04x09 - A Picture of Health

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Barney & Friends". Aired: April 6, 1992 – November 2, 2010.*
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Features Barney, a purple anthropomorphic Tyrannosaurus rex who conveys educational messages through songs and small dance routines with a friendly, huggable and optimistic attitude.
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04x09 - A Picture of Health

Post by bunniefuu »


Kellogg's Frost the place where they've

been fun and learning with friends is a

big part of what makes life great



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if you just make me leave


how you like running in a big truck


it's from Curtis


hi Curtis what are you doing I was

giving Barney a ride in the truck come

on it's a great day to play you're right

it is a beautiful day to play

it's a great

day a beautiful day the kind of day that

makes me wanna say I'm glad that I'm

alive I'm happy to be me and that's the

way to be

how the clouds go Drifting by see how

the sunlight shook the sky on a day like

this summer winter fall the spring it

makes me want to sing it's a great day a

beautiful day the kind of day that makes

me want to say


see all the colors of the world see all

your friends


it makes me want to say

it's a great day a beautiful day


you're right it is a great day to play

with friends and Hannah will be back

from the doctor's office soon she'll

want to play too what can make the day

any better

how about another friend

Hi everybody oh it's good to see you

again hi everybody hi Barney hi Hannah

what are you doing playing ah


are you okay Hannah do you have a cold

no I thought I had a cold but the doctor

said it's allergies

allergies what are allergies the doctor

said there's stuff called pollen that

blows off flowers grass and trees it

makes my eyes itch and I sneeze a lot

that's too bad I love to play around


I'd be sneezing all the time

wait I love to climb them and uh while

my favorite acorns come from trees and

they give shade on hot sunny days but

best of all for squirrels like me We

like to live in them


Scooter's right and many of our other

animal friends live in them too aren't


yeah well I like trees they just make me

sneeze oh I love a tree full of branches

and leaves where the squirrels and the

Chipmunks do play

where'd your fingers

and children have fun in the shade

oh how we love trees




so I love a tree with a big tire swing

you should see how high I can fly

our kids quietly sneak playing hide and

go seek there's fun when a tree is




a tree

a joke but they make me sleep

a tooth but I still love free yeah trees

are funny I'm sorry you have allergies

Hannah thanks but they're not too bad

the doctor gave me some medicine so the

trees won't bother me so much oh that's

good but you won't have to go around




yeah goodness gracious what was that


oh bless you child are you allergic to

your tree oh nice

I think I got a cold well then by all

means scooter mcnutty do remember to

cover your nose and mouth when you

sneeze across are your spread germs

germs can cause others to catch your

cold well all right

I got it covered

speaking of colds that reminds me of a

special picture I could show you I think

it's over here somewhere let me see if I

can find it

I don't know what to do

that picture was in here somewhere

sometimes when I get sick I have to take

medicine that tastes yucky did you find

what you were looking for Barney no it's

around here someplace but I heard what

you just said Kim don't forget that

medicine can help us get better no

matter how it tastes but did you know

that there are things you can do to keep

from getting sick in the first place

what oh I don't like eating healthy food

it keeps your body strong I eat healthy

food all the time me too my mom always

keeps lots of healthy snacks around when

I get hungry you mean lots of fruits and

vegetables like beans


and cheese




one more time


I like jumping around like a big carrot

Barney you pretended to be a healthy

food and exercise at the same time when

we exercise we keep our body strong and

healthy that's right

Scooter's about to sneeze again



feathers and they're the same color as

this no come on everybody


oh oh

I'll be okay Bonnie I just lost a few

tail feathers sneezing but I believe

I've caught a cold from scooter McKnight

I'll just ruffle up my feathers and get

cozy in my nest with a cup of nice hot

tea with lemon oh I'm sure I'll feel

better in no time okay take care of

yourself now thank you dear I will


do it

uh Barney oh yes Curtis we were

wondering are you ticklish a little

ticklish I don't know are you tickles

here what about here

oh did you know that laughing is good

for you just like eating healthy food

and exercising

then I feel happy I can smile the

biggest smile I know then you can see my

happy show



when you're feeling happy let it show

well I've got the sillies and when you

get them you'll be silly like me I can't

stop laughing as you can see


come on get silly and laugh with me guys





I still can't find this special picture

I wanted to show my friends

what are you doing Barney oh just

looking around

hey everybody this stethoscope reminds

me of another way we can all keep from

getting sick what's that we can go to

the doctor for our regular checkups

that's right going to the doctor when

you're not sick is important because the

doctor helps you stay healthy here let

me show you just step into Dr Barney's




wow this is like a real doctor's office

can I have a check out Dr Barney I want

one too me too oh sure you can all take

turns but first let's wash all the germs

of our hands that's another way to stay



squishy squishy squishy


squishy squishy squishy give your hands


turns are also small


you can't see them at all


so squishy squashy wash your hands all


you can't wear half your skin


now I'm ready for my first patient would

you like to go first Curtis sure please

step up on my scale and we'll start by

checking your weight


stop spinning I must be really heavy

I found no wonder it was spinning I

accidentally had my foot on the scale


Barney okay now let's see oh that's much

better okay 72 pounds very good now

let's check your height right over here


stand right up there you go all right

stand up straight until now

that's it

okay you're four feet five inches tall

wow I've got a whole instance my last

checkup oh that's because your body is

growing every day


growing we do it every day we're growing

when we're sleeping and even when we

play and as we grow a little older we

can do more things because we're growing

and so are you

grow a little taller a little bigger not

smaller and we grow a little friendlier




are you

okay Hannah now I'm going to look in

your ears to make sure everything's okay

okay Dr Barney

interesting what is it

Ribbit ribbon ribbon you have frogs in

your ears frogs just kidding everything

looks A-Okay next patient please

okay now just relax Stephen I'm going to

listen to your heart okay

oh that's a very good beat I'll give it

a nine


okay Kim let's check your eyes to make

sure you can see things clearly okay

take your hand and cover one eye there

you go now let's see if you can read the

big letters on the charts


oh very good Stephen you too Kim well

you were all super deep super patients

and all good patients should get a

sticker for a great checkup


you're a real friend Dr Barney oh that's

what a doctor is a friend who helps you

stay healthy



I'll be finished with my check up

the time but when I'm sick the doctor

will help cause the doctor is a friend

of mine the doctor is a friend of mine

yes the doctor is a friend of mine




Barney I hear a siren I wonder that's a

fire truck

it's an ambulance taking somebody to the


last week one of my friends fell down

and hurt his arm his mom had to take him

to the hospital was he okay uh-huh they

x-rayed his arm to make sure no bones

were broken that's right Curtis an x-ray

is a picture of your bones it lets the

doctor see your bones right through your

skin that sounds scary I don't think I'd

like to have that done to me oh it

doesn't hurt at all it's just like

having your picture taken I had to go to

the hospital to get an x-ray when I hurt

my foot it's really not scary I guess it

just sounds scary because I don't know

what it's like oh you're right sometimes

if we know more about something we're

not afraid of it anymore

so I'll just have to show you all about

x-rays the adventure screen

go to the hospital to get an x-ray

especially if you've just had an


a doctor will check where it hurts to

see if you need an x-ray an x-ray can

tell us if we've broken any bones

the X-ray machine is in its own special

room the person who works the X-ray

machine will help you get ready

then you have to be very still until the

X-ray is finished


that's the only thing when they're doing

it well the machine they make a sound

but you don't feel anything at all it's

just like having your picture taken

after you're all done the doctor will

show you the X-ray of your bones


to it yup pretty simple isn't it wow

thanks for showing me Barney now I know

getting an x-ray isn't anything to be

afraid of oh that's the spirits

oh I used to be afraid but not anymore

actually used to scare me but that was

before Barney taught me that the things

that used to bother me really aren't so

scary at all no they're not so scary at


oh I used to be afraid but not anymore

doctors used to scare me but that was

before Barney caught me that the things

that used to bother me really aren't so

scary at all no they're not so scary


thank you oh I used to be afraid but not


allergies used to scare me but that was

before Barney taught me that the thing

that used to bother me really are so

scary at all no they're not so scary at




I'd like to see a picture of my bones me

too because we have an x-ray Barney oh

well an x-ray is something very special

that you only get when a doctor says you

need one

wait a minute I know a way we can make

our own pretend x-rays come on come on

with a piece of white chalk that's a

good idea

wait to see how these turn out


your hands have lots of bones in them


very nice job everybody they look so

real it's like an x-ray isn't it it is

and it looks like we all have healthy


hey what's Barney doing I don't know

he's been looking for something all day

let's go find out yeah guys


Barney we want to show you our pretend

x-rays aren't they cool they look

terrific almost like the real thing

which is why I'm over here what do you

mean since we started talking about

doctors earlier I had a very special

picture that I wanted to show you you

it's an x-ray of me an x-ray of you yes

the doctor took it last month when I had

a checkup the X-ray showed I was okay oh

we want to see it well there's a little

problem what

what I've been looking all over today

and I can't find it


where were you the last time you

remember having it well I was standing

at that window holding the X-ray up to

the light and Baby Bop called to show me

a picture she painted but I can't

remember where I put the X-ray

hey maybe we'll find it in here where


look at it yes I want to see what Barney

looks like inside


gosh Barney your heart is really big

that's because I have so many friends

that I love


a happy family with a great big hug and

a kiss from me to use

won't you save you love me too

I love you you love me we're best

friends like friends


I guess I'd better be going yeah


hey everybody it's time for Bonnie says

hello again to all my friends I'm glad

you came to play our fun and learning

Never End here's what we did today

we learned about different ways to stay

healthy like eating healthy food and

exercising and getting a checkup even

when you're not sick we saw that an

x-ray is a picture of your bones and

that laughing is good for you it's

important to take good care of yourself

and remember I love you





to learn more about Barney and Friends

visit PBS online at pbskids.org

Barney and Friends was made possible by

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thank you

Kellogg's birthday place where they

think fun and learning with friends is a

big part of what makes life great

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