31x01 - Second Chance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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31x01 - Second Chance

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: "survivor" is the

Most physically demanding and

Emotionally taxing game on


It strips you to your core.


Jeff: you're pulling

Yourself out of the game?

While offering the opportunity

For you to prove what you're

Made of.

For those who win-- winner of

"Survivor: cagayan."

The reward is grand-- a million

Dollars and a high that may

Never be repeated.

But for those who lose-- did woo

Make a million-dollar mistake--

The consequence is often a

Relentless nightmare of what-ifs

That never ends.

Until now.

I am so happy to say kelly

Wiglesworth, you will get a

Second shot.

Get up on that stage!

This season, for the first time

Ever, we turned "survivor" over

To the fans.

20 Former players who have

Played only once were selected

By a nationwide audience vote.

They're being given a second

Chance to finish what they



Jeff: some have waited over

A decade.

Jeff: they've traveled to

Cambodia, a country with the own

Stunning, humbling, and powerful

History that stirs the emotions.

It serves as a vivid reminder of

How the past can haunt and

Provides the inspiration to

Seize their second chance.

15 Years ago, I was in

Borneo, first season, and I

Almost won.

Jeff: the winner of the

First "survivor" competition,


I made it 39 days, and lost

By one vote.

But that's why I'm here.

It's been poking at me for 15

Years little by little.

I'm much stronger and smarter,

And I'm a mom now.

I've given birth, okay.

I can do anything at this point,


I am living the dream.

I have the perfect wife.

My kid, they're amazing.

I've got a great job.

I don't have any bad things in

My life, except "pearl islands."

Jeff: andrew.

My exit, it's haunted me for

12 Years, and I'm not over it,

And to cure my "survivor" pain,

I need to give it 1,000%.

I'm going to leave everything

I've got in this game, and it

Will be epic.

Last time I played "survivor"

I was, frankly, cocky.

Kass, zero chance of winning the


I thought about "survivor" in

Terms of chess, but I have done

A lot of maturing.

I've been emotional growing in

That time.

People are not chess pieces and

They need to be related to on a

Human level.

Being more emotionally aware, I

Think I'm in a better place in

Life that I've ever been to play

And win this game.

My experience in australia

Was cut way short, and I want to

Have that second chance at my

Dream of getting to the end.

The angkor wat temples, that's a

Total metaphor for this whole

Game because, you know, you get

A little bit of damage.

But you know what?

You can build yourself up.

14 Years is a long time to

Finish that last chapter in the


The last time I played the

Game I was with my dad.

You don't want to come off as


No, I know.

Like aggressive and you're

Saying what to do.

Playing with my dad was my

Downfall absolutely.

I probably should have written

My dad's name down but I can't

Go back on that now.

I can take this second chance,

And I can make the moves that I

Wanted to make and have a better


I really messed up my first

Time being scared early on.

After discovering that, like, I

Can socially work my way through

This game, I started to say,

"Okay, ciera, let's start making

Some moves."

Jeff: 11th person voted

Out of "survivor: blood vs.


Unfortunately, I had to start

With voting my mom out.

I love you.

And this time I want to be

Fearless and I want to be that

Person I was at the end of the

Game at the beginning of the

Game and just leave it all out

On the island.

The first time I played

"Survivor," I was nice tasha.

This is, like, the least

Strategic game I've ever played.

It's really silly.

I didn't want my family or my

Church members to be

Disappointed in the way I played

The game.

When I returned home, my church

Members were saying, "you need

To be more aggressive.

You need to lie and backstab

Like everyone else."

So if the saint think it's okay,

It's okay.

I'm here to win a million

Dollars, and when it's all done,

I'll pray for forgiveness.

This second chance means

Everything in the world to me.

I jumped off a pole in the

Outback for peanut butter and

Gave away a million dollars when

I did it.

It's peanut butter.

Jeff: anybody decides to

Bail, you can join me.

To replay that history over

And over for 14 years really

Does a number on you.

Jeff: jeff, the tribe has


This is my opportunity to

Rewrite my own story.

I'm more mature.

I'm a lot smarter, and I'm not

Jumping off anything for peanut


Growing up as a kid, me and

My dad would sit around and

Watch "survivor."

It was really hard not getting

My dad out here for the loved

Ones' visit.

It was something they really

Wanted to do to prove to myself

That I could make it that far in

The game.

Jeff: joe, the tribe has


Thanks, jeff.

I just came up short, and it was


I think this is my time to make

It happen right now.

We all have a little devil in


I was a bit of a troublemaker my


Good luck.

Chaos kass, well, she lives

Somewhere deep within me.

But if don't change, someone's

Going to take me down.

But I kind of like my legacy

Thus far.

I like the chaos.

The the only thing that needs to

Change is their perception of

Me, and then when the merge

Comes, if I'm there, all hell

Upon break loose.

You know, when I look back on

My season, I made a lot of


I created a lot of trouble.

I am your friend.

But if you [ bleep ] with me,

You're dead.

That was a mistake.

I threw coke nuts at scoopin's





That was a mistake.

I was too blunt with lisa.

Seriously, are you insulting my

Intelligence right now?

You're trying to freaking fool


I'm not stupid.

I shouldn't have done that.

But having a second chance to

Come back and patch those little


But I like having fun.

Villains have more fun.

The last time when I played

With my wife, half my mind was

Always with her.

Jeff: they're sending your

Wife to exile island.

What's the feeling right now?

I got nothing.

It's emotional, you know, with


I really love her, and I care

About what she's doing.

I wasn't focused.

Jeff: eighth person voted

Out and the second member of our


So I was blindsided by my own


I went home, took it hard.

Now, I want the money for val

More than for me.

I just need to go through this


I'm back for some redemption.

Jeff: welcome to "survivor

Cambodia: second chance."

[ Cheers and applause ]

This is a very unique season

Because you are all returning

Players who have played only

Once and didn't win, which is

Another way of saying you failed

In your goal.

And you're being given a second

Chance to finish what you


To further fuel your motivation,

You were chosen, voted in by the

Very people who watched you play

The first time, our audience.

Ciera, what does that feel like

To know we didn't put out show.

The fans put you on the show?

I think there's definitely

Like an element of pressure

Because you don't want to let,

You know, your family down let

Alone now, america.

Jeff: jeff varner, you can

Argue that people might have

Forgotten about you.

It was 14 years ago.

A long time ago.

Jeff: how often have you

Thought about doing this again?

A lot.

A whole lot.

Jeff: I can even feel or

Hear the butterflies coming

Through your voice.

A little bit, yeah.

There's excitement.

There are butterflies.

There's emotion.

You know, there's a lot going


Jeff: joe, you played in

Our most recent season.


Jeff: this is really like

Getting home, taking a shower,

And coming back out again.

Yeah, the transition was

Pretty quick.

But I'm now with all the great

Players they grew up watching,

People that I kind of based my

Game after.

Some of these great players, I

Mean, terry, the challenge


I was like man, I would love to

Do that.

They paved the way for this


Jeff: and we have to check

In with kelly wiglesworth.

Right here, jeff.

Jeff: the first runnerup of

Our very first season 15 years


It's weird when I hear joe

Say, "I grew up watching


We're old, man.

Jeff: one vote,

Wiglesworth, it was one vote.


Jeff: that richard hatch

Beat you by.

How often do you replay final

Tribal council?

Every day.

Jeff: all right, 20 players

From 30 seasons, all with one

Thing in common-- you've been

Waiting for your second chance.

Your second chance is here.

Let's get going.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Inside your boat, you'll find a

Bag of buffs, along with a map

To your new tribe beach.

Two boats on the left, we have

Wiglesworth, woo, shirin, vytas,

Abi, deitz, jeff varner,

Spencer, and kelley wentworth.

Your tribe name takeo.

Two boat on the right, ciera,

Tash afishback, savage, jeremy,

Monica, kass, joe, keith, and


Your tribe name is bayon.

Both tribes named after famous

Temples of angkor wat.

This boat, supplies that will


Your life back at camp a whole

Lot easier.

On my go, you will get off of

Your boat, race on this boat and

Gather as many supplies as you


There's a twist-- 100 yards from

The boat I am on is another


Hanging on that boat one large

Bag of rice.

The first person who retrieves

The bag wins for their tribe.

So your dilemma becomes how much

Time do you spend on this boat

Gathering the supplies you need

To make a camp, and when do you

Get off, release your raft, and

Start racing for the rice?

This is essentially your first

Challenge as new tribes.

And it gwynns now.

You got to get on this boat and

Start gathering supplies quickly

Before somebody else takes


Nothing easy about "survivor."

Spence ser up first.

Here's joe.

Let's go, keep moving!

Climb your way up!

20 People trying to get as much

As you can, 15 years for some of

You, all this energy has been

Pent up, finally being released.

This is it, your second chance

Is happening right now.

People up top, people down

Below, everybody working


Stephen, stephen!

Drop it.


Jeff: at some point you're

Going to have to release your

Raft and start for that rice.

It's a game of chicken.

There are pots, there are pans.

Watch your heads.

Stuff flying everywhere.

Varner with a big load coming


What is valuable and what is


We're about load down.

We gotta go.

Jeff: takeo it heading out.

Bayon is getting ready to head


Once you're ready, release your


Use that machete to chop the


Takeo is on their boat.

Varner releasing.

Takeo is released.

Bayon is on their boat.

Joe is chopping.

You're good, get in!

Let's go!

It is now a race to the rice.

Which tribe will work together

The best straight out of the


15 Years ago, it was wiglesworth

Who was the river guide.

This time she is swimming ahead

Of the raft.

Takeo out to the early lead.

Bayon having a lot of trouble,

Nearly sinking their raft.

Can someone swim it?


Keep going.

Get me close.

Jeff: wiglesworth still

Outswimming the raft.

She's going to wear out.



I'm going for it.

Good luck.

Yeah, joe!

Jeff: joe now in the water

For bayon.

He's making a move trying to

Catch wiglesworth.

We've got a challenge now!

Woo now in the water for tack


Go, woo, go.


Jeff: he's passing


Joe trying to catch woo.

It is going to be woo to the

Boat first.


Jeff: woo has the rice for


Head out to your beaches.

Second chance is on.

39 Days, 20 people, one


Spotting our flag, I wanted

To cry I was so stoked.

It was like when I first

Received my first black belt,

It's super honorable.

[ Cheers ]

Oh, man.


Good job.

Happy to be here.

Going into this second

Chance, I'm not only playing for


I feel like I'm playing for

Everyone that voted for me.

Oh, wow.

That's a nice beach.

We can put the rice right


We can name this one but we

Can't k*ll it.

It's nice to meet you in the


Yes, it is.

No brother, no dad, we're good.

Mr. Jeff, good to see you.

Seeing the beach, it was just

Day one borneo all over again.

What do you guys say we start

Building some stuff?

My first thought is let's get

Camp going.

We can use that crotch in the

Tree right there and run a beam

Over to about here.

Sound good?

Sounds great.

That way we get a nice breeze

Coming across here.


To me it's important to work

Hard and be useful in camp, and

It was immediately clear who the

Workers were-- terry, me, woo.

We're going to a-frame it

This way?

No, no, this way.


Opening that way.

When people don't have

Anywhere to sleep and when it

Starts raining, they're going to

Remember, hopefully, that I was

There working and building a


There doesn't get any more old

School "survivor" than me.

That's it.

Thank you.

It's been a long time since I

Played, and I believe there is a

Huge difference between old

School and new school.

They can probably go on top on

This side and latch to the

Bottom on that side.


One of the big differences

Now is the fact that the game

Almost immediately is played

When you hit the beach.

Whereas in old school, it was

Kind of like we needed shelter,

And we needed fire.

So that the braces will be nice

And tight.

My social game over the past

Nine years has haunted me a bit.

As we're building the shelter, I

Hear my wife's voice in my ear

Going, "don't let people walk

Off all by themselves."

Make sure you're getting into

The social game because, you

Know, it's a big part of


How are you feeling?

I'm excited to be here.

You're going to be like the


We have you, you're the person

Here who can make fire, who can

Do this stuff, better than I

Can, definitely, better than

Most people can.

We'll see if they can get it


The challenge beast.

You know, I'm good with the

Team stuff now but my son, he's

A "survivor" fanatic, and he

Wrote me up a dossier on


And he goes, "you need to align

With spencer.

He's a good kid.

He's solid.

He's loyal."

Terry's children, thank you

For having your dad trust me

Because I don't trust anyone and

I'm going to do what's best for


I've got your back.

Definitely, like, I want to

Play solid, predictable,

Rational guys.

That means a lot to me, man.

It really does.

I'm a new-school player but

I'm an ever-school fan so it's

Important for me to have real

Relationships and know what

People are thinking.

I want to have more one-on-one

Conversations in the first three

Days here this time than I had

In my entire game in cagayan.


I really am weirded out about

My bag.

Whose bag is that?

It's not mine.

Do you have anything in your


Yeah, my bracelet.

I am worried because my bag

Disappears, nowhere to be found.

Abi, up to the take this bag?

I want my bag.

My bracelet is inside.

I have this, like, leather

Bracelet with, like, some gold

Stuff in it-- not real gold but

Like, you know, it's my super

Powers bracelet.

It was hanging on that tree and

It's just nowhere to be found.

It's here.

It's really weird.


There's nothing in her bag

That she needs right now but her


How weird.

The last time in the

Philippines, I totally let me

Emotions get the best of me, and

That was one of my downfalls.

I looked inside every bag.

My bracelet's not inside and my

Bag is nowhere.

You checked on the ones on

The tree there.


This time around I told myself

That I was going to control my

Emotions and my temper, and

That's part of the game that I

Want to play right now.

But it's so hard for me not to

Pull out the fangs.

Hit the nail.

Hit it!

♪ ♪ ♪

I got my rhythm.

It's hollow.

It's hollow.

The tribe seems to be in

Really good spirits.

Everybody is working around


Everybody is getting along.

We kind of have, like, a really

Peaceful mantra about us, and

I'm hoping by coming out here a

Second time I can rewrite my


You remember this, tash?

I do, I do.

We didn't have palm fronds so

This is my learning curve.

One of my true talents in


Isn't this crazy we're

All back here again.


I'm so happy.

I love it.

Ain't going to be able to

Hang off it, but it will hold.

I never thought I'd make the cut

But here I am.

Happy to be here now.

Let's get the frame built.

There you go.

Last time I kind of coasted

On by for a while, even without

An alliance.

That gets you all the way to

Fourth, big deal.

Fourth place is a hard pill to


So I'm not going to change a lot

But maybe tweak a little bit.

And we make our lean-to.

It doesn't have to be deep, just

Right off the edge.

Second time is going to be a

Whole lot different.

No fumbling this time.

Actually, this is a new

Season, right?

We're putting everything behind


Everything is in the past, and

This is, like, season 31.

We'll move on, and we're good.

With the tribe I feel good.

I knew my season that they saw

Me as a threat, so I figure, let

Me talk to keith.

The only thing I'm hoping is if

Keith hears my name that he

Comes back to me.

In my head, keith, we were good.

Me, too.

I'm trying to go

Strategically, and really use my

Head this season.

So I wanted tasha, probably the

Strongest female out there.

As long as it's not me, I'm


And I wanted savage.

Savage seems like a real

Straight-up guy, another

Physical threat.

I'm telling you, I got your


We're good.

What about fish?

I don't have a good feeling

About fish.

But my number one that I

Wanted was joe.

There's no bigger shield out

Here than joe.

We've got an awesome,

Awesome-- awesome group.


Savage is on board.


I like it.


And it kind of worked out

That way, and I think it will be

So dumb for someone to mess this


Y'all are putting in work.

And I feel like we have the

Stronger group.

We could really move on in this


We could make some noise noyes.

We just have to stick together

And get each other's back.

Did I tell you this-- this is

A true story, I have to tell you

This-- my daughters will k*ll


I have a 17-year-old and a

15-Year-old and we're watching

Your taken and I'm sitting in

Between my daughters and my

17-Year-old didn't-- wasn't--

Didn't realize she was talking

Out loud and she goes, "he's


And then my 15-year-old goes,

"Yes, he is."

And I said, I said, "ladies, I'm

Sitting right here."


One thing I learned last season

Was I'm the biggest threat, so

You gotta make moves to ensure

You go deeper in the game.

So either the alpha males go at

Each other or they align and

Come together and work together.

In the case of, like, jeremy and

Savage, I think we all are kind

Of on the same page of let's

Help each other help each other.

Hey, you guys.

Y'all are k*lling it.

Let me just say.

Go, andrew!

Andrew, you're the man!


Down comes the tree.

[ Cheers ].

I'm so impressed with the

Guys, seriously.

It makes a difference.

I feel exactly like felt last

Time, out of place on a tribe

With guys who are not like me.

A fishbach out of water once


It could be the same

Narrative as it was for me in

Tocanes, where I was out of

Place and connected with a

People who was in his element

And we went to the end.

J.t., He destroyed me in the


I'm not going to make that

Mistake the next time.

All these manly men on my tribe,

It is my nightmare.

Are you good at weaving?


Either I'm going to be totally

In charge of my tribe-- this is

A mess.

Or I'm going to dramatically

Overplay and flame out really


I need some water.

I'm a little dizzy.

It's hot.

I just had a moment.

There's a lot of excitement,

Too, today.

A lot.


And we're all tired.

When I played "survivor" the

First time I got put on a tribe

With all women and they were

Gunning for me hard and I was

Fortunate enough to get myself

In their good grace.

I'm happy we're on the same

Tribe, you and i.

I'm happy, too.

Some people would say he

Manipulated those women.

I didn't manipulate the women.

I manipulated some of smir

Perspective and that's what

"Survivor" is about and I'm good

At that.

Where are you from?

Hong kong.

A really good friend of mine

Looks just like you, chinese,

Freckles, beautiful.

Thank you.

Beautiful, beautiful, great


But at the same time I don't

Want to be perceived as a

Manipulator because that's a

Threat, especially early on.

I never talked to you before.

I know!

It's good to be here us "blood

Vs. Water" people.

I know!

I want the women to think

He's a sweet guy.

He's down to help out.

He's a nice person.

I want to give him a chance to

See what he's like.

Don't stress.

Don't stress.

To me, vytas comes off as

Smarmy, and that's how I read

Him in his first season and

That's how I'm reading him now.

Hammer that nail into me,

Woo, hammer it into me.

So right out of the gate I

Want to pull away some clear

People that I want to work with

And just lock it down right off

The bat.

Because it's a rare opportunity

To get a second chance ever, let

Alone at this game, and I'm not

Going to squander it.

So vytas is super well


I don't know if you guys put

This together, vytas is

Connected with terry through


That's a good point.

And aras and terry are now

Super close, which means vytas

And terry arecrose and they're

Probably laying low about itt.

Vytas has clear connections and

He has very clear connections to

The other tribe as well.

Ciera and vytas played "blood

Vs. Water" together.

You're very observant.

I I have to get in the mood for


You just have to warm up.

Shirin is talking a mile a


This train took off and I'm glad

I got on it.

I just got on it.

I don't care who is pulling me

In the woods.

Yes is your answer.

I feel good about kelly.

I don't know her, but I love


I think we can get her to

Vote with us.

It's like, damn, mama!

Slow down!

I just got here.

The train will only go as fast

As its conductor will take it.

And she hit the gas.

What just bit my ass.

We can figure that out--

Let's get water.

P.g., I just think we're

Going to need to feel her out.

When I did it the first time

In the outback, it was all about

The adventure.

It wasn't about the strategy at


I haven't played "survivor" in

15 Years.

Is this the way you do it now is

I'm so out of my element right


I feel like I don't know what to


I don't know where to turn.

I don't know if it's 15 years

Waiting for this dispiewnt here

It is but it's coming at the

Right time for me.

I'll be 50 next year.

That's a big year, and most men

My age go through a midlife


They buy a corvette.

They cheat on their wives.

I go on "survivor."

It's not about a midwife crise.

It's about a midlife quest, and

The second half of my life

Begins with "survivor: second


I just feel so weird, I feel

Like the baby.

Okay, so where's my bracelet?

One of those that's hanging?

No, it's not.

I looked everywhere.

She has my bag.

I found it.

Inside peih-gee's bag, my


That's peih-gee's bag?

Well, her name is here.

I don't know what to think.

But I found my bracelet.

There was one bag with a name

Pag, peih-gee.

And I stick my hand in there,

And first thing they grab out of

The bag is my freaking bracelet.

That's very interesting, right?

Are you gonna say anything?

No, but I know now.

I found my bracelet inside

Peih-gee's bag.

I found my bracelet.

You did?

Inside peih-gee's bag.

No way.

I swear to god.

Do you think she inadvertently?

I don't want to say anything.

I'm going to give the benefit of

The doubt.

There was no reason for her to

Steal my bracelet but in my head

I'm like, hm, maybe she was

Trying to waken the brazilian


Even though deep inside

Sometimes I want to scream and

Let the temper take over me, I

Can't let this happen.

It's my second chance.

I have to play smart.

It's just funny because I've

Been look ago I was very vocal

About it, right?

Yeah, no, you were.

Very vocal about it.

Abi-maria, she was causing

Weirdness around this bracelet

Of hers that she thought I took,

And I was just like, you know,


I just want to straighten it out

With her because I don't want

Her to think I stole her damn


I heard your bracelet was in

My bag.

Yeah, it was in your bag.

You know what happened, there

Was a bag with no name tag on it

Hanging up.

That was my bag.

And I didn't realize.

I didn't know there was anything

In it, so I just grabbed it--

No, I gave the benefit of the


Yeah yeah, I just want you to

Know, because I know you were

Looking for it so much.

I was.

I was looking for it a long


The last time I was on

"Survivor," I didn't form the

Relationships that I should


I've learned you make friends

But you keep your enemies a

Little bit closer.

All right, so we're cool.

I didn't want you to think,


Like, I told you, I was

Giving you the benefit of the


Oh, look, they're trying to

Make fire.


This is a big part of the game

Right here, like the most

Important, fire, water, shelter.

I mean, you can smell it.

It's coming.


These didn't work on my

Season, so I don't know, but one

Way to focus the light is take a

Leaf and put a pinhole in it.

Or a drop of water.


Out here second chances it kind

Of sets a tone for everyone like

This is it.

I was a little worried about

Getting voted back in because I

Flipped off someone but I think

People know I'm going to play

And you're going to have


A lot of people are here to

Prove something.

I just want to win.

I don't care how I do it.

I think he's trying to look

For an idol.

Oh, really?

I'm going looking for wood.

I couldn't help myself looking

For the idol because fidon't

Find that idol, someone else is

Going to find it.

But this is a huge, huge beach,

And there are a lot of trees.

I walked into this disgusting,

Muddy swamp.

It was nasty.

I don't imagine jeff probst is

Going into that swamp to hide an

Idol but, you know, it's game


This is the perfect place it

Find an idol, some crazy bog in

The the middle of nowhere.

I need the idol, or I need to

Create a solid link with some

People who hopefully won't judge

Me for being a nerd?

I'm sure people noticed that I

Was looking for the idol.

I hope I'm not getting branded

With that idol-- I probably am--

Fishbach is looking for the


Dang it.

You got it, brother.

You got it.

You got it.

It's a beautiful thing.

You got it.

We got fire!



That's team work!

Team work makes a dream work.

[ Applause ].

Awesome job.

How awesome is that?

This is what I'm talking


Good job, joe.

I'm still just in awe of the

Fact that joe got fire.

Just had to start from


That is all.

And I prayed over it.

That was all you.

And joe was just incredible.

In this environment, with this


We thumped mother nature on day

One by getting fire and that, I

Think, is a great sign of things

To come.

Cheers to "survivor."

My world is spinning.

Day two, I feel like I've never

Played this game before.

It's odd.

It's hot.

And I want to cool off.

This game is way too fast.

I can't keep up with it.

But I'm playing hard.

And I'm trying not to look like

I'm playing hard but I'm playing


Who do you see in groups so far,

Just to make sure we're on the

Same page.

I feel like it's the shelter


The shelter people?


Versus the beach people.

Are we beach people?

I don't know because I've

Done both, you know what I mean?

I've walked the beach and I've

Worked the shelter.

There are to divisions happening

On this beach right now.

There's the people who built the

Shelter, the old-schoolers.

Old school wants to do it the

Way old school did it-- you work

And that's what your value is.

And the new school wants to just

Take off running down the beach

And get me into an alliance.

But I don't want to turn on the

Shelter people, my old folks.

I don't want to do that.

I feel like I'm in a weird


So am i.

I think you and I are in the

Same seat, actually.

If you were forced to pick

Somebody for a first boot--

I think shirin wanted to get

Rid of vytas.

I think we need to lose

Somebody like abi.

It's my second chance, and

I'm in something I've never been

In before and I don't know what

To do.

Old school-new school.

What do I do?

Good morning!

Good morning, sunshine.

We need water.

I think I definitely have to

Take into consideration the game

That I played last time.

You know, you didn't take as

Many risks as I should have.

You don't always get second

Chances, and I'm not going to

Waste it.

And generally, hidden immunity

Idol is already in camp when you

Get there.

So I expected in a second chance

Season that there's definitely

Going to be one.

So many palm fronds.

Working so hard.

I took on the task of getting

Palm fronds and coconut and I

Knew that would give me an

Opportunity to potentially look

For an idol.

Put things on the path, when

People come by, I can be oh,


I'm putting things out for you

To take back.


Sneaky, sneaky!

Where is the idol?


Everything looks the same here.

If you were an idol, where would

You be?

Where would you be?


Not in there.

I looked for a long time, and

Then I happened to walk by one



Shut the [ bleep ] up!

Oh, shut up.

Oh, my god.




That is amazing.

I just found-- I think I just

Found the hidden immunity idol.


Oh, my god.

This is huge.

Oh, my god!

I hope-- what is it?

Congratulations, you found a

Clue to the hidden immunity


Okay, I jumped the g*n a little.

"Security you seek is within

Reach but it will require you to

Be daring.

Near the end of your next

Immunity challenge you'll place

Your raft on a stand made of

Foul small tripods.

Ticked up under the right front

Tripod is the hidden immunity


The only question is are you

Bold enough to grab it in the

Middle of a challenge?

If so, the immunity is yours."

Usually the hidden immunity idol

Is in camp.

For it to be at a challenge is

Crazy because everyone can see

You if you're not sneaky enough.

This is amazing.

If I get to the challenge and

Feel like I can pull it off--

I'm so happy-- I'll try to grab


Otherwise, it will be super


Bayon, it's any time.

Come on!

It is go time.

This is our official flag.

That's bad-ss.

That's awesome.

15 Years waiting to return, the

First challenge ever done.

And then the first player is

Voted out.

Now it doesn't seem so fun.

First challenge.

Our first challenge is going

To be the very first survivor

Challenge on the very first

"Survivor," and to be able to

Get the first tree mail after

Waiting so long, it's-- you

Know, you get these little

Butterflies in your stomach.

This is "survivor," but this

Is a family, right.

We are 10 strong, harmony.

And in this challenge, everybody

Here is going to get gassed.


Right, and we pick each other


Tree mail kind of gets me


It's no secret that I'm one of

The smallest people here and the

First time I played I always

Tried to downplay that and not

Make a big deal out of it.

But now I just want to make sure

I hold my own.

I think I'm stronger now.

Now just go down.

Let out, like, all that out.

All that nastiness.

Joe down there doing yoga,

And I don't do yoga.

I get nupt morning know I have a

Cup of coffee and go to work,

Like 99% of americans do.

Nobody wants to see me bend over

And get contorted out there and

All that.

I think joe is a free-spirit

Pretty boy with the hair.

Yeah, great, great around camp.

Peel stuff, chop stuff.

Butioca, that-- that's joe.

At the top of your breath.

Today, we did some not yoga,

Some joga.

And, honestly, I was a little


You know, I'm trying to breathe,

But all I could think about was

Joe's body.

How can you focus looking at


But I think we are in a good

Mental place to win this


So I'm excited.

We're pumped.

Walk your feet back right

About there.

Now pull your himself back,

Press your heels down, drop your

Chest in.

It's like a modified version of

Downward dog.

We call it puppy dog.

Feel the length in your torso.

Before the challenge, vytas

Showed me some of his yoga


Remember you can do it

Against a tree like this.

I'm going to have trouble


Against the boat, like this.

I'll need a quiz later.

And this is another good one.

If you're feeling hunched over--

He can be so over the top.

He's so yoga!

And svrinivasa, monkey pose.

Lift across the chest.

Opening up across the armpits

And the collar bones.

Vytas just going around just,

Like, trying to flirt, and it's

Annoying me.

It's not sexy in any way.

Like, just go away.

You're like a bug.

Get away.

So I want vytas out, like, done.

He's dead to me.

He's annoying me.

You could even do it on

Something like the shelter here.

It's just all about...

She's looking at your idol.

I don't want to see that.

Abi, want some yoga?


How are you feeling?

How is your body feeling?

I'm feeling great.

Abi's a tough person to deal


She gets annoyed with people on

A dime and abi sent me some

Negative vibes this morning.

I wouldn't be surprised if abi

Whispered, "let's get out


I need to make sure I don't get

Too comfortable.

My mistake last time was my lack

Of awareness and overconfidence.

We want to win the

Challenges, but I was thinking

It would be abi right off the


It would be smart to get out

Abi because we could get every

Single person on board because

Nobody likes her.

But this is still the beginning

Of the day.

Somebody might do something real

Stupid later in the day.

Somebody might do something bad

In the challenge.

If the tide is going in abi's

Direction, I'm going to have to

Just, like, let it go.

Jeff: come on in, guys!

The first immunity challenge.

All I could think about was the

Hidden immunity idol.

That's all I had on my mind.

Jeff: all right, you guys

Ready to get to today's immunity


Oh, yeah.


Jeff: I like the


For today's challenge, both

Tribes will race out to a raft

Where you will light a torch.

You'll use that torch to light a

Series of fires, making your way

To a stand where you will place

Your raft.

Then one person from each tribe

Will use sticks and rope to

Fashion a long pole.

You'll use that pole to retrieve

A key.

First tribe to open their gate

And light their final fire wins

Immunity, is safe from the vote.


Jeff: you all know this is

What you want in this game.

This is security and certainty.

Without it, you could be in


In addition, you are also

Playing for reward.


Jeff: massive "survivor"

Fire-making kit.

Flint, kerosene, matches.

You've got a tarp for your wood.

Makes life a whole lot easier.

Losers, tribal council where

Somebody will be the first

Person voted out of "survivor:

Second chance."

This challenge is very special

In "survivor" history.

Quest for fire was the very

First challenge ever run in our

First episode.

Kelly wiglesworth was there.

She lost.

Thanks for reminding me,


Jeff: so this is a second

Chance with really big stakes.

Give you a minute to strategize,

We'll get it on.

All right, here we go.

Immunity and fire on the line!

Survivors ready?


This is it, your first challenge

At second chancer.

You cannot move your raft until

Everybody is here.

Come on, come on.

Jeff: tasha last to get


Let's go!

Ta keo is first.

Bayon right behind them.

You have to work together to

Move that raft.

It takes a lot of communication.

Keith has the torch for bayon.

Spencer going to get the torch

For ta keo.

Spencer has the first fire for

Ta keo.

Keith has the first one for


We are neck and neck.

Spencer has the second fire.

Keith haslet second fire for his


Keith lost his fire.

Gotta get it lit, keith!

Light it again!

Jeff: keith losing valuable


Come okeith.

Jeff: spence are for ta


Light that third fire.

Come on keith!

Jeff: keith struggling with

That fire.

Keith reaching for that third

Fire for bayon.

He's got it.

Spencer has the fourth fire lit

For ta keo.

Bayon is slowing down now.

Ta keo is starting to pull



Jeff: spencer has the fifth

Fire for ta keo.

Head out!

Keith reaching for bayon.

He's got it!

Ta keo with the early lead.

Still lighting fires.


Jeff: keith continues to

Struggle with the fire.

That's costing time.

Keith has the fifth fire for


Come on.

Jeff: ta keo has all their

Fires lit.

Now you've got to place your

Raft on the stand!

Good job.

There, go!

It's in, go!

Jeff: it is kelly

Wiglesworth going to go to work.

Come on, kelly, you've got


Jeff: on the sticks and

Ropes to passion a pole long

Enough to get a key.

I looked back and thought

Crap I missed an opportunity to

Get an idol.

As much as I want the idol, I

Don't want somebody to see me

Get the idol because then they

Might target me.

Jeff: bayon finally back.

Who's going to do it?

It's going to be joe working for


Kelly for ta keo.

You got this, kelly.

Kel, I've seen this done.

Just do it right the first time.

Jeff: you've got to make

The pole long enough and strong

Enough to retrieve the key.

One more.

One more.

Way ahead, keep going.

Jeff: a lot easier said

Than done.

It is a long throw to that key.

You're in awesome shape.

You got this.

This one should do it right


Easy, easy.

Jeff: kelly going to give

It a go.

Let's see if she's got enough.

Keep it flat, right?

Keep going, joe.

It's going to break.

Not long enough, kel.

Jeff: kelly going to be far


She's got to add some more


Do it, joe.

She's out of stick.

Come on, kelly, hurry.

You gotta, baby, you got it.

Take your time.

Jeff: joe now going to give

It a shot.

Does he have enough pole and is

It strong enough to get there?

It looks long enough.

Is it strong enough?

Go from the top.

Jeff: huge immunity on the


Nobody wants to go home!

Can he get there?

Joe reaching if that are key.

He's all around it.

Is his pole strong enough to get

It off?

Wiglesworth going for it now.

Can she get there?

Joe on that key trying to lift

It off.

Up, up.

Jeff: wiglesworth gets the


Joe's got the key.

Wiglesworth can't get it.

Joe slowly moving the key.

Don't drop it.

Don't drop it.

Jeff: it's working!

Joe has the key!

Can he get it back?


Spencer coming in now to try to

Catch up for ta keo who has one


Bayon working on that lock while

Spencer tries to reach the key.

Can he do it?

He's on it!


It dropped short.

Bayon through the gate.

One fire left to burn for the

Win in the first challenge of

"Survivor: second chance."

Bayon wins immunity!

Sending ta keo to tribal



I blew it.

Jeff: bayon,


First challenge.

Nobody going home from the bayon


Grab your reward, head back to


Enjoy the night off.

Thank you, jeff.

Jeff: wiglesworth, 15 years

Later, same result.

Same result.

Jeff: do you feel a little


Oh, absolutely.

I feel 100% responsible.

We had a strong lead, and that

Was where we fell behind, and

That was my fault, and I take it

All on.


Jeff: yeah, you're


Is that because you just don't

Like to let people down?

She hasn't let us down, jeff.

She's awesome.

Don't worry.

Jeff: all right, ta keo,

Got nothing for you except a

Date with me tonight at tribal

Council, and we are heading to

Tribal council right now.

We don't have a second to

Talk about game play, strategy,


I am nervous as hell going to

A tribal without getting your

Ducks in a row.

We have a tribe with abi-maria,

Jeff varner, and all the

Crazyies under the sun.

If the worst-case scenario

Happens, it's equivalent to all

Of your ducks getting shot by a

r*fle at once.

Jeff: behind each of you is

A torch.

Go ahead and grab a torch, dip

It in and get fire.

This is part of the ritual of

Tribal council because in this

Game, fire represents your life.

When your fire's gone, so are


So, spencer, what does "second

Chance" mean now that you're

Here and you were voted in by

The very people who watched you


Yeah, there's an entire new

Element of heartbreak when you

Consider that if you go home

Tonight, you're letting down

Yourself, friends and family,

And now, everyone who wanted to

See you have that second chance.

Jeff: woo, what did you

Notice in those early moments?

Because sometimes right out of

The gate people are scrambling

And talking and making



Immediately, you can see a big

Division happening.

There's the old-school way of

Playing where, hey, let's build

A shelter.

And then the new-school way is

Let's go strategize, let's go


And it was very clear.

Jeff: deitz, do you agree

With that?

Yeah, I'd say so, and I'm

Part of the old-school regime,

And we were busy building, not

Getting much of a chance to talk

And then after a while sat down

With a few people and we started

Talking and that's a big part of

The game.

Jeff: it's a huge part of

The game.


It was an eye opener to see it

Happening that fast.

It really was.

Jeff: peih-gee, how

Important is it to assess where

You were when you played the

First time and adapt to get to

Where you need to be when you

Play the second time?

That's what "second chance"

Is about.

Did you learn from your mistakes

The first time?

Are you able to correct them?

I think I've been trying really

Hard to kind of split the

Difference between camp life,

Getting to know everybody.

You know, you can't get stuck

Making the same mistakes that

You did the first time.

Jeff: abi, what's your

Second chance about?

It's about growth.

It's about learning from my


You know, I have had situations

Where I could have been a very

Firecracker, and I've been able

To count to 10 and just hold

Back and reach the next level of

My confidence.

Jeff: vytas, you have one

Element of your second chance

Story that's unique.

You have a loved one who not

Only played but won.

Yeah, not only did aras win

This game, but aras beat terry.

Of course, I would love to win

It, but if deitz outlasts me

Aras will always rub it in and

Say, "I beat deitz, you couldn't

Beat him."

Jeff: wiglesworth.

How of an impact will it have

That we left directly from the

Challenge and came here and you

Didn't have the expected time to

Go back and huddle in your


I think it will impact the

Vote in a big way.

I don't know if anybody know

Where's they stand.

For me, like everybody else, I'm

Trying to catch up.

Jeff, I think people know

What's happening here tonight.

I don't care what they stairk

There's been a lot of work on

This beach in the last three


Jeff: vytas, how do you

Feel about that?

Is this going to be a random,

Gut instinct vote or are there

Factions already?

I think enough people have

Talked, I think enough people

Understand who they want to work

With, where they stand.

So it's completely not random


Jeff: woo, how big is

Tonight's vote?

It's very critical and will

Set the tempo of the game.

And for me personally, I have no


I'm sitting here right now, and

Honestly, I don't know where I'm


Jeff: and, abi, the

Interesting thing about that is

Now you want to look at who

Woo's looking at.

Right now now I see the

Division clearly.

Jeff: and what is it?

Clearly a melding that's

Going on with them.

Jeff, there's not a male

Thing going on.

I think at this point in the

Game tribe unity is the most

Important part of where who you

Are voting for.

Jeff: abeerk are you

Rocking back and forth.

I feel nervous.

>.jeff: if it's you who goes

Home tonight, where will this

Story sit with you?

Heartbreaking, I'm not ready

To go.

Jeff: woo, what is it like

To hear somebody say it will be


It's tough, obviously, but at

The end of the day it's how well

You get along with everybody


It's obvious he's voting for

Me tonight.

Now, I know.

Jeff: and deeper than that,

Abeerk he's hitting on the thing

You said you wanted to work on,

Your social skills.

Right, there is always room

For growth.

You're always learning every

Day, little by little.

Jeff: wiglesworth, are you

Concerned you might make the

Wrong vote tonight?

I think my gut's telling me

Which way to vote, and I think

I'm picking up on some cues.

Jeff: varner, wiglesworth

Mentioned the cues, how big of a

Part of the game was that

Knowing this is not the way it

Was when you played?

It's huge.

I've done nothing but picking up

On cues.

So much so I've had very little


I've had little time to go the

Things I would have done in


It's a different world.

And I don't know if my

Old-school counterparts are

Participating in this new world

As hard as I am.

I'm balls to the wall and I'm

Dying to see what happens


Jeff: before we vote, am I

Missing anything?

There's an elephant here.

Is there an elephant in the room

You're talking about?

I think if there is an

Elephant in the room, we're

About to find out.

Jeff: wow.

It's my second chance.

I don't want to screw it up.

This is an important night.

Jeff: all right, it is time

To vote.

Woo, you're up.

I'm sorry, vytas.

I wanted to play with you,

But there's still a lot of room

For growth.


Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it now

Would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

The the person voted out will be

Asked to leave the tribal

Council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote, vytas.






That's three votes vytas, three

Votes abi.



Four votes vytas, four votes

Abi, two votes left.


That's five votes vytas, four

Votes abi, one vote left.

First person voted out of

"Survivor: second chance,"


You need to bring me your torch.

Jeff: vytas, the tribe has


Time for you to go.

No hard feelings you guys.

Play such a great game.

It's all good.

Jeff: well, tonight's vote

Ill straights one thing very

Clearly-- your second chance can

End at any time.

Which means you've got to make

The most of it.

And now that you've been to

Tribal council, fire in the form

Of flint will be waiting for you

Back at camp.

Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: stay tuned for scenes

From our next episode.

Next time on survivor.

I'm sorry that you don't like


That I annoy you.

Jeff: abi is playing the

Same old game.

You [ bleep ] with me,



Jeff: while varn ser trying

To change it up.

All of these

Threats, I've

Got to go.

I don't like these people.

It was a wake-up call.

Get off your ass, and play this


I remember saying before I

Came out here, I remember saying

I'd rather not get picked than

Get picked and be the first


And it sucks.

I mean, you know, I came out

Here, and I tried to find the

People I wanted to work with,

And, apparently, they saw me as

A big threat.

Like, it's total respect.

Like they were afraid of me with

Good reason.
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