31x13 - Lie, Cheat and Steal

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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31x13 - Lie, Cheat and Steal

Post by bunniefuu »

We are live in los angeles,

Cbs television city, for the

Two-hour season finale of

"Survivor: second chance."

You can tell we are at maximum


This is the hottest season pi

Untilly ticket we've ever had,

And for good reason.

This season for the first time

Ever we turn the show over to

You and you, the fans.

You decided who was going to

Play, and I got to say, you

Chose very well.

Take a look at this group.

Let's go in the green room.

It's like a "survivor" dream

Team in there, and they played

Hard in day one, resulting in

One of the most intense,

Unpredictable, entertaining

Seasons we've ever seen, and

According to this crowd, maybe

The best.

We have a big update tonight,

Too, on terry dietz and his son

Danny, who is recovering from a

Heart transplant, it is an

Amazing story, part of an

Amazing season.

Reached out to me on twitter.

Use #survivorfinale so we can

Find it.

It is time to wrap up with a

k*ller final episode that is

Also historic.

You guys got quiet at the

Perfect time.


You're going to see something

You've never seen before, which

After 31 seasons is saying


Then we have our live reunion

Show, and it will move you to


Three hours of "survivor"

Tonight, your last episode until

Next season.

Call your friends and settle

Inch here -- settle in.

Here we go!

In the heart of cambodia, 20

Returning players began an epic

Battle for $1 million.

And from the beginning, it was

Clear this season would be like

Nothing we've seen before.

Multiple switches turned the

Game upside down.

We are switch from two tribes to

Three tribes.

Shut the front door.

It is a cluster expletive.

Jeff: finding every hidden

Immunity idol required massive


I love it.

Jeff: brutal weather

Pounded even the most seasoned


My body is breaking down.

I can't go on like this,

Literally I just can't.

Jeff: and an endless stream

Of devastating tribal councils

Constantly flipped the game.

I may be on the bottom, but

I'm not ready to go home yet.

This is a hidden immunity



Jeff: with blind side after

Blind side.

Abi was the latest casualty when

Tasha, jeremy, spencer and kimmi

Came together.

Well played.

Jeff: leaving wentworth and

Keith on the bottom.

Well, another blind side, the

Perfect setup for what might

Just be one of the most

Unpredictable finishes in the

History of "survivor."

Six are left.

Jeremy, he appears to have it

All, a hidden immunity idol.

We got number two.

Jeff: and a bond with

Tasha, spencer and kimmi.

Can he hold it all together

Until the end?

Or will it all come crashing


I got to win, get that money

And bring it home to val and the


Jeff: tasha, she has

Survived the ups and downs of a

Rigorous season.

Can she continue to maneuver her

Way to the end and the $1

Million prize?

$1 Million is on the line,

And I will do and say what I

Need to to win this game.

That's my story.

I'm sticking to it.

Jeff: keith, he's won

Multiple challenges but has

Hovered on the outside for


He may not be in the majority,

But he's always in the game.

One step closer to the grand

Finale, the grand prize.

Stick around.

Come to tribal tonight.

Buy a free ticket.

It might be, you know, it might

Be epic.

Jeff: wentworth, her second

Chance is simple: go big or go


She's played one idol that

Flipped the game and has one

Left just waiting to strike


Everyone's trying to get to

The end to win $1 million, but

Right now it's all about staying


Jeff: kimmi, her second

Chance has been 15 years in the


This time around, she's been a

Part of several blind sides.

She's a snake in the grass.

Jeff: and is in the

Majority alliance.

Right now I'm going to go

Full force because I want to go

Out of here with a bang.

Jeff: spencer, for most of

The game he was on the bottom,

But after winning two individual

Immunities and focusing on his

Social game, he finds himself on


Will spencer continue to evolve,

Or will he end up where he did

Last time, sitting on the jury?

I have to win this game, and

I have to do it to complete my

Second-chance journey.

Jeff: for 35 days nothing

Has been predictable, and

Tonight it's anyone's game.


Anybody want to be sitting

Beside abi in the final three?

I want to be sitting in the

Final three.

Nobody would vote for her.

Keith, with her there...

You don't know if you're

Going to make it to the final


If I do make it, I would have

To like there with her, not you,

Not spencer, not kelley.


I'm very happy to see abi go.

Keith said, well, gosh, why did

You get rid of abi.

I want to go to the end with

Abi, not you.

You just proved why it made

Sense to get rid of abi.

You just said, I want her

Next to me, not spencer.

That's a reason for spencer to

Vote her out.

From the outside wentworth

And keith look like low men on

The totem pole, but this has now

Left me with the perfect

Opportunity to swoop in and make

My dreams happen.

Me, jeremy, tasha and spencer

Voted together.

I know.

So how about this: I tell

Them that we're going to split

Votes and that you, me and keith

Vote either jeremy or spencer...

I like this.

Very much.

So then...

I think kimmi is starting to

Realize if she sticks with that

Four, spencer, tasha, jeremy and

Her, she may not get to the

Final three.

I think it's a brilliant

Idea, kimmi.

I know.

It's really the only way.

It's the only way.

It's the only way.

I came out here to win this

Thing, and if I go with tash,

Jeremy and spencer, am I really

Going to make it to the end?

That's putting my fate and

Destiny in someone else's hands.

These guys trust me.

They're letting their guard

Down, and now is my chance to


Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

Shall we get to today's immunity



For sure.

Jeff: first things first,

Spencer, I'll take back what

Everybody wants, the necklace.


Jeff: once again immunity

Is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to race to collect a

Series of puzzle steps.

You will race to put them in

Order from bottom to top

Building a very tall staircase.

Once you reach the top, you'll

Complete a slide puzzle.

First person to finish wins

Immunity, guaranteed a one in

Five shot at winning this game.

Losers tribal council where

Somebody will become the eighth

Member of our jury.

From this point forward there

Are no second-chance stories in

The challenges.

Every challenge will be fresh

For everybody, which means there

Is no legacy to live up to, only

The legacy you create.

Draw for spots.

We'll get started.

All right.

Here we go, for immunity and a

Guaranteed spot in the final

Five, survivors ready?


One step at a time you're going

To build a giant staircase.

You can only carry one step with

You, so you want to be right so

You don't have to come back and

Re-do it.

Everybody off to a fast, early


The early pieces are going to be


It's going to get tougher the

Higher you go.

Once you have the first section

Done, you can move on to the

Second section.

Spencer completing his first


Tasha, jeremy complete their

First section.

They can head back to their

Second section.

Keith, wentworth and kimmi have

Their first sections done.

Now it's going to start to get a

Little tougher.

You're going higher up, which

Takes more energy.

You have to remember what the

Piece looks like and you don't

Want to be wrong.

Jeremy wrong.

Got to go back.

If you are wrong, it has to go

All the way back down.

It could cost you this


You have to be right.

And right on cue tasha is wrong.

She has to go back.

Spencer places his last step in

The second section.

He's moving on to the third and

Final section.

Spencer has been leading from

The start.

He destroyed the puzzle in the

Last challenge.

You do not want to give him too

Much time in this one.

Spencer still with a one-piece


Wentworth and jeremy right


Kimmi coming back with her first

Piece in this third section.

Here comes spencer again.

Jeremy passes spencer trying to

Get back in this.

There's so much effort 36 days

In to go up and down these


Jeremy's wrong again.

He's got to go all the way back.

Huge setback for jeremy.

It is spencer and wentworth now.

You can see the fatigue every

Time you have to go up and down.

And yet here comes jeremy again

With another burst of energy.

And he's right this time.

Jeremy down to three steps left.

Wentworth only has two left.

Spencer has his final step.

Start working on the puzzle,


Spencer has a history in this

Game of doing very well at


Wentworth has her final step.

She can start working on the


It is spencer and wentworth now.

Here comes jeremy with his final


Jeremy can start working on the


Keith now coming back, literally

Using the steps like a crutch to

Get to the top.

Keith can start working on the


If he can make it there.

Keith is almost crawling, legs


This is what happens after 36

Days in this game.

Tasha back with her final step.

She can start working on the


Kimmi going after her final


Everybody is in it now.

Spencer making a lot of

Progress, but sometimes it's

Those last few pieces that

Really make it tough.

Here comes kimmi.

She's crawling to the finish.

Great effort.

Start working on your puzzle.

Right now it is spencer and

Wentworth back and forth.

Spencer doing what he did in

Brains, brawn, and beauty,

Stopping to study the puzzle as

If it's a chessboard.

Wentworth is using that time to

Catch up.

It would be spencer's third

Individual win.

It would be wentworth's second.

Spencer seems to be getting


Is he?

Spencer thinks he has it.

Spencer has it.

Spencer wins individual

Immunity, third win this season!

Good job, spence.

Good job, spencer.

Thank you.

Jeff: spencer once again


Come on over.

Good job, spencer.

Jeff: for the third time

Individual immunity is yours.

You are safe tonight, guaranteed

A one in five shot at winning

This game.

As for the rest of you, it has

Been 36 very tough second-chance


One of you going home tonight.

Grab your stuff, head back to


See you tonight at tribal.

Keith and I are on the outs.

I'm putting all my trust in


If we let tasha, spencer and

Jeremy get far in this game, we

Are screwed.

Good job, spencer.


Good job.

Good job.

That was brutal.

Spencer does it again.

My boy spencer wins immunity


As long as spencer is winning,

That means keith isn't.

That means wentworth isn't.

And I want keith and wentworth


Kimmi, me, jeremy, spencer final

Four, done.

Don't forget you're going to

Help me grab a water.

You want to get one?

Yeah, yeah.

You guys good?

You got it?

I think so.

It's obvious -- me, tasha,

Jeremy, and spencer.

We have been voting four.

This is how it's been.

That would mean we're going to

Split votes because they don't

Know if you or wentworth have an


However, what's going to happen

Is you, me and wentworth are

Voting for jeremy.

We are blind siding jeremy.

Wentworth last night asked to

Talk with keith just now.

If she thinks more than just one

Of us would beat her, then she's

Going to jump over there.

They would not expect it.

And nobody needs to know



Me, you, wentworth vote for


That's it.

Right now it's me or kelley,

But this deal kimmi come up with

Could be the big one.

Could be the big one, and I'm

All about it.

Does wentworth...

Wentworth, yes.

She told me she's fully on


She said it's brilliant.

You saw wentworth went back

There and joined them.

Did she?

Wentworth, keith and kimmi

Are talking right now.

I think it makes her feel

Good to play.

What you doing, girl?


I just explained it.

Okay, but we tell the


I say I'm voting for you.

I'm going to say it's you.

Keith, kimmi and I have it in

The bag.

We vote for jeremy and it's


I don't have to play the idol,

And I have an idol final five.

Kimmi came to me with this

Jeremy plan.

And she knows if she doesn't get

Rid of him, she may not have

Another chance.

It's just will she execute?

We can't risk an idol ruining

It, right?

The girls on keith, the boys

On wentworth.

Sounds good.

Let's keep each other

Informed on what they might try.

I guess they're just going

Against each other and hoping

It's not them.

We're still worried about an

Idol out there, so let's split

The vote to take out kelley or


We're all safe and we're still

Going in tomorrow with numbers.

What's up?

Her plan, you know her plan,


I don't know this for sure, but

I believe her plan is to make us

Split this vote and team up with

Wentworth and keith and vote out

You or you.


We three can't split.

Splitting the vote is great if

You have an alliance you can


Are they going to split?

Yep, yep.

If kimmi betrays the four

That just voted together,

Where's the majority?

I think you're paranoid.

I don't believe she...

She's lying, man.

My voting bloc is sceptical

Of kimmi.

I don't think kimmi is trying to

Do anything.

We're all bugging out right


Did you tell keith anything?

The only thing I told him was

Voting for wentworth.

Because our games are on the


If you're jumping, it's going to

Mess up everything.

No, that's all I have said.

I mean, I have been with you.

I've showed you time and time


It's us four.

That's what we've always said.

I believe you.

I believe you.

Stop getting emotional, girl.

I'm a woman and it's the end

Of this game, and this is

Exactly what shouldn't be


I believe you.


I believe you.

You now, this is... I still

Got this.

Oh, my gosh, I would never go

And turn on you guys.

We're together.

I mean, come on.

I don't want to be on the bottom

Of a foursome, and that's where

I am with spencer and jeremy and


I'm not stupid.

It's a turning point in the


I feel like my alliance is


The problem, though, is that

With a hidden immunity idol, it

Shakes up everything.

We don't want the lose this.

We have numbers.

We could really run this to the


I know kimmi is kind of goofy

And everything, but I really

Think she's with us.

And I don't want the use my idol

And not have it tomorrow, so I

Mean the safe thing is split the

Vote, guys vote for wentworth,

Girls voted for keith.

I don't know if she has an idol.

I don't know if keith has an

Idol, but I don't want to risk


We cannot split a vote.

You, me and tasha have to

Probably all three vote


I'm trying to be safer.

Wentworth doesn't have an

Idol, man.

Why not?

She found one before.

Many people found one before.

That doesn't mean I believe you

Have an idol right now.

That doesn't matter.

That's a sad reason to think

You have an idol.

I think jeremy might hear the

Footsteps of wentworth

Potentially having an idol, but

Splitting the vote can cause a

Lot more problems than it can

Help, and, yeah, I'm a little


My ass isn't on the line.

You're not giving.

You got to give.

You're not either.

What we decide tonight is really

Important because when there's

Five, three can control this

Game, and we can dictate a path

To the final three.

If we decide wrong, we might

Stay for a long time, with we

Had it, it was right there,

Final three, and we made the

Wrong call.

Anchor: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Kass, savage, wiglesworth,

Ciera, fishbach, joe and abi

Voted out at the last tribal


Jeremy, you've made it deep in

The game, but you're not there


Can you feel it tightening

Around you at each decision

Becomes more magnified?

This whole game has been

Voting blocs, and it's tightning

Up into more of alliances now.

Jeff: wentworth, I think

This is the first time that

Anyone has said, yes, there are


Yeah, it's clear after the

Last vote that keith and I are

Off by ourselves and tasha,

Jeremy, spencer and kimmi are a

Tight group.

Jeff: tasha, ring true to


You know, it may appear that

Way to kelley, but I didn't know

That I necessarily see it that


Jeff: kimmi, do you believe

It's four versus two and it's

Between wentworth and keith


I believe that.

Well, that cleared that up.

Jeff: so then keith, what

Do you do if that's the case and

It's you or wentworth?

I won't say lie, cheat and

Steal, but lie, cheat and steal,

Anything to get you one more


Jeff: jeremy, where are we

At with idol chatter?

There's a lot of idol chatter

Going around.

Jeff: spencer, is part of

The decision in who you would

Vote out is if somebody does

Have an idol, let's try to get

Rid of it.

The four people who voted

Together last tribal made a plan

To split the votes tonight.

After the last 24 hours, tasha,

Jeremy and I aren't good with

Splitting the vote anymore.

Jeff: you're leaving kimmi

Out of this on purpose.

Tasha, jeremy andry voting

Three strong on one person, and

It will be jump on board or draw

A rock and maybe go home.

Jeff: okay.

So kimmi, spencer drops this

b*mb, and he specifically

Excludes you.

How are you feeling?


I talked to somebody outside

The alliance and then the pair

Nowback an I'm being threatened

Almost that I have to vote away

And I can't even absorb.

Jeff: wentworth, you look

Very confusedful.

I'm very confused.

What do you say to that?

I don't know.

Spence can rattle all he


He's safe tonight.

He called us out.

I think we know the right thing

To do.

Jeff: are you suggesting

There is about to be a showdown

Right now?

I would say.

I would say you're exactly


Jeff: wentworth, what's


I feel like my head is going

To spin off.

You're looking at me and saying,

You're fine.

I trusted spencer last vote and

I wasn't fine.

That's very fair, but anyone

Is fine if they jump on board

With with us because we're going

To rock if that's what it comes


Let's go to rock.


Jeff: jeremy, isn't this

The invoice for voting blocs and

No alliances?

I don't think this is all


These voting blocs could stop

And we could stop making a path

To the final three.


Jeff: kimmi, you're out on

An island right now.

What's your move?

I mean, I'm not in the top


Apparently I'm a pawn.

No one said you're not in the

Top three.

No one called you a pawn.

And if you vote the way you

Said, you're fine.

You'll be number four.

Kimmi, you will not be number



Jeff: keith, you're saying,

Let's vote.

Let's vote.

Jeff: do you know what

You're doing?


Jeff: jeremy?








Jeff: all right.


It is time to vote.

Spencer, you're up.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want to play it,

Now would be the time to do so.

You know what, jeff, I don't

Know what the hell is going on

Tonight, but I don't trust

Anybody here, so... I don't know

If spencer is lying to me or

What's going on, but I'm going

To have the play it for myself

Just in case.

Jeff: okay.

This is a hidden immunity idol.

Any votes cast for wentworth

Will not count.

Hold on, jeffrey.

I have a w*r e.

Jeff: this is also a hidden

Immunity idol.

Any votes cast for jeremy will

Not count.

I'll read the votes.

Get out of here.

Jeff: first vote wentworth.

Does not count.


Does not count.

Kelley wentworth, does not



Does not count.

Kelley wentworth.

Does not count.

One vote left.


Will not count.

All right.

For the first time in 31


We have in votes cast for

Anybody at tribal council.


Jeff: all right.

For the first time in 31

Seasons, we have no votes for

Anybody at tribal council.

So here's what's going to

Happen: we're going to revote.

Spencer is still immune.

Wentworth and jeremy both played


They are safe, as well.

You can only vote for kimmi,

Tasha or keith, and everybody

Votes because this is

Unprecedented I'm going to give

You a minute to talk before we


Who voted for me?

Who voted for me?

You vote for me?

I didn't vote for you.

You know who vote for you,

Keith, wentworth and kimmi.

You made plan to vote out


You three made a plan to vote

Out jeremy.



All of a sudden you play an

Idol and look at what happens.

Are you guys good?

I'm good.

Let's do it.

Kimmi, you're up.

Kimmi, kimmi, kimmi.

So disappointed.

So disappointed in you.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote tasha.



Two votes tasha.


We're tied again.

Two votes tasha, two votes



That's three votes tasha.

Two votes kimmi.

One vote left.


We're tied again.

So per the rules, because this

Is a new vote, you're entitled

To a revote in case somebody

Wants to change their vote.

The only reason we will not

Revote is if spencer, wentworth,

Jeremy and keith tell me you

Guys are good with your votes

And you're not going to change


I'm good with my vote.

I'm not changing my vote.

I'm good with mine.

Let's do it.

Jeff: all right.

That means we're deadlocked.

Spencer, wentworth, jeremy and

Keith now get to have a

Discussion, and if the four of

You can come up with a unanimous

Decision to get rid of either

Tasha or kimmi, that person is


If you can't come to a unanimous

Decision, all four of you

Agreeing, then kimmi and tasha

Become safe and they join

Wentworth, spencer and jeremy as

All being immune.

That would mean keith, by

Default, you would go home.

This is crazy.

Very big discussion to be had

Right now.

Would you rather keith go home

Or kimmi?

Tasha isn't going home.

What it boils down to you or

Kimmi going home tonight.

I would like to stay.

I want to be here.

I don't like that at all.

I don't like it either, but,

Of course, keith, I want to


I know you do.

I know you want to stay, but

I would like... I haven't been

Here in a long time.

I would like to stay.

I tell you what, she's a


You're going to give up your


Yeah, she's a single mama,

Two young babies, send me to the


I am good.

If it's not tonight, it's

Tomorrow and the next.

Jeff: so keith, you are


Hold on, hold on, hold on.

You can't just give up like


I'm not giving up.

I don't want kimmi to go to the

House either.

Jeff: so let me clear this

Up so I know where we're at.

Spencer and jeremy, you are both

Saying it's kimmi for us, that's

The only thing we're going to



Jeff: so the question is

Are wentworth and keith going to

Join you against kimmi or it is

Keith by default.

So when -- wentworth, what is

Your voice?

Do you want to stay?

It's like stay or go home


We don't know.

I think you need to stay.

Yeah, sure, I'll stay.

All right.

Then I want keith to stay.

Jeff: so you are saying


I'll vote kimmi.

Spencer, who do you say?





Kimmi, after 36 days, you

Become the 14th person voted

Out and the eighth member of our


I tried.

Jeff: kimmi, the tribe has


Thank you very much for a

Good game.

All right, girl.

Love you girl.

I'm sorry.

Jeff: wow.


Jeff: grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

You give it your all.

That's all you have, you know,

And I never gave up.

So I mean I'm proud of myself.


After 15 years to get this

Second chance, I think I hung in

There pretty well.

Well, that was a snoozer of a


Pretty boring.

How wild was that?

You can probably put that

Baby in the record book.

That's never happened before,

No valid votes for anyone.

I've never seen a tribal like

That, much less be part of one.

After all's said and done and

The ties and votes and unanimous

Stuff, kimmi goes to the house,

But I was on the chopping block.

Go figure that out.

It was crazy.

That was wild.

Mind blowing.

I lost track.

Five people now and three of

Them are pretty solid.

Leaves me and kelley on the

Outside looking in.

Wentworth, where are you

Finding these idols?

She's good, isn't she?

We better go out and start

Looking right now.

Give me a flashlight.

I survived another tribal by

Playing an idol, which is

Fantastic, but the tribal itself

Didn't go the way I wanted it to


Here I am with four other

People, and there's only one

Person that I trust, so like

What the hell do I do?

You all right, wentworth?

I'm fine.

I'm fantastic.

I'm good.

This is like the worst feeling

Being so close to the end and

Yet in so much trouble.

Jeff: all right.


[Cheering and applause]

One of the craziest tribal

Councils ever, and I know there

Are a lot of people at home

Right now and in the audience,

Even super fans saying, wait a

Minute, what happened?

So I'm going to do a little

Recap here, because on the

Night, all of us were confused

Going, wait a sec, huh?

What are we doing in revoting?

So we come to tribal.

Spencer has immunity.

He's safe.

We vote.

I ask, does anybody have an


Wentworth, yes.

Jeremy, yes.

So they're all safe.

We did our historic thing where

No valid votes cast.

That blew everybody's mind.

Then we still have to vote

Somebody out.

We're going to revote and start


Now you can only vote for kimmi,

Tasha and keith.

We come back.

We have another tie.

These two have votes.

I ask, anybody want the change

Their votes.

No, we're deadlocked.

This is where it gets

Interesting because per the

Rules of "survivor," and we have



...if there is a deadlocked

Vote, nobody switch, then all of

The other players who don't have

Votes, in this case spencer,

Wentworth, jeremy and keith, get

To have an open discussion, and

This is about persuading.

They have to come up with one

Person to get rid of.

You have to get those other guys

On your side.

If you can't come up with a

Decision, if you can't make a

Decision, there's a consequence.

And that's because we always

Want the game to be dictated by

The players.

It's up to you.

Pick tasha or pick kimmi, but if

You don't pick either, they

Become safe, a 180, and

Everybody else who was safe has

To draw rocks, the odd rock goes


But where it got really

Complicated is he doesn't have

To draw, she doesn't have to

Draw, he doesn't have to draw.

That leaves poor old keith, who

Didn't have any votes, having to

Draw the one rock, and you saw

It play out.

That's reason number 322 why

"Survivor" is so tough to win.

[Cheering and applause]

All right.

The season finale of "survivor:

Second chance" and we are just

Getting started.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

All right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?


Jeff: first things first.

Spencer, got to take it back.

Thank you.

Oh, boy.

Jeff: once again immunity

Is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge, you're

Going to race through a giant

Obstacle course.

You're going to race through a

Series of fixed stations

Collecting six bags of puzzle

Pieces along the way.

You'll then use those pieces to

Solve a puzzle.

First to finish wins immunity,

Guaranteed a spot in the final


Losers tribal council where

Somebody will become the ninth

Member of our jury.

Big stakes.

Here we go.

We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

Here we go.

For immunity, survivors ready?


There are six stations.

There are only five of you.

So you shouldn't get caught

Behind anybody.

Lots of places to go.

First you have to untie a bag.

Then you have to get across that


Wentworth takes on one of the

Toughest ones first.

It will take you some time, but

You'll get it out of the way.

Jeremy has his first bag.

He's across.

He's heading over.

Here comes keith.

And spencer right behind.

Keith's back with his first bag.

Tasha gets across with her first


Here comes spencer with his

First bag.

And a big hit.

Spencer has taken some falls in

This game.

Wentworth, she's across, and

That will come in handy later

When she can make up a lot of


Question is will it pay off?

Spencer has his second bag.

He's heading back.

Here's tasha with her second.

Jeremy back with his second.

Keith has his second.

Spencer has his second.

Wentworth has her second.

Jeremy back with his third bag.

It is jeremy with three,

Everybody else with two.

There's keith.

Keith has three.

We are very close right now.

Tasha back with her third.

Spencer back with his third.

Here comes jeremy with his


It is jeremy in the lead.

Wentworth now has her third.

Keith now coming back with his


Tasha and wentworth at the same


Wentworth gets out first.

Wentworth now with four.

Here comes jeremy with his


He's got one left.

Can he keep the lead?

Tasha back with her fourth.

Everybody fighting hard.

There's keith with number five.

He's got one left.

Wentworth back with her fifth


Tasha coming back with her fifth


Spencer still stuck at three,

Trying to get back with his

Fourth, way behind now.

Wentworth now coming back with

Her sixth and final bag.

Spencer back with his fourth.

Wentworth went for the toughest

One first and it paid off.

Wentworth has all six.

She can start working on the


Spencer falling out of this.

He's going to have to make up

Some time quickly.

Here comes jeremy with his sixth


Keith right on his tail with his

Sixth bag.

Tasha right behind with her

Sixth bag.

Here comes spencer with his


He has got to keep moving.

He is very far behind.

It is wentworth, keith and

Jeremy working on their puzzles.

Spencer now is going to pass


He saved the easiest for last.

Spencer back with his sixth and

Final bag.

He can start working on the


Tasha has her sixth bag.

She can start working on the


Everybody is working on their

Puzzles now.

This is it, one of the craziest

And most unpredictable seasons

Of "survivor."

You need to win to stay in it.

Wentworth has her first piece.

If she's right, she's off to a

Good start because once you get

One piece, things start to lock


Jeremy has a first piece.

Keith has his first piece.

Wentworth has her second piece


Jeremy with with his second


Just like that keith with two.

Spencer still looking for that

First piece.

Wentworth with another piece.

Wentworth in the lead with three


Keith placing his third.

Wentworth places a fourth piece.

She's half-way there.

Look at that.

Keith with four pieces.

Keith half-way there.

Who would have guessed this,

Wentworth and keith both with

Four pieces.

Spencer with nothing.

Wentworth places a fifth piece.

Wentworth trying to get a sixth

Piece in.

Will it fit?

Is she right?

She's got it.

Wentworth down to two pieces


Keith places his fifth piece.

It is wentworth and keith right

Now for the win.

Wentworth has her seventh.

Wentworth with her eighth.

Can she get it?

Is it right?

Wentworth wins individual

Immunity, guaranteed a spot in

The final four!

Thank you.

Oh, my gosh.

Jeff: that is why you never

Give up in this game.

Wentworth, come on over.

Thank you, jeff.

I needed this one.

Jeff: another individual

Immunity win.

Sounds like it came at the

Perfect time.


Thank you so much.


Jeff: wentworth will be a

Member of the final four.

Not going home tonight.

As for the four of you, 37 days

And yet for one of you, your

Dream of winning "survivor:

Second chance" will fall two

Days short.

Tribal council tonight, somebody

Going home, ninth member of the


Grab your stuff, head back to


See you tonight at tribal.

Thanks, jeff.

The one person I don't need

To win wins it.

I feel like I'm in a coffin and

I got about three nails left

Until they put me six feet down.

It about it shut yet.

We'll go down swinging.

We'll find out .

Stay tuned.

That was hard puzzle.

Yeah, it was.

A puzzle master like spencer.

Wentworth was able to win,

Which is exactly what tasha and

Jeremy and I have been trying to



Keith is now very clearly a

Target, but there's exactly one

Thing to be worried about, and

That is a hidden immunity idol.

The three of us must stay strong

No matter what they do.

What else can I do?

I'm sitting here balls to the


I do not have an idol.

We can try and make a fake one,

Because if they even think you

Have an idol, those two don't

Want to go home.

I want spencer or jeremy gone.

I'm safe tonight, but I have

To look out for my one ally in

This game.

So based on the fact that all

The idols look different this

Season, just take a little

Medallion from a tree mail, and

I have some materials that I

Have been checking over the past

Few weeks, wrapped it up with a

Little note from my last idol,

There you go.

Looks like keith found an idol.

I definitely want spencer or

Jeremy gone.

And I know that the paranoia is


Even if those three are tight,

If any of them think they're

Going home, it's going to create

Paranoia in their mind, and

Something crazy could happen.

You feeling good?

What's up?

I'm feeling funny.

You feeling funny about maybe

An idol?

It's crunch time.

It's desperate measures right


Kelley the idol maker up there,

We'll just see what she did.

Hey, pretty impressive.

I like that, kel.

I have to go back the camp

Sporting this and let them see

It, make them think I have one,

Just to put doubt in their mind,

And that's all it takes is just

One of them to flip, scare them

Into doing something stupid.

Who do you think they're

Going to go after?

If one of them has an idol,

What can we do?

I think there was a huge

Possibility that keith or kelley

Are going to pull out a hidden

Immunity idol tonight.

I'm so worried about that.

It's either me or spencer

They're going to put votes on.

I'm worried.

Point blank.

If keith has an idol, one of us

Are going home.

I think they're going to go

After me.

I don't want the take a chance

On it.

Tasha was asleep, and jeremy

Kind of come to me and said,

Vote spence.

Spencer's a good player.

Makes sense to send him to the


Maybe jeremy's thing about

Bringing me in, maybe me, jeremy

And kelley.

Jeremy kind of looked at me and

Said spence.


I feel like if spencer's gone we

Have a better shot.

Oh, I know.

Well, see how it goes at

Tribal, but I'm telling you to

Keep the idol in view.

If it looks like it's going

South, I'll say something, but

I'll have it in my bag.

Would jeremy lie to me?

Heck, maybe at tribal I'll pull

It out and say, there's an idol,

Keith ain't going anywhere


You better make some different


When you got option, it's a good


God dang, the last nail ain't in

The coffin.


Jeff: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Kass, savage, wiglesworth,

Ciera, fishbach, joe, abi and

Kimmi voted out at the last

Tribal council.

So tasha, after the crazy last

Tribal council, it seemed that

When the dust settled it was

You, spencer and jeremy versus

Wentworth and keith.

Was that still the same story

Going into the challenge?

Going into the challenge,

Yes, jeff, that was the same


Jeff: so wentworth you

Clearly felt your back up

Against the wall?

Yeah, absolutely.

I had to win immunity or I would

Probably be the one going home


Jeff: so keith, unless

Something's changed, does that

Mean it's you?

Unless things change, that's

Right, pretty cut and dry.

Jeff: spencer, ring true to


It is fairly cut and dry, but

At the same time, in a season

With blind side after blind side

After blind side, maybe a

Straightforward vote and people

Actually sticking together

Becomes the new big move.

Jeff: jeremy, final five,

Last time you can use an idol,

Is there talk that somebody in

This group of five might indeed

Have an idol?

Yes, there's talk about that,


Jeff: spencer, what would

That do to the game in

That would change the game

For me.

If either keith or wentworth has

An idol, those two will actually

Decide who goes home.

Jeff: wentworth, you ready

To vote?

I guess so, it feels like my

Vote doesn't matter because

Obviously keith's going home

Tonight, but, sure, let's vote.

Jeff: tash, yeah it would

Not be first time that wentworth

Has said, my vote doesn't

Matter, I have no play, and

Then, boom.

You know, this is the idol

Whisperer, so we'll see what

Happens, jeff.

Jeff: so keith, what do you

Do this afternoon?

You don't want to go 37 days and

Say, all right, well, that's all

Right, thanks, guys.


There are some tricks around to

Be played.

Jeff: wow.


I felt like maybe that was

Just a little threat, that there

Are some tricks to come, and

It's still not over.

The theme this season is expect

The unexpected.

So tonight I'm expecting the


Jeff: all right.

It is time to vote.

Keith, you're up.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol, tonight is the last time

You can play it.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final, person voted

Out will be asked to leave the

Tribal council area immediately.

I'll read the votes.

First vote spencer.


One vote spencer, one vote



Two votes spencer.

One vote keith.


We're tied.

Two votes spencer, two votes


One vote left.

15Th person voted out and

The ninth member of our jury.

Keith, you need to bring me your


Keith, the tribe has spoken.

Hang in there.

See you, keith nale.


Jeff: congratulations.

You've made it to the final


Tomorrow you will compete in

Your final immunity challenge.

Win that and you earn yourself a

Spot at the final tribal


Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

You try to play with a little


That's why I didn't play that

Cheesy idol there, you know.

But anyway, crazy ride.

I want the thank all of america

For giving me this great


I tried to bring it home for the

Old guys, just a couple days


Jeff: come on in, guys.

Final four.

You guys ready to get to your

Final immunity challenge?




Jeff: first things first,

Wentworth, got to take it back.

All right.

Thank you.

Jeff: for the last time

Immunity is back up for grabs.

For today's challenge, one hand

Will be tied behind your back.

On my go you'll drop a ball down

A chute.

It will spiral to the bottom

Where you must catch it and put

It back in.

At regular intervals we will add

Another ball.

, That will make it more


If at any point a ball drops,

You're out.

Last person left standing wins

Immunity and reaches the holy

Grail, a spot at the final

Tribal council where you will

Get a chance to plead your case

To the jury about why you

Deserve the title of sole

Survivor and the $1 million that

Goes with it.

Let's do it.

We'll draw for spots.

We'll get started.

Good luck.

All right.

Here we go.

For a guaranteed spot at the

Final tribal council, everybody

Grab your first ball.

Deep breath and drop.

This challenge is on.

This is it.

The final immunity challenge.

Could be worth $1 million.

This will get you warmed up.

If at any point the ball drops

To the ground, you're out.

The key to this challenge is the


It will send one ball to the


The next ball to the right.

So you need to think about that

Rhythm, how is this going to go

When I get two, three, four

Balls moving.

All right.

You have 30 seconds to add a

Second ball.

So this is all about spacing.

Spencer drops.

Wentworth drops.

Jeremy drops.

Tasha drops.

Everybody now with two balls.

Now you have to go left and


But you only have one hand to do

It with.

Don't get mesmerized by the

Hypnotic sound of this


It will lure you into a

Meditation that could cost you

$1 Million.

All right.

We're going to add a third ball.

You have 30 seconds starting


Start looking for the perfect

Opportunity, and when you see

It, drop it.

Do not lose your focus.

Everybody has three balls going.

We have reached the next stage

Of this challenge.

With each additional ball, that

Pace picks up.

Keep concentrating.

Follow those balls, watch them.

You've got to be more alert than

You were before.

Everybody looking really good in

This challenge.

In a moment we're going to add a

Fourth ball.

This is all about timing.

So where you put this ball is


All right.

You have 30 seconds to add a

Fourth ball.

Use that time as you want.

Spencer drops right away.

Spencer with a nice save.

Jeremy drops.

Tasha drops.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: kelley wentworth is


No shot at immunity.

We are down to three.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: wentworth's


It could be a $1 million loss.

Oh, god.

Jeff: it is spencer, jeremy

And tasha now, four balls


This is a very fast pace right


Do not lose your focus.

Keep focusing.

Keep it up.

Keep it up, keep it up.

Tasha drops.

She's out of the challenge.

We're down to two.

It is spencer and jeremy in this

Final immunity challenge


All right.

You each have 30 seconds to

Place a fifth ball.

The minute you place it, it's


Spencer has his fifth ball in.

Jeremy has his fifth ball in.

This is it.

We're now into the deepest part

Of this challenge, five balls

Spinning, dropping, left and

Right, very fast pace.

Spencer is out.

Jeremy when he needs it most

Wins his first individual

Immunity, guaranteed a spot at

The final tribal council.

Jeremy, this is the most emotion

I've seen in any of the days

You've played "survivor."

It's unbelievable, jeff.

I can't even express it.

Like I just feel so much

Emotion, like I feel like I've

Been through this already.

I've thought about this.

Jeff, this is all about val, you


This is all about jordan.

This is all about cameron.

Jeff: the family.

That's it.

Jeremy: wentworth, the two

Different worlds right now

Between you and jeremy.

His emotion has said, I've done


Your emotion says, I might have

Just fallen a little short.

I just knew I had to win

Today because these three are

Clearly very tight, so I'm just

Mad at myself.

You know, it was on me to win

And I didn't.

That's it.

Jeremy: all right, guys.

Tribal council tonight.

Jeremy is safe.

Somebody else going home will

Become the final member of our

Jury and will not have shot at

Winning this game.

Jeremy, I don't want the

Interrupt the love.

Let me have the honor.

You accomplished your goal, as

Far as you can get, this final


Big decision tonight is who will

Be sitting next to you thalt

Final tribal council.

Going to be an interesting


Hope you guys are all proud of

Your effort.

It will be a tough tribal.

See you tonight at tribal.


This is for val.

This is for jordan.

This is for cameron.

This is for my son that's not

Even here yet.

Like this is for them all.

Now the question is who I'm

Going to the end with because I

Don't want second.

I don't want third.

Like I need to win this.

[Cheering and applause]

Jeff: all right.

So jeremy has made it to the


He has one big decision left,

Who to take with him, and this

Is where players have blown it

In the past.

Remember when woo chose tony?

Next time I see youly have the


It's the finale, "survivor:

Second chance."

Congrats, big guy.

Feel good?

Feels good, man, feels good.

I feel like I want the laugh,

I want to cry, I want to yell.

I just want to explode because

The season is so hard, and just

To have this security just for

Tonight, it's just a beautiful


Sorry for getting all emotional

On you all.

It was deserved.

I have my alliance.

I have spence and I have tasha,

But when you have this necklace,

All bets are off.

You're like, I know we said we

Were going to do this, but now

Is the time when you figure

White house is the best person

That I can sit next to that I

Can win $1 million.

Been good, been real.

The only person safe is jeremy.

Although jeremy, spencer and

I are in a tight alliance,

Spence and I are basically at

Jeremy's mercy if he decides to

Go with wentworth and drop one

Of us, our game is over tonight.

I just hope the relationship

That we've built over the past

38 Days is strong enough to get

Me through this vote and into a

Final three.

Oh, my god.

You're locked in, right?

I'm locked in.

I'm locked in.

Final three.

To have it all come down to

One vote with my fate out of my

Hands, in jeremy's hands, it's

Hard to swallow, but in a way,

It's how I think my second

Chance could make sense.

You can't mastermind this


The first time I played, once I

Lost control of my fate, I lost

The game.

This is a test of whether the

Relationships I've built are

Strong enough that without

Control of my fate tonight I can

Wake up here tomorrow and have a

Shot to fight and win this game.

Do you know which of us

You're voting?

Does it matter?

You got to do what you got to

Do, if you go to tribal and say

Everyone votes spencer, I'm not

Going to hold that against you.

Why is that funny?

Because you all three are

Really close?

It's not about closeness

Right now.

It's about who is likely to win.


I think I have a pretty good


Spencer definitely knows he's

A threat in this game.

He's like, are you writing my

Name down?

I think I have a good shot of



Do you?



Well, just know that I'm

Voting for you because I think

You'd kick my ass.

I think right now the biggest

Threat for jeremy is spencer.

So really the only thing I can

Do is to try and convince jeremy

Of that and prove that spencer

Is a bigger threat than me.

Time to go to work.

The thingly say about you is

That I feel like people really

Respect you.

The thing about spencer is that

He speaks really well, and

Spencer has done a lot of

Playing both sides and like

Making people think.

I don't know.

I don't know either.

I don't know what to do yet.

Spencer and wentworth both have

Good resumes.

The question is who gives me the

Best chance to win.

I know he feels confident he

Can win.

He told me that.

Would you do fire?

Would I do fire?

Of course I would.

I'm trying not to lech the

Necklace go to my head, but what

If we made spencer and wentworth

Go against each other in a tie

And make fire?

All right.

Well, I'm thinking.

Don't think that it's done.

New york I know.

Spence came from the bottom,

Won a couple immunities.

He's a smart player.

Kelley's won two immunities.

She's played two hidden immunity

Idolsen she's an underdog.

It all comes down tonight.

I'm going to make my decision at

Tribal whether it's spencer and


If I want to stick with my

Alliance, I can stick with them.

If not I can jump ship.

This is a million dollar


It's huge.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Kass, savage, wiglesworth,

Ciera, fishbach, joe, abi,

Kimmi, and keith, voted out at

The last tribal council.

So let's go back to your final


Jeremy, the big part of the

"Survivor" experience to win is

Individual necklace, and even

Though it was devastation for

Wentworth, spencer and tasha, I

Could see them letting you have

This euphoric moment.

You have a lot of pent-up

Emotion in you, and knowing that

I made it all the way to 39,

Like I couldn't help it.

It was just... I couldn't even

Control it.

Jeff: spencer, that ball

Dropped, it hits the wood.

What's the feeling?

The feeling is really


My hope is that I've set myself

Up so that I still have a

Possibility of staying in this


Jeff: wentworth, last

Tribal you were pretty clear

About saying, look, if it's

Keith this time, it's me next


Of course because these three

Have been very close for the

Last three votes.

I have felt like I'm on the

Outside, however, we're at the

Point in the game when you have

To think about the final three.

It's more than just who has

Voted together and who has been

In an alliance.

It's about who do you think you

Can beat at the end.

Jeff: jeremy, what

Wentworth is hinting at is who

Do you want to sit next to?

Spencer and tasha and myself

Have been real close, but

Sometimes you have to think

About yourself and your future

And my family's future.

And I got to do what's best for

Me, you know?

Jeff: wentworth, you don't

Want to go home tonight, so

What's your pitch to jeremy?

I just talked to jeremy, and

I'm voting for spencer tonight.

I think he is a big threat to

Win the game if he's in the

Final three.

He's very articulate.

He knows what to say at tribal.

And I'm sure he already has his

Final tribal council speech

Planned out.

Not until I'm there.

He's won quite a few


I think he's a big threat.

This is the pot calling the

Kettle black.

She's played an all-out game.

Two idols, immunities, she's

Played the best game with this

Jury to get the votes tomorrow,

And if you or you made the game

Mistake of letting her be here

Tomorrow, I would vote for her

And I would spend all of my

Energy making sure she won.


Jeff: jeremy, and no one

Has mentioned you, tasha.

Just start working on that final

Tribal council speech.

I'm going to sit right here

And shut up.

Jeff: so jeremy how do you

Figure this out?

They both have good


I have to make a gut decision on


Jeff: jeremy, she 100% wins

If she's here tomorrow?

And you aren't going to

I think I have a shot.

I think you 100%...

Of course you're going to say


Jeff: jeremy, is your

Decision based on the motion I

Think there is somebody I can

Beat and that's who I'm going up


Um... Yes.

Jeff: and have you

Contemplated that if I'm wrong,

It is literally a $1 million



Jeff: and are you ready to



If you're about to vote for

Me, 100% she wins.

If I go to the jury, I would

Consider it a terrible move on

Your part, no offense, but it

Would be a terrible move, and

Based on that move, I would do

Everything in my power to see

Her win, because she would have

Deserved it.

Jeff: okay.

It is time to vote.

Spencer, you're up.

Right on cue.

I'm so nervous I cannot see


This is the last time I'll be

Writing your name down.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote spencer.


One vote spencer, one vote



That's two votes wentworth, one

Vote spencer, one vote left.

16Th person voted out and

The tenth and final member of

Our jury, kelley wentworth.

You need to bring me your torch.

Wentworth, the tribe has spoke


Good luck, guys.

See you tomorrow.

Jeff: time for you to go.


Jeff: jeremy, spencer,

Tasha, congratulations on making

It to the final three.

Your second-chance story is

Almost over, but the final

Chapter will be written by the


You have one more night on that

Beautiful beach here in cam


Normally I'd say go back and try

And get some sleep, but you

Might better be served to go

Back and get to work on your

Case, because I have a feeling

Tomorrow's final tribal council

Will be a battle.

Grab your torches, head back to


Good night.

I really just wanted to make

The most of this experience this

Time, and I feel like I did.

I played some idol, won some


I'm bummed I didn't make it all

The way to the end.

But it's just like the risk I

Took in the game this time was

Everything I wanted to be, so

I'm really proud of myself.

At your convenience follow

The trail behind your camp to

One additional surprise and see

The toll these 39 days have


Being in the final three is


I'm so happy.

Second chances for me was more

Business, and I approached it


I'm nervous.

Oh, my god.

I didn't win any immunity


I didn't play any idols, but the

Social game I played got me


I don't even recognize


To make it to the end, crazy.


This truly was the most

Difficult thing I've ever done

In my entire life.

The conditions, the paranoia,

The lies, I'm like in awe

Knowing that I had it in me to

Do it when 17 other people


I did it.

Oh, my god.

Day 39!

Oh, my gosh.

As much as I can feel great

Today and enjoy the company of

Tasha and jeremy, job ain't


Day 39.

Day 39.

I didn't come here to get to

The final three.

I am here the make my second

Chance count and to prove that

The change that I've gone

Through deserves the win of


Making an alliance, sticking to

It, us three at the end battling

It out.




Unlike the first time I

Played, I came in here and said,

I want to form relationships and

Connect with people in a way

That spencer could not do


And I truly believe I've done


I took the personal change in me

And used it to move from the

Bottom to the top.

This is an amazing feeling.

This is perfect.

Tonight is the ultimate test,

The ultimate conclusion to

Everything "survivor" has been

For me.

It's the most important night of

My life.

This is what final three

Feels like.


Nerve-racking, man.

My second chance is all about

Val and the kids.

I just want them to be proud of

Me, and I just want the take

Care of them.

I miss them so much.

I didn't leave this long for


Oh, man, can't lose this.

This is right there.

It's so close.

I have a one in three shot at $1


I want to show the jury that I

Was in control of this game.

I had two hidden immunity idol,

One immunity win.

I surrounded myself with the

Right people at the right time,

And even up to the end I feel

Really good.

I got to finish this game,

Get that money and bring it home

For my family.

Jeff: we'll now bring in

The members of our jury.

Kass, savage, wiglesworth,

Ciera, fishbach, joe, abi,

Kimmi, keith and wentworth.

Jeremy, tasha, spencer, your

Final tribal council.

Your second-chance story started

39 Days ago.

Your game play has brought you

To this point.

Your chance to plead your case.

What is it about your game that

Makes it more deserving than the

Two people sitting next to you?

Jury, for the first time you

Will have a chance to address

Jeremy, tasha and spencer.

If you're looking for

Information to make a $1 million


Savage, get us started.

Arguably the most difficult

Season in the history of


I applaud each one of you.

Getting to the final three is

Monumental in an epic season, so

It's important that everyone

Understands that my vote is

Completely open right now, and

It's not just my vote, it's most

If not all of the jury members.

I tell you that because the

Questions you're going to get,

All the answers need to be full

And honest and heartfelt,

Because every answer has the

Potential for $1 million impact.

That's how important this is, so

Please take that to heart.

Same going to focus on jeremy

And spencer.

Spencer, your level of arrogance

Drove me crazy.

You bark out that you're going

To bury jeremy if he doesn't

Take you to the final.

What astounded me is that you

Did that in front of the jury.

Do you have regrets about the

Arrogance that you displayed to

Put your butt in that seat right


When I came into this game

The first time, I was arrogant,

And I realize that arrogance is

A mask for insecurities.

And it's something that I've

Worked on.

Last night my confidence might

Have gotten carried away, and it

Might have slipped back toward

Who I was, but I do believe that

I've gained a lot of

Self-awareness, so I don't

Regret the move, but I regret

How I presented it.


Thank you, I do appreciate your


Jeremy, you're up.

So let's go back to the tribal

Council where kimmi was voted


Every syllable from your mouth

And action from your body is

Viewed critically by the jury,

And you're skipping and you're

Verbally attacking kimmi, who is

Just trying to stay in this


So you need to explain to me

Your level of arrogance that we

All observed.

I don't feel I was being


I was upset.

That whole day these two are

Telling me that kimmi flipped, I

Said, kimmi's not flipping, so

When she took that and used it

Against me, I was upset.

I said, kimmi, shame on you, and

I skipped over and wrote her

Name down.

I was very upset.

She hurt my feelings, and that

Was my reaction.

Thank you.

Jeff: fishbach.

Guys, first of all,


Jeremy, I think you brought

Trust, honor and integrity into

A season where it didn't exist.

Tasha, my question for you is

I've seen you a smart, strong

Strategist, but I think there is

A perception of you as the

Person who did jeremy's work

Some defend or deny your role as

Being that person.

Let me just dispel the myth.

I'm a strong, independent woman.

No one dictates anything to me

In life or in "survivor."

I played my game.

Any time that there was a

Decision that I felt was in

Direct conflict with what I

Wanted to do, I dug in my heels

And got what I wanted.

I've always expected really

Strong strategic play from you,

And that's why I've been really

Surprise you became so colonized

By this idea of voting bocks and

That you were willing to betray


I didn't really have close

Relationships, so I probably had

To do more backstabbing and more

Jumping between blocs at the

Expense of relationships, at the

Expense of yours.

Thank you for all those


Thank you guys and

Congratulations to you all.

It's a tremendous


Jeff: ciera.

Hi, guys.



So on a typical "survivor"

Season, flippers rarely make it

To the end and they never win.

This season there were no more


There were voting blocs, and

Voting blocs required flipping,

Leaving a jury that feels

Extremely betrayed.

So me question is directed to

All of you: why this season,

Unlike any other season, should

Flipping be rewarded?

Well, for me this season was

Different because the level of

Caliber of the players.

Like this is arguably the best

Season of "survivor" ever.

And you coming in saying, make a

Big move, make a big play, I

Think that opened up a lot of

Avenues to move around.

So it wasn't necessarily

Flippers, it was just voting

Blocs that are moving.


For me, I think it is a

Result of multiple swaps.

When I went into bayon, I made

Some deals with people.

Then I'm on angkor, boston um,

Made some deals.

There came back the bayon, made

Some deals there.

So what I was trying to do was

Make sure I survived, so

Flipping was something that

Needed to be done.



I think that this season

There were so many different

Types of relationships that the

Voting blocs were very fluid,

And I think when there were

Blurred lines, I had to take

Advantage of them, and for me it

Meant blind siding physical and

Strategic and social threats,

But I think it was the only way

To put myself in a position

Where I could climb to the top.


Thanks, guys.


Jeff: thanks, ciera.



Guys, congratulations.

You'll know my style of play.

Where I'm from, being humble is

A pretty big thing.

Jeremy, my question is convince

Me why you think spencer is

Deserving to win.

If you convince me spencer is a

Winner, you're the real winner,

And I want the feel it, and

Spencer you the same after it's


I think spencer played a

Solid game.

Spencer came from the bottom.

He was almost eliminated two

Tribals in a row.

He made some good moves.

He played the middle ground.

He had three immunities...

That's your pitch?

Make me feel like spenceer is a

Million dollar winner.

Spenceer is a very

Intelligent player.


Definitely headed into the

Merge, jeremy had a lot of

Control and a lot of strong

Relationships, and he really put

Himself in a powerful position.

So I think he deserves a lot of

Credit for that.


I'm good, jeff.

Jeff: thanks, buddy.

Thanks, keith.

Jeff: abi.

Hi, you guys.

I have notes.

"Survivor" is a game of big

Moves, but I want to hear what

Was your subtle move that got

You to the place where you are

At right now?


My subtle move was

Reconnecting with spencer,

Coming into this game with three

Other cagayan players, we had

Targets on our back.

While everyone thought this was

The power couple, my

Relationship with spencer was

Probably ten times stronger and

That was my subtle move.



My subtle move had a lot to

Do with joe because he was also

In the middle, and it was

Dangerous to sit in that middle

Place, so I think my subtle move

Was trying to shift that

Distrust more on him than on me.



Well, on reward challenges,

My team always loses.

I go back to camp, but I think

The subtle move was I'm hunting

For idols.

I find two of them, and I had my

Liberty to play it, and it

Brought us closer together.

My game moves forward.

Thanks for owning your moves,

You guys.


Thanks, abi.

Jeff: kimmi, you're up.

Spencer, last night's tribal

Council you were being a doesn't

Right bully, and I will use that

Behavior as an example to my

Children as to what they should

Never do.

As for jeremy, me, you, tasha,

We had an alliance, and now all

Of a sudden spencer comes in,

And he replaces me in a pecking

Order, and the two of you let

Spencer come in and ruin, you

Know, a tight family that we


I never said spencer replaced


You said spencer replaced you.

I always said that you're with


I had faith if you and said

Kimmi is with me.

So that's why I said, who wrote

My name down?

It can't be kimmi.

And it hurt my feelings because

I was duped by kimmi kappenberg.


Jeff: thanks, kimmi.


My vote is open, completely

Open tonight.

I figured it would be the best

Way to end this season being

Objective and have a great

Winner for a great season.

So tash, I think you weren't

Aware of what was going on

Around you.

Like jeremy told you to do

Things and you were running

Around trying to figure out what

Was going on, so I would like

One moment when you said, this

Is something that is out of my

Control, and I was able to

Harness it and turn it around.

I come from corporate


I deal with alpha males all the


There's a game within the game.

So do you have a specific


Yeah, exactly, your vote out.

Jeremy was conflicted even at

Tribal council.

They're looking at each other,

Should we do this, because they

Were concerned about aball-girl

Alliance, but when I felt it was

Critical for me to step in for

The betterment of our alliance,

Which we're here now, I did.

Other times I pick and chose my

Battles because that's the game

Within the game.


Thank you.

Thanks, joe.

Jeff: kellw wiglesworth.

15 Years ago I was sitting

Right there.

I lost by one vote.

My fate was determined by one

Simple question: jeremy, tash,

Yeah spencer, pick a number

Between one and ten.

Right now?





Jeff: kass, you're up.

I just have a question for

One person.

Spencer, in cagayan when I

Flipped at the merge,

Repositioning myself, you

Famously said, "kass, 0% chance

Of winning.

Everything I've heard here

Tonight, you played like chaos


How can you ask me to give you

My vote for $1 million win when

You spent two years saying I'm a

Dumb ass?"

I know I've said a lot of

Things, and I think system of

Them did come out of a place of

Anger from our season.

But I don't think it's

Hypocritical of me to ask for

Your vote because I do believe

I've changed.

And I do believe that the

Spencer that asks for your vote

Now is not the same spencer that

Said you had 0% chance of


You know, congratulations for

Trying to change, you know, and

I feel like I've done it, too,

And I feel like that's a very

Important thing for both of us,

So, you know, good luck tonight

And, you know, maybe we'll have

A beer later.

Jeff: wentworth, finish it


Well, well, well, no surprise

It's you three sitting there.

You know, I'm fresh out of this


This is still really raw for me.

I'm still processing.

What I do know is I came into

This game wanting to play my

Second chance as an individual,

And I did that.

What was your second chance

Story about?

Do you feel like you

Accomplished it?


My second-chance story has

Been to build and maintain

Relationships, making sure that

The people that I was working

With knew every day they had the

Loyalty and the trust of an


That was my second-chance story.


My second-chance story has

Been teetering between who I was

And who I am trying to be now.

The first time I played

"Survivor," I had no people


And it hurt a lot to admit those

Things to myself, but once I

Did, I did start working on it,

And I did come in here, bringing

That to the game to play how I

Couldn't in cagayan.

Maybe with blood on my hand, but

I truly believe I made

Relationships that I couldn't

Have made before.


My second-chance story...

Like everybody knows that I'm

Here for val, I'm here for

Jordan, I'm here for cameron.

Everything I'm doing is for


Before I left, val comes up and

Tells me she's pregnant, so I'm

Here and I'm bugging out because

I know I'm missing this, you


So val comes on the visit and

She says she's fine, the baby's

Fine and he's a boy.

And every day I want to tell all

You all that I'm about to have a

Son, and I can't even tell you

All because I don't want to mess

Up my game, I don't want to mess

Up anything because I'm doing it

For them.

So my second chance is all about


That's it.

I'm not doing it for nothing


I don't even care about me.

All I care about is my family.

That's my second chance.


Jeff: nice finish.

Eremy, tash,a, spencer, there is

One thing left to do, and that

Is vote.

Jury, I'm going to give you a

Moment to take in everything you

Just heard and you'll make the

Single biggest decision of this


Jeff: all right, jury.

It is a time to make a million

Dollar decision.

Tonight you are voting for a

Winner, the person you think

Most deserving of the title of

Sole survivor and the $1 million

Check that goes along with it.

For the last time, it is time to


Savage, you're up.

This is a really, really hard

Decision for me, but you guys

Really battled it out.

Fate is on your side tonight.

Jeff: I'll go get the


Thank you for a great season of


Thank you for change your

Second-chance adventures.

I'll see all of you back in los

Angeles for the reading of the


[Cheering and applause]

Anchor: all right.



Man, I got to say, thank you to

All you guys in the non-jury,

The people who are out here for

What has truly been, at least

For me, an electrifying season

To watch.

[Cheering and applause]

From day one you all played


You bled, and it was a blast.

Here's where we are.

Jeremy, tash, yeah spencer, this

Season I think more than any

Really illustrates how difficult

It is to get to the end.

You got there.

Now it's in the hands of the


It is time to read the votes.

These are votes for a winner.

Here we go.

First vote jeremy.

[Cheering and applause]


Two votes jeremy.


Three votes jeremy.


Four votes jeremy.


Five votes jeremy.

The winner of "survivor: second

Chance," jeremy.

That's it.

Jeremy just won $1 million.

Hello, val.

All right.

Val is here.

She's full term.

She could give birth at any

Moment, and it has been a season

Of firsts, so you never know.

Jeffrey collins, not a bad name.

There were so many great moments

This season, we're going to get

Everybody out here and talk

About all of them.

It's the "survivor: second

Chance" reunion show live from

Los angeles next.
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