02x24 - The Halloween Monster

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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02x24 - The Halloween Monster

Post by bunniefuu »


the halloween monster


a bowl full of candy left out and no

one's around


you've been caught red pod


hey who turned out the lights

trigger tree


i promise i'll never

read the candy again

how poppy

meatball what's got you so scared

lambo help there's a witch in the

kitchen look i'm shaking with fear

hmm did the witch look something like


hello puppy cats ah here she comes it's

her the witch

sorry to scare you meatball isata is

that really you but why are you dressed

up like a witch

because it's halloween and tonight we're

gonna team up buffy cats

super possum

we'll take turns trick-or-treating that

way people will give us lots of candy

halloween would be my favorite holiday

except for the halloween monster

come on meatball there's no such thing

as the halloween

monster trick or treat

trick or

hey aren't you scared even a teeny tiny

bit nothing scary about you i'm going

trick-or-treating now bye

no she thinks she's some kind of

halloween queen walking around with

those ready cats hey boss

but we'll show them we'll get way more

candy winston's honor



no thanks i'm not interested in any

encyclopedias and i already have four

vacuum cleaners

go on milady it's your turn


oh what a nice kitty you know i guess i

can give you a few treats


here you go meatball you hold the treats

oh they all look so yummy

don't eat a meatball they're for all of

us to share

oh i know that lampo i solemnly swear

not to touch a single one till the end

of the night we trust you meepo

now let's go get more candy

i just hope we don't run into the

halloween monster


watch and learn boss

trick or treat

oh i'm sorry ma'am i just wanted a treat


aren't you ashamed at your age let me



moving on boss

come on buffy cat

let's go get more candy

it's lampo's turn now

i hope the halloween monster isn't on

the other side of that door


meatball is scared of the halloween


hmm trick or treat oh it's my choice i

picked the trick


oh a real spider it's super scary

now that trick deserves lots of treats


great job leopold


time to put my plan into action



called my name


give me those treats meatball or else

meatball fell for my trick too easy


puffy cats puffy hats

there you are meatball well done you

still have all of our treats

um yeah of course

oh no

how can i tell her


the cat catcher

uh hello little girl

oh hello kitties wanna see

my little trick


could you give us some treats



you're sweeter than all these sweets


it wouldn't be halloween without candy

right meatball



you're right pilu



the halloween monster doesn't exist the

halloween monster doesn't make all

give me your treats


leave me at least one


where is he was i

dreaming this is not a dream it's a



i stole all meatballs candy winston will

be so happy


trick or treat

oh hi winston

here's a treat for you

oh thanks alfredo

more precisely it's a

cat tree

oh getting candy is hotter than i

thought boss

hey what's in there

ah that's my boss i'm sure you took this

from those ratty cats you learned from

the best

meepo now it's your turn to help me

trick or treat

do i really have to isata come on meepo

it's gonna be fun


trick or treat

oh what a cute witch and a good kitty

i have something for you

these are my special chocolates

what's the matter kitty you don't like


i'm sorry but i don't have anything else

not even a kitty treat i gave my last

one to winston


i've never seen meatball act like that

around food what's got you down my furry


the bag is empty there's no treats at

all but this is a catastrophe meatball

don't tell me you ate all the candy

it was a halloween monster he scared me

and stole all the treats there

i said it

even though i know you'll never believe


i believe you meatball i know you're

telling the truth

thanks milady

but then the halloween monster really

exists or there's someone disguised as a

halloween monster who ate our treats

don't worry i can get them back then i

want to lend you a paw

that's great meatball here's the plan



this bag is too heavy

it's so full of treats

wait out here

we'll split the candy when we get back


hand over all the candy meatball yay i'm

running away

let's see what that buffy loser has for

me in his bag

all right halloween monster time to see

who you really are


give us back our treats

too late i've already eaten them all

i have the impression someone's just

told a lie

you ruined my trick buffy losers but

it's too late i already gave all your

treats to winston

cheer up buffy cats there's still one

last house where we can trick or treat


oh what a great halloween night i'll

stuff myself with candy


who's bothering me so late at night


i knocked on your door with a special

trick or treat just for you



what did i do you kept all the candy for

yourself and i am here to get it back i

am the halloween monster

the three-headed monster

naked treats all of them i won't eat

candy anymore


i won't eat candy anymore

i won't eat candy anymore


nice teamwork buffy cats


treats for everyone

thank you rosata and thank you halloween


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