32x05 - The Devils We Know

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Survivor". Aired: May 31, 2000 – present.*
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Show places a group of people in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves.
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32x05 - The Devils We Know

Post by bunniefuu »

Jeff: previously on

"Survivor"... Since day one the

Game has been a fight and

Nothing has come easy.

I'm not getting dirty at all.

Jeff: idols were found by

Tai and jason.


Jeff: alliances were made.

We're pretty tight.

Jeff: and broken.

I'm just shocked.

He's a total narcissist,

Still on the periphery.

Jeff: but nothing compared

To the battle with mother


All right.

We're going to have an


And caleb was her first victim.

Now it's only nick and i.

Now the girls have the choice

Who to kick out.

Jeff: at the last immunity

Challenge, the brawn tribe lost

For the third time.

Sending brawn back the tribal


And at tribal council, scot,

Jason and cydney didn't let

Alecia escape another vote.

The tribe has spoken.

13 Are left.

Who will be voted out tonight?

Captioning funded by cbs

And ford.

We go further, so you can.

How's your finger?

I've been soaking it in salt


I'm heating up another batch.

I tried to lance it.

It kind of healed up in the


Since the last vote where I feel

In this pack is at the bottom.

I feel like a neutered dog right

Now because I have no play.

Dr. Peter to the e.r.

Dr. Peter to the e.r.

Can you imagine him, looking

Like this?

It's strategically crucial that

I start pandering to these


So I go into doctor mode.

A little redness right there,

But that's it.

You can't bend it because

It's so swollen, that's bad.

You're not there.

Right now it's dr. Peter's

Clinic, but it's an attempt to

Make them feel as if they need


He's so gentle.

Return to the trauma center


Thank god we have you, peter.

If they see me as someone who

Is functional and useful, I'm

Going to exploit that and try to

Get myself out of this mess I

Got myself in.

Doctor, what's the prognosis?

Will the patient live?

Yes, the patient will live.

$475, Please.

We have a tribe of five.

If four people are aligned and

One cancer named

I brushed some leaves and

There's a box buried in the


But the box has a padlock on it.


You find the immunity idol.

First you will need a key to

Open the box.

Follow the map to the tree and

Look up.

This will help push the key out

Of the canister.

I know I'm going to get it.

I'm confident I've gotten here.

I know where it is.

I'm going to go find that.

But will I get caught in that


So I have to move very, very


I scamper across the island

Looking up at every coconut

Tree, and sure enough, right

Behind one, is a cylinder with a

Little hole right at the bottom

To push that tool through.

The key to the idol.

The idol.

The king has his idol.

There's a twist to the idol.

If you pair one immunity idol

With another immunity idol, they

Fit together to form one super


The super idol can be played

After the votes have been read.

The last rule is a twist in the

Game that if you happen to have

Two idols, they can be combined

Into one super idol.

So now the goal is to find

Another idol.

Or somebody that has an idol.

One of my philosophies in life

Is you make your own luck.

That's exactly what I'm doing.

If somebody is betting in vegas,

I'm the front-runner.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Brain tribe, beauty tribe

Getting your first look at the

New brawn tribe.

Alecia voted out at the last

Tribal council.

You are also getting your last

Look at the brawn tribe.

Everybody drop your buffs.

Oh, no.

Jeff: we're switching

Things up.


( Theme song playing )

Jeff: everybody drop your


We are switching things up.



My god.

Jeff: originally we were

Planning on splitting the tribes

Today with 14 people into two

Tribes of seven.

Caleb's unfortunate evacuation

Changed the numbers and left us

With an uneven number at 13.

Oh, my god.

Jeff: so here's what's

Going to happen: there are 13


There are six blue, six yellow,

One red.

Whoever draws the red buff will

Go back to brawn beach alone.


Jeff: where you will have

To fend for yourself, food,

Fire, water, the works.

The good news is while you're on

Brawn beach, you will not

Participate in the next immunity

Challenge, therefore you won't

Go to tribal council.

You can't be voted out.

The bad news: while you are on

Brawn beach, you won't be able

To strategize and make new


You will have to rely on your

Current alliances to keep you

Tight until you can get back in

The game.

You will return, joining the

Tribe that loses the person at

Tribal council.

Shall we draw?


Yes, sir.

Let's do it.

Jeff: take one.

Please don't open it yet.

Which one do you recommend,


Jeff: follow your gut.

Oh, my god, this is so nerve


Jeff: all right.

Let's end the suspense.

Everybody open your new buffs.


I'm blue.



My god.

Jeff: julia.

I had like a gut feeling.

Jeff: if you have blue,

Move over to the blue matt.

If you have yellow, move over to

The yellow mat.

And if you have red, julia, find

Your spot alone.


I'm michele.



Michele, nice to meet you.

Peter, nice to meet you.

How are you?

Jeff: really interesting

Redivision of tribes.

The blue tribe, your new name is

Chan loh.

We have two brains, two beauty,

Two brawn.

Can't get any more even than


Neal, what do you make of this


It looks like we have some


It looks like we have some

Smarts and it looks like we have

Some beauty, so I'll take it.

I'm talking about myself mostly.

Jeff: all right, yellow

Tribe, your new name is gondol.

We have three brains, two

Beauty, one brawn.

Another pretty even




Jeff: here you are on

Either side.

The new tribes are excited,

Ready to go back the camp to see

What's going to happen.

You're alone.

I'm alone.

Jeff: you will have to

Survive on your own.

I think I'm going to be okay.

I'm going to look at it in a

Positive way.

I would say the one down side is

Not being able to get to know


I'm going to come in kind of the

Odd one out, especially if

Beauty gets voted off at this

Next immunity.

Jeff: all right, julia.

Head out and good luck.

Bye guys.

Good luck.

Jeff: all right, chan loh,

Gondol, grab your stuff, head

Back to your new camp.

The game has just changed.

What the heck.

The girl's alliance got clean


To have the people you trust

Most out here go three different

Ways, it's crushing.

Welcome, guys.

Thank you very much.

We have fruit.

We have one chicken left out of



We have mangoes.

We have a mango tree.

We discover mangdo tree.

You guys have done well for


This swap is exactly what I

Needed because if that didn't

Happen, I was dead.

My alliance member was voted out

Before me and I was the next

Lowest-hanging fruit.

Now it's in our best interest to

Go forward together.

I'm peter again.


Nice to meet you.

Peter, hi.

On this tribe there are three

Brains, two beauty, one brawn.

We're the majority.

I'm set up right now to easily

Make it into the merge without

Even having any concern or even

A bead of sweat down my eyebrow.

See that tree, that's a


I can climb that tree.

I need a boost up, a boost up.

Some of those I can reach

Right now.

Good for something.

I'm the sole brown, and I'm

Thinking, all right, I'm on the

Bottom of the totem pole.

He can run around and eat

Whatever he wants.

It's familiar feeling for me.

I played for five different

Teams in the nba, and each time

You're joining a group of people

You used to play against and you

Used to fight against.

This is a palm.

I can handle it.

I just have to figure out if I

Can trust anybody, who it is,

And if it's going to do me any


Winner, winner, chicken


We will have a chicken

Dinner, too.


What are we going to do?

I say we lose the challenge,

Whoever we eliminate we'll be

Replaced by beauty.

The logical thing is to take out

A beauty.

I might have three brains in

Number, but with peter, that

Might only be two.

I don't trust peter as far as I

Can throw him.

Logically in numbers, does it

Make sense to go with peter,

Yeah, it does, especially if

There's potential a beauty could

Come back to this tribe.

Put your head on the pillow.

If julia comes back from the

Brawn tribe, she's going to be

Another beauty and we'll lose

The numbers.

It will be 3-3.

What do we do if we lose a


It's a beauty.

We can't have that many beauties


I'd rather do that because

Anything could happen.

One thing is going to happen,

All of a sudden, what?

I'm absolutely alone.

But brain tribe seemingly has

Already made the decision.

Everybody is on board to take

Out a beauty.


But people say one thing, and

Then they turn around five

Minutes later and say something


How it is?


We can actually all fit.

Who knows?

It might switch all over again.

Welcome to our very humble


It's nice to have you all.


I don't think anybody

Expected the switch today.

I was stunned.

On beauty the girls' alliance is

Really, really tight.

We're all I can voided now, us

Tree girls, and it's


Let me find out.


How's it going?

The only thing is to go down

All the way, debbie.

So what do you guys think,


Make yourself at home, kids.

It's your home.

On my tribe I find myself

With two beauty, two brain, two


We're all bleeding blue right


So there's a lot to think


It's going to be a rough

Adjustment, but you have to keep

Your head up and read people

Until it comes time where I've

Got to make an alliance.

Neal and I are proposing once

We get some food in us, go

Scrounging and we get probably

The last cup of coffee and we

Watch the sunset go down


The new chan loh tribe is a good


It was a warm welcome to our

Humble abode, but immediately

I'm just looking for an opening

Because my game play is I'm on

The offense, not the defense.

And from the get-go, I wanted to

Work with brawn because the

Brawn tribe definitely is the

Power house.

And I thought I work out hard

And train hard that.

Girl makes me look like chicken


I was really ripped two weeks



So we're on a walk looking

For coconuts and debbie has a

Very motherly vibe and it

Definitely could be good for me

To have like a motherly figure

Around, too.

So I think it could be a good


I just thought you were

Really the triple threat, just

The way I could hear you

Briefly, I said, and she's

Really smart.

You have to be smart.

You have to have discipline to

Be built like you are.

I've been playing the dumb

Jock role, but I haven't told

Anybody that I went to one of

The top schools in the nation.

You wouldn't with like, she's so



That's just not what I give off.

But I did go to an ivy league


It took a lot to get there,

Especially growing up in the

Atlanta public school system.

You andry close.


We don't appear close and we

Absolutely know how to zip it.


That's the key thing.

Keep in mind, eventually I

Want to see a woman win this.



I'm with you on that one.

I spoke with cydney about my

Plan of the two brawns hooking

Up with the two brains.

Now I need to speak to jason and

Make it a foursome.

You talked to cydney?


First time I saw her, I just

Liked her, the athleticism and

So we kind of wanted to take out

A beauty if it came to it.

And let them know what it's


I all right went to cydney.

I already went to jason.

We have a foursome.

Ding, ka-ching, ka-ching.

We got a cyanide triple bond

Carbon nitrogen.

You're not breaking it between

Us because in this game you have

To have flexibility, and you

Have to have strength.

Once again I'm the mastermind

Behind the scene, and they just

Don't see me coming.

Yeah, the outside of it, it's

A thick meat coconut.

I'll open it.

I'll show you.

With caleb being gone, I think

About a dear friend, but the

Switch happened and we come

Together as a new tribe, so

There's a lot of opportunity to

Make new friends.

You're very gracious with

Your food.

Thank you.

We're going to repay you by


Tai is great.

It's always great to have a guy

In your tribe that keeps things


He knows how to do everything.

That's cool.

I like people like that.

Scot, want to go pick mango?

I need a boost.

Scot is gigantic.

He's 6'11".

He's so tall.

370 Pounds.

I think almost three of me to

Make one of him, and he wears

Size 18 shoes.

That's amazing.

I need a boost.

I've didn't dying to do this.


Tai is light as a feather.

I tossed him up the tree and

That little dude just ran around

That tree picking mangoes like


This is fun for me.

I don't feel scared or anything.

I have man crush on tai


In my opinion, he's number one

Most valuable member of the

Tribe right now.

One more branch.

Straight ahead.

Right there.

It's an easy pick.

Oh, that's a good one.

It's exciting to do something


It is.

It's fun now because honestly it

Was nice to bond, but it was

Like, okay, when are we going to


I'm in the worst spot ever with

This extra dynamic of julia

Coming back into the mix,

There's no way that brains are

Going to keep both beauty, so

It's either tai or i.

Tai, he's the one that was

Running around with the ido.

Twice we caught him.

We're like, this guy needs to


I'm a professional poker


I play a strategy game for a


I know how to adjust.

I know how to hustle.

I saw him patting the ground

Where the trees are.

I saw him find the id.l. And dig

It up.

I'm not afraid to throw tai

Under the bus to protect myself

And get as far as I can in the


I caught tai twice looking

For the hidden immunity idol.

An I thought, can we stick


It's an uphill battle, but I'm

Not going to go out without a


What day do you guy think it

Is, 13?

The tribe swap is a rebirth

For me.

This mix of beauty, brain and

Brawn, it kind of makes things

More simple.

It's two, two and two.

So it's going to be the battle

Of the pairs.

I'm with michele right now, and

I'm trying to make some bonds to

Get two more with us.

I like everybody here, or at

Least... I mean, first

Impression, right.

Cydney seems cool as hell.

What about you?

Pretty much right with you.

You know, michele seems really


I like you.

Yeah, same.

You seem like a solid person.

When it comes to being

Manipulative, I think I'm the

Most intelligent person out

Here, so coming into this tribe,

I get to start fresh and come up

With new lies or new stories,

And I'm happy about it.

I can probably get michele to

Be on board.

If you're on board with me,

You'd be good with cydney.

She'll be good.

Right there.

Right now.

And michele will be four.

We make up our own new brawn

Tribe pretty much.


I agree with that.

Coming to the new chan loh

Tribe, I was put in a good spot.

Beauty are going to stick


The brains are going to stick

Together, and they're both

Reaching for cydney and i.

Both sides look at us as that


So it's a great spot to be in.

Beauty on the right, brains on

The left.

Who do you side with?

We kind of hold all the power.

So I'm feeling really good.

And I like felt my body shutting


I had never felt like that


It was a combination of

Dehydration, being out here

Alone and paranoia.

At this point there is no chance

Of me reconnecting with my

Entire alliance, so it's going

To be hard.

I would say that right now being

Out here alone is the hardest

Part of my game so far.

People don't know that I'm

Actually a teen, and I think

It's easier for stronger people,

Bigger people than me, people

With more life experience than

Me to help get you through this.

All day all I've been thinking

About is what could possibly be

Going on back at camp.

The longer I'm out here, the

More paranoid I'm going to get.

Jeff: come on in, guys.

Old habit.

I know.

Die hard.

Jeff: all right.

You guys ready to get to your

First immunity challenge as new


First things first, I'll take

Back the idols.

Thank you, michele.

Thank you, joe.

Once again immunity is back up

For grabs.

For today's challenge, two

Members of each tribe swim out

And retrieve a net of fish

Puzzle pieces.

Once you get it back to shore,

Two other tribe members will

Untie those fish, hook them on

To a pole.

You'll carry that up to the

Puzzle platform, where the

Remaining two tribe members will

Use those pieces to complete a

Fish puzzle.

First tribe to get it right wins

Immunity, safe from the vote.

Losers, tribal council or

Somebody will be the fifth

Person voted out of this game.

Give you a minute to strategize

And we'll get started.

All right.

Here we go.

For immunity, survivors ready?


It is nick and jason and scot

And aubry heading out into the


You can't dive down until both

Of you are at the buoy, so you

Are only as fast as your slowest


Go, nick.

Let's go, jason.

Come on, guys.

Jeff: jason and nick are

There first.

They both dive down.

There's aubry.

Scot goes down now.

Scot has the first set of knots


He's going to do it all himself

Scot working on that second set.

Nick still working on the first.

Scot has the second set.

Jason has the second set.

Now it's going to be a race back

To the beach.

Let's go, scot!

Jeff: there are 14 puzzle

Pieces that weigh about 100

Pounds, so with that and the

Water, it's a lot of resistance.

All right, gondol.

Jeff: scot has been a

Workhorse in this challenge for

His tribe, basically doing this

First stage all by himself.

And he's now got a pretty decent

Lead over jason and nick.

Nick and jason get closer,

Less resistance.

Closer together, guys.

Jeff: there's a lot of drag

On that water.

These pieces weigh a lot.

Push it, push it.

Jeff: you can see how much

Effort it takes to drag these


Once you get to the mat, you can

Start untying them.

Go, gondol.

It's now joe and tai working to

Untie these.

Here comes jason and nick.

Come on, nick!

Jeff: go, chan loh.

Now michele and cydney join scot

And tai.

This is the second stage of this


How quickly can you get those

Pieces untied and on their hook?

Tai and joe doing a nice job.

Tai with another puzzle piece.

Michele with another piece.

Good job, good job.

Jeff: cydney and michele

Have all of them untied.

Tai still untying for gondol.

The girls doing a nice job for

Chan loh.

They have made up some time.

Good job.

Jeff: tai has them all


He's now going to get involved

In putting them on the hooks.

We're very close.

Once you have all four team,

Carry them up.

The girls have it for chan loh.

They are now in the lead.

They're heading out.

Right behind them, there's joe

And tai.

The girls are dragging them.

It's so much heavier than you

Can anticipate.

Now it's gondol back in the


All the way up, all the way

Up, all the way up.

And on one, two, three,


Jeff: all right, girl,

You're out.

Now we're to the final stage.

It is debbie and neal and it is

Anna and peter.

14 Puzzle pieces.

Get them all on that table

Before you start working on the


Both groups have all their


Now you can start working on

That puzzle.

This is it.

Come on, guys.

We have a big one.


Jeff: peter's had a lot of

Success on puzzles.

So has anna.

It could be a tight duo.

Neal and debbie have done a lot

Of work on puzzles.


Jeff: chan loh has a lot of

Pieces down.

That could be a very good thing

Or absolutely meaningless.

You don't know until you get to

The end of the "survivor" puzzle

If it's right or not.

It can fool you.

Good job, guys.

Jeff: neal and debbie

Making a lot of progress.

If they're right.

Anna and peter are taking a long

Time to make any progress at


Good communication.

Good communication.

Jeff: is that it?

We got it, jeff.

Jeff: neal and debbie think

They have it.

Immunity for chan loh!

Sending gondol to tribal council

Where the fifth person will be

Voted out of this game.

That was fast.

Jeff: chan loh,


Immunity, no tribal council,

Nobody going home.

Grab your stuff, head back to


All right, gondol.

For one of you, this is it.

Tonight somebody going home from

This tribe, and at the next

Reward challenge, julia will

Join your tribe.

Grab your stuff, head back to


See you tonight at tribal


As soon as we lost the

Challenge, my heart sank.

We are going to tribal council,

And it's probably going to be a

Beauty person.

It's a battle of anna versus




We had a strategy of just

Taking our time, focus, get it


We look over and they're done.

They were so good.

Right now it definitely comes

Down to me and anna tonight.

I thought we had a really

Good chance.

I have the idol.

I know if I play the idol, I

Know I will last another day,

But I don't want the play the


If I don't play it, they might

Be all voting for me.

More than once.

Many survivors go home with the

Idol in their pocket.

So, guys and gals, what do

You think?

I think we vote tai tonight.

You want the primary provider


The objective is to get one

Beauty out.

I prefer anna because she's more


That's a good argument.

I'll let you know how that goes.


I don't care.

I think the argument for anna

To go now is because she's too

Good of a player.

She's a schemer.

She's intelligent, and she's a

Very attractive woman.

She can win people over not only

With her brain but with her


If we basically blindside

Anna, because tai is really good

At camp.

He does everything.

I see the argument both ways.

Do we want to protect the

Brains or not?

That's what I want.

Well, if we do, we still have

Three and two on the other side,

And I know she's sweet and

Everything, but if we want to

Get to the end, we have to play

The game smart.


I can count on you then?

I'm going to go on you with

This one.

What do you think about

Tonight now that we lost?

Well, they're talking get one

Of the beauty out for numbers.

I figured.

It's part of the game.

I do not like peter.

There is something ar gabt about


We could take peter out.

I can do it because I have the




Do you really want peter out?

There might be a way.


I have the idol.

I can play it.

You have the idol.

I have the idol.

Want to see it?



I love this.

We can do it.

Do you want to?



Let's do it.

I love "survivor."

I love blind sides and I love

Immunity idol, especially hidden


I'll use it and we'll all

Vote for peter.

I want the take peter out and we

Have numbers.

I was petrified, but tai will

Be using the idol, so whoever is

The next person who has the

Higher vote goes home.

Who is that going to be?

It's going to be peter.

See you later.

One of us is going home


They want to go anna.

That's what they want.


Aubry came up to me and said,

Tai is safe.

I'm going to go get some


So with jason, I have two

Guys that have idols, and if you

Put them together, it becomes

Super idol, and I thought, wow,

We could blind side anna and

Keep the idol hidden, that would

Make me the only person in the

Game of "survivor" that knows

Where there are two idols.

That puts me in, in a good spot

Provided I get to the merge.

What is the best thing?

They are voting anna out.

I like you.

They like you.

Nobody wants you to go.

You're asking me what's best for


What's best for you, I think, is

To save the idol.

As long as you can.

Yes, of course.

They're not voting you out

Tonight, so don't use it.

Scot said, maybe they're not

Going to vote for me and I can

Use the idol as a tool, but I'm

So worried that if I don't play

The idol, I might go home with

The idol in my pocket, in my


That would be a terrible thing.

You know, tribal council is

Like high school prom.

You don't know what you're going

To get out of it, but you're

Going to feel something.

I can keep it for myself,

Share with an narcotic I don't


I guess I'm bringing my idol

Tonight, and I want to see how

It plays out.

I think a lot of stuff will

Probably come up at tribal, and

From therely decide whether to

Play it or not.

Jeff: anna and tai, as it

Is your first time at tribal,

There are two torches back

There, grab one, dip it in and

Get fire.

Part of the ritual of tribal

Council because in this game,

Fire represents your life.

When you fire is gone, so are


So aubry, looking at the tribe

Division, is it fair to say with

Three wrains, you, peter and joe

Are sticking together in.


These are the people we know,

The devils we know, but when you

Go into a tribe swap, you want

To stick to the numbers.

Jeff: so, scot, that puts

You in an interesting spot.

It could be good.

It could be terrible because you

Have no buddy.

I'm literally alone on an

Island, if you want to go there,

But people have talked to me and

They've made me part of their

Group for now, and we'll see

What happens.

Jeff: anna, what was your

Feeling, knowing I'm not on the

Bottom but I'm certainly not in

The power spot.

Automatically my heart


I don't have the numbers.

My first thought is there is a

Good chance if we lose immunity,

It will be tai or i.

That's what I feel like now.

Jeff: tai, do you feel the

Same way?

Do you think it's you or an in?

I agree completely.

These are the brains.

These are the smart people.

They have three.

We have two.

Obviously they're going to keep

Scot because he's massive, a

Huge asset to the challenges.

Jeff: anna, what do you do?

I can read between the lines,

It's whatever the brains and

Scot decide.

It's 50/50.

I think it's really important to

Keep the tribe strong.

I might not have big g*n, but my

Legs are strong.

You know, I'm competitive.

So hopefully they see me as an

Asset and keep my around a

Little longer.

And I hate that we're

Discussing about this because we

Have a great connection.

And I'm playing everything very

Straightforward with you guys,

You know, and I always work.

I'm the one that works.

I'm the one that discovers

Edible food.

The reason I scrape up tree, I

Climb mango trees to get mangoes

For the tribe.

You can see it.

It's forming a scab already.

Jeff: I believe you.

I'm not hurt.

Even with this thing... Even

With this thing, I have a lot of

Skills, a lot of resources, and

I never ever complain about

Work, never.

Jeff: aubry, do you

Appreciate the fact you have two

Very different people, and

They're both making their case

From their own personality?

Quite honestly, it's hard to

Hear because they're putting it

All on the table, and I

Appreciate it, but we're going

To have to make a tough


Jeff: joe, has the topic of

Idols come up.

Well, my personal belief, you

Always say there is a twist.

I think the twist is there was

No twist about an idol.

Jeff: meaning there isn't


There is not one.

I would have thought by now

There would be a cue.

That has not happened and we're

Moving on in the game.

Pi personal belief is there is

Not one.

Jeff: tai, do you believe

It's possible there are actually

No idols out here?

I don't think so either

Because I looked and I got in

Trouble from the beauty tribe.

And actually I'm terrible about

Looking for stuff.

I have a bad sense of direction,

So I never find it, and there's

In clue.

So I don't think there's an idol

Out there.

Jeff: so scot, if it's true

That it's peter, aubry and joe

Versus anna and tai, you have


Well, possibly.

But it all depends on how tight

The brains are.

Jeff: peter, scot brings up

An interesting point.

Did you see people trying to

Figure out if there are cracks

Between you and aubry and joe?

Not today.

But to be honest, jeff, I'm not

Concerned because I'm in a

Position of power.

The brains and scot, we're in

The power position.

We can do what we want right now

And we're going to.

Jeff: but peter, the

Hardest thing about tribal is

You can't ever trust a single

Thing you're hearing from anyone

Because you don't know what

Story it is they want you to

Believe is actually happening.

That's the irony.

Tribal council is its own little


The words out of our mouths

Aren't necessarily the truth.

Jeff: so what's the

Likelihood that anna, tai and

Scot decide we're dead if we

Don't take these three brains on

Right now tonight?

Likelihood low, very low.

Jeff: aubry, the reason I

Ask is, if you're sitting where

I am, the three of you are


There's two and there's one.

So it's not a bad idea to make

Another three and say, let's

Just go for broke.

That could definitely be a


You see three.

You feel like these people are


If you're in a desperate

Situation, some people would go

For it.

Jeff: all right.

It is time to vote.


You're up.

I'll go tally the votes.

If anybody has a hidden immunity

Idol and you want the play it,

Now would be the time to do so.


Once the votes are read, the

Decision is final.

Person voted out will be asked

To leave the tribal council area


I'll read the votes.

First vote peter.



Two votes anna.


That's three votes anna, one

Vote peter.

Fifth person voted out, anna.

That's four, that's enough.

You need to bring me your torch.

Anna, the tribe has spoken.

Good luck, everyone.

Jeff: time for you to go.

Well, "survivor" is a game about


Tonight you decided to keep tai

Over anna, and the question

You're going to be wrestling

With until the next immunity

Challenge, did we make the right


Grab your torches.

Head back to camp.

Good night.

Jeff: next time on

"Survivor," debbie is courting a

New alley.

One of my strategies is not

To be a flirt, but I think nick

Looks like a greek god.

Jeff: while joe

Investigates one of his own.

Are you going to take me out?

Don't lie.

I'm retired f.b.i.

I'm trained to deal with

Somebody like that.

Oh, my god, this hurts so


I did not expect to be out this


I thought I was politician a

Pretty good game, but maybe I

Was playing a little too hard.

But that was my strategy.

I was going to go all in.

I was going to go with my gut.

When tai showed me the idol, I

Thought, oh, my god, we're going

To blind side peter, but he

Blind sided me.
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