02x25 - Granny Pina's Birthday

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "44 Cats". Aired: 12 November 2018 – 7 February 2021.*
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Follows the adventures of four kittens who make up a musical group called the Buffycats.
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02x25 - Granny Pina's Birthday

Post by bunniefuu »


granny P's secret




it's going to be our greatest concert

we'll be completely sold


out but right now we're completely burnt

out no more rehearsing Lampo we're super

tired are you kidding my lady We're The

Buffy cats we never get

tired well almost

never wake up meall


whoops I think I made things worse he's

hibernating meele




no what's he talking about



noodles noodles of course Nea is right

to get our energy back and be ready for

tonight we need a nice plate of Granny

penis noodles but we'll have to wait

Granny's not

home then we'll cook it ourselves eles

set the table Buffy cats lunch

incoming lunch Lunch is ready it will be

a no time cuz we're going to be cooks

for a

day and we'll make the noodles all by

ourselves but we can't do it it'll be no

problem P we just need to follow


recipe here we go granny keeps the

recipe inside her big

cookbook okay stand back meatball check

this move


out nice move

Lampo where could it

be aha There It Is I've got it




recipe calm down oh oh no no no I mean

stay there I'll come get you Lampo where

are you going it's



hey it's raining

cats don't cats always land on their

feet my

lady get me up


higher Lampo stop that we're cats m lady

we always land on our


feet almost always on our feet sometimes

also in trash cans Buffy brainstorm we

need a pair of wings great my lady why

didn't I think of


that it's okay little birdies I don't

want to hurt


you lucky I still have


one where did it

go my whiskers are telling us that way

awesome thanks whiskers we won't miss

the recipe this

time I've had enough of you

wind the recipe has landed it can't

escape now Buffy cats watch out for



I can't believe it believe it the recipe

has just escaped by car uh then we'll





this roller boat is what we need all

aboard we're leaving come on Buffy cats

let's follow that


car ready the boarding party buy cats




94 95 96 97


hey come

back oh sorry sorry sorry eigor poor

eigor we messed up his training I hope

we didn't make the strongest cat in town

angry there he










whatuh what is the meaning of

a he



meatballs how do we end up here I don't

know but what goes up must come





we won't miss the recipe this

time I'm not so sure about

that you look for this paper Buffy Kat

thanks eigor are you still angry with us

it's not problem pillow eigor saw what

you did to get paper uh must be very

important for you you have no idea Igor

likes Buffy cat to do best to achieve

goal like

this eigor is always so

wise we did it cat friends here's the


recipe for apple pie oh no I took the






all that trouble and we've got

nothing I wouldn't say that I got even

more tired here are my sweet

kittens oh what sad faces what

happened you look so tired come here

relax what you need is a nice bowl of


noodles my lovely little

kitties Buffy cats see I told you we

could do it all by ourselves I mean more

or less noodles


ready thank you for coming cat friends

our first song is all about friendship

and we want to dedicate it to a special

friend who's always there right when we

need him

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