06x89 - The Coyote and the Rabbit; The Gingerbread Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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06x89 - The Coyote and the Rabbit; The Gingerbread Man

Post by bunniefuu »


PBS Kids


coyote giraffe snail pass


they're animals like me and you

are Between the Lions


hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

Between the Lions




behind the door


between the liars


the coyote and the rabbit

playing hide and seek with Leona I gotta

find a place to hide


oh hi Mama I'm playing hide and seek

with Lionel oh yes I heard

see you later



hi Lionel

Leona keeps finding me oh Lionel

just happens to have an incredible sense

of smell she can find anyone anywhere it

was not fair what can I do well you know

I think we have a book here in the

library that just might help let me go

get it huh

is my mom cooler what

it's called the coyote and the rabbit

retold and illustrated by Cedric Bruce



one bright sunny day a rabbit was lying

outside her hole in the ground munching

on a stalk of celery


went out of nowhere a hungry coyote


how are you my tasty morsel I mean


I'm a fine the rabbit could see the

hungry look in the Coyote's eye

yummy bunny

she knew she had to think of something

quick to get the Coyote's mind off

eating her so she said you know I just

noticed that my tail is short and fluffy

while yours is really long

duh so what else is new

I bet having such a long tail must slow

you down when you run

the coyote thought this was the funniest

thing he had ever heard

you crack me up rabbits

I'm the fastest animal there is nobody

has ever outrun me the rabbit was

cooking up a plan

ah but you've never run against me

should have a race

now the coyote was certain that the

rabbit had celery on her brain so he

said all right rabbit I will race you to

the four corners of the Earth but then

whoever wins gets to eat the loser

that's a fair enough but I will need

four days to get myself in race and


it's a deal I'll be back in four days

coyote headed home he could almost taste

the yummy rabbit dinner that he will

soon have

I better get moving

in Paris

the rabbit called her other cousins who

lived around the world


and together they worked out a clever

plan to coyote and make sure their

cousin won the race

on the day of the race the coyotes

showed up bright and early

rise and shine rabbit the runners took

their places at the starting line

You Know You're Gonna Lose for sure why

not just skip the race and let me eat

you now I'd love a rabbit Ranchero


no way we will race to the four corners

of the earth like you said only I'm

gonna run underground because that's

what I'm used to

whatever loser

on your mark



and off they went to the four corners of

the Earth the coyote raced across the

desert while the rabbit ran into her

hole in the ground


coyote ran for days and days


that rabbit must be way behind me by now

he reached the eastern part of the Earth

where there happened to be a circus

then suddenly a rabbit popped out of a

hole in the ground just in front of him


it sure took you a while to get here

the coyote thought it was the rabbit he

was racing but it wasn't it was the

rabbit's cousin Cecil who lived there

you better run a little faster if you

want to beat me see ya

the coyote was so upset that he spun

around in circles

then he took off trying to run faster

than he'd ever run before


what's the matter we got lead in your


but everywhere the coyote ran a

different relative of the rabbit popped

up just ahead

tail slow as a snail

and every time he would angrily spin

around in circles

finally he got to the Finish Line back

where they had started and found the

rabbit he was racing looking very well


so would you like me to eat you broiled

or fricker seed

coyote all around should be tasty

coyotes spun around in circles

and ran off as fast as he could

bye bye

then the rabbits celebrated with another

stalk of celery

and so did all of her cousins

so Lionel did that rabbit give you any

ideas about what to do

no no I had no hole in the ground so

Leona can't smell me

it was your brain to figure out a way to

beat Leona's nose my brain how's my

brain going

to the library I'm gonna go back outside

and smell that rose bush again

okay bye-bye hmm


Leona can't smell me if I'm covered in


thank you brain


circles c c


I circus



he and Mississippi there are lots of

interesting words that begin with the

letter c celery







sir sir cuss





circus and now country music legend

Tammy Lynette say two sounds made by C

there are two sounds made by C

in words like cry and certainly

am I certainly enough to make me cry


in card and great

and thus in celebrate

won't somebody call myself and tell me


oh they say see only sounds like before

i y and e

in words like City Cycle and Des


it's clear this rule Works nicely take a

crack at it you'll see it's just a Pity

that it's so hard to remember

in Circus In Champs in Center in cramp

cramp the walking circles crying how can

such things

though I concede it's hard to cope oh I

can't conceive of losing Hope Oh yes

I'll come through I'll learn the two

sounds made by sea


yes me and you will learn the two sounds

made by sings

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

Adventures of cliffhanger

today's adventure number

2631 Cliffhanger comes to the circus




excuse me excuse me

we find Cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff

can't hold on much longer suddenly Cliff

notices that a circus has been set up

below his crib The Crafty Cliffhanger

reaches into his backpack and extracts

his trusty survival manual using his

celebrated decoding skills Cliff begins

to read if you see that a circus has

been set up below your cliff

look for the trapeze artist's net and

jump into it

Circle there

look up below

here I come

can this be it has Cliff finally escaped

from his clip


ladies and gentlemen before your very

eyes a man will be shot out of a cannon

three two one fire



hold on much longer





uh the 800s right over there

thank you

mama mama Lionel's not here I I can't

smell them I can smell you and I can

smell the books I can smell that dog and

I can smell the rose bush outside but I

can't smell Lionel is there something

wrong with my nose oh no Leona I think

Lionel just figured out a way to trick

your nose by using his brain

how could he do that oh Leona it

wouldn't be fair if I told you now would

it hmm

hooray for rabbits everywhere and hooray

for our next story



the gingerbread man


you can't catch me Leona

yes I can yes I can

no you can't you can run as fast as you

can but you can't catch me yes


I can't who am I kidding he's faster

than I am

you can't get clean


somewhere before

it wasn't a book

about a cookie

oh and I remember Lina was really proud

of getting it for me huh

it's a good choice here we go comfy

honey here we go The Gingerbread Man by

Pat hatchman nice name

once there was an old man and an old

woman who had no children so they baked

a gingerbread man

when they took him out of the oven they

were happy but then he jumped out of the

pan and ran away the old man had the old

woman who ran after him but the

gingerbread man just laughed and said

run run as fast as you can you can't

catch me I'm a gingerbread man and they

couldn't catch him

the gingerbread man ran and ran he ran

past a cow standing on a patch of grass

the cow said

oh a gingerbread man

I'm going to eat you but the gingerbread

man just laughed and said



out couldn't catch him hmm

the gingerbread man ran and ran he ran

past a rim in a carrot patch the Rams


a gingerbread man I'm going to eat you

but the gingerbread man just laughed and

said run run as fast as you can he can't

catch me I'm a gingerbread man

M couldn't catch him

just then a fox walked by and said

a gingerbread man I think I'll eat him

bought the gingerbread man just laughed

and said

run run as fast as you can he can't

catch me I'm a gingerbread man

maybe I can said the fox but if you try

to cross that River you will surely get

wet and crumble to Pieces


get wet and crumble to pieces

oh yeah I know the fox couldn't catch

the gingerbread man so he made a plan he

told the gingerbread man to get on his

back because if cookies get wet they

crumble hmm

hop on my tail and I'll carry you across

so the gingerbread man did just that

the fox started to swim as he did his

tail dipped into the water and he said

my tail is getting wet you'd better

climb onto my back so the gingerbread

man did just that

the fox swam on but soon he said my back

is getting wet you'd better climb onto

my nose so the gingerbread man did just


the gingerbread man looked back and saw

the old man the old woman the cow and

the ram standing on the bank of the

river he laughed and said

run run as fast as you can you can't

catch me

and that

of the gingerbread man


oh gingerbread man

that was his own

fully was so

that he wasn't careful

you can't catch me


Lionel just you wait


gingerbread gee







I'm Reginald Livingston Seagull with a

poem about an animal who doesn't say

very much it's from this book raw and

more written by Carla cuskin and it's

called giraffes don't Huff enjoy it

could I get a milk giraffes don't Huff

or Hoots or howl they never Grump they

never growl they never Roar they never

Riot they eat green leaves quiet


here's a song about contractions when

you take two words and make them into







tell your purpose

tell your mama




contractions were taken two words
















and now here's the gospel truth about

the two sounds of the letter G





but when another letters


as well


about the Republic





how to catch your brother

you still can't catch me

oh look it is a brand new Cliffhanger


where where on that shelf over there and

now fun with chicken J today Chicken

Jane and the gymnast

look look Cece


look dot look see the gymnast yes Scott

yes the gymnast is gigantic





look dot look chicken James plunged into

the judges we did not plunge into the



there goes Chicken Jane

that wasn't a cliffhanger book it was

Chicken Jane yeah

yeah I know

hey you tricked me

good one wasn't it


it was actually

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