09x115 - Pigs in Hiding; Stop That Pickle!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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09x115 - Pigs in Hiding; Stop That Pickle!

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions






in hiding

oh hi



i'm just about to read one of my

favorite books but i'm hiding so don't

tell mom and dad okay

this book is called

pigs in hiding by arlene de benovich

i will come to 100 you guys all go hide

okay okay






fifty seven






72 98 99 100

ready or not here i come

nobody here

they must be in the other room



nobody here


nobody here

nobody here either


i know

they're all upstairs



i don't understand there's nobody here



nobody is hiding in the house

they must all be



okay you guys

i've had enough you can come out now

what if they all went home instead of


i know how to find out if they're still




i smell popcorn i smell peanuts


peanuts sandwiches

come out everybody he's gone

where is he

he gave up

he's gone he's gone

i can't believe he's gone


strawberry popcorn

peanuts donuts

strawberries popcorn

i found you




wow that bike was great there were pigs

in the closet and pigs under the bed and

a pig hiding up the tree yeah


shh you gotta be quiet

why do i have to be quiet because i am


oh okay then i'll hide too all right

we're hiding

lionel leona

uh i don't see him anywhere sweetheart i

i checked the coat closet the library

stacks back there the trampoline room

and the new wings what


oh well

they're not here either

right definitely not here

nope we've looked in every corner hmm

what about under the table we haven't

checked there yet


what would lionel and leona possibly be

doing under the table you're right what

was i thinking

i'll bet they're on the roof garden

or they might be under a rock or up a

tree on the roof garden you'll have to

check all those places



where is everybody

nobody is here well i'm here so that's

somebody hey everybody let's watch

it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play by play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have


and in white we have team eye


and there's the kickoff



unbelievable what a play


well that's about it folks and until

next time for the blending bowl

i'm terry bradshaw hey thanks for




is anybody here

nobody is here

now somebody is here

everybody is here


hey where did everybody go

ladies and gentlemen the annual

construction vehicles race is about to

begin all the pigs are climbing into

their vehicles ready pigs start your


uh-oh nobody can get their engines


everybody is getting out of their


all right pigs start your engines again

and they're off

down the stretch it's bulldozer crane

and steam shovel it sure looks like a

close one

oh no all the vehicles have broken down

can they push them to the finish line

but wait what's that pig doing

jenny hold on

and the winner is big on the crane by a

pigtail right

and now lionel leona cleo and theo in

lions wiggling

none of the lions are wiggling

some of the lions are wiggling

almost all of the lions are wiggling


all of the lions are wiggling


the end


dog house










good doggie sit stay up stay

watch this

good doggie

pig and her house

pig is in front of her house


pig is behind her house

pig is next to her house

pig is far away from her house

pig is on top of her house


pig is under her house


we've even got some hairy tails it's

hard to choose which ones are best so

hard we got silly books sad books good


they're all great in their way

but whichever one you

come on and read a book today

we've got books about space and a book

about a race between a coyote and a hair

we got skinny


there's so many kinds of books with

different styles and different looks

which are best we just can't say we

can't say




it's time for short story time with

nobody is here

now somebody is here

ah it's time for short story time


hide and seek written by michelle

knutson illustrated by valeria patron

fish hides behind a plant

frog finds fish

frog hides behind a rock


finds frog


hides behind frog

frog looks for fish


fish taps frog

frog finds fish

the end

arty is hiding behind the plant


and now arky is

beside the place


yeah i know yeah how long have we been

under here

a really long


well do you think we can come out now

yeah we've been under here long enough


okay everybody we are here and we gotcha

yeah we were hiding and you didn't find



where's everybody



chicken monkey


everybody gone


wait a second they're not gone they're

just hiding

on the roof gardens

wait get back downstairs come on


and now


i'm talking into a pickle coming up next

hot tamales testing testing

is this pickle on


you're saying that a pickle escaped from

this book

that's exactly what i'm saying bali he

jumped right out of the brine huh

what's brine it's that salty water that

pickles the pickles kid


perhaps you'll once again turn your

attention to the title

stop that pickle

uh maybe we should start at the

beginning give it a read

i'd be happy to sir uh let's see stop

that pickle by uh peter armor

illustrated by andrew saschat


it was lunchtime when ms elmira deeds

waddled into mr adolf's deli

i would like a pickle please she said

why certainly

said mr adolf wiping his hands

he unscrewed the lid on the giant pickle

jar and looked inside

there was only one fat pickle left

floating in the brine

mr adolf tried to spear the pickle with

a long fork

but each time he did the pickle swam to

the other side of the jar

this pickle did not want to be eaten

mr adolf was rather embarrassed by this

turn of events and he began to dig

around in a drawer for some tongs

as he was doing this the pickle climbed

out of the jar on his little green legs

darted across the counter and ran out

the door


said m*ssile pirates


no one had ever seen a pickle move quite

so fast

stop that pickle

shouted mr adolf giving chase

down the street ran the pickle


mr edol quickly pooped out and had to

sit down on the curb

reclining on a nearby plate a peanut

butter and jelly sandwich heard the

alarm and left up

everyone knows that a peanut butter and

jelly sandwich is not the fastest

sandwich in the world


but it does have great endurance that

can run for a long time without getting

sandwich tired after the pickle

stop that pickle

it shouted

as the pickle and the peanut butter and

jelly sandwich past a bake shop

a fat braided pretzel climbed down from

the counter and stumbled into the street

it ran a few steps behind the peanut

butter sandwich scattering sesame seeds

as it went

stop that pickle

cried the pretzel

enjoying the sun on a nearby tree a

lovely green pippin apple heard the

pretzels cry

and shook itself loose to join the chase

it rolled down every hill it could

a crowd of toasted almonds 17 of them

came skittering down the street

where they came from is anybody's guess

that pickle

they peep with their little almond


a scurrying crowd of raisins and a cake

donut came right behind

the last to join the parade were a cool

bottle of grape juice and an elegant

vanilla ice cream cone sprinkled with


they all had just one thing to say


but the pickle was too fast for them all

he had a great time zigging and zagging

and thumbing his green pickle nose at

his pursuers

sometimes he would stop and read a

newspaper to give them a chance to catch


they were the slowest food he'd ever



on and on went the chase

it seemed that it would never end when


rounding a corner the pickle collided

with a young boy there's the pickle

stunned the pickle lay there the

collision had knocked the wind out of


quickly all of his pursuers gathered



they all cried to the boy

what should i do with him he asked

him of course

they shouted

they were all a bit beside themselves

he's just a silly pickle

now it just so happened that the boy had

been playing hard all morning long and

somehow had misplaced his lunchbox

he was terribly hungry

he looked at the pickle who immediately

began to cry big briny tears

the boy had a better idea

he ate the peanut butter and jelly


the fat braided pretzel

the lovely green pippin apple

the 17 toasted almonds

the handful of raisins

the cake donut

and drink the bottle of grape juice

finally he polished off the ice cream


the only thing left was

the pickle

the boy looked at the pickle and shook

his head

whoever heard of eating a pickle after

ice cream

stop that pickle


well well well

quite the slick pickle

yeah too slick but he won't get away

with it i'll catch him if you see that

pickle call me day or

night i'm in the book

wow that's something sandwich

so uh now let's all keep an eye out

folks there's no way that this pickle's

gonna give us the slip

yeah yeah you can run but you cannot



i kind of liked the pickle daddy

yeah you know i was kind of rooting for

the pickle as well

oh well

okay i gotta admit i'm kind of fond of

him too

here pickle pickle

there pickle pickle whoa that's



hello everybody please welcome my guest

hi there what's coming up on between the

lions well let's see uh oh we got

punctuation question marks exclamation

point oh and a lot of other fun stuff




exclamation point

exclamation point

exclamation point

stop exclamation point



question mark



exclamation point

here's a song about contractions when

you take two words and make em into one


let's make contractions

contractions we're taking two words and

making one


like taking do not

and making don't look at how it's done








look period

look question mark


exclamation point

there's a gorilla at the zoo

he is looking straight at me

this is what gorillas do

see him swinging from a tree


these are only simple facts that's how

this gorilla



what's this

is that gorilla on the moon

is he shining down on me

is he silly as alone

like gorillas shouldn't be


please won't someone tell me why that

gorilla's in the sky

question mark oh boy there's a gorilla

on my floor look at him and he's staring

up at me i'm scared so i'm running out

the door

i am trying to get free


but he says he came to play

he just wants to be my friend

so we played it home all day



this will end now



exclamation point

exclamation point

exclamation point


hey dad

oh hey lionel boy that new janitor we

hired is doing a great job oh yeah a



what dad

dad what that's no janitor


a pickle a what the pickle from the book

stop that fickle

and come back


i think you went this way






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