08x104 - Are You a Snail?; Wonderful Worms

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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08x104 - Are You a Snail?; Wonderful Worms

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the


between the lions between the covers



between the lions

for one moment and everything starts

ringing oh my goodness


memorial public library information hen




do you think you are a

snail you don't know

that's why you're asking me


well before i can tell you if you're a

snail i need to learn a little bit more

about snails would you mind holding for

a minute

you're not in a hurry are you


oh good yes well all right oh please

all right let me see if i can find a

snail and something about snails

oh goodness that's not right

something over here maybe snails nails

nails nails snails

getting off cliffs for dummies so that

won't do me any good oh let's see oh oh

god right in front of me

are you a snail by judy allen and tudor

humphreys well this should be able to

help me

are you a snail

if you are your life began in an egg

like one of these

when you hatch you look like this

this is your mother

you are much smaller than your mother

you are very

very small


but you will grow


you have two horns and two eyes on

st*lks you can pull your eyes right down

inside the st*lks and into your head if

you need to


you are


you are very



you have a shell with a beautiful

pattern on it

you have no legs and only one foot

but it is a strong foot

the slime on your strong foot helps you

slide along

wherever you go you leave a silvery

slimy trail


you like damp places

you like to be outside when it has


you have a big rough tongue right inside

of your

mouth use it to rip pieces off of leaves

and eat them

watch out for thrushes

brushes are dangerous

they like to eat

snails they know how to break the shells

off and they don't mind the slime

hide in the daytime

go out at night when the thrushes are



look out for foxes

foxes are dangerous

hungry foxes eat snails and they don't

mind the slime either

foxes go out at night but you can't hide

at night because you need to eat

sometime just be careful

do not go where humans go

you could get squashed

you move too slowly to get out of the



humans don't like you because you eat

their plants

they might put poison or sharp gravel in

the garden

it hurts to walk on gravel also it

sticks to your slime

and poison

poison is poisonous

you may meet someone who looks like this

it is not a snail whose shell has fallen


this is a slug

the winter cold makes you sleepy

find a safe place

your slime hardens into a door in your


the spring warmth wakes you

dribble on the inside of your shell door

it melts away

slime off and find food



if you look a little like this

or this

or this

or this

you are not a snail

you are

a human child


you have no shell on your back

you have no horns and your eyes are not

on st*lks

but you can do a lot of things that

snails can't do

you are not afraid of brushes or

foxes most humans like you

best of all

you are not in the least bit slimy

the end


now let me see where was i


oh oh oh oh

hello sir do you still want to know if

you're a snail

oh good well i have a few questions for

you now are you slimy

well don't get mad sir it's just a


you are slimy hmm interesting do you

move very very slowly no

you do

uh oh were you born in an egg

let's see do you have one foot or two

one foot

are you scared of thrushes

yes you are and lastly do you have a

hard shell on your back

you do

well sir i must proclaim with absolute

certainty that

you sir are a snail

oh congratulations oh you must be very

proud sir oh what oh don't mention it

bye-bye now ender stay away from those


oh oh oh escargot

oh looky looky a snail

more about snails coming up

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

presenting the incredible daring

trampolini brothers

performing the super slimy juggling


three fish that's slimy

six frogs that's even slimier

ten snails that's the slimiest




folks let's hear it for the terrific

trump fellaini brothers



but here comes iguana behind frog snail

is lost moving at a snail's pace coming

into the final stretch frog jumps again

he's stuck in the mud now requires about

he's slipping sideways can it be

yes snail wins

get ready to play with words with arty

smartypants oh thank you thank you

what do i have here

oh a cute little


yes and this is the word

snail yeah

and what word will we have if we take

away the s sound


what word is


this is what we do with the nail where's

my hammer here we go and one two three

hopping out of the bushes is it a bug is

it a squirrel


it's opposite bunny






if you were

if you lived in a shell you might be a


a turtle

a conk

or a spider crab

if you were a spider crab

you'd try hard to hide yourself

you'd live in sea grass on the edge of

the ocean

you'd squeeze in among the rocks

you travel at night under the cover of


and you'd be a master of disguise

your shell would have prickly hairs you

could stick things to

like seaweed and sponges

anything to keep you hidden

when you outgrew your shell and grew a

bigger one

you'd cover up again

but what puts you in such a hiding mood

seagulls of course

you're his favorite food

if he decides to swoop and grab you

hide because that's what spider crabs do

cliff hangers

today's adventure adventure 77

cliffhanger and the giant snail


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff


hold on much longer

suddenly cliff hears a voice calling to




i am here to help you

where are you

up here

i am a giant african snail

i am not big enough to lift you off the

cliff but i will fetch someone who can

that's amazing please hurry

all righty here i go

through autumn



and summer the giant snail makes his way

to fetch cliffhangers rescuers

he must be there by now

whoa you've only gone seven feet and

your point is

my point is that i can't

hold on

much longer


hello information here

are you a slug

well are you slow like a snail but uh


do you have a hard shell on your back

no shell

well that proves it

congratulations sir you are a slug

you're very welcome

you want to come and thank me in person

all right uh see you in say five years

i'll make tea


if you like to wiggle and dig in the

dirt you may be a worm stay tuned to

find out thank you



monkey's really upset because she lost

her pet worm


why why whoa

really upset there there wilma it's not

so bad

my worm my wonderful word


one minute it was right here next to me

and the next minute


did you know that my worm helped me grow

my whole


hide and seek more hiding it's hard to

do because worms don't have eyes

worms don't have eyes

learn something new every day huh worms

are wonderful


how about we read this book about worms

and then maybe we can get some clues

about where little wormy might be yes

please yeah that would be wonderful

go ahead thank you okay now this book is

called wonderful worms by linda glazer

with pictures by loretta krapinski

earthworms are fat and wiggly who like

my fingers and toes

they live where it is cool and dark and


where roots spread out like underground


worms feel sounds with their whole


they feel thunder when i walk

they are wonderful diggers they dig

passageways and burrows

but they don't use shovels or fingers or


how do they do it

they eat their way through and move


they stretch out long and thin and

squeeze in short and fat

stretch and squeeze stretch and squeeze

eat and dig move and dig


earthworms mix and turn the dirt as they

dig and tunnel in the earth

they make the soil soft and airy so the

roots of plants can breathe and grow

worms don't have eyes or ears or a nose

they do have a mouth

and they need food just like i do

but they eat dirt and rotting leaves

they swallow tiny pieces

and inside the worms the food changes


when it comes out of their tail ends it

makes the earth rich so plants can grow

earthworms are my helpers the

underground gardeners

we work hard in the dirt in my garden

their home

the end


i never knew how cool worms were

no wonder you're upset about losing your

worm walmart

wherever he is

i hope he's happy

don't give up yet roma

it's lionel to the rescue

okay could i have your attention please

what we have here is a missing worm

situation here in the library or

possibly outside of the library you're

under the library

well he's here somewhere close by and

our job is to find him

before it's too late what

now let's get looking

oh look out front

i'll take the garden

be careful not to step on him

he can be hard to see

don't be afraid little wormy we're

coming for you we're sending a team


coming up next on between the lions

wonderful words that began with the

letter w


hey i'm hanging here anyway i might as

well watch and so should you








it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play-by-play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have


and in white we have the team

and there's the kick-off



well that's about it folks and until

next time for the blending bowl i'm

terry bradshaw hey thanks for watching



here are some words that begin with the

letter w










and now today's poem read by melissa



by sarah durkee


said the flower

when the breeze brushed its face

that's how delicate it was

now said the baby bird

jumping from the nest

that's how impatient it was


said the girl when she looked at the


that's how curious she was


said the boy

and not another word














and now lionel leona cleo and theo in

lions wiggling

none of the lions are wiggling

some of the lions are wiggling

almost all of the lions are wiggling



all the lions are wiggling


the end



here once again at blending fields where

two brave knights and armor will charge

together at high speed and make a word

competing today we have sir

and sir eep





weep excellent that's gwen's word for

today and this is wayne saying from

steve in my armor

i'll see you next time on quake word

quaint word

it's short story time with artists

i prefer the very funny book and now

uh i will read this book to you

it is called worm watches written and

illustrated by cathy cable

worm watches a movie with ground




worm watches a movie with monsters


worm watches a movie with kissing


worm falls asleep


end that was a very funny worm

which is weird because usually worms

nuts are funny







oh man we've looked everywhere i mean

where could that worm be

uh he'll turn up they always do

you had a lot of missing worms here dad



i just don't get it

one minute i was reading a book and

wormy was perched next to me happy as

can be

looking curiously at the flower pot

and the next thing i know

oh looks like he was in the flower pot

all along well worms do like dirt

i know that now oh he's a cute guy

yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website


go to pbskids.org






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