06x84 - I'll Fix Anthony; Jamaica Louise James

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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06x84 - I'll Fix Anthony; Jamaica Louise James

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids




hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions





hmm okay happy reading and see you in a

couple of years

thank you you're welcome sir

all righty

you okay

lift with your legs

i'm going to fix him good hmm you're

going to fix him good huh

you betcha daddy i'm going to fix him if

it's the last thing i do

yeah yeah you know honey i think i have

a book that's gonna help you work

through this little problem of yours

wait right here


hope i didn't keep you waiting oh no oh

good good good okay this book is called

i'll fix anthony and it's written by

judith the horst and the pictures are by

arnold labelle

my brother anthony can read books now

but he won't read any books to me

he plays checkers with bruce from his


but when i want to play he says go away

or i'll clapper you

mother says deep down in his heart

anthony loves me anthony says deep down

in his heart he thinks i sting you stink

mother says deep deep down in his heart

but he doesn't even know it

anthony loves me

and then he says deep deep down in his


he still thinks i stink

when i'm six i'll fix anthony

when i'm six a dog will follow me home

and she'll beg for me and roll over and

lick my face

if anthony tries to pet her she'll give

him a bite

when i'm six we'll have a skipping

contest and i'll skip faster

then we'll have a jumping contest and

i'll jump higher

then we'll do eeny meeny miny moe and

anthony will be o-u-t

he'll be very m-a-d

when i'm six i'll know how to sharpen

pencils here's how you do it anthony

i'll say

when i'm six i'll be tall and anthony

will be short because i'll eat things

like carrots and potatoes and he'll eat

things like jelly beans and root beer

i'll put his red sneakers on the top


and if he stands on a chair he still

won't be able to reach them

he'll tell me get down my sneakers and

i'll tell him say please

and if he doesn't say please he can't

have his sneakers for a hundred years

when i'm six we'll have a race and i'll

be at the corner when anthony hasn't

even passed the fire plug the next time

i'll give him a head start but it won't


when i'm six friends will call me on the


no one will call anthony

i'll sleep at charlie's house and

eddie's and diana's but anthony will

always sleep at home

see you later anthony i'll tell him

when i'm six i'll help people carry

their groceries from the supermarket and

they'll say

my you're strong

i don't think anthony will be strong



when i'm six i'll be able to tell left

and right but anthony will be all mixed

up i'll be able to tell time but anthony

will be all mixed up

i'll be able to tell my street and my


and sometimes my zip code but anthony

will be all mixed up

if he ever gets lost i guess i'll have

to go find him

when i'm sick anthony will still be

falling off his bike

i'll ride by with no hands

still falling off that bike i'll ask


when i'm six i'll let dr ross look down

my throat with a stick if he has to give

me a shot

i won't even holler

try to be brave like your brother dr

ross will tell anthony no no but anthony

wong leave me alone

when i'm six my teeth will fall out and

i'll put them under the bed

and the tooth fairy will take them away

and leave dimes

anthony's teeth won't fall out he'll

wiggle and wiggle them but they won't

fall out

i might sell him one of my teeth

but i might not

when i'm six i'll go bingo all the time

anthony won't even go bingo once

i'll win all the tic-tac-toes if i'm x

and i'll win them all if i'm oh

too bad anthony i'll say


anthony is chasing me out of the

playroom he says i stink

he says he's going to clobber me

i have to run now but i won't have to

run when i'm six when i'm six i'll fix



so you see honey

i know you wanna fix lionel but fix

lionel no i don't want to fix lionel i

want to fix herman



who is herman my



jack-in-the-box yeah wait here i'll show



there it is this is my jack-in-the-box

herman well technically he's a herman in

the box and he's broken he won't pop up

and i need to fix him oh

you meant the other meaning of fix the

other meaning

yeah as in to make something work not

the meaning in the book as in to get

back at to get revenge on

sex can mean that too


hey leona i see you're still trying to

fix that silly human in a box

oh he's not silly

yes he is


you know when i'm six you won't think

everything i do is silly

i won't no when i'm six a a dog will

follow me home and she'll beg for me and

she'll roll over and lick my face and if

you try to pet her she'll bite you


can you help me fix herman um

sure honey

hey i uh

uh dad


what just happened here uh

think you better read that son

i'll fix anthony







box and now it's time for

gwen's word please word

excellent kuwait here today at blend

mart where two brave knights in armor

with shopping carts will charge together

at high speed make a word and go

shopping competing today we have sir

and on your right sir ox



fox excellent that's gooey's word for

today and this is going saying i expect

to see you next time on dwayne's word




fix fix fix uh




fix six

thank you very much

oh no don't have lunch with george


vegetarianized hello

i'm reginald livingston seagull and i

have a very short poem to read for you

now it's called x and it's written by

margaret and john travers moore

hit it boys

what words begin with x

very few

x-ray and xylophone will do

very few

well i did say it was short

anyway georgie i said put that spoon


here are some words with the letter s in




texas tuxedo






oh you're welcome leona you know your

herman in the box reminds me of a book

that's got an ox in a box an ox in the

box yep and it's right over there

and now fun with chicken jane today

chicken jane and the ox in the box



look dot look see the ox there's an ox

sitting in the box

yes scott yes

see the ox playing the sax in the box


look dot look

see chicken jane write the letters


x i



look scott look

chicken jane is in the sacks

yes dot yes

we are not in the sacks


thank you chicken jane


um who's gonna fix chicken chain daddy

oh honey it's just a book but she wasn't

really hurt

hey i just read that book i'll fix


i only have one thing to say to you


when you're six

i'll be nine




stay tuned because coming right up are

more lions a really cool grandmother and

a girl with three names


we got a new book in the library that i

think you're gonna like

well gee daddy that's uh that's great

but but but i'm playing with my herman

in the box oh

well i could read the book to you and

herman no daddy herman's very particular

about what he likes to read oh


i'm sure herman would like this book

look look look here herman

it's called jamaica louise james and the

author is amy hest and the illustrations

are by sheila white sampton


and what let's see here and the story

has something in it honey that i know

herman is gonna like

you see that big word there on the top

of this page

yeah that's the word surprise

surprise hernan loves surprises oh read

it daddy read it okay let's read it okay

okay here we go

i was the one with the cool idea


it happened last winter and the mirror

put my name on a golden plaque

it's down in the subway station at 86th

and main

you can see it if you go there

that's me you better believe it

want to hear my big idea

i'll tell you but you've got to listen

to the whole story not just a part of it

mama says my stories go on and on

whenever i'm just at the beginning of

one she tells me get to the point

jamaica or snap to it baby

but i like lacing up the details this

way and that

this story begins with me

i have a big artist pad with 100 big

pages and 5 colored pencils with perfect

skinny points

sometimes i set myself up on the top

step of our building where everyone can

see me

everything i see is something i want to



at night mama and grammy and i cuddle on

the couch while the city quiets down

i show them every picture every night

sometimes i tell a story as i go

sometimes they ask a question like why

does the man's coat have triangle


other times we don't say a word

now look at me on birthday number eight

grammy and mama dance around my bed open

your present they shout we can't wait

another minute

know what they did

they bought me a real paint set with

eight little tubes of color and two

paint brushes

paint sets cost a lot i worry

my they say are you going to spend

birthday number eight worrying when you

can be doing something wonderful such as

painting the world

so that's when i get my big idea

now this part of the story tells about

my granny who leaves for work when it is

still dark

sometimes i wake up halfway when she

slides out of bed

in winter she gets all layered starting

with the long underwear layer

she and mama whisper in the kitchen

they drink that strong black coffee

grammy scoops up her brown lunch bag and

goes outside


i'm scared in the night

not grammy

at 86th and maine she goes down and down

into the subway station

all day long people line up at grammy's

token booth

they give her a dollar or four quarters

and she slides a token into their hand

then they rush off to catch the train

what's a subway daddy oh it's a train

that runs underground in the city and

what's this what's a token uh a token

looks like money and people use it to

pay for their subway rides

and when are we gonna get to the


right away honey

now i like subways because the seats are

hot pink and because they go very fast

but i don't like subway stations

especially the one at 86th and main

there are too many steep steps

56 and too many grown-ups who all look


the walls are old tile walls without any


when grammy comes home she sews and

talks about the people she sees like

green hat lady or gentleman with the red

bow tie

mama reads and humps

but i paint blending all those colors

until they look just right

every day i add a picture to my

collection and every day i think about

my cool idea

at last it's the morning of grammy's


mama and i get up early we get all

layered and sneak outside

mama holds my hand

i am scared but also very excited

we swish along in our boots in the dark

in the snow

at 86th and main we go down and down 56

steep steps

we don't buy a token at the token booth

we don't take a ride on the subway

what we do is hang a painting on the old

tile wall

then another

and another

and one more

before you know it that station is all

filled up with color


reached out when grammy comes clumping

down the steps

she looks all around that station

jamaica louise james she calls

come right here so i can give you a big

hug baby

so now you know the whole story everyone

sure is in love with my subway station


you'd be surprised people are talking to

each other some even smile

that looks like me

there's a lady in a green hat to a

gentleman with a red bow tie

then grammy tells everyone about jamaica

louise james age 8.

that's me you better believe it


the end

oh that was a great story daddy

and it gives me a great idea oh it does

what kind of what honey

surprise these are all my drawings

i put them all over the library just

like jamaica louise james

all over the library indeed

wow oh

don't you just love your little sister


hey i couldn't hear what you were saying

i have drawings on my ears












hello reginald livingston seagull here

with a poem for you rush dance written

by robin bernard hmm

let's watch

a dot

a blot

a smidge a smear

and just a little squiggle here

a dab

a dash

a splish

a splat

that's how patrick paints a cat

a w



lyanna leona there's a new cliffhanger

book in the library

cliffhanger no way i'm drawing a drawing

but it's a cliffhanger book and it's

right over there flying off the shelf

once again it's the continuing daring

and dangling adventures of


today's adventure number 7616

cliffhanger and the awfully big seesaw


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer


cliff notices an enormous seesaw on the

lawn below his cliff


that's an awfully big seesaw

quickly cliff reaches into his backpack

and withdraws

his trusty survival manual

using his awe-inspiring decoding skills

cliff begins to read


if you see an awfully big seesaw on the

lawn below

your cliff

jump on


is a new life dawning for cliffhanger a

life beyond his cliff








hold on much longer


lyanna you missed one of the best

cliffhangers ever well i was busy trying

something more important

what could possibly be more important

than it huh

what yeah

you drew a picture of cliff hanger


because i love you



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