27x15 - Reunion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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27x15 - Reunion

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: welcome to the

"Survivor: blood vs. Water"

Reunion show live in loss

Lang-- los angeles, a lot to

Talk about.

We have the entire group

From the season, all cleaned

Up, looking so pretty.

Plus in the audience we have

Last year's winner, john


His life has taken a very

Big and exciting turn since

We last saw him and we're

Going get that update.

And we're going to show you

Like we did last season a

Tease of what we're doing

Next season to see if you

Can figure it out.

First we have a new winner

And his name is tyson!

(Cheers and applause)

I think tonight I fell

Back in love.

None of you have a chance

In hell.

Jeff: tyson is hurt, are

You all right?

My shoulder popped and I

Can't lift it.

I'm threat number one.

Everyone knows that.

But when rachel left, I told

Myself if I was going to

Stay I had to get to the


Tyson score, I don't

Want to come off as the

Kingpin or decision maker, I

Am like the big bad wolf.

Tyson win, final


(Cheers and applause)

Jeff: so first of all

Tyson, congratulations.

We have loyal, loyal fans.

People understand this game.

They know how hard it is.

You played three times.

So what was different this


You know, with the blood

Versus water theme, I went

Out there just to have fun

And let rachel have an

Experience that I had had.

And she could connect with

Me better.

And when she sacrificed for

Me, wouldn't let me go in a

Trade, I told myself I had

Already had the experience

Of getting voted out twice.

And for me to make her

Sacrifice worth it, I had to

Defy-- I had to fight and

Scrape to get to the end.

All the time, 24/7.

Jeff: and was that

Dramatically different, did

It manifest itself inside

You at times where you

Thoughts maybe I will be

Risky or maybe I will try

And do something silly.

Yeah, definitely.

It mostly kept me focused.

And it kept me focused when

Other times I play I kind of

Have, you know, brain farts

Or just thought, you know,

I'm so tired, I will just

Relax for the day.

And every time I wanted to

Relax I said no, I have to

Keep fighting.

I have to make sure

Everything is going my way.

I really think it helped me

Keep focused.

I'm not a focused


Jeff: rachel, are you

Surprised he's here, that

You had that big of an

Impact, that you wered


Yeah, I am.

I had made that decision.

I was really confident about

Doing that at the time.

But and I always knew he had

It in him to get to the end.

But I still left that game

And still wondered and hope

Odd, you know, that I did

Make the right decision.

Jeff: try to tell me, I

Always ask this at the live

Shows, to give the people

Who haven't had a chance to

Play but to think about it

And dream about it, the

Physical demands.

Not just what we see with

Bug bites and toe nails but

The emotional, the mental

Fat agency.

You know I don't think

Very many people other than

Caleb slept more than two

Hours a night.

Jeff: glen g to a big

Shot, of the whole group.

Did you really stay up a lot,

Worried, wondering what

People are saying.


It's hard to sleep.

It's difficult to sleep

On the bamboo and then on

Top of that, you've got

Strategy running through

Your head 24/7.

Every single scenario is

Playing through my mind,

What if so-and-so gets voted

Out what if so-and-so wins

The challenge what is my

Next move.

And I tried have an a, b and

C plan in place all the


And so I would get like a

Half hour of sleep here or

There through the night for

A total of two or three


But when I was lying awake

Staring at the sky, all I

Was thinking about was how

Can I get one step further

With the people I need to.

Jeff: an I got to say, I

Like this-- not that I don't

Like the other tyson.

Yeah, I hate that guy.

Jeff: well, you can

Be-- because you just circle,

Circle with sarcasm, I like

Now that it is overseeing

This guy who can clearly

Form a sentence and stay on

Track and have the beautiful

Girl friend.

Right, score.

Jeff: well, monica made

It to the end tap.

And although she only

Received one vote in the

Final tribal, she impressed

A lot of people this season

With her dominating physical


(Cheers and applause)

All right this one is for

The kids.

Jeff: monica, the only

Woman in the challenge.

Now that I don't have

Brad any more, I have to

Think about me.

Jeff: monica has if!

I'm sheer to show the

Kids more than one bad ass

Lives in our house.

Jeff: tyson is out,

Monica wins her secretary

Immunity in this game.

That monica is going to

Sit in med yok rit, she died

In samoa.

Jeff: monica wins her

Third individual immunity.

Peace out jses for its



Monday ca, I think it's

Fair to say that you and

Brad both, you're compelling,

Polarizing, controversial.

People either love you or

Love to hate you or like him

But don't like you or love

You but don't like him.

I mean it goes all over the


But one consistent thing

With people this season as

Each episode came on, you

Earned more and more and

More respect.

And you kept saying I'm

Doing this for me.

And I'm doing it to show the


Why is it so important.

What is it about your life

That you needed the kids to

Know there's more than one

Bad ass as you said in the


Well, thank you for the

Nice compliment, to start.

It took until I actually

Watched the show and watched

The edit that I thought, you

Know, what was survivor

About for me.

It was about as a young

Woman you-- a young child

You have a dream of what

It's going to be like when

You get married and spended

Rest of your life with


And brad has surpassed every

Single one of those dreams.

And the life that we built

Together with those three

Kids, is priceless.

And I fought so hard and

Worked so hard in all the

Challenges to just sort of

Say thank you.

And that even though you

Made this great time for us,

I'm still that gritty little

Coed that caught your eye at

University of florida 23

Years ago.

And I haven't met any of

This go to my head.

And I love you.

So thank you.


Jeff: so we have been

Starting to get some twitter

Questions in from our


Billy girl wants to know so

What did your kids say.

They're at home, watching

Week by week.

You know, the kids said

This mom, we're so proud but

We're not surprised.

As a mother, I think every

Mother is a rock star to her

Kids whether she plays

Survivor or she doesn't.

Jeff: so what was the

Emotional wear and tear,

Because we just saw it.

By the time we get to day 39

You're exhausted.

How hard was that for you?

Because it seemed to get

Very personal.

You know, jeff, from the

Very first inwalk redemption

Island, it hurt me more than

It hurt brad how he was


And I felt like from day

Three to day 39.

I was just pummeled.

And I'm not somebody who

Normally gets down and the

Crying, it was very


Jeff: I want to pop-- who

Is the person that was

Talking to-- you, yeah, we

Were talking before the


What is your name.

>V fikki.

Jeff: you were talking to

Me about monica and her out


What was your take on how

She played and why did you

Have such a connection.

I just felt that monica

Stayed true to herself the

Entire game just by what her

Tribe mates might have said

About her or said to her, in

Addition to her husband.

And she dominated challenges

And she deserved to be


Jeff: you felt brad was

Hard on her too.

At times, yes.

But at the same time, you

Know, they have that

Relationship with each


And I think that they knew

They were in a game


So-- .

Jeff: thank you, so brad,

What is that like for you to

See monica, you know, having

All these people say all

These comments about her.

It was very difficult,


And watching the edit was


Monica is one tough cookie.

I know she can handle it and

I know she shoe it was a

Game and everybody was

Trying to beat her.

I will tell you this, rex,

Judge, honor, myself, we

Have known that more than

One bad ass lives in our

House for a long time before


Thank you, babe.

I love you more now than

I ever did when we got


Jeff: we know you guys

Complete each other.

We do, we love it gervase, I

Have to move on to gervase.

One more thing, vytas,

This is what it is like at


This is what happened.

I keep talking, asking

Questions and brad and

Monica are having their own


You rock.

Gervase, the big question I

Got with you from people on

The street was why didn't

You take a leadership-- a

More visible leadership


Strategically you had to

Have thought through that.

Well, it's hard.

I mean when we were in

Galang aras was kind the

Leader of the tribe.

You can't have two leaders,

Only one.

Are you following aras's


When aras went and it was

Tyson, it was my strategy,

Look, tyson is in the front,

So if anybody wanted to take

Out our alliance, they are

Going to go for tyson first

Which gives me three days to

Come up with a new plan.

To me that was smart game


Jeff: so along the game

Are you thinking I can still

Win even though the

Perception is he's the


Or are you thinking at some

Point something is going to

Have to break for me to

Slide in.

Yeah, I thought I could

Win, but I always had the

Plan of getting rid of tyson

In the back of my head.

I'm sorry, bro, I love you,

But I was.

It had to be the right


Like tyson, when I was

Trying to get rid of aras hi

No way to do testimony.

I couldn't talk to tina.

Jeff: so you knew what

You were doing.

Tyson came to me and said

Dow want to got rid of aras,

I was thinking the same

Thing, let's do it it was

Hard because I didn't know

If I could trust caleb,

Hayden, ciera, because would

They go for me next it was

Kind of I was backing myself

Into the corner, man.

Jeff: which speak of how

Difficult this game is, you

Got to the end but

Everything has to line up.

Ciera, two of the biggest

Moves this season were made

By you.


And I got to say, it really

Surprised me because when it

Started I thought you were


I thought you were done


So let's talk about the

Drawing of the rocks.

Did it really happen at

Tribal like it felt it did

To me.

It totally happened at


And it was crazy, crazy.

I mean I'm sitting here

Thinking, like, okay, ciera

Are you proor.

Like am I really poor, when

It hit me in my mind that I

Didn't come here for fourth

Place, I came here to to


I thought am I going to play

To four, go home and then

Wish like dude, you should

Have made a move when you

Had the chance.

So I just thought I'm going

Go for t try to make a big

Move, maybe win some jury

Votes, maybe go home.

Jeff: if you ever get on

This show, that is how you

Play, right there.

You don't play for four or

Five or to make the jury.

You play to win.

Hayden, you, that was one of

The best jobs at tribal


Because season after-- I

Would say every third or

Fourth season somebody

Debates we might go to


But nobody can ever sell

Them on it you really

Sold-- were you-- were you

Planning that?

Or did you pick up when

Gervase said you're four.

No, I mean-- I knew going

Into tribal my back was

Against the wall.

I was going home.

You know what, you go into

That scenar job, we're

Playing for a million


You swing for the fences.

And I'm thinking okay, if I

Can force a rock draw, I got

A chance.

I went in, gervase said

Somehow, some way he

Mentioned ciera being four,

Man ca mentioned it, I

Mentioned it, you might as

Well come with me, you can

Be three.

Jeff: the other big move

You fulfilled the promise of

Blood versus water when you

Voted out your mom.

And there's a scene for me

Was one of the most powerful

Of the whole season, a lot

Of moms talked to me about

It and that was when laura

You explained what it was

Like to watch your daughter

Grow up in front of your

Eyes, even though it meant

Getting rid of you.

It's worth another look.

Go ahead.

To hear my daughter say,

This is what I am going to

Do mom, as an individual

Player in the game.

Oh not but as a mother, it

Makes me proud because

Ultimately for me, I wanted

This game to teach my

Daughter how strong she is.


Schieffer: .

Jeff: so what did that do,

You're both moms.

Ciera, you were really open

And vulnerable about

Explaining that you were a

Young mom, and how much you

Have grown.

And you're still a young

Woman watch.

Did it do to this


Because it looked at some

Point like there was a role


She started to mentor you.

There you will absolutely


I was on redemption island

For 7 days so I have no idea

What is going on.

I had to trust my daughter's

Discernment to tell me what

Is going on in this game.

Because I haven't had any

Contact with anybody.

So it was a complete role


Jeff: are you closer?

I don't know if we ever

Could be any closer.

We're close.

I think that the role

Reversal just added a new

Element to our relationship.

I don't think that it really

Made us closer, just more

Respect, her for me.

Absolutely more respect

For her.

And I think america saw why

There was so much drama was

They saw the tug of us, that

We want to be first.

I taught her, we don't play

For fourth, we play for


And they saw the tug of


Jeff: and she taught you

That playing is what


Not where you finish is

Giving the effort it was a

Beautifulling I loved having

You guys out there.

All right, up next, this

Guy is one of the most

Popular to ever play


And he sacrificed himself so

His wife could play.

And this guy is maybe one of

The most des pieced to ever

Play survivor and instead of

Sacrificing to help his

Partner, he just quit

Leaving his partner all


Rupert and colton are next.


What you are crying


I can't do this.

Jeff: we brought a

Quitter back and we got a

Quitter again.

I don't care what you

You all say.

You can win this game.

I can't win.


Jeff: welcome back to the

Survivor blood versus water

Live reunion show.

All right, colton.

So let's review.

The first time I played I


On a tribe of all men.

Jeff: okay, so that's the

Reason it didn't go.

Well sure.

Jeff: okay.

The second time I played I

Was --

On the opposite tribe of

Caleb or on tribe aarp.

Jeff: you know it's

Interesting, I didn't know

How this was going to go.

And for some reason I still

Root for you as a person but

As an ambassador of the show,

I mean you've quit, you know,

You've not performed.

Okay, you've quit once and

You had a medical evacuation,


But I think it's funny that

You're the one making jokes

About aarp when the aarp

Kicked your ass and stayed

Out there the entire time.


And I'm telling you, colton,

Total honesty, we talked a

Week ago, I said you can

Redeem or bury

Yourself whatever you want

To do.

So what is the deal.

You have this guy in caleb

That everybody adores.

And I'm sure it must hurt

When people say what does he

See in you, and that stuff.

What is it,?

Because it wasn't that

Difficult this was one of

The most easiest seasons of

Survivor, if there can be

Such a thing.

So it wasn't-- marissa, you

Don't know, just telling


I'm saying there wasn't this

Rain it wasn't this horrible

Deal why did you quit, why

Did you quit for the first


Okay, so here's what I

Figured out after two


Basically my entire life I

Have-- I felt like I needed

Other people to take care of


And I've always looked for

Other people, like whether

It be my mom or caleb or you

Know n my first season,


And so when those weren't

There, I just freaked out.

And so what I finally

Figured out is I have to be

Enough for me.

I have to, when things get

Tough and when things get

Hard, I have to dig down

Deep and I have to pull up

My cajunes and say I am a

Man, I can do this and I can

Persevere on.

Jeff: caleb, what do you

See in colton that we don't?

What are we missing?

No, I don't mean that as a

Jab, I mean what don't we


Well, you know, you put

Somebody else in the

Wilderness and I mean he

Likes to stay inside.

He likes to run the air

Conditioner, down in the

Summertime and the heat high

In the wintertime.

He likes to be comfortable.

And he likes to have three

Meals a day and all this

Stuff you know, you throw

Somebody out there in the

Middle of the jungle or on a

Beach, then you put us

Together, and he's got me

There I am a security plan

Kechlt he can sleep on me

Instead of sleeping in the


And then you rip me away

From him.

He's going to go into panic


He's going to freak out just

A little bit.

So I don't know, I think you

Take all these things away

From anybody and they're

Going to change.

Something's going to

Get-- they're going get


I just got t I'm not trying

To cut you off.

I just have to keep going on

The live show.

I want to contrast this now

Because you've been given

Two opportunities to play.

And you have not been able

To fulfill it.

At the other end of the the

Spectrum, going back to the

First time you played which

Was in panama in season 7,

He's been one of the most

Popular survivor players


(Cheers and applause)

Moments it into blood versus

Water, he showed us why when

He sacrificed himself so his

Wife could play.

Take a look.

Let's put blood versus

Water to its first test.

Rupert, love your wife.

You can take her spot at

Redemption island.

I would rather have

Myself in this position than

I would my wife.

But it's k*lling me.


Jeff: rupert, does the

Game player in you, is there

Any part of you that regrets


Oh, gosh, no, I don't

Regret it a second.

I watched that, and I see oh

My gosh, it makes me just

Sad again that they put my

Wife in that position.

I wanted to protect and save

My wife.

Jeff: let's all do it.


I love the game but my

Wife comes first.

Jeff: strategically,

Strategically, good move?

You know, I was doing an

Interview the other day and

A guy asked me, he said that

Is the silliest move in the


How do you think you're

Going to win the game.

And I said you must not be


For my life and my wife and

Myself, that was the only

Move that I had.

Jeff: given that rupert

Has played, as you said so

Many times, and kind you put

You through this he leaves

And you have to run the

House and take care of

Everything, does this give

You perspective now on what

It is like because were you

Out there quite awhile.

Definitely, I'm proud of


Because making it 20 days.

We did have survivor light,

We didn't have the

Torrential rains we had in


But you know, I'm thrilled

With the opportunity to


And I had a great time.

And she did good.

I'm so grateful that he

Gave up his game.

I mean that was a huge move.

He could have won.

Jeff: how long you have

Been married.

16 Years.

Jeff: all right, that's

Why, right.


Jeff: happy wife, happy


Moments after cochran won

Survivor philippines, it was

Literally the last live


His wife took an unexpected

But-- turn, I think you will

Be interested in what


Plus vytas and aras, an epic

Tale, the golden child

Versus the reform bad boy,

It played out in front us.

But first, what are we going

Do next season.

We did this last year, we

Asked you to tweet and tell

Us what you thought.

Here is a hint for next


That's it!

#Survivor finale.

We'll be right back.

Jeff: welcome back, it's

The survivor blood verse

Water live reunion show.

A lot of you were guying

About what we're doing next


Some of the guesses coming

In twitter are very funny

And some are right.

So I like that.

We have a lot of show to get


But I want to do an update

On something I think you'll

Find pretty interesting.

Last year's winner, stand up


How are you doing?

Fantastic, jeff.

Jeff: so during your live

Show which was just last may

I asked you what do you want

To do with your life.

Here's what he said, take a


You recently graduated

Harvard law, lawyer?

I don't think I'm going

To be a lawyer.

Survivor did make me feel

Like, it's so conditionee, I

Feel stupid even saying-- .

Jeff: what's the dream.

I would like to write in

Some capacity.

I feel like I have the gift

Of gab.

Jeff: you do.

All right, so you put it out

There you want to write.

And what happened?

I put it out there and

Literally an hour after the

Finale ends cbs gets a call

From comedic genius, he

Wanted to meet with me to

Possibly write for his new

Cbs sit korjs the millers.

Two weeks later abandoned

My law school and moved to

L.a. And now I'm some

Schmuck writing for bill

Arnott and bow

Bridges-- it's insane but a

Dream come truchlt the past

Seven months of my life have

Been a series of dreams

Coming to and working for

The millers is the latest


Jeff: you were nice

Enough, you actually shot

Some behind the scenes to

Give us insight into how it

Is going.

This is a video going.

Jeff: all right, take a


Cochran, good to see you.

You wanted to talk.

How are you like writing

On the show.

I'm loving it.

I can't say enough about the

People --

Shh, shh.

People like you too much.

They're always asking you

About the writer who won


What am I -- when am I

Supposed to talk about


I'm not trying to be a


Well, you are a threat.

Even my agent agrees.

Look what he sent over to

Start wearing.

Sorry, cochran, you leave me

No choice.

Oh, come on.

There is more than enough

Room for two sweater vests

On the millers.

The first person voted

Off the millers is --

I'm to the going anywhere,

This week, arnett.

Look what I found?

I hid in the ladies room.

The men's room's occupied.

And I really had to go.

Well played, cochy, well



Jeff: nice!

It's unreal, right.

Jeff: also I just want

To-- greg is right here, the

Creator of the show, how is

Cochran doing.

He's doing great.

When he's not writing jokes

He's looking for idols so I

Think he'll be around for a

Long time.

Jeff: an its millers airs

On cbs at will:-- k8 30 on

Thursday night, cochran,

Have a seat, nice job.

All right, one of the most

Complicated relationships on

This season was the sibling

Rivalry between aras and


And it all came to a head

With a very competive

Bat-- competitive bad nell

The water.

Take a look.

Aras goes out quickly, vytas

Flips, aras has his older

Brother down.

Aras giving his brother

Another shot.

Big sportsman like move,

Vytas trying to take


Aras defeats his older



Jeff: so aras, let's

Start with you.

Because one of the things

That was very clear to me, I

Have two brothers.

So I correlate to the

Brother relationship.

It did seem like you wanted

To heal, you really wanted

To say let's use this time

And let's get closer.

Did that happen?

Yeah, I mean, I think

That in our life vytas and I

Haven't had too many things

On the positive side of the

Ledgering to.

And this is something that

Will absolutely be something

We talk about for years and

Years and years until we

Grow old.

And I can't say it's all

Roses all the time now that

We've done it but we got one

On the positive side.

And that's great.

You know, he took a cheap

Shot at me but I got him

Back because I got a bunch

Of twitter followers so I

Have more followers than him,

I'm learning from him a

Little bit.

Jeff: sfloitas typically

When we were out there I

Would ask you this question.

And you would say it's not

Quite as rosy as my brother

Wants it to be.

Yeah, I mean, you have

Brothers you know how it is.

And we're really close in


I think our rivalry has just

Become a little more


It's funny, you know, after

We left the philippines, I

Really thought we were

Tighter than we had ever

Been and we hadn't fought in

So long and so close.

The day we got back we got

There a fight and probably

Didn't talk for two weeks


We love each other so.

I love my brother but we're

Brothers and there's always

Going to be that little bit

Of competitive nature.

And I think that after going

At it like we did on

Survivor we can laugh at if

A little bit and have more


Jeff: twitter question

For you, vytas, would you

Play again.

I love this game.

I would totally play again.

I mean I'm a fan.

Jeff: the same guy

Actually asked vytas and

Hayden, would you play


You played big brother, now

You've played survivor.

Would you play survivor


Absolutely, you have to.

And it's an awesome game.

A chance to come out and win

A million dollars.

Jeff: biggest difference

Between survivor and big


Physical, the physical


Survivor is physically way


Big brother maybe socially a

Little harder because it's


But survivor is physically a

Tougher game.

And you know, everybody out

There should follow us on


Jeff: kat, you said one

Of the funniest lines of the


You didn't make the merge

And you said in your tucking

In at night, you go who is

Going to want a date a girl

Who doesn't make the merge.

What is the update.

Are you guys still a couple?

Well, we are still a


And we live in two different

States so we're trying to

See if we can get in one


I've made some arrangements

On my own to just, you know,

Get on his level a little


Whatever, so maybe a little

Top heavy now, I get it.

Jeff: wait, what are you

Talking about.

I'm a little top heavy


Jeff: you changed your


I changed a little bit of

A look for me.

Jeff: to keep hayden


Is that what you're saying?


Jeff: I'm so confused.

No, no.

It worked out though.

It worked out that way.

Jeff: colton is hugging

Marissa, I have no idea what

Is going on but touche.


Jeff: okay, candice and


(Cheers and applause)

You know are you this all

American couple, military,

Are you both doctors, you're

Attractive, you're fit.

Explain to me, candace, what

Is the added element that

Relationship brings to this.

Why is it some of more


This is the most

Difficult game that I've

Ever played because in the

Regular season of survivor

That's not blood versus

Water you can put on your

Armour and you can think


But when someone comes after

The person that, you know,

Is your heart, your emotions

Get in it and you start, you

Know, doing crazy things

Like-- .

Jeff: yelling at brad


Yelling at brad


There is no logical

Thinking when your wife or

Husband is involved.

Everything just comes at you

Some of faster than you


Than I'm sure in a normal

Game of survivor.

When some random person

Comes after you, you like

Candice said you can put

Your armour up.

When someone is attack the

People you love, I'm

Watching candice name get

Written down that first day

Or, I mean t is just-- it's

Just like get punched in the

Face every single time I saw


I'm sure it is very

Different than if it wasn't

My wife.

Jeff: all right, up next

We are going to take a bit

Of a turn and we're going to

Visit with another couple

That we had out here,

Another mother an daughter.

And we're going to talk

About how those shared

Experience on the show, I'm

Talking about tina and katie,

How their experience on the

Show helped them with a

Family tragedy that happened

After the show.

It's a very personal story

With a message I think

You're all going to want to


We'll be right back.

Jeff: welcome back to the

Survivor live reunion show,

We had another mother

Daughter pairing on this

Season of blood

Versus-- versus water, tina

And katie.

So first how did this

Strengthen the relationship

Between you two.

I think laura said it


Whenever that baby is placed

In your arms, it's immediate


And attraction and


And you can't strengthen it,


In my opinion, I don't love

Her any more or any less

Than the day she was placed

In my arms.

And that is I think what

Mothers do.

So it was a great experience

And a great adventure.

But as far as making us

Closer, I don't think you

Request make us any closer.

Jeff: so you have this

Amazinged have venture


You come home, and just a

Few weeks ago you suffer a

Terrible family tragedy,

Explain what happened.

Two weeks ago my son was

In a fatal car accident.

And the driver of the car

Was wearing his seat belt

And he walked away.

And my son did not.

And so as a mother out there,

I just plead to all of you,

And especially those of you

With children t to please

Buckle up.

You know, a car wreck is

Called an accident for a


You never plan for that to


So please buckle up.

Jeff: so tina,

You-- there is so recently.

But what is it about this

Group of people, and the

Trust you have in them that

Puts you here tonight when

This tragedy is literally

Just a couple of weeks old.

What is the safety about.

Yeah, well, one thing is

I'm very fortunate in that

I'm a 53-year-old woman and

Not a 20 something-year-old


And whenever I go out and

Play survivor I'm not just

Playing the game.

I'm wanting to know who

These people are.

Because they're going to be

A part of my life and a part

Of my world whenever I leave


And it was such an honor and

A joy to play with these


And they are family, so cbs

Is a family to me.

They've been so good to me.

And they bring me comfort.

It is comforting to be here

With all these people.

And so I wouldn't have

Missed being here for


Jeff: katie, how are you

Doing this is your brother,


Yeah, he was so excited

To come tonight.

And when people talk about,

You know, people are glad

That we came to the show

Tonight, and this is sort of

The light at the end of a

Really dark tunnel that

We've had to go through.

Everyone's just been so


And all the fans of the show,

Our family here, you guys,

We've just-- we've shared

This love and we've had an

Outflow of love from


And I want to say to any

Proceeds that people want to

Send, you know, flowers or

Jell-o molds, you know, just

Sort of like what people do

We want you to say that if

You want to donate to go to

The philippines disaster

Relief fund.

Because they hosted us.

Jeff: and that's where we

Shot the show.


Jeff: on behalf of

Everyone, we're so sorry for

Your loss.

And we're so glad you are

Here to try to find some

Closure in this experience

And tie taylor into it and

Be a part of it.

All right, when we come back,

Hard to take a turn from

That to this, but that's

Kind of how this goes.

We're going to show you what

Survivor is doing next year,

Or next season in february.

And tyson will get his check

For a million dollars.

We'll be right back.

Jeff: all right, tyson,

There's your million dollar

Check, congratulations.

Tomorrow morning you can see

Interviews with tyson and

Everybody on the after show

And here's what we're doing

Next season.

Take a look.

Here's the payoff.

(Cheers and applause)

Jeff: braun versus brain

Versus beauty, it is a good


That's all we have.

You can bid on props, go to

Good night.

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