Rise of the Beast, The (2022)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Rise of the Beast, The (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

Come in, Russ.

Russ, you got to
get back here now.


I'm on break.

That was an order.
We need help.

There's been a--


God damn.

Hey, guys, enclosure
10 looks fine.

False alarm.

I'm going back for
my ciggie break.

Are you sending backup?

I'm out here alone.

If you me to go in there,
you better send backup.

Send it now.

I'll check it out.
I'll check it out.

Get over here quickly.



Don't cut out on me now.

Oh, come on.

This is not a good time.

Come on.

f*ck my life.

I don't even want to find
what I'm looking for.

What the?

Play nice.

What's wrong with you people?

Bunch of savages.

Next slide, please.

These are the types of
species Darrow Industries is

interested in at the moment.

For what exactly, Mr. Smith?

Pay attention, John.

As you know, these mammals are
almost genetically identical

to us, yet they retain
vastly superior senses

and physical prowess.

If we can somehow access
those specific genomes

and harness them,
well, we may be

able to usher in a whole
new era of human evolution.

That sounds interesting.

Our competitors have been
using these types of animals

for years, and it's
time for Darrow

to show what we can really do.

And what exactly do
you want from me?

You'll be analyzing
the data of course.

I want you to head up the
team on this one, John.

You've been with us a while now,
and I think we can trust you.

Well, thank you, sir.

I appreciate that.

Will I be out in the field
with the specimen themselves?

No, that's done in a
more remote facility.

Far too dangerous
for a research team.

But whatever you discover, well,
it could be invaluable to us

in the next stage
of development.

Next stage?

Afraid that's above
your pay grade for now.


Believing they can
change the world.

Pathetic, isn't it?

Pathetic is right, sir.

We have veered off the path.

But this, this project is
key to getting us back.

Where are my manners?

I've kept you long enough.

Go on.

Go and see that lovely
girlfriend of yours.

Take her out for a nice meal.

And tomorrow, you're going
to be one very busy man.

Thank you, sir.

Hey, get everyone ready.

It's happening tonight.

Take this road and follow
it to this point here.

That's as far as
you can go by car.

The rest of the way will
have to be made on foot.

Take only what you
need because it's

going to be dark and dangerous.


Follow this path down.

It leads us to the back
door of the facility.

Then we find a way in and
locate the c*ptive animals.

And this is where we set up
the camera and film everything

that we can.

What kind of resistance
are we facing?

We are looking at a handful
of heavily armed soldiers.

A handful?


Any plans to get
around said handful?

If we follow the path
I've got mapped out,

we should be able to
bypass them completely.

But once we're
inside, we have to be

smart and quick and quiet, Andy.

So are we were sure about this?

Look, you've all
known me for a while.

I'm not going to lie to you.

There's a large risk element.

But I've been working for
Darrow for five years.

That is a long time
to be Smith's lap dog.

And from what I've heard
and from what I've seen,

there is some truly horrible
stuff going on there--

and not just animal abuse.

There is a possibility
of something worse.

Like what?

All these people have gone
missing in the last 12 months.

There's flyers everywhere.

You think there's a connection?

I don't know.

But they were all last
seen in this area here.


And you just want us
to go walking right

into this Bermuda Triangle?

Maybe they got lost in the woods
or maybe they saw something

that they shouldn't have.

But we need to find out
what is going on here.

We owe it to them.

We go in.

We get our footage.

We get out.

And then we show
everyone what we found.

You think this is really
going to change anything?

You're a ray of sunshine,
you know that, Pete?

What they're doing
isn't just illegal.

It's inhumane.

So yeah, if we get
footage, they're finished.

And then maybe the
next company that

decides to t*rture helpless
wildlife for corporate gain

will think twice about it.

OK, I'm in.

Yeah, f*ck it.

Me too.

Me three.

OK, well, get your gear.

Get some rest.

We'll leave tomorrow at 7:00.

Get ready to change the world.

Who wants pizza?



And a beer.

What was that for?

I am so proud of you.

You mean us?

Well, yeah, but this has
been an idea for so long.

And it is finally
happening because of you.

And I couldn't done any
of this without you.

I don't even think I could
get up in the morning

if I didn't have you
next to me to wake up to.

That is not true.


Thank you.

And thank you for coming on this
super secret mission with me.

Oh, I like the sound of that.

Promise me something.

Anything for you.

Good answer.

If anything happens,
you have to promise me

that you will finish
what we started.

Come here.

Oh, ow.

Oh, my God.

I stubbed my toe.

Just breathe.

It'll heal.

Oh, thank you, doctor.

Are we here?


It's about a click up ahead.

Was a click?

Really, Pete?

We're almost there.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Hey, it's going to be OK.

What if something happens to us?

I mean, nobody even knows
that we're out here.

Hey, remember why
we're doing this.

She is right.

What we're doing is illegal
and stupid and crazy.

You're not helping things.

Hold my hand.

As long as you're
holding my hand,

nothing bad is
going to happen, OK?


Thanks, Andy.

Are all these bases in
the middle of nowhere?

That's why they're called
a secret base, Pete.

I'm starting to think
I don't want to know

what they're keeping a secret.

OK, let's get the gear, huh?

It's the border of
the compound, guys.

So from here on out,
we're in Darrow territory,

so we got to be as
quiet as possible.

As mice.

Yeah, make sure you
bring everything

with you because once we
leave, we are not coming back.

That's reassuring.

Phones in the trunk.

Sorry, what?

Darrow has new tech.

They can track phones
even when they're off,

so phones in the trunk.

That's ridiculous.

We're not going to
just walk in there

without any way of calling
for help if we need it.

Come on.

No, I'm being serious.

This is dangerous.

He's going to get us all k*lled.

Look, Faith, this
is the job, OK?

I get it if you
want to stay here,

but I'm not driving you back.


All right.

After this jog,
the facility better

have central heat
because I'm freezing.

Andy, Andy, Andy, keep it down.


Is there anything out here?

What the hell?

What's wrong?

What is it?

Animal tracks.

They don't belong to an
animal I've ever seen before.

And they're too big to be human.

Kind of looks like--


What, you think it's
like a bear or something?

Bears don't have toes.

We should follow them.

You're just full of great
ideas today, aren't you?

If it's escaped, it
might be hurt, so.

But we're headed in the same
direction as the tracks anyway.

We should keep going.

Well, the track ends here.

Oh, well.

This is it.

This is the entrance.

Kind of looks like a cave.

How stupid.

So how do you get through?

I'm going to have
to pick that lock.

I've got a kit.

This area looks clear.

Should we check it out?


I can't see shit here.

Has anyone got any water?

I've got some.

Hey, where are you going?

Nature calls.

Come on, dude.

It already smells
like a sewer in here.

Not my problem.

New, optics, night vision.

Did anyone hear that?

It's probably just
Pete finishing.



Pete, if you're messing
around, cut it out.

You getting anything?

I can't see him.


Something at the
end of the hall.

Is it him?

What the hell is that?

Oh my god!


Oh, god!

Was that a f*cking monkey?


Do you see anything?

Slowly crouch down.

Make yourself small.


We're nearly there.

You're not going to die.

Is there anyone in there?

Who cares?

Get inside.

What are we doing now?

What the f*ck are
we going to do now?

You can calm down for one.

Don't you f*cking
tell me to calm down.

That thing just k*lled Pete.

Are you OK?

I'll be fine.

OK, just hold on, all right?


I'm trying to yell at you here.

What the hell are
we doing, John?

I'm just trying
to find something

to clean her wound, OK?

It's fine.

I don't think he followed us.

I don't think.

OK, El, it's going
to burn a bit, OK?

If that thing hears us,
we're all going to be dead.

She's in pain, OK, Faith?

It's OK.

Just keep some
pressure on it, OK?

I need you both to
calm the f*ck down, OK?

I'm calm.

I swear to God.

That wound is bad.

We need to get her
to a hospital ASAP.


So what are we doing?

Call the play.

What about that?

The radio?

Does it even work?

I don't know, but
we've got to try.

No, not good enough.

It's her best shot.

And what about us, John?

I mean, you put a call
out on that thing,

and Darrow is going to come
down on us like a nuclear b*mb.

I mean, we are in real
f*cking shit here--

like never-heard-from-again

You're right.

But we can't just leave her
in the middle of the woods,

can we?

Not with that thing
still out there.

That thing just
k*lled our friend.

And that was on you.

This is all your
fault. You led us here.

You put him in that position.

I don't think you get to
call the sh*ts anymore, OK?

We are not making that call.

Faith, just--

I am.

Fine, you do that.

And then you three, you can just
sit around and wait for someone

to come along and arrest
you for trespassing.

But I-- I am making
a run for it.


No, that is the worst thing that
any of us could do right now.

Worse than calling
whoever the hell is

on the end of that radio?

OK, OK, we need to calm down
and be smart about this.

We don't know who's on the
radio, so we don't know what

they're going to do to us when
they find out that we were

trespassing, much less when they
find out what we were actually

trying to do.

OK, what do you suggest?

I'll make a run for it,
try and get to the city.



No, that's crazy.

If I can make it to the city, I
can come back with the cavalry.

And it won't matter what
they do when they arrest you.

They can't do anything.

They'll never believe you.

I think they will
when I show them this.

So what do we do?

Sit tight.

Don't move from here.

And when you get in
contact, feed them a lie.


Tell them that we were hiking
and that we got lost-- anything

but what we were
actually trying to do.



When they show up, we--

we all just do the same story--

dumb and innocent.



This is insane.

This has got to see
the outside world.

You know I shouldn't
let you do this, right?

That thing is still out there.


I mean, who else is going to go?

Well, I'm not about to
let her try and run this.

And you need to stay
here and play medic.


What about the monster?

I mean, Andy, if you
go out, there you're

going to get k*lled.

No, no, don't think like that.

Just please, promise
me you'll come back.

I always do, don't I?

Wait here.

Stay safe.

Fix the damn radio.

Lock the door after I've left.

Wish me luck.

Good luck.

What are you doing?

I'm just going to get
a quick message out.

Hey, just rest, OK?

Come in.

Does anybody read me.


Does anybody copy?


This is Fort Marion.

We read you.

What's the situation?


Please, we-- we were
hiking and got lost.

And something att*cked
us in the woods.

And one of us is hurt, and we--
we need medical assistance.

Send someone.



You realize you're currently
in a restricted area, sir?

What are you doing out here?

Please, you've got
to send someone soon.


Roger that.

Stand by for pick
up, and stay inside.

Over at out.

Can't see shit, and
you're being stalked

by a giant, k*ller silverback.

I suppose there are
worse places to be.

Screw it.

I got to go right now.



Who is it?

John, who's there?

Hey, it's OK.

They're here to help.

Doesn't sound like it.

Yeah, we're coming.

Down on the floor.

Jesus Christ!

Down on the floor!


Yes, OK.

Do as they say.

We called you.

We need you.

Are you the one
who made the call?


She needs medical
assistance, OK?

She needs to get to a hospital.

Shut the f*ck up.

I don't like this.

So glad you could join us.

Where's my girlfriend?

I believe I have
some questions first.

Where is it?

Where's what?

The ape-- my ape.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

What do you think k*lled
your friends out there?

The thing in the woods?

That's an ape?

I guess ape is
somewhat misleading.

It's actually a gorilla.

More specifically, it's a
genetic creation of ours

and one we intend on retrieving.

Look, I-- I don't know what
you're talking about, OK?

We got lost.

We were hiking.

You thought you get
att*cked by a bear?


Yeah, that was later.

You can't even keep your
story straight, can you?

Look, there's no point keeping
up the pretense anymore.

So I ask you again, where is it?

I don't know.

Stop asking me questions
that I can't answer, OK?

We were hiking.

We got lost.

We went to the cabin.

You guys showed up.

Now I'm here.

If it was so
important to you, why

didn't you put a g*dd*mn
tracking device on it?

Tell me this, John--

John Anderson, 34, born in
San Diego, one of three boys.

Parents both deceased.

Graduated with honors.

Criminal record for involvement
in illegal protesting

and several unpaid
parking tickets.

Researcher at Darrow Industries
and co-founder of Antifa eco

t*rror1st organization--

The Way.

All that sound about right?

We're not t*rrorists.

We like to do a bit
of background research

on all our employees.

But trust me, that is the
least of your worries.

What I really want to know is
why do you think you're here?

Where's my girlfriend?

I can see you're
not ready to talk.

Maybe some time in isolation
will soften you up a bit.

We don't know anything, OK?

So just-- so why don't
you just let us go?

You're not going anywhere, John.

Don't you get it?

You're not leaving this place.

This is where it ends for you.

Consider it purgatory
on your way to hell.

Hey, colonel, I'll
see you there.

Ah, hello, there.

Miss, Elena, is it?

Let me out of this thing.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

We have too much to do.

What do you want?

I just want to sit
here and watch.

You just want to sit here
and watch me struggle?

You f*cking sicko.


Watch you turn.

Turn into what?

You have no idea what
you're part of, do you?

We know what you've
been doing here.

We know that you've been
kidnapping animals and testing

on them and k*lling them.

We came here to stop you.

And how did that
work out for you?

All this effort to
stop animal testing,

and now you're the
one being tested on.

Who are you people?

My name is Doctor Kafka, and
I'm here to change the world.

You know what?

We're on a tight
schedule here, and I

don't feel like waiting around.

Are you serious?

Dead serious.

What did you think was going
to happen to you here, John?

We're going to expose you--

everything you're doing
and everything you've done.

You don't even know
what we're doing here.

Do you think it's a
coincidence you ended up

tied to that chair?


We know about your adventures
in veganism after hours.

Why would we keep you around?

Slowly feeding you
information about this place

till you were stupid enough
to actually drive up to it.

It doesn't matter.

We're still going
to find the truth,

and you're still going down.

Oh, you poor boy.

Let me show you how
much shit you're in.

Allow me to enlighten
you, Miss Elena.

Darrow Industries is ushering
in a new age in our evolution.

You see, this country--

hell, this world has grown weak.

Does that hurt?

The only way to move
forward is to go back.

We must return man
to his base instinct

and reclaim our rightful place
as the most dominant species.

And you are going
to help me, Elena.

No, don't go near
me with that thing.

You see this little scratch will
soon transform you, elevate you

to what you should be--

the ultimate predator.

You and I, we are going to
make humanity great again.



Please stop.

Just listen to me, please.

We're not weak.

No people-- just because
just-- because we

care about the planet and
people does not make us weak.

It took us thousands of years
of evolution to get here.

Did you-- did you
ever think of that?

That maybe this was
Mother Nature's plan?

I prefer my plan.

What the f*ck are we doing here?

I really don't like this.

I really don't
f*cking like this.

They come to get in here.


Did we get it?

Open fire!

What the hell is this?


Move it, Sergeant!

Move it!


Colonel, Colonel,
stand by for now.

We're under attack.

Deal with it.

Oh, shit.

Come in, Private.

Do any of you read me?

They're dead, Colonel.

You did this.


Your pet did.

Who are you?


Cock sucker.


What is happening to me?

You are becoming more.

Like the thing in the woods?

It's Kira.

She's our most promising
subject so far.

I don't-- I don't want this.

Oh, don't say that.

I don't want this.

Reverse it!

I can't do that.

You're lying.

Fix it!

There's no going back.

We are evolving whether
you like it or not.

She's come home.

My beautiful creation.

Come on.

Get up!


This is what your
tree-hugging pussies

get going around telling
everyone what they

can and can't do all the time.

I'm guessing you take
whole milk in your coffee.

Shut up, boy.

And take your
beating like a man.

Do what you want.

I'm still going
to ruin your day.





What the hell are you doing?

Where is she?

Let me go!

Tell me!

Are you crazy?

It's right behind me.

There you are.


We have to go.

I'm sorry, baby girl.



Where's, Faith?

I don't know.

I thought she'd be with you.

Do you know where we're going?


In here.

Come on.

Are you OK?

Your arm?

It looks worse than it feels.

What's happening to you?

I think that doctor
injected me with something.


Hey, hey, hey, hey.

El, El, El.


Hey, what's going on?

What's going on?

Did you hear that?

Hear what?

You don't hear anything?

No, I don't hear anything.

I think that
something's inside me.


Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, it's OK.

It's OK.

OK, I got you.

I know.

I know, but I'm going to fix it.

I promise.


I don't know.

Are you OK?

Yeah, no, no, no, I'm fine.

That guy did a--

did a number on the ribs.

That's all.

I'll be fine.

Well, just breathe.

It'll heal.

OK, yeah.

Good advice, right?

Thank you, Doctor.

Where are we?

I don't know.

Elena, I'm sorry.

For what?

It's all my fault.


Yeah, Faith was right.

If I listened to everybody,
everybody wouldn't ever

be k*lled in my view.

No, no, no, this was not you.

This was Darrow.

They are the ones that
created the thing that

k*lled those people.

It is not on you.

It is not your fault, OK?

OK, but that's not it.

Then what is?

I think I walked us into a trap.

You think they wanted
us to come here?

That's what he said, yeah.

I mean, they had a
whole file on me.

They knew I was the leak.

You've been working
here for years.

I know.

That's what I don't get.

How long have they
been planning this?

We'll figure it out.


Forget answers.

We find just one
bit of evidence,

then this will all
have been worth it.

I don't think we're
getting out here.

Yes, we are.

We're going to make it.

We have to make it, so
we're going to make it.

Say it.

We're going to make it.

Say it.

We're going to make it.

Yeah, we are.

Think you can walk?

For you, anything.

Right answer.

All right, any ideas, big man?




Hey, my Master Card pin!

Who is my smart boy?

That would be--

OK, your arm is f*cked.


I can't see a thing.

My eyes are k*lling me.



Hey, Faith.

Faith, wake up.


I'm so happy to see you guys.

Thank God you're OK.

Hey, did they-- did
they anything to you?

Yeah, they just kept asking
me the same questions

over and over and over and over.

And when I couldn't
answer any more,

they injected something into me.

What was it?

I don't know.

Everything gets kind
of very after that.

I just-- I remember
waking up in this lab.

And everyone was suddenly gone.

Yeah, they-- they evacuated.

The thing from last
night, it's here.

It's in the building?

It's a gorilla.

Yeah, we just saw it.

We just run away from it.

Are you guys OK?


We're fine.

What was that?

Oh, f*ck.

How did that happen?

I don't know.

It was that thing that
scratched me the other night.

Now I just feel different.

We really need to
find a way out.

Yeah, we do.

But we're not leaving
here empty handed.

We're in it now, OK?

Now, that is the
lab right there, OK?

I'm sure there's
something inside.

Are you in?



Come on.

What were they even
doing down here?

I have one idea.

Oh, my God.


This is one of the
people that went missing.

John, look at this.

That looks important.

It's locked.

It's small.

Is it light?

Smart agency.


Not that smart.


Department of Defense?

Government contracts?


Bio weapons, battle
armor, chem bombs.

I mean, this is
super-soldier stuff.

And so evil company
does evil stuff.

What's weird about that?

Because we thought they
were doing animal testing.

They're not.

They're doing human testing.

I mean, so where
are all the animals?

And where are all the people?

Enough of this.

I think we just need to
figure some shit out, OK?

Of course there's a password.

Don't-- don't get us locked out.

Yeah, all right.

Hey, pass me those papers.

The evolution?

All right, OK, there is
a lot of stuff on here.

Try searching test
subjects or Kira.

Try searching Kira.


They're all dead.

What did they do with them?

Let's see.

This one reads Bruce, 48, a
gambler from Soho, London.

Keep going.

Brian, 36, a drug addict.

Diane, 28, an alcoholic.

Freddy, 31, homeless,
no background--

perfect candidate.

What does that even mean?

Here, look, Kira, a
prost*tute from Brighton.

She was 23.

She was just a f*cking kid.

So why them?

I can't look at this anymore.

No one was going to
come looking for them.

Police are hardly going to bend
over backwards for a missing

prost*tute, are they?

OK, so that thing, she
used to be a person, yeah?

They were brought
in as subjects.

But why us?

This shit's different.

It's got to be.

It's got to be the way, right?

I mean, he had a
whole file on me.

And we were protesting outside
their building giving them

all that bad press.

They get rid of us, they
get rid of the movement.

Two birds, one stone.


f*ck, I'm so f*cking stupid.

No one could have
seen this coming.

This is what Smith
was talking about, OK?

Fusing primate and human DNA
trying to make some kind of--



Super soldier, OK?

And it's not going
to happen to you.

It's already happened.

It's going to be OK, yeah?


I don't feel so good.

OK, talk to me.


You're OK.

You're all right.

My head.


I've got you.


El, stay with me.


Hey, hey.

Do something.

I don't know what to do Hey.


Hey, El, stay with me.


Oh my god.

Is she--


No, she's alive.

She's just-- she's
just passed out.


She's getting worse fast.

We need to get her out of here.

You stay with her.


Where are you going?

I'm getting us out of
this f*cking bunker.


Yeah, OK.

OK, just come back to me.

Oh, f*ck.

What the f*ck did
you do that for?

I'm sorry.

I need to eat.


I feel hungry, and it's
all I can think about.

El, we're friends.

Listen, listen, you need to--
you need to fight this, yeah?


Just look at me.

Look at me.

You know who I am.

You know me.

I'm your friend.

I need.

Please, help me.

Who are you?

They called me Zero.

I was the first.

First what?


The rest are all gone.

OK, I'm sorry.

I need to go.

I'm sorry.

Help me.

I can't, OK?

I need to find an exit.

My friends--

I know a way out.

You do?

I watched the guards.

I've learned the exits.

OK, tell me.

Take me with you, please.

I'll show you the way.

OK, how?


OK, stay close.

Can you walk, yeah?

You better be right about this.


Elena, what the
f*ck are you doing?

El, El, El, El, wait.

It's me.

It's John.

What did you do?


What happened?


I k*lled her.

You ate her.

Oh my god.

What the f*ck do I do now?

We must go.

I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to do it.

It wasn't me.


Hey, hey, guess what.

Guess what.

I found a way out.

Yeah, we can go home.

Do you want to go home?


But I-- I need you
to stand up, OK?

You can do that.


Hey, don't look.

Don't look.


Come on.

Keep going.

I need help.

I've got you.


Come on.

How much farther?

What if it happens again?

It's not going to
happen again, OK?

It's not.



Oh, John.

Keep going.

You've got this, all right?

It's through here?

Follow Zero out.

It's happening again.



Hey, hey, hey, hey,
stay with me, yeah?

Just listen to my voice.

Fight it.

You've got this.

Come on.

Listen to my voice.

Yeah, that's it.

Thank you.

Hey, what is it?

It doesn't matter.

We have to keep going.



Guys, we need to go.

I said we were going to
make humanity great again.

You are not taking
that away from me.

Rot in hell.


Does it hurt?


I'll be fine.

Anything I can do?

How are you doing, Zero?


Got to stay with me, huh?

Just tired.

Yeah, OK.

What's your real name, Zero?

I can't remember.

You can't remember
your own name?

Can't remember much.

What did they do to you?

They took blood, bones.

Put something else.

At first, I felt fine.

But it just got worse.

Is that what's going
to happen to me?


How did you survive?

They-- they wouldn't let me die.

Darrow's going to
pay for it, Zero--

the genetic testing, all of it.

They're finished.



What are you doing?

I need to eat!

You need to snap out of it!

No, I can't.

It's like an addiction.

I need to.

El, stop!

Oh, f*ck.

Zero, are you OK?


She's going to
die out there, El.

What about us?


She's still coming.

We have to go.


Hey, hey, hey.


OK, hey, hey, El.

El, I can see the road.

I can see the road.



Yeah, what is it?

I can't.

Yes, you can.

Whatever I have inside
me, it's taking me over.

I can't go on anymore.

We're almost there, yeah?





You have to go.

What are you talking about?

It's not going to stop.

We are so close.

We're so close.

We can make it.

No, John, you can make it.

Don't do this.

It's not going to
stop coming after us.

We can make it.

It doesn't matter where we go.

I can hear it inside my head.

She's talking to me.

I am drawing her to us.

But I can't.

I can't.

I can't just leave you.

You have to.

You are not safe.

And I'm not going to be
myself for much longer.

I can't go on without you.

I wasn't expecting this.

This is on you now.

John, you have to tell them.

You have to tell them
everything that they did to us.

You have to tell
everyone for me.

I love you.

You've ruined my f*cking life.



Hey, over here.

John, what are you doing here?

You can't be here.

You can't.



You don't have to do this.


If you're still in there,
you don't have to do this.

What they did was terrible.

But they don't have to turn
us on each other, Kira.


Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, hey, stay with me.

Stay with me.

Stay with me, El.


I'm so sorry.
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