01x14 - Detective Pilou/A Game for the Buffycats

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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01x14 - Detective Pilou/A Game for the Buffycats

Post by bunniefuu »



for The Buffy cats



gotcha let go of the b*mb never



three of you are in no shape for my



as you know the guess and get game is a

treasure hunt each of you will have to

guess what I draw find it and bring it



this is the first thing you'll have to



here is the second one


and this is the third

can you remember all of them


hmm then let the guess and get game



do you know what the first thing

meatball Drew is yes and I know where to

find it I know where the second one is

okay then I'll find the third one good

luck my furry fellows


I tell Neko always sets up the best swap

meets foreign


are you doing here hi Neko I'm playing

treasure hunt

I need a clock and I'm sure you have one

you're the luckiest cat on earth luck

can help you find but where to look you

should have in mind


Hmm this is a magnet isn't it

look out it's very powerful

thank you

awesome just what I was looking for

a clock

okay what do I get in return

I have my pepper chicken it's super



is it a deal then it's a deal



hello my lady what are you doing here

hey piperita I'm looking for a horn for

a treasure hunt I remember seeing one

around here a horn



that's where I saw the horn if you want

it you'd better be quick why because

Alfredo's old bike is about to be thrown

away then I've gotta hurry nice



I found the first thing a clock and I

found the second one a horn great job

you two get a point each and now now we

have to wait for Lambo

I wonder if you found the third thing

I'm sure I can find it

the metal


the metal


hey that's Terry I wonder how he got up


Fair puppy got his collar snagged on the

cuckoo clock who we have to get him down

yeah but how the truck with the ladder

isn't here yet here

save them

Apple what are you doing here I came to

save you Terry no need remember I'm a

cat I can handle this how what are you

gonna Bart your way down and are you

sure that you can climb from this height

not now that I think about it


hold on Terry




you deserve a metal fire fighter cat


a metal this is this is just what I


I'm back I found the third thing the

treasure hunt is all tied up so now what

is there a tiebreaker of course you'll

have to find this


it looks like a rooster it is a rooster

but where can we find a rooster at the



one should be around here somewhere but

there's no one here the farm is deserted

let's split up and look

look there it is

getting up there isn't going to be easy

but we have to try







if we keep trying on our own we're never

going to reach it I agree we're gonna

have to do this together yeah that's the

only way we'll get the roaster and I

already have an idea but I'll need the

stuff you found before

trust me it's for a good cause


pilu are you looking for something else

yes and I need my rubber chicken back

oh okay what do I get in return a medal

and a super duper loud horn





Lambo my lady where are you

we tried to get up there one more time

but we didn't get anywhere not even with

the two of us we will now all three of

us together

yes Lampo that's perfect

I'm ready





job you did it we did it together



we fall we're back you're all together

who got the rooster all three of us

great I declare the guess and get game


that treasure hunt really knocked me out

but we had a lot of fun

oh you look tired kitties played a bit

too much have you here are some noodles

to get your strength back yum yum



never heard of our latest game the

noodle race the noodle race doesn't

exist you just made that up

well if it did I would win it


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