Not Another Church Movie (2024)

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Not Another Church Movie (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

This little light of mine

I'm gonna let it shine

This little light of mine

Let me tell you a story.

It's a story about me.

My stories have made you cry.

My stories have made you shout.

My stories have even made you

turn your life around.

But this is a story

about how it all began.

Feeling very blessed today.

My name is Taylor Pherry.

Feeling very blessed today.

Look how blessed I feel.

Now you've seen my movies

and watched my TV shows.

That's okay.

But before all that, I was

what you might

call an entrepreneur.

A jack of all trades.

A captain of industry.

My baby.

And a lover of fine cars.

By day I judiciously defend

the innocent.

Damnit. Case closed.

While making emergency

house call surgeries.

Stand back, doctors.

I am a doctor and I don't need

another doctor telling me how to

be doctoring.

Oh, this patient dead.

Then after my luxury hotel

and engineering firm meetings,

I make time for some

zero-emission food delivery

to keep myself in touch...


...with common people.

Here you are, sir.

What? This is it?

That'll be $75.

But to truly understand how

I became the

entertainment titan,

you all know today, we

need to start at the


And the beginning began

with Hoprah Windfall.

I'm a little disappointed

that my 27th sl*ve movie

didn't farewell at

the box office.

I mean, I'm sure you all liked

it, right?


Anyway, I still have my show,

my magazine.

I have my school in Africa,

and of course,

Dr. Bill and Dr. Loz.

But the time has come

for me to find a successor.

Someone to carry the torch.

Someone who embodies the

intelligence and power needed

for the betterment of all

strong women.

God willing,

I shall find my successor!

Hoprah was on a mission,

but little did we know

someone else

was looking to reinspire hope

and faith in the masses

as well.

And this is where our story

truly begins.

If I rule the world,

I do everything.

Drive through to heaven!

Where the hell is God?

He still ain't here.

He still ain't answering

none of our prayers, man.

It's Sunday,

so he's gonna take all day.

He may be late,

but he's always on time.

He was on time

when he took my Granny.

Oh, you know what?

Sometimes I just

have to swear to me.

Good me almighty!

Just rolling through the clouds.

This is usually my day of rest,

but I'm feeling like something.

Hashtag Holy Davidson!

Holy Davidson!

I'm coming. I'm on my way.

Oh, shit. God's here.

Let's get to the meeting.

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

Y'all better have something good

for me. 'Cause you know what?

That's right.

G-O-D! G-O-D! G-O-D!

I'm pissed.

The hell is going on?

Is that what this is about?

Pitch meeting

over some unanswered prayers?

Tell y'all,

y'all owe me right now.

Y'all had me watching that...

uh, uh, uh... Held Up.

The little fella, Jamie Foxx.

With that hairline,

was all over the place.

That hairline, that teeth.

My bad.

Shit, held up my time.

I'mma start snatching wings.

I'm just kidding. You can keep

your wings.

For now.

Ching! Ching ching!


You know what?

I was thinking that we can erase

the Will Smith Oscar slap.

I agree.

I like that.

Great guy. Great idea.

But he did, boy, that was

a hell of a slap, though.

He slapped three jokes outta

that m*therf*cker, didn't he?

He did.

Come on, man. Come on, man.

Slap the funny out of him.

Is that good?

That was good.

Well, what about reparations?

-That works, right?


Lemme think about that.

300,000 apiece.

But then after the BBLs,

after the Cristal,

after the Jordans, everything.

What'd that leave you?

Like $1,700?

Carry the one.

Nah, we ain't gonna do that.

They made it this far,

this long, they can do it.

These Black people gonna have to

figure out a different way.

Is that too much?

Is that too much? I just wanna

see how it played out.

How about a beautiful,

intelligent female president

next election?


-Go on, with yourself.

I can work with that.

But listen,

don't let the house secretary do

the hair 'cause "weave"

got a long way to go.


I saw where you went with that.

Come on now. Come on.

Hey, you ain't laughing.

Don't get cast down.

You know what I did to


Well wait, what if we do

a Kardashian show

with Tristan and Khloe called

"All My Side Children"?

-What y'all think?

-Great idea.

Oh, my God. Oh my me.

Y'all like that?

Y'all like that?

I don't like it. You go to hell!

Damn. Damn.

No, I'm sorry!

It was fat-ass Petey's pitch!

When new angels start falling,

I know you need me.

Well, I gotta roll.

Meeting's over.

I gotta go save the world.

All right. Y'all carry on.

That's God.

Hey, Hoprah,

what's going on?

What do you mean

what's going on?

You're not watching my show?

I need you to find someone

who is worthy...


-...of continuing my legacy.

What'd you say?

You heard what I said.

You find a hero for us women

or you're canceled.

And tell Jesus to call me back!


It's hard being God, man.

That ain't gonna be no

easy task, even for him.

And so God's search began

for someone

who could carry Hoprah's torch,

and empower the women of the


But we all know that

whenever God gives an


the devil always tries to get

in the way and block

your blessing.

I'll tell you, I don't know

who the hell he thinks he is.

I'm going to screw this whole

plan up.

This is my auntie,


Bring your ancient ass

down here and eat now.

If God can use her,

God can use anybody.

I can't be late today.

Taylor coming by and I'm gonna

need your help to get this

barbecue together.

Bring your old ass down here.

Who the hell you calling old?

Been sitting here for 10 days.

Well, hell, I was calling your

ass old. You answered to it,

is you dumb, too?

Know damn well I ain't old.

sh**t, no.

And what the hell you got all

this shit hooked up to you for,


Hell, I need all this shit.

This shit right here

is keeping me alive.

That's my little oxygen t*nk

right there so I don't have to

smell you all day.

Got my little pump over there.

This shit right here is about to

k*ll me.

But what the hell you wanna

stay alive for anyway?

Shit, you old as hell.

I ain't too old to know

terrible cooking when I see it.

The hell you done made?

Boy, that's some eggs

and some chicken and some--

The hell you got

a fried breast implant in here?

You ain't supposed to have

feathers in the damn eggs.

Look at that.

Boy, that is seasoning,

you old kook.

That's what that is.

Seasoning my... I ain't seen no,

not a Lawry's on here,

not a spec of salt or pepper.

Now, what is this?

Got a damn chicken foot up in

here. Look, it got two of 'em.

Look at this,

with the nails on it

and everything.

Well, ain't you heard that every

good chef put their foot in it?

Oh Lord, stink too.

Just like you.

Boy, I swear I want to k*ll your

ass right here.

I just wanna step on your face.

You know, woman, you a deadly

combination of ugly and dumb

equally. Hell.

Now, where you trying to run off

to with your little ugly ass

dress on?

-Taylor is coming to help me.


Taylor is your son, now.

You know your son--

Hell, shit. You know how he

ain't my son. You know why?

'Cause the boy is delicate.

I'm so tired of you talking

about your son, Taylor,

like that.

That's my favorite nephew.

Ain't nobody

in my family delicate but him.

Just 'cause the Black man is

educated, keep himself clean,

well groomed,

looking nice

don't mean that he is delicate.

The boy is eclectic.

He ain't no damn eclectic.

I know eclectic.


Patti LaBelle was eclectic.

-Plus, I don't even think

he my son.

-You know what?

Waiting for the results from

Maury. He ain't my damn son.

I swear. You know what?

You should just go head and die.

Just get it on over with.

Hell, your penis done

passed away already--

You keep my penis out your mouth

now. Hell, talking about my


my penis is just fine. Long as I

got my, what you call it,


My... The Lavitra.

And Cealis. I'm good to go.

That's what they tell me.

Where the hell you good to go

to, the clinic? Hell, the ED


No, I got the libido of a

25-year-old man.

Spell libido. I'll give you $5.

Go ahead and do it.


-That's what I thought.

I'm done talking to your old

ass. Eat that damn food, boy.

As you'll see,

my true life's purpose had

not yet been revealed.

But that all changed the day

I was put on the righteous path.

The day my destiny began.

The day I met God.


What should we use today?

Let's see saints and sinners,

that look nice.

I could have swore I seen... No.

I must be going crazy.

Now, I know I did not leave that

TV on, and why is it staticky?

Doesn't I pay the bill?

This must be HD.

Taylor Pherry,

how am I doing?

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

-Very perceptive, my son.

-Oh, my God. Oh, oh my God.

Relax, relax, relax. Dude,

chill out.

Are you really God?

Don't tell me you was expecting

Jim Carrey or something.

Well, Morgan Freeman, actually.

You know he play in all

the pictures.

Morgan Freeman, I ain't no

Morgan Freeman.

Now listen, you know Hoprah,



Well, she needs to find

someone that can empower

the women of the world,

and I need your help because

my son, you are blessed.

God said I was blessed.

Am I highly favored, too?

Okay. I have lost my mind.

I'm crazy.

You, sir, are going to

have to learn how to respect

Black women.

Coming in all times of the


assaulting her because she found

out about your affairs.

But Your Honor, I didn't have an

affair. I'm not even

like married.

You didn't have an affair?

What do you call all those girls

from the music video, huh?

I don't do music videos.

So you get 'em on the casting

couch? Hit it, then quit it,


No, I've never met these women

before. I don't even sing.

Well, you're a man that's been

accused. That makes you guilty.

Three years.

Case closed. Next case.

I'm getting locked up

for something I didn't even do.

Court calls Roland Lewis.

Guilty. Case closed. Next case.

But I'm a white man

wearing a suit.

Get your ass out my courtroom.

Should have a chance

to defend myself.

Court calls Darnell Evans and

Ellen Evans.

Are you okay, cousin?

You nervous?

No, not at all. I'm happy I'm

getting a divorce from that bum.

Look at 'em with those ugly,

skinny ass white women.

-Just no asses at all.

Okay, come on.


Here we are, Your Honor.

We're right here.

Well, hey there Counselor Fairy.

It's actually pronounced Harry,

Your Honor. Taylor Pherry.


I always thought it was fairy.

It's called Harry.

The P is silent.

Oh, okay. You got that Mary?

Yes, Your Honor.

His P don't work.

I duly noted, Mr. "Harry".

Mr. Evans, who are these women?

Well, you see Your Honor,

this right here is Karen,

and this one right here,

this is Karen, and that one

right there her name is Karen.

These are my publicists

from the K, K, K and associates.

They don't look like publicists

to me.

Well, you see, Your Honor,

these are the women who gave me

the money to pay for my lawyers.

That's what white women do.

They pay for shit.

That's all they can do.

Okay. Okay. Well, after

carefully reviewing this case,

I have made a decision.

Your wife who has been

by your side since day one.

Day one.

She put you through college,

law school,

-and stood by your side

through thick and thin.

And if this strong woman can

stand by your sorry,

no good bum ass,

then she deserves to get half

of all of your possessions.


I gotta give up

one and a half of my Karens?

Half, girlfriend.


Oh, hell no.

Just said half

Yes, she did

Just said half

Yes, she did

Just said half

Yes, she did

Just said half

Just said half

Just said half

Not one percent but half

Just said half

Not two percent but half

Just said half

Just said half

Just said half

Just said half

Told your ass about them damn

cigarettes. I did. Trying to

k*ll yourself.

Don't you worry about me. I'mma

smoke as much as I damn please.


They my lungs.

That's why I got these

little backup ones over here.

Got two brand new lungs in

there. I used to have a lamb's

heart somewhere,

but I can't seem to locate it


I swear you the nastiest.

You just the nastiest,

nastiest thing I ever seen.

I don't know why the hell

I let you live with me.

I don't know why.

Because you think you gon' get

my money when I'm gone.

That's right.

I'm gonna get your money!

And I'm gonna donate your brain

to science and then I'm gonna

get Moe's money,

Moe's money. Till they find out

your brain ain't worth no money,

no money, no money.

You think you got jokes?

You know what you gonna get?

You gonna get this gas money.

Take that with you.

Take that gas money with you.

That's what you gonna get.

g*dd*mn you nasty as hell.

That's all you going to get.

-Who the hell is this?

-That's Taylor, fool.

Look at this boy, here. 6'8" and

driving a damn Mazda Miata.

What? He ought to be

ashamed of his damn self.

And does he look like a man that

could throw a 10-yard pass

to you?

You know what?

You gonna pass away if

you don't watch your mouth.

You ever seen a shark belch?

I seen a dinosaur belch.

Well, I have and I'm gonna see

it again. If you don't watch

your mouth,

and stop smoking them damn


Don't you worry about me

and my damn cigarettes.

Get my house all messed up.

Hey baby, come on over here.

That's disgusting.

You ain't supposed to be kissing

your own child in the mouth.

What the hell y'all doing?

That is your son.

-Hell it is.


Well hell, they must have

tricked me.

I took my money down there.

I said, "Look,

gimme two pit bull puppies."

Came back with this one.

I thought you were supposed to

be in court?

What you doing here?

We won. But MaDude, I need you

to come with me right now.

We gotta get to the house.

Ellen needs your help.

-We gotta go.

-Well, hell, let's go! Come on.


get your big ass out this house.

Now, I can see the TV.

Smell better in here already.

You gotta put on

your seatbelt.

Oh, damn, boy.

I got my knees up to my titties.

It's the law.

Boy, you better worry about your

damn self. This matchbox ass


You know I love this car.

It's tiny, sleek and powerful.

Sends a tingling sensation

up my spine.

-I got a tiny little version

of this in my nightstand too.


She do all the good things,

works all the areas real good.

You know this morning right

before court,

God told me I'm supposed to

empower all the women

of the world.

Oh damn, boy. With all your

jobs, God got you pimping, too?

God came to me

and he told me that

he wants me to empower the women

of the world.

Wait what?

Boy, I swear

something ain't right with you

and we're gonna pray on it.


Boy, you're going too fast.

Slow down now. Slow down!

-Shit, my wig!


Good God.

Boy. You got me out here

looking like the Dora Milaje.

You done cost me

another damn wig.

Well use one of mine.

Here you are.

The hell you got a wig for, boy?

I'm a Boy Scout.

I'm always prepared.

When God said empower,

I bet he was talking about


MaDude, thank you so much for

coming to help me get my things.

Listen, I'm a little nervous.

It might get violent.

That's okay. v*olence is my

Tender name baby. Let's go.

Okay, let's go.

If anything goes down,

I got your bail money.

Yeah. So I was saying...

Now, MaDude's gonna take care of

this. What the hell is this?

Is this Shaka Zulu

interior design?

You came back to cry?


I bet you when you leave here,

you gonna go tell all the Black

women that Darnell ain't shit.

But guess what?

You right. Darnell ain't shit.

-Get your ass out my house.

-Hell nah,

she ain't going nowhere.

MaDude, mind your business

'cause I'll fight a woman if

that's what your big ass

really is.

Okay. Come on Lil Achi.

You feeling froggy. Come on Lee.

Okay. Okay. No. Okay, listen.

Peace. Let's try peace y'all.

No girl. Peace don't work. Hell

naw. The judge, she said half.

-I'm about to whoop her big ass.

-What are doing, MaDude?

No, no, no.

-And we gonna start right here.


What else needs to be cut?

Come on over here.

Yeah, this shaka Zulu shit

got to go!

Why would you do that?

Now, what is this ugly ass shit

you got on this wall? This the

Monique Lisa?

Yeah. That's a ugly monstrosity

you don't want that?

I ain't cutting that shit for

you. This TV though.

Look at that.

Now this here. This definitely

needs to get cut. Now look at


Lord, I'm gonna pray for you,



you ain't gotta pray for me.

You gotta pray for his ass

if he don't get out my way.

Anything in here you want?

Don't touch the closet, don't.

I need to get some things

outta there.

Oh, my.

-Girl. What's in this kitchen?

You hungry?

-MaDude, no!

The judge said half,

your ass is gonna get half.

Look at that.

You know I can't have that,

I'm on keto.

Now look here, I might have

flunked out of beauty school,

but not before I learned

a few tips.

That's right.

-Look at that. Look at that.

-Wait, wait.

MaDude, no!

I'm the best barber you ever

saw. Girl, I did a good job.

Hell, maybe you can get you

a man now. Edward Scissorhands

ain't got shit on me.


He's gonna get so mad at me.


Wait a minute, will ya?

Now that is what

you call a haircut.


I ain't seen an edge that

straight since

Meg Thee Stallion.

Thats the cops? Shit, I already

got two strikes. I gotta go.

Girl, I ain't got time

to do your mustache. Next time.

Lord Jesus.

When God said he wanted

me to empower women,

I'm not sure he meant like this.



I don't care what the judge

says. I still love you.

I don't care

that you slept with my sister.

Now I got a daughter-niece.

I don't care that you gave me

the crotch critters twice.

I don't care about any of that.

Damn woman.

You don't care about nothing.

No, I just wanna have your baby.

You've been my husband

for 11 years.

-And I've been cheating on you

for 12.

-But I love you.

-And I don't love you.

-We can make this work out.

No, you gonna be moving out.

How could you do this to me?

How could I do what? Watch out

Karen. How can I do what?


Not today sucka.

Oh, shit. What the hell.

-All I did was love you.

-Don't do this.

Why you doing this to me?

Another dead body moving through

the oval.

And another one.

I was a good woman.

You had this coming,

you had this coming.

I can't believe it.

Why you doing this to me?

Tsunami. I can't swim girl.

Just stand up, stupid.

Damn it.

I'm 'bout to whoop your ass.

Empowerment comes

in many forms.

I guess.

One thing I can say about my

cousin Ellen,

when one man was gone,

another man was right around

the corner

and he kinda seemed similar.

Hey lady

Do you need a ride?

Where did you come from?

The Lord sends me to places

I'm supposed to be

I'm an angel.

Why you sound like

a R&B Auto-Tune singer?

You see, girl,

this is my regular seductive

voice and T-Pain is my play


I don't get in the car with


Hold that thought.

Does this body look

strange to you?

Airbrushed, maybe,

but I guess not strange.

The name's Tallahassee.

Not to be confused with Orlando.

Now, we not strangers no more.

So do yourself a favor, girl.

Get on in this truck and let me

ride you to wherever you

need to go.

I got nowhere to go.

I swear to God, he try me,

I'm gonna whip his little

fragile ass.

Hey, come on girl.

I got you. I got you. I got you.

Come on. Get up in this truck.

Get up in this truck.

Get up in this truck.


Watch your bunions, girl.

I don't know why I'm doing this.

Body never fails me.

I don't even know this man.

All right.

Do me a favor,

steer for me, baby.

My name's not baby, it's Ellen.

Okay. Well, since you're not

gonna do it,

I'm gonna have to go ahead

and get my workout right here.

You see most people got g*ns.

I got dogs.

Okay, listen.

My godmother lives

all the way across town.

It's all good.

My godmother lives over there,


I'm just gonna run by my crib

right quick

and then I'm gonna ride you

all the way there.


Thank you so much

for doing all this for me.

Yeah, it's all good.

You know I do have

rather large areolas.

-Yeah, they are large.


It might be all those sexy

steroids I be taking.

You got to excuse me.

Sometimes I turn myself on.

Are you... You got, you gotta be

kidding me.

Ready to go.

I ain't got nowhere else to go.

-You in for the time of your

life, girl.

-Oh, God.

-So don't you worry about


-You better make...

I'm about to give you

the time of your life.

Oh, my God.

Right here, baby.

Here's a special drink

I made for you.

I drink it all the time.

-That's how I look

the way I look.


Yeah. You see I put

bananas in it.

Most people just use the banana.

I use the banana and the peel.


I also use a little bit of

Red Bull. It gives you wings.

-I don't want to fly.

-Yeah, you do just a little bit.

I put a little bit of coke in it

without the cane.

No, no. Okay.


There you go, baby.

It'll do your body right.

You know, I want some real food,

you know, like Waffle House or

White Castle something,


-Not this.

-No, no, no.

-You don't want that crap.

-I do.

You see this here, right here.

It's gonna help get rid of ya

lady lumps.

Excuse me. That is not how you

talk to a lady.

Excuse me.

But I don't expect we are here

to do much talking now, are we?

I guess you right.

You damn right I'm right.

Now we just gonna tighten that

up and tighten that up,

little dat. Tighten it up,

and you'll be as tight as me.

I don't wanna look like you.

I just need you to relax and

trust me, and let me do my

thing. Hands up.

Ooh. Ah!

You like my stick, you like my

magic stick, don't you?

You ready for the new you?

Spin around for me.


Damn. I'm good. Come on and

check yourself out, girl.

Come on over to the window

and look at yourself. Voila.

Damn. I do look good.

You do, but I look better.

Oh, no. I look better.

Hell no. I look better.

Look at them biceps, girl.

Shit. Where we going?

Damn. You do know my areolas won

first place in the Mr. America


Damn, girl.

-Shut up and take it like a man.

-Whoa, whoa, whoa!

I didn't know you was going go

all Fifty Shades of Grey

on a brother.

You do know

that's white people shit, right?

Shut your ass up.

-What the hell is that?

-My electric toothbrush.

You ain't about to use a

toothbrush on my ass.

I'm about to use this toothbrush

up your ass.

-No you ain't.

-Yes I am!

Hell no!

Can't believe she done tied my

hair up.

What you still doing in bed?

Come on. Let me go.

You want a little more

before I go.

No, I want you to untie me

so I can go.

You been bad?

No. What's wrong with you?

What the heck? Ow! Ow!

-Say my name!


-That's not my name.


-That's not my name.


Say my name. Boy, say my name.

I thought you was a Christian.

Helluur. Y'all better eat this

food now.

Coming from a family of

professionals and


our family is just like

any other.

What you got,

Sly and the Family Stone?

If you really look for it,

finding empowerment of

women can even be found

at our family barbecue.


what the hell is you doing?

I swear to God if you make my

meat as black as you is,

we're gonna have problems.

I'm trying to make me some

crispy ribs.

I'm the king of Atlanta


Who told you that lie,


This how I make my living.

I can tell.

That's why your ass is broke as

hell with them Ronald McDonald


Don't burn my meat. Hey,

everybody. Y'all looking good.

You looking good today.

I'mma show you how to do it up

in here. I need more.

In Atlanta they make it flame.


The hell you doing over here?

Oh, Lord. Here comes the Grinch

that stole ugly.

I know you ain't calling

nobody ugly.

You about as pretty as

a m*rder scene.

Can you even see

them damn dominoes?

Know your ass can't count.

Look, they used to call her low

and brow. One nipple was low.

The other one had a eyebrow.

I should have k*lled you in your

crib when you was born.

I don't know why the hell we let

you live.

Help! Help me! Help me!

Take this, domino, you summa

b*tches. Game over.

Help me! Help me!

You lost again.

Well, look at this crispy n*gro

over here.

Help me, help me!

Ain't that something, boy.

Stop drop and roll, n*gro.

Stop, drop and roll!

Boy, don't be trying to burn up

my grass, now what you doing?

I think you better save that for

the meat.

It's hot as hell out here and

he's trying to burn up

the grass.

This some good water?

In the name of the father.

Always doing the Lord's work.

I believe family

also means familiar,

and God knows why

I'm saying that.

I taste like bacon.

You look good.

Girl, I look great, but I didn't

wanna look this good.

No, why not?

I look like a hoochie.

-A hoochie mama, for real?


I don't think so. I think you're

taking it too far.

No, he took it too far.

Girl, I actually got hips.

-You do.

-And my butt sits too high.

It does.

Yeah, and if he think he gonna

keep changing my body

for his likings,

he's got another thing coming.

I guess God wants

me to learn about female


before I can be empowering.

Hey, Black. Now I know as big as

your ass is you know how to make

some chicken.

-I do.

-Come on now.

I like my chicken without


Now are these chicken breast

or it's your breast?

Is you slow in the head?

Somebody hit you?

Bitch, that is chicken.

You better make it right.

Hey, girls, how y'all doing?

I'm so glad y'all here, ladies.

Y'all good? Y'all feeling good?

Show is a nice day for a picnic.

So for me, her, her, her.

All of us.


I know you didn't bring them

ugly ass Karens up to my


Boy, I can barely stand your ass

anyway. You better get them away

from my grill.

I seen more ass on a snake.

Come on girls.

MaDude's tripping

and she's packing.

That's right. You better get

them girls away from

my damn grill.

Bro. Come on Karens.

Come on now. Y'all ain't moving

fast enough for me. Gets it

moving. Chop, chop.

I don't ever wanna see taste,

touch, talk, walk, do nothing

with that girl, man.

-Man, it couldn't have been

that bad.

-It was.

But you have those wonderful

abs. She must've been everything

you needed.

Man, that's what I thought.


Oh. Here's my cousin. Ellen?


What are you doing here?

-This the crazy woman...

-This the crazy man...

-...I was telling about!

-...I was telling about!

You left me for dead, girl.

Why you gotta be so mean, woman?

Mean? You don't know me.

You don't know what

I've been through.

You mean to tell me you gonna

make the new brother pay for

the last brother mistakes?

-Somebody gotta pay.

-Hell yeah, somebody gotta pay.


So you just another mad Black

woman, huh? So what you

going to do?

Go home and write in your diary

about your raggedy ass weave?

Raggedy ass weave?

You should be the last person

to talk about somebody having...

Girl, my hair is luxurious.

You know what? I got something

from you. Stay right there.

I'm standing right here.

I ain't running.


I got wet! My waist is wet!

Maybe I'm not the right person

for this job.

My abs are melting. Oh no, girl.

You know, it took me all week to

paint these on.

-Should've took longer.

-Why would you do this?

Boy, stop all

that windmilling shit.

Oh, no!

My waist is wet.

Well, at least I still got my


I got something for areolas too.

Hold on.

Get him again. He gonna run

outta here? But don't run too

far, baby.

You got your abs

in a puddle in this grass.

Boy, you better come clean this

shit up.

With everything I am,

I'm only one man.

Yo "Fairy", wanna ball?

It's Pherry.

I don't mess with P.

We need one more. Get over here.

We chests.

I'd love to play!

Male Empowerment.

God never said

nothing about that.

I love this game.

Thank you, God. Balls! Balls!


-Yo, Taylor.

-Oh, God.

How was the cookout?

Not really good. You know,

my family is...

They crazy. The shit they get...

The stuff

they get themselves into.


it's up to you to change that.

I have an idea and I'm gonna

need you to commit to it.

-If not, I'm out of a job.

-I'll do anything for you, God.


I need you to become a writer.

-A writer?

-A writer.

-A writer?

-A writer.

I can't do that. I mean,

I'm a doctor, a lawyer,

a hotel manager,

a badminton coach, an architect,

an unlicensed plumber, a mover,

a shaker.

I don't know nothing

about writing.

-Do you know what

a plot point is?


-A good storyline.

-Hell no.

I ain't never heard of that.

Your family's crazy, right?

They'll have all the drama,

the comedy and the horror you

need. You're gonna write a play.

-What? What?

-Better yet, a movie.

Include me and Hoprah.

But you can do bad all by


It's going to be

a box office hit.

Well, what if I screw up

everything for the whole world?

Have faith, Taylor,

you're on a divine path.

-Speaking of which,

you better take that.

All right, that's it. Gotta go.

This fellow Putin is tripping.

Hey, hey, hey Julie.

I can't take another

minute of this traffic.

It's driving me crazy.

I meant to ask you for a favor

at the cookout,

-but I got caught up

eating chicken.

-What can I do for you?

I need a good driver for


Say no more. I'm on my way.


God be talking his ass off.

First female empowerment.

Now, God wants me to write

a movie?

Dear diary, today

I took my mother's advice

and I need spaghetti, sauce,

ground turkey meat,

turkey sausage, mushrooms,


And vodka.

I sure hope it tastes good.

With everything

I've been going through, diary,

I need some comfort and joy

in my life.

Lately, it just feels like

a sad little rain cloud

follows me everywhere

I go.

Yo baby, you need a ride?

No, I can wait for the bus.

Girl, go on and hop into this

truck. Can't you see the


I'm fine.

All this rain gonna make your

gout swell up, girl.

I can wait for the bus.

Besides, I'm a new woman and

this woman don't ride with

certain types of men.

Why you gotta be so mean, woman?

Why you gotta be so nice, man?

Look just get in the truck.

The next bus don't come for

about an hour.

Okay, okay. Let me get in.

Yep. Get your ass in, girl.

I'm coming. I'm coming.

-Here, get my purse.

-I got you.

Come on now. Come on.

Yep, I got you. Come on.

-There you go. Close the door.

-Okay, hold on.

Is this what God meant

when he said my family's like

no other

-or are we all the same

like my cousin Monte Carlo?

You girls get ready.

Your mama is gonna be here soon.

Hey, come on in.

How is my favorite limo, Lyft,

Uber driving cousin?

Take your shoes off at the door

if you don't mind.

As disgusting as this place is,

I absolutely do mind.

Why don't we take the floor up?


Fair enough.

So what do I owe this surprise

visit from the most prominent


lawyer, surgeon and employee

in the entire city?

-Well, I've got a job for you.

-You got a job?

Yes. High paying job.

Make your own hours. I've been

calling you. Do you want it?

I gotta say extra money

is always needed around here.

You know I got the three kids,

maybe two, four baby mamas and

you know,

I'm trying to get that chicken

and check cashing place off the


Chicken and check cashing?

That don't go together.

Neither does chicken and

waffles, but you see how that

blew up.

Oh, you know what, cuz,

I am very, very proud of you.

Three years in prison.

Three little girls.

Not Precious, Least Precious,

Not Precious at all.

You really got your stuff


That's right. You see, 'cause

hate put me in there,

but love busted me out.

Love busted you out.

Tell me about it. Tell me about

the job.

Well, her name is Julie.

She's a lawyer.

She's an Ivy League attorney.

She needs a driver.

And I can give you a car today.

What kind of car we talking?

Well look, I 've got exotic

cars. I've got a Bugatti,

I've got a Lamborghini.

-I've got a Porsche.

-Wait. Stop right there.


You know I don't do exotic cars.

I need something with a

carburetor, you know.

Well, I've got a truck.


Okay. Gimme a minute

to put on some clean clothes.

Okay, I am ready.

All right. You girls fix

yourself some dinner.

Here you go. That's for you.

And whatever you do, please

don't open the door for any


Wait, wait, wait. Are we sure we

want to leave the girls alone?

I mean, somebody's gotta watch

daddy's little girls.

Don't worry about that, man.

They stay strapped.

Ready for any unwanted police

officers. She might not be mine.

Come on.

Bye, daddy.


You gotta stop calling me that.

He's like

a movie character, right?

I get Idris vibes.

In my movie, he's comedy relief

and Julie could use

some comedy in her life.

That I know.

Are you gonna open the door?

You want me to...

Yeah. I just thought

you was gonna open it for me.

Me open it for you?

Yeah. I just, I don't know.

Lemme finish

sending this picture real quick.

I'll wait. It's no rush.

Yeah, yeah. No, I'm in no rush.

Get the door.

g*dd*mn. Chill.

Please open that door.

Dang, be polite.

What's up?

n*gga, you a fool.

If you don't come

close this door...

You want me to close the door,


Open and close the door.

Act like you ain't never

closed a door before.

You didn't say open and close

is in the job description.

Hey. Yeah.

I can't believe the jury came

back from deliberation so soon.

This is a good sign for us.

I bet you think I'm listening in

on your conversation,

'cause I'm not.

I'm talk...

-Excuse me, Mr. Carlo?

I said excuse me.

Hey, yo, Charlie.

Hey, what up with it, man?

Ain't nothing, man.

I'm just sitting here,

chilling at the new gig, man.

Hello, hey, driver?

What? Rollo got shot? When?

Just, he's on the phone.

Can you turn the music down?

Hey, bitch, can't you see

I'm on the phone? That's rude.

I'm on the phone, too.

Hey. Who shot him? Who shot him?

The baby?

Man, the baby love k*lling

people, man.

This is completely

and utterly unprofessional.

Was he at Walmart again? I told

him the savings are at Target!

Hello? Hello?

Damn. My phone got cut off.

Look, and I need to get to the


Relax, sugar tits.

I'mma get you there,

you in good hands.

-Forget Allstate.

-If you don't watch the road.

-Hey, keep your g*dd*mn kids

out of the street.

That's bad parenting

right there, man.

I've always said that.

Where are you going?

You need to, to stay on I-95.

Like why are you getting off

the freeway?

Trust me, I know how to get to

the courthouse.

No, you need to stay on I-95.

Get off on downtown and make

a right.

Well, so why are we stopping?

Because we here, stupid.

Next time, I need you to follow

instructions. Okay?

And why am I opening my door?

Because you got hands. Bitch.

You're supposed to be a driver.

Can't admit when you wrong.

-Wait till I tell Taylor.

-Weak ass.

Don't know why I did this.


God is good. Won't he do it?


Everyone has

that family member

who's always struggling.

Well, Beverly is mine.

If it's not men, it's money.

But this is how she met

the Browns.

I mean the Blacks. The Blacks!

It's how she met the Blacks!

Good morning, Ms. Mildew.

Don't good morning me.

You got my money?

I'll have it for you this

evening when I get paid.

Well, you better.

All of it, and I ain't playing.

Okay. All right.

Bye-bye, Ms. Mildew.

I ain't gonna have her money.

Bitch better have my money.

Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Man! Come on. What the hell?

-Stop, stop, stop.

-What are you doing?

My friend's coming?

Can you just wait for her?

No, we got to go.

You making me late. Come on.

You know if she miss the bus,

she's gonna lose her job.

And if I miss the next stop,

then I lose my job. Come on now.

Come on, bro. Just wait.

No, no. Have a seat.

Sit down. Have a seat.

Okay, okay. What if I show you

my breasts?

What? Don't nobody wanna see

your silicone breast. If I wanna

see some plastic,

I'll reach in my back pocket and

I'll pull out my credit card.

Come on. Just wait for her,


Okay. Okay. Okay. Show me the

nipple. Show me the nipple.


Okay. All right. Which one?

Where she at?

That's her. Right there.

Stop it.

All right, I see her. Come on

then. Come on, shorty. Come on.

Let's go.

Let's go, let's go.

Thank you for waiting.

Don't thank me.

Thank her nipple.

Girl. You took forever.

Good lord, Jesus.

Beverly is like

every other lead in the movie.

She's likable.

Thank you. I appreciate you.

Like Angela Bassett.

I appreciate you now.

-Ooh, girl.

-Girl, that was crazy.

-You are always looking out

for me.

-You know I got you.

You crazy, but you my girl.

You made sure I'm straight.

You check on my baby.

-I even show my breast, girl.

-You got my... You did what?


-What the hell is going on here?

I need all of you

to vacate the premises.

The first time I'm on time to

work and then this shit happens.

We don't know what's going on.

Place is closed.

What do you mean

the place is closed?

How? I just met with the Browns

last night.


they are super nice people.

I don't think they're gonna

close down without telling us.

COVID Infinity. Place is closed

until further notice.

Go home. You're making me work.

-I didn't even get

my last check.

-I didn't get mine either.

Go home.


Let's go, everyone.

You're interrupting my lunch.

What am I gonna do?

I owe Ms. Mildew.

If I don't pay her,

she gonna put my Kiki out on the

street to pay her her money


I mean, why don't you

ask your son's father?

He owes you over $80,000

in back child support.

Wait, how do you know that?

He told me last night.

Wait, you didn't know he was

hitting this?

I be screaming your name

every night.

You're so sweet, but I do need

that money.

But he's gonna k*ll me

if I ask him for it.

I'm gonna ask him for you

because he don't ever say no

to me.


-Got you, girl.

-Well, let's go get this money.

Let's go get it, girl.

Okay, I'm gonna be strong.

This is his kid, too.



Beverly! What the hell are you

doing here?

I thought I told you I ain't got

no money for you or them ugly

ass kids.

Now get on!


Hey Shirley, baby.

What's going on?

-Michael, baby, how are you?

-I'm doing fine.

Yes, you know Michael.

She really, really needs

her child support money.



-Is that what she needs?

-Yeah. Why don't you just like,

help her?

If you ask, then it's yours.

Okay? Yeah.

Thank you so much, Michael.

We really need it, the kids need

ramen, they need Cheetos--

-I was talking to her...


...not you! I ain't got no

g*dd*mn money.


I am working my ass off

securing this empty ass spot.

Working for a ass-hole boss

that I can't stand,

on three hours of sleep. Why?

Because I am trying to make a

better life for myself.

That's what's wrong

with you Black mothers.

You lazy.

You don't want to work.

I am not lazy, Michael.

I do work.

Nah, you lazy as hell.

See, I told you don't have

that damn baby.

But here you come trying to mess

up my expensive lifestyle with

your needs.

Hell no!

Way to go, Michael.

I'm giving you a raise.

You hear that?

More money for you

to do nothing with.


Come on, man.


I'm gonna buy you

an ice cold glass of water.

I got something for your ass.

You dirty mother--

Oh, shit.

God says my family's like

a movie. Then it must be,


God's never wrong.

And if God's not wrong,

then Beverly could be a star.

Look, this all started because

of Trump.

Now how did he become president?

That's a good question.

Hey, wasn't on me.

That wasn't me.

I mean, I never answered his


You're right. You're right.

I did give him the voice.

It's a lot of great people

on both sides.

Lots of great people on both

sides. Excuse me. Excuse me.

Fake angels. Fake angels.

You like that?

Toast me.

We have comedy and drama,

and I know about my cousin.

Julie might even be his type.

How'd it go?

This m*therf*cker.

I guess I'll let myself in.

She's pretty.

Is she gonna be our new mama?

How did they get in my car?

Look, I gotta take these kids

to they mama house.

Unless you wanna

roll around with them all day.

Then I gotta go pick up the

3-year-old from the dentist

'cause she's getting

her wisdom teeth pulled.

If you don't take these kids

home and drop me off...

I have a date tonight.

Okay. Gonna get to your date.

Okay. Come on. Come on, come on.

There we go.

All right. Now listen girls,

no matter what anybody tells

you, you might not be

daddy's little girls.

Off you go.

You ain't slick.

And next time you come out here,

you better not have no kids

with you!

Gimme my g*dd*mn money!

Bye, bitch!

Get y'all asses in the house.

Now one thing I've

learned about my friend


when it comes to men,

she has a type,

the wrong type.

Girl. Now you know

I don't like blind dates,

but last time I went on a blind

date, we met at the movies and


he started handing out

Watchtower pamphlets.

Come to find out he is

a Jehovah Witness.

I'm not that desperate.

Okay, maybe I am.

Lemme call you back.

-I'm Rob.


You are beautiful.

Thank you.

So what do you do?

I am a district attorney.

I try cases.

What kind of cases?

Anything assigned to me.

Mostly felony, dr*gs. m*rder.

Oh, man, you are the girl I've

been looking for.

Look, I got this small case.

Allegedly, allegedly, they

caught me with nine kilos of

some Colombian Bambam.

So, I'm trying to put the dope

in my girlfriend's car, right,

-so she could take the wrap--



-You married?


-Got a girlfriend?




-Baby mom?


You got a job?

I'm an architectural engineer.

That's my future husband's job.

So why are you single?

I just got out of a relationship

and yeah,

I'm done with men.

-These mens are no good.



After I do all that securing and

watching perimeters, you know,

it's really hard just doing

nothing all night long.

You see, I'm looking for

a sugar mama that's going to

pay my bills,

and you know, complete me.

I'm looking to start a family.



God, what am I doing here?

You must be tired of all this,



Quite frankly, I am.

Then why do you put yourself

through it?

Because it's really hard

to find men within my field.

Then why don't you stop telling

people your line of work?

Maybe I should.

Maybe you should.



So tell me about yourself.

I went to Yale.





Some Ivy League Love.

Ivy League Love. I like that.


Get away from my daddy!

Who the hell is this, Spencer?

Baby? This... Listen.

I didn't know you had

a pregnant wife.

Bitch, I ain't pregnant.

This is my colostomy bag.

That don't look right.

She's not my wife.

I'm not really her husband.

Let's go.

Get in the car, Spencer.

No, no, no.

You got me messed up.

Stay away from my daddy,

you garden tool.

-I'm not no garden tool.

-I told...

-Why are you tracking me down

like this?

-Let's go.

Do you have my money?

I'll have it by tomorrow.

I promise.

That's the problem with you

young mothers always thinking

about yourselves.

Here you go, Ms. Mildew. No need

to count it. It's all there.

Okay. Thank you, baby.

Your daughter's one of

my best workers.

Don't think I'mma let you

mess that up.

What am I gonna do?

Oh, so my family

may have some stories.

Like Michael. That boy

sure can play basketball.

Even if he has no fashion sense.

Yes, baby!

Woo! Go, baby! Go baby! Woo!

Get off him.

That's not your son

talking to my son, right?

He better get off his back.

Let's go. Let's go, baby!

sh**t it, sh**t it, sh**t it.

Yes, Michael! Go baby!

Oh, my goodness.

You were so good.

But what was going on

with those shoes, though?

They were raggedy.

Why didn't you just wear those?

I can't wear those on that

court. I might get 'em dirty.

Listen, I got these.

-Where you get...

-I got these.

Where you get these from?

Okay. My baby a hustler.

Can we sell these so that I can

get my nails done now?

-It's up to you.

-Okay, cool. Nail shop tomorrow.

Hey yo, Michael.

Good game, baby.

Calvin? What are you still doing

in high school?

I couldn't pass the SAT test.

You don't need to pass the SAin order to graduate.

But look, me and the fellas

about to go down to the spot to

get us a few drinks.

You trying to come hang with us

or what?

So y'all finna go down to the

spot, huh? Have some drinks and

get drunk?

Yes, Ms. Black.

Well, can we roll with you?

-Are you serious?

-Hell yeah.

Mom, what are you doing?

Mind your business, I am grown.

Go home, get the homework done.

Watch your sister.

Make sure she eats, all right?

I'm finna teach the young man

something he ain't ever learned

before. Okay!

Excuse me. Move out the

way I gotta walk through.

Well, can I come too?

-Hell yeah. Come on, girl.

-Damn. My mama's a hoe.

Bye, baby! I love you.

Girl, you think he can handle

both of us?

Hell no, girl. We finna rob him.

I'm down.


-Hey, so what's up, girl?

-So, where your cash at?

-Hey, I'm Shirley.

-Hey, what's up? How you doing?

-But the question is, where is

your cash?

-My cash?


-It's at the ATM, what you mean?

-You ain't got no cash on you?

Naw, girl, I got a debit card.

What you mean?

-Hell no, bitch.

Get out the car.

-No, no, no.

-No, nope.

-I do got...

-Oh, hey, girl.

-Hey, how are you?

I am tired as ever.

How's the kids?

Hungry, as usual.

Oh, it's not a bill

for once in my life.

What is that?

I got a letter from a man across

town. Says he's my uncle.

Says my father died

and left me in his will.

Wait, what, bitch you rich? Oh,

my God. Who do you have to call?

I don't know. It don't even...

It has an address.


-It says to come down.

Okay, then go down.

Uh-uh. They probably gonna

tell me he owed some money

and now I owe them.

-I'm not doing it.

-What? You got money?

You're not going?

He probably ain't got shit,

either. They gonna ask me to pay

his bills.

-Well, how do you know that?

-I'm not doing it, Shirley.

-Beverly, you come on! Beverly!

-I'm not doing it.

I need to get me one of these,

yo. Ladies gonna love these.

Hey, you know Ms. Mildew?

Damn you hitting that, too?

Man, that old lady

got some skills.

Especially when she be using

those molars on your boy.

She be like all day.

Who's that?

Man, that's just your daddy,


My dad?

I never met him before.

And if you want me

to buy you something,

you still ain't met me.

All right. You know. Mm-hmm.


Yo. What's up then?

What you need?

I'm gonna need a little spark.


And I ain't got no money

and I'm going to need

the 'know my son' discount.

Hold up. Dad, how come you never

come around or help mom

with money?

Because boy, I'mma grown-ass

man, I got bills to pay.

I got another family

across town,

I got this nasty drug habit,

and I'm in love with this bitch

I can't stand. I ain't buying

you shit.

Hold on ladies, ladies, ladies.

Look what I found in my pocket.

Wait a second, now.

Who need their bills paid?

Need your hair done? Nails done?

Who want to do me? Come on,

let's do each other together.

What's up, Calvin?

What I tell you about

hustling in this alley?

Yo, this my alley, homeboy.

I do what I want.

Yeah, that's right?


Wrong movie. Michael!


My movie could be like

every other urban movie.

Why? Take me, Lord!

Take me, Lord.

But I'm glad you got him.

Oh Lord, my boy.

Dad, that's not me.

I'm your son.

Oh. Oh. Here,

let me wipe this evidence off.

Help me up, stupid.

Hey, so your mama told me

you play a little basketball?

Yeah, I mean,

I do average 25 points a game.

Don't call me dad

till you make it to the league.

-Listen, I'm gonna need $20.


It's a lovely day,


Well, damn.

What's wrong?

Look at that good-ass

clothesline, and I ain't got my

laundry basket.

The hell is wrong with me? Wait.


Still got it.


-That's what I'm talking about.

I did not know

you could do that.

You know I hate coming up here

to see these poor folks in all

this heat.

Well, it's okay. I'm a doctor

and a lawyer and I'm here to

make things better.

Boy, go on and head on home.

Ain't nothing you can do here.

MaDude, I just don't know what

to do.

Girl, what you mean you

don't know what to do?

-I don't know what to do.

-Well, what that letter say?

It says that he died and he left

something for me in his will.

Well, girl, you know exactly

what to do. You need to go get

that g*dd*mn money.

What if it's not money?

What if it's a bill?

Who gonna leave you some bills?

Look, girl your dead deadbeat

daddy is dead.

Deadbeat daddy dead?

Deadbeat daddy dead.

Go ahead and get your money.

I'm not going down there. Good

things don't happen to me. Okay?

A man ain't never done nothing

for me.

And now I'mma think he gonna do

something in his death?

This is too good to be true.

Look at this.

Girl, you know I can't read that

shit, ain't got my glasses.

Look girl, look it.

You need money,

you know you need money,

everybody need money.

Look at this house. Look at this

cheap ass microwave.

Why you gotta talk about my


You need to change that

attitude. You gotta take care of

this boy.

You gotta take care of

these bills.

Why don't you show him

what the letter say?

Yeah, you right.

Well, hey Michael Jr. How you

doing, boy? You sure do look

good today.

-Hey, baby.

-Hey, MaDude.

Now girl,

you listen to what I said.

Now you go get that money

like you supposed to,

and baby you take care of your

mama. You be a good boy,


-I will.

-I see you got that good fade.

You got some money for

something, girl.

But hey, you call me 'cause I

want my 10% when you get

that money.

Oh. All right.

What's wrong, Mama?

My father just died and left me

something in his will.

But I thought you said your

father was already dead.

He was just dead to me.

But now he's dead to the rest of

the world.

Everything's gonna be okay,


I don't know, baby. We're in a

real tough spot right now.

I'll figure it out.

Oh, my God.

I can't even pay the light bill.

What else could go wrong?

Come on, Mama.

What are you doing?

Get up.


Don't worry.

When I go to the league,

I'mma buy you a nice car.

Buy you a nice house.

A better wig.

A better wig?

Don't be playing about my wig,

boy. Keep dancing.

Get yourself hurt.

-Everything's gonna be okay.

-No, I know.

Don't worry.

I know what I gotta do.


she's got star power.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I wanted to tell you the

story of what happened on

MaDude's Halloween.

No, here come the little


Now, Ham, you know better than

to give all this free candy away

to these kids.

Hell, you know how hard I had to

work for some free candy on


I had to give candy

to get candy.

-Stop lying.

-She had to get all up

on that pole.

My daddy backyard had a pole,

the big old telephone pole.

Swing around that thing.

I got me a Snickers bar,

a Mars bar,

and a pregnancy test.

-Still came back broke.

-Baby, you need Jesus.

I got Jesus. Got splinters on

my inner thighs, too.

How you doing there,

little children?

Knocked the pole down, too,

big ass.

Trick or treat, smell my feet,

gimme something good to eat.

Always begging.

I like your

little nursery rhyme.

He's a cute little thing.

What you got there, here?

You got some Mike and Ike's.

You know what you need to do?

You need to get rid of

all that shit.

Now you know you didn't need

to do that to that.

Get rid of all that.

It's hard to play soccer with

one leg.

Yeah, he's tryna to save you

from diabetes. It's okay.

Maybalene, get your brother.

Trying to keep your teeth

from running out your mouth.

-You enjoy.

-Your mama be glad.

Boy, you better shut your mouth

up. Don't let the devil use you.

It's time to party.

Ooh, that's good.

That's some good mm.


You look how I feel.

And how is that.


Your prostate flaring up

on you again?

Shut the hell up, Moe. You know

I ain't got no prostate.

-You do got a prostate.

-Y'all talking about prostates?

Sound a little too happy

'bout it.

Real nice costume, dude.

Who the hell is y'all

and why y'all in my house?

We're the frat guys. You know

the frat guys from

up the street?


-We live in the frat house.

You've seen us before.

Pat 'em down.

I see. So y'all just wanna come

here and y'all wanna see a


That's what it is?

-Titties. And come to the party.


Y'all wanna see titties?



we thought you were a man.

-You thought I was a man?

-More like a monster.

-We were taking bets.

-Okay. Here let me

show you something.

No, don't do that. Don't nobody

wanna see them Jurassic Park...

Lord, have mercy.

-Those are real, dude.

-That's paradise right there.

-That's Jurassic Park

right there.

Like scrambled eggs.

Come on. Come reach your

paradise. Come bring your hands

in here.

-Come on. Come, come, come on!

-Don't do it.

You got to drop out.

Get the hell out of my house.

Have some respectability

in here.

I told you didn't wanna see them

old, Aretha Franklin,

long sleeve titties.

You better think.

You know what, I hate this song,

but it show make me wanna move.

Move over there then.

Feel a little something.

I just can't, just can't...

Oh, Lord.

Just catch the spirit a little

bit. Just catch the spirit a

little bit.

There it is, there it is!

That damn show ain't Flashdance.

Oh, Lord. Oh, Lord.

Somebody call the exorcist.

The woman is possessed.

They got to burn this whole damn

house down now. Oh, Lord.

It's definitely

a ghost up in here.

Show me how we do it.

Show me how we do it!

Don't you go in that closet now.

You know R. Kelly's in there.

Don't you do it.

Tiffany, y'all got some good

candy here.

-Oh, Lord!

-Boy, don't be trying to

scare nobody.

It was something on the TV,

just popped up there.

What nothing on that TV.

Shut up.

I saw it.

-Oh, Lordy. Oh, Lord.

-What was that?

I told you it was something.

It went from here up there.

Sound like somebody

up there fighting.

That's what I thought.

Really starting to scare me.

You know I'm scared of


MaDude, go up there and check

out and see what it is.

I ain't going up there.

No. That ain't for me.

Because you ain't scared

of nothing.

Everything scared of you.

And I see why.

Fine. I ain't scared.

Look, I ain't never scared.

-You ain't never scared.

-I ain't scared.

You ain't never scared.

Go get 'em.

I'm gonna go right on up here.

I ain't scared.

You done survived looking in the

mirror every damn morning,

you can survive that,

you can survive this.

I ain't scared.

You ain't scared of nothing.

Go on up there.

Tell him to smell you,

that'll k*ll him.

Don't be scared there now.

Now keep eating your candy,

and watch the movie.

This a good one.

Watch they gonna go

in the closet right here. Look.

Oh, Lord. They not gonna scare

me in my own house.

I ain't gonna get got.

Oh no, not today.

The devil ain't gonna use me.

He gon' get his ass

on outta here.

I sure hope ain't nobody behind

this here door.

When I open up this door,

'cause it's gonna be...

What the hell?

Ain't no clown chasing me.

Ain't no clown chasing me!

Ain't no clown chasing me!

I told 'em not to go in there.

Ain't no clown chasing me.

Ain't no clown chasing me!

All right, well that's my cue.

Y'all better come on.

Hell now, lemme see what I can

do to get up outta here.

Come on now.

Come on, girls. Come on, girls.

Moe, I need you to move.

Come on, Moe!

I hope I didn't scare you

too much with that story.

But back to Beverly.

You ever know people who

can't just say yes to a

good thing?

Well, that's Beverly for you.

There they are.

Hi. Hello there.

You's Beverly.

I, Leroy Black, Black.

You can call me Black.

This my seed.

Yes, I'm his daughter.

Flora Black.

You can call her Flora,

without the Black.

It is so nice to meet you all.

MaDude has told us

so much about you.

Well, it is so nice to meet you

as well, I think.

Put that away, Missy. If they

knows you'se been reading,

-they gonna sell you off

down the river.

-Sell me?

I'mma take y'all by the


The underground?

Like the railroad?

To see y'all's new house,

and meets y'all's family.

Follow me easy.

Keeps your head down.

Bes quiet.

Mr. Black, don't go too fast.

You know he got the gout,

and the sugar,

and erectile dysfunction.

I don't even know

how I got here.

That's a lot of information.

Okay. Hell.

So, I think this is just

constipation right here.

That's why he's walking

this way?

Yes. And you are just

the prettiest little thing.

I know you do not expect us to

live here.

This can't be real.


Take us back to the bus stop.

We are going home.

But Papa done left this for you.

I know it ain't much, but it's

all your daddy has to give.

I would rather work for

Ellen DeGeneres

before I let my kids

step one foot in that house.

What? Okay.

Calm down.

This is bigger than your mama's

house. You sure you don't

want it?

Hell no. I don't want it.

Let's go, kids.

-But mom!

-But nothing.

Look at that water fountain

running all day and night.

You know what I'd have to do

to pay for that water bill?

Just do what we always do.

And what's that?

-Don't pay.

-Don't pay.

Well, Beverly, you can at least

come and see the house, honey.

Just come on in and see inside.

I don't want to come

and see inside this house.

-Come on,

it's got a wobbler room.

-Not enough dirt.

Not enough dirt? Well it's got

pet chickens in the back,

and you got a trained pig.

-A trained pig?


Yep. One thing MaDude

always tried to do was help


but she always finds herself

in her own mess.

The po-po

is coming for us.

You think

you ran a red light?

I don't know

what the hell I did.

Mr. Black! Mr. Black!

What is it, Flora?

Look! Is that who I think it is?

It is!

It's MaDude on the TV tube.

Running from the whirly bird.

-Them overseers

running her down.


They gon' chop her foot off when

they catch her. Run, Kunta, run!

I'm in the helicopter,

live in the air during this

exciting car chase.

Can we get a tighter shot

of the vehicle's occupants?

Wow. This feels like a scene

straight out of the movie,

Set It Off.

Where's my phone?

I gotta call her. It was here.

Lord Jesus, help me.



is that you driving that car?


who the hell you think it is?

Are you sure 'cause you kind of

look like Queen Latifah.

Look like King Latifah.

Look, I'm wearing Queen

Latifah's disguise from the

movie, Set It Off.

Should have dropped me off.

Well, you know that's what I do.

I just steal from movies.

Well you know the Lord say thou

shalt not steal, now.

The Lord is not being chased by

the po-po. And I ain't stealing,

I'm speeding.

Well, I steal a little bit, just

'cause I'm inspired by stuff,

you know?

Driving like you're on speed.

You slow down now.

Now if you wanna smack across

your mouth, I give you one.

Keep talking to me, old man.

Oh, Lord. What is she doing?

MaDude, head to the North Star.

It's free peoples over there.

Tell the little man to shut the

hell up. Is Beverly over there?

She gone. She and her children

done gone back to Africa.

Didn't nobody go back to

nobody's Africa.

No, she done left.

She didn't want the house. I

don't know what's wrong with it.

Maybe, it's too much for her,

but back to you, MaDude, please

pull that car over, please.

Okay, fine, fine, fine.

Now I ain't giving up, though.

I got a plan.

Just pull the car over before

'MaDude goes to jail'.


That's a good idea for a sequel.

You ain't finished

the first one now.

That's a nice sequel.

I like that.

Okay, I done pulled over.

I thought you was supposed

to be meeting the Blacks?

Hell, now they got me

out here meeting the Whites.

Yeah, you be about to

meet the Whites, all right.

Get out of the vehicle.

-I think we should just give up.

-No, no, no. Hell no, fool.

You should know we have no

problem using deadly force.

Look, if this works, you meet me

at the cabin up in

the mountains,

but if it don't you tell Taylor

to put some money on my books.

Now what the hell

you about to go on and do?

I'm going undercover, fool.

Okay, good.

I'm about to tell

them you kidnapped me,

and I ain't had nothing to do

with none of this shit.

By the way,

that ain't gonna work.

I'm doing everything in my power

to make it difficult

to arrest you.

Hold on there, Captain.

What is that? What you got all

that from?

-T.I. gave me all this.

-When you know T.I.?

This from the movie

Scarface. He said, say

hello to my little friend.

What is that?

Shit, El Chapo gave me.

This shit all broke up.

Hold on now, I got a couple more

things. O.J. gave me this.

What's that?

I like to choke my chicken. I

ain't have nothing to do with

none of this, officer.

-I'm putting my hands up.

-Out of the vehicle.

Just sh**t him,

just sh**t him in the head.

Don't sh**t me.

Don't do nothing.

-Put your hands on the ground.

They don't reach down there.

Throw your feet in the air.

I can't lift them.

And wave 'em like

you just don't care.

Come on get out of the car.

-Get out the car, fool.

-Out of the vehicle!

They 'bout to sh**t me!

They 'bout to sh**t me!

Oh Lord,

I don't have no bail money.

They 'bout to take her

to the king!

They 'bout to take you

to the king!

Next case.

Your Honor, she should be

coming in at any moment.


There MaDude walking.

That's not funny.

It is funny.

Oh, Jesus. Lord, why today?

Your Honor, I is so sorry to

have troubled you this morning.

Now this is all can be just

throwed away, you know?

I'm gonna tell you a little

story about my cousin.

Her name is V'Gina.

Now you know, people always

mispronounce her name, too.

Like they mispronounce

Judge L'Oreal.

People might wanna call you

Judge Revlon or something,

but you know, they, they call

her vag*na.

But it's V'Gina,

'V' apostrophe G-I-N-A.

It's V'Gina. V'Gina!

He can't even spell vag*na.

That's what she trying to spell,


Can't even spell it.

But we damn sure can smell it.

Y'all smell it?

Y'all heard?

-Dad, dad.

-Don't call me that.

Boy, you ain't smell vag*na

since 1932.

-How you doing, Your Honor?

-Saw it this morning.

MaDude, be quiet, and be

respectful in my courtroom.

That means shut up.

I understand. I was just trying

to explain to you why my cousin,

she had been bullied by that

name. She 52 years old,

and I didn't want that to happen

to you. Your Dishonor, you know.

I'm warning you.

I understand. I'm just, I'm

gonna be quiet right up here in

your courtroom today.

Yes, yes, yes I am.

I believe you gonna fry.

You better shut your ass up.

Just shut up talking to me.

Shouldn't have ran

all them red lights.


Keep your good eye on this one.

She's trouble.

Well, it looks like that way to

me, Your Honor.

Looks that way to me,

Your Honor.

This whole courtroom looks


Matter of fact, this whole

courtroom looks suspect.

MaDude Himms, you are sentenced

to 180 days jail time

for attempting to evade

the police.

Your cellmate will be R. Kelly.


He not my type, Your Honor.

You gonna be trapped

in the closet.

Followed by six months

of house arrest.

Then we will possibly

reevaluate your probation.

Don't reevaluate it.

Just keep it like it is.

Also... mandatory church on


Not the church!


Oh, Lord.

Gimme anything but church!


-You 'bout to have

a religious love.

No, Lord, please gimme

solitary confinement.

Y'all got a bed big enough

for her?

Gimme the electric chair!


-We're gonna help you!

-No, we ain't.


Well, I know how you feel.

Believe me.

Well, I know how she feels.

Case Closed.


I get to use my d*ck pump

all by myself.

Pornhub all week. Gimme one!

Not even God

can save your ass now, MaDude.

I can't believe MaDude's going

to jail.

I can't believe I lost the case.

I am the worst lawyer ever.

I'm the worst everything ever.

I mean, God where are you when I

need you?


Bam. He was incensed.

Pow! Wu Tang, n*gga.

I can say n*gga in heaven.

But you can't!

I been me damned.

When God told me to

write a movie, I never thought

the devil would show up.

Do you see the color of my suit?

Who the hell you think I am?

That's what I get

for not writing.

Perfect. Makes perfect sense.

The devil's talking to me.

Why wouldn't

the devil talk to me?

Well, I'm sensing

you kind of need my help.

How may I be of service there?


I have been appointed by

the Lord.

I'm delivered. I'm delivered.

I'm delivered.

Well, brother,

if you don't need me,

I'll just go back

to the Proud Boys community

and Peckerwoods.

Hey, they love me over there.

I'm their idol.

Hasta luego, Fairy.

It's Pherry.

My name is Pherry, Pherry,


No, it ain't.


This is BS.

I bet you never show up to

Kevin Hart's bathroom like this.

Write the vision, son.

Write the vision.

I finally figured out

what I needed to do.

I needed to write the movie.

So I decided to have

my assistant, Joy, write it.

With Joy around, there's no

need for AI.


This is plot,

character development.

This is a storyline.

-Can we put that in the movie?

-Put what in the movie?

A storyline.

A storyline?

Yeah. Just steal it.

Just put it in the storyline.

Yeah. Okay.

-Just write it down.

Make me look good.


I can steal all things through

Christ who strengthens me.

We stealing this.

You going to hell.

-What you say?

-Nothing. Mm-hmm.

Ooh. This is gonna be good.

We going to use it all.

Just mix it up like a gumbo.

I smell WGA.

I smell Oscar.

Everybody gonna wanna be

in my movies.

Joy, when I blow up,

I'm not taking you with me,

but keep writing.

Oh! Oh!

Write this down! Montage.

Every movie need a montage.

A good montage.

Joy, how is my screenplay going?

Oh, it's going.

But wait, wait, wait.

No, don't talk, more writing.

I just want to envision myself

in the words.

No, no, don't stop writing.

Ooh, it's gonna be so good.

Damn, I'm good. Damn, I'm good.

That's lazy.

Mm, I need this job.

I need this job.

I need this job.

-I like that.

Watch for that for me.

-You're so close to me.

Yeah, we're very close.

This is close. You read my mind.

This is exactly what...

We're on the same wave...

You're so physically

close to me.

Yeah. Yeah. Go down, go down.

Scroll, scroll.

I'm scrolling.

Wait, wait. Stop, stop. Too

fast. Go back up, up, up, up.

Yeah, yeah. So great. Wonderful.


Hey, this is Attorney Pherry.

The P is silent.

Wait, MaDude?

No, I can't possibly deal

with MaDude today.

That's not on my docket.

I'm in the middle of writing

a screenplay.

Could you scroll please?

Thank you.

No, I couldn't possibly do that.

Thank you.

Damn, that's good.

I'm a good ass writer.

That's so good.

Oh, Lordy, Lordy, Lordy.

Look at us here just getting


so we can be there with the Lord

in the end days.

You know, cleanliness is next to


and I know he love you because

I sure do.

Oh, Lordy, Lordy.

Make sure y'all get all that

dirt off you.

Oh, uh...

Done seen too much. No, no, no,

we good.

Sure we should make this water

get us a little colder.

God. You know, I'm a old lady.

Only got so many of these left.

All right, ladies, two-minute

showers up. Let's go. Let's go,

let's go!

I knew there was a God.

Come on. Let's go.

Well, it was so nice to see you

ladies. Y'all go ahead.

Y'all get on out here.

Ladies, cut that water off.

Y'all been here long enough now.

Come on.

We in a drought.

Stop your yabbering.

Look Barney Fife,

I'm just trying to make sure

everything is where it needs

to be.

You're taking all day.

You want to go home or not?

Got me up here with all this

temptation, wetness, and water.

Just trying to be my best

Christian self.

Today's your lucky day, MaDude.

Let's go.

Ain't a jail alive that can hold

me, baby.

Where my shit?

Is this yours?

Hell nah, that ain't mine.

What the hell I look like?

You can keep that.

Well, I'll save it for you

when you get back.

Well, I ain't coming back to

here. No, no, no. No way.

But you know what?

You might be right.

I'll be back for my next movie.

Free at last, b*tches,

free at



Look at the fresh air out here.

Damn, it is hot. Hell is my

family at? There your ass is.

Why you late?

Just get your big ass in the

car, San Quentin Tarantina.

They gonna have your ass

right back up in here.

The end.

Ooh, Joy, this is fabulous.

Fool, this might be the best

thing I ever done.

Written by Taylor Pherry,

my P is silent.

What? What the... No, no, no!

Let me tell you,

computers ain't like your

stories, man.

They need backup.


Stop praying, bitch.

He ain't gonna help you now.

What the...

It's like life.

The devil's in the details.

Says you.

Oh, man.

I thought you weren't happy with

my work?

Your work is pure joy, son.

It's probably best to say

that you were divinely inspired.

-I was, wasn't I?

-It's time to go worship, son.

Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord.

What we're here

to do today is...

give it up to the Lord.


All of our plans?

We give it up to the Lord.

All of our ideas?

Uh-huh, uh-huh!

We giving it up to the Lord.

You hear me?




-Mercy. Mercy!

-Yes, Pastor!


Listen, now. All our wishes,

we give it up to the Lord.

-Up to the Lord.



-That's right, that's right!


-And all of our money...

-Yes, yes.


You give it to me.

-To the...


Are you with me?

No, no. That ain't gon' be it.

I thought we was giving it up to

the Lord.

No, thank you. Hallelujah?


No, Miss Celie.

Oh, Lord, have mercy.

The one day I come to church,

look at this.

The devil showed up.

I've been sinning

I've been sinning

Think I done gone blind

for two seconds.

I'm a heathen when the

devil get up in me I've

been thinking

-She going to hell.

-She going to hell hell.

Like real hell.

Moe got lice

Moe got lice

All these Christians in my

face And I'm feeling kind

of like a criminal

But that's okay

She's shaking,

she's shaking her ass in church.

Where that boy

Who got that hair

I don't like it?

Thank you for my Pilates class.

There he is

Good day

And tight yeah and

I'mma go on, go on, go on...

Jesus, I wasn't supposed to come

to church today. That's...


Come on, Pastor.


you 'bout to catch on fire.

-Oh, Lord.

Keep your eyes off my

fattie, Pastor I don't

want you

No more

No, no, no. Hey, hey.


They got chicken at church.

If I had known that

I'd have been here months ago.

Hey, must be Church's Chicken.

Moe got lice, y'all.

k*lled 12 Clydesdales for them


Go ahead. Pastor on, carry on.

Praise and praise, do it up.

Come on, Pastor. Go 'head,


Ladies and gentlemen,

we got a special guest.

Taylor Pherry?


It's your day to lead us in

prayer. Get on up here.

All right, all right!

Get on up there, baby.

All right. Thank you, thank you.

I'm so nervous. First, giving

honor to God and...


And the congregation, I just

wanna say, put your hands



I wrote a movie, y'all.

Y'all wanna sing a song

or something for me?

Can he do everything?


Can he do everything?

Can he do everything?

Can he do everything?

Can he do everything?

Can he do everything?

'Cause I can, I can, I can!

Come on, Hoprah. Come on,

Hoprah. Hoprah, Hoprah, Hoprah!

Can he do everything?

Can he do everything?

Can he do everything?

Get out the way!

Where's my successor?

Can he do everything?

I crown, Taylor Pherry,

the new me.

And with me, thy will all come.

I wrote a movie Inspired by God,

and it's coming out soon,

and each of you is gonna get

a movie premiere ticket!

And you get a ticket!

And you get a ticket!

And you getting a ticket.

Don't think I forgot about you!

You getting a ticket.

Y'all getting tickets!

You getting a ticket!

And that is my story.

The story of how I became

the world-famous writer,

director, actor, producer,

lawyer, doctor, handyman,

plumber, mover, shaker,

Grossmates delivery driver

you now know and love.

And I'll make sure you also

get a ticket to my next

church movie.

Coming to a theater near you.

Today was a God's Day.

Won't I do it? Won't I do it?

Thank you Lord

For all you've done

For all you've done for me

Come on, ya

Thank you, thank you

Thank you, I thank you Lord

Yes, you are so good

You took me off the streets

Yes, there's no ghetto

here in Hollywood

You said this be the light

I know you're right

With you I know I could

Turn to your neighbor

and said, yeah, God is good

Folks won't go to church

but they'll name

their daughters Faith

Just to walk around the house

and then say they walk by faith

Let me make this statement

I'm thankful, so grateful

Turn pain into

a wonderful life

'cause God is able

I'm grateful

So grateful

I'm grateful

Come on, y'all

For all you've done for me

Thank you Lord

For all you've done

Ladies and gentlemen

For all you've done for me

Put your hands together

Thank you Lord

You've been so good

You've been so good to me

Come on

I was down, I was lost

I was broken

When you called out my name

said I was chosen

Brand new life I found

You turned it all around

Now I'm singing hallelujah

'cause you saved me

I left my past in the past

I'm a changed man

So much joy that I have

I'm renewed, man

'Cause you broke the chains

that were binding me

Now I'm free, I'm free

I'm free

I'm grateful

Yes, I am, yes, I am

So grateful


I'm grateful

For all, for all, for all

For all you've done for me

Thank you Lord

If you're thankful

For all you've done

Make some noise

For all you've done for me

'Cause he's been too good

Thank you Lord

You've been so good

Yes, He has

You've been so good to me

Come on, come on, yo

Thank God, you're good

We here, we can

Live in Christ

You omnipotent

You been so good

This gonna be our year

Let the world see you dance

The party's over here

I thank you God

I thank you much

We got our power back

and now we can't be touched

It's amazing what you done

Thank you for your son

I'm grateful

I gotta get these words

off my tongue

Thank you Lord

Thank you Lord

For all you've done

For all you've done

For all you've done for me

For all you've done for me

Thank you Lord

Sing it out

You've been so good

So good

You've been so good to me

Oh, thank you Jesus

Just said half

Yes, she did

Just said half

Yes, she did

Just said half

Yes, she did, yes

Just said half

Just said half

Just said half

Not one percent but half

Just said half

Not two percent but half

Just said half

Cut it all in half

Just said half

Just said half

Just said half

Just said half

Just said half

Just said half

Fifty percent

Just said half

Cut it all in half

Just said half

Oh, Lord, I'll trust in you

Oh, Lord, I'll trust you

Oh, Lord, I'll trust in you

Oh, Lord, I'll trust you

Oh, Lord, I'll trust in you

Oh, Lord, I'll trust you

Oh, Lord, I'll trust in you

Oh, Lord, I'll trust you
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