- Yeah, it was neat to have hot and cold at the same time.

- Sure it was.

- But now it's just hot again.

- It is.

(bell rings)

- Oh boy, it sounds like our special snack is just in time.

- Where, what, look!

- Oh, It's Mr. Brantley, the ice cream man.

- Hi, Barney-- - Yeah.

- hi everybody.

- Hello, Mr. Brantley. - Hi.

- I asked Mr. Brantley to stop by

and bring everybody some ice cream!

- Yeah, thank you Mr.Brantley. - Oh, right!

♪ Icy creamy, ice cream

♪ Cold and sweet

♪ Icy creamy, ice cream

♪ Can't be beat

♪ Icy creamy, ice cream I giggle when I eat ♪

♪ My icy creamy, ice cream

♪ What a treat

Oh, it looks delicious

- Uh huh.

♪ I could eat a bowl

♪ I could eat a cup

♪ When I get some ice cream, I eat it all up ♪

♪ Eat it with a topping

♪ Eat it all alone

♪ Eat it on some pie

♪ Or a triple dipper cone

- Oh, what?

♪ Icy creamy, ice cream

♪ Cold and sweet

♪ Icy creamy, ice cream

♪ Can't be beat

♪ Icy creamy, ice cream

♪ I giggle when I eat

♪ My icy creamy, ice cream

♪ What a treat

- Oh, thank you, Mr. Brantley.

- You're welcome, Barney.

- Do you like ice cream?

Can you show me how you like to eat it?

♪ Chocolate or vanilla, peach or bubble gum ♪

♪ Peppermint, strawberry, yummy yum yum ♪

♪ Maybe it's a sundae, maybe it's a shake ♪

♪ I could eat a gallon

♪ Or eat it with some cake

♪ Icy creamy, ice cream

♪ Cold and sweet

♪ Icy creamy, ice cream

♪ Can't be beat

♪ Icy creamy, ice cream I giggle when I eat ♪

♪ My icy creamy, ice cream, what a treat ♪

♪ Icy creamy, ice cream

♪ What a treat

Oh, I love ice cream.

- Yeah.

- That was a very yummy snack.

And c-c-cold, too.


- It was.

- Well, thank you, Mr. Brantley.


- Bye, everybody. - Okay.

- Bye bye!

- [Together] Bye.


- Bye, bye.

- Cold ice cream tastes great on such a hot day.

- And this time, I ate all of my ice cream before it melted.


- Oh, you certainly did, Baby Bop.

- Hey, I think I'm gonna go home and eat some more.


- Well, wait a minute sissy-- - Bye bye.

- don't eat all of the ice cream.

- [Together] See you later.

- Bye, Baby Bop, bye BJ. - Bye BJ see you.

- See you later.

- I think Baby Bop learned a lot about hot and cold today.

- [Together] Me too.

- Oh, I enjoyed all the fun things we did today.

Whether it's hot or cold,

being with friends like you is always just right.

♪ I love you, you love me

♪ We're a happy family

♪ With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ♪

♪ Won't you say you love me too ♪

♪ I love you, you love me

♪ We're best friends like friends should be ♪

♪ With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you ♪

♪ Won't you say you love me too ♪


- Oh, my mom's taking me swimming today.

Do you guys wanna come?

- Oh yeah. - Absolutely.

- Swimming is a great way to cool off in the summer time.

- Yeah, bye, Barney.

See you later. - Bye bye.

- Bye, bye.

See you soon.

Oh, I had fun today.

Bye bye.

(upbeat music)
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