30x02 - Beyond Repair

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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30x02 - Beyond Repair

Post by bunniefuu »

-[theme song playing]
-♪ Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' in outer space ♪

♪ Time to save the human race ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Morphin' a million miles away ♪

♪ Powers will illuminate ♪

♪ We're morphin'
Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

♪ Evolution, revolution ♪

♪ Mighty Rangers rise ♪

♪ Power Rangers Cosmic Fury ♪

[birds singing]

[Solon] Here's one hot chocolate
with 80% marshmallows,

just how you like it.

All right. That's the measurements.

You should get rest
while we build this thing.

[Solon] Any little upgrades you want,
just say the word.

My eyes are my favorite feature.

I don't want any upgrades.

I just want my arm back.

I know this is a lot,
but you're gonna be okay.

Javi, you saved all of us back on Zordnia.

We're all indebted to you.

The least I can do
is help our master engineer

build a prosthetic for you.

[Solon] Cranston Tech's founder
calls me a master?

Oh, if dinosaurs could blush.

I appreciate all your help.

Like you said, it's a lot to deal with.

I mean, this literally happened yesterday.

What am I supposed to tell my parents?

And I guess it's definitely goodbye
to that new demo I was recording.

Hey, Solon. The antidote's ready,
but we can't find the applicator.

[Solon] I'd better go have a look.

Being musical doesn't just go away.
Don't count yourself out.

I believe in you.

Ah, here we go.

[Lani] He sleeps like a log.

It was great as a baby.
Not so charming as a teen.

-He'll be cuter when he wakes up.
-[Lani] Be careful with that assumption.

I know, we really want this to work,

but... the poison
is a much larger dose than last time.

[Solon] Neutralizing toxins takes time.

All we can do now
is wait for him to wake up.

Remember, Mick, the portal
Zayto fell through led to a green planet

near a reddish nebula.

[Mick] Yes, I know, Aiyon.
You showed me the memory many times.

Don't you worry.

I have contacts all over the galaxy.
Zayto will be found.

Thanks. I wish I could come, bud.

[Mick] It's okay.

After I find him,
we'll all go to your café

to try your new mini Flargon cakes.
I can't wait.

[ship zooms]

He's right.
Everything is gonna be perfectly fine.

So you're saying we could be in for
another alien invasion?

[Izzy] I'm saying
it's potentially possible,

but just between us,

there's nothing to confirm
Lord Zedd's on his way.

We've informed world leaders
and relief agencies,

but we wanted to keep
Pine Ridge media in the loop too.

And you're the city's
civil defense coordinator.

Unfortunately, Zedd knows who we are,
so the city might be a target.

We want everyone
to be prepared, just in case.

Have you Rangers tried... tricks?

[Izzy] Tricks?

BuzzBlast could stream
an intergalactic news story

saying that all of Earth
has gone on vacation to Venus.

So he invades the wrong planet.

He'd come back to Earth
when he figures it out.

[Izzy] He's probably right.

Morning, Aiyon.

Mind if I get a drink
and maybe another towel for J-Borg?

-[J-Borg] Hmm?
-Sure thing, Warden.

Can I interest you
in some Flargon cake too?

I'll pass on the cake.
A coffee sounds great.

We don't have a clue what Zedd is up to.

So until we have more info,
there is no need to alarm the city.

Now, people have been through a lot.
Plus, I'd hate to tell my kids now.

They're making decisions
about their future.

This could just...
it could throw them off track.

It's true.
Javi's been off work for a week,

recording a demo
at some exclusive indie recording studio.

And meanwhile, Izzy's packing
to go to college with her girlfriend,

and no galactic troublemaker
is gonna go between those two

and the Pan-Global Games.

[Izzy] All good points.

Maybe it is better not to rock the boat
when we don't know Zedd's next move.

Then we agree to avoid a panic.

Yes. We won't sound the alarm
until we have more information.

And don't forget.
Vacation to Venus is still on the table.

[Izzy] Gotcha. Now I better go pack...

Uh, back to the base
to, uh, deal with Ranger stuff.

Yeah, see ya.

She loved our idea.

Hey. You said you'd leave me some.


[Jane grunts]

[tense music playing]

[Zedd] For too long, I have been denied
my chance to eradicate the Rangers

and conquer their world.

But this time, I'll...

[Squillia] Oh! Are you doing this speech
off the cuff?

We should be recording these.
Let's go from the top.

[Zedd] My plans are secret.

Shouldn't you be on your Mega Squidrill?

[alarm buzzing]

[Zentinal] Lord Zedd, incoming message.

Former employee of the month Doodrip here.

You'll have noticed
I stole a Mega Squidrill

to take down the Rangers
and earn back my job.

[Zedd grunts]

Now, witness me. Doodrip, out!

[Zedd] Squillia,
that's your Mega Squidrill.

How could you let that fool steal it?

[Squillia] Mom says
locks are for poor people.

[Bajillia] Yes, but my insurance
won't cover negligence.

[Squillia] You're still gonna get me
a new one, right, Mom? Right?

[Zedd] Enough!

If that loser destroys
the Rangers before me, I'll be a joke.

-[Squillia] No. He could never.
-[Zedd grunts]

New plan. Doodrip does all the hard work.

If he succeeds,
I destroy him and take the credit.

If he fails, I swoop in to finish the job.

-[birds singing]
-[calming music playing]

Lord Zedd.



I knew it would work.

-[tense music playing]
-[both grunt]

-[Ollie strains]
-Lani, get out.

-He's still...
-[Amelia] It's not safe! Lock me in!

-[Ollie grunts]
-[Amelia groans]

[Ollie shouts]

-[pounding on door]
-[Lani] Thank goodness for deadlocks.

We did everything just like last time.
This doesn't make any sense.

The poison has corrupted
his Ranger energy.

I know that this is stressful, Amelia,

but we can't let our feelings
distract us from the facts.

How can you be so chill right now?
We might never get Ollie back.

[softly] I am terrified.

But putting out that vibe doesn't help.
Instead, I'm focusing my energy on facts.

We're not out of options just yet.
What exactly do we know about this poison?

It was designed specifically for Ollie.

So if you're right
about his energy being corrupted,

he gets his energy from...

-[tense music playing]

-[upbeat music playing]

You tried carrying one bag at a time,
or are we trying to break another record?

More bags means bigger g*ns. See?

But feel free
to call the record books. [chuckles]

How are you? You look exhausted.

Oh, babe. You know just what to say.

-Sorry, just... Everything okay?

What was the Ranger biz you left for?
I didn't see anything in the news.

[Carlos] There is no need
to alarm the city.

Our people have been through a lot.

Earth to Izzy?

Uh, it wasn't on the news
'cause we were on another planet.

Another planet?

Was it a NASADA collab?
Did you get to fly in a spaceship?

Don't worry. Wasn't anything the Rangers
haven't already dealt with before. No big.

Sounds kind of big. Are you sure
you should still come to Oakdale with me?

Of course. I've been counting the days.
The team knows I'm movin' to college.

Besides, if they need me,
I can just teleport.

-Sounds like a lot to manage.
-I'm great at multitasking.

I can carry the next load of bags
and break that record you mentioned. Hmm.

[communicator beeps, chimes]

[Solon] We've got
an alien craft approaching Earth.

Get back to base, ASAP.

Copy. On my way.

I'm really sorry. I gotta go.

-That didn't take long.
-Don't worry.

I'll be at your place by three
to leave for Oakdale. Like we planned.

Ranger's honor.

[Billy] Seems to be a larger version
of that thing we fought on Zordnia.

And it's headed directly for Earth.

-It very well could be Lord Zedd.
-His timing sucks.

Maybe we take our new Zords
into orbit to fight.

Less chance of anyone
getting hurt or panicking.

[Javi] You sure?

Hey. You don't have to come
if you're not ready yet.

I can't even tie my laces,
let alone put a key into my Morpher.

I'm gonna make things worse in a fight,
and I don't wanna let my team down.

Take all the time you need, Javi.
It's totally okay.

Hey, I'm here to help.
That'd make four of us.

It's an honor for me to fight
alongside the younger generation.

But I'm the older generation.

Aiyon, we discussed this.

You were unconscious
for 65 million years...

We also discussed
not discussing this anymore.

We have a job to do.

It's Morphin' Time!

[energetic music playing]

[group] Dino Fury Key.


Link to Morphin Grid.


[group grunts]


[creatures growl]

[Rangers] Dino Fury Power.

[Solon] Go get 'em.

[Rangers grunt]

[Zentinal] Doodrip, Zords
are approaching from Earth.

[Doodrip] Oh, for real? Launch Squidrones!

Ow! Cactus. Why are they everywhere?

[lasers blasting]

[Billy] It's strange
that there's no fleet support.

Where are all the other ships?
This doesn't feel like Zedd.

[Aiyon] Zedd or not,
if they're coming for Earth,

they ain't gettin' through.

[Izzy] Light 'em up.

[Rangers] Cosmic Blast!

[Doodrip] Activate stabilizer
and patch me into their comms.

[lasers blasting]

-[Amelia] A call?

[Doodrip] I knew you couldn't resist
coming to fight your mortal nemesis.

[Amelia] You evilized Ollie.

[Aiyon] Blue goo guy?
Why does he get one of them big ships?

[Doodrip] Have some respect.
My name is Doodrip.

[Amelia] I'll make you Dood-RIP.
Zords, combine.

[epic music playing]

[Rangers] Cosmic Fury Megazord, ready!

[Aiyon] Cosmic Blast!

[Izzy] If one is fun, twice is nice.

[Doodrip] No!

No, no. Not the cactus. [groans]

-[Amelia] Think that's painful?
-[all] Cosmic Fury Megazord!

Cosmic Mega Blast!

[blast echoes]

[Doodrip groans] Lord Zedd
will be right behind me.

And after I safely eject, he and I will...

[scream echoes]

[Rangers] Cosmic Fury Victory!

[Billy] Great coordination, team.

But based on what he said,
Zedd's forces aren't far behind.

[Amelia] That's what I'm worried about.

[Solon] Head back to base, Rangers.
There's something you've gotta see.

[birds singing]

[Solon] Keep flexing. Nice and gentle.

-Sync levels are good.
-[arm whirring]

-Here you go.

How does it feel?

[Solon] Oh!

[Javi] Come on.

Don't panic. The sync rate
between your brain and your arm

is gonna fluctuate
as the tech gets to know you.

[Javi groans, grunts]

-Oh! Don't touch it!

My bad.

Uh, I'm sorry, Izz. I...

[Solon] It's not your fault. This button
hasn't been pressed in 65 million years.

You know, it took me a long time
to get used to my cybernetics.

Don't push yourself too hard, okay?

Yeah, okay. I... It is a lot to get used to.

We got your back, bro.

And your front too.

Thanks, guys.

[Solon] You've got this.

-How's Ollie doing?
-[Ollie shouts]

As persistent as ever,
but Amelia and I have a plan.

We're gonna need some help.

I believe we can harness the energy
from the Tricera Statue at Dinohenge

using the energy conductor
Tarrick stole when he was evil.

So it's not just Ollie?
Your father was evil too?

And my mom. It's been a total saga.

Anyways, we use this
to blast Ollie with pure grid energy.

So what you're proposing
is an energy purge

to sanitize his corrupted link
to the Morphin Grid.

That could work.

If it doesn't...

we'll know that his Ranger energy
is fundamentally changed.

Let's not dwell on that.
Zedd could arrive at any second.

So if we wanna stand a chance against him,
we're gonna need the whole team.

Including Ollie.

So we gotta work fast
and be ready for an attack.

This plan has a lot of moving parts.

[tense music playing]

Careful with those cuticles, Inkworth.

They cost more than you.

[Zentinal] Approaching Earth now.
The stolen ship has been obliterated.

[Squillia gasps] My ship.

[groans] I only unboxed it last week.

[Zedd] Now is the perfect time to strike.

Find Dinohenge
and prepare for a ground as*ault.

[gentle music playing]

Hey, Rina. Have you seen Izzy?
She was supposed to come by at three.

Oh, sorry, hon. We're waiting too.

Did you check the track?

[phone beeps]

[Izzy] Izzy's busy.
Leave a message after the tone.

[Rina] Voice mail?

That's not like Izzy.
Did she say where she was going?

No, but I think I know
where she might be. Uh... I'll text you.

[tense music playing]

A fleet of ships
is entering the solar system.

Izzy, it's go time. I'll wrangle Ollie.

Get Dinohenge undercover.

[Izzy] I'm on it.


[Aiyon] Whoa. Dome's up.
You're totally invisible from here.

[Izzy] I'm a great multitasker,
but I can't hold this dome and fight.

Hope you got my back, boys.

[Billy] Copy that. We'll keep an eye out
for uninvited guests.

[Aiyon] Speaking of, Vision Enhance!

-[device beeping]
-[Aiyon] Looks clear so far.

Wait, no.
We got our party crashers at nine o'clock.

[Billy] You keep watch.
I'll roll out the welcome mat.

-Ah. Look at that young man go.

-[energetic music playing]

[Zentinal] Blast him!

[Billy] Any more coming?

[Aiyon] Still all clear.
Except there's... a bike?

A Fern? Not good.

[Zentinals grunt]

[Aiyon] Really not good.



[Aiyon] Billy, this is Izzy's girlfriend.

[Billy] I'd love to help, but... [groans]

[Izzy] Wait, what? Hold tight. I'm coming.

No. We need to stay out of sight.
Someone else will have to.

It's okay. I'll get Fern.
This will just take a second.

No, I'll go.

You might not get
another chance to fix Ollie.

[arm whirs]

Good luck.

[Fern breathing shakily]

[Javi] Get away from her! [grunts]

-[arm whirs]
-[Javi] Not now.

[electricity crackles]

The machine is linked and ready to go.
You can bring Ollie up now.

[console chimes]


Oh, man. I think the antidote
just took longer this time

because there was just so, so much poison.

Stay back.

Oh. What's wrong?

I'm cured.

I love you, but you've never been
a good actor. Plus, I can read your mind.


Link to Morphin Grid!

[Javi groaning]

Give me a break.

[Fern gasps]

Javi? What's up with this?

-[Javi] My arm. Izzy didn't tell you?
-[loud blast]

[Zentinals grunt]

[Javi] Let's go.

[groans] I think I left my stomach behind.

[Javi] You need to hide.
The bathroom's that way.

-Seems like you might need it.
-[Ollie shouts]

[both grunting]

-[Javi] I've got him.
-[Amelia] Thanks.

[Javi] Now!


[Lani yelps]

[Ollie groans]

[Solon groans]

[Izzy gasps]

[Zentinal] Ha-ha!

Lord Zedd, we found it.

-[Lani gasps]
-[Solon] Is everyone okay?

[Zedd] Miss me?

[Amelia] Solon, Lani, get out of here!

[Solon gasps]

But Ollie!

[Amelia] I got him. Get somewhere far.
Really far. Like, Osaka far.

[Lani sighs]

[Aiyon] Meat man, time for round two.

[Zedd] The final round for you!

[both groaning]

[Zedd] I don't know your weakness, Billy.

But I sure know theirs.


[Aiyon] No!

[Zedd shouts]

[grunts, laughs]

[Rangers groan]

[Javi gasps]

[Zedd] Eat it, Rexy.

Our statues.

[Zedd] Lucky last.


Spare my statue
so I can still serve you, my lord.

Ollie, no!

[Zedd] How do I know this isn't
a pathetic attempt at deception?

[Ollie gasps]

[Ollie shouts]

[Amelia cries out]

[sword clangs]

[Amelia gasps]

[Zedd] I do love an evil Ranger.

-[Billy] Back to base. We can't win here.
-But Ollie!

We have to face facts.

[Zedd grunts]

Bajillia! I want a Squidrill
drilling down into their base

until each one of those Ranger ninnies
are buried and dead!

[Squidrill whirs]

[tense music playing]

[Solon] Our shields are failing.

-[alarms sound]
-[Aiyon] Solon, there's only one option!

[Solon] This is
an extreme emergency fail-safe.

Do you trust me?

This is an extreme emergency!

[dramatic music playing]

[music intensifies]

[Zedd exclaims]

Empty. It's empty! How is this possible?

Some kind of mass teleportation.

[Zedd] Your bratty friends
are always running from their problems.

But they won't last long
without their Ranger powers.

Well, you won't regret sparing mine.

[Zedd] Prove it to me by finding
your cowardly little companions.

It would be my pleasure.

[Zedd] Zentinals, take the Tricera Statue
to my Mega Squidrill

and spread the word.

This planet is the property of Lord Zedd!

[thunder rumbles]

[button powers down]

Impromptu matter translocation.

I'm impressed.

But where are we?

[Aiyon] The emergency teleport sent us

to the farthest empty
but habitable planet.

[Solon] Let's check the star charts.

Erridus, huh?

Atmosphere and gravity
is similar to Earth,

but... we're 30 million light-years away.

We're not even in our own galaxy?

[Solon] A jump burns out the whole system,
so it's a one-way trip.

Otherwise, I'd have been
tanning my tail on tropical beaches

rather than staying underground
for 65 million years.

So we're safe, but we're stranded?

Yeah, without Ranger powers
and without Zayto.

Or Ollie.

[Solon] So, what do we do next? Any ideas?

Focus on the facts.
That's what Dr. Akana told me.

We did everything we could
to help Ollie, and it didn't work.

Now he's with Zedd.

Most of us can't morph,
and Zayto's missing.

We're also stuck far away from a home
that's probably being invaded by Zedd.

But I refuse to give up.

We have Billy.

We have Solon. We have each other.

If we just focus on one problem
at a time, we'll get through.

I know we will.

If Lord Zedd thinks this is over,
he's dead wrong.

No powers, no way home, no big.

[Fern] Oh, yeah?

This is no big?

[dramatic music playing]

[dramatic music fades]

[energetic rock music playing]

[rock music ends]

[orchestral music swells]
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