32x03 - The Circle of Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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32x03 - The Circle of Life

Post by bunniefuu »

Anchor: previously on

"Survivor"... At the brain

Tribe, debbie's oddball

Behavior --

We have the biggest.

Jeff: -- marked her as an

Early pawn.

That's what you want, the

Brains to have no game.

Jeff: at the beauty tribe,

The women's alliance was growing


The girl's alliance felt

Natural to me.

Jeff: while tai's hunt for

The idol --

You will need a key to open

This box.

Jeff: -- was growing more


I cannot get the idol.

Jeff: at the last immunity

Challenge, brawn lost again.

Sending brawn back the tribal


Facing tribal council, alecia

Appeared the obvious vote.

Blondie, she's useless.

But jenny was having second


Jason is starting to piss me


Jeff: at tribal council,

There was definitely someñr

Back-and-forth, what do we do.

Jeff: jenny revealed her


New I'm wondering.

Jeff: saving alecia for the

Second tribal council in a row.

Jenny, the tribe has spoken.

16 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Captioning funded by cbs

And ford.

We go further, so you can.

Alecia, just so you know, I

Was the other person that wrote

Your name down, but I already

Know we had three votes to send

Jenny home and I promised her I

Wouldn't write her name down.

That's all.


That's it.

No hard feelings.

I don't get why you would

Write my name down if jenny was

Already going home.

I just told you.

That's cool.

I'm a loyal person.

Scott said, I only wrote your

Name down because I knew jenny

Was going home.

That's the stupidest thing I

Think I've ever heard.

We're going to the waterwell.

I can't believe you wrote my

Name down.

If you break my trust once,

You're not going to get it back.

Scot is a millionaire.

He played for the nba for ten



Alecia just baffled me day in

And day out.

She thinks we're alied and it's

Us against them, but she doesn't

Really know how close I am with

The guys.

I just keep going, uh-huh, that

Sounds good, I'm down, whatever

You want, I'm down.

I really think we made a

Mistake tonight.

Here's why: the next challenge

We have three and a half people.

Only thing I can say is with

That vote, I think she trusts me

More, therefore that means

That's good for all of us.

She definitely wants me gone


She definitely does.

Things changed a lot tonight

At tribal.

I have lost one of the three

Original alliance that I wanted,

And now alecia is very much

Empowered, and she could make

Trouble for me.

What a difference a day


Guys, breakfast is ready.

I'll eat the rest of that.

Fishing, I do everything.

Everybody is watching

Everybody like a hawk, but I'm

Getting the idol right now.

That's it.

One chance.

That's my only chance.ñi

I think the that the tribe, they

Ike me as añr person, but I know

Exactly where it is.

I just have to get the key out.

I need to get a stick, attach a

Tool, and poke the canister, and

Push the key out.

No, don't tell me.

This is so stupid.

Don't tell me I left it

Somewhere else.ñi

Somehow I lost the tool.

I was so mad at myself.

Nothingñi in my life come easy,

You know, including this idol.

I see you.


My whole life is full of


In vietnam, refugee camp, coming

To america, reinventing myself,

And this is another big


So I should make myself another

Tool from a stick.

Please, please, come home with



Go in there, baby.

Yes, yes!


Oh, my gosh.

Oh, thank you.


You have found the key to the

Hidden immunity idol.

Follow the map to unlock your


Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you, tree.ñr

This is way, way, way too long.

Come to papa.

Here it comes.

Oh, there it is.

Oh, my god, this is going to

Save my life.

This is going to save my life.

I found the idol.

I worked so hard for this.

Jeff make it so... It's not

Easy, but I never give up.

This idol and I belong together.

This idol must be used after all

The votes are cast.

There is another immunity idol.

A super idol can be played after

The vote has been read.


Are you kidding me?

Even after the vote has been


Wo idolsñi that fit together can

Form one super idol.

That's fantastic.

That's the big twist this


( Theme song playing )

So here we are strategically

Planning how to win this game,

And we have añr guy working over

Here.$ &C @&c

Inñi part of oneñr core alliance

Th lis, but we're managing twoó

Separate groups of two, so we're

In control.

I think it would be a mistake

To take out debbie or joe.

I would love to have him in

The end at the last immunity


That's a guarantee for me.

Peter andry looking for a

Tighter group of more loyal

Players the ship didn't shepherd

Into the mastering.

Debbie seems great.

Doesn't seem to have the drive

To make a big move.

She's like a court jester.

Joe seems like a real gesture.

Aubry doesn't want to talk about

The game or that kind of thing.

Neal is very smart, and he's a

Huge risk to blindside one of us

Come a swap or a merge.

> I think just split the vote.ó

So we tell them to vote for


We vote for aubry?


We're doing this, we're

Thinking of what we have.

We're putting it together and

Making a good plan.

I think we have our finger on

The pulse.

My position in this tribe is

To sit back, observe, shut up

And gather intel.

Peter really feels superior, and

Lis is our prima donna princess.

Their goal is to take the rest

Of us out while we do the hard

Work, and right now peter is an

Asset at challenges.

So the person that needs to go

Is lis.

I see that clearly.

I think if we pulled in aubry

And neal, we have a solid four,

And we blindside lis.

She's a freaking prima donna who

b*tches and knows everything.


Do you hear me?


We have to get with that four

Before lis and peter beat us to


To split up lis and peter, we

Need to be subversive.

We need to implant


We need to move with a purpose,


And we need to do it now.

So let me ask you flat out, how

Do you feel about neal in this


I feel like he's sh**ting

Straight with me.


I do, too.

So what are you thinking?

I'm telling you that I like



I was starting to get that


Good, good.

Okay, good.

That's good.

When you get into a battle with

Me, be prepared for me to use

Better, smarter tactics.

The barn doors are open.

Prepare to fire.

I totally trust you and I hope

We have a solid person.


The beautiful thing about

What I'm doing is nobody really

Pays attention to me, and that's

Precisely what I want to do, fly

Under the radar.

All the while, I'm sitting back

Gatheringñr intel because that's

How you play this game, baby.

Lookingñi forward to eating

That chicken.


I think the one with the less

Feathers would be better.

It's fatter.

So we'll k*ll that one.

k*lling the chicken is best for

Our tribe.

Right now we are all hungry.

But some people are attached to


Tai is one of them people.

That shows a sensitive side of


And we just want to make sure

We're here for him because he

Has a hard time with stuff like


Hear that sound?

They're content.

Very comfortable.

Breath in, breathe in.

To me we really don't have to

k*ll that chicken, but the boys

Need protein to stay strong for


It is the circle of life.

We need to eat something.

It's the circle of life.

There's absolutely no way.

I have to grab its head a

Certain way.

So you may have to hold it.

Sorry, guys.

Come back for a better life.

Just the slight of life

Derange out of my hand, I feel

Like I did wrong, a lot of


He's dead.

You know it has to be done.

It's still very, very difficult

To go through.

It's still a life that you took.

It's sad.

I don't like it when people cry.


Oh, yeah, he's upset.

Tai's got these feelings and

Emotions that he has to get out.

That's not the way the play this


My friends would compare me to,

Yeah, a robot or just like


But you don't need emotions out


You just need to seem like your

Have emotions.

He'sñi hurting.

You can tell.

I feel bad.

Tai will be okay.

Animals eat other animals.

There's just something about

Nick that I don't trust.

He's so difficult to talk to.

He has such a fake smile and he

Just really rubs me the wrong


I doó trust caleb.

I trust tai.

So if we have three girls and

Three guy, we need to pull over

One of the guys.ñi

Here's the thing, the girls are

Going to stay together, and

Ose girlsñi and are super loyal.

It's a game.ó

I would never backstab you like

That ever.ñi

Here's the problem, though, I

Don't trust nick.

I don't.

You know what I mean, I do not.

I think the girls are a very

Strong three.

And anna throws out a proposal

At she wants me to be with theñi

Girls, and we'll get rid of


I don't see that as a bad thing

Because if we do lose, that

Means me not going home.

I just don't want to lose...

There will be loss of drama.

I'm not trying the find this

Idol because I don't trust


There's a lot of places and

Immunity idol could hide.

If there is a clue out there for

The idol, the last person we

Would want the find it is

Obviously alecia.

I'm over by this tree.

I kind of feel like I'm at

The bottom, and then I see a

Clue to an immunity idol.

It's power in this game.


Get it, boom, you're at the top.

I go for a little walk, sure

Enough, there's alecia and

Cydney digging.

I know what's up instantly.

They're looking for the idol.

Oh, sh**t.

Now they're going to think

It's up a tree.

We have the find it.

Alecia, alecia.ó

Ñi so I found the idol.

I have to wait until she's gone.

I waited for alecia the walk

Off because I found a little

Tool with this clue, m

Like, oh, I start digging and

Digging and I hate something


I scraped it with my fingers.

It says idol on it.

Tried to open the box.

It has a lock.

I'm like, how the hell amó I

Supposed to get up in the box.

Next thing I know, I hurried up

And covered it up.

I can't find it anywhere.

The hoe?

What do you mean the hoe?


All right.ñi


Want the rinse out my hair.óñr

She found a clue?


What did it say?

Theñi idol is buried by a tree.

Which tree?

The one you saw us at.

Of course, he saw us, so I

Have to tell him anyway.ó

Haveñi to make it so they don't

Think I'm actually aligned with


I amñr possibly one of the best

Bounty hunt centers southeast


The tree was over here that they

Were digging.

Was it this tree?

No, I caught them over here.

If someone gives me a tip in

My work, you got seconds,

Minutes, hours maybe.

So you move.

I try and treat this game like

How I treat my job.

I got it.

What's it say?

I found it pretty quickly.

I find the clue.

Z,,"s" a box.

It's locked and the little clue

Has a map.

I had to move.

Is it the idol or a clue to


I just took off like a bat

Out of hell.

You're going to keep up or get

Left behind.ñr

Congratulation, you found the

Immunity idol.

First you will need a key to

Open this box.

The map was pretty


And then it's just looking,

Paying attention to detail,

What's different, what's


There it is.

I found the die.

The only way to get it out was

To push through a little hole at

The bottom, but the tool is


We don't know where it is.

It got flung somewhere.

The girls didn't know what it


Who knows.

You told him?


He saw us.



Scot and I makela shift tool

To get the key.

Sure enough, blondie is waiting

There to try and snatch it.

And I can't let that happen.

It's on.ñiírñ


Up, up, up, up, up.

Right there.

Get out of there.

I got it, scot!

In this game, if you want

Something, you got to go get it.

It was nice having an nba player

On my side, especially a center.

That height paid off.ñr

The buried treasure.

That's the sweetest thing

I've seen in a week.

I was the one who found the

Clue, but unfortunately jason

Has the idol.

This whole thing was just

Completely confusing.

It all happened so fast.

Honestly, at this point I don't

Trust anyone on my tribe.

It's like a roller coaster.

First I'm on the top, and now I

Think I'm back on the bottom.

There's a twist, if you pair

One immunity idol with another,

They fit together like a


The superidol can be played

After the votes have been read.

Ying and yang.

If we get the other one, then

It's like they can vote us out

All they want.

Wonder twin powers activate.

Guess we're sticking around.

Idol time, baby.

It's in the right hands.

I've frozen mine, but I'm pretty

Confident jason will take care

Of me.

We just wanted to make sure

Alecia didn't have it, because

Challenge, I don't see how we


W she'sñi outnumbered and she'll

Be next.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Getting your first look at the

New brawn tribe.

Jenny voted out at the last

Tribal county.



Jeff: all right.

You guys ready to get to today's

Immunity challenge?

Oh yeah,.

Jeff: I like the hear that.

First things first, I'll take

Back the idols.

Thank you, lis.ñr

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, we'll

Jump off a platform and swim out

To a boat where you'll retrieve

Three bags of rice.

You'll work together pushing and

Pulling those bags through a


You'll then make your way across

The balance beam and up to the

Beach where you will tear open

The bags, searching for three


Then one tribe member at a time

Must balance on a beam while

Attempting to maneuver a ball

Through a maze of holes to the


The first two tribes to get all

Three balls to the top wins

Immunity, safe from the vote.

Losers go to tribal council

Where somebody will be the third

Person voted out of this game.

In addition, you're playing for


Want to know what you're playing



Jeff: first tribe to finish

Will have a choice.

You can choose between comfort


Oh,ó my god.

Jeff: or, if you want...

Your emotional items to remind

You of the inspiration for why

You are out here.

First tribe to finish gets their


Second tribe gets what's left.

Third tribe, nothing.

Date with me, tribal council,

Somebody going home.

Beauty tribe, going to sit two

People out.

Who is it going to be?

Anna and michele.

Brain tribe, who you going to

Sit out?

Me and joe.

Jeff: aubry and joe.

Sitouts, take a spot on the


Everyone else take a minute to

Strategize and we'll get


All right.

Here we go.

For reward and immunity,

Survivors ready?


One person got to get in that

Oat and hand the threeó bags to

Your tribe mates.

Neal in the boat for the brain


Caleb in the boat for the


Scott in the boat for the brawn.

Get that rice into the hands of

Your tribe members.

On your shoulder.

On your shoulder.

Jeff: these bags are I


All three tribes have their


Itxhrough a very small hole one

Bag at a time.

You can send somebody over if

You want the help on the other


Caleb going over for beauty.

Neal going over for brains.

Cydney going over for brawn.ñr

All three tribes now trying the

Figure this out.

It's a lot of rice.

To get through a very small


There you go, there you go.

Jeff: beauty has their

First bag through.

Brain tribe has their first bag.

Cydney has the first bag for the

Brawn tribe.

When the bags get wet, they

Weigh even more.

Beauty doing a nice job.

They have their second bag.

Neal working on that second bag.

Jason and cydney working on

Their second bag.

Beauty has their third bag.

You can start heading in.

Brains tribe has their second


Brawn tribe with their second


They're working on their third

Bag now.

Got to get those bags across the

Balance beam and to the beach.

Brawn has theirs.

They're heading out.

It is now peter and neal in last

Place for the brain tribe.

Go, beauty!

Let's go, let's go!

Jeff: beauty with a big

Early lead.

Neal's across for the brain


Peter now getting up c


Tear those bags open.

You're looking for three balls,

One in each bag.

Good teamwork.

Good teamwork.

Jeff: jason makes it.

He's across for the brain tribe.

Beauty has two balls.

Looking for the third.

They've got it.

Start on the maze, beauty tribe.

Here comesñr the brain tribe.

E key isñi to avoid the holes in

The maze.

And get it to the top.

Brain tribe with their third


The brawn tribe.

They have yet to win a


Brawn tribe has their third


Take your time.

Take your time.

You're half way up.

Jeff: starting to figure it

Out for the beauty tribe.

If you fall off the beam, you

Got to start over.

If the ball drops, you have to

Start over.

Cydney goes for broke.

Ulia getting closer and closer$i

Go slow, girl.

You got it.

Jeff: the beauty has first


Tai coming in for the bowty


Brain tribe finally has all

Three balls.

Cydney drops again.

Want to switch?


Jeff: cydney going to swap


Jason going to come in for the

Brawn tribe.

Brawn yet to win a challenge in

This game, but the beauty doing

Very well.

Very close to that second ball.

Nice and easy, baby.

You got it.

Jeff: tai has his second

Bag for the beauty tribe.

One left.

Here comes caleb for the beauty


Lis very close.

Good job, lis.


Jeff: there it is!

First one for the brain tribe.

Brain with one now.

Beauty in the lead with two.

Once again the brawn tribe is

Dead last in a challenge.ñr

Caleb has been flying through

This part of the course.

This is it.

This is it.

Jeff: all the way to the

Top unscathed and another win

For the butty tribe.

Immunity and reward for the

Beauty tribe.

Jason getting very close.

Jason with first one for the

Brawn tribe.

And it is now brawn and brains

For second place.

We're tied 1-1.

Peter for brains.

Scott for brawn.

Peter very close.

Peter has his second ball for

The brain tribe.

Brain has one left.

Here comes debbie.

Deb, you're doing great.

Jeff: the brawn tribe very

Close with their second ball.

And we're tied 2-2.

Here comes cydney.

It comes down to this.

Debbie versus cydney.

Brain tribe has not been to

Tribal council.

They don't want to go tonight.

Cydney didn't have a lot of luck

The first time she tried it.

Up, up, up, up, up.

Jeff: jason helping out a


Come on, debbie.

Debbie just a bit ahead of


Brain tribe aa bit ahead of the

Brawn tribe.

Up, up, up, up.

Jeff: cydney with a nice


We are neck and neck right now.

It is dead even.

You're even.

The last part of this obstacle.

Up, left.

Up, left.

Jeff: jason now helping


It's now cydney in the lead for

The brawn tribe.

Up, up, up, up!

Jeff: cydney very close


Left, left.


Debbie falling behind.

Get iéyúqkuiî there.

Jeff: it's not in yet.ñi

Debbie getting closer now.

Debbie's right up there.

Neck and neck the last few


And cydney is close.

Debbie close.ñi

Brawn does it by seconds over

The brain tribe.ó

The brain tribe is going to

Tribal council where somebody

Will be the third person voted

Out of this game.

About time something workedñi

Out for us.ñr

Jeff: beauty tribe, once

Again safe from the vote.

Brawn tribe, this is a new

Experience for you.ñiñr

Beauty, you have a choice.

Very clear.ñi

Comfort versus love.


Jeff:ñi come getó it.

Head back to camp.

No tribal council tonight.

All right.

Brawn tribe, come grab your

Emotional items.

Enjoy not seeing me at tribal


For the first time.

Jeff: jason with the teddy


All right.

Brain tribe, for the first time,

Tribal council where somebody

Will be the third person voted

Out of this game, the first

Person to be voted out of your


Grab youró stuff, head back to


See you tonight at tribal.

We lost the challenge, but no

Problem because lis andly go

Down the hit list like a


The first is neal.

The game is the game.

Money is money.

"Survivor" is "survivor."

All around, guys, a

Spectacular job, and I mean I

Was three seconds behind her.

It was just matter of


It's in the like we imploded



As a long-term solution,

Losing today was good for me and

Peter, because we can send neal

Home and neal's going to be the

Player that causes problems down

The road.

I think we're going to have to

Tell aubry and neal that joe is

Going home tonight, but the

Actual plan is the remaining

Four will be splitting the votes

Between neal and aubry in case

Neal has a hidden immunity idol.

The idea is to simplify the

Process for joe and debbie.

They just need the write down

Neal, remember it's neal we're

Going for and they don't have to

Think about anything


T will work isñr foróñipa&c @&c

So in the event that neal

Doesn't have the idol, we'll end

Up with aó 2-2-2 tie.ó

And then i%

Vote out neal.


Ñi I'm so confident this is

Going to work the way we want it


I think losing today was a

Blessing in disguise.

How about that.

So liz approached me.

She wants joe and I to vote for

Neal and follow orders like a

Good soldier.ñi

It's not happening.

> I'm really glad we're onñ2hhe

Same pageñi about.

This I just don't want, talk

About itñr overly.k

Ñi far as I'm concerned, you and

I, done deal.

When I know somebody is snowing

Me, I can give it back to you in


The fact is she is absolutely

Oblivious to the reality of

What's going on here.

They're voting for aubry.

Iñi -- they think you have the


I know now lis and peter have

Been whispering little lies and

Making it sound like I haveñr an


As a result, they need to be


Yeah, I know.

Although lis and I are

Good-looking people and we have

Great smiles, we're actually out

For blood.

Everyone else, they're like clay

That we mold.

They are indecisive unless given

A decision.

They need paternal direction,

And I'm being that paternal

Person, providing them direction

In the way I want them to vote.

It's a great place.

You andó neal...

I guess I've never done this


Peter is very controlling.

I just can't trust someone who

Is revealing themselves right in

Front of me every day by opening

Their mouth.

He doesn't have emotional

Intelligence, and I don't know

Ifó that's someone you can move

Forward with.

Debbie originally decided to

Target lis, but for me, peter is

The biggest threat.

I want to talk to debbie and

Figure this out.

Peter said something to the

Effect, hey, we're voting out


Stop trying to control me.

Is it like they're running


It's just the goal line.

I just don't like boys.

My biggest regret in this game

Would be if we took peter too

Far and he screwed us.

You want to get rid of peter?

We still have target, lis, but

Peteer is playing this game with

An overexuberance, and he's


The long haul serious trouble

For the brin tribe.

Lis and peter will slit

Anybody's throat in this game

Give an split second, so it's a

Big decision, but tribal council

Tonight is going to be a total

Blindside, and it's going to be

Ugly when we get home, kids.


Total blind side.

Jeff: behind each of you is

A torch.

Go ahead and grab a torch.

Dip it in and get fire.

This is part of the ritual of

Tribal council, because in this

Game fire represents your life,

And when your fire is gone, so

Are you.

So peter, any time you have a

Group of strangers, some people

Will get along.

Some people might not get along.

Did you notice any friendships

Forming early?


Right out of the gate lis and I


Aubry and neal.

I clicked with them, as well.

I think there's an age

Difference with debbie and joe,

But with days going on, I think

We all click together.

Jeff: does that mean there

Are three pairs voting in a

Similar fashion tonight?

Yeah, I would consider these

Three voting units.

Jeff: so is it fair to

Assume from the brain tribe that

Everything is mathematical or


Debbie, you're nodding already.


We are overly analytical.

We know that it's best to gather

Facts, think it through without

Panicking, reassess, reanalyze,

And emotions just a waste of

Time or energy.

Or maybe we each think we're

The smartest person in the game

And we'll be fine.

Jeff: aubry, which one of

Those is closest to the truth?

You're all very analytical and

Focusing on emotion or you're

The one that thinks you've

Figured it out.

It's murky water.

You can have the numbers and

Feel 100% confident, but there

Are comments or silences, and

You have to know wha(ñ those

Means too, even though they're

Not numbers.

Jeff: so peter, aubry is

Talking about picking up on the

Subtleties of social



As an e.r. Doctor, social

Interaction is what I'm a

Professional in.

Jeff: lis, let's talk about


It comes into every tribe at

Some point.

Is it already on the brain tribe

To some degree?

I'd say paranoia is a strong


But if anybody is here and

Doesn't have fear that there's

Some conspiracy out to get them,

They're probably not thinking

Enough about how to play.

Jeff: joe, going off what

Lis is saying is that there is a

Baseline pair nowback does your

Past career play into that?

Ó I'm always kind of susp

I just have that inner suspicion

About people, motives and


Many times crooks have come out

With great smiles, looked good,

Believable, but they're not.

Could be happening right now.

Jeff: peter, pretty

Interesting statement.t&

Cover out here.

I do judge a become by its


Joe, he's a police officer, he's

Been an f.b.i. Agent for 25

Years, so whatever he tells me,

I believe.

Jeff: I would just

Reference the first time we did

Brains versus brawn versus

Beauty, it was won by tony, also

A cop, who lied every half hour.


I agree, and I think joe is

In a different generation.

His word means a lot more to me

Than a guy likeñi tony.ñi

Jeff:ñr peter, what was the

Vibe back at camp after the


Weñi felt terrible, but I

Started to reassure myself that

The plan is goingó forward.

Jeff: neal, when you heqrrñi

One tr

In place, unless you're part of

That plan, it's got to make you


I guess the question is which

Plan is he talking about.

Well, it's not your plan.


Jeff: peter?

Let's just break this down,

The guy in ice cream pants could

Be a snake in ice cream pant,


Right now this is a plan.

If we want to get neal or aubry

Out, we can split the vote and

Forge ahead as the brains.

Jeff: so debbie, peteer is

Flat-out dictating what he would

Like to have happen.

Good for him for throwing it

All out there.

Jeff: lis, do you think

Tonight's vote will go according

To "the plan."

I think the person who goes

Home tonight will not be

Completely shocked.

Jeff: neal how about you?

What do you think will be the

Result of tonight's vote?

What's your hope?

I think we'll go forward as a

Stronger tribe.

Now what stronger means will be

Interpreted later.

Jeff: peter, that

Self-awareness is key.

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

One thing I do know is I like

All these people.

I respect some of their game


But at this point in the game,

There are three pairs, so what

Do you want?

Lis andry both smart people.

We thought about everything.

I want to take pen to parchment

And put some names down.

Jeff: shall we vote in

We're ready.

We're ready.

Jeff: all right.

Let's do it.

It is time the vote.

Aubry, you're up.

The world does not revolve

Around you, but good luck.

Jeff: I'll go tally the


If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want the play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote, aubry.




We're tied, two votes aubry, two

Votes peter.


One vote liz.

Two votes peter, two votes

Aubry, one vote left.


We have a three-way tie.

Here's what's going to happen.

We're going to revote.

Aubry, liz, peter, you will not


Everybody else you can only vote

For one of those three.

Joe, if you'll grab the urn.

I'll go get the votes.

I'll read the votes.

First vote liz.

Third person voted out of brains

Versus brawn versus beauty, liz,

That's two, that's enough.

You need to bring me your torch.

Liz, the tribe has spoken.

Good luck, everyone.ñi

Jeff: well, for all the

Talk tonight about how smart

This tribe is, the vote

Illustrates that "survivor" is

Always about emotional

Intelligence, your ability to

Pick up on social cues.

That's what gets you to the end.

Grabñiñi yourñi torches.

Head back to camp.

Stay tuned for scenes from ourt&

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor," the most punishing

Season of "survivor."Ó

See the exhaustion.


The season continues the take

Its toll.

We need water, water, water!

We're going to have an


Call for the chopper.

I was very confident that

Whether we won or lost things

Would work out for me, and I

Really don't know what happened

Hat made my tribe want toñi vote

Me out tonight.

I don't think the numbers lied

To me, it's the people who lied


And when you countñi fictitious

Promises, you get a fictitious
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