10x125 - Roller Coaster; What Do Wheels Do All Day?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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10x125 - Roller Coaster; What Do Wheels Do All Day?

Post by bunniefuu »

hey now

hey wow

here's how

come and read

between the lions




oh yeah today's the day that's so

exciting oh

guess what

my dad's about to take the training

wheels off my bike

it's true i've got my trusty wrench the

perfect tool for taking off

training wheels

okay everyone here we go



this is exciting

what if what if i can't ride my bike

without the training wheels oh

honey once you get the hang of it you'll

be great it it's just like riding a


it is riding a bicycle theo exactly now

let's do this thing

oh boy one you got two

oh come on

oh i'm not ready


now i'm ready

i'm done no i'm not ready yes i am no

i'm not oh i'm not ready honey honey

daddy's getting a little tired this all

you know


i'm sorry daddy

i'm just a little scared


i think it's time for that book we were

talking about yes

the book book

it's called

roller coaster by marla frazee

all of these people are waiting in line

for the roller coaster most of them have

written on lots of roller coasters

some of them have only ridden on a

roller coaster once or twice

at least one of them has never ridden on

a roller coaster before


the roller coaster is very big and very


you must be tall enough to ride it

but sometimes even those who are tall

enough decide they don't want to

lots of people change their mind about

riding the roller coaster at the very

last minute

finally it is time to get into the cars

the ride operator says load them up to a


when everyone is buckled in the operator

rings a bell

then he releases the brake

the train jerks forward on the tracks

now it is too late for anyone to change

their mind


the train is pulled up


most people scream

some people can't make a sound and one

person can't even open her eyes

a train sips

it zooms

it dips and dies

and goes



most of these people are dizzy

some of them have wobbly knees

but at least one of them is planning to

ride the roller coaster again

right now

wow that was so cool

yeah i love the way that roller coaster




i know why you read me that book

that girl was scared of the roller

coaster at first

but then she tried it anyway

and then she loved it


okay daddy

i'm ready take off those wheels


it seems to be a little stuck oh look

count again okay


don't go away as soon as daddy gets

those wheels off i'm gonna ride yep




excellent what's next on between the

lions zigzagging with the letter z

zoom on dudes





i like it when it's mislead by eileen


i like it when it's mislea

and just a little drizzly

so everything looks far away

and make-believe

and frisley

i like it when it's foggy

and sounding very froggy

i even like it when it rains

on streets

and weepy window panes

and catkins on the poplar tree

and me

here in mississippi there are a lot of

interesting words that begin with the

letter z







lowercase z


and it's written by margaret and john


hit it boys

in winter when it's zero i zoom straight

home from play

but when the springtime sun is bright


the um people

sick of all the rhinos ruining her

picnic gritty little monica maxwell has

rounded them up and zipped them into a

big zippered bag

but wait a minute what's this oh no it's

the evil on people

they're putting an um in front of the

word zipped causing the zipper on the

big zippered bag to become unzipped

those dragon rhinos are loose again

despair not pretty little monika the

heroic gree people are here

look they've re-rounded up the rhinos

and re-zipped them into the big zippered


thank you people you're incredible

flying off the shelf once again it's the

continuing daring and dangling

adventures of



today's adventure episode 800

cliff hanger and the sneezing zebum


excuse me

excuse me

we find cliffhanger where we left him

last hanging from a cliff can

hold on much longer

suddenly cliff hears a loud sneeze

gazoon tight thank you by the way

i'm a zebra what's a zebu

a kind of ball that comes from asia

as you can see i have long snazzy

looking horns

cliff reaches into his backpack and

extracts his survival manual

using his amazing decoding skills cliff

begins to read

if you see a zebu with very long horns

ask him to lower his head

then grab onto his horns and get him to

pull you up to safety

hey mr zebu

how's about lowering your head so i can

grab on to your horns and then pulling

me up to safety

my pleasure


mr cebu what can i do to return the

favor well a hanky might be nice

sounds i happen to have one in my

zippered pocket right here

a red hanky

for a book

are you crazy



hold on much longer



hey dad remember when you taught me how

to ride a bike oh i sure do son heck i

even remember when my own father taught

me to ride a bike they had bikes back


okay leona

i think that's enough for today


and now you are about to see what wheels

do all day

what do we do all day


hey everybody how you doing hey i just

rolled in but boy am i tired

but seriously i got no sleep last night

in fact i was tossing and turning all


get it come on get it i'm not tired i

was turning


uh everybody's a critic oh hello hi

there let me introduce myself the name

squeaky squeaky wheel well hello there

squeaky oh what can we do for you what

can you do how about a little

appreciation that's all i ask a little

thanks for all the hard work nobody

knows what it's like for us wheels

anyway yeah spin it

it's work work work i tell you it's an

endless cycle

that's good no that's not true squeaky

people do appreciate you oh really oh

and hey uh we've got a book that proves

it you got a lot of books around here

right here that was good thanks honey

it's called

what do wheels do all day by april jones

prince and illustrated by giles laroche

theo may i oh yeah please cleo dear

thank you my love


what do wheels do all day




wheels help to make us go

wheels whiz


wheels work

wheels carry travelers

wheels circle


wheels spin

wheels race




wheels putter


wheels parade and wheels patrol


wheels twirl

wheels fly


wheels soar into the sky

wheels work


and wheels play


that's what wheels do all day

the end

i've spent my entire life going around

in circles

but this book this book has changed

everything think of all the other wheels

that could help suitcase wheels your

wheels on the bus go round and round oh

hey the wheel's right here on this book

cart oh yeah look at this push keep on

trucking little guys

i gotta get the word out i'm gonna round

up a whole bunch of wheels and i'm gonna

tell it like it is roll with this

squeaky roll with it

man that wheel is pumped

hello everybody please welcome my guest


hi there what's coming up on between the

lions well let's see we've got all kinds

of transportation with wheels subways

trains trucks

oh and more bike riding too

for lossy i can't wait to get to the

cyclist me either brocky those clowns

make me laugh wait how are we gonna get

there oh look a sign take the sir so

take the sub sir


take the submarine to the surface

what's with the mask everyone knows

submarines travel in the ocean


smell that fresh sea air i don't think

we're waiting for a suburb they're not

can't be we're underground not

underwater and there are tracks and

tunnels what white starts with sub

travels underground on tracks and

through tunnels somewhere


take the subway to the circus

rocky look

any of you guys know when the next

train's coming

things to do if you are a subway

by bobby katz

pretend you are

a dragon



in underground caves

more about underneath the city

swallow piles of people

spit them out at the next station

zoom through the darkness

be an express

go fast

make as much noise as you please














get ready to play with words with arty

smarty pants

thank you thank you


look what do i have here

oh a


yes and this is the word train

and what word will we have if we take

away the




and now it's time for

those magnificent monkey cheerleaders


ready okay

give me a bus


one more time

a cement mixer is the kind of truck that

makes concrete you know the hard stuff

that sidewalks and streets are made of

it has big wheels and a cab the driver

sits in and a big round part where you

pour in sand and stones and dry cement

and water

it spins and spins to mix everything up

so the concrete doesn't get all hard

before you pour it out in the back

then you cover it all with pink and

purple stars

i made that part up it's time for good

story time


thank you thank you i thank you and my

sparky pants thank you

let's see what i got


ethan's bike written by johanna hurwitz

illustrated by brian flucka

ethan rides his bike

ethan falls off his bike oh

ethan rides his bike again yay


falls off his bike again


dad help ethan ride his bike


dad and ethan ride their bikes



falls off his bike oh

ethan helps dad

ride his bike

the end


arcy rides his bike




what a great turnout


but i tell you folks it's tough being a

wheel isn't it

i mean even my doctor i get no respect

no respect at all i say doc i'm

exhausted he says squeaky you're just



why the heck do you talk so much i say

i'm a born



it's time i'm burning rubber


yeah funny stuff squeaky yeah they were

rolling in the aisle oh come on

sweetheart oh this has been the best day

of my life and i owe it all to youtube

oh well you know what they say squeaky

one good turn deserves another oh


it's getting kind of loud in here hey

i'm sorry i can't hear you it's getting

kind of loud in here

i think you might be ready to take your

act on the road oh i like it well this

wheel better get going while he's still

on a roll

oh boy what a guy i'm gonna miss having

him around

around like a round


this will end now



exclamation point

yo check it out we're going surfing

without a board dudes okay because we're

surfing between the lions website okay

go to pbskids.org


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