Dead Shot (2023)

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Dead Shot (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Carol? Carol?
- Michael?

What the hell are you doing here?
You thought I was gonna let you

do this on your own,
did you? (Chuckles)

Did you? Is that what you
thought? Go get the bags.

Hold on, have you spoken to
Keenan? Look, forget about Keenan.

It's just us now, love.
- It's just us. - Do you mean it?

Of course I mean it.

I mean it.


Watch yourself. - You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.


(Exhales) Christ.

You've got great timing (!)

You're the one that's early!

(Moans) - My love.
- What the f*ck is that?

Don't worry, I'll get
rid of it down south.

Oh, yeah. Like that'll be
of use in the hospital (!)

w*apon sighted.

Bandit's heading south.

(Car rattles)

(Vehicle clunking) Christ! Has this
thing got square wheels or what?

Don't fly anywhere, love.

Just you hold onto
the wee fella.

I don't want him bouncing out!

Oh, it's good to see you.

You know I didn't wanna
do this without you.

(Brakes squeal)

What? What is it?

Shit. You can lose
them in the woods.

Carol, I'm not leaving you.

- Just go. Just go, please!
- I'm not leaving you with them f*ckers.

I know, Michael, but if you stay,
we don't stand a chance, ok?

They're not after me.
Go on, please, Michael!



Go! Go! Go!


British army!

O'Hara, do not move!


(Three g*nshots)


Major f*cking propaganda victory
for the Republicans, tempest.

What the hell happened?

Intel reported a
w*apon in the car.

Sir, sib's at the gate.
- Shall I let them in? - No.

You don't expect us to believe that?
- The bandit had six kills. - Seven.

- Sir?
- Ryan didn't make it.

But your bandit did.
f*ck knows where he is.

Go on.

British army!
O'Hara, do not move!

We were tipped off
about his location but

When we moved in, we found
the vehicle abandoned.


(Three g*nshots)

I thought I was facing
an imminent threat, sir.

You thought you were
going to be shot?

That was my reading of the
situation. I was about to be shot.

By a pregnant woman in labour?

Sir, sib are-f*ck off!

Well, that's that, then.
Glad we sorted that out.

This shitshow doesn't end

With us hoicking snowy
here out in a chopper.

We don't have that authority.
No you don't but I do.

Tempest, would you wait outside?

(Helicopter blades whirring)

Can I have the room?

- This room?
- Get out.

Soldiers are here in
support of the civil power.

They have no legal authority beyond
that of an ordinary civilian.

(Inhales) Any actions they take

must be in accordance with
the laws of the United Kingdom

And are, in fact,
punishable by those laws.

I'm aware of the
yellow card, sir.


Because you are about to
be prosecuted for m*rder.

There are... two
ways out of this.

One, we open that door.

We let sib in to rip you apart.

Your commanding officers,
they'll try and protect you

but you'll cease
to be a soldier.

You'll spend the next three
years sharpening pencils

for a bunch of lawyers and then
you'll probably go to prison.


You come and work for me.

I'm putting together a detachment.
I could use a dead shot like you.

And what about all this?

I'll make it go away.

You make it sound easy, sir.

I assure you it'll be
anything but easy...

But you'll continue to serve your
country and do what you do best.

Where do I report, sir?

It's not really...
That sort of thing.

Do you have somewhere
you can stay off grid?

Somewhere that isn't
the barracks? I do.


Good. I'll see you in London.



(Three g*nshots echo)

(Breathes deeply)

Carol's voice: Michael,
I'm right here, darling.

I'm right here. Look.

It's ok, Michael.

Look, you had to go.


(Seagulls cry)

(Sombre music)

'shops and offices were closed

as hundreds of people lined
the route of the funeral.

In the church of
the sacred heart,

the circumstances of Carol's
sh**ting were referred to

by father Joe McVeigh as a day of
tragedy that had touched everyone-'

(radio off)

We're so sorry for your loss.

Look... I'm not a
doctor. I'm a vet.

Cats and dogs. You'll need someone
to check those wounds for you.

- Thank you.
- Michael?

There is another way, you know?

There was.

Not any more.

Orla mcshawn, colm mcneish.

(Children chatter)

What the hell are you playing
at turning up here like this?

I thought you were dead.

I have business with the
man that k*lled Carol.

(Children chatter) Brits
flew him to London.

I need you to get me there.

I'm sorry but you
wanted out, Michael.

- I'll do whatever it takes.
- You're not gonna like what it takes.

But I could use a man
they think is dead.

I'm taking twomey. Peadar
twomey's got problems.

Not with me he hasn't.

If we're to do this...

There'll be no more talk of getting
out until I say so, understood?

I need you to say it.


And, Michael?

I'm gonna need that ring.

Just give me the
name of that soldier.

Sheila went back
with her mother.

Didn't like it... Stuck
all the way out here.

Still... I have
the dog, I suppose.

Best dog I've ever had.

I heard about Carol.

f*cking bastards.

I'm heading over the
water. I want you to come.

Keenan's putting us
with a unit. I can't.

The dog would miss me too much.

You know, he'd be
lost without me.

I'm going after the
soldier that k*lled Carol.

I need your help.

The papers are coming tonight.

We leave tomorrow.

(Clicking and patting)


♪ sugar minott: Oh Mr. D.C

♪ time so rough

♪ and time so tough

♪ time so rough

♪ coming from the country

♪ with my bag of collie

♪ I walk up on a DC

♪ him want fe hold me

♪ don't you run now, youthman

♪ you won't get away

♪ if you slip you will die... ♪

Ey, soldier boy! How are
you doing? Everything good?

- Looking good. - All right. Nice one.
- Cheers. - All right, man.

♪ Mellow chants: Share
with your friends

♪ ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ share
with your friends... ♪

(Song continues)

You staying at the barracks tonight?
I was hoping to stay with you.

Oh, were you?

I thought you were
just walking me home.

Listen, I'm sorry about before,
you know, the way we left things.

Forget about it.

Is something wrong?

What's happened?

I need you.

I don't wanna lose you, Ruth.

How are you gonna lose me?
I'm standing right here.

♪ Rory Gallagher:
Can't believe it's true

♪ can't believe it's true

♪ I can't believe it's true

♪ Baby, where are you?

(Phone ringing)

♪ In the night i- (Radio off)

(Phone ringing)

(Ringing stops)

♪ That's just trouble following me
about... hi. Can I get some change?

♪ That is one
thing I can do... ♪

(Phone ringing)

(Beeping, coins dropping)

'Henry tempest.'

I have an address.

Stay on 'em, will you? See if you
can find out what they're up to.

'will do.'

when are you coming over?

'well, there's... There's
been a change of plan.'

are you still there?

I just wanna see you.
'And you will, my sweet.'

'i promise you will.'

For now... I'm going to be
sending someone else, ok?

Morning, fiadh.

I'm afraid I have some bad news.

Your son is dead.

Michael died as a
result of injuries

he sustained in the
ambush with Carol.

We'll take care of
all the arrangements.

I'm afraid it won't be
possible to see the body.

The organisation sends
you its deepest sympathy.

15 he was, when you
took him from me.

He should be here now doing
this while I fix the tea.

We've been selling milk
for nearly 80 years

north of the border,
south of the border.

When you and your lot finish
your games of lying and k*lling,

These cows will still be here.

And people will
still drink milk.

You ever set foot
on my land again...

I'll sh**t you dead,
so help me god.

(Gate bangs)

(Engine starts)

(Three g*nshots echo)

(Children playing)

(Both moan)

(Knocking on door)

You got another boyfriend or - something?
- Uh-uh.

(Knocking on door)

One sec!


(Both groan)

(Door opens) Good morning.

- Is tempest here?
- Erm...

Would you mind fetching
him for me, please?

(Door closes)

Who the hell is this
guy? Army stuff.

How did he know you're
here? I told him.


I told him that if... if I wasn't
here, you know where to find me.

I'm sorry.


Make yourself at home
(!) Sir, this is... Ruth.

Yes. We just met.

Right. Shall we go?

I'll explain later.
Damn right you will.


(Door closes)

I hope... I hope I
wasn't interrupting.

You weren't, sir.
Call me Holland.

What's the situation,
sir? There's no situation.

We're just going for a look-see.

Do you know... I've never
been to kentish town.

Two teas, please, love.

Biggest mugs you've got.
Tempest, Lance corporal Cole.

Beginning to think you
were gonna miss the party.

- How many?
- Not sure. And where are they?

Number 34, just over the way.

Third floor. First
flat on the left.

Watching television.
What do you think, boys?

Time to ask a few questions?

Have you got any
idea who they are?

Hard to see the rank
under the civvies.

I was hoping you'd tell me.

Didn't even have
time to pack a bag.

(Phone ringing) Quick
as you can, they said.

More like, hurry up and
wait. (Phone ringing)

(Knocking on door) Gas man.

This is a job for
the f*cking police.

(Rattling behind door)


(Baby crying)

TV: ♪ camberwick
green theme music

'this is captain
snort of pippin fort.'

'he's come to give his
order for the week.'

four dozen loaves of bread,
that's 48, two dozen currant buns,

that's 24, a dozen...'

(man groans)

'Very good, sir. I can get
your orders delivered today.'



(Alarm blaring)

(Horn blares)

(Fairground music)

Can I see your
passport, please, sir?

- Where do you live?
- Belfast.

And what's the
purpose of your visit?

I'm looking up an old friend.
- Another Mick? - English.

And why have you
come over to see him?

He doesn't have long to live.

(Phone ringing)

Through the wrong
bloody door! (Laughter)

Tempest. Excellent work.

Do you fancy some tea?
I don't want any tea.

I want someone to tell me what
the f*ck is going on, sir.

Mcgill and Miller. They
were Belfast. The ira.

And they've been giving
London a taste of the troubles

Since the spring. A b*mb
a week, random targets.

Department stores,
restaurants, nightclubs.

And he was shot on
his own doorstep

Assassinated in broad daylight
in the United Kingdom.

The country's not seen bloodshed
on this scale since the w*r.

Number 10's had enough.

They wanna fight back...
On their terms. Dirty.

Like the filthy
animals they are.

And given that our boys

aren't exactly equipped...
For this kind of business...

We brought you in.

Any more questions?

Did you just call
us animals, sir?

You are animals...

But you're my animals.

Which reminds me... Your
bandit finally showed up.

Buried yesterday.
Full military honours.

On behalf of the good guys...


The lads are expecting you.

Stay away from the
Irish community.

Avoid the pubs and clubs
Irish people go to.

They'll be under surveillance.

The only person we talk to, apart
from other members of the asu,

is the courier.

(Groans) (g*n clicks)

- You must be mcgill.
- Mcgill's dead.

Who the f*ck are you?


You first. Quinn, engineer.

What about you, big
man? Liam hogan, qm.

Who the f*ck are you?

I'm Joe lynch.

I'm the driver and
I make the tea.

They're stopping
people in the street.

They'll pat you down as soon
as they hear your accent.

They'd do a better job
than you then, would they?


Go on, then. I'm listening.

I'm working with the police.

What? The police? Henry.

Not exactly with but...

(Clears throat)
..It's complicated.

And that guy from this morning,
he's got a bloody nose too?

No, I didn't think so.

You know, my dad used to
work for a man like him.

(Jamaican accent)

Promised him a better life if he
went to fight for king and country

But... when my dad came
home, he got nothing.

Just a job cleaning
shit out of toilets.

There's no king or
country for you, Henry.

You're just a black man
in a white man's world.

No-one's looking out for you.

(Horns blare)

The old man sends his regards.

I came here for a name.

I know why you're here but
that was before kentish town.

First you have to deliver a box.

A station. You choose.

That's a big f*cking box. It's
gonna take time. I can't be waiting.

We both know that
isn't how it works.

All right.

I'll do it but you
gotta give me that name.

To be clear, personal
agendas have no place here.

Please just give me the name.

(Children chattering)

Wait! Henry?

(Engine starts)

(Seagulls cry)

(Market traders shouting)


Oh, I'm sorry. I'm
not really open.

It's a bit of an
emergency. Erm...

I'm looking for
something for my wife.

Er... what are you after?

- A dress.
- Do you know what size?


All right, is she bigger
or smaller than me, then?

Erm... she's a little
bit smaller than you.

What colour's her hair?


And her eyes?


Lucky girl.

She sounds beautiful.
(g*n cocking)

- She was.
- Where is it?

Here it is.(Door closes)

He's in a beige Mac.

I swear I saw a g*n.

Right, you look that way and
then search this end, yeah?

There you are. I love that bag.

(What are you doing
here?) This way.

(Hushed tone) What's
the matter with you?

She's not even a
legitimate target.

The path to freedom has rules.

There is a code. You break
those and the objective fails.

The path to freedom?

You really are one of Keenan's
little soldiers, aren't you?

I was top of the class too once.

Except back then, people didn't
talk like a f*cking brit.

You have no idea what
you're dealing with.

The man you want is working for
the police hunting your unit.

Right now, my odds are on him.

Have you ever been in love?

Have you?

I need to k*ll him.

Then do your job.

Deliver the box.

And he'll come running.

Look at the clip of this. I never
signed up to nanny the police.


What? Hm?

I think his nose was thinner...

Good girl.

- Henry.
- What are you doing here?

It's... crazy.

They were chasing this guy
in the market, he had a g*n.

They think he's one
of these Irish guys.

You saw him? Well,
he was in my stall.

He was buying a dress
for his wife. What?

- Hey, Henry, what's wrong?
- Just get home. Cole, take her home.

O'Hara's alive. He
went after Ruth.

It's him. He's here
and he's come for me.

(Phone ringing)

What's the deadline for the evening - edition?
- Midnight.

Right. Let's flush him out.

When did you last turn the jelly?
It looks like it's ready to weep.

No, they're grand.

You should be worrying
about the detonators.

We lost them in kentish town.

Turn the jelly and
pack it in sawdust.

Before we get there.(Unclear)

We're hitting Paddington.

Twomey, we need to talk.

Like the station?

No, the f*cking bear (!)

He'll be in a blue rover
coming down praed street.

You'll need to be
somewhere high.

And we'll need a
car, a fast one.

Once I make that call,
we'll have to move quick.

(Ringing tone)

(Phone rings)

(Beeping, coin dropping)
'We're on. He's gonna do it.'

I don't know what I'd do
without you, kitty cat.

Tell him not to call it in.

I want it to be a surprise.

A surprise?'Yeah.'

it's time to scale up.

(Clicking and line goes dead)

Too many people are
getting caught up in this.

Just keep it clean.

Make the call. Give
'em time to get out.

I'm only interested
in k*lling one man.

Are you out of your mind?

You compromise the whole operation
chasing after some f*cking para!

Then you come right back here!

If they knew where we were,
they'd be here already.

He's going to get us all k*lled.

- Are you all set?
- I've got my spot.

What about the cars?
I got a cortina.

The kid's a good thief.

All right then.

- Move today.
- I think you're forgetting something.

We've no f*cking detonators.

We do now.


No shrapnel.

This is how I always do it.

Not today. We're hitting
the building not the people.

What about long
range for twomey?

Take the Winchester 308.

She needs a steady
hand, that baby.

I know what you're saying.
I'm steady as a f*cking rock.

(Phones ringing)

- Is this gonna work?
- I don't know.

We should be out there.

Instead we're in here
relying on curtain twitchers.

(Phone rings) Here's
another one now.


Yes, madam.

Can you describe this
man for me, please?

You know what you're
looking for? Uh-huh.

And if I have him clean? Just
light him up and pin him down.

I'll do the rest.

♪ Max de wardener: Free radicals

(Train horn blares)

Give them 30 minutes
to clear the building.

- 30?
- That's generous. That's the order.


(Radio static)

- Are you there?
- In position.

(Ringing tone)

'Metropolitan police.' This
is the Irish republican army.

Don't speak. Just listen.


'There's a b*mb in
Paddington station.

It's not our intention
to hurt anybody.

You've 30 minutes to clear
the area. This is not a hoax.'

Come on, people, let's go!

- Wind your window down.
- Don't speak. Don't open your mouth.

(Tyres screech)

He's a Mick. Check his details.

If he doesn't wind it
down, drag him out.

Stay calm. Stay
calm. Take it easy.

Stay calm. All right?

'All units, 10-79. b*mb threat
reported, Paddington station.'

get out the car!


Quinn! No!

Jesus Christ! You f*cking idiot-



Six minutes, that was. So
much for clearing the area.


(Alarm blaring)


(Siren wailing) Come on!

(Radio static)

(Radio static)'Michael?
Michael? I have him, Michael.'

(siren wailing)

'Come on. Get on and do it.'

(Tyres squeal)

Shit. Are you hit?


(Muffled g*nshots)

(Muffled sh**ting continues)

(Siren wails)

Get out of the way!

(Siren wails)

Get out of the way!

(Tyres screech, horns blare)

(Tyres screech)


I'm alright. - You alright?
- I'm alright.

(Sirens wailing)

(Sirens continue)

A pint and a whisky chaser.

Did you hear what I
just said? No Irish.

Do you want me to come
round there and fix my own?

Radio: 'Reports of sn*per
fire on praed street

and further g*n v*olence in the
streets to the west of the station.'

'police have confirmed that two
t*rrorists have been arrested

following a high-speed car chase
but a third, Michael O'Hara,

is still at large and
considered highly dangerous.'

(expl*si*n echoes)

(Screaming echoes)

- No.
- Just let me help you. No, no. Stop speaking!

Just-(sighs) No.
Stop. Stop talking.

Please, just go to your mother's,
ok? You'll be safe there.

You know what? You lied to me.

You came back like
everything was fine.

Like we were just
making a go of it.

When all of this madness
is because of you.

Do you think I'm happy
that this happened?

It was a mistake.
I was doing my job.

Ruth, we're back on.
It was a mistake.

You k*lled a pregnant woman.

Please, just come with
me. He's still out there.

No, no. I'm not going
anywhere. This is my home.

- This is my life.
- It's not for long.

It's just until i-until
what? ♪ Babylon system...

Until I k*ll him.

Jesus, Henry.


You've made a target
out of me, Henry.

If you wanna keep me safe, then
stay the hell away from me.

♪ The Babylon system...


♪ The Babylon system... ♪

Fresh tea downstairs, boys.

(Gasps) What are
you-what are you doing?


Where's O'Hara?

(Vehicle approaching)

- (Unclear) f*cked it up.
- Sh-sh-sh.

I did everything
you said. I said...

I said to give them 30 minutes.

- Sh! Keep your voice down.
- Quinn set the f*cking timer.


I'm sorry... we f*cked it.

Hello, Michael.
You did well today.

Bloodshed like that's hardly
cause for celebration.

Sit down.

Sit down.

I'm gonna need you to
do one more job for us.

I need you to cut
the head off a snake.

He's behind the t*rture of the
hooded men during internment.

And he's running your soldier.

I don't f*cking care.

There's blood after blood.

I'm done with it.

I've no family. I've no love.

I have nothing.

Are you sure about that?

Who'll be there to
milk the cows, Michael?

You wouldn't f*cking dare.

You have no idea
what I would dare.

How do you think the brits
found you in the first place?

Don't f*cking come at me, boy!

You think I was just
gonna let you walk free?

The path of freedom isn't
paved with letting people go.

That's enough!

Did I teach you
nothing? He's got it!



Don't you ever...

Ever tell me enough.

I know what you did to
get him to make the call.

I make the calls,
is that understood?

There's no special treatment.

You're no different to anyone.

(Gasps) Take care
of this, Michael,

And I'll put that
soldier's head on a spike.

I'll see you again, Michael.

At least you know now
who you're sleeping with.

He's my dad.


My mum was English.

They met over here.
He was a student.

I'm his guilty secret.


He joked that if I
couldn't be in Ireland...

He'd bring Ireland to me.

I've spent all this time
mistaking his hate for love.

I can't do it any more.

I'm getting out.

You sound like
you've got a choice.

People like us, we
don't get choices.

There's a boat...

- Leaving for Boston.
- Boston?

You think you can outrun Keenan?

I think you know your
da as well as I do.

I know we'll never be free if
we keep doing what he asks.

(Muffled yelling and crying)

(Muffled screaming)

Just nod when you've had enough.

(Panting) I promise
to tell yous.

Then what's he planning?

I get orders from the
courier most of the time.

Courier? What courier? It's a
woman. I don't know her name.

That's all I know.
I just make the tea.


Check it out.

Police! Armed... police!

They've been on to
us from the start.

I'm gonna make them
pay for this. Good.

But we're looking to
scale up the detachment

so take as many men as you like,
get yourself back to bandit country

and rip this thing
out by the root.

What about O'Hara, sir?
He's not gonna make it.

The whole country's
looking for him.

With all due respect, sir,
I'd like to finish this.

You're angry. I can
understand that.

It feels personal because
he made it personal

but this w*r is
bigger than you or I.

- We need you to push on.
- We can't just let him get away with this.

They're k*lling
the lights for us,

Giving us carte blanche to
do whatever's necessary.

And there's a promotion in it.

Between that and
the prison ship,

I'd say that's a step up
for a man in your position.



(Phone ringing)

(Phone ringing)

(Ringing continues)

Where is O'Hara?

(Ringing continues)

(Door rattles)

(Door rattles)

(Engine starts)

(Handbrake on)


♪ Max de wardener: Vanitas

Car's get left here.

Where's the pick up?

Across the sand.

Gimme the keys.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

(Pulsating music)


- He's here.
- What? I couldn't stop him.

We can lose him in the dunes.


Come on. I can't
run away from this.

Michael, that boat's
our only chance.

No, it's your only chance.

Forgive me, Catherine.

Keenan's dead.

One day, I hope
you'll understand.

(Ocean roaring)




Look at me.

Look at me!

Go on, then!


I'm sorry I k*lled her.

I k*lled her.

♪ The clarendonians:
Shoo bee doo be


Are you just gonna stand there
or are you gonna help?(Chuckles)

We need more gold paint.

Come here. Go on.

- Nah.
- Mm-mm. (Chuckles)

There and back.



♪ The smile: The same

♪ we don't need to fight

♪ look towards the light

♪ grab it in with both hands

♪ what you know is right

♪ somebody's falling down

♪ somebody's telling lies

♪ simple ass m*therf*ckers

♪ make one mistake after another

♪ people in the streets

♪ please

♪ people in the streets

♪ somebody's hearing voices

♪ somebody's going
down, down, down

♪ you're going down

♪ going down

♪ People in the streets

♪ please

♪ we all want the same

♪ please

♪ we all want the same

♪ please

♪ we all want the same

♪ please

♪ we are all the same

♪ We all want the same

♪ We all want the same ♪
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