03x12 - House of Cards

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Cleaning Lady". Aired: January 3, 2022 to present.*
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After witnessing a m*rder, a Cambodian doctor cleans the crime scene to stay alive and then begins to live a double life.
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03x12 - House of Cards

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "The Cleaning Lady"...

CHRIS: Camila... she
didn't just take off.

I found another lead.
Someplace she might work.


JEREMY: Ramona holds a
charity event every year.

We believe this event is

a massive money-laundering operation.

I want you to score an invitation.

RAMONA: There will be
new players this year.

I suspect some will be federal agents.

I want you to be my eyes and ears.

Nadia cut a deal with the Feds.

If Ramona finds out
that I didn't k*ll her,

she's gonna come after my whole family.

You betrayed me and
stabbed me in the back.








You okay, my love? You being silly?

What's happening in there?



RAMONA: I only did what
you couldn't do, Thony.




- Oh.
- Mommy.

Hey, guys.

I thought you'd be sleeping by now.

She kept me up.

We were having too much fun.

He made me try on all
the wigs my mom left out.

Is your mom here?

Uh, no, my dad took
her to go pick up Chris.

Oh, okay.

Alright, bedtime. Bedtime.

Come on. Thanks, Jaz.

Come here, you.

Give me a kiss.





What's wrong?

Fi, what's wrong? Where's Chris?

I don't know. Okay?

I'm... I'm... I'm just worried sick.

He figured out where Camila might work,

and I think he went to find her.

- Okay. When was that?
- Hours ago.

And the phone keeps going to voicemail.

JD and I are gonna keep looking,

but there's, like, five of
these Paradise locations.

Okay, well, you know what?

I'm gonna be at one of
those for this charity event.

- I-I will look for him.
- You're still doing that?

Oh, my God.

Something went wrong with Nadia, huh?

She just k*lled her in front of me.

Why... Why are you not dead?

I don't know.

She still needs me, I guess.

So... So, what are you gonna do now?

I'm gonna have Jorge on my side

because he's the only one
who can help me with this,

and I'm gonna put her away.




Where have you been?
We had meetings all day.

Taking care of a more pressing matter.


The bulk of our yearly
gross comes in at this event.

What's more pressing than that?

Getting rid of the FBI threat.

Ah, órale. And... did you do that?

Well, let's say I chipped away at it.

You know, this is a
real problem for us...

this task force.

Okay. But you refuse to postpone.

Al contrario, hermano.

We are gonna have the biggest,

grandest event ever.

Every head of our
cartel is gonna be there.

We'll draw the Feds to us.

Like bees to honey.

Then we make them disappear.

You mean k*ll federal agents?

It's necessary.

That undercover agent is
a threat we can't control.

And Thony can help us ferret them out.

It's more like cockroaches.

I mean, you k*ll one, 20 more come out.

Come on, Ramona.

You know how these FBI strikes work?

They get one chance.
They fail, it's over.

No more task force.

What exactly are you proposing?

We give them our scraps, the
people corrupting our routes,

after they give us
their payoff, of course.

We keep their money, we clean house,

and we keep the Feds off of our backs

for a good long time in one fell swoop.

Give them the little fish.

- We go free.
- Hmm. My plan is better.

Your plan is... It's gonna bury us!

No, it's what Derek wants.

Well, if Derek wants it...

Oh, this is not a joke, Jorge.

We protect him or he won't protect us.

Mira, hermano, those
Feds must be eliminated.




I opened my door to get the mail,

and there was Nadia's
body covered in blood.

[SIGHS] That's cold.

That's one way to put it.

It had to be some kind
of warning from Sin Cara.

Well, the good news is
they still don't seem

to know about you and your team.

Which is why we need to make our
move before our cover's blown.

You think you can do that at
tonight's big charity event?

We get one chance.

I mean, that'd be the
place to nail them for sure.

A lot of money passes through,

laundering cartel kickbacks
by calling them donations.

But I mean, even if we catch
these schmucks in the act

of paying Sin Cara,

we still don't have enough
to arrest the head honcho.

Or, maybe we do.

Look what came through
forensic accounting.


You sure about this?

Sure enough.


Well, what do you know... Thony.

Figured she'd be in touch
after Nadia turned up.

Does she still have that
invite to tonight's event?

Hope so. She's our way in.



This is insane.

Still no signal, and
now my battery's dying.

Are you okay?

Is it your arm? Let me see.

Me quemé.

Uh, dish wash.

- Steam.
- Oh.

- Um...

I think it's infected.

- Estoy bien.
- No, you... you need a doctor.

Um... God.

They can't keep you in here. God.

Hello?! Anyone there?!

We need to stop her.

Look, Thony, I understand
you want to take Ramona down.

Unfortunately, we just
don't have enough on her.

The thing is, we need to make
an arrest or this case dies.

And right now, the evidence
is pointing to someone else.




Yeah. Forensics have been
poring over the documents

from the art-gallery raid.

Every dollar leads to
shell corps owned by Jorge.

According to the paper trail,

it looks like he's
the head of the cartel.

Yeah, but you know he's not.

She's obviously setting him up.

Well, we got to go
where the evidence leads.

And right now that's to
an arrest of Jorge Sanchez

tonight at Ramona's charity event...

once the transactions go through.

So she's gonna get away with everything,

and he's gonna go rot in jail.

He's not exactly innocent, either.

No, but he's not the head of the cartel.

That's what you need.

Look, if you can't do
your job, I'm gonna do it.


Ramona never comes here, right?

Not unless I tell her to. Why?

She k*lled Nadia.

She was on her way.

Ramona showed up.

k*lled her.


She stabbed her.

Does she know I sent Nadia money?

No. No. She thinks I'm the
only one who helped her.

She's out of control, Jorge.

I know.

No, you don't.


She's setting you up.

What are you saying?

The FBI has evidence against you.

She's gonna let you take
the fall for everything.

I think it's time you
stop protecting her.


How do you know this?

- You've been working with the Feds?
- No, no, no.

An agent infiltrated my life
pretending to be a plumber.

And now he's after you.

Ramona fixed documents to make it look

like you're running the cartel.

You're the rat.

He manipulated me.

Well, whoever he is, he's
still manipulating you.

Ramona would never do that to me.

And I made sure that the money
doesn't trace back to either of us.

Well, it does.

They're going to arrest
you tonight at the event.

Did this Fed tell you this?

Look... maybe we could take her down.

Instead of you.

You know what, Thony?

If you're working with the
Feds, you're on your own now.

Think of your daughter.

You need to have a plan before tonight.

What happens to her if you go to jail?

- She'll stay with Ramona.
- Right.

And that's the person you
want raising your child?

Do you really trust her?

Hola, Teresa.

Hola, Tia.

Soy Violeta.

It's very nice to meet you, mija.

Come inside.

JORGE: Thank you.

So I was telling Violeta that
Ramona is not her only tia,

that she has another
tia... Teresa, right?

That's right.

Would you like a cookie?

Ooh, that looks yummy.


Gracias. Sí. Do you
want to eat that cookie

in the other room? Is it
okay if she eats it in there?

- Anything, yes.
- You can take your coloring books out

while Daddy speaks to Teresa, okay?

- Okay, Papi.
- Alright.

Why did you come? Are you in trouble?

I might be.

Yeah, I know it's a lot to ask,

but... if anything were to happen to me,

I need to know she'll be taken care of.

You're hiding her from Ramona?

It's just a precautionary measure.

But if... if it's too
much, I understand.

No, that's not what I said.

Violeta's familia...

despite what you do.

Something has made
you doubt your sister.

You want to tell me what?

Hello?! Anyone there?!

Shh. Detente. Nos metes en problemas.

Come on! Let us out!




CAMILA: Chris, no.

- Hey!

What do you think you're doing?!

She's hurt. She just needs a doctor.

That's it. That's it.

Let go of me! Let go of me!



Um, maybe we should split up

to cover more ground, yeah?

Sure. But, hey, if there's
shady stuff going on here...

I can handle myself. Okay?

I just need to find Chris. Please.

Alright. Text the minute you do, okay?

Yeah. Okay. You too.




Over here!

- Ah! Hi!
- CHRIS: Mom!

Hi! Oh!

MAN: Get back here!


Hey! Hey! Be careful, careful.


[SIGHS] Thank you.


I'm okay. Here.

Go, go.


What is it, Thony?

THONY: Did you think about what I said?

Violeta's safe, if
that's what you're asking.

If Ramona's up to something,
I need to find out what.

Okay, so you believe me.

Look, I can arrange a meeting

between you and the undercover.

Yeah, I'm not gonna do that.

Well, you have to think of Violeta.

She's gonna grow up without her dad,

and me and my family, we can't run.

Nadia proved that.

Just come and talk to the guy.

If you're wrong, I lose everything.

Whatever trust Ramona has left in me.

I'm not and you're gonna
lose a lot more than that.



Start talking.

I didn't figure you'd be
one to work with the Feds.

I'm not.

Thony tells me you're
planning on taking me out.

Well, someone's going down tonight.

What side do you want to be on?

So, what do you think you have on me?

Show me the evidence.

I can't do that, Sanchez.

Why should I trust you?

It's better than trusting her.

Look, man, we know what's going on

at the charity event tonight.

Yes, children from all over the world

will benefit from our generosity.

Except most of the so-called donations

are actually kickbacks to your cartel.

And we have evidence that shows
you as the sole beneficiary.


So, what kind of deal are you offering?

We have a system to track the donations.

And what we want you to do
is mark all the drug runners,

arms dealers, traffickers,

anyone that benefits
from Sin Car's routes.

- We need Ramona.
- Exactly.

We need something that
connects her directly

to the cartel... money
trail, something like that.

You give us that, we
can give you immunity.

The thing is, I need
Ramona's fingerprint

to get into the safe. All
the documents are there.

Everything she keeps from me.

I'm FBI. I can pull a fingerprint.

Okay. Get me that...

well, you have a deal.


I don't trust him.

- You can. I promise.
- He's cartel.

That's the definition of untrustworthy.

He's gonna come through.


In the meantime, we need to build
up a case against her cronies

so they don't slip away,
even if Ramona does.

I think I can do that for you.

So, the Feds think Camila can help.

[SIGHS] Will he really protect her?

Jeremy said that it'll
be completely anonymous.

Camila just has to I.D. some people,

tell them if she saw anything fishy.

Plus the fact that she's
never been paid for her work.

Fi, I-I would not ask,

but I don't know if I can trust Jorge.

I know.

I just don't want her to relive it.

CAMILA: I want to do it.

Déjeme ayudarlo a atraparlos.


Gracias, Camila.

You're very brave, and Jeremy said

that he'd do everything you can

to find your mom when this is all over.

Yeah. When this is all over, huh?

It has to be after tonight.





Eres muy guapo, no?

Like Daddy when he was young.

Are you, uh...

Are you gonna tell me what you
were really up to yesterday?

Getting rid of the FBI threat?

Well, I got rid of the rat.

Unfortunately, the rat was Nadia.

Pero I thought she was...

Dead already?

Yeah. I thought so, too.

How... How did that even get past you?

She got her friend Thony to help her

after I instructed Thony to end her.

I couldn't blame Thony.

I always knew she wasn't a k*ller.

I guess there are just some
jobs you have to do yourself.

I'm sorry, Jorge.

I know how fond of Nadia you were.

Well, if she was working with the FBI,

then... I understand.

So is Thony still coming tonight?

Well, so she said.

You know, I appreciate how
well you're taking this, Jorge.

You're not as hot-headed
as you used to be.

That means you can do whatever
you want with the business.

It means a lot to hear
you say that, hermana.

Of course. And I mean it.

As long as we work together tonight

to eliminate this
threat, it's all yours.


And... we're in.

Tapped the casino's security system.

- Okay. Is Jorge here yet?
- I-I don't know.

Well, if he flakes on
us, I got us a plan B.

Pose as a potential buyer.

Get Ramona to incriminate herself.

That's way too risky.

She's never gonna tell you
anything. She's too smart.

Well, I got you to tell me

that you were mixed up with Sin Cara.

Okay. What do I do?

So once Jorge points
out his cartel friends,

you're gonna mark each one with this.


Invisible to the eye, but...


And every guy or gal you mark

will be put into our system and tracked.

Okay. So everyone
who's red gets arrested

once the donation goes in?



Good luck. Go do your
thing. I got your back.


♪ Oh, damn, kicking it
proper with the whole clan ♪

♪ All show stoppers ♪

♪ And the weekend is every day, baby ♪

♪ That why you see us
on a Monday go crazy ♪

♪ We a rude bunch sippin
on that good life ♪

♪ sh*ts at brunch to
see what it feels like ♪

♪ And if you can't figure out why ♪

- ♪ We about that life ♪
- ♪ About that life ♪

♪ From the 323 and
the 818 and the 213 ♪

♪ We came to play when
y'all came to hate ♪

♪ So y'all take notes as we delegate ♪

♪ It's so sweet to win,
with spoonfuls of sin ♪

♪ Every moment dopeness is happening ♪

♪ In a dark world sippin white wine ♪

♪ We about that life,
we about that life ♪


♪ We about that life ♪

Okay, Camila, you see
anyone you recognize,

you let me know.

♪ We about that life ♪


♪ That's me who just walked in ♪

♪ From 5th dimension outfit
fitted in a rare collection ♪

♪ And did I mention the
whip that I pulled in? ♪

FIONA: All good.

Let's burn it to the ground.

♪ Well, I got something to give them ♪

♪ Holy drip dripping
infinite blessings ♪

♪ The 323 and the 818 and the 213 ♪

Alright. We've got Jorge Sanchez.

He's the belle of the ball.

♪ It's so sweet to win,
with spoonfuls of sin ♪

♪ Every moment dopeness is happening ♪

♪ In a dark world sippin white wine ♪

♪ We about that life,
we about that life ♪

- Asset is in position.
- ♪ We about that life ♪


Good evening, Thony.

- Good evening.
- You clean up well.

Ah, yes, a gift from your sister.

I had to wear it.

At least she has good taste.

As long as she doesn't
plan on burying you in it.


Thony, what a beauty.

That dress looks stunning on you.

Thank you. I know how much
thought you put into it.

- Mm-hmm.
- This is quite an evening.

Yeah, well, don't
enjoy yourself too much.

You have a job to do. Hmm?

I know. I'll tell you
if I recognize an agent.

Good. Because that's your
only reason for being with us.

Of course.


♪ Oh ♪

♪ Boy, oh, boy ♪

Thank you.

JEREMY: Step one, Ramona
Sanchez' fingerprints secured.

MATS: We'll get that processed ASAP.

RAMONA: Your attention, please...



I just want to take a
minute to thank you all

for coming to raise
money for Joyful Strings.

It's a cause very close to my heart.

So please, eat, drink, gamble,
and dig deep into those pockets.


ALL: Salud.

Alright. Clock's ticking.

Okay. Where do we start?

Good question.

Let's see. Um...

Okay. Here's one.

Ships cocaine through
his farming business.

- Jorge. How you doing?
- I'm good. I'm good.

This is Thony. This is Cory
Davis, one of our top donors.

- Very nice to meet you.
- Pleasure's mine.

JEREMY: Step two... mark targets.

Cory Davis. Owner of Lumus Farms.

RUSSO: Do you know this man?

Do you know Lumus Farms?

- I-I worked there.
- Last week.

They... They move them around.

Did they pay you for your work?

Estaba pagando mi pasaje.

She was paying off her passage.

Pero no era sólo una
granja, tenían cocaína.

Cocaine. I see.

Well, that's definitely
something we can use.

AJ Hynes.

I didn't take you for
a slots kind of guy.

Uh, guilty pleasure.

- You remember Thony, from my office?
- Oh, that's right.

You're the one Ramona says
such great things about.

Likewise, likewise.

Got Mr. Hynes.

"Mr. Paradise."

Well, I, for one, need a drink,

so I'm gonna head to the
bar. Thony, care to join me?

- Yes.
- Go easy on those margaritas, huh?

They are stronger than they taste.

It's an old casino trick.


JORGE: Kowalski.

George Kowalski, owner of Sitwell Steel.

My friend work there.

Patrice, don't get greedy.
Remember, it's for the children.

MATS: Looks like we got Keegan.

Patrice Keegan. Keegan industries.

You alright, sir? No, you're good.

Got Mr. Lawrence.



Thank you. Your tequila, sir.

And the fingerprint.

Thank you.


Okay, I think that's all of them.

What do you mean, "all of
them"? That was five, six people.

Yeah, five, six. That's about right.

I don't like this.

He's pulling something.

This entire event is put on

so she can get kickbacks
from her clients,

and you're telling me
it's only six of them?

No, I'm telling you
that's all you're getting.

You're not gonna turn her in, are you?

I had a different plan, and I appreciate
you helping me make it happen.

She... She set you up.
They have evidence on you.

That's what they say,
Thony, but the Feds...

they... they're just lying.

So you just went along
for what, a fingerprint?

Yeah, exactly.

I needed a way to get
into Ramona's vault,

to see if she's hiding something.

So you don't trust her.

She's my sister.

Family... is everything to me.

Well, you're gonna look like a fool

when you realize that
family means nothing to her.


- Plan B.
- He's on his way.


Thank you..


See anyone you recognize?

Not yet.

How are you at poker?

Um, we're gonna find out.

I guess we will.

To late to deal me in?

Please. The more the merrier.



Just wanted to introduce
myself, Austin Young.

We spoke on the phone.

Oh, yeah. The construction man.

[LAUGHS] Maybe like 20 years ago.

I own Apex Foundation.

We just built a luxury
development in Summerland.

That's funny. I thought that development

was done by the Redford Company.

Redford Company? No,
no, no. They went under.

Sat on the land for, like,
three years, a bunch of idiots.

RAMONA: Well, I hear you built a

beautiful golf course
there in Summerland.

So, what brings you
here tonight, Mr. Young?

I mean, it's a great cause.

My family has strong
connections to music,

but more importantly,

Cory tells me that being a
donor comes with benefits.

Cory Davis?

Yeah. That's the one. [CLEARS THROAT]

What kind of benefits
are you looking for?

I mean, if I'm to be honest,

I'm kind of in the red with labor costs,

and he says you can help
out with that kind of thing.


You're showing your cards, Mr. Young.

Oh, my bad. Just got wrapped
up in the conversation.

If you saw his cards, you
can tell us if he's bluffing.

Oh, I didn't have a good-enough look.

I, for one, think he is.

I am afraid we're not looking
for new partners at this time.

Yeah, no problem. Just,
uh, here for a good time.

Oh, uh, this hand is
not doing me any favors.

I think I'm gonna cut my losses.

Oh, please stay.

It's for the children, right?

You're right. I'm here.

Might as well ride it out.


While we're here, right?


So... what will it be? In or out?


I think I'm gonna abandon ship.

Well, there was a hasty exit.

- Mm-hmm.
- He is one of them, isn't he?


I believe so, yeah.


I think you're right.

Anyone folding a winning hand
is playing a different game.

Thank you, Thony.

See? I told you she would come in handy.

See what we did there?

You didn't even have
to show all your cards.

Nor did you.








Okay, Ramona, what are you hiding?


Here we go.


What the hell?




I can't believe this.
What are you doing?

- ♪♪
- _




You're taking her.













[SILENCED g*nshots]

- You alright?
- Yeah.

Thanks for that.

You okay?

She can't get away with this.

Yeah, I couldn't agree more.

It's time to take those bastards down.




TOLEN: FBI! Freeze!

Put your hands where I
can see them! Nobody move!

MAN: Federal agents. Stay
where you are, please.

Hands up!

Go. Go!

Clear this path.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy there.

AJ Hynes, you're under arrest.

What exactly do you
think you have on me?

Enough to say you have
the right to remain silent.


CHRIS: They're arresting all of them.

Camila, you did it.

Do you realize what you've done?

I mean, these people
are gonna get locked away

because of you. I'm so proud.

CHRIS: This is crazy.


That's Gizelle.

- Is that your mom?
- Mamá.

Es mi mamá.

We can't lose her.

Okay. Don't worry.

I'm gonna make sure that she's safe.

- We found her.
- Yeah, we did.

- We found them both.
- Oh, my God.

RAMONA: Thony, Thony, Thony.

I almost feel sorry for you.

Oh, yeah? Why?

It's gonna be over for you soon.

You really think a few
arrests can stop me?

Every one of those idiots is expendable.

They have nothing on me.

Maybe not, but I told
the Feds you k*lled Nadia.

Unfortunately, the only
evidence for Nadia's m*rder

points at you.

Your van has Nadia's blood all over it.



And now you're holding a
g*n on an innocent woman.

How is that gonna look when
the Feds come here, huh?

You can't prove any of this.

I'm sorry, Thony.

I truly am fond of you,

but it has to be one of us.

And it's gonna be you.

I'm not gonna let you destroy my family.

I'm not gonna let you destroy my life.

What are you gonna do, Thony?

We both know you don't have
what it takes to k*ll me.

Maybe I do.

You deserve to die...

for Nadia...

for Arman.


Well, Thony, here's my ride.



Just please k*ll her,
and then we can go.


I thought you were planning
on leaving me behind

so I could take the fall for you.

You did this... together?

All these years I'm protecting you...

so I can see you
selling me out like that?

Come on, por favor, Jorge.

Of course I was gonna
put protection in place.


Because that ride is for you,

but it's not the ride
you were expecting.

OFFICER: Las Vegas PD.

We have the building surrounded.

Drop your weapons.

MAN: FBI! Stay where you are!



Like you said, some jobs...

you just have to do them yourself.

How could you?

What kind of man turns his
back on his own familia?

You were taking Violeta, hermana.

What did you expect me to do?

Ramona Sanchez, you are under arrest

for the first-degree
m*rder of Nadia Morales.

Guess you should have thought twice

before dumping her on my doorstep.



So we did it.

Yes. Looks like we did.

I know how hard it was for you.

I owe so much to her,

but now I see who she really is.

So, what happens now?

Well, the cartel is still loyal to me.

So you don't have to worry if
that's what you're thinking.

Thank you.

And since I'll be running things now,

there's a place for you if you want.

You know, Arman told me
once that being in this life

gave him the power to
protect the ones he loved.

Ramona used to say the same thing.

And she used her power to
control and hurt people.

That's not the life I want.

What do you want?

I want to do things my way.



Alright. Who wants to go first?

- Let's do "Dancing Queen" altogether!
- Yes!

How about a love song
for you and Camila, Chris?

- Hey, how about you shut up?

JD: Hey, Luca! Let's do some Beyoncé.

- Come on, man.
- Okay.

Oh, don't do that. He can't keep a beat.

LUCA: Come on.

How's your arm? Should
I change the Band-Aid?

Oh, I can do that. Sorry,
if that's okay with you.

- Sí, sí.
- Oh, yeah.


Alright. So that... should do it.




- Perfecto.

We should, uh... probably...

go back, right?



Chris, Camila's mom is here.



Mi amor!



- What's that, my love?
- It's a gift.

For me?

I found it at the back door.





What does it say?

Uh, "Thony, I have a
job for you. Derek."



What are you gonna do?



Not this time.





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