07x95 - Dear Mr. Blueberry; I Wanna Iguana

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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07x95 - Dear Mr. Blueberry; I Wanna Iguana

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


the world awaits

between the lions between the covers



between the lions


look i found this note and i can read

the first part it says

dear leona that's me

and then it says


i hey leona how's it going hi lionel can

you help me read this note right here

yeah sure


it says um

dear leona

i'm in a book called dear mr blueberry

uh-huh i'm upstairs in fiction on the

third shelf behind the duck

love emily

who's emily

i don't know

find the duck we find him later

oh excuse me sir did you move over a

little tiny bit over there we need to

get to those shelves

okay um



three oh oh oh find it lionel find it

okay all right let's see um dear mr

blueberry dear mr blueberry

hey dear mr blueberry by simon james oh

let's read it lyle let's read it read it

read it lord kind of magic wow

dear mr blueberry i love whales very

much and i think i saw one in my pond



please send me some information on

whales as they think you might be hurt

love emily

dear emily here are some details about


i don't think you'll find it was a whale

you saw because whales don't live in

ponds but in salt water

you're sincerely your teacher mr



dear mr blueberry i am now putting salt

into the pond every day before breakfast

and last night i saw my whale smile

i think he is feeling better

do you think he might be lost

love emily


dear emily

please don't put any more salt in the

pond i'm sure your parents won't be


i'm afraid there can't be a whale in

your pond because whales don't get lost

they always know where they are in the


you're sincerely mr blueberry


dear mr blueberry tonight i'm very happy

because i saw my whale jump up and spurt

lots of water

he looked blue

does this mean he might be a blue whale

love emily


p.s what can i feed him with

dear emily

blue whales are blue and they eat tiny

shrimp-like creatures that live in the



however i must tell you that a blue

whale is much too big to live in your


you're sincerely mr blueberry a ps

perhaps it is a blue goldfish

dear mr blueberry last night i read your

letter to my whale

afterward he let me stroke his head it

was very exciting

i secretly took him some crunched up

corn flakes and breadcrumbs

this morning i looked in the pond and

they were all gone

i think i shall call him arthur

what do you think

love emily

dear emily i must point out to you quite

forcibly now that in no way could a

whale live in your pond

you may not know that whales are

migratory which means they travel great

distances each day

i am sorry to disappoint you

you're sincerely mr blueberry


dear mr blueberry tonight i'm a little


arthur has gone

i think your letter made sense to him

and he has decided to be migratory again

love emily


dear emily please don't be too sad

it really was impossible for a whale to

live in your pond

perhaps when you are older you would

like to sail the oceans studying and

protecting whales

yours sincerely mr blueberry

dear mr blueberry it's been the happiest


i went to the beach and you'll never



but i saw arthur

i called to him and he smiled

i knew it was arthur because he let me

stroke his head i gave him some of my



and then we said goodbye

i shouted that i loved him very much and

i hope you don't mind

i said you loved him too

love emily

and arthur


the end

oh you must really like those books


this character named emily wrote me a

note that led us to it wow that's cool

uh just a minute sweetie i'm helping


that book is due back next friday i hope

you enjoy it oh thank you i am certain

that i will bye mr blueberry

mr blueberry mr blueberry come back





excellent what's next on between the

lions a whale of a good time with the

letters w h







it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play-by-play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have




and there's the kick-off


well that's about it folks and until

next time for the blending bowl i'm

terry bradshaw hey thanks for watching



and now a word from mr fred






if you were


if you were a blue whale you wouldn't be

a fish you'd be a mammal mammals have

mothers who feed their babies milk

mammals live on land and in the ocean

if you were a baby blue whale you drink

100 gallons of milk a day

when you got bigger you need a

shrimp-like creature called


you could never eat just one you'd eat

five tons a day

if you were a blue whale you'd hold your



dive you'd know how to suck down krill

but not the water

after 20 minutes you take a breather

you'd breathe out through the biggest

nostrils in the world

also known as blow holes

you would grow until you were as long as

three school buses

you'd be the biggest animal on earth

head to tail

that is if you happen to be a blue whale

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of cliffhanger

today's adventure number

3787 cliffhanger and the mammoth whale


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

suddenly in the water below he catches

sight of

a mammoth whale oh whale cliff grabs his

trusty survival manual from his backpack

and using his expert decoding skills

begins to read

if you catch sight of a whale and it

blasts water from its blow hole

jump on the blast fast

whoa what a blast

i'm free at last is this it has

cliffhanger's life of grasping a branch

past at last no

another blast from the whale sends cliff

back past his branch this is a blast


and that's why he's called cliff hanger


hold on much longer





mr bloomberg


i am not that mr blueberry no see that

mr blueberry is chester blueberry the

scientist that knows all about whales

oh dear no i am dirk blueberry the

monkey who knows all about motorcycle

racing um sorry to disappoint you


he should write a book



and now an important announcement

if you wanna iguana watch this

all right who wrote this

oh this is going to be so cool i'm going

to get a helicopter

cool but

how well by asking mom for one and a


dear mom can i please have a helicopter

i've wanted one my entire life love


oh hey mom what's up

thank you

i'll put it here in my toolbox and i'll

read it when i get a chance okay

okay see you later cubs

it won't be long now

just writing a note won't work you know


oh yes it will

i got the idea from this great book i

just read called i wanna iguana

oh oh wait wait wait wait okay

i wanted iguana by karen kaufman orloff

illustrated by david catro

dear mom

i know you don't think i should have

mikey gulligan's baby iguana when he

moves but here's why i should

if i don't take it he goes to stinky and

stinky's dog lurch

we'll eat it

you don't want that to happen

do you

sign your

sensitive son


dear alex

i'm glad you're so compassionate

but i doubt that stinky's mother will

let lurch get into the iguana's cage

nice try though

love mom


dear mom

did you know that iguanas are really


and they're cute too


i think they are much cuter than



your adorable son alex

dear alex

tarantulas are quiet too

but i wouldn't want one as a pet

by the way that iguana of mikeys is

uglier than godzilla

just thought i'd mention it

love mom

dear mom

you would never even have to see the


i'll keep his cage in my room on the

dresser next to my soccer trophies


he's so small i bet you'll never even

know he's there

love and a zillion and one kisses


dear alex

iguanas can grow to be over six feet


you won't have enough space in your

whole room much less on your dresser

with or without your trophies

love mom


dear mom it takes 15 years for an iguana

to get that big

mikey told me

i'll be married by then

i'm probably living in my own house


you're smart and mature kid alex


dear alex

how are you going to get a girl to marry

you when you own a six foot long reptile


your concerned mother

dear mom forget the girl i need a new

friend now

this iguana can be the brother i've

always wanted



lonely child


dear alex

you have a brother love mom

dear mom

i know i have a brother

but he's just a baby

what fun is that

if i had an iguana i could teach you

tricks and things

ethan doesn't do tricks he just burps

and poops


grossed out alex


dear alex

how do i know you're ready for a pet

remember what happened when you took

home the class fish

love mom

dear mom

if i knew the fish was going to jump

into the spaghetti sauce i never would

have taken the cover off the jar


your son who has learned his lesson


iguanas don't like spaghetti

dear alex

let's say i let you have the iguana on a

trial basis

what exactly would you do to take care

of it

love mom


dear mom

i would feed him every day he eats


and i would make sure he had enough

water and i would clean his cage when it

got messy


responsible alex



what's a trial basis

dear alex

a trial basis means dad and i see how

well you take care of him for a week or

two before we decide if you can have him


remember stinky and lurch are waiting

love mom


if you clean his cage as well as you

clean your room you're in trouble

dear mom

i'll really really really try to clean

my room and the iguanas cage


listen to this

i'll pay for the lettuce with my

allowance i mean

how much can one baby iguana eat anyway


alex the financial wizard

are you sure you want to do this alex

yes mom

i wanna iguana


dear alex

look on your dresser

love mom



thank you thank you

the end


so you see a couple of notes back and

forth he gets an iguana a couple of

notes back and forth i get a helicopter

well gee i hope it works oh yeah special


for a remark a

it's from mom look at that it says uh

dear lionel where would you park it

love mom

gee good question

hey wait right here i'll send one back

to her real good


what thing will we learn today

turn turn turn stop

pets all about pets

pets are animal friends that we love and

who love us there are all kinds of pets

like doggies coochie coochoo hello doggy

oh and cats



and iguanas

not a lot of people have iguanas cool


and oh a piece of toast

that's not a pet but it does make a

great snack

that's all for

one thing at a time

it's polly and the pirate hi i'm paulie

i'm a parent i'm paulie i'm a pirate we

search for treasure shouting

we think it's jolly that both our names

are polyester polly and the pirates


we find polly and the pirate yet again

in search of treasure


it's a remote controlled helicopter

a helicopter i can't wait to fly it

read the map polly where to today

ah it says walk to the closest cactus

and grab the note

after you take the needles out of your

thumb hand polly the note

the note says

open the mailbox and take out the second


take the note from the iguana who lives


i am dead for treasure

next to the mailbox


the treasure

it's a helicopter

ah made of bird seed

as another day of treasure hunting comes

to an end holly and the pirate head back

out to sea

maybe next time there'll be something

for me




and i know lots of reasons


i got a reason





look at that big pile of notes that mama

wrote you yeah we've been riding back

and forth back and forth back and forth

leona i pretty much said every possible

thing i can to get that helicopter

i'm out of words

i'm done so oh well



from your

your mom yeah thanks woof yeah

oh oh read it lino read it

might as well yeah

dear lionel

the monkey behind you has your

helicopter love mom

the monkey behind me has my helicopter

come commence liftoff

oh there you go oh it's hard you can do



you're gonna love this

it worked oh okay um let's see

dear mama i have always wanted a pet

giraffe yeah that sounds good okay

yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website


go to pbskids.org






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