03x11 - Our Furry Feathered Fishy Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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03x11 - Our Furry Feathered Fishy Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

Barney Theme Song




thank you if you just make believe

come here scooter you are so adorable

and you always want to play yes you do

your eyes are twinkly and your tail is

cute and your ears are so floppy


hi everybody

thanks for saying my eyes are twinkly

and my tail is cute Julie but I don't

have floppy ears oh I wasn't talking

about you Barney oh iced tea you weren't

talking to your puppy oh

he's really cute Julie

Whitney tickles have you given him a

name yet his name is scooter oh I like

that name Scooter you have the cutest

Do Your Ears Hang Low?

little floppy ears




okay dance with us now scooter come on


scooters sing along with us


how does scooter like it at your house

Julie he's very happy and he loves the

doghouse we built for him I give him

food and fresh water every day oh do you

feed him peanut butter and jelly

sandwiches and chocolate chip cookies no

Barney those things are for people and


I guess scooter dog food but I don't get

too close to him one

sometimes dogs can get angry if you do

oh it must be fun to take scooter for a

walk every day it's good exercise for

both of you oh but keep him on a leash

so he'll be safe oh I do and I brush

scooter every day too oh good I use a

brush like this to keep his fur shiny

and smooth but I'm careful not to pull

his tail that might hurt him


I guess most of all I give my puppy lots

of love

which is a pretty easy job oh it looks

like scooter loves you back have you

taught your dog any tricks yet Julie I

think he's still a little too young well

Let's Do the Tricks My Doggie Does

then maybe we could show him some tricks

he'll be learning soon


scooter come here

scooter sit down

scooter shake hands

good little doggy



scooter lie down

let's go to roll over




it looks like he's learned how to lie


why did you bring your dog to skull

today Julie we had Show and Tell and

everybody brought their pets oh boy I'd

love to see them Barney what if we tell

you about our pets and you try and guess

what they are oh it's a still little pen

this idea Carlos you go first Kathy okay

my pet is green and yellow she loves to

sing and sits on your fingers sometimes

and she can fly too

could it be irrelevant

just kidding okay you said she's

Greninja loves to sing and fly is it a

bird yes

it's a parakeet


Barney meet Priscilla oh I'm very very

pleased to meet pretty Priscilla the

parakeets my family decided a parakeet

would be the best pet for us we're not

allowed to have dogs or cats in our

apartment building and besides Nana's

allergic to dog and cat fur it makes her

sneeze a lot so a parakeet is the

perfect pet for your family uh-huh I

keep her water and birdsey Trace full

and she has this little bell to play


and I clean out the bottom of the cage

when it's dirty what's the smear for

it's a toy for Priscilla she looks in

the mirror and thinks there's another

bird playing with her do you ever let

her out of the cage yes but only if all

the doors and windows are closed so she

can't fly outside I remember a bird

The Little Bird

landed outside on my window once

tell us all about it


so I cried little bird won't you stop

stop I was going to the window to say

how do you do buddy shook his little

tail and far away he flew

three two three


what a bunch of good Flyers



oh this is so much fun oh whose pet can

I guess next I brought more than one pet

today Barney oh I'll tell you about one

of them he has long whiskers and big

eyes and fluffy fur and he purrs a lot

does he say meow yes is he a cat


he's a very small cat oh oh is he a baby

cat a kitten good guess Barney


always tiny

oh he's really cute what's his name

we're named him fluffy because his fur

is so fluffy is he hard to take care of

no we do the same things Julie does for

her puppy give him food and water and

comb his fur

fluffy for walks cats don't really go

for walks like dogs do but Fluffy gets

lots of exercise chasing these cat toys



one time I wasn't careful and left the

door open and fluffy ran outside what

happened I thought he ran away oh my

Carlos I think that would give me the


Pretty Kitty Blues

gather around everybody I've got a sad

story to tell my pretty kitty left me I

don't know what to do she walked right

out the door and now I'm telling you I'm

feeling really sad oh so bad

feeling blue


she didn't even tell me will she plan to

go I don't know how she really expected

me to know I'm feeling really sad I'm so



I'm feeling really sad oh so bad

feeling blue



you must have been really glad when you

found floppy I sure was he could have

gotten hurt in the street so funny

kylas okay see if you can guess what

these are Barney you never have to put

Down By the Bay

them on a leash never have to put them

on a leash and you might find them down

by the bay you might find them down


my mother will say my mother will sing

do you ever see a goose kissing a moose


did you ever see a whale with a polka

dot tail down by the bay down by the bay

did you ever see a parrot eating a

carrot down by the bay down by the bay

did you ever see a bear combing his hair

down by the bay down by the bay did you

ever see a goat riding in a boat


Where the



ready for another clue Barney

these pets are shiny and they love to

swim hmm are they whales Barney

sharks no okay how about the Goldfish

that's right


those goldfish are super deep duper how

did you know you know what the fish's

names I don't know the fish's names I

just said they were super

deeper but that's why I named him super

D and duper because they remind me of

you Barney oh hey do they remind you of

me because I'm happy when I see them

just like I'm happy when I see you oh

thanks Carlos what do they eat I give

them a little fish food like this every



how often do you change their water

just when it gets started so they have a

nice clean place to swim and live oh you

all take such good care of your pets and

that's important

Let's Take Care of Our Pets


yes let's take care of our pets our

hamsters and bunnies and Turtles our

fishes and frogs and our cats and our

dogs let's take care of our pets


let's take care of our pets

and frogs and our guests


oh goodness oh

we should always be good to our pets but

I know a story about a dog who didn't

like all the nice things his family did

for him especially the bands would you

read it to us Marty please oh hey be

delighted too it's right over there

oh here it is


the story is called Harry the dirty dog

it was written by Gene Zion and the

pictures were drawn by Margaret boy



was a white

white black spots who liked everything

except getting a bath so one day when he

heard the water running in the tub he

took the scrubbing brush and buried it

in the backyard

then he ran away from home

played where they were fixing the street

and got

he played at the railroad and got even


he played tag with other dogs and became

dirtier still

she slid down a cold sh**t and got the

dirtiest of all

in fact he changed from a white dog with

black spots to a black dog with light


although there were many other things to

do Harry began to wonder if his family

thought that he had really run away he

felt tired and hungry too so without

stopping on the way he ran back home

when Harry got to his house he crawled

through the fence and sat looking at the

back door

one of the family looked out and said

there's a strange dog in the backyard by

the way has anyone seen Harry

when Harry heard this he tried very hard

to show them he was hairy

he started to do all his old clever

tricks he flip-flopped and he flopped


he rolled over and played dead he danced

and he sang

he did these tricks over and over again

but everyone shook his head and said oh

no he couldn't be hairy

Harry gave up and walked slowly toward

the gate but suddenly he stopped

he ran to a corner of the garden and

started to dig furiously soon he jumped

away from the hole barking Short Happy


he found the scrubbing brush

and carrying it in his mouth he ran into

the house


up the stairs he dashed with the family

following close behind he jumped into

the bathtub and sat up begging with the

scrubbing brush in his mouth a trick he

certainly had never done before

this little doggie wants a bath right

the little girl and her father said why

don't you and your brother give him one

Harry's bath was the soapiest one he'd

ever had it worked like magic as soon as

the children started to scrub they began

shouting mommy daddy look look come


hairy it's hairy it's Harry they cried

Harry wagged his tail it was very very

happy his family combed and rushed him

lovingly and he became once again a

white dog with black spots

it was wonderful to be home after dinner

Harry fell asleep in his favorite place

happily dreaming of how much fun it had

been getting dirty he slept so soundly

didn't even feel the scrubbing brush

he'd hidden under his pillow

the end

oh thank you wasn't that fun I'm glad

that my pet has never run away like

Harry did say I haven't guessed what

kind of pet you have Kenneth okay I'll

give you some Clues she has the big

front teeth like this

she has long ears and a short tail she

likes to hop and she loves to eat

carrots and lettuce what could it be let

me guess is it a squirrel No a squirrel

has short ears and a long tail not long

ears and a short tail

hmm likes to hop oh I know it's a rabbit

right Barney it's a bunny rabbit her

name is snuggles and here she is

oh no snuggles is gone where could she

be I hope she didn't go outside she

might get hurt out there I should have

been more careful well try not to worry

Kenneth you didn't mean to leave the

latch open we need to think of a way to

get snuggles back to our cage what can

we do well this sounds like a job four

The Barney Bag

let's wait

to see what we can do



the questions


let's all make something to catch the

rabbit but what

I have an idea we could take these

buttons and this big piece of paper and

we'll use this


there we're all done

hey everybody I saw something moving in

the bushes out on the playground maybe

it snuggles we better hurry oh quick

oh wait for us terrific


it's not those things this is a real

bunny maybe she'll come over to share

this carrot and we can jump out and

catch her yeah let's all hide behind the

tree okay

don't worry

let's stand aside so snuggles going

nowhere here oh well I hope she doesn't

see my tail although it's hard to hide a

whole dinosaur behind a tree

do you hear some crunching sounds maybe

it snuggles eating the carrots okay when

I count to three let's capture before

she can run away again okay one


three hurry everybody hurry up

oh the carrot is gone oh no a squirrel

got it oh there he goes what do we do

now snuggles didn't want to come to our

paper rabbit we're never gonna find my



didn't come to this paper rabbit because

it didn't pop yeah or it was too small

for her to see what we need are some

really big bunnies hopping around with

really big

do you think this will work babe

sure snuggles will see us and think

we're big bunnies with big carrots

she'll want to make friends and share

the carrot

and we'll catch her when she comes close

so let's get hopping bling

Hippity Hop to the Barber Shop




she's okay oh complete

she must have seen us hopping and wanted

to join in oh you're right Carlos

snuggles thought we were bunnies too


I think she's happy to be back

hi snuggles


I really enjoyed meeting all your pets

today you know a pet can be one of your

best friends and it's fun to take care

of them and give them lots of love I

think your pets are terrific thanks

Barney it's easy to share pets that you

I Love You

love with friends that you love



I love you you love me

we're a happy family


to you

won't you say you love me too


I love you you love me we're best



thanks for helping me find my rabbit

Barney well you're very welcome Kenneth




hey everybody it's time for body says

hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

never ends here's what we did today

thank you

try to guess everybody's pets like I did


Julie likes to take her puppy's scooter

for walks but she always keeps him on a

leash so he'll be safe

tickled my toes when he sat on my feet

puppy puppy


pretty good

fluffy the kitten was nice and soft

we met three goldfish that were super D


and we met Kathy's parakeet Priscilla do


do you read color she is that's right

she's green


we pretended to be big

butt and snuggles came back to Kenneth

he really loves his bunny

and remember I love you


see you soon Barney coming up later

shout out big yay because our play with

me Sesame friends will be here to play

but first it's time for some super duper

fun and songs with Barney again coming

up next right here on Sprout

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