Ayo Balikan (2024)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
Post Reply

Ayo Balikan (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

[motorcycle engine rumbling]

[Farhan voice over] Selatan.

Why don't you change?

What's the point of dating a girl
for only three days?

- [Girl 1] Selatan.
- [Girl 2] Yes, I know. He's very handsome.

[Selatan voice over] What's the point of asking that now?

[Farhan voice over] We've only been in college
for a few months.

- [Selatan] Let's break up.
- [Farhan voice over] You have already had three victims.

[Nana] What is that?
Are you using a timer to break up with me?

[Nana grunts] Eat that!

[Farhan voice over] First, Nana.

- [Selatan] Let's break up.
- [Intan] What did you say?

After only three days of dating,
you want to break up?

[Selatan] That's how I date girls.

[Intan] What kind of girl do you think I am?

[Leon voice over] And then Intan.
[water splashing noise]

- The waterbender.
- [Intan] Screw you.

[Leon giggling voice over]

- [Febi] Selatan.
- [Selatan] Hi.

[Farhan voice over] But in my opinion...

...Febi was the most epic.

[Farhan] If in one semester there are nine victims...

...and we have eight semesters...

[Leon giggles]

- [Farhan] Am I right?
- [Leon] Crazy.

Anyway, I hope no one poisons you to death
with cyanide. That's all, man.

[Natalie] The world must reduce it's carbon usage

...to achieve the zero emissions target.

[Students] Agree!

- [Male student] Protect the Earth.
- [Female student] Stop destroying God's creation.

[Other females students] Save the world.

[Natalie] There's nothing healthy in a toxic city.
Scary, isn't it?

[Students] Agree!

[Natalie] But we're not making this up.

[Leon] I wonder how Natalie will react
on the third day?


[Natalie] We can't choose our planet,
but we can choose for our future.

[Students] Agree!

[Students yell and clap]

[Leon] Wait, he's leaving.

- [Male student] You're really cool.
- [Natalie] Thanks.

[Male student] Keep up the spirit.

[Selatan] Save God's creation. Wow.

- [Natalie] Hi!
- [Selatan] Hi.

[Natalie] How do you think I did?

[Selatan] Extraordinary, as usual.

- I'm really proud to be your boyfriend.
- [Natalie] Thanks.

[Selatan] But there is one thing
that I want to talk to you about.

[Natalie] I know. Plans for tonight, right?

Actually, I already have three things on my wish list.

Let's try the steak in the Kuningan area.

- [Female student] Nat.
- [Natalie] Or...

- [Female student] The dean is calling us.
- [Natalie] Hang on.

- [Selatan] Nat, hang on.
- [Natalie] Wait a minute.

Okay, wait for a moment.


[Selatan giggles]

[Selatan mumbles]

[Selatan] Let's break up.

[Natalie] Sorry?

- [Selatan] Break up...
- [Natalie] Selatan, I can't hear you. Can you...

[Selatan] Let's break up!

[Natalie] What do you mean?

[Leon] Why are they breaking up?

[Selatan] Relax, it doesn't have to be with me.

- [Natalie] I don't want to.
- [Selatan] Don't be angry.

[Natalie] This is only the second day
and usually, you break up with girls on the third day.

[Selatan] I know you're the first one experiencing this,
but that means you're special. [Slapping sound]

[Leon grins]

[Farhan] Hey.
[keys clinking]

[Leon] Nothing.

[cheering and clapping]

[All] Selatan, come on!
Keep up the spirit!

Selatan! Come on, Selatan!
[ball kicking thud]

[All] Selatan!


[cheering and clapping]

[Leon] Tan. This way, Tan.

[cheering, clapping, shouting, ball kicking thuds]

[cheering, clapping, shouting, ball kicking thuds]

[yelling, clapping]

[All] Goal!

[cheering and clapping]

[Farhan deep exhales]

[Selatan] Did you sprain your ankle?

- [Farhan] All good.
- [Selatan] Good?

[Leon] Tan, I want to ask something.

How could you break up with Natalie?

It has only been two days.
And she is my dreamgirl.

[Farhan holds laughing]

[Leon] Why are you laughing? Hey.

[Farhan] Natalie's dream is Selatan, not you.
Don't keep your hopes too high.

[bottle shaking sound]

[Farhan] Oh, Tan.

Don't you realize?

Some girls who have been approached by Selatan
are similar to Alma.

- [Selatan] You're starting to make things up.
- [farhan] That's true.

- [Selatan] What? How are they similar?
- [Farhan] Okay, first...

Natalie, she's smart like her. Right?

- [Leon] Right.
- [Farhan] Right? [giggles]

[Leon] Febi too.
And she also ties her hair in a ponytail.

- [Leon] Just like Alma.
- [Farhan] Right. [both giggle]

[Selatan] Lots of girls tie it that way,
not only Alma.

[Farhan] But similar. And one more thing.


- Both have sweet smiles.
- [Leon] Really sweet smile, right?

[Farhan and Leon laugh]

[Selatan] Yeah, yeah.
Don't exaggerate.

Those similarities are only coincidences.
I've long forgotten about Alma.

I don't know for how long.

[Farhan] Stop it, Tan.
You're only pretending to have moved on.

If you keep looking for someone like Alma...

...why don't you just try to get back with her?

[Leon] Oh dear, Han.
Why are you forcing him?

Did you hear what he just said?

He has moved on. Finished. The end.

[Farhan mumbles, bottle shaking sound]

[Farhan] You're hilarious. Blonde.

Just go and cheer up Nathalie.

Hey, Tan. You're leaving?

[clapping noise]

- [Female 1]Mom.
- [Female 2] What's wrong, dear?

[Female 1] We've only been dating for three days
but he broke up with me.

[Female 3] Right. What did we do wrong?

[Female 1] We've only been dating for three days
but he broke up with me.

[Female 3] Right. What did we do wrong?

[Alma] This is all because of you, Selatan.

Because of you.




[deep exhales]

[bedcover friction noise]

[deep exhales]

[Farhan voice over] If you keep looking for
someone like Alma...

...why don't you just try to get back with her?

[Farhan voice over] Don't you realize?

Some girls who have been approached by Selatan
are similar to Alma.

[Alma] Give it back!
[Alma grunts]

[Selatan] So, there's something called
The Hedgehog's Dilemma.

[Alma] Schopenhauer?

[Selatan mumbles]

[Selatan] I found it on Google.

[Alma giggles]

[Selatan] Why are you so serious?
I'm kidding, Almarhumah.

[Alma] You can't call me Almarhumah [deceased]!

You're the Devil!

[soft thud]

Alma's account is private

[Selatan] Why is it private now?

[soft thud]

[Farhan] This is the kind of girl that Selatan likes.

[Barista] Here's your coffee.

[bird chirping]

[Leon] Hey, there he is.

[Farhan] Just look, he'll approach her.

[foot steps]

[Leon and Farhan exclaim confusedly]

[Selatan] I need coffee.

[Farhan] Hey, Tan.
[bird chirping]

Why didn't you approach that girl?

- [Selatan] Which one?
- [Farhan] The one who looked like Alma.

- [Selatan] Which one? There isn't anyone.
- [Leon] She just passed by, man.

[Selatan mumbles]

You're both hallucinating.

And the food's not good anyway.

[joysticks clacking]

[Leon laughs, Farhan whines]

[Leon] Come on.
[single clap]

[Farhan] Enough, Tan.

You want to stalk Alma's IG,
but she has set it to private. [giggles]

[Leon] Private?
[Farhan giggles]

Don't be too shy. Just follow her.

[Selatan sighs, Leon chuckles]

[Farhan] Or how about this?
If you're too proud to do that...

...just follow her using another account.

- Right?
- [Leon] That's right, a second account.

[Selatan] I've tried using a second,
third, fourth, and fifth account.

She hasn't accepted any of them.

[Farhan giggles]

[Farhan] But, Tan, I want to ask you something serious.
[sofa friction noise]

Lately, you've been absentminded.

There was a really beautiful girl yesterday,
yet you ignored her.

And now you want to stalk Alma's Instagram.

What's going on with you?

[Selatan deep exhales]

[Selatan] Turns out you're right.

I haven't moved on yet.

The answer has been Alma all along.

And I'm tired.

I'm tired of pretending to be strong and able
to date a girl for three days then break up.

From now on I'll stop.

No more.

[Leon] Are you serious, Tan?

[Selatan] I'm serious.

[light shoulder pats]

[Farhan] Be patient.

[Leon] I have an idea.
[soft thud]

What if we...
[friction noise]

...just use my online shop account?

Right? To follow Alma. How's that?

She won't be suspicious.
That's possible. Right?

Dut, what if she accepts it?

[Selatan] Wait, what's the name
of your online shop account?

[Leon mumbles and hands rubbing]

[Leon] Makeup By Beauty.

[Farhan chuckles]

[Farhan] Hey, are you selling
skin care products?

Tan, how come your friend
is selling skin care products?

You're a guy, man.

[Leon] Yes, and guys need skin care too.
So that they don't look drab like you.

[Farhan] You're not drab
and you don't even have a girlfriend.

So, why should I take care of my skin?

- [Leon] You also don't have a girlfriend.
- [Selatan] Shut both of your mouths!

I'm upset, yet the two of you are fighting.

[Leon] Well, that's fine.
If you don't need me, that's fine.

No harm in that, right?

[Selatan] He's sulking. Come on.

- [Leon] What?
- [Selatan] Help me.

[Leon] I don't want to, no.

[Selatan] Is that so? Okay then.

I wanted to ask you both to go to Malang with me,
but I guess that won't happen.

- [Leon] Malang?
- [Farhan] To go after Alma?

[Selatan] Yes.

- [Leon] Okay, come on.
- [Selatan] No, you don't have to.

[Leon] Dut, it's okay.

Okay, I'll follow her. Here.

Okay? Happy?

[Selatan mumbles]

[shoulder pat]
[Farhan] So, are we going to Malang?

- [Selatan] Yes.
- [Farhan] That's how we like it.

- [Leon] To Malang.
- [Farhan] Malang!

[Selatan] Look.

[crowd noise]

[Leon giggles]

[Leon giggles]

[Farhan] Are you chatting with Natalie?

- Tan.
- [Leon] No.

- [Farhan] See.
- [Leon] No. You're no fun.

Selatan, seriously, I didn't do anything.

- No. Hand it back.
- [Farhan] Hang on.

[Leon] You're no fun.

- [Farhan] Shut up. Listen to me.
- [Leon] What?

- [Farhan] You're not bad-mouthing Selatan, are you?
- [Leon] No way, bro. No.

- Give it back.
- [Farhan] Okay, I'll only take a look.

[Leon] No, Dut. Stop.

- [Farhan] What's wrong? Why are you being such a freak?
- [Leon] Stop.


[Farhan] Watch out.

[Selatan] Alma.

- [Leon] Alma?
- [farhan] Alma?

[crowd noise, train station bell ringing]

[crowd noise, shouting]

[hard thud]

[crowd noise, shouting]

[Selatan speaks unclear, foot steps, crowd noise]

[Alma giggles, crown noise]

[crowd noise]

[Selatan] Alma.

[foot steps]

[crowd noise]

[Leon voice over] Where are you?

[Selatan] I'm in the lobby.

We're not going to Malang.

Come here. We're going after Alma.

Now, hurry up.

[motorcycle engine rumbling in distance]

[deep exhales] [Leon] Tan, I'm sorry,
but I think you must be mistaken.

- We better go to Malang.
- [Selatan] I didn't see it wrong.

It was clear.
You saw it too at the station earlier.

- [Farhan] Yes, but I don't think it was...
- [Leon] No.

- Tan, hey.
- [Selatan] I'm sure. [car door slamming]

[Selatan mumbles]

[Selatan] Excuse me, ma'am.

[House owner] Just a moment.

Dear, there are guests.

[foot steps]

[door creaking]

- [Selatan] Evening, ma'am.
- [House owner] Yes, good evening.

[Selatan] Sorry for disturbing you this late.

Is Alma here?

[House owner] Alma?

[Selatan] The girl who lives here.

[House owner] Oh, maybe
she's the former occupant of the house.

[Selatan] Oh, I see.

Do you know where she moved to?

[House owner] About that, I don't know.

[Selatan sighs]

[Selatan] Thanks, ma'am. Once again, sorry.

[House owner] Come on, dear.

[news reading on television noise]

[news reading on television noise]

[Leon] Tan, look.

Alma has accepted my follow request.

[Selatan] Crazy.

You really have to use a beauty account
to be accepted.

[Leon laughs]

[car honking in distance, news reading on television noise]

[Farhan] If you want to smile, just smile.
No need to hold back.

[news reading on television noise]

- [Leon] He's smiling.
- [Farhan] He's embarrassed.

- [Selatan] Let me borrow this.
- [Leon] Okay.

Alma's Instagram feed

Alma's post with Eden

Alma's post with Eden

Eden's profile is private

Alma and Eden at the gym
Caption "proud"

Alma and Eden at the gym
Caption "proud"

Zoom in to the name of the gym

[Couch] Okay, hands up.

Power, yes. One, good.
[boxing bag punching]

One, one, two, power.
[boxing bag punching]

Okay, good boy. Hands up.
Protect your chin. Jab, jab, one, two.

Pump, power, good.
[boxing bag punching]

Jab, one, two.
Yes, jab, strike, power.

[boxing bag punching]
Good, hands up.

Again. Long jab. And then strike.
[boxing bag punching]

And then strike. Boom. Yes, good.
[boxing bag punching]

[boxing bag punching, sling bag clinking]

[boxing bag punching, car door alarm]

[car door closing]

[car engine start rumbling]

[car and motorcycle engine rumbling]

[motorcycle engine rumbling]

[foot steps in flip-flop]

[foot steps, plastic crunching sound]

[plastic crunching sound]

[Alma exhales and hands rubbing]

[bird chirping]

[door knocking]

[foot steps, Alma clears throat, door opening]

[soft aghast]

[Selatan] Alma.

[Alma] Selatan.

[Alma quick foot steps]
[Selatan] Hang on.


[bird chirping]

[Alma] How...

How do you know this address?

[Selatan mumbles]

[Alma's mother] Al...

Who's there?
[foot steps]




[Selatan] Hi, Auntie.

[Alma's mother] How did you get here?

[Selatan mumbles]

[Alma's mother] Al, invite your guest in.

- [Alma] No, he's leaving.
- [Selatan] Coincidentally, I want to use the toilet.

- [Alma's mother] Okay.
- [Selatan] I'm dying to pee.

[Alma's mother] Alma likes to do this to guests.
Come in.

[Selatan] Thanks, Auntie.

[Alma's mother] Please.

[foot steps]

[Alma] Just wait inside.
Mom will accompany you.

[foot steps]

[foot steps over stairways]

[foot steps]

[foot steps]

[foot steps]

[foot steps]

[Alma's mother] Selatan.

You said you were going to the bathroom.

[Selatan] Yes, where is it, Auntie?

[Alma's mother] There.

[foot steps]

[deep exhales]

[deep inhales, door soft bumping,
clothes friction noise]

[deep exhales]

[Alma] Selatan.

[deep inhales and exhales]

[cricket noise]

Selatan's Photo

[thud, sling back hard bumps, clothes friction noise]

Call Natalie

[phone button noise]

[deep inhales and exhales]

[deep exhales]

[thud, deep exhales]

[door opening]

[foot steps]

[door closing]

[Alma's mother] Selatan. Take a seat. Have lunch here.

[Selatan] No, Auntie.
I only needed to go to the toilet.

[Alma's mother] Don't you miss my cooking?

- [Selatan] I miss it.
- [Alma's mother] Okay then.

- Sit down.
- [giggles] [Selatan] Thanks, Auntie.

[Alma's mother] Yes.

[Alma's mother mumbles]

[cutleries clanking noise]

[Selatan giggles, foot steps]

[chair moving noise]

[cutleries clanking noise]

[soft thuds]

[cutleries clanking noise]

[chair moving noise]

[Eden] Who is he?

[Alma's mother] This is Selatan, Alma's high school friend.

[Selatan] Auntie, I don't think I'm going to eat here.
I'm not comfortable with...

[Selatan mumbles]

Alma's boyfriend.

[Alma and her mother laugh at each other]

[Alma's mother] You mean Eden?

- He's Alma's brother.
- [Selatan] Oh, brother?

[Alma's mother] Yes.

[Selatan giggles]

[Eden] Why are you grinning?

[Selatan] Nothing.
Just happy to meet Alma's brother.

Want me to pour you a drink?

[Eden] Happy?

[Selatan] Yes.

[water pouring]

- [Selatan] Do you want some rice while I'm at it?
- [Eden] No. I can do it myself.

- [Alma's mother] I want some.
- [laughs] [Selatan] Hold on.

[foot steps]

- [Selatan] Auntie.
- [Alma's mother] Yes?

[Selatan] Even though it's been a long time, but...

...your food is still excellent.

- [Alma's mother] Aww, you.
- [Selatan] Seriously, Auntie.

- [Alma's mother] Seriously?
- [Selatan] I miss it.

[Alma's mother] Okay, come and visit again then.

The more people here the merrier.

[Selatan] Okay.

[Alma's mother] Alma, accompany Selatan to the front, okay?

[Eden] Let me.

[Alma's mother] Okay then.

[Selatan] It's fine. Don't bother.
I can go by myself.

[Eden] It's fine.

Come on.

[Selatan] Auntie.

[Alma's mother] Bye.

[foot steps]

[Selatan mumbles]

[Selatan] Are you working or in college?

[Eden] I'm an athlete.

[Selatan] Wow, cool.
[Alma's mother teases her daughter]

Me too.

I'm not an athlete, but I play futsal.


[motorcycle key hole opening]

[Eden] What are you waiting for?

[Selatan] I was looking at your tattoos,
they look so cool.

[Eden mumbles, stater clicking sound]

[motorcycle engine rumbling]

[Eden] Done.

[motorcycle engine rumbling]

[Selatan] Thanks.

[motorcycle engine rumbling]

[helmet clacking, motorcycle engine rumbling]

[motorcycle engine rumbling]

[motorcycle engine rumbling]

[Eden] Why are you only telling me this just now, Dad?

Why didn't you tell me before
that you remarried?

[Eden's father] I have a special reason
to do this, Eden.

[Eden] Whatever the reason, I don't care.

[Eden's step mother] Eden. Hey. Come on.

[Eden] No. Why hasn't anyone ever said
anything to me before this?

[Eden's tep mother] We were just waiting for the right time.

You were still little back then.

- Eden.
- [Eden's father] Eden.


[book soft thuds]

[Eden] Hello.

[Attorney] There is a house certificate
and several other assets.

And this is for you from the deceased.

Before the accident...

...your father called me.

It seemed like he had a feeling
that he would leave this world.

[paper flapping noise]

[Eden's father voice over] I am sorry, Eden.

But they also don't know anything.

So, I'm asking for your help...

...to look after them.

Take care of them as if
they're your own family.

[Alma's mother] It's nice.

[Eden] Very nice, Mom.

[Alma's mother giggles]

[boxing bag punching]

[boxing bag punching]

[boxing bag punching, train honking in distance]

[boxing bag punching]

[Selatan] Sorry.

Hey, brother.

You train here, brother?

I don't usually workout here,
but my gym is closed.

So, I came here, brother.

[boxing bag punching]

[Eden] "Brother"?

Don't try to act as if we're close.
[boxing bag punching]

[Selatan] It's not like that.

I feel bad since you're older.
I just want to be more respectful.

[boxing bag punching]

[Eden] I'm not old.

[Selatan] I mean...

Wise, mature person.

[boxing bag punching]

[boxing bag punching]

[boxing bag punching]

[boxing bag punching]

[velcro ripping apart noise]

[velcro ripping apart noise]

[Selatan mumbles]

[Selatan] Brother.

Let's train together.

- [Eden] Are you sure?
- [Selatan] Sure.

[Eden] Because of Alma?

[Selatan] No. I just want to live a healthier life.

[Eden] Okay then.

Tomorrow morning come jogging with me. Five am.

[Selatan] Five am?

[Eden] Yes, why? You said you play sports? Futsal?

[Selatan] Yes, I mean...

[Selatan mumbles]

I usually play futsal at two in the morning.
Five o'clock will be easy.

- [Eden] Easy, right?
- [Selatan] Yes.

[Eden] Okay.

[Selatan] See you tomorrow.

[Selatan small yelling, boxing gloves bumping]

[joystick button tapping]

[Farhan] Selatan is still sleeping?
[Leon mumbles]

Answer me properly.

Come on, play with me.



Are you chatting with Natalie?

[Leon mouth clicking]

[deep exhales]
[Leon] No.

I don't know, bro.

Of all Selatan's victims...

...Natalie is the most upset.

[Farhan] Why are you suddenly saying that?

What about Nana?

She once waited
in front of Selatan's boarding house.

In the rain.


Natalie's IG

"For Selatan and only Selatan"

[Leon] Done?

[shoulder taps]

[Farhan] Man.

Be patient.

It looks like you have no chance.

[Leon] Hey, it's not like that.

I'm thinking about Selatan.
A little about Natalie, but most importantly, Selatan.

[Farhan] Oh, I thought something different.



[Farhan whines]

[Leon] Okay then.

[Farhan] Now, that's it.

[Selatan moans]

Alarm clock 5 am


Alarm clock 5 am


[phone thud]

[loud foot steps on the stairways]

[loud foot steps on the stairways]

[Selatan whines]

[Selatan panting, running foot steps]

[Eden] Can you still do it?

[Selatan] I'm fine.

[Eden] That's all you got? Huh?
[Selatan heavy panting]

[Selatan whines]

[Selatan coughing, foot steps]

[Eden] You said you're used to working out.

[Selatan] I played futsal at 2 o'clock in the morning.

Pretty exhausting.

- [Eden] Futsal?
- [Selatan] Yes.

[Selatan panting, foot steps]

[Alma clears throat]

[Alma] Why are you here?

[Selatan mumbles]

[Selatan] To workout with Eden.

[Alma] Okay, sporty.

[Selatan] There's nothing wrong with that.

I want to change for the better.

[Alma] Yes, there's nothing wrong with that.

What's wrong is dating someone
only for three days, and then you break up with her.

[Selatan] Alma, I've changed.
I'm not like that anymore.

[Alma] Enough. I don't want to hear it.

[foot steps]

[Eden] Drink this.

Or else you'll die.

[Selatan giggles]

[Selatan] Thanks.

[water gulping]

[Selatan] Well, if that's the case, I'll be going home.

Thank you, brother.

Got to go.

[foot steps]

[Eden] Are you fine?

[Alma] I'm fine.

Let's go in, you need take a shower.
Ew, you're really sweaty.

Ew, what the heck?

[foot steps]

[foot steps]

[Farhan whistles]

[Leon] Whoa, Big Boss looks like
he's living a healthy life.

- [Farhan] So much fun.
- [Selatan] Healthy?

My body hurts like crazy.

My calves feel like
they're going to fall off.

You came at the right time.
Massage me.

- [Leon] How much are you going to pay?
- [Selatan] Such a gold-digger.

[Farhan] Nothing is free nowadays, Tan.

[Selatan] Okay, fine.

You have to pay
when you play with my PS.

You have to pay when you eat my food.

You have to pay
when you come to my place.

- [Farhan] Okay.
- [Selatan] What else?

[Farhan] Here, I'll massage you.

[foot steps, sofa creaking]

[Selatan] It's stiff here too.

[Selatan relief mumbles]


[Leon] Tan, how was the military training
with Alma's brother?

[Farhan] It must be fun.

He's training with his future brother-in-law.

[Leon and Farhan laugh]

[Selatan] Fun? What's fun about it? Crazy.

It feels like my body is all crushed.

I've repented, no more.

[Leon] Why do you give up so easily?

[hard slap on back shoulder]
[Farhan] Tan, why are you giving up just like that?

You have to remember your initial goal.
You're doing all this for...

- [Leon] For Alma's sake.
- [Farhan] For Alma's sake.

- For whose sake?
- [Leon] For whose sake?

- [Selatan] For Alma's sake.
- [hard slap] [Farhan] Yes, that's it.

[Leon] That's my boss.

[Selatan] No need to hit me.

[Leon giggles, Selatan moans in pain]

[Selatan grunts]

[Selatan grunts]

[Selatan grunts]

[Selatan deep exhales]

[Eden] Hey, come on.
[running foot steps]


[Selatan moans in pain]

[Selatan] Okay then, I'm leaving.

- [Eden] Do you really want to leave straight away?
- [Selatan] Yes.

- Auntie.
- [Alma's mother] Yes?

- [Selatan] I'm leaving.
- [Alma's mother] Okay.

- Take care.
- [Selatan] Bye.

[foot steps]

[foot steps]

[Eden] He left.

[Alma] No. Who is looking for him?

[Eden mumbles]

[Eden] Okay then. Next time,
I'll invite him to come in first.

[Alma] What are you talking about?
No one is looking for him.

[Alma's mother] If he's not here anymore, you look for him.
When he's here, you ignore him.

[Alma] What are you doing?
It's all because of you that Mom does this.

[Alma's mother] Let me water your heart
to cool it down.

[Alma] I don't want to.

[foot steps, Alma mother laughs]

[Eden] Alma.

There's something I want to talk to you about.

[foot steps]

Why did you break up with Selatan?

He's making a big effort now.

And it seems like he's a good kid.

[Alma mumbles]

[Alma sighs and giggles]

[Alma] Selatan is unique.

Since we were in high school...

...he has been known to be very romantic.

Whoever Selatan's girlfriend is...

...she will be treated like a queen.

But you can date Selatan
for only three days maximum.

No more than that.

[Eden mumbles]

[Eden] Absurd.
[Alma mouth clicking]

[Alma] Unique, not absurd.

[Eden chuckles]

[Eden] Go on.

[Alma mouth clicking]

[Alma] So, I actually understand
the reason why he does all that.


...back then...

...he had gotten his mother's love...

...only for three days.

And after that...

...his mother left him.

[Eden] Selatan told you that story himself?

[Alma] Utara, his twin brother.

Selatan has never talked to me about that.

I get it, he must be embarrassed.

[soft thud]


...he prefers to make it all an analogy...

...in hedgehog form.

Schopenhauer's Hedgehog Dilemma.

That's when the hedgehogs
are looking for warmth in the winter...

...but they have to keep their distance from each other
so as not to hurt each other.

[foot steps]

[Eden] It's really absurd.

[foot small bumps, Alma deep exhales]

[Alma] But...

...Selatan and I...

...were together for more than three days.

Although, in the end...

...we still broke up.

[Eden mumbles]

[Alma] Eden, promise me...

...never change your attitude to Selatan.

When Dad died,
Selatan was always there to accompany me.

And he also comforted me.

[Eden] Okay.

I also promise
not to let anyone hurt you and mom.


[clothes friction noise]

[Selatan deep exhales]

[foot steps]

[foot steps]

[Eden] Ready?

[Selatan] Ready.

But don't be too serious.

[boxing gloves soft bumping]

[soft punching, Selatan giggles]

[Selatan] Don't be too hard on me.

[soft punching, Selatan soft groans]

[Eden] Attack me.
Or else, I'll attack you.

[Selatan and Eden groans]

[heavy foot steps]

[Eden] Come on, hands up. Protect yourself.

Balance, footwork, protect everything.

Don't be fooled like that,
protect everything.

[Selatan and Eden groans]

[kicking, heavy bump]

[Eden] Are you okay?



[Selatan and Eden groans]

[Selatan and Eden groans]

[heavy bumps]

[Selatan and Eden groans]

[Selatan] Your legs are heavy.

[Eden] You did this on purpose
to get close to Alma, right?

[Selatan] I can't take it anymore.

[Selatan moans in pain]

[Selatan] Yes, you're right. To get close to Alma.

[quick taps, moans in pain]


[deep exhales]

[Selatan] It hurts.

Yes, thanks.

[velcro ripping apart noise]

[eden] Well, as long as Alma is still happy,
go ahead.

But if you make her cry just once...

You'll know.
[velcro ripping apart noise]

[Eden] Now stop acting like an athlete.
I'm tired of dealing with you.

[Selatan] So, I have permission to get close to Alma?

[Eden] Now the truth comes out.

[Selatan giggles]

[Selatan] Okay.

[Selatan giggles]

[Alma] Eden.

Parcel from Mom.

[Eden] Hi.

From Mom?

[paper flapping noise]

[Alma grunts, Selatan moans in pain]

[Selatan] Alma...

Don't do it so hard.

[Alma] What are you doing anyway?
Trying to be an athlete, huh?

[Selatan] Not really.

[Alma deep inhales and exhales]

[Alma] Be honest with me.

Why are you doing this?

[speaking in Latin language]

[Alma] When what stands in the way
becomes the way.

[Selatan] So...

...what stands in our way...

...actually becomes our way
to reach the goal.

[Alma] And your goal is...

[Selatan] Don't you know?

[Alma] No way.

[soft thud]
[Selatan] Maybe it's a no now, but...

...everything needs a process.

[Alma clears throat]

[Selatan] Don't hold back your smile.

[Alma grunts]
It hurts, Alma. Let me.

[Alma] Okay. Let me.

- [Selatan] But gently...
- [Alma] Okay.

[Bakso seller] Oh, the one I've been waiting for.


[Alma wows]

[Alma] You still remember.

[Selatan] Of course. It's your favorite.
I can't forget.

[Alma] I really miss these meatballs.

Where are we going after this?

[bird chirping]

[Alma deep exhales]

[Alma] The view is still good.

[Selatan] Yes.

[Alma] I'm talking about the view.
The view is in front of you.

The focus is there.

[Selatan] Sorry, but what I'm talking about
is right in front of my eyes.

[Alma] They say that high school is like the sunset.



...it's just for a short time.

[Selatan] It is for a short time, but...

...it will appear again.

Like us...


...but we meet again.

[Alma mumbles]

[Alma] We are talking about the sunset, right?

[Selatan] We are.

I mean...

...the sun is waving goodbye,
but we'll see it again tomorrow.

[crowd noise]

But I'm happy...

...to be here...

...with you.

Just like we used to.

[crowd noise]

[Alma] I'm happy too.

Very happy.

Because I can finally eat
the meatballs again.

[Selatan mumbles]

[Selatan] Just because of the meatballs?

- No other reason?
- [Alma] Of course.

- What else is there?
- [Selatan] Yeah, that's okay.

You want me to bring the cart here
so we can eat it again?

[Alma] What for? We've eaten a lot.

[Selatan] For memory.
[crowd noise]

Fine by you, right?

[Alma] That's fine, but edit it.

[Selatan] Should I edit you to become meatball?

[Alma] Don't. My cheeks are already plump.
It will become even more round like the meatball.

[Alma laughs]

[motorcycles engine rumbling,
Farhan and Leon tease the lovers]

[Leon] Looks like someone has reconciled.
[continue teasing and laughs]

[Farhan] We're waiting for a treat.

[Farhan and Leon laugh]

- [Farhan] Bye.
- [Leon] See you.

[motorcycle engine rumbling]

[bird chirping, motorcycle creaking noise, thuds]


[helmet clanking]

[Selatan giggles]

[Selatan] Come here.

[bird chirping]

[helmet clanking, bird chirping]

[bird chirping]

[Selatan] Sorry.

[foot steps, bird chirping]

[Selatan] Eden.

[Alma clears throat]

[Selatan] As promised.

On time, right?

Thank you.



I have to go.

[bird chirping]

[soft bumps on helmet]

[helmet creaking, Selatan deep exhales]

[Selatan clears throat]

[helmet creaking, Selatan deep exhales]

[bird chirping, motorcycle creaking]

[motorcycle engine rumbling]

[bird chirping]

[Eden mumbles]

[Eden] It's darling now, huh? That's bad.

What should we do, darling?

[joystic button clicking]

[sofa creaking, joystick button clicking]

[joystick creaking, Leon exclaims, thud]

[Leon] Do you feel like something's different
on your right side?

There is this...

...different feel, different aura,
it feels like there's classical music around.

- [Selatan] Are you a psychic now?
- [laughs] [Farhan] You're on point.

Tan, have you really gotten back together?

[Selatan mumbles]

[Selatan] In process.

- [Farhan] Crazy, in process, bro.
- [Leon] In process.

[Selatan] But it looks like the process will be smooth.

[Farhan exclaims]

[Farhan] Don't worry, man,
Leonn and I will wish you the best for you.

[Leon whines]

[Leon] You do it, I'm not.

[Farhan] Why are you like that all of a sudden?

[Leon] He is getting back together.

When will my time come?

[Selatan] You're talking nonsense.
[Farhan laughs]

[joystick creaking]

[Farhan teases]
[Selatan] You're so childish.

- [Farhan] Let me look at it for a bit.
- [Selatan] You're really curious.

- [Farhan] I just want to see it for a while.
- [Selatan] Stop acting like that.

[Farhan] You're really stingy.

[foot steps]

"What stands in the way becomes the way"

[Leon] Big Boss, futsal later. Okay?

[Selatan] I can't, I'm going to Alma's house.

[Leon and Farhan exclaim confusedly]

[Leon] Man, but it's not fun if you're not there.

[Selatan] You said you wanted to support me?

[motorcycle engine rumbling in distance]
[Farhan] Man, relax.

It's fine, okay?

We have to show him that from now on
we can do without Selatan, okay?

[Selatan] You'll surely win. Come on, let's go to class.

[foot steps]

- [Leon] Surely win!
- [Farhan] Surely win!

[Leon] Okay, yeah.

[shoes creaking noise, foot steps]

[Farhan] Surely win.

[Leon chatters]

[motorcycle creaking]

[helmet clanking]

[Selatan] Eden.
[helmet clanking]

Is Alma here?

[Eden] She is.

[Selatan] Hi, Alma.

[foot steps]

[Alma] Why didn't you tell me you were coming?

[Selatan] I didn't plan to come here,
but I didn't have anything else to do...

...so I stopped by.

- [Eden] What for?
- [Alma] What for?

[Selatan] I want to take Alma out.

[Eden mumbles]

[Selatan] Oh, here.

You look like you're going to the gym. Right on time.

Protein, to bulk you up.

[soft bumps]

[keys clinking]

[Eden] What is that?

[Selatan] This is milkshake for your mom.

[Alma] Why didn't you bring me anything?

[Selatan] Because I'm going to take you out.

[Alma] Are you sure that I want to go out with you?

[Selatan] Can't I take you out?

I mean, can't I?

[Eden] Okay, go.

But don't bring her home too late.

Now you come in, get permission from Mom first.

- [Selatan] Okay.
- [Eden] I'm leaving.

[Selatan] Great. Have fun at the gym.

[foot steps]

[soft thud]
[Selatan] Hello, Auntie.

[Alma's mother] Oh, Selatan.
I thought you were someone else.

[Selatan] Here's a milkshake for you.

- [Alma's mother] Thank you very much.
- [Selatan] You're welcome.

[Alma] Well, I'll change clothes first.

[foot steps]

[Alma] Why are we here?
Did you want to buy something?

[Selatan] No, just hanging out.
Can't I?

[Alma] You can.

[Selatan] Joking.

We're going to watch this.

[Alma laughs]
[Selatan] Why are you laughing?

- [Alma] Umbrella Grandma?
- [Selatan] The second one.

[Alma] You got scared watching the first one.
Are you sure you want to watch the second one?

[Selatan] A lot can change in a year.

[Alma exclaims]

[Alma] Let's play that. Come on.

The movie will start in an hour, right?

Are you sure you can?

[Selatan] I've been trained by Eden.
Move back a bit. [creaking noise]

[Alma] Okay.

[Selatan] Can you hold this?

Sorry, so it doesn't come in the way.

[hard punching]

[arcade toy machine sound]

CGI: stops at 435

- [Selatan] I usually get more.
- [Alma] It's okay.

[Selatan] It's not possible,
it's already really hard.

It's broken, can I try something else?

- [Alma] My turn now.
- [Selatan] Okay.


[velcro ripping apart noise]

[creaking noise]

[hard punching]

[Alma deep exhales]

CGI: up to 700 [strong]

[Alma] Okay.

Let's play something else.

[Selatan] Not the sports machine.
We can play with the horse machine.

[Alma] You're no fun.
Why did you pose like this?

[Selatan] If you want fun,
let's be boyfriend and girlfriend.

What are you doing?

If you don't like it, just give it to me.
No need to tear it. [Alma shushes]

[paper tearing sound]

[Alma] Here.

A souvenir for us.

[Selatan] Alma, hang on.

- Miss, one strawberry juice.
- [Juice seller] Okay, just a moment.

[Selatan] You still like this, don't you?

[motorcycle engine rumbling]

[motorcycle creaking]

[helmet clanking]

[Alma] Thanks.

That was...


[Selatan] Thank you.


Before you go in...

...I want to ask you something.

[Selatan mumbles]

Are you feeling what I'm feeling?

[Alma] Like what you said to me, right?

We're in a process.

[Selatan giggles]

[Selatan] Process.

[Alma] Drive home safe, okay?

[Selatan] Alma.

When I get home later...

...do you want me to let you know?

[Alma giggles]

[Alma] Okay.

Let me know, okay?


[Selatan and Alma giggle]

[Selatan] Okay.


[Alma giggles]

[Selatan giggles, foot steps]

[keys clanking, door creaking]

[helmet clanking]

[Alma giggles, bird chirping]

[Eden teases]

[Eden] Look who just got home.

Smiling to herself.

[Alma] No, who's smiling?

I saw you daydreaming
and smiling to yourself.

[Alma sighs, foot steps]

[Eden] So, where did Selatan take you?

[Alma] Well, you know us, young people.

Watched a movie, went for a walk,
played in an arcade.

[Eden] Okay. So, you have gotten back together?

[Alma] No one has gotten back together.

[Eden] But, in my opinion...

...you'll get back together soon.

[Alma] What are you talking about? Stop it.
Don't be a know-it-all. I'm going to my room.

[Eden] But it's true, right? You're getting back together?
[foot steps on stairways]

[Eden] Alma.

You went to the movies and played in an arcade together,
why aren't you getting back together?

[foot steps on stairways]

[Leon] Whoa, you look good already.

[Selatan] I have to.

Today's the big day.

[Farhan teases, Leon chuckles while tapping on Farhan thigh]

[Farhan] I think someone's getting back together.

But remember,
if you don't get back together...

...you still have to treat us.

[Selatan] Why are you threatening me?
Didn't you say you supported me?

[Farhan] This is also a form of support.

So that you'll be more enthusiastic
about getting Alma back. Right?

[Selatan] Whatever.

[Leon] Oh, you're the one who smells good.

I swear to you, man...

...Alma will be crazy about him, I swear.


[Selatan] When was this photo taken?

This is Alma's house.

[Leon] That's from Natalie's story.

- [Selatan] Natalie?
- [Leon] Yes.

What's wrong?

[Leon] Hey, Tan! Tan!
[foot steps, door closing]

[foot steps]

[Natalie] I'm Natalie.

[Alma] What business do you have with me?

[Natalie] Oh, sorry.

Let me start over.

My name is Natalie.

And I'm Selatan's ex-girlfriend.

[foot steps]

[bag chain creaking]

[Natalie] Yesterday I saw you at the mall.

I wanted to come to you,
but I felt uncomfortable.

Selatan cannot be contacted.

[Alma] I still don't understand
what you're trying to say.

[deep exhales]
[Natalie] Alma, since the start of college...

...there have already been three victims
of Selatan.

And all the relationships were chaotic.

From what I heard,
You were also one of the victims, right?

[sofa creaking]

He is irresponsible and...

...now he's trying to get back with you.

[foot steps]

[Selatan] Eden. Where is Alma?
I have to talk to her.

[hard bumping]

[Eden] Who is Natalie?

[Selatan] Natalie is just an ex...

[hard punching, Eden grunts,
hard thud, Selatan moans in pain]

[Eden] Hey, you're an assh*le.
How dare you approach my sister?

[hard punches, Eden grunts]

[Alma's mother] Eden, stop.



Not like this, Eden. Calm down.

[Alma's mom deep exhales]

[foot steps]

[Alma] You still had the guts to come here?

Why are you here?

[moans in pain]

- [Selatan] Natalie and I were only dating...
- [Alma] For three days, right?

I thought you had changed, Selatan.

Do you realize how many women you have hurt?

When will you change?

You will always put your interests first
and hurt people out there.

- [Selatan] Alma, I've changed...
- [Alma] And it's even worse now...

You impregnated someone
and you're not taking responsibility.

[Selatan] No. That's not true.

[Alma sobbing]

[Selatan] Alma. Alma, listen to me first.

[Eden grunts, hard punching]

[Selatan coughs, hard punching]

[Alma's mother] Eden, stop!

[Eden grunts]


[Alma's sobbing]

[Alma's mother] Selatan.


Alma, Eden, call an ambulance now.


Oh, dear. Selatan.

[Alma] Selatan.

[chattering, wheels rolling noise]

[Nurse] Come on, sir.

- [Alma's mother] Please, Doc.
- [Nurse] Sorry, Miss.

Please wait outside.

Please trust us to treat the patient.

Thank you.

[Alma sobbing]

[door closing, Alma sobbing]

[Doctor] The patient has lost full consciousness.
There is bleeding in the head area.

[Alma sobbing]

[door creaking]

[Alma's mother] How is Selatan doing, Doctor?

[Doctor] There is a possibility that the patient
has a concussion due to hard impact.

[Alma's mother exhales]

We will take the patient to the ICU.

[door creaking, wheels rolling]

Come on.

Let's go.

[door creaking, wheels rolling]

[wheels rolling]

[electrocardiograph sound]

[electrocardiograph sound]

[Alma] I don't know what I should do, Selatan.

On one side...

...I'm really disappointed in you.


But I also can't lose you, Selatan.



[foot steps, shoes creaking]

[Farhan] Excuse me, Auntie. Selatan...

[Alma's mother] Selatan is still unconscious.

[Leon] What happened, Auntie?

[Alma's mother] Natalie came to our house
and said that Selatan had gotten her pregnant.

And then all this happened.

[shoes creaking]

- [Leon] Uncle.
- [Selatan's father] Where is Selatan?

- [Utara] Where Selatan?
- [Selatan's father] Who did this to him, huh?

Who did it?

[Alma's mother] I am sorry, I...

[Eden] Sorry, Uncle. I...

I'm the culprit.

[Selatan's father] You're brazen, aren't you?

[Utara] Dad, this is a hospital.

[Selatan's father] I've called the police
and they're on their way here.

- Brazen.
- [Alma's mother] Excuse me, sir. Sorry.

Please, sir. Don't.
We can discuss this amicably.

[Selatan's father] Amicably?

My child is in the ICU now.

What if this happened to your child?

And you want to solve this amicably?

Be serious, ma'am!

- [Alma's mother] I...
- [Police] Good afternoon.

[Selatan's father] Evening, sir.

This is the culprit.
Take him now.

- [Police] Come on.
- [Selatan's father] Take him.

- [Alma's mother] Eden.
- [Selatan's father] I guarantee you won't be free.

[Alma] Mom.

[foot steps]

Uncle, please forgive me.

[Selatan's father] Okay, you guys get out of here. Go.

Go away.
I don't want to see your faces.

Utara, where's the ICU?

[foot steps, Alma deep exhales]

- [Alma's mother] Come on.
- [Farhan] Sorry, Auntie, Alma.

But I know Selatan very well.

He couldn't have gotten Natalie pregnant.

[Alma's mother] Okay, look, I don't know
Who is right and who is wrong.

Now we better focus on Selatan's recovery.


Come on, Al.

[foot steps]

[Farhan and Leon deep exhale]

[bird chirping, chair moving noise]

[Farhan] I'm sure, Ta.

I'm absolutely sure
that Natalie isn't pregnant.

[Leon] Selatan did act like the devil, but...

...when it comes to girls,
he doesn't go that far.

[Utara] If Selatan's condition worsens...

...not only will that guy go to jail...

...but his whole family too.

[Leon] It's crazy, man. Everyone's emotional.

[Farhan] Okay.

Let's go to Alma's house now.

- [Leon] Huh?
- [Farhan] Come on.

- [Leon] Go meet Alma? Have you gone crazy?
- [Farhan] Yes.

[Leon] Your friend is lying unconscious,
and you want to overtake him. Crazy.

[Farhan] Hey, watch your mouth.

We have to meet Alma.

We have to tell her
that Selatan couldn't have gotten Natalie pregnant.

[Leon] Okay.

Okay, yeah. I have an idea.

- [Utara] Make sure you don't get a scratch on it.
- [Leon] Yes, it's going to be fine.

[Farhan] Fine.

[Utara] I'm serious.

- [Leon] Thank you.
- [Farhan] Thanks.

[Leon voice over] So, first...

...you buy a pregnancy test kit.

[Farhan voice over] No way, you've gone crazy.

[Leon voice over] I got the idea,
so you execute it. Okay?

After that, we...

...follow Natalie on campus.

- [Natalie] Have you been picked up?
- [Student 1] My boyfriend is picking me up.

[Farhan voice over] After that, we kidnap Natalie.

[Natalie] Just go ahead.
Bye, friends. See you.

- [Natalie] Do I have to wear this?
- [Leon] You do.

[Natalie] What for?

[Leon] Because the place is a surprise.

[Farhan] Yes, that's true.

[Leon voice over] We have to find a way
to take Natalie to Alma's house.

[Farhan] Get in first, okay?

- [Leon] Enough.
- [Natalie] What do you want? You two are crazy.

[Leon] You can go home, but only after this, okay?

[Farhan shushes, Leon grunts]

[Alma's mother] If you want to make a fuss,
don't do it here.

You all better go home.

[Leon giggles]

Sorry, Auntie, but we never make a fuss.
That's Selatan.

[Farhan] Forgive my friend, Auntie.

So, we're here just to prove...

...that Natalie is not really pregnant, Auntie.

[Leon] So, you have to give us proof
that you are really pregnant.

Go to the bathroom, we'll wait outside.
Let's go.

[Natalie] No need. I'm not pregnant.

[Leon exclaim]

[Leon] What were you trying to do?

[Natalie] I wanted Selatan to feel the consequences
of his actions.

He broke up with me in front of a lot of people.

While shouting.

Crazy guy.

[clothes friction noise]

[Alma] Have you gone crazy?

I know Selatan did you wrong,
but you shouldn't have gone this far.

Do you realize that Selatan is now in a coma
and my brother is in jail...

...all because of you?

[Alma's mother] Enough.

Please take her away.

[Natalie] No need, Auntie. I can go by myself.

[foot steps]

[Leon] Crazy.

[Farhan] She's sick.

[Alma's mother] Okay, calm down now.

[Alma] Thank you so much
for helping to clear everything up.

[Farhan giggles]

[Farhan] Thanks to him.

It was all his idea.

[Alma] Yes, but...

However, Selatan is still wrong
for playing with girls' feelings.

So, here's the consequence.

[Farhan] But do you know...

...before Selatan tried to get you back...

...he told us
that he had stopped doing that.

- Right?
- [Leon] Yes, Selatan said that.

[Farhan] And he realized that his love was for you, Al.

[Leon] Maybe, it's just a thought, but...

...you could go there
and maybe Selatan would recover faster.

[Alma] But how?

Uncle Jury and Utara are angry at me.

[Farhan] You don't need to worry.


Come on.
[fingers snapping]

[Farhan mumbles]
[Farhan] Utara.

The car crashed, Tar.

- [Utara] I told you to be careful. Where?
- [Farhan] Follow me.


[Leon] Okay, hide first.

- [Alma] Okay, thanks.
- [Leon] No problem.

[foot steps]

[clothes friction, Leonn mumbles, door creaking]

[Leon] Excuse me, Uncle.

You haven't eaten yet, have you?
Let me stay with Selatan.

- [Selatan's father] Watch him, okay?
- [Leon] Okay.

[Selatan's father] Okay, thanks.

[door creaking]

[foot steps]

[door creaking]

[Leon] It's clear.

[door creaking, foot steps]


[Alma] Forgive me, Selatan.



I really love you.

I really miss you too.

I'm sorry, okay?


For trusting Natalie more.


I should have listened
to what you had to say first.

Forgive me.




[Selatan] Alma.

[Selatan's father] Selatan.

[Selatan] Where is Alma?

[Selatan's father mouth clicking]

[Selatan's father] Calm down. You just woke up now,
but you're already looking for someone else.

Your brother is here, it's okay.

[Utara] There's no need to think about it.

[Selatan's father] By the way, Eden is already arrested.

[Selatan exhales]

[Selatan] Dad.

Eden was wrong.
But there's no need to involve the law in this.

[Selatan's father] Don't talk too much for now, okay?

Your brain is messed up
because of the beating.

- [Selatan] No, Dad.
- [Selatan's father] Never mind, don't think about it.

[Selatan] Hear me out first, Dad.

[Selatan's father] What? What do you want to say?

[moans in pain]

[Selatan] Dad.

Eden is Alma's older brother.

He was protecting Alma, Dad.

Just like you protect Utara and me.

[Selatan's father] But it's different.

I would never beat people like this.

[Selatan] But if you put him in jail...

...I'm afraid it'll get in the way
of my love for Alma.

[Selatan's father] Stop it.

Why are you talking about love?

Rest, okay?

Don't think too much.

Selatan's Post of the lake's silhouette
with caption

[Eden] Alma.

[cricket noise]

[Alma] Eden.

[Alma deep exhales]

[Eden] I'm sorry.

[Alma deep exhales]

[foot steps, rolling wheels creaking]

[foot steps, rolling wheels creaking]

[Nurse] Are you this old man's relative?

[Alma] Huh?

- Old man?
- [Nurse] Yes, old man.


[Alma] Sorry, Nurse, wrong person.

- [Nurse] Okay, excuse me.
- [Alma] Yes.

- [Eden] Sorry, Nurse.
- [Nurse] Okay.

[foot steps, rolling wheels creaking]

[Leonn exclaims]

[Leon] Alma.

Eden. What are you doing?

[Alma] We want to visit Selatan.

They've moved him.
He's in the inpatient ward.

[Alma] So, Selatan has woken up?

[Leon] Yes.

- [Farhan] You're getting more handsome.
- [Selatan] Whatever.

[door knocking]

[Eden] Tan.

I'll put this here, okay?

[Selatan clears throat]

[Utara] I'm going to the front, okay?

Let's go.

[eden] Utara, I'm sorry.

- For making your brother...
- [Utara] Enough.

There are always two sides to a story.

And don't hit him again.

[foot steps]

[Selatan] You came here alone? Where's Alma?

[Eden] I owe you an apology.

I was outrageous.

[Selatan laughs]

[Selatan] Relax. Although you were outrageous.

Quite outrageous, but never mind.

And it was my fault too,
I used to hurt women's hearts.

Not anymore.

It's scary, hurting a woman's heart
caused me to go into a coma.

[Selatan laughs]

[Eden] Okay.


...call Alma here, okay?

[Selatan] Okay.

[door closing]

[foot steps]

[foot steps]

[Alma deep exhales]

[Alma] How are you doing?

[Selatan mumbles]

[Selatan] Better.

[motorcycle engine rumbling in distance]

- [Alma] I...
- [Selatan] Want to apologize, right?

Because you believe more in what others say
than in me?

It's okay. Relax, I forgive you.

[Alma] No.

Who wants to apologize?
Don't get a big head.

[Selatan] So, what were you going to say? Thanks?

[Alma] Not really.

[Selatan] Oh, you missed me.

- [Alma] Hey!
- [Selatan] You're smiling.

- [Alma] What are you talking about?
- [Selatan] You missed me?

- [Alma] No.
- [Selatan] Or else I'll be hurt again.

- [Alma] No. What are you talking about?
- [Selatan] Ouch, it hurts.

- [Alma] No.
- [Selatan] You missed me, just admit it.

- [Alma] Shhh!
- [Selatan] What?

[Alma] I came here because...

...I have a question.

[Selatan] What's the question?

[Alma] We...

We're good, right?

[Selatan] Get back together?

[Alma] Good.

[Selatan] I thought you said we were getting back together.

[motorcycle engine rumbling in distance]

[Alma] In process.

[Selatan whines]

[Selatan] I regret saying "in process".

[Alma giggles]

[motorcycle engine rumbling in distance, bird chirping]

[Selatan] I'm sorry.

Because of all this, I was hospitalized...

...and your vacation time was wasted.

And you were scolded by my father.

[Alma deep exhales]

[Alma] No.

It's me who should apologize.

Because after all...

...this was all because of me, indirectly.

[Selatan] But I got some benefits from this.

You paid attention to me.

You stayed with me.

You cried over me.

[Selatan giggles]

- [Alma] Ugh, you're just wooing me.
- [Selatan] It hurts, don't play with it.

[Alma] I don't care, so you know that
playing around can also hurt people.

[Selatan] Sorry.

Do you still remember...

...hedgehog's dilemma?

[Alma] Yes.

[Selatan] Turns out I was wrong.

That doesn't apply to you.

[crowd noise, bird chirping]

[Selatan] Hedgehogs have two sides.

The prickly side.

The defensive one.

Closed up.


And the soft side...

...which is open.

Because I was afraid of being hurt by people...

...I gave them my prickly side...

...without realizing...

...that I hurt them.

And what finally made me realize...

...and be able to show my soft side...

...opened up...

That was you.

[bird chirping]

You still have to go back to Malang?

[crowd noise, bird chirping]

But can I come there sometimes?

[Alma giggles]

[Alma] Of course, Malang doesn't belong to me alone.

[Selatan] May I be yours?

[bird chirping]

[Selatan] Never mind.

[car honking in distance]

No need to answer now.

[Alma] Let's get back together.

[Selatan] What?


[Alma] Let's get back together.

Let's get back together.

[Selatan] Hang on. Alma.

I didn't hear it wrong, did I?

Are you serious?
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