06x90 - The Goat in the Coat

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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06x90 - The Goat in the Coat

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


between the covers




the goat in the coat

and now a special english spanish

edition of between the lions

oh man

oh he's not here gus isn't here



which is spanish for hello

well where could gus be

the last time i saw him he was reading

my book cliffhanger and the enchanted

goat in a coat in a boat it's one of

only three copies in the world

very rare


really and and now he's gone and the

book is gone the book and the bunny are


huh what

the only thing i understood of what you

just said is my name

sorry why don't you tell me how it all

began oh yes let's hear the story of how

it all began

okay it uh it all started when i was

supposed to be gus's designated reader

when i said


rabbit rabbit


hey leona uh hi mr and mrs lyon um thank

god has anyone seen lionel uh he's my

designated reader today and he said he

was gonna read me a really cool book

that hardly anyone's ever seen before oh

you don't suppose it it could only be

what what book is it yeah what book is



stand back i think you're about to find

out let's go


it's okay guys it's okay they've got

security clearance


this is the book i was telling you about

yeah whoa

oh it's just another cliffhanger book

this isn't just any cliffhanger book

leona there are only three copies of

this book left in the entire world

yes that's right livingston dangerously

even autographed this copy just for me

it says

to lionel

right inside whoa

and you're gonna read this book

to me


i mean i i wouldn't read this book to

just anybody

but no you're my best friend dude

i don't know what to say

follow me

follow me uh no uh uh follow me oh oh

sorry follow me okay okay

all right everybody clear away clear

away here we go oh my oh leona huh i

thought you didn't like cliffhanger

books well it's one of only three copies

in the world


wait for me

a burgeoning rare book lover yeah


now remove the plastic protective

covering and place the book

on the desk



britney axel

take lunch

lunch spago


it's the continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure number 76

cliffhanger and the enchanted goat in a

coat in a boat



excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much


all of a sudden cliff spots an enchanted

goat in a coat floating in a boat

cliff reaches in his backpack and

locates his trusty survival manual using

his expert decoding skills cliff begins

to read

when you see an enchanted goat in a coat

floating in a boat give her some toast

and say

please get me off this clip


please get me off this cliff

get you off this cliff my pleasure are

cliffhangers days on the cliff finally

over will he now be able to roam free


i hope he likes this cliff better than

the other one

and that's why he's called cliff hanger

hold on much longer

you're right lionel

this is an amazing book

no it's not it's like all the other

cliffhanger books no it didn't leona

your brother's right


i wish this was my book

uh hey

can i try to read it myself

uh uh uh


sure hey you know just just be careful

with it i will man you can trust me okay

all right okay um um well i i know c a t

is cat

you read the word code that's great guys

excellent yeah thanks man hey

let's see what else i can read here huh

all right





may i speak with you for a moment um

privately it's very important

all right okay okay oh here's the word



o a d goat


hey the letters at the end of goat are

the same as in coat wow that's so cool

okay leona what's so private that we

have to talk under a table

i think you should surprise gus and give

him the cliffhanger book

give away cliffhanger and the enchanted

goat in a coat in a boat uh-huh are you

mad woman

but you saw how much gus loves the book

how much gus wants the book

how much gus wishes it were his very own

all right

i'll think about it okay but but i'm not

promising anything


can we go now please okay

oh sorry sorry

my cliff finger book is gone your clip

hanger book is gone

to libra the cliff hangers

the book was gone


wait a minute wait a minute wait a

minute what gus said

he wished it was his book

maybe he stole my book oh oh man this is

this is terrible oh

horrible awful the worst thing that

could possibly happen and in spanish

you got it sierra i wonder what's gonna

happen next


and now here to sing your way oh sound

from their hit word boat is the polka

king in his polka marmy arty and smarmy

marmy smarty paints

take it smarty polka key







and now it's time for gwen's word


dwayne here once again at blending

fields where two brave knights and armor

will charge together at high speed and

make a word competing today we have sir

and sir oak oh

blend on dude


oh yeah

excellent that's good for today and this

is great saying don't you groan because

i'll see you next time on

great word queen's word

and now a word from a shining star of

daytime television miss kelly ripa




in meat you hear the e

the a sits quietly

the second vowel you see but you don't


just the two of us


in brain you hear the a but not the


isn't it neat


it can't be beat


it's such a dream


don't mean to boast but here's a toast

we're quite a team

when two vowels go walking the first one

does it talk and i'm sorry number two

it's such a shame

although it gives you pain

the rule is very plain

when two vowels walk the first one says

its name

yes when two vowels walk the first one

says its name


no book but i found

an overcoat

how do you say overcoat in spanish


found a vest how do you say vest


a scarf

buffanda buffonda




how do you say


in spanish


the last time you saw the book it was

with the bunny yeah that's right

find the bunny and we find the bookie

find the bunny

mom dad

this is terrible

how could gus steal my cliffhanger book

how could he i i trusted him oh

right mom that's not the gus i know

he wouldn't just take something and hop

off with it but

but what happened to the book

we got the buddy boss i found him coming

out of the bathroom but there was no

book he must have hidden it somewhere

where is it talk bunny top bunny rabbit

i don't know where it is i told you look

it was here on the table when i went to

the bathroom now look he didn't take it

let him go




i thought you were coming right back


so i thought it'd be okay to leave the

book on the table

but right dad but if gus didn't take it

well that means that my precious book is

lost forever no

i'll never see it again

lionel you're right mom we shouldn't

give up so easily the book might still

be in the library we yes yes we should

look for it ah thanks mommy dad you

always know just what to say you're


right come on everybody let's spread out

and look for that book yes we're

watching you


what if somebody took the book

or flannel never finds it

oh man

i gotta do something


and now the search for a very rare book

lionel's the only thing i understood i'm

sorry i'm sorry don't worry we'll find

it i'll help you


i'll go this way

and i'll go this way

if you can read c o a co then you can

read code and coast and coaster two and

coach and cold

cause they start the same way


c-o-e and principal presumably



you can read lots of words that start






lionel's book is not in this hat

how do you say that in spanish

gracias or in english

thank you

lionel's book's not in any of these hats

how do you say that in spanish


in english

thank you


don't mention it


want mama's biscuits to recipes great to


we follow the old directions to find our

way to the show

and reading tells me facts that i've




i got a reason


i got


i got a reason got a good reason to




oh sorry

well this is great we've looked

everywhere and the book isn't anywhere

oh please please say you found

cliffhanger and the enchanted goat in a

coat and a boat

um huh

they're hemming an eye

that means no

resume search sorry boss

it's still not hopeless lionel if the

book is anywhere in this library mama

will be able to sniff it out with her

super sensitive nose

i'm sorry lionel i can't pick up the

scent anywhere

now it's hopeless


i'll never find cliffhanger in the

enchanted goat and a coat and a boat

my life is meaningless


a frozen wasteland filled with






i am

i made you something

cliff hanger

goat coat boat


i felt really bad that i was responsible

for losing your cliff hanger book

i know this could never be as good as

the one that was lost but

i tried to remember all the parts and i

even drew some pictures and



oh oh can i see


hold on much


i guess my spelling's not so good and

sorry lionel oh no no no gosh gosh this

wow this is

this is great hey guys hey look at this

huh let's see wow gus

you wrote a whole book

thanks man oh

no sweat man

excuse me

i'm dan elias from antiques roadshow hi



my cliff in your book you founded you

found my cliffhanger book yeah it was

lying on a table

it really caught my eye the paper the

illustrations the author's autograph all

told me that we have something really

special here

so i slipped it back inside its

protective plastic sleeve

it was covered in plastic no wonder i

couldn't smell it as far as i know there

are only about three of these in the

whole world that's right that's right

only three

if i were you i wouldn't leave it lying

around oh don't you worry i won't

mr elias yes would you please give that

book to my best friend gus

oh sure


you're welcome


thank you

why don't you you can't give me this

book it's

it's too valuable not as valuable as

this one


there's three of those in the world

but there's only one of these and you

wrote it just for me

thanks man


what's up lunch and table under milk

chicken autographed and booked




keep it real


come in between the liars

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