Blood Honey (2017)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Blood Honey (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »




My baby.



You wanna fly for a bit.

JENIBEL: Not really.

I wasn't even sure

I'd recognize you.

But you did.



THERAPIST: Are you there?

Is your father there?


THERAPIST: Your sure it's really him

a real man not just

an idea of him?

It's him.

THERAPIST: Tell him.

Tell him

why you came back.


I forgive you.


BRUCE: I gotta do another quick hop

before the weather changes.

JENIBEL: Will I see you?

Yeah, you'll see me tonight.

I live in that boat now.

Hey, pops.

Tell Jen's dad she's here.

Hey, you need a hand?

No, I'm good.



Hey, Jewel.


Come on puppy it's me.

Linda, do you remember me?

I'm your sister Jenibel.

I'm sorry I've

been gone so long.

You look different.

Well, I missed you.

Well, it's not like

we've been hiding.

How are you, Neil?


Pretty much run things

around here now.

It's good to see you.

I was starting to think you

were never gonna come back.

So is dad in a lot of pain?

Well, I don't think

he feels anything

except maybe thirsty.

He's always been thirsty.

For Christ's sake.

Pilot boy just dumps them here.

There's a storm coming and

he just leaves them outside.

Hey, Andre

supplies front dock.

Place would fall

apart without me here.

Fall apart.

I can help with those.

Ah, don't be stupid.

You got your own

bag to carry sister.

JENIBEL: You coming.

She'll follow.

LINDA: Come on Jewel.


Feels different.


You find your own way up.

Same room.

I wanna see him.

Do you wanna come?

You don't have to do that.



The prodigal daughter

returned at long last.

Bruce pick you up on time?

He did.

How long you gonna be here for?

For what the doctor's say.

Bert's the only doctor up here.

One's plenty.

You're right about that one son.

Neil, I need to

talk to your sister.

Why don't you

check on our guest.

Christ you grew right

into your mother.

You should be happy.

You didn't grew into me.

I am.

Are you disappointed I'm not

lying in bed rolling

around in pain?

Is that why you're here

to see the death rattle?

I'm here because you

told me you were dying.


I do appreciate that.

It's a big ticket.

Dad, there's something I've

been wanting to say to you.


No, I need to.

It's not necessary

I forgive you.


You're here now

that's all that matters.

I need a nap.

Are you serious?

You know how many

years it's been.

Yes, okay, okay.

We can talk about it later.

But I need some sleep.


Hello, Andre.

How are you doing?

You should be aware

that dinner for guests

is promptly at seven o'clock.

Well, I'd like to that

I'm more than just a guest.

ANDRE: No, you're not just a guest.

Louisa alright?



Is that mom's record player.

Looks the same.

I like it the same.

Thank you for

bringing my bag up.

You aren't gonna stay home now.

I can't live here anymore.

You happy here?

It's boring.


Well, at least I like to swim.

Because I remember somebody

was a very good swimmer.

The water's too cold now.

I guess summer is over, huh?


Gold rush.

They still do that.





Well, all grown up now.

I didn't know the ladies

ventured this far north.

A little lost from

the flock, Randy.

Be good boys.

Hey, welcome home.

JENIBEL: Thank you.

Now you probably

don't remember us.

Joe Bananali.

This is Randal Peters.

I think I do remember.

It's nice to see you both again.

Hey, Louisa.

You know you used to

be the one who would

serve the drinks up

on nights like these.

Do you remember that?

She's, uh.

I gathered.

Still looks beautiful though.


Jenibel Elizabeth Heath

as the holy Jesus

Christ is my witness

I never thought we'd see

you in these parts again.


Dr. Morrison

it's good to see you.

Bert, you can call me Bert now.

Doctor are you

drinking this evening?

Given the circumstances

I think I will.

To the hive.

To family.

GROUP: Family.

(COUGHING) It's a bit rocky.

It just needs more

honey that's all.


Thank you.

You know what we're missing.

What was that song

your mother taught you?

That lovely song you

always used to play.

A Gold Rush Serenade.

Yeah, I hated that song.

Play it.

I just said I hated it.

It was a gift mother gave you.

A gift to be shared.

Come on.




Hold the applause I am

probably gonna mess this up.


She's got it.

There we go.

Gold rush commands

you far and wide

Well, go on keep playing.


To me you're as good as gold

Beyond our wild wishes

Are the words

that we were told

But I just wish

to have you home

To me you're as good as gold

As gold

Andre, where's my drink?

How was your nap?



Natalie, they told

me you were dead.

Ma, that's not Natalie.

You still play so beautifully.

Thank you but I'm Jenibel.

Natalie was my mom remember.

They told me you

k*lled yourself.

But I'm Jenibel.

But if you're dead how

can you have a little girl?

Is Linda your little girl?

Do something for Christ sake.

Bruce, help your mother.

Ma, why don't you sit down okay.

Have a seat.

Jesus, Jenny

you sure know how

to stir things up.

Andre, can I have

something else to drink?

No, you most certainly cannot.

This is what we

serve at the hive.

This is it nothing else.


why don't you just sit.

Cowardly but caring son.

A vengeful daughter.

Even a wonderful little angel.

You know Marv there's a

time for being an assh*le

and there's a time for

drinking your drink

You're old enough to know

the difference come on.

Oh, Bert.


I only have so

much assh*le left.

It's a precious commodity.

You see gentleman

my wife

she abandoned me in this life

and what'd she leave me

besides this beautiful island?

The honey, our family honey

sweetness from a

million tiny flowers

a thousand busy workers

down our thirsty throats

and into our blood.

We are not just tying one on.

We are metabolizing our home.

Don't you think you've

metabolized enough

for one day, dad?

I never raised her to be rude

so there must be

something to this

environmental influence

we hear so much about.

You didn't raise me at all.

You shipped me off to England.

I say what I mean.

I only say what's true.

Alright, well then why

don't you tell everyone

why mom k*lled herself say

what's true about that.




I need you to get

up and come out front.



Where are you going?

Well, be back soon.

Go back to sleep, honey.

I love you.

Put the suit on.

No way.

Put it on I don't

want you getting stung.

No, I'm not going

near those things.

I'm asking you as

nicely as I am capable of.

Please put on the damn suit.

Honey is the only

part of the business

that still makes a profit.

Oh, no that bad, huh.

Seems like hunting for one's

food has gone out of style.


grab the veil.

Those are

what we affectionately

call our ruby red.

I made a bad batch

fermental last year.

I mean it really went sideways.

It's poisonous as hell.

A spoon full will make you

sick fever, hallucinations.

Half a cup probably k*ll ya.

Why keep it?

Are you kidding?

You know what it takes

to make a batch of honey.

It's a whole lifetime for a bee.

You don't just take it away

from him and destroy it.


I use it

to k*ll squirrels and

raccoons and such.

All the creatures they

want my wonderful honey.

What are we doing, dad?



We received a generous offer

to buy the hive

the entire parcel.

You've received offers before.

You're never gonna

sell this place.

You think you know

everything always have.



Time to breach the

fiery gates of hell.

Time to set everyone free.

I don't think Neil really

wants to be set free.


Neil isn't fully formed.

The boy needs rescuing

and I'm gonna do just that.

Put on the mask.

What about you?

I am gonna be just fine.

I know you hate me, Jenny.

What are you doing?

I need you to

promise me something.

Stop it, dad.

Open the gate.

I need you to accept the

offer and sell this place.


Promise me, Jenny.

You sell it if you want to.

Promise me.

Get out of there.

I'm sorry, Jenny.

Hey, you're acting insane.





I can stop it.

I promise.


MARVIN: Come on.

Come on.

Come on.




Dad, give me your key please.



Linda get back.

Linda, go get help.


Dad, give me the key.

Why are you doing this to me?




Well, bastard finally imploded.



Did you see him, Bert?

Yeah, yeah.

Just don't understand.

Well, dad was never

gonna die in bed.

He always said he'd

k*ll himself first.

I'm gonna need

some help with body.

Should I ask Andre?

No, I'll do it.

What are you gonna do with him?

We'll put him in

the g*n shed for now.

It's where we keep dead animals.



Can you sit down for me?

Linda, what you saw

daddy died today.

Daddy was mad.

Always mad.

I know.

Not anymore.

Linda, things are

gonna be different now

and that means that some

things might have to change.

Can you be a brave girl?

Can you let things change?


Good girl.





But the darkness is real.




My baby.


NATALIE: You shouldn't play

near the hives' honey.

I didn't mean to mommy.

I'm sorry.

NATALIE: Sorry changes nothing.

Why did you do it, mom?




I'm sorry please don't leave me.

BRUCE: Jenny.

Why did you leave us?

Did you get her down okay?

Yeah, yeah she's fine.

Are you?

I really don't know.

I came as soon as I could.

I am so sorry, Jenny.

Did you see fireworks tonight?

Yeah, yeah those idiots.

I dropped them off yesterday

up river for a photo safari.

I guess nature wasn't

photogenic enough.

Hey, have a seat.

I thought...

I thought Louisa was my mother.

My aunt made me see a

therapist for a little while.

I was having what she

called waking dreams.

Is that what you had tonight?

Well, you've always been the

well adjusted one

in your family.

I never got the

chance to forgive him.

I should get some

sleep at least try to.


Thank you for listening.

I'm fine.

NATALIE: Jenibel.

My baby.

My girl where are you?

Please we wrestle with the flesh

with the darkness

in the darkness,

the darkness that is real.

That is for you (MUMBLING).

I miss you not in the flesh

but the darkness that is real.



Here start with this.


That smells delicious.

So I was thinking we could

spend the day together.

You know maybe once

the weather clears

take a flight up river.

Bruce, I have to

deal with things here

and I need to go back home.

Yeah, all right.

We can check the weather

after breakfast, okay.

Thank you.

Well, I am not an estate lawyer.

But your father changed his

will couple of weeks ago

and timing makes sense now.

He asked me to execute

and so now that Jenna's here

it seems like as good a time

as any so I will execute.

Now I'm not gonna read

this legal mumbo jumbo.

The gist of it is that the

two of you split everything,

the business, the land, the

assets and also the debts.

What debts?

I don't know Neil but I

understand there are some debts.

Well, I know you don't have

any interest in this place.

I'll find a way to

buy you out okay.

Neil, the terms of

the split are 51/49.

Yeah, 51 to Jenibel.

So what that means is the

two of you own everything

but Jenibel has a

controlling interest.

Any major decisions are

ultimately hers to make.

Your father wanted

you to be in charge

so that you could fulfill

verbal promises says here.

Don't know what that means.

Wait a g*dd*mn minute.


Yeah, well

I'm sorry Neil but that's...

I'm the one that's been

here this whole time.

I'm the one that's

run this place.

We know that son.

But unfortunately your

father's wishes are very clear.

He wants Jenibel in

charge legally at least.

And I'm afraid that's

really all there is to say

lest you have any questions.


Yeah, I have a question.

Yeah, I thought you might.


I mean since I'm

an orphan and all.

Please may I have some more?

Please, sir may

I have some more?

Please, sir may I have

some g*dd*mn more?

This is so unfair.

He should've just

sold the place.

Well, he couldn't.

When your mother died she gave

the place to him in trust only.

Her will stipulated he

was not allowed to sell it

only to pass it on

to the children.

Now he's dead so

it can be sold by me.

Well, Jenibel your mother...

I should make sure Neil's okay.

Thank you for handling this.

Right, right.





How did you stand right here?


Don't leave me alone.






Whoa, what the

Christ happened to you?

I just got a bit lost

in the woods I'm fine.

Here put this on

you must be freezing.

I said thank you.


It's just terrible.

We don't understand

how could anybody...

I mean this probably

isn't a good time.

But we do need to talk to you

about some business that

we had with your dad.


You are the buyers.

We have a deal that's

pretty much closed, yes.




Do you wanna learn?

Yes, please.

Alright so your

part is pretty easy

so give me this hand

and we go one and

then two three.

Just like that keep doing that.

One, two, three.

My part.

Is this what

grieving sounds like?


We'll, practice more later okay?


I heard you got scraped up.

Are you okay?

I guess you think it's

kind of childish of me

taking off like that.

Be nice if you'd remember

that I haven't done

anything wrong.

Peter and Bananali they wanna

buy this place don't they?


They made dad an offer.

Well, they're snakes.

Why don't we talk

to them together.

There's nothing to talk about.



Before he died

dad made me promise

him something.

He made me swear I

would sell the lot.


This could be a new

beginning for everyone.

It's what he wanted.

We'll, figure it out.


Well, let's talk about what

you guys want with this place.

I mean do you guys even know

how to run an

operation like this?

No, of course you don't.

We're not gonna be running it.

Neil, the one thing that we

really admired about your dad

was that he spoke plain right.

I mean you didn't always

have to like what he said.

But you know he meant

it when he said it.

I know what kind

of man my father was.

Okay, we have been

very up front about

what our intentions are

right from the get go.

We don't want the hive.

We don't wanna be in the

hunting and fishing business.

This is beautiful territory.

But most of it's protected land.

Now you guys have 35 acres.

Okay, we wanna develop it.

High end cottage

properties we wanna do 10.

What we're buying

and selling is acreage

on the kind of remote

water side spread

that's kind of rare these days.

We wanna build homes where

we can put families in

for the whole summer.

You guys will be making a

lot of people very happy.

So what you're just

gonna tear this place down?

Your dad knew our plans.

I don't believe it.

Not one word of it.

This is not our dad.

This is not our dad.

Here Jenny.

This is all of

the correspondence.

Contract drafts, sales

offers, counter offers

everything is right there.

You dad even did his own

mark up in ball point pen.

He was pretty shrewd

I ought to say.

He went head to head

with our lawyers

and pissed them off plenty.

It's a generous offer.


Neil, calm down.


Screw you and screw you.

This is my land our land

and I'm not selling.

I'm not selling.


I'm gonna need sometime

to look this over.

Thank you, Jenibel.




Oh, I've been looking for you.

Well, you found me.

Neil told me about those

fellas and their offer.

Neil is upset.

Yeah, well you wouldn't

actually do that to us.

It's what my dad wanted.

He made me promise

that I would sell this place.

Let me tell you

something this land

has remained pristine since

our families had stayed.

Your family and mine have

been here a long, long time.

Don't you understand.

The man k*lled himself

so everyone here

could finally move

on with their lives.

He was a sick man.

Yeah, what about

your mother's wishes.

She was never happy here.

She never trusted him.

You were young.

You didn't understand

what he went through.

Your mother was not well

for a long, long time.

But she did love this place.

She loved it deeply.

I've been up all night long

reviewing everything

I could find.

And what we've inherited

is a lot of debt.

This is a good offer.

Yeah, well Neil has some ideas.

Come on.

BERT: At least hear him out.

We can't afford Neil's ideas.


I have intention

of going anywhere.

Jenibel I'm not

gonna let you do this

not to your family

and not to me.

I'm sorry.


Think I don't know

what you're doing.

Now you see me.


First you're one thing

then you're another.

First from behind me then

you're in front of me.


I don't understand.

You do.

You do because you made it all.

You made it all

because it fits you.

But it doesn't fit me.

It digs in

and it cuts

and it digs deeper.


what's going on?

You're not making any sense.

You're not making sense.

You're not making any sense.

You should die.

I'll make sure you

stay right here

in hell.

Yes, I will.


Where is the love?

Where is the love

in any of this?



They're gone.


Sorry your business associates.

JENIBEL: Well, maybe they're coming back.

What are you doing with that?

Nobody takes everything they got

if they're planning

on coming back.





How you holding up?

Can't face them any of them.


So when did your mom

start to get sick?

About four years ago.

I'm sorry.

It's hard to see her like that.

Sometimes she's with us

back to herself not often.

No matter how far she goes


There's one thing

she wants you to know

She's happy

Can I ask you something?

As long as it's

emotionally disturbing.

I wouldn't wanna change

gears too quickly.

I'm just curious.

How come you never called

or wrote all those years?

You just kind of

disappeared you know.

Because you were here.

Because talking to you

would bring me back here

and I wasn't ready for that.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

No, I understand.

I was just curious is all.

Waiting for the train

Sorry not the best time

to bring it up I guess.

It's not you.

Something is happening to me.

You're falling for me again.

I don't know what.

Jesus Christ.

Jenny, you've been through hell.

I think they might

be poisoning me.


I know it sounds crazy.


Can you take me away

from here in the morning?

I need to get out of here.

No, I can't.

Why not?

There is a hell of

a storm coming in.

You can't fly in it.

I could take you when it's safe.

I promise I'm here.

No matter how far she goes

It's me.

There's one thing

she wants you to know

I'm here for you okay.

She's happy


She's happy






I was wondering where

you disappeared to.

So this is it the big typhoon?

So I heard about the will

and the offer.

I was gonna tell you.

It's not my business.

Well, it does affect

you and your parents.

That's okay?

Want some coffee?


Jenibel, do you want

some coffee or not?

Yes, please.

Thank you.


You good.

Actually I think I left

my coat back at your place

and I'm freezing.

Can you get it for me?

Please, I'm cold.

What about breakfast?

I'll finish it for you.

Bruce, please it's

the only one I have.

All right.

Alright just don't let it burn.






Linda, here come.

No, we have to stay.

Linda, you're coming with me.

I don't want to.

This is where I live.

This is our home we stay.

Okay, okay, Linda.


Listen to me okay

they want to hurt us.

We can't go.

Linda, if you don't

come with me right now

you're never gonna

see me again ever.

Do you understand that?


Stop it you need

to be a big girl now.

NEIL: Where are you going?

We just need to

leave for a few days.

Are you gonna bring her back?


I have to go, Neil.

You know you're acting

awfully strange, Jenibel.

I just need to get

out of here for a while.

You know you're just like dad.

You're a liar.

You always think I'm

so g*dd*mn stupid.


Look what you did?


Don't you understand, Jenibel.

I can't just let you leave.

It's okay, honey.

Just come with me.

No, no, no, no, no.

You're not leaving.



Stop acting so crazy.

Come on sit down.

Just sit down here.

There you go.

Stop struggling.


Stop struggling.





Okay you guys seat belts on.

LINDA: I'm scared.

Everything is going to be fine.

It'll will be fun.

LINDA: Please stop.


Hey stop.


LINDA: Why are you doing this?

NEIL: Hey.


LINDA: Stop I don't wanna leave.

You're not visiting.



LINDA: Go back.







Where's Linda?

It's alright Jenibel.

You're gonna be okay.


Where is she?

Just calm down.

Tell me what happened to her.

BERT: It's gonna be fine just relax.

Linda's not with us.

No, no I don't believe you.

Jenny, she's gone.

You're lying.


Jenna stop.

What are you doing?

What are you doing to me?

Hold her for Christ's sake.

There you go.

Just breathe.

Breathe deeply

you're gonna be fine.

You're gonna be all right.

You'll be surprised what

a little rest can do.

It's gonna be okay.

So sorry, Jenny.


Jenibel, can you hear me?

You're unsound.

Well, that's what they said.

But I think you sound just fine.

We're going to take

care of things here now.

You don't have to do

anything ever again.

Just get well.


I told you she was crazy.

She k*lled the dog.

We don't have a choice.

Yeah, but I can't just.

NEIL: You already did, okay.

Be a man.


Oh, my god.

I knew it.

I knew it wasn't true.

I'm really sorry.

I know you are.

You were just scared.

Linda, what are we gonna do?

Yeah, you're right.


You made the right

decision Jenibel.

This is your home our home.

Nobody should ever

take that away.

I just needed to think

things through I guess.


here we are.

Well, look at you.

See what a little

rest can do for you.

It's hard to believe

what was happening to me.

Well, what I thought

was happening to me.

Well, you aren't living in

your mother's time Jenibel.

These things can be controlled

with medication and

proper diet and rest.

It's a quiet life up here, but

that may be exactly

what you need.

You know when I woke

up I actually believed

you were telling me

that Linda was dead.

Jenibel you gotta listen to me.

Linda died when you

were 13 years old.


She was stung by a bee

when you two were

playing by the hive

and she had an

allergic reaction.

This was before your

mother did what she did?

You remember?



Hey, Jewel.

Things are gonna

be different now.

What are you doing with that?

Okay, do you have

your seat belt on?

Stop acting so crazy.

I forgive them.


I'm afraid I'm still

not quite myself.


I am getting better though.

I can tell.



That's okay, Bert.

You'll be surprised what

a little rest can do.

Can I show you something?



I'm glad you came back.

It was time.

I couldn't have

done it without you.



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