09x120 - Angelina's Island; Chinese New Year

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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09x120 - Angelina's Island; Chinese New Year

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions


between the covers






island can't hold on much longer

i'm okay i'm okay i want to go home


did you hear that i want to go home

there it is again

oh i know what's going on

okay leona i know it's you you don't

have to hide anymore i'm not hiding

i want to go home

what was that

i don't know


i want to go home it came from over

there i think you're right let's see huh

i want to go home no

i want to go home


way no

i want to go home hey


hmm i want to go home

it's it's coming from

this book

it's called angelina's island by janette


every day i tell mama i want to go home

every day she tells me

we are home angelina

new york is home now

but this is not home

it doesn't sound like home

it doesn't look like home it doesn't

feel like home

every night i dream of my island in the


i dream that the airplane that brought

me here is taking me back home to


i don't want to wake up and leave my

sunny dreams

every morning i tell mama i want to go


every morning she tells me we are home


eat your breakfast

but i want my island food


i dream about mangoes guavas

papayas green bananas star apples

breadfruit callaloo chocho johnny cake

sugar cane aki

and salt fish

and i wake up hungry

the tall buildings hide the sun and the



in my dreams

the sun warms my head

and the sand warms my feet

and the sky is always blue

i want this bus i ride to school to take

me back home

i close my eyes and feel my toes in the

dust of a dirt road

walking to my island school

the bus stops and i open my eyes to the

cold city


the bird on my window ledge has great

feathers but his feathers turn red and

yellow and green under the jamaica sun

i close my eyes and fly home

rainbow colored birds surround me

when i open my eyes the gray bird still

sits on the ledge

mama and papa tell me we have a better

life here

but i miss mama all day while she works

i miss papa all night while he works

and i miss my grandma all the time

i talk to her in my dreams

i don't know the new games here

i want to play the old games i know from


i close my eyes and remember dancing at

carnival with my friends our costumes

growing like fire

then one day mama sees something in the


angelina will like this she says to


angelina is missing home she tells some


can she join in the parade

yes of course but definitely the ladies


i still want to go home i tell mama

just wait she tells me

mama takes me to the costume place

the ladies measure me your costume must

fit just so they say

i see ladies cutting cloth

you will glow like the sun they say

i see men bending wire we are making

your wings they say

i see ladies sewing shiny beads on the

cloth you will shine like the stars they


every day i practice dancing for the

parade i tell mama i still want to go


just wait she says

at last carnival day is here

mama sprinkles glitter on my face

the music begins

this sounds like home

this looks like home

this feels like home

i'm home mama

this is my island in the sun



i wish we could have a party well we're

always having parties we have oh we have

cliff hanger parties birthday parties

line appreciation day parties put the

book back on the shelf party no i mean

like angelina head where we celebrate

where lions come from


party i like you hold it right there

what if you are gonna celebrate where

you two come from then i wanna celebrate


what about sweden don't we get a party


and i am from bolivia

una fiesta

mouse wants to celebrate silicon valley



don't worry leona i have a plan



excellent what's next on between the

lions you'll hear the


made by the letter h be happy dudes









and now tandy lionette


it makes


i am

h makes me




h doesn't play by the rules


still see


it sounds like it's laughing at me

i'm harassed by its cackles


yes yes



capital h

lowercase h







here are some words that begin with the

letter h







thank you thank you from the bottom of

my feet


oh where's the book

oh there it is

beeper paints written by carol alexa

schaefer illustrated by julie lacombe



has a nice house and a great beeper


lionel was right he had a great plan

yes instead of having little parties

we're having


my grandfather taught me how to play

these african drums back when i was a


i didn't know i still had it in me sorry

theo sorry

that means beautiful in swahili

yes leona my great grandmother board

would love these flowers oh they're

beautiful thank you means boss move on

to swedish meatballs oh i'll take one

okay here we are


and now it's time for

chinese new year

thank you

chinese new year


i hear drumming me too me

oh too it's getting closer

it stopped

come in


oh that was a very grand entrance mr

lion dragon

guy uh uh to what do we owe the pleasure


a dvd

well maybe there's something he wants us

to watch

anthony's adventures

chinese new year

hi welcome to anthony's adventures i'm

anthony and today we're in chinatown in

new york city

now you can tell we're in chinatown

because of all the chinese writing on

the signs

and the chinese food

luckily we're visiting right in the

middle of the 15-day celebration of the

chinese new year

every year there's a big parade that

fills the streets with dancing lions

and i just happen to know

one sabrina are you in there yeah hey

sabrina hi hey guys this is my buddy

sabrina hi happy new year happy new year

in chinese it's actually gong hey fat

choi gong

hey i love it and this this is a lion


what does it do

well a long time ago a long long time

ago it was an ancient tradition for the

lions to come out and scare the evil

spirits away and bring good luck and

they do that each new year yeah we do

there's a mirror on the top what is that

for yeah the mirror is actually to show

the reflection of the evil spirits so

they can scare themselves away and the

mouth works on here and yeah and the

eyes blink could i try yeah sure oh

let's see

try a wink

good job anthony

fat troy

sabrina belongs to the chinatown

community young lions and they do a lot

of dancing at this time of year

the chinese new year is filled with

ancient tradition and one of my

favorites is the gift

now this is called a

sabrina hi anthony why do we call this

again it's called a humvao humbao yeah

and it's actually a gift from married

couples which they give to children

filled with money or candy for good luck

and prosperity

thank you

thank you

aren't you going to open it no i have to

wait because it's actually disrespectful

if i open it in front of you

so you have to wait guess so

what do you say we give some of these

out sounds good


this is a drum

wow that's a lot of noise

and that's used to scare away the evil

spirits yes oh wow i wish there was

something i could do to help sure make

the symbols really

oh thanks kyle you're welcome these are


oh you think i could be in the parade

sure but you'll need a shirt

kyle you rock thank you

while the rest of the young lions get

ready for the parade

sabrina treats me to one of my favorite

chinese foods mmm


sabrina how do you say that in chinese

in chinese we call it soy gao soy gao


you know how i say it delicious

what else do you do to celebrate the the

new year the day before new year's we

actually have a lot of friends and

family over for a big dinner like it's

the last meal before the new year and

this is actually one of the main dishes

is it really well hey

here's to new friends huh

cheers you know what would go great with

these dumplings what a parade sounds

good come on

the streets are getting crowded with

excited people waiting for the parade to


the dancers practice one more time


the parade begins

everything in the parade is so bright

and colorful


and loud

and it makes you feel like you're part

of something really big

and you are over a billion people all

over the world celebrate the chinese new


i know one thing for sure

i will always remember it



chinese new year is lots of fun

for you and me and everyone

it's a time for gifts for girls and boys

and dancing lions and lots of noise

it may be cold when new year comes

but we stay warm by beating drums

family and friends share a meal

and celebrate the joy they feel

thanks for joining us here in chinatown

we'll see you next time on anthony's

adventures and if you're an evil spirit

you better get out of here


hey fat choi

happy new year

i want


you know what i want i want to find out

who's inside that lion oh yeah

well maybe whoever's inside there is a

little shy

wait for me

happy new year


birthday happy birthday happy


oh so many things to celebrate let's


rocky are you sure we're going the right

way i don't want to miss that birthday

party velocity i am positive look this

way to birthday hmm


e hey when c is followed by e it makes

the s sound

the word starts with

this way to birthday centipede wait this

way to birthday centipede we're not

going to a birthday centipede we're

going to a birthday party what did you

say we're going to a birthday party

there's another word i once heard that

begins with ce that means

body no



this way to birthday celebration that's

it come on veloce let's go

it's moving it's moving come on legs get

me to that birthday celebration

and now lionel

leona cleo

and theo in

lions dancing

leona starts dancing before all the

other lions

theo will start dancing



lionel will start dancing next

theo will start dancing



cleo will start dancing next

theo will start dancing

after cleo after cleo

wait a minute

after cleo that's now


the end

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of


today's adventure episode number seven

cliffhanger celebrates kiss a moose week


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff can

hold on much longer

suddenly cliff notices two moose

standing on a high wooden platform


a banner above them reads kiss me i'm a


in a flash cliff reaches into his

backpack and extracts his trusty

survivor manual

using his impressive decoding skills

cliff begins to

read if you see two moose standing on a

nearby platform ask them to help you

say will you please get me off this


no can do until we finish our job as

official cheerleaders of national kiss a

moose week but after that your wish is

our command i have to wait a whole week

it's only seven days

and day one starts now my fellow moose

what day is it sunday

what's that mean

we got kiss

the next morning

and what day is it now


and so it goes through tuesday wednesday

thursday friday and finally saturday

well that's it for kiss a moose week


now that your celebration is finally

over will you please get me off this


well as i said last sunday your wish is

our command

and that's why



hold on much longer

we got long story short stories art

stories sports stories books about the

wild wild west liver we got fairy tales

we've even got some hairy tails it's

hard to choose which ones are best so

hard we got silly books sad books good

books bad boys they're all great in

their way

but whichever one you choose they just

can't lose come on and read a book today

we've got books about space and a book

about a race between a coyote and a hair

we got skinny books fat books dog books

and cat books and one about


there's so many kinds of books with

different styles and different looks

which are best we just can't say we

can't say whichever one you pick

it'll do the trick hey come








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