10x126 - Not Norman; Me and My Cat?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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10x126 - Not Norman; Me and My Cat?

Post by bunniefuu »


pbs kids


here's how

come and read

between the lions


between the covers


not norman

and mouse

my next guest appears in a wonderful

book called not norman please welcome

not norman thank you joy but not norman

is not my name that's just the name of

the book my name is norman


it's not not norman no it's not it's

just norman okay norman

i love your book

thank you joy

in the story you're a goldfish yes a pet

goldfish you see the story's about a

little boy and i had a pet goldfish once

her name was gold that's nice

anyway this boy gets a goldfish for a

pet but he didn't want one so he was he

was so easy to take care of well that's

true goldfish are good pets except when

we went for walks the water used to

splash on my shoes why don't we take a

look at the book oh the book right not

norman a goldfish story from author

kelly bennett

when i got norman i didn't want to keep

him i wanted a different kind of pet

not norman

i wanted a pet who can run and catch or

one who could climb trees and chase

strings a soft furry pet to sleep on my

bed at night

not normal

all norman does is swim around and

around and around and around and around

and around and around and around


this is it norman i decide i'm training

you for a good pet norman doesn't move

not even a fin twitches

how can i trade him like this

no one will want a sorry looking fish in

a dunky bowl

when i drop norman into his nice clean

bowl he starts dipping and flipping

flapping his fins around he looks so

goofy i have to laugh

don't think that just because you made

me laugh i'm going to keep you i tell

him tomorrow you're out of here

norman blows a stream of bubbles

the next day i take norman to school

with me if i talk about real good during

show and tell

someone will want it

on the way there we see my friend austin

austin has a real cool dog and seven


wanna swap one of your pups for norman i


who's norman ask austin my goldfish i



by the time i rescue mormon half his

water is gone

i'm sorry i tell norman when we get to

school i'm really sorry

he just stares at me all googly eyed

finally it's my turn to show just as i

start to talk about goldfish emily

shouts jenny's gone who let my snake


does anyone hear the story of how i got

norman is anyone even asked to hold his

bowl no

they're all jumping and screaming and

chasing the snake


not norman he's looking right at me

thanks for listening i tell him


that afternoon we go to my music lesson

as soon as it's over i'm taking norm

back to the pet store

i take out my tuba and begin to play

i glanced over at norman he swaying back

and forth google good luck emails

look norman's singing i say pay

attention snap smash through and try to

play the proper notes

my shirt makes me stay for extra

practice by the time my lesson is over

it's too late to go to the pet store

don't think that just because you like

my music i'm going to keep you i tell

norman he plugs

that night i'm sound asleep when

what's that noise

yikes there's something at the window

then at the corner of my eye i spot


he isn't scared he isn't swimming around

in circles either he clogs and gives me

a little wave

i'm not alone


together norman and i slide open the


it was just a broken tree bridge

thanks for watching out for me norman


on saturday i take norman to the pet

store just like i said i would i look at

the cats and dogs snakes and birds i

look at the hamsters and mice and

lizards do

they all look like good pets but they

are not normal



when i got normal i wasn't sure i wanted

to keep it but now even if i could pick

any pet in the whole world

i wouldn't trade

not normally

the end

who knew a goldfish could be such a good


oh i'll tell you what else are good

these weedy meat treats yummy they're

the best

but that poor norman he kept doing all

those things to help him the boy didn't

even notice well until the end right yep

yep that's what you call

an unappreciated goldfish now now these

wheaty meat treats are very appreciated

by me


hey cubs huh do you think it's time we

go do that thing we talked about huh

that thing that thing oh the thing yes


we're gonna help mom with that thing


see we're going to go what's that leona

oh nothing theo uh come on cub yeah

nothing's too hard nothing


hey wait a minute who's gonna help me

with all this

i can't believe that they just left me

with with this mess here

go and do i get a do i get a thank you

daddy or a hey you go there theo



today i feel just like that that

goldfish norman totally unappreciated



axed next

excellent what's next on between the

lions oodles and noodles of nonsense

with the letter n

no kidding dudes








and now the word doctor with dr ruth


hello here's dr ruth

i'm dr ruth wartheimer

with another word that's tired of being

what it is and wants to change

isn't that right yes i'm hot

hot all the time

okay don't sweat it i can help you

i'll do anything dr ruth okay send your

first letter the letter h away my first


i can


then you can stay hot

change is up to you

okay i'll do it

very good


meet your new first letter the letter n


you were once hot

but now you are not i'm not

thank you dr ruth you're welcome


not bad


capital n

lowercase n



here in oregon these are some fun words

that begin with the letter n hmm





it's game time and welcome to the

blending bowl i'm terry bradshaw and

i'll be doing the play-by-play today for

this incredible showdown in red we have



and in white we have team oodles

and there's the kickoff



all right noodles

well that's about it folks and until

next time for the blending bowl i'm

terry bradshaw hey thanks for watching



and now coming up next you will have the

pleasure of seeing what's coming up next

thank you

ladies and gentlemen boys and girls

presenting the incredible daring

trampolini brothers performing the noisy

balancing ballyhoo

that's noisy


that's even noisier

that's the noisiest of all




folks let's hear it for the terrific

trampolini brothers


oh great and now i have to answer the

door too i suppose can't believe this

what now

oh gosh

what's up


happy theo

appreciation day

theo appreciation day


we want you to know just how much all of

us appreciate you

feel rocks

because you dare


you're the best dad oh


they appreciate me you you really

appreciate me thank you thanks dad

oh dad yeah yeah dig in


i can't do this alone


the story you are about to see is

recommended only for those who like to

laugh ha-ha

thank you

me and my cat


oh greetings computer mouse is

performing some maintenance work on

library computer

malfunction malfunction computers are

not supposed to smoke and spark oh

there's smoke coming out of the computer

well that can't be good oh no i hope

it's not broken well it sure looks that

way huh


oh leona huh




oh no lionel and leona have switched

places with theo and cleo oh dear oh

dear computer mouse music some kind of a

dream this is too weird yeah

i'll say

yeah really

you know

this actually reminds me of a story

about a boy and his cat

really really

me and my cat by satoshi kitamura

late one night an old lady in a pointed


came in through my bedroom window

she brandished her broom at me and fired

out some words then she left without

saying goodbye


nicholas wake up you'll be late for


it must be mom it must be morning again

mom dragged me to the bathroom and made

me wash and dress


downstairs she interrupted my breakfast

she was furious

she carried me off to catch the school

bus i had gone

but i was still here

how strange i thought to myself pulling

my whiskers



i rushed to the bathroom and looked at

myself in the mirror


leonardo my cat was staring back at me

but it wasn't him inside it was me


i couldn't believe my eyes i had turned

into a cat

don't panic i told myself

i sat in the armchair to consider the

situation carefully

i fell asleep

when i woke up i felt a little better

i hopped into the table and from there

to the top of the shelves


what fun i could never do this before

i decided to leap toward the cupboard on

the other side of the room

ready set

mom threw me out of the house

time to go for a walk i thought


i came across three mean looking cats


excuse me

may i go through

i said

no go away it's our wall replied one

i think the wall belongs to everything

but before i could finish my sentence

they were all over me

we punched and kicked and scratched one

another until we fell off the wall


a dog came running toward us barking


the cats ran away in all directions

it was bernard mr stone's dog he's a

sweet dog my favorite in the


thanks bernard you came just in

me out of time garden

of course he couldn't recognize me



this was the world that leonardo lived


life was as tough and complicated as it

was for humans

when i got home i went into the house

then i heard a scratching noise coming

from the front door

it was me

back from school trying to get in

through the cat flap

but was he me nicholas or was he poor

little leonardo inside my body

once indoors he continued to behave


he scratched himself earnestly

and when that was done he challenged his

shoes until they surrendered

he licked his sweater clean then spent a

long time sharpening his nails

he found the goldfish particularly


but you didn't seem to like me at all

at last mom saw something was wrong with

her son

she became so worried that she called

the doctor and asked him to come at once

nothing to worry about said dr wire

he's just a little over tired send him

to bed early and he'll be fine in the



mom was still very upset

she held him tight in her arms all


i felt sorry for them both

i climbed on leonardo in my shape and

stroked his cheek

he purred

then mom stroked me gently

i purred

later that night the old lady in the

pointed hat came in through my bedroom


sorry love i got the wrong address she


she brandished her broom and blurted out

some words

then she left without saying good night

nicholas wake up

you'll be late for school i heard mom

shouting everything was back to normal

at school mr mcguff sat on the table

he scratched himself licked his shirt

and fell asleep for the rest of the


wow you know i feel just like that boy

nicholas when he got switched with his


watch me pounce what do you mean what

wow you haven't pounced like that in

years honey yeah i got you pretty good

i'm going to do that

i missed you this time will you try me

i'll pounce you now


and now i'm going to pounce on you

whoa whoa

all right you two

keep it down

i like being mama and dad yeah hey you

guys you guys check it out yeah watch me

leap over this stack of books


didn't make it

and i know just what dad would say right

about now what's what's that son cubs

clean up this mess


yeah you sound just like me

i have clicked every key on this

computer and have not been able to

switch the lions back into themselves oh

mouse is getting hey

hello everybody please welcome my guest


what's coming up on between the lions

well let's see joy uh oh there's a great

video and a poem about cats

did you know lions are cats too


videos if you were if you were a cat you

would be a house cat or a wild cat

and whether you lived inside or out

you'd be all cat without a doubt with

big eyes you'd see things moving in the


your ears could hear the tiniest sound

your soft furry feet like bedroom

slippers would make you sneaky quiet

with paws hiding sharp claws you would

climb trees where a long tail would keep

you balanced

if you fell you'd twist in the air and

land on your feet

if you were a cat you'd hunt for prey

leap and be king of the jungle

then you would do what all cats do

take a cat nap and if you were a wild

cat you'd nap in the wild

if you were a house cat you'd prefer

your nap in a lab

someone is sleeping in this book tabby

cat at night by phyllis root

illustrated by katherine mcewen

it is night


sammy is sleeping


but tabby cat is awake


tabby cat plays with her tail

happy cat plays with a ball

tabby cat plays with a string


tabby cat please with a piano


now sammy is awake

the end

cats by eleanor fargean

can't sleep anywhere

any table

any chair

top of piano

window ledge

in the middle

on the edge

open drawer

empty shoe

anybody's lap will do

fitted in a cardboard box

in the cupboard with your frocks


they don't care

cats sleep anywhere


you know being a grown-up is not as much

fun as i thought it was going to be


kids definitely have more fun yeah

worry not computer mouse has found help


now don't be upset little computer mouse

all you need to do is switch the

motherboard and the fatherboard with the

little cupboard

there everything is now okey-dokey


again me too



it looks like we're all back

right george you did it boy it is sure

good to be me again

uh leona yes tag you're in

well there they go again oh you know

theo there's really no reason why

grown-ups can't play too you are

absolutely right cleo my dear

tag but you're it






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