03x13 - At Home with Animals

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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03x13 - At Home with Animals

Post by bunniefuu »

Barney Theme Song




it sure is cloudy it looks like it's

going to rain yeah I don't think we'll

have much time to play

where's Kenneth I guess he's still in

the classroom

okay I'm coming

come on Kenneth hurry before it rains

sorry I've been watching that end it's

gonna hatch anytime uh oh I think I felt

a raindrop wouldn't it be neat if

Raindrops Were something you could eat

uh-huh like candy or marshmallows how

If All the Raindrops

about lemon drops


that would be

if I was so flex your candy bars and







standing aside with the mouth


oh gee I don't think it's going to rain

after all but why don't we go up to the

tree house just in case



it sure is nice and cozy in here and

we'll be safe and dry if it rains

listen to that

it sounds like some baby birds

I think they're out there

oh look it's a mama bird in her baby

they have their own little house to

snuggle up in Barney what do other

animals do when it gets rainy or cold oh

well most animals have their own houses

a bit if you look you can find more

animal homes around the treehouse

buddy look I found a cocoon


wow me

Barney is a cocoon in animal home well

it sure is Kenneth it's a house a

caterpillar makes I'd wonder what else

has a home up here yeah

found another Animal House


ew I don't like spiders they're creepy

oh but spiders are very helpful Tasha

they eat flies and other pesky insects

that bother people I wonder if the rain

Itsy Bitsy Spider

ever knocks the spider off his web or if

he gets washed down the water spout



the itsy bitsy spider went up the water



it would be neat if we could go in the

woods and look for more animal homes


they're funny the adventure screen

is everybody ready for our animal homes


wait a minute then one two three where's


come on little

legs come on coming



okay then here we go


wow some animals

really hard to build their homes

they use their big teeth to cut down

trees and branches

this beaver's taking branches over to

help build his home


certainly got big hasn't it yeah

oh he works very hard all day long going

back and forth building his home one

branch at a time

many animals make their homes by digging

holes in the ground

like these prairie dogs

it's a whole family


and even this little animal called a

mole who likes to dig tunnels

other animals like Bears make their

homes in caves oh he's having fish for

dinner that's like the living case too

look how many

and some animals have homes in and

around trees

like this fox

it's so pretty


did she see something

and even this animal

so you see animals live in many

different places but each one's home is

just right for them

it would be fun to swing to the trees

like those monkeys yeah I like the

Beavers they have really sharp teeth

hey what was that

that's funny my backpack fell over

to be extra careful so I put in my pack

right in this pocket that's my favorite

locket oh that's too bad Tasha

oh good hi John thank you Barney

what does kazoo type mean oh it's a

German saying it means I wish you good

health are you getting a cold Sean

no there's only one thing that makes me

snooze like that animal hair I'm

allergic to it animal hair there

couldn't be any animal hair in here oh

there's something something that's

making me sneeze thank you for covering

your mouth when you sneeze Sean

that's using your head Sean I can do

I Can Laugh

lots of things

I like my head how about you and that's

me now I'm alive how many things can you

do with your head I can surely do at

least five oh I can laugh cry I can

listen I can blink I can sneeze touch

you all of these things I can't do with

my head I can do them how about you

ten say him again one two three four

five six

so I can laugh cry I can listen I can

blink I can sneeze all these things I

can do with my head I can do them how

about you

it lets me know I'm alive



how about you

count to ten sail again one two three

four five six seven eight nine ten oh I

can laugh cry I can listen I can blink I

can see


I think we should all use our heads and

help Tasha find her locket it's good

thinking Kenneth where should we look

first I not sure I guess we should start

right here in the classroom oh okay then

let's spill it out cover every into this

room look at every nook ready


thank you





you're right Sean when they're outside

the ants dig tunnels like this under the

ground to make their homes they really

have to work hard don't they change


where should we look now I think we've

looked just about everywhere how about

over there in the pretend Center good

idea let's go okay

thank you


what is it chilling more animal hair I

think so


uh-oh something else is missing

a necklace I hung it up here just before

we ran outside

do you think an animal is taking things

from the classroom but why and what kind

of animal well I know one thing it must

be a small animal since none of us has

seen it Whatever It Is doesn't seem to

be in here now here lock it doesn't seem

to be here either maybe you lost it on

the playground why don't we go look out

there okay let's go okay






Baby Bumblebee

I just wish these bees would find

another place to buzz maybe they're

looking for a place to build a beehive I


I just sold their home in the schoolyard

I'm bringing home a baby bumblebee won't

my mommy be so proud of me I'm bringing


ouch you stung me




ow you got me


I'm running from the baby


you can't get away from me

you surprised me Barney good did find

Tasha's looking no but we haven't lived

everywhere yet let's get in a line and

walk from one side of the playground to

the other that way we won't miss

anything oh good idea Kathy


hey Kenneth what are you doing I'm

watching the egg I know but it's just

sitting there our teacher said that it

might hatch really soon maybe even today

and I want to be here when it happens

that would be kind of neat but we still

need your help outside would you come

out for just a little while okay but

first let me turn the egg how come you

have to turn the egg every day so that

one side of it doesn't get too warm

there you go


don't patch it I'll be right back come

on let's go


come here guys look what we found


The Little Turtle

there was a little turtle he lived in a

box he swam in a puddle he climbed on a



he caught the mosquito he caught the

flea he caught the middle but he didn't

catch me

we found all kinds of animal homes but

we still haven't found Tasha's locket

thanks for helping everyone oh we're

happy to do it Tasha we know you'd do it

for us we'll just have to keep looking

I'll go look over by the stairs





what happened to you I thought I saw a

squirrel run up the tree so I came up

here to take a look I saw that mama bird

and her babies again


so she can bring food to her babies

it must be hard work being a mama bird

well he's worked hard to take care of

their babies and so do daddies

Hooray for Moms and Dads

mums and dads all over the Earth care

for their kids from their very first

birthday moms and dads all over the

Earth they work all day but it's time



horses hummingbirds herons and hearts

Dolphins dinosaurs donkeys and dogs

like you they're moms and dads take care

of them too hopefully it's true


oh that reminds me I better go down and

check on the eggs

we've looked nearly everywhere and we

still haven't found the locket but my

locket in the necklace had to go

somewhere I think an animal took them

but we haven't even seen an animal that

can carry something like a locket I know

one animal that it might be see if can

guess who it is

Ricky Raccoon

out in the forest up in the tree there's

a furry little animal looking at me with

rings on his tail and a mask on his face

can anybody guess his name



he likes to sleep in the day and play

all night and he doesn't say much now

that's all right he's got a cute little

nose and a funny little smile does

anybody know his name

Ricky raccoon that's right


out in the forest up in the tree there's

a furry little animal looking at me with

rings on his tail and a mask on his face

can anybody guess his name



I just thought of something there's one

place we haven't looked yet

in the tree house

come on everybody let's go look




who put them in there

what's wrong with that squirrel he seems

to be angry about something oh he's

angry because his house turned over

you mean this box is a squirrel's home

oh that's right Sean he nod a little

hole in the back to get in and out look

oh I see

but why did he take my locket and these

other things oh squirrels like shiny

things he just thought it was pretty and

wanted to take it home

I think we should put the box outside on

the porch why because squirrels are wild

animals and they belong outside and


I'll never stop sneezing if it stays in

here Sean's right an animal home should

be in a place where people won't bother

it or touch it after all we wouldn't

want animals bothering our homes just

imagine would you like it if a bull

charged into your bedroom no or a polar

bear plopped down on your porch

gloves through your garden no well then

if you were an animal you wouldn't like

people touching or messing up your house

either no

wonder who it is

hello Tasha the chick just hatched me


oh neat we'll be right there

the egg just hatched it's a baby chicks


is it a girl or a boy chick I don't know

I think it's a girl the t-shirt is loud

she's happy to be out of her eggs and

she's happy to see all your smiling

faces see little chick you have lots of

friends already

and now she'll have a new home with you

Kenneth I'm going to take good care of

her and give her lots of love oh it's

I Love You

nice to feel loved and cared for that's

the best part of having friends


me too

I'm singing with us



thanks for helping me find my locket

everyone I really appreciate it oh

you're welcome Tasha it always makes me

feel good when I can do something to

help a friend

and if we hadn't looked for your locket

we would have never found all the

different places where animals build

their homes I'd better be going now I

want to show my chick her new home it's

time for me to go too bye Barney


thank you


everybody it's time for Barney's dad


hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

never ends here's what we did today

I'm glad animals have homes where they

can be safe

but animal homes are very different from



spiders spin webs with such pretty


beavers use sticks to make their homes

in the water

prairie dogs love to play by the holes

they make in the ground

and who's that swinging near her home in

the trees that's right it's a monkey

a turtle carries its home on its back

and it can hide in its shell

it sure was fun pretending to catch bees

buzz but remember to stay away from real

bees they can sting


Tasha was afraid she'd lost her locket

but a squirrel took it he wanted

something shiny to put in his cardboard

box house

Tasha was glad everyone helped her look

for her lost luggage when friends help

that's another way we know they love us

and remember I love you

thanks for playing Barney later on let's

sing and dance our way over to Sesame

Street but first let's visit some other

Sesame Street friends on play with me

Sesame coming up next right here on


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