03x04 - Courage - Jack and the Beanstalk

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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03x04 - Courage - Jack and the Beanstalk

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Wrap it in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has ♪

♪ Begun. ♪

Annie: Okay, protein bars...

bottled water...

we're all set.

Zach, I'm running late this morning.

I've got to get to the store right away.

I need you to do a favor for me, buddy.

Aw, but, Dad, we're going hiking.

You can still go hiking.

Just do this for me first.

Drop off this film

at the lab on Magnolia Street.

It's for a very important client.

I'd do it myself

but the lab closes at : tonight

and I'll be at the store until :.

The lab on Magnolia before :.

Got it.

Thanks, buddy.

Zach, where are you going?

Magnolia Street is this way.

Yeah, and Mountain View Park is this way.

We'll go for our hike and then drop off the film.

Are you sure, Zach?

Your dad said that film was pretty important.

Yeah, and he also said that the lab was open till :.

We've got all day.

Nothing to worry about.

( panting )

This trail is way too easy

for the best hiker in Spring Valley.

And who would that be?

Who else? Yours truly.

Show me any trail, show me any hill

and I can climb to the top

faster than anyone else in Spring Valley.

( gasps )


Queen of the hill.

Whoa, look at that trail.

Now, that's a challenge.

Annie: And that's hardly even a trail.

And it looks kind of dangerous.

You're not scared, are you?

Because I can do this trail alone

if you're too chicken to go with me.

( sighs )

Let's go.

You still... think this was such a great idea?

No trail's too hard for Zach Nichols.

Onward and upward.

( gasping )

Annie... we're really high up.

I know.

Let's get moving.

Zach, go on.

I can't.

It's too far to jump.

We've go to go back then.

Zach, that bush is blocking our way back.

We have to go forward.

I told you, Annie, I can't.

Well, Zach, if we don't go forward, backwards or up

how are we going to get off this rock?

Well, uh, we'll figure something out.

Let's just rest for awhile.

That's fine.

Can I have some water?

Sure, I've...

let's see, I've got some right here.

Oh, no!

My dad's film!

We've got to get out of here

so I can get it to the lab by :.


Annie, maybe I'm not

the best climber in Spring Valley.

Maybe I'm just...

well, uh, I'm kind of scared.

Don't worry.

I can signal for help.

Sock, I told you

I don't want to play your silly game.

I'm reading.

Oh, come on and play, Ari, old buddy of mine.

Are bobcats hard of hearing?

I said...

Please. Oh, pretty, pretty please?

Oh, all right.

( Ari clearing throat )

Sock: Let's see now...

I spy something pink.

Remember, I spy something pink.

I heard you-- pink.

Now then... pink.

Let's see.

Hmm, is it...

Annie trapped on a ledge with Zach?

Oh, no!

Annie and Zach are trapped on a ledge!

Oh, no!

Annie and Zach are trapped on a ledge!

Oh, no! Oh, no!

Sock, Sock, calm down.

We'll just go over there

and show them the way back to the trail.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're right.

No big whoopee.

No need to panic or anything.

You're doomed, I tell you!

Oh, you're doomed.

But, Annie...

what if we fall?

Those rocks could be loose.

I don't think we should climb up there.

You're probably right, Zach.

Just stay calm.

All we need is a rope.


I've got an idea.

All we need is a rope.

Hey, I've got a rope back at the cave.


Go back and get it.

I'll stay here and keep the kids company.

Oh, yes, sir.

Socrates to the rescue.

Thanks, Ari.

Zach is pretty freaked out.

I am not freaked out.

I'm just not sure which way is the best way down...

or up.

I bet you were bragging about how brave you were

taking this tough trail.

No, I wasn't.

Uh... well, maybe a little.

You know, Zach, bragging that you're brave

doesn't mean that you are brave.

It only means that you know how to brag.

Well, I wasn't bragging...

that much.

Of course not.

Hey, you know, this reminds me

of a story of another kid who let his own bravado

get him into trouble

and he needed to show some real courage to fix things.

This is hardly the time for a story, Aristotle.


I beg to differ, Zach.

Because this is the story of a boy

who had to face his fears

to make up for his mistakes.

For the last time

I didn't make any mistakes.

Well, Zach, you did get us on this trail

and you did decide to go for a hike

before dropping off your dad's film.

( sighs )

Okay, okay, we'll hear a story.


There's nothing like a c*ptive audience.

So, sit back and listen to the story

of "Jack And The Beanstalk."

Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Change that.

Let's make this "Zach And The Beanstalk."

Hey, cool. You put me in the story.

But, uh, don't you think

you could get me some decent clothes?

Sorry, Zach.

This is the story of a poor kid

who had only rags for clothes

and just one good friend in the world-- Samuel.

You're my one good friend in the world?

No, not the cow.

On top of the cow.

Right here.

Oh, hello there.

Samuel J. Fieldmouse, at your service.

Now, let's get a move-on, chum.

A move-on?

Where are we going?

Your mom wants us to get Bertha to the market to sell her.

You guys need money to eat.

Very important transaction here.

If it's such an important transaction

why doesn't my mother take the cow to the market herself?

Because you're Zach

and you're the best cow seller in all of Spring Valley.

That's what you told your mother.

If Mom needs me to sell Bertha

then let's get to town.

( clearing throat )

Uh, Zach, follow Bertha.

That's the way into town.

Trust me, Samuel

this is a really cool shortcut.

Samuel: Through the woods?

What's wrong? You scared?

I don't know about this, kid.

Hey, Bertha, this way, girl.

Zach's got a great new shortcut.

Hmm, I forgot about that tunnel.


How do you forget that there's this totally dark

totally creepy tunnel?

Those are the kind of details

you're supposed to keep track of.

Well, it's been a long time since I took this shortcut.

Well, great shortcut, kid.

We could have been halfway to town

on a nice, sunny road by now.

but no...

( muffled )

Would you be quiet for a minute, Samuel.

I'm thinking.

Uh, maybe we'll go back your way.

Now you want to go my way?

You're not afraid, are you, kid?

Afraid? Hardly.

I just...

I thought... well, if there were another way...

a shorter shortcut.

Man: There is.


Who's out there?

There is a way, Zach

to sell your livestock without going to market.

How-how did you know my name?

Lucky guess, I suppose.

I have a proposal for you.

Uh, Zach, this guy's kind of creeping me out.

What do you say we head for town, huh?

Yeah, maybe that tunnel's not so scary after all.


Take these in exchange for your cow.

You and your mother will never go hungry again.


Oh, yeah, Zach, you'll never be hungry again

assuming you get real full on a spoonful of old beans.

Take the beans.

Well, I don't know.

My mom wanted me to sell Bertha for money.

These beans are priceless.

Nowhere else in the world

will you find these magic beans.

Trust me.

Uh, they're magic?

Magic beans?

Zach, your mother's going to have a field day with this.

Woman: You traded Bertha for beans?

We should have been able to live for a year

on the money from Bertha.

And you bring home beans?

Mom, they're magic beans.

We'll never go hungry again.

Magic beans.

They're useless.

Zach: I'm sorry, Mom.

Samuel: Boy, oh, boy. You said you could sell the cow.

You said you could get to town.

You said you could do the job.

And then you realized

you got in a little over your head.

You got scared.

I did not get scared.

Hey, that old guy was creepy.

Heck, even I was a little scared.

And you made a mistake.

But you know what, Zach?

You're a smart kid

and you'll find a way to make things better.

I know you will.

( sighs )

Make things better.

I'd do anything to make things better.

Zach: Whoa, hold it, Ari.

Are you saying that the me

in the story, who didn't sell the cow

is like the real me who didn't get

the film to the lab yet?

Well, you both said you could do something

and you both let your bragging and your bravery

get the best of you.

What are you talking about?

I am brave.

You started on this trail

saying you were brave.

But that's not the same thing as being brave--

having the courage to finish what you started

and being brave enough to admit that you made a bad decision.

( sighs )

Okay, okay.

So, what did Zach do

when he woke up in the morning and saw the beanstalk?

Yeah, what did he do?

You did what any brave, young boy would do.

You climbed.

You climbed higher than ever before, past the house

until you had a view of the whole town.

Whoa! Incredible.

Check that out.

Is it just me, or is that castle...


( yowls )

( laughs )

Sorry about that.

Must be time for breakfast.

Big castle like that must have big breakfasts.

Y-You think so?

( slurping )

Only one way to find out.


Inside that castle, you'll find nothing but danger.

Okay, kid, who's this?

You're like some kind of magnet for weird people

jumping out of the shadows.

I am your friend.

But be warned that an evil giant lives inside that castle.

So I guess a free breakfast

is out of the question.

He has ruled over this kingdom for years, stealing our food

forcing us to work for him.

There's nothing you can do about it?

Legend has it that a young boy will come to the castle

and destroy the giant.

When this happens

all of the giant's riches will belong to that boy

and he will never be hungry again.

"Never be hungry again."

That sounds familiar.

Uh, Zach, you reading the writing on the wall here?

The beanstalk.

Kid like you comes to town.

Big castle, mean giant.

He's going to get destroyed by a boy.

You're a boy!

I know, Samuel.

I'm the giant slayer.

And it's a good thing, too, because

I'm an excellent giant slayer.

Oh, boy, here we go again!

In fact, in all of Spring Valley

I'm the best giant slayer they ever...


Anybody home?

( snaps fingers )

Oh, wow!

( Samuel gasps )

Samuel: Cheese!


( grunts )

( sighs )


My favorite.

Who's that?

Oh, I can't see from here

but it doesn't sound like the giant.

Mmm, I'd say we have ourselves some visitors.

( clucks )

( gasps )

Did you hear something, Zach?

I think it was coming from over here.

Why, it's a boy!

That's right.

I'm Zach, and this is my friend Samuel.

Charmed, I'm sure.

And who are you?

I'm the singing harp

and this is the hen who lays the golden eggs.

Pleased to meet you boys.

Uh, what are you doing in that cage?

Think about it, Einstein. Cluck!

What would I be doing locked in a cage?

I'm a prisoner!

Hey, I like her.


The giant keeps us here to work for him

but he holds us against our will.

Can you rescue us?

( heavy footsteps )

Zach, the giant!

Boy, that is one mean-looking dude.

( gulping )

Bet his breath's not so pretty either.

Giant: Harp, play for me now.

( whispers ): Ah, that's nice.

Hen, lay a golden egg for me!

( grunts, then clucks )

There you are, Your Giantness.

Giant: Too small!

Lay another!

Too small?!

What am I, Fort Knox?!

Okay, Zach, instead of just saying how brave you are

this time, you're going to have to actually be brave.

Samuel, I can see that.

Fee Fi Fo Fum!

( sniffs )

I smell the blood of...

( sniffs )

Could it be a little boy?

This might be the part of the story

where we hightail it out here.

No way.

I got to be brave, remember?

Oh, oh, that smell.

You know, it could be coming from me.

Phew! Penned up in that cage for months on end.

Cluck! You could let me out for a quick bath now and then.


Maybe tomorrow.

Sleepy now.

( yawning )

Hey, uh, he's falling asleep.

( snoring )

This will never work.

How is a little guy like me supposed to take on that giant?

I'm too small.

Ow! What did you do that for?

Never underestimate the little guy.

Now get out there and slay that giant!

I'll free the prisoners.

There! That ought to slow him down.

Come on, let's get out of here!

( thud )

( sniffing ): Ah!

( gasps )

Quick, everybody! Run!

( growls )

It was a boy I smelled!

Fee Fi Fo Fum!

To the beanstalk! Hurry!

Nobody plays me for dumb!

Fly! Hurry!

Mom, get the ax! Quick!


So, uh, what do we do now?

Nothing. Funny thing about giants:

They sink like stones.

Ari: That night, Zach presented his mother with the harp

and the hen who laid the golden eggs

and they never went hungry again.

So, in the story, I climbed through my fear

to make up for the mistake I made.

Sounds about right.

I really should have brought that film in

before we went on our hike.

You didn't know we'd get stuck

on this trail.

Huh, "this trail."

We should have taken the easy one.

I guess I was just saying I was brave

and not really being brave.

If Jack could climb that beanstalk...

You sure you're not afraid to climb up there, Zach?

I've got to get this film to the lab.

I made a promise to my dad.

Socrates: Once again

Socrates saves the day!

Huh, thanks!

You're a real lifesaver.

That's right. Just put one hand over the other.

Easy as pie.

Hey, that was easy.

Hey, Annie, it's just three steps

and the trail is right here.

Wow! We were only a few feet

from the trail the whole time.

I wouldn't have wanted to climb that wall without the rope.

I mean, I'm sure I could have done it, but...

Maybe we should get moving

to get that film to the lab.

Good idea.

It's already late.

We'd better turn this hike into a run.

Thanks, everybody.

I owe you one.

Bye, Zach! See you later, Annie!

( panting )

We made it.



Guess we didn't make it after all.

Oh, Zach, what are you going to do?

I guess I'll have to find

the courage to tell my dad the truth.

Now, that's bravery.

But you're okay?

You and Annie got off the ledge in one piece.


Then, there's only one thing to do.

Ground me?

For what?

Making a bad decision?

Having the courage to come to me and tell the truth?

No, I'm not going to ground you.

You're not?

But I'm not letting you completely off the hook.

Bill's going to charge me a rush fee

for developing that film tomorrow.

And I'm going to pay the late fee?

It'll come out of your allowance

every week until the fee is paid off.

The important thing here is that you and Annie are both okay.

Thanks, Dad.

And I'll pay the fee.

But I do have one favor to ask from you.

What's that, son?

Let me bring the film to the lab

first thing in the morning.

I'll get up extra early.
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