06x86 - Here Come the Aliens; Abiyoyo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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06x86 - Here Come the Aliens; Abiyoyo

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids


aliens and hairy giant monster and scary


these words can make us scream it's true




hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions




here come the aliens


hey lionel what you doing i'm trying to

get a better signal


i think it's working

me too


lyonna b

what do you even know why we're beeping

no beep because sleep aliens are out


you know out there maybe creatures from

outer space are trying to talk to us

beep beep beep beep this line is busy

sorry they can't talk to me beep beep

beep beep beep beep beep beep it's only

science fiction leona oh

science fiction like like a little scary

butt made up right yeah


like him

and like this


here come the aliens written and

illustrated by colin mcnaughton

in outer space it's black as night and

something's moving speed of light

something looking for a fight

here come the aliens

a fleet of spaceships heads this way

they're 50 zillion miles away

but getting closer every day

the aliens are coming

they're zooming in from outer space

to conquer us the human race

will soon be standing face to face

the aliens are coming

the admiral's a fearsome sight

a simple creature not too bright

all he wants to do is fight

the aliens are coming

the first mate looks like wobbly jelly

he's sort of gaseous and he's smelly

he has an eyeball on his belly

the aliens are coming

these beans come in different sizes this

one's doing exercises

get ready earth for some surprises the

aliens are coming

some have one head some have two there's

even one with none

it's true

whoa what on earth are we to do

the aliens are coming

they come from planets near and far

some big some small some quite bizarre

twinkle twinkle

little star

the aliens are coming

i really hate to make the fuss perhaps

you thought they look like us

but most of them

appear thus

the aliens are coming

this one squeaks and that one squawks

some have eyeballs stuck on st*lks

this one squelches when it walks

oh the aliens are coming

see the aliens at lunch slobber dribble

gobble munch table manners hmm not this


the aliens are coming

some are bald and some are hairy

some around the summer squarey

some look friendly

but beware

the aliens are coming

they've only been where we've not been

they're blue and purple sickly green

at home

this one's a beauty queen

all the aliens are coming

i speak english french or greek these

sort of grunt and burp and squeak

the chance of peace talks i'd say bleak

the aliens are coming


bad not good negative negative terrible


like bleak bleak oh i like new words

even when they're bleak

this one biffs and that one pops well

this one nips and that one chops

someone better call the cops

the aliens are

coming some are tall and summer squat

some are cool and some are hot

some are nice

but most are not

the aliens are coming

at last the earth comes into view

general knows what to do he orders

battle stations crew

the aliens are coming

but approaching planet earth they see

though how it got there don't ask me

a piece of paper floating free

the aliens are slowing

it's swiftly passed around the fleet a

thousand hearts stop miss a beat the

order goes out fleet retreat


this is what the aliens saw a picture of

you kids aged four

it scared them off away they roar

the aliens are going


yes all the aliens agree

of life in every galaxy

the ugliest is you

and me

the aliens have gone vamos

the aliens have gone


geez the kids in that picture don't look

that scary to me well i guess if you're

an alien they look pretty weird




cue you

q u





here's somewhere to begin with the

letter q





question mark





i'm reginald livingston seagull but

with a poem for you it's written by dr

seuss and it's called quack quack

jolly good for me

we have two ducks

one blue one black

and when our blue duck goes quack quack

our black duck quickly quack quacks back

the quack's blue quacks make her quite a

quacker but black is a quicker quacker


quiet down folks this is gonna be quick

let me tell you something that i think

is quite slick

i'm a little kind of shy you can tell

but when i grab my partner i come out of

my shell yeah you never

know you never see q without you

you can quote me

no one goes with me quite like you do



no one equals the way we say queen

going quiet you'll see what i mean

cause i promise you won't we just don't

see a queue without you

take a look at quarter and equator and


you and you together are incredibly help

you never see a queue all alone on the

town but put me with you

i get around yeah you never

know you never see q without you


there's no question

that my quest for a partner is a through

we say quilt and require with ease

that is why i let her use my main


yes i quiver and squawk i just can't

even talk without you

if you want to say queasy or quack

just about any word but iraq

it sounds q*eer but it's true you just

never see q without you

it sounds q*eer but it's true you just

never see q with


hi mom

hi lionel

what you doing just a little work


why what's up

well and i was just wondering

is cliffhanger brave or or is he scared

because he can't get off that cliff


maybe we should read a cliffhanger and

then talk about it huh yeah in fact

there's a great one right on that shelf

where over there

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


cliffhangers today's adventure number


cliff hanger and quentin quigley's quick



excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him


hanging from a cliff


hold on much



cliff sees a blimp with question marks

on it approaching his cliff

excuse me sir i'm quentin quigley and

you are on my popular quiz program of

this clip the show that could get you

off this cliff do you want to answer a

quick question quickly cliff reaches

into his backpack and extracts his

trusty survival manual using his expert

decoding skills cliff begins to read

if quentin quickly asks you if you want

to answer a quick question

say yes



here goes

true or false mr hanger are you going to

get up this cliff today


i am going to get off this cliff today

true oh i'm terribly sorry mr hanger but

the correct answer is false

better luck next time playing

off this cliff

and that's why he's called cliff hanger


hold on much longer

so lionel what do you think

well mom

i think cliff is scared

but you know i think bravery is when you

do what you have to do

even when you're scared

cliffhanger well he's a mixture of

really really brave and really really



dumb what kevin is not dumb he's nothing

like that well

sometimes people have strong opinions

about good books


this is the announcer bunny saying we're

halfway from the beginning and we're

halfway from the end wow what a concept


okay ready ready ready okay here i come


very scary ten

very scary kid

okay cover your eyes again


pretty scary eight pretty scary eight

okay okay cover your eyes


hardly scary at all three

heavy scary at all


um hey

what's going on cubs oh

it's our

scariness experiment yeah you know how

people are scared of monsters and aliens

and you know stuff like that in that

book here come the aliens but they're

not scared of things i see all the time

yes and well

my theory is that for something to be

scary it has to be


which means not something you see all

the time right lionel correct leona so

the more you see it the less scary it is

do you concur mother you know lionel i

do believe your hypothesis to be sound


hey you remember you guys remember the

story of abba yo-yo boy talking about a

guy who was scary i think it's right

downstairs come on oh let's go wait for



abby yo-yo based on a south african

lullaby and folks story text by pete

seeger illustrations by michael hayes

once upon a time there was a little boy

who played the ukulele

around town he'd go clink clunk clunk

clink clunk

the grown-ups would say

take that thing out of here

not only that the boy's father got in


the boy's father was a magician

he had a magic wand he'd go



and make things disappear


but he played too many tricks on people

he'd come up to someone about to drink a

nice cold glass of something


the glass disappears

someone doing a hard job of work

up comes the father with his magic wand

no saw

he'd come up to someone about to sit

down after a hard day's work

no chair

people said to the father you get out of

here too take your magic wand and your

tricks and you and your son just get

the boy and his father were ostracized

that means they made him live on the

edge of town

now in this town they used to tell


the old people used to tell stories

about the giant that lived in the old


they used to tell about a giant call

abba yo-yo

they said he was as tall as a tree

and could eat people up

of course nobody believed the story

but they told it anyway

one day

the sun

rose blood red over the hill

the first people got up and looked out

the window they saw a great big shadow

in front of the sun

they could feel the whole ground shake

women screamed strong men fainted

run for your lives have a yo-yo's coming

he comes to the pasture he grabs a whole


he grabs a whole cow

grab your most precious possessions and

run run

just then the boy and his father woke up

hey paw what's coming over the fields

my son that's happy yo-yo

oh if only i could get him to lie down i

could make him disappear

the boy says come with me paw

he grabbed his father by one hand the

father gets the magic wand and the boy

gets his ukulele they run across the


people yell

don't go near him

he'll eat you alive

there was abba yo-yo

he had long fingernails cause he never

cut him he had slobbery teeth

because he didn't brush him stinking

feet because he didn't wash him

matted hair cuz he didn't comb it he

raised up his claws

just then the boy whips out his ukulele

well you know the giant had never heard

a song about himself before

a foolish grin spread over his face

and the giant started to dance

the boy went faster


up steps the father

people looked out their windows

he's gone have the yo-yos disappear

the people ran across the fields

they lifted the boy and his father up on

their shoulders they said come back to


bring your darn ukulele we don't care


and they all say


great story yeah see if they just became

more familiar with have a yo-yo maybe

they wouldn't be so scared of him and

they wouldn't have to make him disappear


i see you got lovey leona

oh yeah well i was a little scared and

lovey's really familiar

yeah lovie is familiarity tim scariness



well said












here in mississippi there are a lot of

interesting words that begin with the

letter z









sick of all the rhinos ruining her

picnic gritty little monica maxwell has

rounded them up and zipped them into a

big zippered bag

but wait a minute what's this oh no

it's the evil on people

they're putting an um in front of the

word zipped causing the zipper on the

big zippered bag to become


those directed rhinos are loose again

despair not pretty little monika the

heroic green people are here

look they've re-rounded up the rhinos

and re-zipped them into the big zippered


thank you me people you're incredible

oh hello

reginald livingston seagull yeah and i

have a poem to read to you it's called

zee and it's written by margaret and

john traversmore

hit it boys

in winter when it's zero i zoom straight

home from play

but when the springtime sun is bright i

zigzag all the way





hey guess what well what's that my

little stick tip i know somebody even

braver than cliffhanger oh really who's

that pumpkin chicken king that's who she

never ever ever runs away from danger

ever well look

that's true well in fact we have a new

story in the library with her and a


we do

and now fun with chicken jane today

chicken jane and the blizzard

look look see see coming down the lane

here comes scott here comes dot here



look scott look see the blizzard

yes duh yes

i see the freezing cold blizzard

look dot look see chicken jane write the







look scott look chicken jane froze we

did not freeze yes dot yes

we are cozy

chicken jane is not cozy

thank you chicken jane


look look see

going up the lane

oh brave chicken jane i hope they warm

her up and make her cozy oh i'm sure

they will kitten as cozy as you are

time for your nap

all right


just kidding nobody really makes that

silly z sound when they sleep

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