46x12 - Mamma Bear

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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46x12 - Mamma Bear

Post by bunniefuu »


I have...

the idol in my hand.

Previously onSurvivor...

Choose one more person
to join you.

For me, it's more like

who is physically
falling apart right now?

Liz and Q,
rock, paper, scissors.

-Paper covers rock. Is that it?

Yeah, I know. I'm, like...
I know.

My head is going

in 22 different directions.


And I've been playing this game
with Maria since day one.

But at some point,

you have to start thinking
about your own game.

It's one thing to decide
who you're gonna

take with on a reward,
but to start off by saying,

"You know, I really want
to choose someone

who is physically weak,"

and then put on this farce--
it kind of felt cruel.

Twelfth person voted out,

the fifth member of our jury:

The tribe has spoken.

I was gonna play the idol, but

I'm going home with it.

Tribal went exactly
as it should.

They say

you can see Venus from Earth,

but we don't see Venus no more
in this camp.

Venus thought that
she could rally the troops

and send me packing?

You can cancel Christmas, girl.

That would never happen.


-I'm gonna clear this up
right now.
-Was it you?

I'm gonna blow my ... up.

I drew a blank.

You actually
wrote the wrong name?

-You wrote my name?
-Yeah. I want...

That's why I wanted
to talk to you right now.

BEN: Yeah.

Yo, for real,

not lying, I was not supposed
to write Kenzie's name down.

I was supposed
to write Venus' name down.

And I just had
a slip of the brain.

You literally told me
you would never write my name,

-and then, like, did?
-Dude, I...

Like, that's, like,
a big blunder, you know?

I'm at this point in the game

where I haven't been sleeping,
and I feel like

I'm losing my mind.

Kenzie has helped me

with my night terrors.
I genuinely blanked.

And you know what?
I just didn't want there

to be any tension at camp.

You've been so good to me,

and I'm like, I can't sit here
and have you be,

like, thinking about that
all night.

What do you mean

it was an accident, Ben?
How does that happen?

It's not like
it's Kenzie and Kelsey.

It's Venus and Kenzie.

Like, how did that happen?

Either you're telling

a really dumb lie,

or you're telling
a really dumb truth,

and I'm just gonna...

I'm not gonna harp on it.

-Is that your first vote?
-Yeah, that's my first vote.

Yeah, from my island bestie,
you jerk.

-It's okay. I have three.

Oh, my God. Why?

Because she, like, dragged
my character through the mud.

-Oh, my God.
-To say it was an act
and a farce.

-Like, do you know how hard
that was to make that choice?

-I know. I know.
-Q: Yeah.

She got under my skin
so bad tonight,

and I'm pissed
at myself for reacting.

-Feel like that just k*lled me.
-Aw. No.

-I don't think
you had much of a reaction.

At Tribal tonight,

Venus came out
of the gates slinging.

I felt like she really
att*cked my character.

You know, and it just got to m.

-She go home.
-And Venus just got sent
to the jury

by an almost unanimous vote.

Except Ben, apparently,
voted for the wrong name,

which I have
never heard of in my life.

But now, finally, Venus is gon.

We're at final six,
and this is the time

to just, like, go for it.

What up, final six?!

[cheering, whooping]

At this point,
I've had two wins and

a blindside, and...

I've been on the right side
of every single vote.

I know I'm a force
to be reckoned with,

so, if they're not trying
to get me out,

then that's their mistake.

It's getting way harder
for me to sleep.

It's very obvious how weak I am
these last couple of days.

I'm waking up
in the middle of the night.

[Ben cries quietly]

The first time
I had a panic attack,

it was very mental.

You know, you're disoriented,
you're in the jungle,

you don't know what's going on.

Now the part that bothers me
and it freaks me out is

my body has a mind of its own.

I had an experience camping
when I was 18

that traumatized me.

I woke up screaming
irrationally, you know,

thinking about college,
thinking I'm gonna die.

And it was
very similar anxieties

to what I've been going through
in this game.

Ben's panic att*cks
have gotten, like,

more frequent,
and they've gotten

progressively worse.

I just don't know where
this burst of fear comes from.

So, every night,
I just hold his hand,

and we breathe together, and

if he needs to talk it out
and laugh, we do that.

If he needs to just, like,

walk around, like, I go with hm
to do that because

Ben can't help that
he has anxiety att*cks.

But what I can do is be there
for someone who needs someone.

And I don't care that
he literally wrote my name dow.

It's just a game.

I could never

let someone go through something

so scary alone.

That's not who I am.

Do you want a hug?

Time will pass,
and the sun will shine,

and blue skies are coming.

But just be with him
through the storm, you know?

-Sit right here?
-Scooch together, y'all.

-You guys?
-We can fit six on the bench.

You guys,

not to make it about me,
but I had a BM.

[cheering, whopping]

I just dropped five pounds.

What? Oh, my God.

Day 22!

I went to the bathroom! [laughs]

I thought I was gonna be
the first Survivor

in history
to never go to the bathroom

the whole time, but I went.

I feel so good.

I... am ready to play now.

I've been talking about turning
up Liz, and now it's, like,

full-on volume 11.

Liz is in the game.

I have nothing
weighing me down now.

...my name is not
anyone else's name.


And by the way, don't...

-don't accidentally
write "Charlie," either.

I'm never gonna
live that down...

No, you're not.

Even though the game is

so, so different
with only six people,

my game plan is the same.


It's like,
"Ben, what are you doing?"

-It's like, "This is our squad."

-BEN: I know.
-And you're, "What?"

And right now, I've given mysef

two pathways on this next vote.

I've worked really hard

to plant this idea with Ben,
with Kenzie, with Liz,

that we can take out
Maria and Q.

I will say, there's

only one bonus to me being
a total idiot last night.


Is that I think Maria and Q

might think
that's, like, a wedge.

-KENZIE: Between us? Yeah.

At the same time,
I could stick with Maria and Q

who trust me completely, but

part of me is, like,
what if I just do what I set ot

to do with Maria?

That'd be awesome.

So, I have to really think

about what's best for my game,

and it's just

such a dilemma at this point.

And it's a-a different dilemma

than anything
I've faced this game.

You know, I voted out people
who I've really liked,

but no one like Maria,

who I've played
the whole game with,

and who I consider
to be my best friend out here.

But I can't be waffling
back and forth.

Now is the time where I have
to be laser-focused on getting

to the end,
and I have to make a decision.

Come on in!

-PROBST: Aw, yeah.

Look at that.

Down to six.

I know.

-We're a little motley crew
over here.
-It's working.

Whatever you're doing,
you're still here.

Hi, Jeff.

Good morning, Liz.

All right, shall we get
to today's reward challenge?

[all voicing assent]

For today's challenge,

you're gonna race
over an obstacle

to collect a bag
containing a ball.

You'll then
cross a ladder bridge,

moving that bag
along a twisting rope.

Once your bag is free,

you'll crawl under
one final obstacle.

When you reach the end,
you'll maneuver that ball

through a maze.

First person
to finish wins reward.

Want to know
what you're playing for?

-Yes, sir.

The winner will be taken
to the sanctuary,

where good things happen,
for an afternoon

-of Chinese takeout.
-KENZIE: Oh. You called it.

Those little familiar
white boxes

will be waiting over there
to fill your tummies.

-PROBST: Worth playing for?

-All right, we'll draw

for spots, we'll get it on.
Let's do this.


-PROBST: All right.
-CHARLIE: Dumplings!

For reward at the sanctuary.

-[Kenzie whoops]
-Survivors ready?

[insect buzzing]

You're gonna high-step this,

-and it's going to burn.
-Oh! My God, but...

Q making quick work of it.

Look at Charlie...
high-stepping it.

-[Kenzie gasps]
-There goes Maria.

-Ben, Kenzie, Liz in the end.

Oh, my God.

Untie the first two knots,
start moving that bag...

through this ladder bridge.

You're moving that bag
along the rope,

and you're moving your body
across the ladder bridge.

Wherever that rope goes,
your bag goes.

Wherever the bridge goes,
your body goes.

We are still very even.

Big maze at the end,

where anything can happen.

It's Maria in the lead.
She's won immunity twice.

Come on. Go.

Maria's across.

You're good.

Untie that other rope now
and free that bag.

Charlie's good.
Liz is good. Q is good.

Ben's across.

-There's Kenzie now.
-I got it.

Charlie's got his rope
all the way through.

Maria has her bag.

She's under that final obstacle.

-Q is through.

He's under the obstacle.


Maria first to the maze.

Q right behind her.

Get that ball out,
start working on it.

Pull down to release your maze.

Here's Charlie.

It is Kenzie, Ben and Liz

still working to free their bag
with that ball.

Here comes Liz.

-Good luck, y'all.
-PROBST: Here comes Kenzie.

Ben still back there.

I'm so bad, I'm laughing.

This maze requires a nice touch

and a lot of patience.

Charlie drops, got to start
again. You're gonna drop.

It's gonna take you a few times
to figure this out.

Here comes Kenzie.
She's in it now.

Liz is here. She's in it.

Ben has his bag.
Let's go, Ben!

Maria making some progress.

Q making a little progress.

Jeff, you know
I'm cranking "Pinball Wizard"

in my head right now.

Maria doing a nice job.

She has slowed down.

Very patient.

Charlie drops again.


Maria drops.
She's got to start again.

Q drops.
Everybody's in it once again.

This is anybody's challenge
to win.

[exhales sharply]

Ooh, ooh!

Kenzie doing a nice job.

Now Kenzie and Ben.

Nope, it's just Kenzie.

And Ben drops. It's Kenzie.

Charlie trying
to make a run at it again,

trying to catch Kenzie.

Ooh! Okay, come on.

-PROBST: Maria drops.

Q gonna start again.

Kenzie doing a nice job,

making tiny movements.

Charlie trying to catch her.


Kenzie still in the lead.

Ooh, ooh, ooh!

-PROBST: Kenzie drops.

It's Charlie in the lead
right now.

Let's go, Charlie.

Liz doing a nice job.
Liz is in this.

Maria once again
back out on the maze.

Kenzie's out there now,
making some progress.

Charlie navigates
one passageway.

Liz right on his tail.

Charlie getting very close.

Liz right there.

-PROBST: Liz drops.
She's got to start again!

Charlie inching closer
and closer.

He's inside the inner circle.

Can he get it to stick?

For reward.

And he's done it!

-LIZ: Oh, wow.
-Charlie wins reward.

-Afternoon at the sanctuary
-BEN: Charlie! [whoops]

-for Chinese takeout.
-KENZIE: Good job, Charlie.

-LIZ: Good game, brother.

-[Charlie groans]
-Get your stinky butt over here.

All right, Charlie,
come on over.

[whooping, cheering]

-All right, Charlie.
-Chinese food.

So here's what's gonna happen.
You're gonna leave here,

-go to the sanctuary.

Chinese takeout.

-Beautiful afternoon.

I'm gonna sweeten the deal a
little bit, and in the process,

maybe complicate

-your decision, because...

...after you enjoy
the Chinese takeout,

you will finish your afternoon
at the sanctuary

with your letters from home.

-Oh, God.

Oh. Wow.

Sorry, Charlie.

Choose one person to join you.

Oh, God.

Kenzie, what is it
about the letters from home?

Because when
you're watching Survivor,

you say "You've only got
a few more days.

It's not that big a deal."

Um, yeah, it... I know
there are people here with kids,

and peo...
Everyone here loves somebody.

Um, my fiancé moved our wedding.

It was supposed to be yesterday
for this, so it would just

be really nice
to hear from him, but I...

Charlie, don't, like... it's...
I'm not gonna hold it

against you if you don't
choose me. I just...

-I'm just thinking
about it, you know?
-I know.


Choose one person, Charlie.

I'm gonna choose Liz.

I know Liz can eat Chinese food.

-Her daughter Chelsea

is a huge Survivorfan.

Those two factors.
Liz, come on.

Oh, my God.

All right, Liz!

-KENZIE: Yeah, Liz.

Thank you.

All right, Charlie,
four people left.

You're gonna choose
one more person,

which means three of you
will go to the sanctuary,

three others will go back
to camp with nothing.

Honestly, coming into this,

I was thinking the people
who didn't eat pizza would come.

I'm gonna take Kenzie, and
I know she had her wedding day.

And I'm so sorry
to everybody else.

'Cause I know
what this is, and...

-LIZ: Wow.
-I'm really, really sorry.

Come on over.

-KENZIE: Thank you.
-[Maria sniffles]


-LIZ: I'm so sorry, Maria.

-Maria, I'm really sorry.
-Maria, I'm sorry.


All right, Charlie, Liz, Kenzie,

you're heading to the sanctuary

for a fun afternoon
of food and love.

Grab your stuff,
head out, enjoy the day.

Thank you, guys. Thank you.

Thank you.


Maria, all love is good love,

but a parent's love is unique.

-[Maria crying]
-It's like no other in that

you created these people,
so your emotion is

obviously understood.

What is the feeling?

What were you
looking forward to?

I just wanted to see...

I just want to see those letters
so bad, Jeff.

I understand his decision.

I would never wish that decision
on him. It's just,

it's breaking my heart in three.

All right, Q, Maria, Ben,
got nothing for you.

Grab your stuff,
head back to camp.

No problem.

MARIA: This reward challenge
is one that

I've been waiting for
for many days,

and I think my tears
were just the realization

that this is the one
I've been waiting for,

and I knew I couldn't go.

It hurts all over.
It hurts my head.

It hurts my heart, you know?

Like, I wasn't lying when I sad
my heart broke in three.

If you're watching Survivor
as a family,

and your mom keeps saying,
"I should do that show,"

encourage her.
"Mom, apply to be on Survivor."

CHARLIE: Oh, yes!

-KENZIE: Thanks for this.
-LIZ: Thank you so much.

CHARLIE: Oh, y'all are the best.
This is amazing.

-Mmm, mmm, mmm.
-Oh, my God, you guys.

Sorry. I'm, like, ripping
open boxes like a savage.

-CHARLIE: No, rip open...

I haven't had a reward

in almost ten days,

and there's been
so many feelings.

Feelings I didn't even know
that I had inside me

when I don't get picked.

Oh, my gosh. That's soda.

And today, I'm picked.

See, Liz? It all pays off not
getting picked for the pizza.

-This is better.
-You know, I thought about that.

-We are very lucky.
-LIZ: I thought

it was a series of bad luck,
and I'm like,

"That was good
I didn't get picked."

More than eating, it feels lik,

"Yes, Liz, you have done
something right in the game.

"You're working with people

that want to work with you," ad

that feels just as delicious

as this beef dish tastes.

CHARLIE: We got love.

Oh, God.
I can't even think about that.

CHARLIE: Oh, I really...
I really feel for them, but...

Obviously, the letters
complicate it, but, like,

literally, before the letters, I
was like, "It's Kenzie and Liz."

Like, obviously, we didn't eat

-the last time, so...

CHARLIE: Not choosing Maria
was the hardest decision

I've made the entire game.

But I knew that
we were gonna be okay.

She is truly a selfless, caring,

just stand-up person.

I told you, like, my favorite
players are Malcolm and Denise.

-Yeah, she's kind of, like,
that strong...

that strong mom.

We've been saying
we're Malcolm and Denise,

and we've built
such a tight bond

over the course
of this whole season.

And one reward challenge,

even if it's for love,
was not gonna break that bond.

I think Maria will understand.

I think so, too.
She knows, you know...

She knows.


[Maria sniffling]

I think the hardest thing...
is I can...

Let it out. Take your time.

I can picture them
s-sending their...

writing their messages.


Working so hard
on these letters...

...to get them to me.

Charlie and I said,
if we ever win reward,

we are not taking
the other person.


I know why
Charlie chose how he chose,

but having my three boys
at home and

not having a way
to communicate with them...


Something died in me... today.

I just... I feel like

I just got robbed,
it just got taken from me.

This one would have meant...

I would have given up
every reward for this one.

It hurts, it's very painful,
but, like,

I've been in positions before
where I've been broken down,

and all I can think of is,
like, you keep

some bear cubs from mama bear.

Like, I'm coming.

It's gonna really
light a fire under me.

-KENZIE: Letters!
-CHARLIE: Letters, y'all.


Oh, my gosh. That's my name!

-Oh, it's thick!

Wow, you guys.

-We are loved ones!
-KENZIE: I know. Cheers.

-Oh, my gosh. Cheers.

I remember coming
into the game thinking,

"Liz, you really don't want yor
letters because you're gonna

have to show this emotional side
of yourself."

Aw. Chelsea.

But when the letter
is right there in your face,

that's all you can think about.

And so, to remind yourself

of home and why I came out here
in the first place and...

...who I left behind.

And it feels like motivation.


I see my daughter's letter,

and I see her little drawing.


She's the whole reason
I'm out here.

She dared me to apply. [laughs]
And it just...

it reminds me that
there are people in this game

who are not rooting
for you, but there are people

at home that are.

I have no idea
what's going on with my parent.

I have no idea what's going on
with my business.

I have no idea
what's going on with my fiancé.

And so, getting to, like,

hear that they're okay...


There's no words to describe
how much it means out here.

This is the best thing ever.

Thank you, Charlie. Ooh.

I was supposed to get married
literally yesterday, but

my fiancé, when I got
the first call forSurvivor,

immediately moved our wedding
because he just believed in me.

And it's amazing that I have...


Sorry. [sniffles]

It's just so amazing
to have a support system

that allows me...
to learn, to go... to do this.

You know, like, I'm used

to being in charge,

I'm used to, like,
controlling everything.

And I'm used to being, like,
a perfectionist, and...

relinquishing that control
was a big lesson

for me to even come out here.

I've been self-employed
since I was 17.

I started my career
at 15 years old.

Like, just because I thought

I was the only person
I could ever count on.

But hearing that my family
can handle everything--

like, it's allowing me

to take a break and, like,

I don't have
to be perfect all the time.

I don't have
to be in charge all the time.

Like, I can lean
on other people.

This really...
I'll never forget this.

-CHARLIE: Oh, my God.

-Thank you so much.
-CHARLIE: Thank you guys

-for being here. [sniffles]
-LIZ: You're awesome.

Every single letter,
every single one

makes me cry and laugh

and just get
that one little taste of home

that I need to drive me through.


It's a bunch
of Taylor Swift quotes. [laughs]

-Oh. From Judy?


Getting to hear from Judy,
my girlfriend,

I get to see what she's thinkig

about this whole
crazy experience.

I miss her so much,
and think about her every day.

I always thought
they were, like,

all being dramatic with letters,

-but my God.

But if I remember one thing,

it's that my sister, my dad,

my mom, my girlfriend Judy--

they all told me to play to win.

That might be what I needed

to push me to make
the right decision for Charlie.

Because if I'm going to
play to win,

I'm going to be betraying Mari,

who I've played
the whole game with.

And those reminders

to play to win are gonna fuel me
to the end of the game.

CHARLIE: That was amazing.

-Oh, lordy.
-This was the reward
to win, Charlie.

-I know. Wow.
-That's, like,

-such a bucket-list thing.
-I feel so special.

I feel special, too.

Thanks, Charlie.

Charlie's choices
to go on this reward--

it couldn't have been
set up any better.

This is a chance
for the three of us

to actually talk strategy
without looking suspicious.

So, while it would

pain me...

to not go Q yet again,

I do know
Maria is a bigger threat.

Someone just needs
to beat Maria tomorrow.

We have to get her
before Q, right?

-I mean,

as much as that makes me gag.


-She's so good.
-KENZIE: Oh, she's good
at everything.

And she made the fire
last night.

I was like, "Oh, no,
you can make fire, too?"

LIZ: I know.

This was by far
the hardest reward decision

of the season.

All I can say is thank goodness

Maria was not here because

I am cooking something up that

I don't want Maria
to sniff out of the kitchen.

And that is a blindside
of Maria at the next vote.

I know Ben is solid.

So, the key ingredients in this

little recipe

are Kenzie and Liz, so,

I wanted to cement
that relationship today.

Wonder what they're doing
back at camp.

They'll probably
look for the idol,

but I don't think it exists,

Well, let's hope not.

Q: Right now, reward means

absolutely nothing to me.

For me, I need

to find this idol
'cause I need protection.

So the more time
that I have to snoop around,

I've looked a lot.

They make it look so easy

on television.

People, I've looked

for days.

Days... and hours on days.


But today is different.

I've told myself,
"Q, calm down."

Calm for the last
handful of days.

Handful of.

My hand is starting to hurt.

I need the storm.

And I think I found something

that'll help this storm
come a little quicker.

You just sit right there.
Hold on. Let me go in my pocket.

What's in my pocket?

It might be somehow!

what's the matter?

What's going?
Look what I found. Oh, Lord.

Oh, my God.
This is a beautiful thing.

[laughing quietly]

I got it.

And behold.

I got the juice.
I got the juice now, fam.


Do I tell Maria or do I don't?

I just need to get through
this last vote at six,

and I'm in
the final friggin' four!


Swear to God. Just found it...

-Stop it.
-I swear to God.

Let me see what it looks like.

I told Maria
about the idol because

you have to trust somebody.

-I'm not telling anybody else.
-No, no, no, no, no.

And Maria is my number one.

So, now, her knowing
that I have the idol,

she's now
more likely to protect me.

Yeah, yeah.


That's a really nice offer.

Like, if I have someone
who's telling me

he's willing
to play this for me,

I definitely want
to keep him around.

So maybe that's

my best move now.

I think it's
imperative Liz goes next.


We just
have to make sure Charlie

don't pull a fast one
with those girls.

I don't think he would.

I'm not worried about Charlie
doing anything with them.

But would Charlie
need to go before them?

It would make...
It would be safe.

This is the first time
that I've actually voiced

out loud to anybody that I'm
considering voting Charlie out.

It's a very hard decision,

because not only has he been

my number one
since day three, but

I have so much trust in him.

Charlie is so lovable.

He'll beat any of us.

Charlie will win, hands down.


I honestly do.

-Charlie don't win,
get rid of Charlie.

-Which I'm down to do,
if you mean it.
-I'm down to do it, too.

-CHARLIE: Hello! How's it going?

It's a very

hard conversation to have,

but it's also a reality.

He's a threat.

I knew why you picked
who you picked.

-Thank you.
-It was just sad.

And, I mean, I know...

It was so sad,
'cause I know how badly

you wanted
to read those letters.

I adore Charlie so much,
and Charlie and I have

walked this journey together
with so much compassion

and genuine care
for one another.

And we've really formed,
like, a friendship

that will go
way beyond this game.

Just so, like,
grateful to, like,

have you just
in my life, period.

-Thank you for saying that.
-So... So just...

I just really want
to thank you for everything.

So it's hard to switch
from that security,

that comfort
and that camaraderie

to "It's my game now."

Like, it has to be my game.

There aren't
many options anymore

for us to be a pair.

Was there any strategy talk?

Were there any pitches to you?

There were.

It was much of the same.

-Which was...
-Like, "Get Q out of the game."


Maria's my number one ally.

I love her to death,
but I've set up this blindside.

I feel so many

different emotions.

And honestly,
it almost feels like guilt.

It pulls on just

every single fiber of me.

I think that
was really important,

is to keep... Yeah.
-Yeah. Keep them from, like,

-talking to
too many people, and...
-Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, yeah.

I don't think Maria

is considering blindsiding me.

I don't know.

Would he ever do it to me?

I was hoping
you-you would find it.

Well, I tried to go look.

I was like, "I hope
that's what Maria gets to do

-while I'm gone is,
like, find the idol."
-I tried. I tried.

It took me a while.

Or did we really have plans
to go to the end together?

Am I breaking his heart
and messing up our plans?

I think she's dead serious about

taking me to the final three.

If anything, I feel like I got
a good friend out of this thing.

-You know, whatever happens,
I feel like,
-Whatever happens, Maria.

-you're such a good person.

The two best buds,

Malcolm and Denise,
can't go to the end,

and I want Malcolm
to take this one.

Hopefully we get

-to keep in touch
and be in each other's lives.
-Oh, my God, yeah.

Oh, my God.

I know it.
I literally know it.

At the end of the day,

Charlie and I will be wonderful
friends after this game.

-I want them
to meet Uncle Charlie.
-And, uh...

Yes! Yes.

But right now,

he's standing in my way.

Bring in the boat!

-Doesn't get
any more rock star than that.
-LIZ: Yeah.

Come on in.


Down to six.

Shall we get
to today's immunity challenge?

-[excited chatter]
-First things first, Maria.

Once again,
I have to take it back.

Thank you.

Once again,
immunity is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge,
you're gonna climb to the top

of a very tall tower
and leap off.

You'll then race over a series
of obstacles to the finish.

You'll attempt
to solve a dolphin puzzle.

-LIZ: Oh, my goodness.

[imitates dolphin]

First person
to finish wins immunity,

a spot in the final five.

Losers, Tribal Council,

where somebody
will not make the finale.

You'll be
the 13th person voted out,

become the sixth
member of our jury.

The stakes are very clear: win

or you are in trouble.

All right, draw for spots.

-We'll get started.
-CHARLIE: All righty.
-[Kenzie whoops]

All right, here we go.

For immunity
and a guaranteed spot

in the finale.

Survivors ready?


Got to swim to that platform
and get up that ladder.

There goes Q.

There's Maria.
Here comes Charlie. There's Ben.

Maria first off.

[Maria whoops]

[Ben screams]

Kenzie's in.

Liz plugs her nose. She's in.

Keep moving.

Charlie in the lead.

Everybody moving very fast

on day 23 of Survivor46.

Looks so easy

when you're watching
from the comfort of your couch.

Q with a nice dive.

Now you've got the beam.

If you drop, you got to go back.

Charlie first.

Only one way to approach a beam.
Look straight ahead.

Go for it.

Charlie falls.

Ben drops. He's got to go back.


Look at that. Maria's good.

Maria now in the lead.

Liz falls.

Q falls.

Maria in the lead. Everybody
else still working on the beam.

Kenzie's in.

Charlie falls.

Maria first to the puzzle.
Ben is across.

Building a dolphin puzzle.

Liz working on the beam.
Q working on the beam.

He drops again. Charlie's good.

Liz is good.

Kenzie, that works.

Just keep
your feet out of the water.

-PROBST: Kenzie falls.

Ben gonna be on this puzzle.

Charlie's in this.

Liz right behind Charlie.

Maria working on the puzzle.

There goes Q.

He's looking good.
He's halfway through.

Q with a nice leap.
You're good, Q.

Kenzie in dead last.

Words you do not
want to hear on day 23.


Q up, working on his puzzle.

Right now it's Maria and Ben,

but only
with a couple of pieces.

We're still early in this.

Big stakes.

You want to see the final five.

You're good, Kenzie.
Get here. Let's go.

Charlie getting the base.

Ben has the base.
Maria has the base.


Liz has a piece. Mark it down.

Kenzie's here now.

Everybody on the puzzle now,
where anything can happen.

If you get a roll going
and you start

to figure this out,
you can catch everybody quickly.

It's now Ben in the lead,
then everybody else.

Everybody now looking next door.

"What can I see
on somebody else's puzzle?

Which piece do I need?"

Ben with another piece.
Ben is on a roll right now.

He's figuring this puzzle out,
but it is far from over.

Everybody chasing Ben.

This would be
Ben's first challenge win.

Couldn't come at a better time.

But you never know.

Any given challenge,
anyone can win.

Maria with another piece.

Now Ben's gonna
feel the pressure.

Maria with another piece.

Look at that.

We got a challenge!

And another piece for Maria.

And another piece for Maria!

Three in a row.
Maria now in the lead.

Make it four in a row.
Maria's on a tear.

Ben has slowed down now.
He had the early lead.

Right now, it is all Maria.


Maria is on fire.

It would be her third
individual immunity win.

Q now gonna just watch.

Maria down
to her last few pieces.

It is time to put
this one in the deep freeze.

Maria down to
her last piece in this puzzle.

Guaranteed a spot
at the final five.

And there it is.
Maria's done it.

Her third
individual immunity win,

guaranteeing her
a spot in the final five.


That went from competitive
to a blowout.

Maria, come on over.

For the third time this season,
individual immunity.

You are guaranteed
a spot in the final five.

We just talked about
the fact that this means

you are in the finale.

Why is that so significant
to a Survivorfan and player?

You know, I think
yesterday I hit rock bottom,

to not get that love from home.

And so I thought to myself...

I was either
gonna be fueled by love

or I was gonna be fueled by

the fierce determination
that got me here.

And so, this win, to me, is just

proving to myself
that I have that determination,

even in the absence
of love from home.

Well done.
Maria safe tonight.

As for the rest of you,
somebody going home tonight,

you become

the sixth member of our jury.

-Swim out.
See you tonight at Tribal.

Maria winning immunity today,

my first reaction was,

"Dang, Maria, you are a boss."

My next reaction is,

"Well, dang. Maria was
probably going home tonight."

So, this is Survivor.
What do you do?


What's the next best
move for me?

And I think, tonight,
it's not a smoke screen.

There's a real fire under Q,

and I think

his torch
could get snuffed tonight.

-Congratulations, Maria.
-[overlapping chatter]

-BEN: All right, Maria.
-CHARLIE: Challenge beast Maria.

-I know.
-So fun, kids.

Maria is the biggest
threat out here.

Maria can't keep
winning everything,

but she does,
so it's frustrating.

So we can't get her out.

But I don't want
to go any further with Q.

LIZ: Yep, yep, yep.

BEN: Yeah.


I have wanted Q out of my game

for a hot minute now,

and it's
just not been happening.

So I am ready
to take down King Q.

Like, I want him out of here.

BEN: I think every time
has been the time to take out ,

but especially this time, 'cause
there's only two votes left.

And the only reason
Q keeps avoiding getting voted

is 'cause Maria's convincing
us all to use him as a number,

which is really, "Oh,

they're an alliance. How did we
not put two and two together?"

We're, like,
the four court jesters

taking down the king.


Maria and Q think
they've been running the show

for a bit,
but now everybody's trying

to come together as one

to take down

the king and queen.

This is gonna be my favorite
blindside of the season.

Yeah, this one's really good.

-What's the tea?

So, thinking about this...



We have to.

He's vulnerable now.

We got to take the shot
when we can.

It's Survivor.

The safe move
is never the best move.

Safe move
is never the best move.

I know it's time
to get out Charlie.

But now,

I'm removing my number one
and trusting in my number two.

I know you're right, Q.

I know he's a threat,

and I knew
this day was gonna come.

If everybody wants
to bash me for taking Q

further in this game,
that's their prerogative, but..

it's Charlie tonight.

So what are we gonna do?

We got to go Charlie.


We got to stick together, Liz.

I'm with you.

Sounds good to me.

Q comes up with this plan
of getting Charlie out,

but, Q, you know dang well

I don't want to work with you.

Ever since Maria and him
have teamed up

and he thinks

he's back on top,

he's just been
so ridiculously confident.

But you know what?

-I've been ready to get Q out.
-I've been ready
to get Q out, too.

-For a long time.

Tonight is finally the night
Q is going home.

See you later, brother.

What are we gonna say to Maria?

I'm just gonna play stupid.


What do
you all think about that?

I mean, I'm fine with that.

He is kind of the one to beat.

-Everybody loves Charlie.

-Yeah, I love Charlie.
-If Charlie gets to the end,
he wins.

-Hands down.
-Yeah. Like, look at him.

-Everybody here,
he'll beat everybody.

Maria thinks Liz and I
are gonna vote Charlie,

but we're just
bamboozling Maria and Q.

I knew this day would come.

-We both knew it would come,
you know?
-Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

And I'm just eating it up,
because Q

feels comfortable.

So Q is not gonna
see this blindside coming

as long as
Maria doesn't find out.

If we

take out Q tonight
and leave Maria out of the vote,

she's not gonna
be with us tomorrow.

Yeah, it kind of weakens her,

but if she wins immunity
tomorrow, which right now,

-Looks possible.
-looks very possible,

what happens to us?

We have to make sure
that we can survive tomorrow.

We need to get Q tonight,

but we need to be careful
how we do it,


if we leave Maria in the dark,

then we go into final five.

All of a sudden, Maria can
team up with Liz and Kenzie

and vote out either

Ben or me.

So the way I see it,

we have to bring Maria
into the Q vote,

which I think
she'd be cool with it.

-I'd have to talk to her,

-but I think
that makes us the most safe.

This is why

I never close any door
on any relationship

to work on.
'Cause guess what?

-I just wanted to talk to you.

Maria thinks I'm still
her number one ally.

That's the key of my game,

is making sure that every side

that I've been working with,
I can still work with.


Charlie approaches me and says,

"Tonight's the night
we're gonna get rid of Q."

And so I nod and say,
"I think that's a good idea."

What I really feel is,

"Please don't look me
in the eye.

I feel so embarrassed.
Don't look at me like that."


I mean, what I really feel is,

"I think tonight
is Charlie's night to go."

Okay. So...

You think we can get everyone
to write Q's name down?


I think the conversation

about getting rid of Q

is really just
to appease Charlie

and to just distract him
from any other thoughts.

But in reality, Kenzie

and Liz and Q and I

are gonna be the ones
that make the decision.

So there's nothing
Charlie can do at this point.

You feeling okay?

I think you're fine.

You may get a vote,

but I don't think
you're going home.

Thank you.

-You'll be here tomorrow.

Right now, I feel confident

that I have Maria,
Liz and Kenzie

on board to working with me
to blindside Charlie.

-You got a Q-skirt?
-I've got
a little pocket in my...

Rock the Q-skirt!

Q-skirt! Q-skirt!

[Maria whoops]

Q-skirt! Q-skirt!


After tonight's vote,
and when Charlie goes home,

it is safe to say that

I've regained control.

I don't see how it can go wron,

but here's what I know:

the Q-skirt is holding an idol.

Can you believe it?

Nobody knows about the idol
besides Maria,

so this thing is powerful.

And if I feel

any spooks or dooks,

I'm playing the idol for myself.


-Yeah. Yeah.
-All right, I just
want to make sure because...

-Are we all good?
-Yeah. Yeah. No, no, no.

-I think we're all good
on the same page, right?
-Okay. Okay.

-Okay. Yeah.

-All right. [whoops]

-Day 24. Day 25.

Tonight is a tough vote for me,

because when
I started this game, I said,

"I want to find my person."

And I found my person,
and, like, Charlie's been

my person,
but I'm stepping forward.

I'm not looking back.

This is the right choice for me

because at the end of this game,
only one of us can win.

So it's going to be
a sad Tribal Council for me.

I'm going to see
my best friend in this game

walk out the door tonight,
and so it's gonna be

very bittersweet,
and I hope I get a hug.


Yo, yo, yo. Let's light it up.

-Jeff, we have
a show for you tonight.
-[Liz vocalizing]


[Liz vocalizing]

Once again, I forgot popcorn.

All right, let's start with
the reward challenge, Charlie,

where you won the reward,
and much like Maria,

you had a big decision to make.

It was Chinese takeout.

Jeff, it was the classic
bait and switch is what it was.

I thought
it was Chinese takeout.

And then you go,
"And loved one letters."

So I said,
"I'm gonna sweeten the deal

and probably
complicate your decision."

Yeah, a little bit, you think?

-I mean...
-So you seemed
to base it based on who had

received an earlier reward.

That seemed like a very
simple approach, but Maria

was clearly emotionally upset
at missing out.

Yeah, you know,
we talked about it

and had some big, long hugs,

and I was just impressed

with all three of the people
who didn't go on the reward,

who were just
very selfless in saying,

"No, you three go.

You know, we'll-we'll
talk to our loved ones soon."

So, it just showed
how close we are out here.

Even though everyone's thinking

of their loved ones,
we're forming bonds here, too.

Kenzie, what
was the love like for you?

Because you shared
that you moved your wedding

to come play Survivor.

It's indescribable, like,
how much that meant to me.

I told Charlie, like,

"This is a day that
I will never, ever forget."

Like, hearing from home
filled me up so much

with just enough gas,
like, left in the t*nk

to get me through
to the end of this game,

because we are this really
weird, dysfunctional family,

the six of us.

Like, Q and Ben
are like my brothers

who don't speak and they,
like, pick on me all the time.

Maria's like our aunt
who cooks everything.

You're like our cynical
grandma who's, like, losing it,

-but we love her.

Charlie's like
our dependable dog.


Like, we have made,
like, this family here,

but it's not the same
as hearing from the people

you love so much at home.

All right, now let's talk
about the immunity challenge.

Maria wins again, third time,

which puts you just one shy
of an elite group of women

who have won
four immunity challenges.

-And that's in seasons
that have 39 days.

But when I asked
you about today's win,

you said it was the drive

from not getting the love.

Yeah. You know,
just to be super clear, like,

there were no hard feelings
for Charlie's decision.

Like, I knew exactly
why he chose who he chose,

because they needed to eat.

It doesn't mean that, like,
my heart wasn't broken.

And then I went back to camp
and I cried the whole

rest of the afternoon.

But what I said to myself was,

"I either let this knock me down

"and take the wind
out of my sails

"or I'm gonna channel this

into this fierce determination
to win the challenge today."

All right,
so you look at the jury.

That's five blindsides.
They're essential in the game.

It's the mark
of great Survivorgameplay,

and you have to play that way.

You cannot let the person
who's going home

smell that they're going home,

because there's so many ways
they could disrupt the game.

But Charlie, when
it gets down to fewer numbers,

does it get easier
to blindside or more difficult?

I think, with fewer people,

every vote matters so much more.

People are thinking
about different criteria

for who they're voting out.

Are they good at challenges?
Are they good at making fire?

Are they someone the whole
jury's going to vote for?

You know, do you want them

around camp
the last couple days?

And since one vote
holds so much power,

it's much more delicate,

because if you tell

the wrong person the wrong plan

or the wrong name,
it is so easy for them

to flip the game on its head.

Maria, it's interesting to me,

in that list of criteria,
"alliances" was not mentioned.

We've seen seasons
where alliances go

all the way to the end,
and that's your final three.

We've also seen seasons
where there's a point

where people pivot and say,
"I got to make my move."

I mean, I think
alliances are important,

but I think, like he said, it's
also important to think about

who's still here tomorrow

and who's going to be
on the jury.

People are really starting to
think more about who could I sit

next to, more so than, like,
are we sticking with alliances?

Are alliances shifting?

You know, it's-it's
really hard to know.

Kenzie, that's
two people in a row

that have basically said,
"I don't know about alliances."

I mean, I don't know
about alliances because,

-not that Ben and I have been
in an "alliance" per se...

but he wrote my name down

and told me,
"It was an accident."

-It really was.
-An accident.

-Wait, hold up, listen.
-Have you ever heard that?

-So I was drunk
off the pizza, right?

-I can't wait to hear this.
-BEN: We had...

-There wasn't even
alcohol there.
-We-we had, like,

-six pizzas.
-PROBST: To be clear,

-you had soda. Yeah.
-BEN: No alcohol. Yeah.
-KENZIE: Yeah.

I also know how to spell Venus.

It's a planet, Ben.
It doesn't start with K.

-It's okay. It's okay.
-I'm just saying, if we're
gonna talk about alliances,

I think it's
kind of a wash after that.

-PROBST: I got to say, Ben,

-I watch a lot of police
interrogation videos,
-BEN: Yeah.

and if I'm imagining you
in that room with the camera,

and you say,
"I was drunk on pizza,"

-I don't think you're
getting out of that room.

-Oh, definitely not, Jeff.
-I still held his hand after
he wrote my name down, but...

She's like my Survivorsister,
so if anything,

this is just
some teasing, hopefully.


Q, what's your take
on alliances?

Because Charlie didn't
mention them and Maria said,

"Look, maybe,
but there's only six of us,

and we're trying
to get to the end."

Does that mean
that maybe alliances are over

unless they're convenient?

I wouldn't say it's over, Jeff.

I think it's plans in place
with a group of people

that see for this vote,
it makes sense.

For next vote,
it might not make sense,

but I understand that a vote

will be made tonight
based off a group that agreed.

How about you, Liz?
Agree with that?

Yeah. Everyone, since the Hunter
vote, has voted together.

And so, maybe I'm naive.

I mean, I think
there are more power couples

that are together than,
like, true alliances.

But we're all thinking about
that final Tribal Council.

And based on Charlie's criteria,

I'm not gonna win
any immunity challenge,

I'm terrible at fire,
and I'm not in an alliance.


Don't vote for me. [laughs]

Charlie, it's interesting
hearing Liz say,

"The last few votes
have been a group

of people voting together,
except for the one."

Sooner or later, you're the one.

Lightning's gonna strike.

And we're all sitting here,

and tonight we might get--

zapped. And, um...

This is a group of hardened
Survivorplayers now.

This isn't day one Survivor.

So, everyone's getting
freaking good at this game.

So it's hard to tell
where the lightning's gonna hit.

All right, it is time to vote.
Charlie, you're up.

I hope I got you.


Oh, my gosh.

[exhales sharply]

Boy, I have been trying
to get you out for a long time.


[Ben exhales sharply]

It's been a fun ride.

It's been an honor

and a pleasure working with you.

I love you so much,

but I have to
think about myself

as we're moving into
an individual game.

I can't wait for the boys
to meet Uncle Charlie.

I'll go tally the votes.

[exhales sharply]

If anybody has an advantage or
an idol and you want to play it,

now would be the time to do so.

All right, I'll read the votes.

First vote: Charlie.

Q. One vote Charlie,
one vote Q.

Two votes Charlie, one vote Q.

Q. We're tied.
Two votes Charlie, two votes Q.

Q. That's three votes Q,
two votes Charlie,

one vote left.

and the sixth member
of our jury: Q.

Need to bring me your torch.

-Sorry, buddy.
-Sorry, Q.

-Love you.
-Love you.

Q, the tribe has spoken.

Time for you to go.

Appreciate it, boss.

Good game, buddy.

See y'all, now.

See you.

-Go get some Tater Tots, babe.
-Send us a Q-skirt.

Congratulations on making it

to the final five.

Over the next three days,

you'll compete
in two immunity challenges.

We'll have two Tribal Councils,
one fire-making showdown.

For the three who survive,
you will get a chance

to face your jury,
plead your case

about why you deserve
the title of Sole Survivor

and the million dollars
that goes with it.

Grab your torches.
Head back to camp.

Good night.

Captioning sponsored by


Captioned by
Media Access Group at WGBH


I'm at final five.

I'm, like, a secret,

little, cute assassin.

Next time on the season finale

It's do-or-die. Like, this
is the time to just go for it.

It's such a vibe.

It's, like, electric, almost.

This could be worth

a million dollars, right here!

Holy hot dog on a stick.

This is crazy.

I'm so close. I want to

win this friggin' game.

They blindsided me
with an idol in my pocket.

But I'm happy about
the game that I played.

I played hard
but I came up short,

and it happens
in life sometimes.

Oh, and, Emily, get ready, bab.

We going to Applebee's,
and we're getting

that appetizer platter,
and we gonna share it,

and what you don't eat, I will.


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